zonycat · 2 years
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Captain Peru
Capitan Peru #1 - Opening
This comic series is a tribute and inspiration to Captain America.
Durante una guerra en Latinoamérica, un militar peruano es sujeto a experimentos con el fin de transformarle en un súper-soldado, el "Capitán Perú". Con el fin de combatir a su enemigo Súper Chávez…
During a war in Latin America, a Peruvian soldier is subjected to experiments in order to transform him into a super-soldier, "Captain Peru". In order to combat his enemy Super Chavez…
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moshay7 · 4 years
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The day I became #red_skull. #twilightoverburma #purple_august (at Insein Township) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWQW4TJrKE/?igshid=cfbw5tl7363c
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iamwhoiamtmblr · 4 years
Title: Remember Who You Are
Story Rating: Chapter 18 - PG
Warnings: Violence, Swearing
Relationships: Nomad Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Master List - Link to Other Chapters
New Mood-board for the series. (Captain America photos property of Marvel)
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***My work is to not be posted on any other site without my permission. If you see it anywhere other than Tumblr please inform me***
All characters are property of Marvel. 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sin_(Marvel_Comics) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Night_(comics) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Skull
Steve jumped off the couch in a snap.  His phone was going off.  It was the alarm in the cabin. “Who could be there?” he thought.  Steve shrugged it off. The alarm had gone off before, nothing major happened; mostly animals. He called the local police to inquire about it. They told him they would investigate.
His neck was sore from sleeping on the couch, at least he slept some. He was anxious to find out if anything had changed. He went down to the conference room.  All the members of the team were there. There were agents scrambling through amounts of data on their computers. Trying to create any possible scenarios of where you were. They were also looking for Crossbones, any possible sightings of him or his team.
Steve was surprised. Everyone was trying to help. Thor slapped Steve on the back. “Are you ok?” “No. I won’t be until this is all over.” “How’s Bucky?” (Steve) “He’s on his way here. Once he’s back I can determine what happened and how severe his injuries are.” (Bruce) Steve sighed. “Any leads?” “Nope, none. We’re trying to contact local authorities in case they have anything.” (Nat sighed) Steve sighed. “We have to think like her, how we trained her.”
Even though all of the team some of the training, it was best to ask the expert. “Where’s Coulson?” (Tony) “Don’t know, I’ll check with Fury.” (Hawkeye)
15 mins later, Coulson entered the room. “How can I help?” “What’s the most basic training given to the agents?” (Tony) “Along with firearms, tactical, hand to hand combat, and how to survive.” “Survive?” (Wanda) “We train them to have a back-up plan in case they get caught and need to flee.” (Coulson) “Flee, back-up plan?” (Rhodes) “Yes, if they are ever caught or on the run, they need a back-up plan.” (Coulson) They all looked at each other – Flee.
“So Y/N fled from the complex after Gita tried to kill her. With no memory of who she is, her basic instincts would kick in.” (Scott) “Thanks for coming Scott.” (Steve) “I came as soon as I heard Y/N was missing again” (Scott) “So what would she do next?” (Tony) “Possibly to have a way out, get away from the situation. Go off the radar. Anything they needed. Transportation. Have a secure place to store some things they would need.” (Coulson) “So planes, trains and automobiles?” (Vision) “Ok, we need to scour any footage from any possible departure location.” (Thor) “Yea but they’re already doing that, looking for her.” (Wanda) “Wrong, you need to look for someone who’s not running away; trying to blend in, not to be noticed.” (Coulson)  Everyone turned and stared.
Steve didn’t want to hear anymore, nothing new. He left the room. The Avengers watched him leave, they all knew Steve was at his wits end. If they didn’t find you soon, this would affect Rogers for the rest of his life. They’re incredibly worried about him on how much more of this he could take. They continued brainstorming.
“I think there’s more to this than Crossbones, I seen the reaction when Steve seen that key chain. I don’t think Crossbones wouldn’t keep her all this time, he would have tortured Steve and then killed her in front of him. Maybe he’s in league with someone who could have gotten the keys.” (Wilson)
“He’s right. There’s more to this than him. Key chain is the key…no pun intended.” (Nat) “Red Skull was killed by Steve wasn’t he?” (Tony) “No, the Tesseract killed him or as Steve put it, he seemed to be swallowed up by the Tesseract. He just vanished. Steve was on the ship with the bombs before he ditched it. The Tesseract fell into the ocean where your father found it..” (Fury)
”The Tesseract is a power source, one of the infinity gems. The power of the cube would have taken him into itself or it would have destroyed him.” (Thor) “Red skull – any known associates?” (Bruce) “None, most everyone he worked with is dead or the few that remain are deep underground.” (Fury) “Anyone with a grudge?” (Hawkeye) “Could be anyone.” (Nat) “Family?” (Vision) Fury looked up… family?? None that he could think of. “Just rumors….nothing notable.” (Nat)
“Rumors?? Maybe, there always was a possibility. Not everything was completely known. Schmitt was always into everything.” (Fury) They all looked at each other. Could there be something they don’t know. “Friday – Check all known associates of Red Skull” (Fury) “Checking…..analyzing…… Red Skull also known as Johann Schmidt, known as the leader of Hydra - deceased. Dr. Armin Zola – chief scientist for Hydra - deceased Susan Scarbo….follower of Red Skull and his cult - deceased Crossbones, also known as Brock Rumlow - at large Baron Helmut Zemo....programer/handler of Winter Soldier program - being held in the RAFT prison.”
“Who’s Susan Scarbo?” (Wanda) “Friday?” (Tony) “Susan Scarbo…follower of Red Skull. AKA Mother Night. Member of the cult of Hydra. Leader of the Sisters of Sin. Her adopted daughter is Sinthea, daughter of Albert Malik” (Friday) “Wait a minute, Albert Malik?” (Fury) “Albert Malik is an alter ego of the Red Skull!” (Friday) “WHAT??” (Tony leapt out of his chair) “He has a daughter??” “OMG, would she still be alive after all this time?” (Scott) “If she was born after he was subjected to the serum she could be.” (Fury) “That’s it! She’s the one that wants revenge!” (Wilson) “Where’s Steve?” (Thor) “Should we tell him?” (Vision) “Not yet, I want to be sure! If he knew Red Skull has a daughter, he might not react very well” (Nat)
Steve was walking down to the hall - His phone rang.  It was the police in Maine.   “We didn’t find anyone at the cabin….huh…what?.…just a sec sir.” “Tell him about the report.…” (He hears someone in the back ground)” “Oh yeah, just a second, we did get a call about some woman who wanted to go to the logging road where you cabin is. She was dropped off at the entrance. A waitress, Flo, at the local diner was concerned because she was by herself investigating the haunted mill down there. She said a truck driver name Arnold took her. We checked with him, he did drop her off but there was no sign of her.”
Steve began to panic.”What did she look like? Did she say what her name was?” “Nope, no info on that according to the report. Do you want us to go back there again?” (Police) “No, I’ll handle it. Thank you.” (Steve)
Could it be her? Maybe she’s starting to remember? The cabin was a special place for both of you, not only where you first made love but you were able to spend time with her with no one knowing about it. If she’s out there alone, she’s in incredible danger. “I’ve got to go now!” Steve turned and went back into the conference room.
Coulson was back from contacting the authorities. “We got report from some passengers at a bus terminal they seen a woman in  pj’s. Unfortunately, the description was vague though.” (Coulson) “That could be her. Coulson, take some more agents down to the station and ask around. Report back asap!” (Fury) “Got it.” (Coulson)
Steve pondered telling them about the cabin. Maybe he should go alone. “I need a break. I need some air.” (Steve) Everyone looked and stared. “Go, if anything comes up, I’ll get you.” (Nat) Steve nodded. No one wanted to say anything to Steve until they were sure it was you or about Red Skull’s daughter.
Steve walked out of the room, heading down to the air field. He made sure no one was following him. Once he took off in the Quinjet, it would only be a matter of time before the rest of the Avengers came after him. If he knew she might be there, Crossbones would too. It seems he knew everything about him. “Have to get to her first!”
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stalkerkyoko · 4 years
Mission marvel beat down red skull
doesn’t get old
WHIPLASH (Ironman 2 or 3
Venom( depends on writer/ show/ host
Red skull( FUCK the red skull SS
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Usually portrayed as a Nazi agent and protégé of Adolf Hitler who is disfigured or wearing a red skull mask 
Voiced by:Liam O'Brien Gararra
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Red Skull was in charge of a Nazi group of terrorists called HYDRA. When he learned about Project Rebirth (The U.S. military project in charge of creating super solders such as Captain America), he attempted to copy the experiment, and became Red Skull.
that’s Info on wiki lol
Backround IS the SS
SOOO Cadance ( Ashely tisdale)  and rest beat the shit out unmarked nazi
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