#regal being like 15 if not younger at the start of assassins apprentice makes a lot of sense
tintagliat · 1 year
Chivalry, Verity & Regal’s ages
One thing that annoyed the hell out of me in rote is that we never get a clear cut answer about these character’s ages, but Hobb did tell us in a round about way.
So in chapter 6 of royal assassin we are told that:
“The two sons of Queen Constance and King Shrewd were Chivalry and Verity. Only two years separated their birth”
“Chivalry was the eldest, and the first to assume the title King-in-Waiting on his sixteenth birthday. He was almost immediately dispatched by his father to deal with a border dispute with the Chalced States.”
“At last, on Verity’s twentieth birthday, after six years of requesting monthly to be allowed to follow his brother, Shrewd reluctantly conceded to him.From then, until the day four years later when Chivalry abdicated and Verity assumed the title King-in-Waiting”
So Verity became King-in-waiting when he was 24, which would mean Chivalry was 26 at the time. That means he had Fitz when he was just 20 years old (since Fitz was 6 at the start of assassin’s apprentice, when chivalry abdicated).
And in chapter 5 of Royal Assassin Fitz remarks how him and Regal are less than 10 years apart.
“Less than a decade of years separated our ages. Only his skin separated me from his blood. ”
So that would make Regal 15 at most, at the start of Assassins Apprentice.
So Fitz’s age gap with them would be:
Chivalry- 20 years
Verity- 18 years
Regal- 10> Years
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