alinastarkovz · 4 years
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pride month meme: [5/5] lgbtq+ female characters → Evangeline Samos
I keep grinning, walking backward to keep my eyes on her. I don’t trust anyone to fight fair, especially her. “Maybe Elane can lick your wounds?”
Evangeline only raises her chin, looking down her nose at me. “She does, and frequently. Jealous?”
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@redqueenetwork mission 04 | friendships
Elane Haven, Wren Skonos, Evangeline and Ptolemus Samos
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The Secret Correspondence of the Dancing War - Part 1
A/N: The accurate epilogue of Broken Throne we deserved, decoded by @lilyharvord and me!  
i. Farley
September 25th 329
Dear Clara,
I’m sorry I can’t give you the time to talk with you about this in person and only leave you this letter as a reminder. I hope it’ll serve as that, at least. You can take it as a promise.
I’ve avoided making promises to you. No big ones, that is. I didn’t want to add broken promises to my list of shortcomings and misses, of which you never forget to remind me after I’ve been away. I’ll expect you to scold me if I make a promise only to break it. Clara, I am and have been willing to listen when my child needs to chide me. I wish you to trust me. I might be scary, but I never wish to scare you.
I’m sure there’ll be another lecture waiting for me when I return from Tiraxes, trying to convince its rulers to side with the Scarlet Guard and Montfort instead of joining the other remaining Silver monarchies. After years of stubborn indecisiveness, they should've realized by now the advantages and future we can offer. But I suppose minds of brick are a common trait among Silver monarchs, not just Calores. But I've gotten through to Cal, and I'll get through to the Triarch of Tiraxes that it would be foolish not to join the Scarlet Guard if they want to keep their heads - and dignity, though I suspect the latter is of bigger import to them. Although Ada's arguments will cut down their pride and refuses and if not, I'll scare them until they see fit to agree.
Which means, I have every reason to be successful and return whole and healthy to you. I promise this.
That is why I’d also like to ask for a promise from you, Clara: Please don’t teleport on your own. Don’t try to follow me, don’t play tricks Mare and Cal, your grandparents or anyone else of your family (which includes Kilorn, obviously! They have my authority in my absence, so listen to them.).
I know you'll understand. Even if you’re furiously waving this letter in your hand right now, as furious as you were on the base yesterday and … vanished. One moment, I told you we’d have to stay there instead of at home because of the rising threat of attacks, the next you protested and were gone.
Please. My heart stopped. My mind blanked and I had to think of your father who teleported one last time, right to his death. It didn’t make sense, to think of this, but the fear for you lived up all the same. Even as my heart warmed and beat again as I realized that you are like him.
Shade, your father, never had a trainer or teleporter companion. All he did, he’d mastered on his own, not even knowing how or why or if they were other Reds with abilities like him. He was brave. But you don’t have to be. You can ask other teleporters for advice and tutoring, like Arezzo (though you'll have to wait for her to return with Ada, me and the rest of the team.) This is also a promise. We will train your ability, so you can use it safely. And for whatever you want.
This is what I want to give you, what I strive for in my efforts: That you can have a childhood now (no matter how difficult our lives are), but also a future you can choose, with the right and possibilities to be whatever you wish for.
I wish I could hug you right now,
Diana Farley
PS: I don’t like to live on the base instead of in our cozy house either, Dove. I’ll miss it, and your frequent “redecoration” attempts. I love you,
@elliemarchetti @farleydiana @scxrletguardsdawn @percelain-doll @maudthebookeater @petergrantkavinsky @inopinion @mareshmallow @evangeline-of-montfort
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ladymacbeths · 7 years
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y.a lit meme: 3/9 quotes
rise, and rise alone.
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ronanslynhc-moved · 7 years
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@redqueenet get to know the members event: favorite character - maven calore
…will do anything to stay in the light
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FAVOURITE PROTAGONISTS: mare barrow (red queen)
❝ i have lived that life already, in the mud, in the shadows, in a cell, in a silk dress. i will never submit again.  will never stop fighting. ❞
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matsukkawa · 7 years
“you sound dead” yeah sorry. must be the death. 
anyways. so i was tagged by @kanamesengoku to do the voice challenge and here it is. i’ve done it before but like. do i ever miss a chance to talk about myself? no. im gonna tag uhhh. my nets camphalfbloodnet ketterdamcrew redqueenet literaturedaily starlightnet and voltron of color
it’s a shit ton of people i know but whatever. im not sure if im allowed to just tag the blogs since some of them are like. Fancy or whatever so i’ll just send this link to the chats ahdfkj (btw most yall probs know me as @jospehkavinsky or possibly @taiwanesekeith
Your name and username. Where you’re from. Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Roof, Route, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminium, GIF, Tumblr, Crackerjack, Doorknob, Envelope, GPOY. What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house? What is a bubbly carbonated drink called? What do you call gym shoes? What do you call your grandparents? What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket? What is the thing you change the TV channel with? Choose a book and read a passage from it. Do you think you have an accent? Be a wizard or a vampire? Do you know anyone on Tumblr in real life? End audio post by saying any THREE words you want.
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alinastarkovz · 4 years
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pride month meme: [2/5] wlw ships → Evangeline Samos & Elane Haven
Even thousands of miles away, I feel the cool balm of her presence, a cold towel on fevered skin. White skin, red hair, all the stars in her eyes, the moon in her teeth.
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@redqueenetwork mission 08 | music
Starlight I will be chasing a starlight Until the end of my life I don't know if it's worth it anymore Hold you in my arms I just wanted to hold You in my arms
My life You electrify my life Let’s conspire to ignite All the souls that would die just to feel alive I'll never let you go If you promise not to fade away Never fade away
Starlight by MUSE for Marecal
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@redqueenetwork mission 07 | underrated characters
Ada Wallace
Ada Wallace leads, her eyes on the room. She glances back and forth, noting every face and committing it to her perfect memory.
Only she could connect the dots so thoroughly and perfectly. She’s truly brilliant. If I still believed in royalty, she’d make a fearsome queen.
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@redqueenetwork mission 02 | alternate universes
Medieval AU: Evangeline Samos as Anne Neville in the Wars of the Roses
I don’t want this anymore. Let me go home. Each word is a betrayal to my house, my family, my blood. My teeth grate against one another, bone on bone. A locked cage for my heart.
Cal has no answer. Say no. Say no. Say no.
But already I see the tug. The lure. Power seduces us all, and it makes us blind. Cal is not immune to it. If anything, he is particularly vulnerable. All his life he watched a throne, preparing for a day it would be his. I know firsthand that’s not a habit a person can easily break. And I know firsthand that few things taste sweeter than a crown. I think of Elane again. Does he think of Mare?
“Long live Tiberias the Seventh,” Anabel says.
The chamber echoes the sentiment. I only mouth the words. I feel poisoned.
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@redqueenetwork task: mare barrow’s birthday week | day 3; favorite Mare moment/scene: “Do I finally get a rank?”  -War Storm, chapter 26
“Maybe I can pull some strings,” she says. “Put in a good word. Get you bumped up to corporal.”
“How generous.”
“You report to Kilorn.”
In spite of the nervous fear tearing up my insides, I laugh out loud. “Whatever you do, don’t tell him that.” I can only imagine the hell he would give me. The teasing, the fake orders. I’d never live it down.
Farley laughs with me. She isn’t exactly sparse with her smiles or laughter, but this is different. Not tainted by a smirk or any sharpness. A small burst of real happiness. It’s rarity these days, for all of us.
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@redqueenetwork mission 06 | women of red queen
Elane Haven
I am well practived in the art of silence. Every shadow is. I am not quick to anger, not like Evangeline. I’ve never had a temper like hers. But I am not a stranger to rage.
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@redqueenetwork mission 05 | characters of color: Cameron Cole
I’m not some weapon to be used, not like Barrow allowed herself to be. No one gets to tell me where to go or what to do. I’m done with that.
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February 2nd - Happy Birthday, Shade Barrow!
I was a spy in corvium, a spy up until this morning. It was my job to listen, to steal, to report. To keep my head down and my eyes open. To stand still until the last possible chance to run. Or jump, rather.
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@redqueenetwork mission 1 | gtktm: favourites: Diana Farley
I was a child back then. A little girl pretending to be a hunter, gutting rabbits and bad snares to feel important. I am not her anymore. I am twenty-two years old, a captain of the Scarlet Guard, and no one, not even the Colonel, can tell me I am wrong now.
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