#refuse to invite eddie fans to my page sorry they have to find me if they wanna be here
wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
question for people who think eddie was maybe queer: do you think they were just fucking around when they drew on dustin’s bubble shirt as a further prediction of S5 events, added mike’s triangle pocket that consistently points to will, max’s clothes shifting from blue to green after reconnecting with lucas, and el slowly shedding blue and turning to white for funsies? they knew what they were doing when they put that black bandana in his pocket please be fr
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Seal of approval - Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Title: Seal of approval
Pairing: Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Warnings: None
Imagine: YN is Stephen King youngest daughter,and also a very famous author on her own!Bill is a HUGE fan(*wink,wink) and one day she goes to set to see her dads work and Bill sees her for the first time,and he's just so adorkable that's painful,so dad King and the kids help him to talk to his crush .It could be him talking about it on an interview (they're dating now)
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- Flashback -
“Yeah, of course sweetheart. Just drop by on set, I'm sure it won't bother anybody.” the man paused for a moment hearing what the person was saying on the other line before smiling and nodding his head subtly without realizing they couldn't see him “Of course, I'm sure Andy wouldn't mind you sticking around. If anything he'd be very glad if you gave him a hand with directed when you're that good.”
He paused for another moment before continuing “Alright, yes. There are plenty of people here to greet you anyway and I'm sure once the kids find out you'll be here they are going to drop everything and be all over you in a matter of seconds. You will definitely not feel alone!”
And another small pause before he chuckled “Ok-” he glanced at Bill that was flipping through the pages of the script “Yeah yeah Pennywise will be just as happy, I know that.” he said, catching Bill's attention for a second “See you in a little while, sweetheart. Love you too.” he added in the end before hanging up.
“Everything ok?” he asked, trying to be as polite as possible because it wasn't really his business.
“Yeah just fine, sorting out some things is all.” Stephen shrugged “We'll be having visitors, that's all.”
“That's what Pennywise will be happy about?” Bill asked with a small smile and Stephen nodded his head with a chuckle.
“Oh trust me, you'll be more than happy. And without any spoilers, I'm just going to say we're talking about a great fan of yours and this story. But you'll see later, now onto work. You were saying?” he said with a smirk and focused back on the script he had in front of him as well.
“Oh alright yeah, uh about that scene...” and Bill continued to explain to the author how he wanted to go with it although part of his mind was still on the topic that had started with this mysterious phone call. He couldn't even tell who the person was in specific and part of him, great part of him that at the moment kept him from fully focusing on the scene, and it was a very giddy part of him that hoped it could be his daughter. You.
He wished, wanted it real bad, but at the same time feared it would be you because he didn't know how he'd react to all of it with how much of a fan of yours he was. He wanted to think he could act all cool and calm but at the same time his brain refused to think of any good scenarios. And then there was the part that thought it could be all his hopes getting high and in the end he'd be let down by it.
“Bill, hey Bill! Wait!” a voice called after the actor and once he heard it he turned around to face the group of kids running towards him.
“Hey guys, what's up?” he asked asked with a small smile, all of his attention leaving the script and going on them.
“Did you see her?! We've been trying to find her but only Sophia, Jackson and Wyatt have seen her so far. We asked Mr King but he had no idea.” Jack said with a small shrug and tight smile and Bill's frown deepened.
“See who? I was with him about an hour and a half ago but didn't see anybody.” he said, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Oh she came only half an hour ago but we had a scene and couldn't see her. We thought you might have.” Jaedenexplained.
“She? I'm sorry guys but I have no idea what you're talking about.” he shook his head.
“What? Did you not learn the news?” Jack was the first one to ask all excited.
“What news?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Dude you live to much in the sewers you know that right?” Finn asked with a scoff and the boys snickered as Bill chuckled “You should get out a little, see the light of the sun and interact with people. You know, more normal ones that don't eat kids!”
“Careful now, you might float down there too Richie.” he said with narrowed eyes and a creepy smirk, his voice almost close to the one he used for Pennywise, and they all laughed.
“Oh my I really hope not, he's been one of my favorite characters ever since I was a kid.” another voice sounded behind Bill and he almost froze in his place as the gasps from the boys were heard.
“Holy freaking shit! I'm dreaming, someone pinch me. Someone pinch me!” Jack exclaimed, holding onto Finn's arm and shaking him violently.
“Ow!” he exclaimed and jumped when Finn gave him a hard pinch and glare “I wasn't talking seriously!” he huffed and Finn shrugged.
“You said it.” he mumbled.
Your giggle filled Bill's ears and he found it in himself to turn around and face the source of the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. He almost felt like all air go knocked out of his lungs and he coul barely hold on his coffee and script much less have his legs support him. Yet they did and that was a great surprise.
“Well it certainly is a great pleasure to meet you all as well.” you said with a soft smile, eyes moving between the kids as you took all of it in.
“Great great great pleasure to meet you as well!” Jack said with a wide grin, moving forwards first and the rest of the boys followed suit, pushing Bill backwards so they could all face you, circling you like the great fans they too were of you. Shaking one after the other's hands very excitedly because their enthusiasm was purely contagious.
“Don't mind him, he was casted as Eddie for a reason.” Finn shook his head “But it's really great to meet you in person! We've all read at least one or two of your books and are great fans!” he extended a hand and you shook it with a soft smile.
“This really is so sweet and nice to hear! I'm so happy about it, my father has talked to me a lot about you and it feels like I know all of you! I've always wanted to visit you on set but I just got a little too busy.” you said with a sheepish shrug.
“It's better late than never.” Jaeden said with a smile and shrug “Besides we've all been asking him to invite you over on set for quite some time he must have gotten tired of us.”
“I definitely agree, but it's alright. I don't think any other kid can ever give all the trouble I've given to him as a child. Good thing for him is that I finally grew up and turned out to be more mature than he is at times!” you chuckled “Also, I've been dying to meet you all to be honest. I've seen some of your work and it is all so so amazing! I really need to give a congratulations to all of you for all the great work I've seen so far and above all-” no words left your lips as you looked at the older actor who only seemed like a deer caught on headlights.
“And you're Pennywise, right?” you breathed out and he almost jumped, feelings his throat close when your eyes locked with his and even more so when you smiled at him “Bill Skarsgard-” boy did he love the sound of his name coming out of your lips so so much “It's such a great pleasure to meet you in person, I've been a great fan of yours for so long!”
“Oh he-he- hello? I'm- wow- you are- really? I was- never thought- have never thought-” and as expected he didn't do all that well with forming the right words because everything in his mind was a mess.
“Don't mind him, he's not usually this awkward. Not when trying to kill us.” Jaeden said with a shrug and you chuckled.
“But to translate his words: Hello, it's great to meet you as well. I'm Bill but you obviously already know that and I am at a total loss because of that. Oh and because I am a huge fanboy of course!” Finn said in a different voice tone and shrugged and the boys giggled as Bill shot them a small glare.
“S-sorry about that.” he finally managed to say with a small smile and you just shook your head with a smile.
“It's absolutely fine, I know how it feels.” you shrugged.
“Oh no you don't! You seriously don't!” Jack didn't miss a second to pipe in and you grinned, raising an eyebrow as you still looked at Bill who seemed to be even more nervous than he was before.
“I really have to agree with him.” Jaeden said casually “We all are fans but Bill takes it to the next level.”
“It's because he's a huge fan, if you know what I mean.” Finn nudged you with a smirk and you grinned, your eyebrowsshot up.
“Wink wink.” Jack added and they all snickered.
“But it's kinda weird you know?” Finn said casually “You'll have to go to your dad and say 'Hey dad, I may or may not begoing out on a date tonight with that creepy clown from your book. No big deal, right?”' yeah not easy.” he shrugged with his hands in his pockets and you raised an eyebrow, glancing at Bill whose eyes were wide in pure shock.
“Date?” you smirked and they chuckled.
“Oh what he hasn't asked you out yet? Oops. Sorry.” Finn pretended it in a quite poor and fake way that he was actually sorry.
“Spoiler alert!” Jack exclaimed before they all laughed “You're welcome by the way!” he said to Bill, patting him as high as he could reach on the back of the older actor.
“We'll see you later, (Y/n), hopefully I guess. If Bill lets us have some time with you.” Jaeden said with a smile and the other boys laughed “We have a scene now and we should get going!” he glanced at one of the crew members motioning for them to follow him.
“Try not to stutter too much and remember to breath! You'll be just fine!” Jack tried to make him feel cool and relaxed but all the teasing was not making things easier.
“And if you need any more tips we are always here!” Finn gave him a thumbs up before the boys ran off.
“Well-” you chuckled after a small awkward pause followed “They really take teasing to a hole other level huh?”
“Yeah s-sorry about that, it- well, it usually doesn't happen and... I probably shouldn't have let out on how much I admire you and your work either.” he laughed nervously, looking down at his feet.
“And I guess I shouldn't have let my father know how really excited I was about you getting casted as Pennywise.” you mumbled, more shyly than him and he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow shocked but pleasantly stunned “I mean I definitely wanted to see his work come to life, that was always my favorite thing about his books being a movie, but this time it was more special. This... is different, it's-” you paused, biting your lip “Well, I told you you're not the only fan here.”
“That's- You mean-” he blinked, just when he thought he could talk properly he went back at it “I made it special?” he caught himself whispering in awe and with a soft chuckle you nodded your head.
Well he would certainly not be able to form a proper sentence after that.
- End of Flashback -
“It feels-” Bill chuckled, glancing at his hands “It feels like it was just yesterday, you know? When we auditioned, when I- I talked with Stephen King for the character, when we got the make up done for the first time, when filming with the kids began and when-” he smiled to himself at the memory “When (Y/n) first came on set, yeah above everything else that-that this movie, being part of this movie, has allowed me to experience I know meeting (Y/n) is- is- it's the best thing that I got to experience in my life. She was the best thing to happen to me, without any doubt.”
“As Stephen King's youngest daughter, one to take after her father in the writing career as well, and one to be a great fan of his work as she has admitted numerous times it wasn't that surprising to see her that often on the set of IT. However, your younger costars revealed that there were some pretty awkward moments unlike any other time?” the interviewer asked and Bill nodded his head.
“Well, maybe because her father's character was trying, and- and probably failing miserably too, to flirt with her.” Bill confessed with a chuckle “Sometimes I forgot I even had the make up on but she didn't seem to mind it that much. I- I know now, she has confessed it to me, that she- she found it uhm adorkable. She always uses that expression with me.” he said with a grin.
“Uh yes, I was going to comment on that next! The two of you are actually together now, am I right?” he asked and Bill grinned.
“Yes, yes we are. And we've never been better and happier!” he said softly and with complete honesty and adoration.
“The kids have said a few things here and there, mostly to tease you, but we only know so far that she was there to help you with the role more than her father himself. We haven't gotten to hear any parts on how your relationship started. Could you- could you tell us about it if you want to?”
“Well, uh yeah. We- we started spending more time ever since that first day and- and since I managed to be able to form a proper sentence around her with stuttering or forgetting how to breath.” he laughed, running a hand through his hair “But uhm yes, truth is she helped much more than I had realized I could- I could go with the character. To know him and-and to hear what someone that has known the story for so many years would- would want to see in him. And when we weren't talking about it, we'd- we'd usually do our thing which again was talking for hours to no end about everything that interested us.”
“With her father coming so often on set, I'm- I'm pretty sure he could have noticed something right? And that would be on heck of a situation to explain!”
Bill laughed, nodding his head “The funny this is- I think he noticed that I uh had a crush on her from day one when for (Y/n), well, it took her a couple weeks to be honest. But uh truth is if it wasn't for her father, and for the kids although I won't dare admit it to them cause they- they just live to tease the life out of me, I don't think her and I would be here today. I mean almost everybody knew I loved her work and- and admired her a lot but I think, or at least hope, I did a good job at hiding my- my feelings, I can now say.”
“So you really owe it to them then?”
“Absolutely! Each time I- I got so intimidated by my own thoughts and feelings that it didn't matter how many times we'd talked to each other. So, I-” he chuckled “I think her father had had enough at some point and just joined in with all the kids and gave me that final push to do something about it. And- and I think it was really important because it got me to, kind of, get over every worry and just get to know my now girlfriend and- and yeah after some time end up here.”
“So in other words you pretty much have her father's approval?”
“Oh yes, yes getting his seal of approval to the whole Pennywise issue was very important to me but-” he grinned “But getting his seal of approval to date his little girl and possibly be with her for the rest of our lives is- that's the greatest thing of all!”
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