#regulus is just going to have. some other concerns. in ch 37 and 38
birlwrites · 2 years
that previous ask didn’t come from me, but that one line is doing things to me, so here i am!
they started missing each other long before sirius left.
see, this, right here, is one of their core issues: there was little to no communication between them, even before sirius severed the last ties of their relationship when he ran away. they constantly missed each other in every sense of the word: in the way they longed for the relationship they used to have, but also they just. were never on the same track at the same time, if that makes sense?
i’m so curious to see how sirius feels about regulus in ttdl, because in tyrant, he outright states that he would always be his brother, but he just chose not to reach out mainly because he doesn’t know how walburga and orion would react to that if they were to hear of it. but, and correct me if i’m wrong, i’m pretty sure you’ve said before that sirius doesn’t feel/think exactly the same in ttdl, so where does that leave him?
like we’ve seen that regulus misses him, even though he never says it, not even thinks it. but most of his internal monologue in the recent chapters where he’s in grimmauld makes it pretty damn obvious that he hasn’t quite adapted to his brother’s absence, even though he doesn’t really realises it, seeing as that would require Emotional Awareness and Feelings Acknowledgement, which are very much not in the Regulus Black Skill Set.
but i’m curious to see if sirius feels/thinks the same way, if he unconsciously just brings up regulus in his own head when he sees, hears or does certain things. which is why i’m very excited for the next chapter, because Black Brothers Interaction, and i’ve also been dying to see what happens since you posted those last few lines of the last chapter on here, like, weeks ago.
anyway, all of this to say, i’m very fond of the black brothers and their particular brand of drama and miscommunication, and i’m really excited to see what you do with them <3
— 💌
re: not being on the same track at the same time, YES ABSOLUTELY - a lot of the time they're almost operating in different universes that play by different rules, and that means they're destined to miss each other
i've probably said at some point that sirius doesn't feel exactly the same way in ttdl afhslgkdhfj that seems like something i would say and it is true - the main difference is that in tyrant, sirius and regulus's estrangement is largely driven by their parents. in ttdl, while that is still *very much* the case, both of them have had enough of a hand in it to feel senses of both blame and guilt for how it's gone
so ttdl sirius has all of that going on, and he and regulus also both have their pride - the question is just who's better at swallowing it (not regulus) and who's better at actually admitting that something has gone wrong between them and they want to fix it (also not regulus)
sirius isn't going to chase regulus down on the train or anything like that, but he's more thoughtful than regulus gives him credit for (because regulus would really like to blame sirius running away on sirius being impetuous) and after the events of the next chapter, the wheels will be turning in his brain
so the reconciliation is an arc more than it is a scene or even a chapter - it's going to be an ONGOING process because it'll take a lot of time for regulus and sirius to work through the. everything. but soon they're going to start talking to each other again and that will be its own point of no return
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