#refused to answer this unless i draw bcuz i wanted an excuse to draw them haha jk unless im death as serious god their so
choconanime · 2 years
2,8,13 for Choco and Javier or Krok?
OMG HEY HELLO HI HI YEAH UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH HOW ABOUT BOTH BCUZ IM A SIM- anyways! this are mainly from Choco perspective uhuhu you can tell me their side if u want haha jk unless (just feel like i wouldnt get them correctly!) 2.How comfortable are they with touching/being touched by the other?
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Javer:Flustered but let her self be touch since he's big brotherly ish (but if she smells a wife of teasing shes out) Kronk: not uncomfortable just can't read him properly and she panics(panic is to put it light considering she fucking makes a show)
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8.Do they ever share (or steal) each other’s food? How do they act/react to it? Can see her sharing with both but when it comes to stealing well...feeling more playful with Javier therefore she stealing vs krok where is actively looking at her shes like look liten ill share dont bust me krok prolly thinking she looks like a squirrel mouse
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13.What do they do to make each other smile or laugh on bad days?
Well! Choco despite everything,when their on a bad day she does panic and doesn't know what to do (doesn't know how to cheer people on cue she just tends to accidently do it with her antics LMAO) so she just **turns to rat form n tries to snuggle,no matter of it's javier or krok she snuggles,if their ticklish however she keeps nuzzling there**
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