#redoing my oc page for mobile
convicted-girlboss · 1 year
Lookin' For a Real Posse? (LFRP)
(A.K.A I'm redoing my pinned post because I optimized my carrd.)
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From Left to Right: Rizzy, Sunny, Jamiri, and Grimara.
Read about em' here: moros.ju.mp
looks best on PC though I am working on optimizing mobile.
All of their basic info is contained in short, easy to read, pages that are each dedicated to one of my ocs. If you want MORE to read, there's a more button on each OC's page.
If you're looking to roleplay (firstly, read the rules on my muse carrd. Then, and only then:) you can DM me here, add me on discord and message me there, or, if you see me in the wild, shoot me a tell! You can find my contact info, my personal carrd, and more below the read more. Finally: this blog's content is sorta all over the place, writing, gposes, memes, etc. The blog is NOT spoiler free.
Hi there, my name's Dizzy! I'm a 23 yrs. old black nonbinary transfemme writer and roleplayer. I appreciate you checking out my blog! My hobbies include fighting games, FFXIV, modding games, music, and writing.
Discord: @dizzy.doe
Personal Carrd: dizzy.uwu.ai
main blog: @deercryptidgirlthing (minors, again, dni.)
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smokedanced · 2 years
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hello i have been slowly working through my muse pages - either setting them up or moving them/redoing them from old pages to the new ones, so if you visit my muse directory page you might notice me adding or editing links as i go in alphabetical order. like yesterday i rewrote both ella and ever's biographies from scratch, i added edward's dossier and verses... most of the pages literally have just placeholder images and lorem ipsum on most tabs. but i'm trying to at least do the dossier parts for non-test muses (test muses mileage may vary on how complete even dossier is).
for original characters i prioritise both biography and verses, for canons just verses, adding onto it later, as i just want the basics to be there at the very least... tabs likely to have any information thus being the basics, biography for ocs, verses, and links. i'm also working on a full navigation page.
i think my pages should work on mobile as well. i've added the https://href.li/? at the start of my links that should force the mobile app to open the pages on a browser app instead. (thanks @lefae for teaching me this.) my about pages are not responsive or the most mobile friendly but let me know if they're bad enough that i should have an alternate more plain version of them...?
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salemknightts · 2 years
redoing about page
(i forgot to add this to the about page, I am transmasc and aroace)
if you ask me about my ocs ill love you forever
do keep in mind i am an adult though, if that makes you uncomfortable i dont mind unfollowing
made this so mobile users can get to my about page mainly
ill tag this with my tags i use so theyre easy to find if you want them for some reason
also i am @salem.exe__ on tiktok but i dont post anymore
@salem.png_ on insta
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totentnz · 5 years
ah well, new theme everyone
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katewalker · 3 years
i’m gonna redo my ocs page during lunch break i think... and think about a new mobile theme for next week when it’ll officially be syb lockdown and change my url to katewalker (still can’t believe i managed to have it after trying for almost 4 years efsdfsdsd)
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sewerpigeonart · 6 years
for the new year i want to be a little more organized, so for the next week or so i'm gonna be building some pages like an about me and an oc directory along with redoing my commission info. i'll be doing both mobile and desktop versions for links, and i'll make a post when it's all done, but if i mess up and u see something funky on my page then just know it's all under construction for a while.
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gx3rcomics · 3 years
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Veil redo preview
@DarklighterYt on twitter commissioned their character Star Wars OC Veil from Star Wars The Old Republic! Thanks for the support! Veil © DarklighterYt COMMISSIONS: If you are interested in a commission either DM me here, on twitter or email me. I do not take requests/do free art. My comic Journey to the Skyline Mobile/Webtoon version: Journey to the Skyline for mobile Do not repost Get an early look at comic pages/art, fanart, other art, stream recordings and more: Support on Patreon Get some merch! Drop me a tip on Ko-Fi! My Twitter
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pennedbybuttercup · 3 years
OOC - ☆
My pages for rules, verses, and muses have been linked! Aside from needing to add more verses, they're done!
That being said, I'll probably redo the muse page so I can add bios for my muses. No bios means no clear intro to my takes on canon characters, and no intro at all to what my OCs are like.
I think having the list and bios all on one doc is just the easiest option for me given how my brain works. Too much clicking around makes me feel disoriented and overstimulated.
I'm mostly stuck on mobile right now so some aspects are tricky, so I can't promise everything will be done fast. Still, I'm willing to RP here even as I get stuff completed!
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vamprnce · 3 years
I really need to redo my oc page here, I got rid of it (not fully, the page itself isn't deleted but you can't click the link anywhere) bc I just didn't like it but I'm on mobile fully until I get my laptop (which idk when that'll be hopefully before the year ends) so whenever I get it I'll redo the page better since I can have more control
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sandcvstles · 7 years
hello!! onfilmhq is a skeleton and original character rp about the talent at honey studios and the trials of hollywood. could we please get an opinion?? thank you so much!!
so i’m pretty pissed because this reloaded, so i have to redo this entire opinion, smh @ chrome ?? unfortuantely, this opinion might be shorter than others since i’m just. exhausted with chrome. anyways. i like your url & your icon. your mobile header is lovely, but your desktop header kind of cuts off at the ‘f’ ? also your sidebar navigation is cute, but the dark red hover kind of makes the words hard to read there. also, the hover reads ‘text’ for all of them, so you might want to fix that. i really like the polaroids for the most wanted ? they’re really lovely. hollywood rps are pretty common, but i do enjoy that this is an oc / skeleton rp; more of these ‘behind the scenes’ sort of rps are rising up. i would like some clarification though because a lot of the pages have the phrase ‘girls of film’. so you might want to clarify if this is a female only rp. i’d suggest putting fc suggestions on your skeletons, just to encourage diversity. the character graphics are pretty simple, but they’re very neat. the character page isn’t up ? when i click the characters link on your sidebar navigation, it doesn’t work. i do like that you provided possible occupations since it gives members a wide range of options for their muses to explore. overall, i think this rp has a lot of potential. unfortunately it’s just not really my thing, but i wish you all the best ! 
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Things To Come
(aka the To Do/Look Forward To list)
Coming back to this blog once I get back from RTX
(maybe redoing my main since i lost access to that while I’m at it)
New promo since I changed my faceclaim and haven’t done a promo since I first made the account and all
Speaking of faceclaims, gotta finish making/editing icons… .
Add a page full of Loch's icons so I can use them on mobile too.
Moving Guzbud’s account to a sideblog on this account
I already changed the name on the main one and remade guzmanibud as a sideblog, just gotta move all my shit over and do another promo and such
Working on Necrozma!Guzma’s sideblog
(chance of icons is kinda slim but that doesn’t mean I can’t have the account ready lol the muse is getting stronger and noisier, especially since he comes with Necrozma and Necrozma!Golisopod. A bit of a package deal.)
General Cleanup
(maybe deleting or doing more drafts, definitely cleaning out my inbox–sorry about all the time-based things I missed while I was feeling blah!!)
I think Loch still has a Pokémon egg that needs hatching–it’s okay though because I have an explanation as to why it took so long and no the Pokémon isn’t dead
Page cleanup
Tag cleanup???
Relationships page?????
Mobile-accessible pages???????????
Maybe working on other OC sideblogs?
I have faceclaims and ideas for most of them…three skull grunts and a trainer…maybe two trainers… .
Eventually a plot thing maybe???  Or, at least, progressions.
RELATIONSHIP PROGRESSIONS? loch has like 10 ships and he’s really only dating one of those people in any official capacity and i find that hilarious.
Playing Pokémon Sun and recording everything said about Team Skull and/or by Team Skull Grunts
Finishing the post-game stuff in Moon and Pokédex completion
Idk, I’m working on it.  I feel like I’m starting to get better(30mg of prozac started working, i’ve been bumped to 40 for a few months to see how i improve) and i’ll be able to return here successfully.
I’ll be back from RTX on the 11th or so(leaving on the 5th,) so please maintain all the rad patience you’ve had until then.  ♥
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enchanted--roses · 6 years
I’m not gone and not dead^^
Hi everyone,
As you can see by my title i’m still around and not dead (✿◠‿◠), like someone ask me this morning. I have actually taken a time off anything related to the content of this blog. For the last two weeks i was redoing some page and add two, one of them is still in construction. I’m not reopening my request box soon, you will see why in the next paragraph.
If you go in my new to do page here, you will see every request i got in my inbox now, some of them are sadly in the category  WILL TRY OR NOT, most of them is because it didn’t respect my rules that i point out in my information page over here. I will try to have a page that can work on mobile too, so that those who doesn’t open tumblr on they computer can see them, for now you will have to stick with those pages. (╯︵╰)
As you probably seen, except my personal manip and one or two i did for someone, i do events manip, since is easy to do, well as easy using photoshop can be lol. The sad part is that i’m a perfectionist in my soul, and i would never be able to do the kind of manip i did for let say my Harry Potter OC for everyone, cause it will take me more that it already take to do an event one. I mean the Tudors manip took me like 4 to 6 hours to do, so you can see the math if i do that for the 51 request i have to do.
Sorry i didn’t want to make an essay out of it lol, i just wanted to point out some things. I love do request and be able to help you out, but it was beginning to take a lot of my time, even in the morning at work i was working on those and my colleague told me that i should take more times with them. Is them that makes me realise that it was taken a lot of my free time. 
I will continue this blog, i will try to have a least three request of the gif category and the same on the manip side done by next sunday. 
One last things i see more and more people beginning their request by just saying what they want, and sometimes a little thank you at the end. I don’t want to be seem picky but  a little hello or a thank you even a please, will make my day, this is just what I feel.
Thank you for sticking up with me....
Love Malice1329 ❤
Ps. Sorry for the English i’m french canadian so sometimes is not easy writing in English.
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deimcs · 7 years
♡ update ♡
Some (unimportant) news I feel like putting in a specific text post for some unknown reasons: ☆ shoutout to my fam @bellanarisdinan for inspiring me to stop being lazy and redo my ocs page at last!  I added everyone except for my future Ryder twinsies cause I just have names for now; hopefully some time this month I’ll finally be able to start Mass Effect Andromeda with Hyosung and Hyojin (for real this time) and we’ll see~ 
☆ New web theme I'm hoping to keep for a while even tho I’m already feeling restless. ☆ New mobile theme with my main boyo Geralt doing his thing and killing monsters. 
I’ve been kinda neglecting this blog but that’s cause uni is keeping me busy (also, Star Wars is monopolizing my life as usual so I’ve been mostly screaming about the SWC17 on my other accounts; no one is surprised). Miss you all tho, can’t wait to play ME:A and start giffing my new kids ♥  ps. happy easter to all who celebrate it!
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lovcdandlosta · 7 years
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paragonbrosca · 6 years
valroyeauxwithcheese replied to your post “Working on my ocs tonight - going to reblog an ask meme in a few. My...”
it's looking good!
thanks!!! I really love this page code, I only had to edit it a little bit to match it to the rest of my theme. I wish it looked better than it does on mobile, but honestly it looks good enough that I probably won’t ever redo it.
(I accidentally deleted my old oc page this morning when I was making some edits to it, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get things properly organized, whoops)
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