fatuismooches · 1 year
Man I adore tormenting dottore as my love language :3
cw: kinda dark? zandik accidentally hurting us because he's hallucinating (IM NOT AN EXPERT I just think it's like. Very realistic if this were to happen)
Anyways, I like to think that Dottore came from a... Rather unpleasant home, and then especially burned his home town along with everyone who has cursed him (except for you ofc)
Still, the memories hasn't left him. It's not like he could, no matter how much he buries himself in his research. Zandik can't heal when he pretends that it's all fine and that dwelling into such emotions would be a waste of time. This proved to be more prominent during his younger days...
One day, I could just imagine, you come home to your shared dorm, all preppy and smiles because you're finally gonna spend time with the love of your life! Only to see absolute ruin of your dorm—everything was a mess, papers strewn every where, couch flipped, drops of his blood on the floor. You panic, wondering if the Matra finally raided your home to arrest Zandik, then you heard him yell—in your bedroom. You run towards it, frantically, and stupidly.
You should've assessed the situation more. Took a deep breath and calmed your mind—but you were striken with anxiety and fear, and when you shouted "what happened here!?" "What did you do!?" at him, you were quickly met with pain you've never felt before.
He had burned you with a torch, and now you're on the ground, writhing and screaming in hellish pain, cradling the parts of your body that was burnt to a crisp. You see him grinning at you, eyes full of satisfaction and malice.
You thought that this was what he wanted all along, that everything was a lie and he just used you for all your worth, and now that he has nothing to use you for, he has decided to kill you.
But you then hear him shout: "Are you proud of me? I've become the monster you've always told me that I am."
Quickly, you realize that he hadn't meant to hurt you.
The scars stayed, much to Zandik's dismay. After treating your injuries, he has resorted to ignoring you for the next couple of days, being mean and insulting you.
Just be patient with him, you know that he cares. And that he's absolutely crushed that he has hurt you, of all people. He didn't mean it, but now you've got painful scars that will ache for a life time, all because of him. All because he was stubborn to heed your concerns. He wanted to burn the past, he really did. To forget and move on. He hated his childhood so much that he's willing to just let it burn into ashes... But he didn't realize if he tried, he'd burn you along with it.
You see him open his mouth whenever he tends your healing wounds, but then close it, biting his bottom lip to keep it from trembling. You see him read books all about treating burn wounds, cook you meals, ignoring his research all for you—his hands shook, eyes dark though glassy. You know he wants to apologize, but then his eyes goes to your scars, sucks in a deep breath, glares at you and walks away.
He's really doing his best to push you away
Zandik cares so much that he wants you to leave him, hate him, for being who he is, for being what he is. But no, you're smiling so softly and reassuring him that you're fine. That it's not his fault, that he didn't mean it.
And he'd yell he did mean it, that you were just lucky to survive (as if he hasn't lost sleep and progress on his research just to tend to you).
It wasn't his fault, you urged.
You remember it all vividly. Zandik knocking frantically at your home, houses ablaze behind him, his body littered with cuts and bruises. People were carrying torches and pitchforks, makeshift weapons and screaming at Zandik to just leave—and with out much thought, you grabbed as much as you could from your room and ran away with him.
You knew he finally snapped that day. Took matters in his own hands... He never talked much about it, but you could assume what happened. And you were certain he had confronted his parents before it all went to shit.
He wasn't trying to hurt you. He never did, and he would never want to hurt you. You were the exception and will always be, he would rather let the world cave in than letting you bleed by his hands. Zandik was lost in his thoughts, drowning in unpleasant memories and his eyes deceived him—he thought you were someone else, and he wanted to hurt them, not you.
JGJGOFHFJDSJS yeah that, he most definitely probably cry in your arms talking about how much he hates ur scars bc he gave them to you...
Sorry for this I just like. Exploring struggles and menta shit KBcjcjc
MOOT WHAT IS THIS... WHY ARE YOU HURTING US LIKE THIS my JAW WAS DROPPED THE WHOLE TIME 😭😭 Okay but real. I have two hcs when it comes to Zandik's parents - they were the only ones who loved him but they died when he was really young, or they really just hated him. I've also heard others say "Zandik" can be used as an insult too? I don't know how true that is though. But yeah I think the latter is more likely to be true unfortunately 💔 Even if they were nice to him it wouldn't be enough to counter a whole town's worth of hatred towards him... yup yup the village definitely got burned down to the ground.
One would think that he wouldn't be affected. But he wasn't Dottore yet. He was merely Zandik at this point. He couldn't just shrug it off and go about his day. He pondered. He thought. He felt. He was still more human, more feeling than he wanted to admit, and he absolutely hated it. Still, he didn't regret it, but the memories would simply not leave his head. It was wholly bothersome. After all, not too long ago he was merely a little boy... a little boy who was deemed a monster, a demon child. All the people, even his own parents who accused him were gone now yet... their voices still rang clear in his head. And of course you had no clue, because Zandik would never speak about his feelings under any circumstance.
OUCHHHH HOW CAN I EVEN WRITE THE NEXT PART?? I CAN'T WRITE IT AS GOOD AS YOU oh gosh I WILL TRY. Ah... coming home to your shared dorm. Thinking it's going to be another regular, good day with you and your lover. But it's not, and when you see your home ransacked of course the first thing that goes through your mind is if your Zandik is okay. Of course you you rush to him and beckon him to tell you what happened as anyone would do. Of course you try to reach out to him. And of course, you didn't expect to be licked with flames by your lover's own hand, not only is your body crying out in pain but so is your heart - did Zandik really not care for you after all of these years? The only one who you treasured above all else... perhaps he never viewed you more than a pawn. But then you hear those few words that make you realize what's truly going on - ah, you understand now.
The logical part of Zandik knew that the scars would remain, but the illogical part of him hoped (to think he was even capable of that) badly that they wouldn't. You wonder what his expression was when he was tending to your wounds - you were asleep at the time - but even if you had seen it you probably wouldn't be able to put it into words... it was expressionless yet also not at the same time. He looked empty, and unfeeling, yet he looked the opposite too. And perhaps you wouldn't believe how tenderly he treated your wounds, from the way he's giving you the cold shoulder now. You wouldn't know the way his hands shook the whole time because he did that to you. The one person who would never, who should have never faced his anger, his wrath. It's all his fault, there's no denying that, he hurt you and now you're going to be hurting for the rest of your life too. The last person, no the only person who he doesn't want to see hurt.
Even now, Zandik doesn't understand you. How the fuck are you more calm about this than he is. He hurt you. He burnt you and he meant it and yet in the aftermath, there's not a hint of resentment on your face and he doesn't understand - he hates it so much, you should hate him, in fact it'd make him feel better if you did because how can you even begin to like him a tiny bit after what he's just done, he's claimed to love you and even in that twisted mind of his he knows that's not what lovers do. He doesn't understand why you haven't packed your bags and moved to another dorm by now, hell why do you try to usher him to bed because "lack of sleep is bad for him" what actually goes through your mind...? What went through your mind when you decided to leave with him too? The villagers weren't after you, just him, you could have had a normal life, but you still decided to go with him... you two had no plan, no money, no real necessities but you gave up everything for him anyway. Sigh...
Ouch... i feel like at some point you would just accept your scars but Zandik? Haunts him more than he wants to admit. Don't get me wrong he still thinks you're beautiful but... you know what I mean. Mhm... imagine the child segment asking you where/how you got the scars from and at the moment you make up the most ridiculous lie because that's all your brain can think of because there's no way you're telling the baby that Prime did it. Oh and the angst if Dottore hears that convo :(
Okay... moving on from that angst... PLS You're hella brave for being on tumblr in class, I'm too scared to open it or write fics in general in fear of someone seeing 😭 Once I accidentally opened my blog on my laptop and I closed the tab at LIGHT SPEED. ILY TOO KAI I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL!! ❤️❤️❤️
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
I have a really weird request! A kihyun fluff (+ smut if u want) With some sort of masquerade/ball theme? Like glamorous and ballroom-ish and elegant? Be creative with it though! I want you to have fun! Thank you!! (I love ur writing ;))
Hi anonie! I’ve set this in a modern day au rather than a medieval one so I hope that’s ok. I’m not 100% satisfied with the finished result but the idea has stricken me so I’d actually like to make this into a longer and more detailed oneshot (perhaps with some smut) or a two part series. Regardless, I hope you like!
[WARNINGS] fluff, a lil angst
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You flutter on the edge of the ballroom, watching everyone else excited by the thrill of the unknown while you sulk over your half finished flute of champagne. You hated these mandatory social gatherings, hated your obligation to interact with everyone else even more and your expectancy to fulfil your duties as the heiress to the company seemed to loom even closer overhead.
But what you did enjoy was in fact the mystery. The lavish gowns and jewelled masks provided an air of mystique that no other charity dinner did and perhaps it’s why you’re a little more disappointed that your promised “date” hadn’t showed.
The description of his attire so far hasn’t matched anyone in the ballroom and your faith in his showing is slowly dissipating with every sip of your drink. You place it down on a passing tray and take another, choosing to nurse this one a little slower.
Your skirts start to itch and your corset starts to hug your ribs a little too closely, your face getting slick behind your ceramic mask. You stare down at your dress, admiring the way the emerald silk shimmers in the light of the chandeliers and the way the diamonds twinkle like the stars above.
Your ears perk up to a little shift in the noise level and you notice a slight commotion further away. You brush it off as the shenanigans of the drunken CEOs, always misjudging their alcohol intake, relying on liquid courage to get through the nights of meeting other executives.
The mini orchestra finishes one song, pausing to prepare for the next and it’s in this moment, this lull in time, he chooses to strike. Winding and weaving through the throng of sirs and dames, swiftly fabricating out of thin air, he sidles up beside you. You barely have time to notice before he plucks your glass out of your hand and discards it behind you, his hand slipping around your waist and waltzing you to the dance floor, your skirts fluttering behind in your wake.
Your eyebrows raise in shock behind the mask as you finally get a moment to asses him, gasping in disbelief when you realise it’s him. Your lips purse together, unimpressed at his tardy yet suave entrance. The orchestra begins the next song and you sway to the rhythm, gracefully gliding across the marble in his arms.
“Unimpressive. I’d rather you show up on time with much less of an entrance than two hours late.” You deadpan, your hand firmly gripping his gilded shoulder.
“A tough nut to crack. As expected by the heiress.” His lips curl into a smirk before shooting a not so furtive glance over his shoulder.
You notice the disturbance in the crowd again and observe one of the security personnel frantically searching the floor. You frown and decide to prove deeper into his late appearance.
“And why are you late?”
He’s too busy looking over his shoulder to hear so a quick, firm squeeze to his shoulder is enough to get his attention.
“Why are you late? Just so I know what to tell my parents when I dismiss your interest in being my suitor.” Your eyes simmer behind your mask; first he’s late and now you can’t even hold his attention?
“I… I got lost,” he lies, bold-faced.
“Try again,” you quip back, not falling for the lame excuse.
He spins you around dramatically in time to the strings, guiding you further from the staircase and closer to the balcony doors. You dont see the security on the edge of the floor anymore and instead spot them winding discreetly through the crowd.
Coupled with his nervous glances and the strange behaviour of the guards, you easily put two and two together, surely getting four.
“They’re looking for you, aren’t they?” You sigh and lower your head in shame. This is the last time your parents set you up with a date.
“I lost my invitation,” he admits, though his eyes seem to twinkle mischievously behind the slits of his black and emerald mask.
“Maybe that was for the best. So far you’ve done an awful job in swooning me.” You reply drily, although there is a slight mistruth to it.
Off the bat he is unique, unlike anyone you’ve courted before and almost childlike in his behaviour. He’s lively and, although you don’t want to admit it, a little humorous. Perhaps he isn’t such a lost cause.
The music comes to an abrupt halt and the ballroom is filled with shouting as someone spots him. A string of profanities are yelled in his direction as security gain on him, though something tells you he won’t go down that easily.
Using the crowd’s confusion to his advantage and his proximity to an exit, he unceremoniously slips out the balcony doors, pulling you along behind him. You bunch up your skirts to avoid tripping on the hem, quickly descending the steps that lead into the garden.
You frown as he navigates his way expertly through the garden you’d grown up in, leading the way to your secret and most treasured spot.
The shouts and commotion of the ball slowly fade away behind you, losing the security in the cover of shrubs and trees and the blanket of the night.
You don’t trust anyone in your life, not even your parents; the nature of your future job and current title call for you to be alert at all times, trusting no other soul but your own, yet something tells you it’s ok to follow him. You trust him and yet have no idea why.
You silently crawl through the little opening in the shrubs and step into your familiar clearing sheltered by the weeping branches of the trees above. It’s almost cave-like, only made out of twigs and leaves. A little pond twinkles on the other side of the clearing, housing the koi fish you’d looked after since you were a child.
You both take a minute to catch your breaths, hunched over with your hands on your knees, chests heaving with the painful memory of running.
“How did you know about this place?” You demand, wanting answers.
“You still haven’t figured it out yet?” He gasps in between breaths, removing his jacket and placing it on the grass.  
“Figured what out? Who areyou?” Your heart starts to flutter as your childhood memories come flooding back, assaulting your nostalgia. There was only one other person you’d shared this space with, only you hadn’t seen nor heard from him for years.
It couldn’t be–
He reaches up and removes his mask, tossing it to the floor also. The thick brush overhead obscures any light the night has to offer and his cheeks are flushed red but it’s undoubtably him.
“Kihyun?” You whisper, afraid that if you speak his name aloud, the mirage will disappear.
He rolls his eyes. “Took you long enough.”
Your jaw clenches, eyebrows knit together and your heart starts racing again for another reason entirely. You hadn’t seen him in years and this is how he shows up? Late, wanted and under the guise of someone else?
You shove a hand into his chest, pushing him away. “I haven’t seen you in years,” you hiss. “You never wrote, called, texted. Nothing! You left and cut me off. I thought we were friends! You were my best friend.”
“I know,” he admits, his hands up in surrender. “It was out of my control. There was nothing I could do.”
“You could’ve looked for me. I looked for you. I searched everywhere and your name never came up once.”
“I changed my name.” But he offers no further explanation.
You tear up at the unexpected reunion, hurt beyond words yet happy beyond explanation. The last time you’d seen him had been in this very spot, eight years old. He hasn’t changed, aside from the obvious. His eyes still sparkle with no good, his cheeks still full and round like you remember. But the things you don’t remember are the things that have made him into the man he is before you; his defined nose, broad forehead and sharp jaw. His lithe frame and agile feet.
“I’m sorry,” and it’s genuine, his apology. It soothes the ache in your heart you’d been nursing all this time, calming your nerves. Though it doesn’t seem to quell your anger, as fresh and raw as the moment you’d realised he’d left and was never coming back.
He grasps your hand in his and pries your fist open, lifting it up to his face and presses a kiss to your palm. He places your open hand over his heart, his eyes prompting and questioning.
“You remember,” you whisper, memories of the time spent together flashing before your eyes; kissing each other’s palms in promise and holding them to your hearts. It was a silly, childish ritual, one that only served as a special sort of handshake. But this, this means so much more.
“I’ve never forgotten,” he hold out his free palm for you to do the same, but you intertwine your fingers through his instead, pulling him closer.
You lean up on your toes and press a sweet, gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth. Suggestive but chaste. “I just… fucking missed you.” You lean your head on his chest and hold him close, vowing to never let him go again.
“I missed you more.”
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Can jealousy be a virtue? - Kino (Hyunggu)
Group: Pentagon Member: Kino aka Hyunggu aka SMOL SUNSHINE WHO ALWAYS WRECKS ME Genre: fluffy-fluff with a tiny bit of angst; High School!AU for Kino :) Request: YES!! Do u think u could write a high school!au for Kino if u get the chance?? Maybe where ur in the same class and u like him but u dont know he likes u back until he confesses or something happens?? Idk I've never requested anything before im sorry if this is confusing 😬😬 U just seem really nice so I thought I could ask!!! Tysm!!💖💖 Author’s Note: This has been sitting in my inbox for a long time, sorry that it has taken so long for me to reply. I hope you enjoy this regardless! Also, thank you for taking the time to request, I really appreciate it! Feel free to request again any time!! FT SF9′s Chanhee & Astro’s Moonbinnie 💖 Length: HELLA LONG. I GOT CARRIED AWAY!! (5,281 words to be exact)
As the new school year started you waited nervously inside your classroom for your other classmates to arrive. You had your notebook opened to a new page, with a few different writing utensils on the table for you to chose. You glanced over your schedule for the fifth time since you sat down just to check again that you were in the right room.
“(Y/N)? You’re in Ms. Oh’s class too?” Your best friend May asked, sitting down in the isle seat directly to your right.
“Yes! You are too?” You asked even after she started taking out a notebook too.
“Yea, I signed up for Mr. Kim’s class but it was full. Being with you this year is much better though.” She smiled at you and you felt your anxieties about the new year melt away.
Soon enough the class started to feel up. Everyone in your year got along well so the chatter about the ending summer was buzzing.
“Yuto! Wooseok!” May waved to them as they entered looking around the room.
“May! (Y/N)!” They both greeted as they moved towards you two.
“Is anyone sitting behind you?” Wooseok asked, motioning towards the table behind you.
“Not yet, it’s open.”
“Great, we’ll take it.” Wooseok smiled as he took the seat directly behind you.
“Yea, we can all sit together this year!” Yuto agreed, taking the seat beside Wooseok.
“We can if you two don’t get us into trouble.” May pointed her finger at the pair. “You got separated last year because you wouldn’t be quiet, don’t drag me and (Y/N) into your mess.”
“Mr. Jeon had it out for us last year, we almost didn’t pass to senior year.” Wooseok groaned.
“Yea, we turned in all the homework and did well on the exams yet he tried to fail us!” Yuto defended. “So we caused a few distractions.” He shrugged.
“A few?” You scoffed, spinning in your seat to face them. “You two disrupted class every day!” You peeked at May who was laughing, “I would have tried to fail you guys too.” You shrugged. The guys feigned shock before laughing it off.
“You’d miss us too much.” Wooseok leant forward, locking eyes with you.
“I have May, why would I miss you?” You challenged. May reached over and pulled your chair towards her.
“Right? We have each other, we don’t need you stupid boys.” She winked at Yuto, who in turn blushed. “However they are pretty good entertainment (Y/N). I guess we can let them hang out around us.” She acted like she was thinking really hard.
“If you don’t get us into trouble, I don’t care.” You smiled back at them sweetly. 
“We would never.” Wooseok chided, trying to look innocent.
“Scouts honor.” Yuto threw up the scout sign and smiled sweetly.
“I’ll hold you to that.” May pointed at each of them.
“Hey, where’s Hyunggu?” You asked, noticing he wasn’t with the guys like normal.
“Ah, he woke up late so we told him we’d save him a seat.” Wooseok tossed his jacket onto the empty chair beside you.
“Be-beside me?” You stuttered, eyes cutting to May to see her smirking.
“Where else would he sit?” Yuto inquired, waving his hand about as he leant forward on his desk. 
“There’s an open seat by May.” You spun around only to see Suran plopping down beside May, smiling at all of you before getting her things out for the day.
“Now the only open seat is by you.” Wooseok wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“He won’t be sitting here today if he doesn’t hurry up, Ms. Oh does not allow late students in the room.” May flashed her phone reading 7:58 am. “He’s got two minutes.” 
“One.” You added quietly as your phone changed to 7:59.
The door opening stole all your attention as Ms. Oh walked in and just a few steps behind was an out of breath Hyunggu. He quickly apologized for getting to class so close to the beginning and ran over to Yuto and Wooseok.
“You two kept me up well into the morning, how in the hell are you here before me?” Hyunggu grumbled as he slid into the empty seat behind you. “I swear, if I would have been late the two of you would never have heard the end of it from me.”
Hyunggu quickly dug out his notebook and the book for the first class. You and May watched him in silence as the guys laughed quietly at their irritated friend. After a few moments of digging around his bag Hyunggu huffed in agitation before dropping his bag to the floor and taking a deep breath.
“Here.” You slid one of your pens over to his side of the desk. “You can’t find a pen right?”
“Thanks.” Hyunggu sighed, picking it up and clicking the pen a few times before setting it on top of his notebook.
“You’re not going to say hi to our friends Gu?” Wooseok poked Hyunggu’s shoulder, causing the boy beside you to spin around and glare at his friend.
“What?” He looked up at you and May to see the two of you watching him. “Ah, good morning May, (Y/N).” He blushed.
“Morning Gu.” May hummed, looking between you and him a few times. “Ya know, I never noticed how cute the two of you are together.”
“May!” You squeaked, your cheeks flaring up.
“Ya know what?” Wooseok started, moving around to look between the two of you too, “They do look good together.”
“Enough Seok.” Hyunggu groaned. He turned to look out the window and you missed the way his ears turned red.
About the time you opened your mouth to tell them off Ms. Oh begun class. She did a quick introduction of herself before the ice breakers started. It seemed pointless since the majority of your class had been together since you started school at 5 years old. It wasn’t until the introductions had made it to the middle of the room did you notice a new face.
“Hello.” The new face greeted. “I’m Moonbin, my family just moved here over the summer. I hope we can get along this last year in school.”
“I expect that everyone will make Moonbin feel welcomed.” Ms. Oh piped in before Moonbin thanked her and sat down. 
The way the pink bloomed over his face and ears was cute. He kept his head  up with the remnants of a smile as his seat mate Chanhee, did his introduction. Moonbin must have felt you watching him because as Chanhee sat down, his attention bounced from his friend to you. You automatically returned the smile he graced you with and felt your entire face heat up. The two of you shared that moment for only a instant before the next student stood up to introduce themselves. 
You were in such a daze by the time it was your turn that Hyunggu had to nudge you to get your attention. When you snapped out of your daydream Ms. Oh was waiting expectantly.
“Good Morning.” You smiled sheepishly. “I’m (Y/N) as most of you know. I’m glad we’ll all be together for our final year in high school. Uhm, I was the class representative last year so whoever is chosen as the rep for this year if you need anything, I’ll be happy to help.” You quickly sat back down, feeling better now that part was over with.
“Hi everyone, I’m Hyunggu. I look forward to another fun year together. I promise I won’t cause as many distractions.” He winked in the general direction of the rest of the class.
The other girls in the class were send into a fit of giggles, which only intensified as Wooseok and Yuto did their introductions. You and May just rolled your eyes, used to their flirty attitudes mainly because they were only present during school. Outside of classes they toned it down a whole lot, they’re hardly flirty at all at least with you two. Which leaves you at a total loss because you have been in love with Hyunggu since middle school.
You zoned out the rest of the class as Ms. Oh went over the general plan for the year; the main topics the class would be covering, the places for tutoring that previous students have recommended, how the teachers have worked out moving classes, and any other topics the class may have questions on.
“Okay, since it is the first day I’ll end class early. Please start reading the first chapter I’ll begin lecturing on it tomorrow.” She began to pack her things up to leave when she paused. “(Y/N), Moonbin, can both of you join me in the hallway for a moment.”
Like children the whole class made a scene as the two of you stood and moved to follow Ms. Oh into the hallway. As you met at the front of the room Moonbin gestured for you to go first, his smile sending your heart into overdrive.
As Ms. Oh shut the door behind the two of you, she smiled at you.
“Don’t worry, neither of you are in trouble.” You let out a breath, if you got into some sort of trouble the first day your parents would kill you. “Since Moonbin here is still new to the area and only knows Chanhee, I was hoping our old class rep would be up to showing him around the campus and being his friend.”
You looked up to see Moonbin’s eye had grew a few sizes and he looked embarrassed. 
“Of course Ms. Oh, if Moonbin needs anything,” You paused, turning to him getting his full attention, “he can ask me for help. As the old class rep and a new friend.”
“Wonderful, now get back to the classroom, the next class will start soon.” 
You both thanked Ms. Oh and waited until she walked away before turning towards each other. Before Moonbin could open his mouth you held out your hand.
“What do you w--?”
“Your phone, I’ll give you my kakaotalk so you can contact me easily.” You waited for him to place his phone in your palm. “Don’t laugh at my userID okay? I made it in middle school.”
“PurplePrincess98?” He held back a chuckle, “It’s cute, very fitting.” He teased, his red ears taking away from his cool exterior.
“So is yours, DancingPuppyCat.” You quirked an eyebrow. “Puppycat somehow seems like the perfect description for you.”
“My friends from my old school gave me that nickname? I’m not sure what it really is.”
“What about the dancing part?” You quirked an eyebrow as you swiftly placed his phone in his waiting palm and pulled yours out of the pocket of your skirt. “You any good?”
“I’m alright.” He shrugged, opening the notification of you accepting his add request. “Chanhee has been trying to talk me into joining the drama club since I moved back.”
“Yea, I actually grew up a few towns over with Chanhee. A few years ago we moved to Thailand because of my mom’s job. Now we’re back.”
“It’s pretty obvious the two of you are pretty close.” You watched him break out into an adoring smile.
“He’s been my best friend since we were still in diapers.”
“It’s like that for me and May.” You could relate to him, you adored May with every cell in your body. “And if Chanhee wants you to join the drama club you should give it a shot. He’s actually the president of the club now and he wouldn’t invite anyone in without a reason.” 
“He’s always been into theater and acting, I’ve been considering it honestly.”
“You really should, Chanhee takes drama very seriously.” You giggled, thinking back to the play last year that almost caused Chanhee to have a mental break down from all the stress. “That and he could use some help, he gets stressed easily.”
Just as Moonbin opend his mouth, Chanhee himself popped his head out of the classroom. A look passing between the two before Chanhee smirked.
“Binnie, (Y/N), the class is waiting for you to return.” He looked like he had a comment on the tip of his tongue but Moonbin quickly shoved him back into the classroom and motioned for you to go back first.
Before you could do much the voting for new class representative started and the day flew by.
As the next two weeks passed and May got accustomed to her role as new class rep, with your help of course, it was all a real blur. Fourteen days had passed and so much had changed and yet nothing was different.
You and May spent most of your class days keeping Wooseok, Yuto, and Hyunggu out of trouble while studying after class. You attended the first two bi-weekly meetings with May so she could get the hang of things. The classes went much quicker than you realized because the first exams were starting that week.
As you sat in the library during lunch after munching on your lunch, Moonbin appeared beside you.
“(Y/N) are you studying for the geometry exam?” His voice was a little panicked.
“Yea, just reviewing the few topics I’ve been struggling with.”
“Can I study with you?”
“Of course, come on.” You scooted over a bit and moved your stuff so Moonbin could set up camp beside you. “I’m hanging out here after classes are over too for a few hours, May and I usually study together. You and Chan can join us.” You extended the invite to Chanhee knowing his geometry understanding caused you anxiety for him.
“Really? That’d be great, we’ve been struggling.” He wore a shy smile.
“We’ve got a bit before the next class, what are you struggling with?”
Moonbin pulled out a list of concepts he kind of understood but not really and the two of you go to work. Before you knew it May had sent you a message letting you know classes resumed in 5 minutes and the two of you packed up and walked back to class together.
Moonbin opened the door for you as you laughed at a math joke he had made to lighten his mood about the exam. May waved you over and you told Moonbin you’d see him later.
“Ya know, I’m pretty sure Moonbin has a thing for you?” May chimed just loud enough for your table to hear, Hyunggu included.
“We were studying together.” You deflected, pulling your notebook out for the next class. “Seems like him and Chanhee are struggling with geometry.”
“Who isn’t?” Yuto chuckled nervously. “You two still studying in the library after classes?” You nodded. “Can we come with?” He motioned to the other two guys. “These two are no help.”
“Sure.” May shrugged, “It’s better to study with a group anyway. Together we may understand all the material.”
“These two” Hyunggu threw his thumb back at his best friends, “are so far behind it’s not funny. I tried to help them over the weekend but they’re hopeless.”
“Not funny.” Wooseok whined, leaning forward and pulling you back by your shoulders. “We need your help (Y/N), please save us.”
“I’ll help you, I can’t let me friends drown so don’t worry. We can make it fun though. Moonbin and Chanhee are going to join us.”
“Won’t it be too crowded?” Hyunggu asked casually, not looking up from his phone.
“We’ve had bigger study groups.” You chimed back.
“Yea but we’ve never really studied with Chanhee and Moonbin, what if they slow us down.”
“I won’t let my friends drown Gu, they’re my friends too.” His attitude took such a turn, it turned your mouth sour.
“Mhmm.” He hummed, ending his side of the conversation.
You looked back at Yuto and Wooseok to see both of them mirroring shock. They shrugged and shook their heads signaling they had no idea what’s up.
Mr. Hyun walked in and greeted the class, you couldn’t ask Hyunggu anything before he gave his full attention to the Chemistry teacher.
The rest of the day flew by as the teachers taught their lessons, you took as many notes as you could shorthand and before you knew it you were sitting at a large rectangluar table in the library surrounded by friends and geometry notes.
“Okay but why does that work?” Chanhee asked May, confusion as obvious as the tension between you and Hyunggu.
“Because we use this formula with the known angles to solve for this missing variable.” May explained calmly for the third time. 
You turned towards Wooseok who had taken the spot to your right and looked over the study guide problems he was working on. 
“You aren’t as hopeless as you made me think.” You teased, noticing that he did the first few problems easily.
“I went to ask help from the teacher on our last break.” He flushed, “I really can’t fail this first exam I’ll spend the rest of the school year playing catch up.”
“You went without me.” Yuto whined, frantically flipping through his notes to find what he wrote down for a practice problem. 
“You were busy.” Wooseok mused, working through the problem without a hitch.
“I hate you.” Yuto grumbled, working on the same problem as Wooseok, trying to get the answer without asking him for help.
You looked away from them to the pair on the other side of the table. Chanhee and Moonbin were working together, looking from the various sets of notes on the table. Other than asking May for help they had been relatively quiet. You looked around the table and saw everyone working diligently, proud that they were taking this so seriously. You had moved to open your notebook back up with you saw Moonbin shift, the movement catching your attention. The smiles you two exchanged were sweet. You nodded towards the problem he was working on and he blushed, waving you over. The seat beside him was open so you slid into it easily. Leaning forward you quietly explained to Moonbin where he messed up and why he was stuck. 
After Moonbin reworked the problem form the beginning he managed to get the right answer and he lit up. He thanked you quietly, his hand resting on yours briefly. His crinkled eyes and wide smile was enough to send your heart into overdrive.
Without really thinking you twisted your hand around to squeeze his. For a moment, you felt eyes on you and turned your head to see Hyunggu glaring at your hands. You slowly removed your hand from Moonbin’s and told him to continue before moving back to your original seat. Unfortunately it was right beside Hyunggu and as you sat back down the tension was tangible. He was rigid and his glare was turned toward his notebook, the tip of his pencil had broke off from how hard he had pressed it to his paper.
“Hyunggu...” You whispered, not moving. “Are you okay?”
Obviously he was not, but you knew not to push him.
“I’m great.” He huffed, slowly moving to pull a mechanical pencil from his bag.
“Is-Is anything troubling you? With the review I mean.” You gulped, anxiety consuming you.
“No.” His tone was sharp.
“Oh-okay.” You nodded, fidgeting as you picked up your pencil and worked on the problem you’d left off on. 
Two hours passed before eyes started to droop and attention spans started to shorten. Yuto and Wooseok had worked through the practice problems twice and felt confident enough to resort to making paper airplanes. Chanhee had done the same amount of work and had started drawing an exaggerated illustration of the geometry teacher. May had been on her phone for the last ten minutes. Hyunggu and Moonbin were the only two still focused on work.
“Uhm, let’s call it a night yeah?” You broke the heavy silence. “We can meet back here tomorrow afternoon if anyone wants to study more.” You mentally checked the weekend hours for the library. “It closes by 3, so we can meet about 12-12:30?”
There was a chorus of agreements as everyone moved to pack their things. May excitedly talked with Wooseok and Yuto as they headed towards the door. 
“See you tomorrow (Y/N).” They waved. 
“Text me when you guys get home.” You called quietly, trying to not disturb anyone else who had hung around this late on a Friday night.
“Moonbin, let’s head back.” Chanhee slapped Moonbin on the back, “We can get lunch together before meeting here tomorrow.”
“Yeah, okay.” Moonbin nodded, eyes resting on you for a moment before packing up. “(Y/N), how are you getting home?”
“It’s a 15 minute walk, so that.” You waved them off, “Go on, I can tell this weeks drama club meetings have exhausted you two.”
“You can walk back with us.” Chanhee offered innocently.
“Yea, it’s better to travel with someone.” Moonbin piped up, a shy smile taking over his face. 
You watched Chanhee and Moonbin exchange a look before they turned back to you waiting for an answer.
“I’m walking her home.” Hyunggu spoke up for the 3rd time that night.
“Oh, okay. Send me a message when you’re home then (Y/N).” Moonbin deflated a bit.
You turned toward Hyunggu and watched him for a moment before he started to pack up his things.
“I’m going to walk them out and use the bathroom, I’ll be right back Hyunggu.” You moved to fall into step with Moonbin and Chanhee towards the front of the library.
“Is he okay?” Chanhee asked once Hyunngu was out of ear shot.
“I think so, I’m going to talk to him on the way home.”
“He seems to be upset.” Moonbin snuck a glance back at your classmate. “He’s been that way for a few weeks now.” Moonbin acknowledged.
“Sometimes he gets into moods like this.” You rubbed the back of your neck, “They usually don’t last too long but like I said I’m gonna talk to him.”
The guys nodded. Chanhee asked for you two to wait while he ran to the bathroom leaving you and Moonbin alone.
“You’re close with Hyunggu.” It wasn’t a question.
“I am. We’ve been friends for years now.”
“He’s protective of you.” You nodded. “He likes you...”
“No.” You answered probably too quickly. “He doesn’t, we’re friends.” 
“But you like him?” Moonbin had picked up on the disappointment written on your face before you could tuck it away.
When you didn’t answer him, he nodded. He hugged you, pulling you into him and resting his cheek on your head. It stunned you for a moment, the physical contact between the two of you hadn’t really gotten to that level yet.
“I can see it in his actions and his attitude. He obviously likes you a lot and I won’t get in the middle of this, but if you decide to give me a chance later on, I’d really like that. I may regret this, but you should tell him. It feels much better to have things like this out in the open, I know from experience.”
Moonbin pulled away and ruffled your hair slightly. As Chanhee exited the bathroom throwing away a bunched up paper towel he gave the two of you a funny look. Moonbin waved him off and winked at you before the two of them left the library.
He has practically confessed his feelings for you. Moonbin had just told you he liked you even though he knew you liked Hyunggu and it sent you into overdrive. You’d had a few guys throughout school confess to you but you’d always been so head-over-heels for Hyunggu you’d never spared them a thought. Knowing that Moonbin had started to like you and may have been liking you for a little while left you at a loss. You were just as friendly with him as you were the rest of the guy friends and that thought made you hope you had never done anything to lead him on.
Needing a moment alone, you walked into the bathroom. You did what you needed to do and then stood in front of the mirror for a few moments after washing your hands.
“You can’t hide in here all night.” You mumbled to yourself.
With a new resolve you exited the bathroom and headed straight towards Hyunggu. He had packed up all his things, the rest of yours, and was leaning back against the table with his phone in hand. He looked much more calm.
“Are you ready?” You asked, moving to take your backpack off the table.
“Yea.” He beat you to it and threw your backpack over his free shoulder.
The two of you fell into sync as you walked towards the library’s main doors and out into the chilly night air. You had barely made it down the first block before Hyunggu stopped and dropped to one knee. You turned about to ask him what he was doing when he pulled out a jacket and placed it on your shoulders before shouldering the backpacks again.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, slipping your arms into his jacket.
“Make sure you zip it up.” He moved to zip it for you before you could do it yourself.
“Gu...” He stopped, looking from his jacket zipper to you.
“What’s been wrong the lately?” Your voice was quiet, so quiet the wind carried most of it away.
“You’ve gotten close with Moonbin rather quickly.” He sighed, his eyes flickering to your face before back to the zipper. “I’ve been...” He paused, searching for the word Wooseok and Yuto had supplied with him early that week. “Jealous.”
You gawked at him for a moment. Hyunggu was jealous. More importantly, Hyunggu was jealous of Moonbin. When you didn’t say anything at first Hyunggu started walking again, his entire face had heated up from his tiny sort of confession. You stuttered a few steps before rushing to his side again.
“Why are you jealous?” You asked, “You’re still one of my best friends.” You voice cracked at ‘best friends’.
“Because you might not see Moonbin like that. He could be an option to be more than friends.” Hyunggu didn’t miss a beat, his focus in front of him.
What you didn’t know is that his palms were damp around the backpack straps, his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest, and anxiety had welled up so much in his stomach he felt like he was going to die.
“Maybe,” You said thoughtfully, “But there is already someone else that I see as more than a friend.” You hummed, feeling your heart rate increase drastically and sweat bead up along the back of your neck. “This person, they mean a lot to me so I wouldn’t just replace them so easily.” 
The two of you were beating around the bush, like you were playing tag just trying to not be the one to confess first.
“Wh-what did he say to you before leaving?” Hyunggu tried to keep his focus ahead of him instead of your hand that kept brushing against his and your perfume that had spent all the evening suffocating him in the sweetest of ways.
“He indirectly confessed his feelings to me.” You affirmed, much to Hyunggu’s horror. “But he told me that he noticed someone else liked me and that he wasn’t going to get in the middle of things unless I told him to.”
“Oh.” Hyunggu felt his body deflated.
He had known that Moonbin liked you, he heard him and Chanhee talking about it one day after school. When he had confronted Moonbin about it, the two made it clear they had feelings for you and Hyunggu wanted to beat Moonbin to a pulp. It took Wooseok and Yuto talking him down to keep a fight from breaking out.
His best friends told him the easiest way to prevent that was to confess first but he had no idea how you felt about him. Even after May had told him that you had liked him for years he was still in denial. He figured if he’d gotten through all these years without confessing to you, all these other guys, that things would be fine. But you had never been so close with a guy like Moonbin before, you two got so close so quickly that Hyunggu had felt jealousy surging through his veins since the beginning.
Hyunggu was so deep in his thoughts that he hadn’t realized you’d grabbed his hand in yours after they had bumped together for the 20th time and laced your fingers together. He hadn’t noticed that your other hand was now across your body holding onto his forearm. And he definitely did not notice that you had rested your head against his shoulder.
All the possibilities of him confessing to you right now were running through his head when he felt the warmth from your hand in his. Without a second of hesitation more, he drew in a deep breath and turned his head to look at you.
“(Y/N)?” When you hummed and looked up at him with a shy smile, he melted. “Do you remember when we first met?”
“Of course, it was our first year, you and those two goons jumped in to stop some of our seniors from picking on May and I.” You smiled at the fond memory. “I still think you getting punished with the seniors was too much.” You scrunched up your nose.
“Did I ever tell you why?”
“Something about not being able to stand the injustice and abuse of power by our seniors?”
“Something like that.” Hyunggu laughed, his cheeks reddening at the prospect of this. He took another deep breath. “One of the main reasons, if not the main reason, was because I’ve liked you since the first day I saw you. The reason why I’ve always been... more protective and stuff is because I still like you. I’ve been so jealous is because of that, because I like you.”
His confession left you speechless for a moment. You couldn’t look away from him, his eyes shone with hope and fear. Your hand tightened around his.
“Ya know, every time May tried to tell me you liked me I always kind of pushed the thought away.” You smiled and tugged him behind you to keep moving. “It seemed so far fetched to think that you would like me back.”
“Wait--” Hyunggu’s steps stuttered, as your words sunk in. “You didn’t think I would like you back? That means that you like me too.” 
Trying to remain calm, you shrugged.
“You still... like me don’t you?” Hyunggu’s dejected voice made you jerk your head towards him.
“I do.” You admitted shyly.
“Can I ask you something then?”
“Uh, sure.” You nodded.
“Can I officially ask you to give me a chance and be my girlfriend?”
“I’d like that.” You nodded, leaning back into him as the two of you continued walking. “Just think it took you getting jealous for all this to be revealed.”
“Can we not talk about that? Yuto and Seokkie have already been giving me hell all week about it.”
“As they should, I can’t wait to tell them and May.”
“We are never gonna hear the end of it from them.” He joked, already dreading tell them they were right and that he’s an idiot.
“Probably, but we’ll take it on together.”
“I really like the sound of that.” He hummed, kissed your hand in his. “We can take on lots of things together now.”
You really liked the sound of that, and the feel of Hyunggu’s hand in yours. And that warm, hum vibrating throughout your body was nice too. All this was because of a little jealousy.
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