#regulate your smile? eye contact? body language? like nothing new but i cannot do these things
nyatawia · 3 months
Reading “how to talk to anyone” and realizing that i wasted my money bc i couldnt make use of any these tricks
Ps if youre neurodivergent dont even bother with this book
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chimericalwrites · 6 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @prycarious, thank you for the tag. I have another from you I need to do as well, I have been so dead on here. Thank you for shaming me into posting something XD
1. What kind of genre do you like to write? Why?
Fantasy. It’s my favorite genre to read, always has been. It’s just more fun to me. Because there can still be sci-fi, mystery, romance, drama and horror but also with magic. What’s not better with magic?
2. Which do you like writing better, heroes or villains?
Definitely heroes. Which is odd because I like reading villains better. I think it’s because I find it a little more challenging to make the “hero” morally grey than the villain. My project is also more about a personal/internal struggle for the main character and while there is a human antagonist, they are more of an instigator to the problems than a ‘big bad’ type.
3. Do your characters have a favorite type of weather?
Kari doesn’t like very cold weather, her favorite is the rainy season in spring. Alex loves the cold, but also loves summer.  Camden just hates rain.
4. Romantic or platonic relationships?
Platonic INTO romantic. I like my manuscripts with a good love interest, but the romance has to build naturally and cannot get in the way of driving plot. Nothing drives me crazy quicker than “The main terrible event in the novel is about to happen and we must stop it, but first let’s make out for a sec.” I aim more for stable relationship where there’s lots of standing next to each other or casual physical contact.
5. Which OC of yours would you get along with best?
Probably Camden. He’s quietly judgmental instead of out loud, keeps secrets, and has lots of books. We could read, sip tea, and judge the rest of my characters’ life decisions.
6. Would you survive in your OCs’ world? Why or why not?
If I lived in the northern country where magic is regulated and dangerous creatures are hunted/warded away then probably. Unless I tried to join the Hunters in a moment of insanity. In the southern country I’d be hella dead. 
7. What would you say is one of your “quirks” as a writer?
There are lots of felines in my writing, characters will have a cat, or monsters will possess feline-esque characteristics, or objects are compared to a cat. I end up having to edit some of it out on my read throughs. I really like cats.
8. Are there any writing “rules” that you break consistently? Ie commonly said rules that you just don’t follow?
It’s not really a “rule”, but I run across more and more writing advice about the importance of detailed plotting. I make general outlines, I’ll have my characters all worked out with their goals, a subjected timeline of main plot and subplots, but I don’t have written out “this will happen ten chapters from now and the next two chapters will have these characters in them and these four things will occur in chapter fifteen.” I know it works great for some people, but it never has for me.
9. What does “show don’t tell” mean to you?
 I try to focus on this the most when conveying body language or encounters with the creatures in my novel’s world. When it comes to setting I back off a little in favor of the show what’s important and tell what’s passing.
10. Post a recent snippet of your writing. Do you like it?
“I never agreed to go with you.” Kari tried to put her mother’s confidence on like a cloak. Back straight, eyes unquestioning. When Natalia looked at the twins like that Kari wondered how anyone could have driven her out of Cruor.
Her father once told her that the gods ground up starlight and poured it into certain children’s souls. Only a drop could give a person an iron will. He would often say that when they meant to put a drop in Natalia, a divine hand had slipped. Their mother would shake her head at him, but Kari caught the smile in her eyes every time.
Aleksander didn’t look intimidated.
“If you want to rock my style the whole time you’re here, that’s fine. Thinking up a plausible explanation for that might be interesting.” He crossed his arms but the posture was more relaxed than defiant. “Plus if Cam gets back and we haven’t gotten you new clothes, he may pick some up himself.” Kari shifted and started to question if starlight was inherited.
I do like it. If I still like it a week from now that’ll be a miracle.
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