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Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day! @raptorbyte @redvsbluesecretsanta Glad to get this to ya :D
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hipstersoulgushers · 9 months
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@valveorangebox I got lucky and was able to make a secret santa gift for my dearest <3
@redvsbluesecretsanta thanks for organizing!
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cyborg-sabi · 9 months
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This year my @redvsbluesecretsanta was for @rubykgrant some very lightly angst but mostly sappy sweet Grimmons for you! I hope you have a wonderful and happy holiday season! ❤️ I couldn’t help but get a little silly with it so there’s a bonus Donut under the cut.
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driftagemixer · 9 months
happy christmas and merry @redvsbluesecretsanta !
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@dynamitelad hiii ^_^ this was really fun (and also maybe rushed) merry christmas to all of my grimmons fans
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thetality · 9 months
uhhh Maine go brr
@redvsbluesecretsanta for @faderiftss and @harbingersecho
Hey hey! So sorry for the delay, life caught me in a beartrap lol. Hope you enjoy the Maine art!🙏
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More nonsensical thoughts below ->
I ended up drawing Maine, at the end of the day, i've been wanting to do something with them for a bit and thought this was the best time to do so. There was a lot of random brain thoughts that went into this, but I didnt really like how it turned out, therefore I'm probably going to do another rendition of my OG idea with biblically accurate horror Maine sometime later this year. (So I hope you dont mind another delayed gift ;D)
This was supposed to be some silly space god AU that devolved with the more thought I put into it, whoops 😅
In the end this was a blast to make, and was my first attempt at doing some traditional art that wasn't just graphite! What a great test of my abilities this peice was!
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murderobot · 9 months
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MERRY CHRISTMAS! I’m your secret Santa, @bliakunone ❤️ you asked for Felix and Locus on a mission, so I hope this is good! 🥹
a thank you to my dear @agentphoenixx for helping me finish this, since I was so exhausted from the holidays 😵
and ofc another thanks to @redvsbluesecretsanta for organizing this again! It’s always so fun. see y’all next year :)
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verahatesglue · 9 months
merry christmas gift for @yareyaredolphin !!! as a part of @redvsbluesecretsanta they requested college au chucker :)
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bliakunone · 9 months
Merry Christmas to @riderkaitlyn5 !!
Here is your gift for this year's secret santa, I hope you like them!!
479er (someone tested her patience again xD) andd-
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Dakota siblings!! North got them matching sweaters...South wasn't very happy tho
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Thank you so much @redvsbluesecretsanta !! Happy holidays to everyone!!
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donut-entendre · 10 months
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what? it's almost december? thats crazy. i hope i didnt get stressed by external circumstances and was late for something by 11 months hahahhaha
a definitely not at all late gift for @sharkface-daydreams. thanks so much for your patience while I sorted my life out Z, I hope a shark in leather was worth the wait! Though I'd probably give you a shark anytime lmao <3
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funsizedcrow · 9 months
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My @redvsbluesecretsanta gift for @mercurysystem. Hope you enjoy!
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joltning · 9 months
happy Halloween. haha just kidding CHISMAS!!!!!!!
Here’s my secret santa 2023 gift to @demon-of-side-quest-hell, of the insurrectionists! Thanks to @redvsbluesecretsanta for hosting, and I’ll…see you next year? That’s not right. See you tomorrow. Today.
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+ bonus doodle, if you wanted armor.
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also im aware the quality is a little low. if you want dm me and I’ll try to do something like upload on Imgur
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lordsireno · 9 months
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My @redvsbluesecretsanta was @bearbait-adventures! Merry Christmas and below- bonus casual clothes and idea sketches.
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franklindonuts · 9 months
boo. merry christmas. i was in @redvsbluesecretsanta this year <3
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for @katsumi-808-679 my very good friend
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cyborg-sabi · 8 months
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@redvsbluesecretsanta gift for @evil-weevils I hope I did your little guy Omi justice! I also threw in a little Chucker doodle (because I’m obsessed with them) and another Omi because he’s such a cute, silly little guy. I hope you enjoy!!
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leonardalphachurch · 9 months
@redvsbluesecretsanta present for @thetality !
sorry that she is late chronic fatigue has been absolutely kicking my ass please give love to @donut-entendre who without his help i would not have been able to finish this 🙏
thetality asked for something with theta and/or caboose so i decided to go with modern au fluffy bonding stuff. bc the world needs more theta caboose friendship
(also available to read on ao3)
Waffles Time
Theta wakes up at 3am scared and alone. Caboose takes it upon himself to make them feel a little less alone.
This can only mean one thing: it’s waffles time.
Blink. Blink blink.
Theta rubbed the sleep out of their eyes.
Theta rubbed the sleep out of their eyes?
Their mind was quiet, but for a buzzing of anxiety and stress. No one else was there. No welcoming. No arguing.
They looked around. The time on their watch read 2:35. AM. A message popped up. An unknown number.
They looked around. Their phone lay on the floor across the room. Even from their place on the bed, Theta could see the screen had been shattered. A dent in the wall above it.
Theta took off their watch.
It wasn't long before footsteps lingered in the hall, pausing in front of their door.
Oh no.
Theta didn’t want to talk to Alpha’s friends. They didn’t want to have to answer questions and be looked at and judged and—
“Um. Please go away please.”
“Yeeeaaah... No… Are you okay? Did you also have a nightmare? Because…"
Theta fumbled for the lamp, flicking it on and wincing at the sudden brightness. Their things were a little bit everywhere.
“... but I get those all the time. Sometimes my dad dies again and-"
Boxers. Why did Alpha have to sleep in just a night shirt and boxers? The leg of a pair of sweatpants poked out of a pile on the bed. They quickly pulled it on.
“... I always hate the marshmallow dreams because Tucker always eats them all and there isn't any left… Hey, you're really quiet today!”
Oh, right. Alpha wasn’t very nice to his friends, was he.
“No I’m very normal!” Theta shouted at the door, “um. Fff.. fuck, you.” They winced at their own words.
The doorknob clicked horribly as the man pushed in.
Theta ducked under the covers. “Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.”
“Oh, you don't have to be sorry for locking the door! It was already broken - which wasn't anyone's fault - Did you forget again? I can remind you any time."
That… wasn’t why they were apologizing. But for some reason, it did help ease Theta’s worries. They peeked out from under the covers.
Towering over the bed was Caboose, complete with messy bedhead and big warm pajamas. He looked down at Theta with a large, sleepy grin. When Theta just kept staring back, his expression got contemplative.
Should… should they say something?
But there was no need, as Caboose seemed to suddenly realize something. “Oooohh.... You're the little one!”
“Um….” Theta considered lying, but they would never make a convincing Alpha. “Maybe…”
“Hello little Church!” Caboose launched himself onto the bed, bouncing a little as he landed.
Theta jumped backwards, “Um! H-hi…”
“You don’t have to run away, Little Church, we’re not playing hide and seek.”
“My name is Theta…”
“Okay. You don’t have to run away, Theta, we’re not playing hide and seek.”
“I, I know.” Theta tried to relax. Caboose wasn’t a threat. This they knew. Memories of Alpha’s friends were fuzzy and incomplete, but the emotions bled through. And the emotion Theta felt the most when looking at Caboose was an overwhelming sense of trust.
That didn’t mean that he wasn’t loud, though.
“Can you, um, sorry, um,” Theta tried to communicate their desires without words. Caboose just stared at them, waiting for the words to come. “I… need a shirt.”
It wasn’t what they’d meant to say, but it worked. Theta really wasn’t comfortable with any amount of awareness of the whole “having a body” thing, and wearing just a nightshirt didn’t help with that.
“Oh, yeah I can help with that!”
In one swift motion, too quick for Theta to protest, Caboose had removed his sweater and stuffed it over Theta’s head.
Church’s body wasn’t small by any objective measures, but compared to Caboose…
As Theta pushed their hands through the sleeves, far too large for them to even reach the ends, they felt absolutely tiny.
It was nice.
“Thank you…”
“You’re welcome!”
Caboose looked incredibly pleased with himself, sitting there now in just his own undershirt. Theta wondered if he was cold. Maybe they should give the sweater back. Alpha had a lot of shirts, they could wear any one of those.
As they started the offer, Caboose interjected, “Are you hungry?”
Theta paused. Were they hungry? Interpreting the body’s signals wasn’t always easy. Maybe that buzzing of anxiety was actually a buzzing of hunger. Only then did they notice the half eaten bag of chips on the bedside table. Was whoever last fronted recently snacking?
“I think I’m hungry, yeah.”
“Good! Let’s get Church to make us waffles.”
“Um.” Theta didn’t know what to say to that. They thought all of Alpha’s friends knew how it worked by now. This was the fear. The questions. The judgement. They didn’t know how to be someone else. “I don’t know. Um. Sorry I don’t think. Sorry I don’t. Sorry.”
Caboose stared at them as they nervously stammered out apologies. Finally, something seemed to click.
“Oh! Hm. I guess that doesn’t work. Hmmmmmmmm. Well… We can make it ourselves!”
“Oh… I don’t know how to make waffles…”
“I do! Let’s go!” Caboose announced as he leaped out of bed, racing out of the room.
“W-wait!” Theta scrambled to follow him. They really didn’t want to get out of bed, but they didn’t really want to be alone, either. Nervous to cross the threshold, they hesitated at the door frame.
“Um,” they called to Caboose, peeking slightly out of the door to see where he went, “I don’t think it’s a good idea to cook by ourselves!”
"Yes, it is an awesome idea!" Caboose declared, hanging from the doorway to catch his momentum. "We’ve got blueberries and strawberries and whipped cream and chocolate chips..."
He ducked into the room, his voice fading off, “And goldfish and cheese and mashed potatoes and blueberries and…”
Theta balked as he disappeared. “I wasn’t worried about the toppings…”
They definitely weren’t allowed to cook something at 2:30am… right? They tried to listen to their head, again. To call out to anyone there. Nothing. They wanted Delta, or Epsilon, or even Gamma. Someone in charge. Someone who could take care of things. Someone who could take care of them.
They thought back to the shattered phone on the floor. The message from the unknown number. Why had they fronted? Alone? The buzz of anxiety grew louder. Maybe they should go get their watch. They didn’t know who was texting them, but it clearly wasn’t good. Maybe it would be so not good it could trigger someone else out. Maybe they wouldn’t have to be alone—
Theta jumped at Caboose’s return. They’d been so caught up in their own thoughts they didn’t hear him approach. They blinked as they tried to reground themself, taking in the sight of the large man before them.
Caboose had grabbed a shirt identical to the one he was just wearing, that Theta was now wearing, and he was holding a…
Oh my gosh.
In Caboose’s outstretched hands was a large, LARGE bear plushie. Its huge, round belly was almost the size of Theta’s entire torso. But it’s head, oh man, it’s head was tiny. Barely the size of their fist. It’s arms and legs were stuffed at its sides, the proportions all out of whack. It’s fur looked like the softest thing Theta had ever felt.
It was incredible.
“And gummy bears!” Caboose wiggled the bear at Theta, its limbs so filled with stuffing they barely flopped around.
“We can put gummy bears on the waffles.”
“Oh…” Theta looked at the oversized bear. “Um, then what about?” They gestured at it.
“Oh!” Caboose looked down at the stuffed animal in his hands, almost looking surprised Theta had brought it up, as if he had forgotten it was there. “This is Big Fuck.”
“B- oh.” Maybe Theta would just call it Big.
“I thought he could be your friend. But not your best friend, since we are already best friends."
Theta took the bear— took Big— from Caboose.
“Okay. He doesn’t have to be my best friend, you can keep him."
Caboose tilted his head like a puppy.
"I was talking about you, silly."
“… I’m your best friend?”
"Yes, see, because Church is my best friend, you get part ownership because you are like a little him. And that's how stocks work!"
Theta clutched Big tight to their chest. They didn’t think that was how stocks worked, or how friendship worked but…
“Thank you.”
It was nice to have a friend.
“Yeah! And best friends make each other waffles. Let’s go!”
“Are you sure this is all okay to put in waffles?”
“Yes, definitely.”
Theta was sitting on the kitchen table, Big clutched in their lap. Their head peeked out over his, looking at the display Caboose had laid out in front of them. Plates and boxes and bags of junk food, candy, chocolate, frozen fruit, sauces. Leftovers. Theta didn’t think a lot of these things would be yummy. Or could even be cooked.
“Yeah, I’m basically an expert in waffles,” Caboose said, shaking the bottle of Bisquick furiously. You have to do it as fast as possible, he’d said earlier, right before shaking the loose cap off and splattering batter all over the kitchen. Tucker will clean that up later.
Theta plopped another marshmallow into their mouth. Their sticky hands had already left some mats in Big’s fur, but someone would probably clean that up later, too. Probably.
Now, though, they were just having a fun time hanging with their friend.
“Mmm. Okay. I trust you.”
“Good! Watch.” Theta watched as Caboose poured the batter onto the waffle iron. It glooped out, overfilling the squares.
“Cool. Now what?”
Caboose gestured towards the display. “Now you put stuff in it!”
Ooooh yes. This was what Theta was looking forward to. They delicately placed Big onto a chair before going, what some might call, absolutely feral. Some logical part of them said that grabbing handfuls of every sweet that adorned the table and throwing it onto the uneven batter probably wouldn’t end up with a good waffle, but they ignored that part. After all, they were Theta, not Delta.
“Okay! Done.”
Caboose appraised their mountain of sugar-y goodness with serious consideration. Theta grabbed Big again, suddenly nervous about their creation. Caboose narrowed his eyes. Theta held their breath.
“This…………. is a good waffle.” He slammed the iron shut with what was probably way too much force. Even still, Theta beamed.
It didn’t take long until the smell of burnt caramel started wafting from the machine.
“Is that okay…?”
Caboose nodded sagely. “That’s how you know it is going to be good.” In a swift motion, he extricated the waffle from its burning home, planting it squarely on the table.
Theta didn’t think it was supposed to look like that. There was burnt chocolate and bubbling gummies and melted hard candies and uncooked batter. It didn’t get to look ugly for long, though, as Caboose helpfully started pouring on syrup and chocolate and whipped cream.
Theta hadn’t seen this much sugar in their whole life.
“Bone app to eat!” Caboose pushed the waffle in front of Theta.
They grabbed it with both hands (ow. still a little hot.) and took a bite.
It wasn’t what most would call “good.” The flavors clashed in ways Theta didn’t have the words to describe, but which Sigma might’ve called “offensive” or “an affront to nature.” But still. It was interesting, and it was sweet, and they were having a lot of fun trying not to spill sugar all over Big’s tummy, so maybe Caboose was onto something.
Caboose looked pleased with Theta’s reaction. They could only guess their expression was some mixture of disgust and intrigue, but they kept eating it, so maybe that’s what Caboose was going for.
Caboose started on his own creation.
Or maybe, Theta thought as they watched him work, “creation” was a generous word for it. Maybe Sigma would call this one “monstrosity.”
Caboose systematically grabbed every single topping they’d laid out on the table. He seemed to consider all of his options with great importance, putting some straight onto the iron, some into the bottle, yet others on the side, presumably to be added later. Once he was happy with his choices, he took the bottle again (being very careful, Theta noted, to make sure the cap was on fully this time) and shook with an incredible vigor. The items on the pan continued to sizzle. He emptied the bottle’s contents into the iron, squeezing to get it out as quickly as possible. Goop dripped over the sides. The ingredients that had been saved for later had now found their later, triumphantly thrown onto the pile.
It was way too tall to be closed, Theta thought.
Well, apparently, they thought wrong.
With somehow even more force than he’d used for Theta’s, Caboose acted like a hydraulic press, crushing the lid into its bottom. And, much like the greatest hydraulic press videos, mess squeezed out the sides in a spectacular fashion.
Theta chewed idly while the scene played out before them.
Caboose gave a thumbs up, his other hand still holding the iron down as it continued to cook.
If before it smelt like burnt caramel, this was just burn. Theta crinkled their nose.
And nearly jumped out of their skin when the fire alarm went off.
Caboose looked at it, both annoyed and quizzical. “I thought I took the life out of you.” He reached up, easily able to pull the alarm off the ceiling, and dumped the batteries out.
He turned back to Theta, “That is how you know it will be really good!”
“What the fuck are you two doing?”
Theta jumped again, clutching Big even tighter to their chest.
There, standing in the hallway, was Tucker, wearing nothing but a nightcap and a blanket.
Well, maybe there was more to describe there, but Theta wouldn’t know, as their eyes were suddenly covered by Caboose’s large hands.
“Tucker! Put some clothes on! There is children here!”
“What??? What are you talking ab— Dude, get the fucking—!”
Theta heard a scuffle. They tried to pry Caboose’s hands away from their eyes, but the man was too strong.
“Hey! Don’t touch my waffle!”
“You’re gonna burn the fucking apartment down!”
“I am not! I know how to contain a fire, Tucker. Excuse me,” Caboose removed his hand from Theta’s eyes and turned to them, “Hold this please.” He grabbed Theta’s hand and put it over their own eyes.
Theta stayed like that for a moment. Then they remembered that they could remove their hand themself, and felt a little silly.
The waffle iron was now unplugged and slightly smoking. An annoyed looking Tucker waved the cord at an equally annoyed looking Caboose.
���You are ruining waffles time.”
“Yeah, like a fire wouldn’t?” Tucker rolled his eyes, then turned towards Theta. “And what the fuck are you even doing?”
Theta’s blood turned to ice.
“Do not yell at Theta.”
Caboose was a very large man. It was easy to forget, with his genial demeanor, just how much bigger he was than everyone else. How much stronger he was than everyone else. As Tucker’s eyes widened and he took a step back, staring at Caboose’s uncharacteristically stoic expression, he was certainly remembering.
It was a little nice to have the strong person be the one protecting Theta.
A wave of confusion washed over Tucker’s face as he registered what Caboose had said. “Theta…?” He looked over at them, in Caboose’s oversized pajama shirt, still clutching Big like it was a lifeline, still looking absolutely terrified. And confusion was replaced by realization.
“Oh, shit— uh, shoot, uh— fuck—” Tucker looked down at his blanket, the only thing covering his body, now even looser than it was earlier. He pulled it tighter.
“Why didn’t you tell me,” He whispered at Caboose.
“I said to put on pants.”
“That’s not— look, just,” Tucker sighed, then looked towards Theta, “Don’t eat that, okay?” He pointed at their waffle.
“But we’re hungry!” Caboose protested.
Tucker groaned. “I, will make you guys…” Tucker looked at the waffle iron. A bit of batter filled with leftover chicken and gummy worm slopped onto the counter. It continued to smoke. “Pancakes. Just, go into the living room and let me get dressed.”
“Okay!” Caboose happily bounded away, as if this was his desired outcome all along.
Theta looked down, sheepish. “Sorry…”
Tucker sighed, “It’s fine. This is nowhere near the worst it’s gotten.”
Theta looked up at the batter on the ceiling. Tucker followed their gaze.
He laughed. “Yeah, still not the worst.”
“Okay…” Theta got up from the counter, trying to make themself as small as possible.
They froze. They looked at Tucker, bracing themself for scolding, yelling, reminders of how terrible they were for letting something like this happen.
But when Tucker spoke, it was soft.
“Next time, just wake me up, okay?” He looked exasperated, but, somehow, Theta could tell he was being genuine.
They nodded.
Tucker smiled, and went to get dressed, and Theta went to go meet Caboose in the living room.
He was already sitting on the couch, flipping through some list of shows.
“Do you wanna watch something?”
“Um, whatever you want.” Theta plopped down on the couch.
“Okay! I will watch… Pokémon.”
“You like Pokémon?”
“Oh, yeah, sometimes me and Church watch it when Tucker isn’t home.”
“Oh… I didn’t know Alpha still liked Pokémon.”
“Yeah… I don’t know who Alpha is but… Pokémon is good.”
“Um, yeah, it’s my favorite.”
They stared at each other for a moment.
“Are you… gonna put on the show?”
“Okay!” Caboose clicked the remote, opening to some random episode in the Gen V seasons. Theta didn’t know the episode, but they could tell because of the art style.
“All right,” Tucker called from the kitchen, “you guys are getting chocolate chip pancakes and that’s it.”
“BUT TUCKER!” Caboose immediately jumped up in his seat. “YOU CAN’T DO THAT! IT’S WAFFLES TIME!”
“You almost burned the house down! I’m not hearing it!”
Caboose bounded over the back of the couch to go yell at Tucker in the kitchen. Leaving Theta alone on the sofa.
Theta was alone. They didn’t hear anyone in their mind. Their thoughts drifted back to the cracked phone, the unread message. What had caused them to be here alone in the first place.
But, as they turned around to look back at their friends, arguing over blueberries, as they clung to the largest teddy bear they’d ever seen, supremely sticky with sugar and syrup, as Pokémon blared in the background, a connection to their host they didn’t know they had…
Maybe they weren’t all that alone, after all.
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favoriteliar · 9 months
RvB Secret Santa 2023 🎁 (@redvsbluesecretsanta)
happy (late) holidays! @banamine-bananime sorry it took longer than i expected but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless <3
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