#reddit had such a brain drain from doing this it's actually incredible
shattered-catalyst · 4 years
OCD Subtypes for the RPC
Part 1 is here
Well well well, we are back for Part 2 of the Roleplayer’s Guide to OCD.
Fellow Ocd Folks, I see you in those tags and I'm going to do my best to ensure those obsessions are represented here- BUT understand that physically it is not going to be possible to list every single one because I am one person.  Regardless its incredibly brave of you all to rb and add things in the tags, I know its hard to talk about this shit and I see you. I see you.
Resultantly I typed this out and posted it in formatting to assist with accessibility in mind; if you cannot read it still ( I tried Im sorry!) i recommend the copy and paste method or getting the chrome extension bee-line reader.
 There will be grammatical and spelling mistakes. Im sure spacing is odd some places, but you have to understand doing this is extremely anxiety provoking for me so Im just getting it done when I can.
Remember to use your critical thinking; not everyone has the same symptoms/compulsions/triggers and all that.
OCD is fluid. Its like liquid mercury. One day its a handful of subtypes another day its another different serving.
If you are in general squicked about certain topics even by mention read ahead with your own judgement. Remember us folks that have OCD have many disturbing and distressing experiences so if you are writing a character who has OCD and you can’t read about it just don’t give them that obsessive thought/ compulsion. Make sure writing is still a safe and enjoyable hobby for yourself first and foremost.
But ethically and morally I cannot and will not leave out the more disturbing bits. You have the ability to scroll by, I and many others do not get the chance to escape triggering content that our own mind creates.
So read ahead with your best judgement or at least skip around the squicky parts and educate yourself on what OCD is so people quite using it as a Obsessive Christmas/Corgi/Cat Disorder thing. Alright? Cool beans.
Okay so you made it passed post 1 and got under the read more. Give yourself a gold star for diving into this monster of a document.
Below is a crash course it is not meant to replace actual psychoeducation, personal research, or google. Honestly most of us do our research extensively but because OCD is treated so horribly by social media, media, and society in general.
I wasn’t sure where to throw these together because the education tools to learn fully about OCD are very specialized and thus very restricted. I found that many people DO have these experiences with OCD though so I will represent them throughout. I’ll also sprinkle some of my own experiences so you can get a good reference of a person who has the disorder and not just a randomly generated person.
So OCD is made up of Obsessions, Trigger, Intrusive thought, Misinterpretation/feared consequence,Somatic and Psychological Anxiety, and Compulsions/Rituals.
Your character may not be able to list all of these. In fact if they aren't in ERP therapy they may not be able to puzzle these things out. But YOU as the writer should know them. Your character won’t be walking around talking to just ANYONE that they have OCD. Remember a huge aspect of OCD is it’s Shame.  The disorder makes us feel intense shame regarding our intrusive thoughts, as a result OCD goes undiagnosed for years especially if it has pediatric onset.
  We won’t tell anyone what we are experiencing or why we are doing x y or z. We act like nothing is wrong because to emotionally react is to admit to yourself- and therefore the world- that you have had this intrusive thought and are therefore by virtue a horrible person.[For further information I would suggest also researching PANDAS].
It may be noticeable if your character has an intrusive thought. They may wince or grimace or roll their eyes certainly, but they won’t open up to Joe at the cafe about how their brain is constantly torturing them. I apparently have a very noticeable eye twitch.
 Depending on the nature of the intrusive thought it will get more or less of a reaction out of me. Its usually dependent on how distressing the intrusive thought is and/or if its a new one.
You see OCD doesn’t sit still. It never looks the same. You’ll have your long haul intrusive thoughts that are with you for years but then you’ll have weird ass ones that just appear and demand their voice be heard yelling about cars hitting people or squirrels getting eaten.
Some people have similar ones! So while everyone is different there will always be someone out there with an intrusive thought similar to yours.
 For instance; I bonded emotionally with a lady on reddit because we both have intrusive thoughts during storms that animals and the homeless are dying. We were both horribly relieved to find another person and also distressed that every snow or rain storm brings horrible images and whispers to your mind that while you are warm and snug in bed someone is freezing to death. And its all your fault.
Some days are better than others. As with all mental illnesses it isn’t CONSTANT ALARM BELLS. Some days it will be all alarms and other days it will be like a gentle whisper on the breeze. You can almost not notice it. Almost.
Obsessive thoughts run the gauntlet from ‘i will/could have/may/may accidentally harm etc’ something that you hold of value. This is any obsessive thought that you have: you think about repeatedly and not by choice, it is very anxiety provoking, it is unwanted, and unwelcome.
 Mine run the scale from ‘squirrel will be murdered’ to ‘being responsible for harm’.
Compulsions or ‘rituals’ are any behavior done to alleviate the anxiety from the intrusive thought and trigger object. In short, compulsions and rituals are not fun. they are absolutely not logical, and we know they are not logical but we are forced to do them. Thats why its a disorder. 
To emphasize from post 1: magical thinking and the faulty link between thoughts and actions are hallmarks of OCD.  Magical thinking can be anything from contamination to if I turn around three times or stare really hard at something the bad thing wont happen. Sounds weird and is weird and we know it is thats why its a disorder and not a delusion.
The faulty belief that thought=action is the biggest hurdle it is incredibly difficult to grasp, at least for me maybe some of you that have done further ERP can attest, that the mere concept of a thought not being the same as an action is completely and totally mind blowing.
Free will? Yeah thats terrifying. IDK about anyone else but free will is absolutely terrifying; what do you mean i could do anything i wanted?
Thats how you face OCD(WITH A TRAINED THERAPIST). You give in to ambiguity and the unknown. Its breaking that link between thought and action. Its incredibly difficult and draining. A five minute exposure leaves me in shatters for a week and two five minute ones had me ripping my nails past the nail beds with anxiety.
Just a reminder: Do not have your character expose themself or expose folks with OCD to a trigger to “ help us get over with”. That is literally forcing someone with a mental illness into a break down and is not helpful. In fact its worse because a person knows about this intrusive thought and they tried to make it real. More shame and some trauma. 
If you have OCD, more likely than not a family member or significant other has tried this with the purest of intentions. But it never works like that. Theres a reason that therapists get special training for this. If people want a post on ERP I can make one at some point. 
Actually let’s drag me with the squirrel thing as the example- fellow OCD Folks get out a pen and paper and try breaking down one of yours;
Obsession:Squirrel will be murdered
Trigger: seeing a squirrel
 Intrusive thought: Graphic images of a squirrel being murdered by a hawk/ impaling depending on the day
Misinterpretation/feared consequence: Squirrel will be killed and its all my fault
Somatic and Psychological Anxiety:intense anxiety, palms sweating, heart racing,
Compulsions/Rituals: Must stare at the squirrel to prevent bad things from happening, 
Now imagine if that is every time you see a fucking squirrel. You have somehow become completely and totally transfixed on a squirrel and nothing is going to pull your attention away or the squirrel dies- which your mind is giving you lovely images of btw.
Cute right?
Below are the subtypes with general information/example thoughts/ and how some of these have impacted me socially because apparently some people dont understand that mental illnesses impact their social lives?? yall...
Social: This can range from ‘ i am constantly thinking i did something wrong so i have to ask for reassurance that we are still friends’ to completely unrealistic worries. Maybe its an intrusive thought that ‘ your voice is annoying them’ . There’s reassurance seeking, internal and external checking.
 It makes friendships extremely difficult and exhausting. You’re not trying to get to know someone with an annoying frat boy egging on anxiety in your brain. This can also manifest as having strict rules for yourself and ethical codes. 
My therapist likes to say she could give us (folks with OCD) a pile of hundred dollar bills and come back and they’d all be returned. Because OCD makes you so strict and morally confined. Which ISNT fun. Like I dont get pleasure over having to memorize the entire Code of Conduct!
Social Media: Its the bane of human existence some days and a lifeline the next. But what if everytime your follower count was an odd/even number it sent you into a panic attack. What if you spent all your time with intrusive thoughts that somehow someone misinterpreted a post or that someone is going to be harmed by a post you made about tapirs. 
You may be forced to block people to get your number down or keep pornbots on your blog to keep your number what you like (see there is a use for them! We sacrifice those before actual users!) You may be refreshing your page every second because ‘what if you miss a message’. It's going to look a lot like ‘check check check check reassure yourself double check your posts check check check reassure check check FALSE MEMORY check your post etc’
Clothing/Body Image: When its not Body Dysmorphia it can be OCD. Sometimes this looks like I obsess about a body part and therefore I choose my clothes/hairstyles to hide those.  Some personal examples: as a kid I was sure that mind readers exist ( THIS IS AN OCD THING TOO I was so relieved to find that out) and that if i didnt wear  a particular hat they would see all these horrible thoughts and it would be revealed what an awful person I was. So I wore the same dumb ass bucket hat for a year (or more I cannot remember but it was a long ass time).
I was once so fixated on being given a compliment on my eye color that I wore sunglasses (even at night) to a summer camp. And if any of those teen girls in that cabin that stood up and mocked me in a crowded lunch hall by singing ‘i wear my sunglasses at night’ you all owe me 40$.
Even younger still I had intrusive thoughts. Like say, if anyone noticed I was female that i would be kidnapped so I chopped my hair very short. I altered my appearance to be very androgynous and even switched to walking more masculine. Because omg if your hips move someones going to kill you thats just how it works. ( It doesnt help I later figured out I was a lesbian)
Your wardrobe may be impacted by OCD and yes so can your body image.
Also yes the fear of mind readers is also a thing; i always thought I was somehow faking OCD because yes that is also a…..
Faking: Do you value telling the truth? Do you detest lying ? Boy Howdy do I have some news for you. OCD is going to try and convince you that YOU LIED. Whether it was on a chastity pledge to get a free sandwich or in a conversation you just HAD. This links a lot with false memory OCD.
Another aspect is OCD makes us doubt we have OCD and tries to convince us we have any other diagnosis under the sun and we are obviously faking our OCD.
Sexual Orientation OCD; It is as it is called. Sexual Orientation OCD is what happens when your brain goes ‘hold on what if you’re not this orientation what if you are THAT’. It doesn’t matter where on the LGBT umbrella you fall you will have OCD trying to convince you otherwise. From compulsive staring at members of the same/opposite gender to compulsively reassuring or checking with yourself to ensure that ‘ no no you are in fact THIS orientation.’ 
This can range in behavior from binge watching porn, staring compulsively to check that there is OR is NOT attraction,self checking past experiences and memories, analyzing your clothing and your lifestyle in painful and intricate methods.
False Memory OCD; False memory OCD is basically your brain sitting you in a noir interrogation room, handcuffing you to a chair grilling you. It demands that you did *insert bad thing here*. This can range from anything from something Harm based to pretty much *anything* from other OCD subtypes. Which is quite delightful really.
Sensorimotor OCD; Sensorimotor OCD is obsessive body responses. These can be ‘ I have to cough really hard and really feel it right in my chest and if I can’t get it right I have to cough until I do’. This can be counting your heartbeats. Trying to check yourself that you in fact have a heart and checking and reassuring that it is still beating. It can be hyper-awareness of swallowing or even swallowing repeatedly. It is anything with selective attention; ie its an automated process but your OCD is forcing you to be aware of it.
Your OCD makes you aware of the sensation of, say, breathing, and then it convinces you that if you stop paying attention to it you will stop breathing. So now you’re horribly aware and focused solely on breathing and breathing alone. It keeps me up most nights with the pounding anxiety fueled by the pressure of ‘if you stop focusing on breathing you will stop breathing completely’ or waiting to feel that last heartbeat in your chest. 
Existential OCD; You ever feel existential ? Existential OCD is like having a very aggressive existential crisis that turns you into NEEDING answers IMMEDIATELY. This can look anything from hours panic scrolling the net to panic inducing anxiety because you don't know what happens after death. The thoughts are like foghorns on a misty sea.
This sounds basic and the only example i can give is as a teeny tiny 7 year old I had a panic attack in bed screaming that ‘ what if im a dinosaur and im asleep and i wake up and my whole family is GONE’.
To be fair I did like dinosaurs a lot.
Harm OCD; This is pretty self explanatory but I will give more details. Harm OCD is OCD demanding that you will/could/can/may have/might harmed yourself/others/any living creature and that you alone are responsible. 
This means anything from getting anxious driving over crosswalks because ‘what if you dont see one and hit someone and its all your fault and you hit someone go back and make sure you havent hit anyone’ to ‘im holding a knife so im going to accidentally stab someone’ to ‘ i didnt see my cat this morning and now im at work and think she must be dead and i am responsible for her demise.’
 It can be as simple as ‘if i use a pencil i will stab myself in the eye’ or as complex as ‘ i may accidentally say a slur’/ ‘ i am going to say this horrible thing out loud if i cannot control myself.’ It can also be images of terror or racist/sexist/ableist jokes in your mind that repeat like a broken record.
(Please note from section 1 that this is extremely anxiety provoking and not something you would do. OCD preys on what we respect the most.)
pOCD; Tumblr listen the fuck up because I am tired of seeing people get called shit on this website for having this mental illness. People who experience pOCD are not pedophiles, they do not get any pleasure or benefit. The thoughts and images are meant to induce harm to the person experiencing them. Children are normally the trigger for this and the resulting images can be very graphic. Again you aren’t attracted to children- thoughts of them getting harmed hurt you so your OCD makes you see them.
Know this so you can advocate for folks with pOCD in real life. Remember we are here. We are suffering and we are terrified of your children.
Poisoning others/or in your food; Life isn’t medieval anymore but sometimes OCD demands we have a food taster or that we obsessively worry that we may kill someone with our cooking. Personally I struggle with colorblindness so I am constantly fretful over cooking any sort of meat so it’s difficult for me to cook it.
 However this also comes as; obsessive horrible thoughts of your cooking kill someone or that you have somehow/accidentally poisoned someone’s food (even if you haven’t touched it or been within a foot of it ) or that someone has poisoned YOUR food even if no one has touched it except you. You’re going to be picking apart your food or unable to eat out at all.
Emotional Contamination: It’s similar to magical thinking and this terrifying prospect of mind readers. Emotional contamination can manifest as anything from intense worry over somehow gaining someone else’s negative personality traits.
 Or that somehow by interacting with any role of someone horrible will make YOU somehow also responsible for the horribleness.  There is usually a person or a type of person that is a trigger, but it can also be location based.
 This is one subtype where magical thinking and superstition are apparent.  
For instance; as a teen if a male was in my space or had physical contact;like shaking hands,giving a high five, being in my room etc. I would have to go around and physically touch all the objects that I perceive they may have also touched as a way to cancel out their presence. 
This includes wiping off myself to negate even the touch of family members. It really hurts peoples feelings, my father was especially hurt by this.
Physical Contamination: This goes beyond physical dirt and grime. Most of us dont have spotless homes because if you’re having a fist fight with your brain everyday cleaning falls by the wayside just like it would for anyone else. Physical contamination holds 2 things: physical contamination obsessions AND compulsive cleaning behaviors/rituals. We believe that a small amount of a contaminate can cover large surfaces.
 Oh, and did I mention its not JUST dirt/germs/viruses. The list is expansive but heres a mixed bag of what they can be: sticky substances,dead animals,glitter (FUCKING GLITTER),negative words or language,colors, numbers, surfaces in general, food, people, and activities.  There is also a hyper responsibility to protect yourself and others from ‘contamination’.
Strangely there is a magical separation between the contaminated world and the ‘clean’ one. Spaces designated as clean would be a bedroom/bathroom/workspace where you are most active. That space is where the compulsions and intrusive thoughts occur. Its not I MUST CLEAN EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. Otherwise I would be working cleaning houses because why the hell not amiright?
A real world example from a colleague would be a young man with physical contamination OCD is struck with such intrusive thoughts about cleaning that they refuse to allow anyone in their room or any animals in their home. But they are not able to even flush the toilet, take out the trash, wash dishes, or do garbage because of their intrusive thoughts.
The most famous would be compulsive hand washing but I feel it is important to also note OTHER aspects of physical contamination because everyone sees the hand scrubbing stereotype. 
Other compulsions include intricate rituals, not touching the floor (i played X-treme the floor is lava during college. I couldnt let my feet touch the floor because it was ‘dirty’),excessive showering (2-8+ hour showers guys, 8 hour showers. Thats what we’re talking about.)
Relationship OCD: This comes as no surprise that yes you will have intrusive thoughts that you are somehow harming/ will harm/ may accidentally harm your significant other. Whether that be by physical or emotional means. It can look like ‘ I may have lied to her about how much I love her’, ‘ i may not actually love her and I may be leading her on’, and ‘ I must be corrupting her’. These can extend to certain physical activities with false memory OCD as a cherry on top. A great finishing garnish to leave you feeling absolutely dismayed and unable to trust your own perception.
Scrupulosity: Religion! Whatever that may be! Its a thing with OCD.  With Scrupulosity obsessive thoughts run all over the board from; you committed a sin and forgot about it you monster to having to pray continuously/ a certain time/ until its right. What is right?Ask OCD that’s the only person who knows. 
We are fairly certain my grandfather had OCD because he went to church for every single Catholic Mass. Every single day. Every. Single. Day.  That’s not a healthy amount of attendance(I'm calling you out posthumously because I care Robert!). This can also look like: praying a certain amount of times. Praying until you do it ‘right’. Confessing every single potential sin. Cataloguing and dwelling over ‘sinful’ things. 
Symmetry or Just Right OCD: Symmetry OCD is the runner up for ‘most likely recognized on tv shows’ award.
Symmetry OCD convinces you that if *insert thing here* isnt symmetrical or ‘just right’ (a magical position or number of objects that makes 0 logical sense) that something bad will happen.
This can range from the known; rearranging things. But it also looks like buying more objects until you reach the right amount and even throwing out objects if theres ‘too many’.
It can range from ‘the walls are percievably not straight so now i avoid that room at all costs otherwise i will be trapped traveling the edges of the wall with my eyes otherwise it will fall in and murder us ALL.’ to ‘ this historical bust is one inch off to the left and now all i see is visions of it breaking against the ground.’
So that is what I have time for. 9 pages on subtypes and basic information. If you find yourself wanting me information all of this is easily accessible online. So go, be free and dont ever compare people to Monk again. Write Batman and Scott Summers with OCD. Give us ACTUAL representation and not throw away joke lines. We are here. Our suffering isnt funny. We deserve representation too.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/angel-messages-shutting-down-the-nightmare-factory/
Angel Messages ~ Shutting Down The Nightmare Factory
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FCGCT Commentary: We are moving from the mind, to the Heart… not the balancing of the two. The brain acts as a conduit while the heart processes. The mind conflicts with the Heart, and is the cause for imbalance, pain, fear, suffering and more. The mind… the ego, blocks the Heart, as it Edges God Out. Let go of the mind, and solely flow from the Heart, connected to the Unified Heart in Unity Consciousness.  Thoughts turn to feelings, and beliefs to to knowing.  Let go of wants and needs and move toward a paradigm grateful receiving.  We are moving into a paradigm of passion for co-creation in love everywhere present.  Wants, needs, and desires are EGO traits, true passion is expanding love into creation with pure intent and creation of New Earth energy.  Passion must be in aligned intention of new earth = heart.  Change must be embraced, accepted, and allowed, as LOVE is the only frequency that will move forward.  Change is positive and with it comes expansion.  Allow change and embrace the energies pouring out from Mother of all Creation.
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Angel Messages ~ Shutting Down The Nightmare Factory
By Jules Miel
   Loves Beginning Messages  January 11, 2019 3 Minutes
You Are, and because you Are, you cannot be anything separate from what you are. That means you can’t be a deficiency, but you can play a role within an illusion. The same goes for everyone else. Your ability to see through and beyond roles quickly is what allows you to remember yourSelf, to be aware of its ever-presence, and to encourage and allow it to come shining through the illusion in every moment. Before you feared allowing yourSelf to penetrate fiction because you believed you had done wrong. Now you remember that it was never possible for you to actually do anything outside of Divine Will. You could pretend to enact a pantomime in thought, but that is all.
Yes, in a sense you lose the whole world, because the whole world has been a fiction, a pantomime. But now you know you are very safe within this story, and you are here to seemingly bring light to it. We say seemingly because you don’t improve nothingness. Your story is truly nothing at all, and that is why no one deserves blame or punishment. So you are here to see the one Something that has existed beneath the story at all times. As you see it consistently, others can, too, because all minds are always touching. There is only one Mind.
You show up within this story, and you seem to have a role. It is important to catch yourself taking your role personally, to notice yourself finding some personal significance in the role of seeming other. Whenever that happens, you are being handed an opportunity. At this moment, you can seemingly (we’re going to use this word a lot to remind you of the unreality of what you are imagining) poke a hole in the roof of this experience to allow the light to come streaming in. What you’re doing is giving up the fantasy. As you give up the fantasy and its structures, you allow What Is to become evident. As you allow this to happen within what you experience as your mind, you make the experience more available to all other minds across time and space because you’re always in contact with all of them.
Whatever role you have been playing, whether that of villain or saint, it matters not. Now is your opportunity to blossom without judgment into the love you and all others have always been. Without that impediment of judgment, you can feel All expanding in joy, always, so appreciate every opportunity you are being given to drop judgment. It is our profound joy to see you awakening from your slumber. Sleeping angels, dreaming of not-harmony. That’s all you have ever been, and that is why there is nothing to forgive. You only need to wake up.
All minds are touching at all times. If you are busy judging others (and this is habitual, so be gentle with yourself as the habit falls away in time), you are sending out telepathic temptation to them to refer to what is unreal as if it is real. When you drop the habit, as you are doing now, you assist all minds in finding pathways to dropping judgment. When you drop judgment, you stop treating this world as if it is real, as if it has power over what you are. When you stop treating this world as real, a world that reflects love is allowed to replace the nightmare you have been having, encouraging, and developing. You just stop the one thing, and then the other thing (a reflection of the Real) comes into view.
When you realize what you are doing, you stop. It becomes very obvious. When you touch a hot stove, you stop immediately. It’s going to become this obvious with judgments and with thoughts that develop illusion. You’re going to have this “Hot stove!” feeling, and then you will simply stop. You’re understanding what pain is and where it comes from. Once you know, you don’t make the mistake of developing and sharing that experience of pain.
What you seem to be doing is illusory, but it seems very real. We help you out of the nightmare you keep replicating, and it is our delight to see you discover the mechanics of replication. As you learn to stop churning out nightmares and to simply enjoy where you have always been–held in love–others will learn to do the same. All action will wind down and harmonize–from separate and conflicted actions into divinely ordered and harmonious action. Enjoy the ride and appreciate those moments when you are shown the mechanics of nightmare-making so you can stop participating in the back and forth of it. You are held in Love, always, and it is safe for you to enjoy that.
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not4eating · 4 years
Unfiltered and unedited. Rabid thought produced while thinking about an essay prompt.
should be something of interest to you and something that speaks to your values, ideas, and relationship with your larger social world.
Possible topics for writing project 3
What makes it debatable? What are various directions you could take this topic? Which one are you planning on choosing and why?
God damn, I don’t know. What are the things that are important to me? Fucking fuck this shit. I can’t think about this kind of stuff right now. I’m already stressed enough. My work life balance is so fucking off. As it stands I don’t like any of the stuff that I’m learning about. I’m stressed all the time. I’m working harder than I ever have and I have the worst grades that I have ever received. Wtf. I got a b in my last humanities class and I didn’t even do half of the assigned material. That balance  is incredibly skewed. Like what’s wrong with college. What the fuck is wrong with it. How does something like that happen. Where a student can put in literally no effort one semester and receive straight a’s and then the next semester they try even harder and then can barely pass their class. That actually reminds me. I need to cite socrates for my most recent assignment in Humanities 01. Her class is the one that I’m complaining about here. It’s too difficult. I feel like I’m cracking because of it. I mean. I can lie in that class. If I lied I would probably get a better grade. None of these teachers actually read what you write. They don’t actually care. So if I wanted to I could just bullshit everything. As a matter of fact I think all of school is bullshit. I also think that we should be paid to go to school so we don’t have to fucking work full time just to support ourselves while we have another full time career. Like, at least pay people up until their associates. Ive been going to school for seven years. That’s an insane amount of time to have suffered through academia. I wouldn’t mind if it was only academia that I had to deal with, but the fact of the matter is that academia is the part of my life that I actually enjoy. In order to support myself through college I have to work a job that is mentally draining and I have to do it for fifty hours a week and even then I barely make enough to survive. So what is the solution? Free housing for full time students and a free cafeteria for full time students that serves decent meals that you request the day before. If you don’t request a meal then they don’t make a meal for you. If you want to work while you go to school then you can. But all students must maintain at least a c average in order to remain in the program. If a student falls below a c average one semester then they are put on mandatory academic counseling in order to maintain their access to free housing and food. What happens to students when they lose their access? That’s a good question. Im not sure right now. Punishing them would be counter intuitive. The goal is to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and motivated to succeed.
My whole point is that I don’t have enough time. I can’t find enough time to do all of the things that I need to do. I feel unproductive. But at the same time I need to sleep. I have only been getting about four hours of sleep a night on average. I finish work. I make dinner and clean up and then I get to work on my homework. My whole body shakes all of the time. I get light headed, sometimes I lose hours of my day to nothing. My mind literally blacks out. Would my day be better if slept? Do I still have those multi hour long unproductive spells? Yes I do, want when I sleep. I just lose focus every now and then. Have I tried Adderall? I absolutely have. It helps for certain things. However, at the end of the day, its far less effective than everyone says it is. I’ve worked my way up from 5mg to 40 mg and even then its like “yo, this stuff doesn’t really do what it says its supposed to. Even at sixty mg instant its about as effective as a cup of coffee. The only thing that seems to be able to get me out of my head long enough to be productive is alcohol, which is so bad. I spent all of last semester drunk. I got incredible grades. I had more than enough time on my hands to spend with my spouse, which I can’t say for this semester. The only issue with this is that I was fucking drunk all the time. I gained 40 pounds and spent my work day on the verge of vomiting. I got in a car accident because I was so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open. I am literally killing myself. I am literally killing myself. I am literally killing myself. The structured lifestyle is torture. Day in and day out, the same thing over and over again. I’m worried that when I start estimating its going to be the same thing. Ill be fine for a few months, and then at the eight month mark ill hate my job. I need to be free. I need to be able to write and talk and interact with he people of their world. I need to write, and I need to write about what I want. Is this form of writing any different than writing by hand, I don’t think so? Maybe? Ts fine and all writing on a keyboard. It’s been at least a decade since people have been writing this way almost exclusively. They question is have novels gotta better or have they gotten worse. I can only say that I am almost incapable of reading anything modern. Especially works that may or may not become literary classics. I also can’t read as fast as some people. I wonder how they read all of the books that they read. I think that after I get my bachelors I’m going to focus all of my free time reading new literature. A novel a day would be a good goal. Why should a three hundred page book be difficult to read in a few hours? I recently read a 200page book in a day and had a great time of it. I even took copies nots with is unusual for me. I was ony able to do that because it was a part of the curriculum. If it wasn’t a part of that I wouldn’t have read it and I wouldn’t have been able to even have the time to read it
What really gets me is the academic research paper. Why do we have to do research on random ass Tomic and write papers about it. They always say that you can write about whatever you want to talk about, but when I write about something truly world changing like I did about big data all the back in fucking 2007 when nobody even cared how the teacher tell me that it was in irrelevant topic that was too broad. I mean its not a broad topic alt all. Data collection and the issue that occurs when it is collected. Ie the stealing and unregulated sharing of data is complete bullshit. Nobody cared then, it was n issue that fucking mattered then and it fucking matters now. Big data is so important. What you search, what you read, what you are interested in is your own person. It is who you are. That is what makes it so incredibly valuable. When we live on the internet we think in the internet. Everyone that uses the internet shares there deepest thoughts to google and reddit. Even those that don’t are texting it or keeping it in their notes apps. Its like if someone had access to your diary, your personal conversations, and your alarm clocks, because even alarm clocks are digital now. They have access to this information, and they use it against you. They even know what you watch, and how much you pay attention to what you’re watching because they know when you’re on your phone scrolling through facebook. And this sounds crazy. It would have been crazy 50 years ago. But today it is not crazy. People are watching you all the time. They pay attention to the conversations that you have in front of smart speakers, they watch you on security cameral. They check your GPS data at all times. They read your emails, they look at your nots, they check your interests and disinterests. They know that you slow down when you see s=certain things and they know that you speed up after certain things. It sounds stupid. It sounds ridiculous, but all you have to do is look at the power at your fingertips as you read this very article. Look no further than your damn phone. You fool. If you think anything is private, just know that everything you do is being watched and recorded. Not by people of course. But by computers. Computers who are profiling you. Learning how to manipulate you specifically. What keywords turn you on. What keywords piss you off. All they have to do is out the right thing in front of you and you will either buy what you’re seeing or at the very least recognize it. That’s where this whole thing gets so fucked up. Advertisers, politicians, random Russians, random Chinese people, random anyone with enough resources to make you do a thing. All they have to do is know what catches your attention and then right before or after that they show you the thing that they want you to see because even if you’re only looking at the dog, nike is at the top of the page and even though you're not fucking looking at that shit, you like running, and you like dogs so all they have to do is put that shit in front of you enough times and suddenly the nike swoosh is one of your favorite things in the world. You have familiarized yourself with it. It is now safe says your lizard brain and suddenly it's only of a few dozen things that you like to see. I can guarantee you that if I showed you something that you didn’t understand. Just a random mark. You wouldn’t look twice at it. You might even associate it with something cheap in comparison to nike. This is regardless of the actual range in quality. You would still buy a thing form nike that was produced for half the price but sold to you for double the price than you would the other thing. No matter how smart or how critical you are there are basic human instincts and those instincts can’t be denied.
Can you even fucking change this thing. Is it established in childhood. I have a cat who is skittish as hell. I love cats, I would never hurt one but still she loves me but is afraid as hell of Perone else. I raised her, I adopted her when she was only thee months old and yet she behaves the way that she doe. Was this behavior bred into her or is she skittish because she had observed me being uneasy in front of strangers and therefore learned this behavior. I don’t fucking know man, but its the exact way that internet marketing, marketing in general really. Its how it works. You are more likely to eat at a McDonalds than you are a regional fast food chain when you’re driving through a town. Your more likely to stay at a marmot than you are a Hilton if you were raised in a town that had a marmot and didn’t have a Hilton. You’re more familiar to marmot because its what you’ve seen. Its what you know. It was the nicest hotel in your town  that has other hotels across the world. Even if you associate it with a shitty crowd, you know that its still a good enough place to sleep for a not unreasonable sum of money. Human instinct. If you know a place is safe you know you can sleep there without being completely uncomfortable. Its the same thing with internet marketing. If it doesn’t apply to you think about cable. Think about the groceries you buy from a person behind a counter. Think about the places you use your bank cars which goes through a computer and knows where you are and what you’re buying. You’re shits not private. It never will be as long as the internet exists and continues to improve. The rise of the machines isn’t brought about by a machine that kills you directly. rough about by a computer that divides us against perfectly fine people until we eventually kill each other via nuclear winter. The more we allow the world to be determined by the people that write algorithms that feed us content and places to go the more likely we are to fall prey to an algorithm built with malicious intent. This is because most people don’t know how to read code and the ones that do most of them can’t read or write code at the level of the one percent of the one percent that decide what happens on the internet. Or rather, that the algorithms that they people write that curate the web for them.
Compton could literally be anywhere. La is the creative capital of creative work because the degrees of separation between you and your friend base and the people who decide what’s produces are like two or three at tops. Compton isn’t special. Eve lived in the area. It’s not the hood, everywhere is the hood, Sacramento is the hood. People that live in fucking Ladera heights can claim that they live in the hood. People from Sacramento are just as cultured as anyone from la. people from Folsom are just as relevant as the millions of people from la. hip hop beats are just chill study beats. These people sit in traffic all day every day. That’s all I have to say about that. La is great, but so is Sacramento. So is every other city in the us. Most towns are just as special people just need the encouragement to create. One in 20 is a genius. When you get 20 people together even for a moment you have a guaranteed stroke of genius. People are genius by nature. There’s nothing special about plato, Picasso, or Okonma, they just found a small group of people to speak to who spread their message far and wide and now they are who they are. God I didn’t realize how much I needed to just yell these things to. The thoughts in my mind that sleep in my unconscious thought. I wish that I could just record all of my thoughts. Maybe I would think the same things less often. Venting in a permanent forum Is so nice.
0 notes
jaythelay · 10 months
The thing is, the 3rd party apps weren't just better, they had an avalanche of streamlined features that the official app has literally never had the competancy for.
A visible download button that didn't put a fucking popup over the video bar, collapsable comments, viewing content was easier just bar none no debate, the ads weren't obtrusive and trying to trick me into thinking they're users (actually morally reprehensible), saving stuff mattered but now where??? Where is my saved stuff? Double tapping upvotes is a thing now which genuinely infuriates me because it's so not reddit but such generic website design.
The visuals weren't...there's no insult powerful or fitting enough to describe it, but if I were, Knockoff Children's Toy. Obnoxiously designed, colored, and the layout makes me suicidal, more than usual.
Then, the fucking posts don't load half the time, they broke commenting, the upvote button doesn't work half the time because it thinks I'm pressing the post beneath it, and of all the dumbest things I've ever seen, Super Upvoting is idiotic for blatant reasons:
See a gold upvote on a post? Downvote! You costed them money! Literally all I do if I vote is downvote anymore because they actually have never used their own website before and I'm stupid enough to.
So, really what you can say about the 3rd party app debacle is, they removed a Plethora of features, removed even more, broke shit, and made the little that was left worse. Dunno how they managed.
I uninstalled the app when it stopped letting me comment. Literally the only purpose was to correct clearly false information but that's not worth the time because the inbox system is also a fucking nightmare.
New users basically can't comment or anything either. So good luck on that front.
Used to refresh the page and see some new things, now, god christ, 24 hours the same posts and then they get reposted. Worst of all is seeing it on Tumblr being repeated constantly everyday and then it's on reddit, like bro, this post is so old, why repost it.
All in all, Reddit actually downgraded it's usability to the point I can only use it for tech support, and the disgusting concept of using the offical app to do so actually infuriates me enough to just struggle through the website version on mobile instead.
What a shit show. Never improved their app before or after, pathetic hellsite that feels more and more like I'm using Imgur in the 2010s.
0 notes
Getting Clued Up on Mercury Retrograde
Getting Clued Up on Mercury Retrograde,
FCGCT Commentary: We are moving from the mind, to the Heart… not the balancing of the two. The mind conflicts with the Heart, and is the cause for imbalance, pain, fear, suffering and more. It is the Heart and Brain which work in harmony together. The mind… the ego, blocks the Heart, as it Edges God Out. It is the Heart and Brain which work in harmony to allow Balanced Harmonics, your Divine Blueprint. Let go of the mind, and solely flow from the Heart, connected to the Unified Heart in Unity Consciousness.
Getting Clued Up on Mercury Retrograde
By Larry Schwimmer
For those who are a bit hazy about what happens during Mercury retrograde, here’s what you need to know:
In astrology, the planet Mercury rules our intelligence, mind, memory, and all types of communication ranging from talking to texting and writing. It also affects our self-expression and communication style. In a more public sense, it rules commerce, computers, telephones, transportation, and air travel.
When this unique event happens—usually three to four times a year—communication of all types goes bonkers! Suddenly, normal communication becomes unreliable, filled with misinformation where important data is missing or misunderstood. The passage of information from one person to the other seems to be unintentionally cloudy or confused in some way. During the retrograde period, a person’s intellectual, communication, and mental processes are less acute and become prone to mistakes. In past Mercury retrograde articles, I’ve written about the many problems we may encounter. However, there is a positive side to Mercury retrograde that we may experience over the next three weeks.  
Here are some amazingly good things that can happen to us during Mercury retrograde:
Hearing from People in our Past. You could hear from an old friend or contact who you wrote to months ago and never heard back from. Don’t be surprised if you’re contacted by an “old flame,” wanting to say hello and see how you are. I had an ex-fiancé I hadn’t heard from in years call me in the middle of Mercury retrograde to see if I was still single and available.
Discovering Problems we Can Finally Fix. Have you ever heard a “water drip,” but couldn’t find where it was coming from? Well, you will during Mercury retrograde. It is a great time to solve a mystery, and to discover a solution to a problem you’ve had. If your car or computer has a problem, it may show up during the retrograde, which gives you the opportunity to fix it, once and for all (even if you make the actual repair when Mercury is direct).
Hearing from Employers or Old Clients. If you’ve been looking for a job and have been waiting for a response from a particular employer, you may hear back from them during these three weeks. If you are in sales, expect to get a call from a client who refused to do business with you—yet now, he’s interested.
Finding Lost Items. This is a great time to search for personal items you lost a long time ago. Things you lost months or even years ago will finally turn up. This is when you pull up the cushion on your old couch and discover a treasure trove of lost earrings or the phone number of someone you really wanted to ask out on a date. I’ve had clients find objects such as a set of keys they misplaced or a valuable ring they were sure was stolen.
Finishing Old Projects. This is a great time to finish any projects that you started before Mercury went retrograde, as you won’t experience the problems that can come from starting new projects now. Instead, you will enjoy completing them, whether it’s a home remodeling project or finishing planting your garden.
Learning the Truth. Remember: while Mercury is retrograde, there are usually things that you don’t know. However, it’s great news to know that it is only temporary, because when Mercury goes direct you’ll find out the truth. You may find that the “too good to be true” real estate deal was, in fact, “too good to be true.” Or that suit you thought was too expensive for your budget just went on a 50 percent clearance sale; or that romance you were excited about wasn’t what you thought it was. (Beware: cheating spouses.)
Laughing More. Listen to the news. You’ll read about crazy mistakes that will make you smile or chuckle. During one Mercury retrograde, it was reported that the police guarding Wembley Stadium, where Olympic football matches were being played, revealed that they had lost a set of keys to the venue. This prompted an investigation into the lost keys by Scotland Yard. (Sounds a bit like the Keystone Cops!)
My hope is that you enjoy all the good things that can happen during this Mercury retrograde!
By Larry Schwimmer
Share Our Messages with Love and Gratitude
LOVE US @ MeWe mewe.com/join/lovehaswon
Visit Our NEW Sister Site: LoveHasWon Angel Numbers
Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  https://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
Introducing our New LoveHasWon Twin Flame Spiritual Intuitive Ascension Session. Visit the link below:
Request an Astonishing Personal Ascension Assessment Report or Astrology Reading, visit the link below for more information:
To read our Testimonials you can follow this link: https://www.lovehaswon.org/testimonials
Connect with MotherGod~Mother of All Creation on Skype @ mothergoddess8
We are a Donation based service for the Planetary Ascension. Thank you for showing your support and keeping our website and Love Energies moving forward! Thanks for supporting your family of light in their time of need to fulfill mission. We are Eternally Grateful!
Donate to Love: https://www.lovehaswon.org/donate-to-love/
Thank You for Supporting our LoveHasWon Wish List. Visit Here: http://a.co/cYUBjRu
Here is our Fund Raising information for The Crystal Schools: https://www.gofundme.com/lovehaswon
Request a copy of our Book: The Tree of Life ~ Light of The Immortals Book
Order a copy of Our LoveHasWon Ascension Guide: https://lovehaswon.org/lovehaswon-ascension-guide/
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FCGCT Commentary: We are moving from the mind, to the Heart... not the balancing of the two. The mind conflicts with the Heart, and is the cause for imbalance, pain, fear, suffering and more. It is the Heart and Brain which work in harmony together. The mind... the ego, blocks the Heart, as it Edges God Out. It is the Heart and Brain which work in harmony to allow Balanced Harmonics, your Divine Blueprint. Let go of the mind, and solely flow from the Heart, connected to the Unified Heart in Unity Consciousness.
Getting Clued Up on Mercury Retrograde
By Larry Schwimmer
For those who are a bit hazy about what happens during Mercury retrograde, here’s what you need to know:
In astrology, the planet Mercury rules our intelligence, mind, memory, and all types of communication ranging from talking to texting and writing. It also affects our self-expression and communication style. In a more public sense, it rules commerce, computers, telephones, transportation, and air travel.
When this unique event happens—usually three to four times a year—communication of all types goes bonkers! Suddenly, normal communication becomes unreliable, filled with misinformation where important data is missing or misunderstood. The passage of information from one person to the other seems to be unintentionally cloudy or confused in some way. During the retrograde period, a person’s intellectual, communication, and mental processes are less acute and become prone to mistakes. In past Mercury retrograde articles, I’ve written about the many problems we may encounter. However, there is a positive side to Mercury retrograde that we may experience over the next three weeks.  
Here are some amazingly good things that can happen to us during Mercury retrograde:
Hearing from People in our Past. You could hear from an old friend or contact who you wrote to months ago and never heard back from. Don’t be surprised if you’re contacted by an “old flame,” wanting to say hello and see how you are. I had an ex-fiancé I hadn’t heard from in years call me in the middle of Mercury retrograde to see if I was still single and available.
Discovering Problems we Can Finally Fix. Have you ever heard a “water drip,” but couldn’t find where it was coming from? Well, you will during Mercury retrograde. It is a great time to solve a mystery, and to discover a solution to a problem you’ve had. If your car or computer has a problem, it may show up during the retrograde, which gives you the opportunity to fix it, once and for all (even if you make the actual repair when Mercury is direct).
Hearing from Employers or Old Clients. If you’ve been looking for a job and have been waiting for a response from a particular employer, you may hear back from them during these three weeks. If you are in sales, expect to get a call from a client who refused to do business with you—yet now, he’s interested.
Finding Lost Items. This is a great time to search for personal items you lost a long time ago. Things you lost months or even years ago will finally turn up. This is when you pull up the cushion on your old couch and discover a treasure trove of lost earrings or the phone number of someone you really wanted to ask out on a date. I’ve had clients find objects such as a set of keys they misplaced or a valuable ring they were sure was stolen.
Finishing Old Projects. This is a great time to finish any projects that you started before Mercury went retrograde, as you won’t experience the problems that can come from starting new projects now. Instead, you will enjoy completing them, whether it’s a home remodeling project or finishing planting your garden.
Learning the Truth. Remember: while Mercury is retrograde, there are usually things that you don’t know. However, it’s great news to know that it is only temporary, because when Mercury goes direct you’ll find out the truth. You may find that the “too good to be true” real estate deal was, in fact, “too good to be true.” Or that suit you thought was too expensive for your budget just went on a 50 percent clearance sale; or that romance you were excited about wasn’t what you thought it was. (Beware: cheating spouses.)
Laughing More. Listen to the news. You’ll read about crazy mistakes that will make you smile or chuckle. During one Mercury retrograde, it was reported that the police guarding Wembley Stadium, where Olympic football matches were being played, revealed that they had lost a set of keys to the venue. This prompted an investigation into the lost keys by Scotland Yard. (Sounds a bit like the Keystone Cops!)
My hope is that you enjoy all the good things that can happen during this Mercury retrograde!
By Larry Schwimmer
Share Our Messages with Love and Gratitude
LOVE US @ MeWe mewe.com/join/lovehaswon
Visit Our NEW Sister Site: LoveHasWon Angel Numbers
Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
Introducing our New LoveHasWon Twin Flame Spiritual Intuitive Ascension Session. Visit the link below:
Request an Astonishing Personal Ascension Assessment Report or Astrology Reading, visit the link below for more information:
To read our Testimonials you can follow this link: http://www.lovehaswon.org/testimonials
Connect with MotherGod~Mother of All Creation on Skype @ mothergoddess8
We are a Donation based service for the Planetary Ascension. Thank you for showing your support and keeping our website and Love Energies moving forward! Thanks for supporting your family of light in their time of need to fulfill mission. We are Eternally Grateful!
Donate to Love: http://www.lovehaswon.org/donate-to-love/
Thank You for Supporting our LoveHasWon Wish List. Visit Here: http://a.co/cYUBjRu
Here is our Fund Raising information for The Crystal Schools: https://www.gofundme.com/lovehaswon
Request a copy of our Book: The Tree of Life ~ Light of The Immortals Book
Order a copy of Our LoveHasWon Ascension Guide: https://lovehaswon.org/lovehaswon-ascension-guide/
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