#reed hanson x mc
crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 4
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
I’ve said it before, and I’m saying something quite similar now: PB didn’t create this book to be only a “bachelorette party”. I’m more and more convinced that the bachelorette party is just an excuse to get into some deeper stuff. And we could see a glimpse of it in this chapter… but I don’t know how I feel about it.
I mean… there’s no doubt that our MC doesn’t want Diana to get married (and I think we all agree with her). Also, it’s pretty obvious that she would like to see Courtney having a more “real” relationship (maybe Mario Bautista is “the one” for her? At least he said he wanted to see her again). And of course, she’d prefer to see that Aisha has some “safer” life instead of living under constant risk. AND IT’S FINE, she worries about her friends. But at the same time I feel conflicted because it seems we haven’t seen our friends in a long time (years maybe?), that we haven’t been in touch for a while and that we haven’t been as close as we used to be in college (even though the friendship seems to be intact). So I don’t really know if it’s my MC’s mission to make her friends figure out if they feel they’re doing the right thing with their lives yet… I mean, I wouldn’t mind having a little more of background on their stories over the years (especially for Courtney and Diana) before giving them some advice!
On the other hand… can we just talk about how sweet the male LIs are? I can’t help it… it’s like the sweetest thing I’ve seen so far. I love how Ash and Reed are worried about how our MC feels, how they both ask her about it and how they both listen to her. I don’t want to think that they just ask her because they want to romance her, it would seriously break my heart to realize that’s the only reason why they ask. I want to think that they do it because they care. And it’s cute, it’s a nice detail, especially because they do it so respectfully that it just feels right to give them a sincere answer. And that’s a point where our girls haven’t fulfilled my expectations yet. I love them, but the fact that they were happy about our MC breaking up with her ex and didn’t say a word about how much they hated him/her during the relationship (this is a very girly thing, tbh!) makes me feel like they won’t ask our MC how she’s feeling any time soon.
What can we expect to happen in future chapters? Honestly, the last two chapters have felt like fillers to me. Nice chapters, well written, fun to read… but fillers. Nothing special has happened, we haven’t seen the kind of stuff that makes a great impact on the plot yet. So I’m pretty sure that we’ll start facing some real drama in future chapters. We already know that Diana’s fiancé will be travelling to Vegas after a video of the girls chasing Frank went viral (there’s no way that this relationship will end up in a marriage, but I don’t think they’ll break up yet)… and I’m soooo ready to defend my girl! She’ll leave Vegas over my dead body! Also, we know that Ash has some lead on the case, so they’ll probably develop that plot, too… and I feel things will go shady… or at least shadier than they’ve been so far.
However, I’m still curious about some stuff. Aisha lost the case… Courtney, Diana and the MC are Aisha’s friends… Frank is the guy who stole the case… Ash is helping us to find the case. As we may notice, every important character we’ve seen in this book seems to be connected to the case, except two of them: Skip and Reed. As I said some chapters ago, I wouldn’t be surprised if Skip is related to the case in a shady way (let’s remember he’s a politician… maybe he’s receiving some illegal funding for his campaign?). But have you noticed how, after four chapters, Reed seems to be the only one that doesn’t have any type of connection with the rest of the characters in this story? It’s like he has his own plot that consists on taking our MC on dates or meeting her at the bar… that’s beyond weird! Actually, depending on your choices, he may or may not know about the existence of the case. Maybe he’s not a doctor as he claims to be? Maybe I’m just being paranoid and he’ll end up helping us in future chapters? I want to think he’s kind of a piece that’s missing in this puzzle and that he’ll end up being involved on this as well, but I have no idea how he’ll be a part of it.
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choicesmaychallenge · 4 years
Choices May Challenge
This masterlist was created for Day 1 of the Choices May Challenge...
Day 1 prompt: Hope
Host note: So it’s finally here! The first day of this challenge; once again, I’d like to thank everyone for your words of encouragement and your enthusiasm to take part. Without people like you, there would be no challenges. 
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Bachelorette Party 
Reed Hanson (Fanart) submitted by @luxurylives​: original art created by @dejavidetc​
Hollywood U/LoveHacks crossover series
HWU102: Uncertainty written by @theartoflovingthomashunt​  (Hunt x MC)
Red Carpet Diaries
Hope (Chris Winters edit) submitted by @storyofmychoices​
The Royal Romance
Coffee meets Bagel written by @ravenpuff02​  (Drake x MC; Liam x OC)
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krishu213 · 5 years
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Another Reed x Ira berg (my mc name)
Pic credit -Pinterest
P.s. please give suggestions for Reed's face claim .
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 7
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
Book 2 on my list of books I need to catch up with... Bachelorette Party!
Where do I begin with? I don’t even know… the only thing that I’m pretty sure about is that I didn’t like this chapter.
There are some times where filler chapters are quite fun, they give us moments to laugh and some epic quotes that we remember forever. And there are some times where filler chapters feel like an excuse to drag things. And that’s the case here. It’s not the fact that nothing memorable happened, it’s the fact that nothing happened at all.
I don’t know about you, but I think the book is losing its main focus. We are supposed to be celebrating a bachelorette party. That should be the main plot of the book: Diana and her bachelorette party. Instead, I feel like the last two chapters have been mainly focused on Aisha/the case and Courtney having fun. I said it a few chapters ago, the fact that Courtney enjoys being the center of attention is beginning to annoy me... and now I’m beginning to feel the same about Aisha. I love my girl, but I don’t get why she gets mad at us when she was the one who screwed things up at first.
Also… I love both male LIs in the story and I used to like a lot the fact that they were kind of a secondary thing because the main focus was in our friends. It was something different, something that we still don’t get to see in other books. But now I’m beginning to feel like the writers are a little uncomfortable with this situation and they don’t know how to handle it. And this is especially noticeable with Reed. I love this guy and I truly think that he is a great match for my MC; however, I don’t think he is a good match for the rest of the story. I mean… he literally avoided his colleagues because he didn’t want to go to the strip club… and we took him to Lorenzo’s Mike’s Mike’s wife suite? I have some similar opinion about Ash: I love this guy, but he’s like a magician… it’s like he miraculously appears only when he need him… his appearances in the story are becoming quite predictable.
Anyway… we finally found the case… and we met Lorenzo Mike, this VVIP player that we had a chance to beat during a Go Fish game. Everything was fine until he invited us to his suite. I thought that we would have the time of our lives at that place, but it ended up being the most boring party so far. Yes, we had a chance to spend time with the LIs and to stay at a fancy place… but none of this was actually fun enough to say “OK, nothing happened but I laughed so hard that it doesn’t matter”. It was simply plain… and boring.
The chapter also had some weird stuff. For example, how is it that Diana got her phone and got to talk to Skip? They supposedly escaped from the mafia that morning and they didn’t have anything with them (our MC was literally on her underwear!). Why did Courtney wait until the next morning to get the case, instead of telling one of the girls how to open the safe? How is it that the case didn’t break after Lorenza threw it through the window?
There is a reason why I usually don’t keep in touch with my classmates… and it’s because I’m constantly moving on… I change… they change… we all go through different things in life. And this is exactly how I’m beginning to feel about this squad. For some reason, I don’t think my MC fits in there anymore. Courtney still thinks she is in college; Aisha not only has this dark side, she also dragged the rest of the girls with her (our MC is a lawyer, you know? Seeing her name involved in this type of things can’t be good for her career); Diana is getting married to a guy she probably doesn’t love; and our MC just went through a breakup. I know in the end things will get better, it’s just that now I see our MC is on a completely different page and I don’t know if she’s suited for this crazy Vegas lifestyle.
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 5
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
If you’ve read my previous posts on this book, you may notice that I’m a Diana’s fan. For some reason I still can’t figure out, I felt so intrigued by this character since the first day, that I was waiting for the chapter where she’ll let loose. Well, people… dear Choices fandom… meet “Diana, the Destroyer”.
I personally can’t say I’ve been really, really drunk to the point I can’t remember what happened the night before or that I act weirdly, and that’s basically for three reasons: first, I’ve never needed alcohol to have fun; second, if I feel like I want to have a drink, my limit is two drinks and that’s not negotiable; and third, I absolutely hate the idea of being so drunk that the next day I can’t remember what happened. So seeing this side of Diana that even her friends are terrified of was nothing but hilarious. From that “drunk Godzilla” attitude to the frat boys being dominated and singing musicals that we got to see in that flashback (let’s not forget about the weird stuff that Courtney keeps in her purse! Are “chocolate pickles” a think? Like… for real?), to this “reloaded” version of drunk Diana asking for drugs and drinking the abandoned drinks she found in the casino, this chapter was pure laughs… well… mostly.
Getting to know what’s really going on with Di’s feelings was heartbreaking…. and I couldn’t help feeling related to this story, because I’ve been there, so I understand how she feels. And damn… it hurts! It really breaks you! Maybe she is in love (the story of how she and Skip met each other is actually quite nerdy, but cute), but her relationship is damaging her from the inside, and that’s not good… that’s what makes a relationship “toxic”. The Diana we’re seeing now has a very low self-esteem, she feels lonely, she needs the approval of other people… I even think she wants to marry Skip only because her family loves him! As a girl whose family has never approved any of her boyfriends (I don’t think they’ve ever approved any of my life decisions, actually), it’s impossible for me not to see myself reflected in her story. She deserves a happy life… don’t marry the guy, sweetie!
Of course, romance is beginning to blossom. Even though I missed Ash (I was pretty sure that we were going to see him… I miss you boy!), I think this chapter is probably the most “romantic” we’ve seen so far. We had a chance to choose Reed’s or Aisha’s path and even though I loved Aisha’s scene, I personally went with Reed. And I don’t regret it at all, I think he’s definitely the best LI for my MC. Come on… arcade games plus roller skating? Perfect date! Also, the fact that he took the MC and Aisha to their room and took care of our MC… that’s not only boyfriend material…. that’s husband material, guys! Can you imagine yourselves having a Vegas wedding with your LI maybe at the end of the book? Because I can!
PB had already told us that we were going to be involved with the mafia, and the cliffhanger made pretty clear that we’ll be dealing with it next chapter. But I can’t image what will be the role of them, so I’m not quite sure about what’s going to happen. I’m pretty sure that this is connected to the lead that Ash had but I have no idea how they are connected. Also, we didn’t cross any items from our lists, Skip has to arrive in Vegas and Reed told us that he was going to see us the next morning, so, as you may see, the story may follow different paths. Let’s just wait… surprise us, PB!
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 9
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
Last one and I’m finally caught up with old Bachelorette Party chapters! Cheers!
So… Skip is finally here! And of course, he plans to take Diana with him. What’s wrong with this guy? Why is it that always in these super rich and super conservative families, men treat women as if they were their property? Does this truly happen in real life?
On the other hand, we have Diana. I can’t help it, I feel so related to her, in so many levels. From trying to please everyone to living as per the expectations of someone else, it’s pretty clear that Di’s self-esteem is crashed by now. Her awful sex life with Skip is the least of her problems. It breaks my heart to see a woman that can’t stand up for herself, it breaks my heart to see how a woman lowers her standards just because otherwise she feels she’ll be alone forever (been there!), and it breaks my heart to see how brilliant is she and everyone seems to notice it, but her. Thankfully, Aisha raised her voice and realized that there was nothing to apologize for. Yeah, I do think at the beginning of the chapter Aisha was an ass (now she worries about the case! you know the pawn shop guy has the case, just go to the damn pawn shop to recover it! It’s not that hard!), but then she was actually the only one who realized they were doing nothing wrong when explaining things to Skip (did you notice how Diana dragged everyone with her, to the point that even Courtney and the MC ended up apologizing for basically, everything?).
That’s why I think the scene of the gondola ride was probably the best in this chapter. For those of you who maybe don’t know, this is a real thing, there are gondola rides at the Venetian in Vegas… except that I think PB made them way more glamorous than what they are in real life. Whatever… this was an eye opening moment for Di. I love that she’s having second thoughts about boarding that plane with Skip. I love that now she wonders if Skip truly loves her. I love that she’s finally realizing that something is not right with her life. Honey, you just can’t marry that guy.
Of course, with Diana (and everyone) leaving Vegas, this was a “goodbyes” chapter… and I was pleased to see that we had the chance to have scenes with all our LIs if we wanted to. I enjoyed the scenes at first, but then when I replayed them I noticed some stuff that made me realize that they might have cut them way too much after editing the original script.
For example, we have the Ash scene. This one was my favorite of all three. It was pretty nice to rediscover that Ash has a golden heart, and that he’s pretty much a local Robin Hood who knows almost everyone in town. However, before we made it to the part of the scene where the MC tells him she’s leaving, we had already told two of his friends that we were leaving the next day. How is that we didn’t get a reaction from him when we first mentioned it? Pretending to be Cordonian royalty with Reed was also pretty fun. He’s probably the only LI that I feel has some hope to keep a relationship with the MC after Vegas, but the scene ended up so abruptly that it got me thinking that something was missing there, it felt like his scene was quite short, to be honest. And we finally had Aisha’s scene. Maybe because they’ve been friends for so long, her scene didn’t feel like a real goodbye. Instead, it felt like a “let’s see how we solve the issues with Diana/the case while we go bowling”. It was definitely more like a friendly type of scene, but I’m thankful that at least she asked us how we’re holding up after the breakup (I’m so surprised that we haven’t got any news from the ex yet!!).
Of course, something must happen to lead us to the next chapter (we can’t be leaving Vegas so soon, can we?). The mafia is back and those guys want their case. Of course they wouldn’t let things go. And I’m also pretty sure that the Skip’s potential donor is part of the plan as well. If you ask me, they can get rid of Skip already, we won’t miss him. Bye Felicia!
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 11
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
If I have to use one word to describe this chapter, I’d definitely say “weird”. Let’s see if I can do something with this non-sense… I can’t promise anything.
So… our girls were left in the desert… all by themselves… and Mario just left without noticing the trailer detached from the car. Please tell me I’m not the only one wondering why he never returned at some point in the chapter… and not only because Courtney was the girls were inside it, but because all his work implements were in the trailer as well. Did he leave the girls in the middle of the desert on purpose?
Anyway, last chapter I already noticed we were going to go deeper on knowing our friends’ darkest fears. And even though we got some hints during the previous chapter, I’m guessing this is the definite path the book will take from now on, especially because the only item that’s missing in our lists is “bonding time with the girls”… and we need something deep to happen for this to occur.
But well, let’s go back to the desert. We all know that the soup that Courtney prepared was a disaster; however, I’m pretty happy for her. She probably won’t realize it until much later in the book, but she was capable to “be an adult” in a limit situation and to protect and feed everyone… our girl is a natural leader and she has no idea of it. Unfortunately, this great milestone on Courtney’s plot got lost because of the hallucinogen mushrooms she found in the trailer (I wonder if all Mario’s “brain powers” come from those mushrooms) and that led us to this series of super weird scenes I didn’t get to fully understand. This is how the story reassures some stuff we’ve known since forever: Courtney is extremely scared because he has no idea on how to be an adult and, at the same time, she has lots of problems with unhealthy relationships; Diana feels conflicted because she’s scared to face life without Skip, but at the same time, she just wants to escape from him; and Aisha not only feels like trapped, but for some reason I still don’t understand, she always faces her problems alone and doesn’t ask for help (she’s too proud, maybe?). Then what’s the role of the MC here? Well, she’s “the key”. How? I assume that our MC scene meant to say that when the girls act together, they can conquer everything… because they’re stronger when they face problems together.
However, I have lots of questions. First… how is that the only one who realized they all were high was the MC? Second… all our friends experimented hallucinations regarding their issues and fears in life… how is that the MC is the only one who seems to be fine, especially when she just went through a breakup? Third… how is that the guys truly found us? Because Ash’s explanation was pretty lame and unbelievable, in my opinion. Fourth… Reed tells us something like we’re still too high to make major decisions… but then PB offers us a sex scene? Isn’t that a major decision as well or it’s just something that the old lady inside me thinks?
Honestly, this is one of those chapters I’d prefer to erase. It’s true, we got information on our friends’ lives (even though they repeated some of the same stuff throughout the chapter), but the non-sense was too much for me to handle. Also, it made me feel like they simply ran out of ideas for these characters and ended up dragging things that could have been solved in 5 minutes because they needed to reach a pretty decent amount of reading time. Can we just move on and forget that this chapter actually existed?
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 6
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
I’m a little heartbroken, I must admit it. I’ve been all about defending, helping and protecting Aisha because life hasn’t been easy for her and that’s something that annoys me in real life as well as in a pixelated story. Even though the scape scene was hilarious and I can totally imagine my MC running through the Strip in her underwear without many people noticing it (it made me remember my own experience of walking along the Strip in my slippers because my feet hurt… and it was so perfect… until I was entering the casino and saw my favorite singer coming right in my direction… I was so embarrassed, but he just told me “that’s clever! those are the comfiest shoes!”), I’m disappointed with the overall situation. I suspected that she was hiding something, so the fact that the Norwegian mafia was the receptor of the case didn’t surprise me that much. However, it did surprise me that Aisha knew the case had to be delivered the day before and she didn’t say a word about it… and she didn’t even made a minimal effort to find it. Instead, she spent the day partying at the casinos. It’s the freaking mafia, Aisha!
Despite this bitter moment, there were two things that I truly liked about this case drama. The first one was the sense of real friendship. You may see how at first they all are mad at Aisha (who wouldn’t be mad at this?) but after a while, when everyone calms down, we may see them doing what a friend is supposed to do: offering help. They want Aisha to get out of the place where she is now, and I’m pretty sure they really mean it (on a side note, I’m wondering if Skip and his conservative family know that one of Di’s best friends is trans and how/if this revelation may affect their engagement and the plot in future chapters). And the second one… Priya… just because it’s always a pleasure to see her twisted mind trying to get new victims.
Maybe it’s because I was already disappointed with Aisha’s behavior, or because last chapter’s scenes with Aisha or Reed were pretty good, but I also expected more of the scene with Ash. It was really nice to understand his background and why he ended up becoming a hustler. At the same time, it was sad to see that he feels kind of hopeless, and that apparently there are too many people who have promised him things they seem to forget after they leave Vegas. But I missed having something for me to think “wow, he’s a great LI” instead of thinking “wow, he’s definitely BFF material and my MC gives some great pep talks… I hope she can convince him to leave his lifestyle”.
I’ve been noticing a pattern in PB latest releases and I don’t know if I’m the only one who feels like this… have you noticed how they seem to drag things as much as possible, sometimes in very unnecessary ways? Unfortunately, Bachelorette Party is beginning to follow this premise. It’s been at least two or three chapters where I feel like nothing truly important happens. Skip supposedly took a plane like two chapters ago and we still haven’t seen him. We also have two “things to do in Vegas” lists and we haven’t checked any items on any of them since I can’t even remember.
Don’t get me wrong, I still think the book is fun. But I also need the story to keep moving, and now it seems like it’s stuck. Do you wonder why new books such as Platinum and Open Heart and sequels such as Bloodbound 2 have been so successful this year? It’s exactly because those books do the opposite… they go straight to the point! That’s why they leave us wanting more! And Bachelorette Party has so much potential, that it would be sad to see it gets lost in some unnecessary stuff.
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 3
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
I don’t know if there are actually many things to say about this chapter because it actually didn’t give us much information about the main plot; however, I’m pretty sure that Chapter 3 of this surprisingly nice book is one that will be remembered for a long time… because, of course… it’s all about Frank bass, right?
But before analyzing one of those epic moments that happen once in a lifetime, I think there is some stuff going on that can’t be ignored. One of the things that I’m seriously enjoying about this book is the fact that romance is being just an added bonus. This is all about friendship. Did you notice how we said goodbye to Ash right at the beginning of the chapter? That was a clear indicator of “ladies night”. Also, finding Reed at the casino was unnecessary. I’m guessing the idea behind it was to introduce him to the gang, but I feel this was just filler. Nothing in the main plot would have changed if we hadn’t seen him at the casino.
However, I’m beginning to wonder how life-changing this trip will be to our girls by the end of the book and how much will every one of them change after this experience, because, as I said before, this book is definitely all about them. We already had the chance to play as Courtney (and yeah, we got another to-do list) and I’m wondering if we’ll have a chance to play as Diana and Aisha as well (this would give me all the Rules of Engagement vibes!). We also had a chance to dress the whole squad for 30 diamonds (if you ask me, I still think it’s expensive to spend that amount of diamonds for clothes; however, there is no doubt that this is way more convenient than dressing only our MC for 20 diamonds). And, of course, we all got to find Frank (and his perfect ass)… together… as a real gang.
So… if this is about our friends, let’s talk about our friends. I’m really happy that we got to talk with Aisha. She’s not my MC’s LI, but she’s definitely BFF material. Where do I begin? It’s just so freaking sad to realize that she hasn’t had a good time for being trans… it’s just so freaking hard to realize that after all these years she hasn’t been able to be as happy as she should be despite she’s the person who always wanted to be… it’s just so freaking unfair that a person is judged by some other external stuff when applying for a job (when only people skills should be considered). I’m sorry guys, but these types of things annoy me in real life, they make me feel sick… so I can’t help it… Aisha needs to be protected… and she deserves to have the brightest future by the end of this book!
Then we have Diana… for some weird reason I feel really attracted to this character… not romantically speaking, but in terms of character development. I keep thinking that she won’t get married, but I’m curious to find out how she realizes that this is not the type of life she wants for her. We had a little glimpse of it when talking about the wedding. I personally chose talking about the dress, with Di trying to convince our MC and herself that she had made the right choice (and failing miserably)… I didn’t want to be rude and tell her to get a good pre-nup, so I told her to stand up by herself, but I seriously think that the pre-nup was the best option! Anyway, the trip is just beginning, and I’m pretty sure that at some point of the book, she’ll just open her eyes and she’ll realize her life is a mess… and we’ll be there to support her!
And finally, we have Courtney. It’s funny because even though I think Courtney is a hilarious character, there’s something about her that I might not like that much (and it might seriously annoy me at some point), and it’s the fact that she enjoys being the center of attention… maybe a little too much. I mean, not only she looks like she wants to bang every hot guy that she sees (including our MC’s LIs), if you go to the boutique she’s the only one who doesn’t compliment anyone’s new clothes, she’s got her own list of things she has wants to do in Vegas and while the rest of the girls were worried about the case, she’s got the chance to leave with the magician. Someone needs to tell her this is about Diana (and now about Aisha as well).
Despite this chapter was all about the girls… how can I forget about Frank, the stripper? We spent the whole chapter trying to catch this guy and when we finally found him, he just gave us one of the most epic scenes of the year: Frank running inside a casino in nothing but a G-string. I mean… the guy is a thief, but he’s got a nice butt! I’m guessing we’ll have trouble trying to find the case any time soon, and he doesn’t seem like the type of guy that would join our squad for a long time, so I wonder if we’ll see him again in future chapters (I mean, after Chapter 4) and if he’ll play some important role in the story besides being the man who stole our things.
I seriously liked this chapter, a lot. It proved that we don’t need to see our male LIs in every single chapter to have a nice, consistent story. I personally didn’t even miss them. I’d also like to see people taking care of our MC. I mean, she looks fine, but she just broke up with her long-time boyfriend… I need to see some girly stuff like romantic movies and a ton of ice cream! Finally, I wonder how Courtney’s decisions will end up affecting the group, as it is advised before playing as her. At least in this chapter, it seems that no matter what your choices were, we all had the same endings… but I wonder if maybe not making the right choices in the present would mean that we won’t find the case in the future.
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 10
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
Well… I wanted to have a mini rant to complain about our group of friends for being so naïve and returning to the same hotel room after the mob found them the very first time… but then I remembered that this is a Choices book and all these illogical things must happen to keep the plot alive… so… here we go…
By now, I think we’ve already learned that nothing is quite normal in the book, but the whole situation at the house made it to a whole new level. First of all, why would we be allowed to freely walk around the house when we are kidnapped? What makes these guys think we wouldn’t try to escape? Of course… we didn’t even try to escape, and I don’t think the electric fence has anything to do with it. However, I’m beginning to notice how things are beginning to move on again… thankfully!
And even though things began a little crazy, you may see that something is changing… like we’re being introduced to a deeper side of our friends. That’s why I think the diamond scene with Courtney was one of the best moments of this chapter. Not only we got to pet a tiger and completed one of the lists, but we also got to realize how lost is this girl in life. From the pretty toxic relationships she has (because nope, getting everything you want through sex will never be healthy) to the insane amount of money she has spent on this Vegas getaway ($ 45,000 in case you didn’t know) and the fact that she constantly changes her job, I think her parents are right. She needs to grow up. And she knows how to do it.
The rest of the chapter actually didn’t impress me much. By now I’m about to give up on Aisha. I love her, but I still think we deserve a huge apology, especially because she’s the one who dragged us all to this point of the story. I thought the diamond scene with her would help us to finally close that chapter, but it felt so bland… like almost “could you please, please, please explain me how did we end up here?”. I’m also pretty sure that Diana knows she must dump Skip, she just needs the courage to do it. However, her diamond scene didn’t make much sense to me. We invite her to watch a movie, she basically says she needs to find a way to try to escape, and then we invite her again and she suddenly says “yes”… sorry PB, but this makes no sense.
However, there is one thing that got my attention. And that’s the fact that Lukas seem to be the common factor in every scene of this chapter. Sure thing is that the guy is pretty different from his brothers and his dad, and that he was the easy option to help us to get out of that place so we tried to please him in every possible way. But as we finally didn’t need his help to escape, now I wonder if he’ll be important in future chapters, as I’m pretty sure this won’t be the last time we’ll see the mob (after all, we have to deliver the case).
Finally, the mob got me so convinced that they wouldn’t kill us “before the last bit of cake was eaten”, that I expected something funnier to happen, like the girls refusing to eat their cakes or something like that. I didn’t expect to see Mario until I read the word “magician”. But he played along pretty well! Until the very last minute, I thought he was going to be caught, but nothing happened.
I have no idea what’s going to happen from now on… of course, we’re stuck in the middle of the desert, Mario is gone and the mob is probably after us. And even though as per the writers “the latest bump in the road” was quite literal, I think we’ll begin to see closures pretty soon, maybe within the next two or three chapters, as the bachelorette party just can’t last forever.
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krishu213 · 5 years
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Here is my collage for bachelorette party
Pair: Reed Hanson X Ira berg(my mc name)
Pic credits: pinterest
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 1-2
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
“What happens in Vegas…” seems to be the premise of this new book. I have to admit I was a little bit excited for this release. Even though bachelorette parties are not my thing (I’ve never been to one, actually… it’s not like me or my friends are on a mood of getting married), I had the chance to visit Vegas two years ago and I absolutely fell in love with this city. I went with zero expectations because I’m not a party girl (don’t ask me how I even ended up partying at the Eifel tower in the Paris Hotel… twice!) and everything we seem to know about the city seems to invite you to one, but there’s so much more to do in Sin City that it would take you forever to visit every attraction it has to offer.
But let’s go back to our book. I loved so many things about it! Nice place, nice gang (even though it’s a little cliché), good LIs and a nice, lightheaded plot that for some reason reminds me of LoveHacks at some moments. Also… did you notice how we finally got a scene that’s similar to the ads? I’m one of those people who began to play this game because of the ads, so it was hilarious for me to see that!
Our friends have very well-defined personalities: we have Courtney (and her creepy smile!) who is the one in charge of organizing this fun week in Vegas. For some reason, I think she might be a local or she spends lots of time in town because of the experiences with famous people that she tells throughout the story (I mean… she married one of the guys in The Blue Man Group!). Then we have Aisha, our trans friend (and the first LI introduced in this story) who seems to be bursting confidence since she fully transitioned (honestly, when I first realized that she was trans, I felt my heart filling with love… we need this type of characters!). She claims that she’s just a courier for VVIP, but I don’t fully trust her story. I’m pretty sure there’s more than meets the eye there. And then we have Diana, the bride-to-be, who is the most conservative character in this group of friends. She’s about to marry a senate candidate, so she must keep certain reputation… but there’s something in my mind telling me that at some point of the story she’ll just let loose (and, of course, everything will go wrong).
And then we have our MC. I don’t really care that much about recycled faces (even though you use the same face, changing your hair could make a huge difference!) but I agree that we’ve been seeing these faces way too much lately. However, there is something I do like about this MC (and I kind of like it A LOT actually). Even though I don’t think it will have an impact in the story, it’s nice to see that we have a chance to make some choices that we wouldn’t be able to make in other stories. For example, we may decide if we want to get a little wilder (or what I personally called “taking Courtney’s route”) or if we just want to be quieter (or what I called “taking Diana’s route”). We can also express how we feel about our failed relationship. It was nice to have a chance to be open about it and to be able to tell our LIs about our situation since the moment we met. It was also a nice detail to be able to tell how we felt about it (heartbroken or fine)… it helps to make things a little more real, in my opinion.
Finally, we have two male LIs: Reed and Ash (sorry, but I can’t stop thinking about Pokémon! hahaha). For those who choose men as your LI… are you torn already? Because I am. I think for the first time in a while we get to see two male LIs that are smart and confident, and I like that. Because this time, we have a MC who needs to be taken care of, and not the other way around. I’m waiting to get to know them more in order to pick one, but I’d say Reed is taking the lead, as he seems to be a better match for my MC.
I’m curious to see the evolution of the characters throughout the story, especially Diana. For some reason I think she’ll cancel her engagement at some point of the book… and not only because she’s going to have some type of revelation where she realizes she’s not living life as she’d want to or some other eye-opening cliché that may occur during a girls’ trip. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Di’s fiancé has some kind of connection with Aisha’s case. And I think that the case may contain some not-so-legal stuff to finance his campaign. I mean, it’s quite possible; Aisha has no idea of who are her customers, after all.
So far, I like what I read. It’s not a masterpiece (yet), but it has a lot of the elements I expect to see in a summer book. It’s fresh, lightheaded, funny, and it doesn’t look like a female version of The Hangover, as many people thought at first. It is also well written, I love how they manage to use the language… it’s right in the middle between “soft” and “explicit”. However, I think this is planned to be a standalone book. I mean, how long can a bachelorette party last? Unless someone else gets engaged during the story, I think the party will be over by the end of the book.
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Bachelorette Party, Ch. 8
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
Dear PB: every time we (players) start playing a book, we get a chance to choose a MC. We may choose his/her skin tone, his/her hair, his/her clothes and we even have the chance to give them a name. Based on this… could you please explain me why do I feel like all the fun is behind Courtney’s diamond scenes?
I enjoy playing as other characters once in a while, but after the last two chapters I feel like I’ve been playing more as Courtney than as my own MC, at least when it comes to diamond scenes. And all her scenes are quite similar… she seduces men or she has sex with men. It feels like if Brooke from LoveHacks suddenly discovered that the “sphere of prettiness” is the real deal and now she’s overusing it, to the point that it’s becoming a little gross (please tell me I’m not the only one who wonders if she took a shower before jumping from Lorenzo Mike to the panda fan… not cool, PB).
Anyway… it’s panda time!! And it’s time for another filler chapter. Seriously, I still think the book is fun and I still get those LoveHacks vibes… but the last two chapters have been quite disappointing. All we did was hanging around with a lot of “pandaliebers” and dressing up as pandas ourselves. For a moment, I remembered an old South Park chapter where the kids were obsessed with some cartoons named Chinpokomon (of course you may guess where the name comes from) but everything was a plan of the Japanese to seduce American kids to attack Pearl Harbor. But nope… this wasn’t even slightly similar.
Despite the fact that this is the second chapter in a row where nothing seems to happen, there were two things that caught my attention. The first one is the fact that the pawn shop guy (I can’t remember his name now) actually knows what’s inside the case. That has seriously made me wonder if Aisha told us everything she knew about it and if she truly has no idea about what’s inside of it. I mean, if it was so easy for the pawn shop guy to know the content of the case, then why would Aisha not know it? The second one was the insinuation of some of the adult panda fans being there not because of the pandas. It gave me chills. I got the same feeling I get when I read about the stalker in Red Carpet Diaries. Sometimes it’s nice to have a glimpse of reality, even though if it’s a creepy one (let’s take care of our kids, people!)
I really hope that the cliffhanger where Skip arrives in Vegas (don’t you think this was the longest flight ever?) make things interesting in Chapter 9. The book was going so fine that it would be sad to see it dragging so much in the last 5 or 6 chapters that I assume are left.
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