#rei ryugazki x reader
“My boyfriend is coming! Hide!” (style 5+ Natsuya)
A/n: this is from that one tik tok challenge! But I was inspired by @onetouchq to do this! go check out her hq version! <3 also I could’ve done this in teams but oh well :3
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Good luck trying to get him up 🤡
Mhmm especially when he’s got himself wrapped around like that^
He clearly doesn’t want to be bothered
It’s gonna be pretty early in the morning (for him atleast) so we’re gonna say around 8am
“psst Haru!” you gently start to shake him awake, voice sounding urgent
Haru just groans, burying himself deeper into the covers
“Haru! You have to wake up! My boyfriend’s here! You have to hide! Hurry!” You give him a push
He ends up rolling off the bed
Haru lets out a grunt, actually complying as you urge him under the bed
It’s really too funny lmao mans just wants his sleep
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Here we have another heavy sleeper
“Makoto...Makoto!” You whisper in his ear, shaking his shoulder
You felt bad, really, for bothering him like this
“Makoto you have to get up, my boyfriend is coming!”
“Huh?” Is all a half asleep Makoto can muster as he begins to stir
“Makoto!!! You have to hide! Hurry he’s almost here!”
This is where Makoto shoots up, his body awake but his mind still groggy
“Ahhh! Who! Who’s coming?!” He feels around the sheets, panicking
You bite your lip, holding back your laughs as you try shoving him into a corner
“Hurry Makoto! My boyfriend is almost here!”
“...b-boyfriend...?” Makoto curls up in the space between the bed and dresser, his mind still trying to register your words
“Wait, boyfriend?!”
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You carefully tried prying his arms off of your torso
It didn’t help that he was a tree hugger in his sleep
You took this opportunity to turn around to face him, slightly tapping his cheeks
“Hey Nagisa!” You whispered
“Nagisa wake up!”
“nnnhh ah 5 more minutes...(y/n)-chan...”
“No Nagisa you have to get up right now and hide! My boyfriend is coming!”
Nagisa sits up on the bed, rubbing his eyes
“What are you talking about (y/n)-chan...I am your boyfriend.” Nagisa wraps his arms around your torso once again, pulling you both back into bed
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“Reeeeeiii! Hey Rei!”
After another long study sesh, Rei had crashed right on his desk, his body limp in the chair
“Reiiii!” You shook him again.
“What’s wrong (y/n)...I told you that we can do the rest tom...orrow...”
“Rei you have to hide! Like right now!”
“My boyfriend is here!” You back out his rolling chair, getting ready to push it into his closet
you can’t help but stifle a laugh as Rei’s head falls back on the chair, the boy mumbling incoherently in his sleepy state
You finally manage to push his chair in the closet, closing the door as you lean against it, slamming your hand over your mouth
“...boyfriend...WAIT BOYFRIEND?!”
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The moment he came back from practice, Rin had crashed right onto the couch not even bothering to change his clothes
You sought this as the perfect opportunity to prank him
“Rinnnn!” You quickly rush by his side, urging him in hushed tones to get up
“Rin! He’s here! My boyfriend is here! Please you have to hide!”
You shook him again and then pulled on his arm
“Baby you have to hide.”
“Hide?...but where?” Rin was like a little baby in his sleep making you go absolutely 😣❤️
“The shower! You can go hide in the shower! Just hurry before he comes!”
Rin grunts, letting himself get dragged by you into the bathroom
You push aside the shower curtain as Rin steps inside
A giggle accidentally slips out your lips as you pull the curtain back in it’s place
Poor Rin is so confused, rubbing his forehead as it finally hits him
You held your stomach in laughter as he stepped out giving you a bemused look
“That’s not funny” he flicks your forehead, you laughing out an apology
“Okay but seriously Rin...shower.”
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“Hey, hey, Natsu!”
Seeking out the perfect opportunity to play this prank, you took advantage of Natsuya’s dazed out state from his alcohol intake
He was currently napping in your shared bedroom, his flushed face in the midst of pillows with a blanket lazily draped over his torso
Entering into the bedroom, you made sure to prop up your phone in an ideal spot and pressed record as you quietly made your way to Natsuya’s sleeping form
“Natsuya!” You pulled off the blanket and turned him onto his back
“Natsu! Hurry baby get up!”
Just how much did he drink?
“Natsuya! Get up! You have to hide!”
Natsuya stirred, turning back onto his side, nuzzling further into the warmth of the pillows
You huffed before trying again, this time shaking him more aggressively, sometimes even lightly slapping his face
“Natsuya my boyfriend! He’s here, you have to hide Natsu! Hurry and get up!”
“Hmm?” Natsuya hummed in your direction
“My boyfriend, Natsuya! Get up so you can hide! My boyfr-”
Eyes closed, natsuya grinned as he pulled you into his chest, nestling into the crook of your neck
“I am your boyfriend silly.”
Peace sign up for the camera
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Taglist: @starbornecentral @enai-jigoku @allieturs @syrenblubs (let me know if you would like to be added or removed!)
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Anon asked: Hello!! Here's a lil prompt for style 5 + Sousuke + Momo + Kisumi + Asahi and their respective s/o: they are having some nice times just the two of them, then the boy does/says That Thing™ which s/o finds so endearing/adorable and goes all 😍😍😍😍 and mutters "marry me~", thinking he wouldn't hear, but he actually does aaaaaaa How would the boys react?? Thank you and have a great day!! 💖💖💖💖💖
Here’s your request! Hope u had a great day too! <33
When They Do That Thing™️ (Style 5 + Sousuke, Momo, Kisumi, Asahi)
For Haru, both of you would be caught up in a tranquil moment. Everything just feels right. And when you glance over, he’ll have that serene smile that always makes your heart stir.
“Marry me.” The words come out so effortlessly, you not even knowing that they did until you saw his eyes connect with yours. You immediately blush, looking away.
“Okay.” He states simply, connecting his forehead with yours~
That’s it. You’re crying. Your heart just can’t take this. Makoto kneeling down, softly talking and getting along with children?🥺 too much.
“Marry me...”
“Huh!?” Clearly, he heard you as his face turned 10 shades of crimson.
“yay! They’re getting married! They’re getting married!” The children at the park heard you too as they’re now chanting and parading in circles around you two.~
Nagisa is just too cute. Well, you knew that, but when he does this one thing, your heart just explodes. It’s when he chews. It’s weird when you think about it, but the way his cheeks just-
“Marry me”
“Mphuh?...whahtmm did you shay?....Marry you?” Your face goes red in embarrassment as Nagisa continues blabbering with his mouth stuffed.
“N-Nagisa! C-Chew with your mouth closed!”
You found the way Rei pushed his glasses up so endearing. No not when he intentionally did whenever he came up with his little schemes or theories, no, it was more when he did unconsciously while focused on a task at hand. Rei could be so unintentionally adorable.
“Hmm marry me...” you trail off....wait, what?
Rei immediately drops whatever’s in his hands and goes red. Like I’m talking ab roots to face to neck to chest red. He starts malfunctioning, words that can’t even be put into sentences.
Catching Rin off guard was your favorite pastime. This particular moment left you mesmerized. The way he would run his finger through his hair, pushing it back. It was...hot. You were peeking behind a wall when you unconsciously murmured,
“Marry me..” your eyes fluttered at the man who suddenly jumped upon hearing your voice. He looked at you with wide eyes, a blush quickly rising to his cheeks. Once over the initial shock, he comes over, pulling you into his chest to hide his flustered face.
“I was already planning to” he mumbles, embarrassed.~
Confused Sousuke is your favorite Sousuke. But even that doesn’t top this. Even after his surgery, Sousuke has a habit of rolling his shoulder back. And when he does it with his shirt off? :O ///-///
“Oh Sousuke...Marry me...”
Sousuke said 😶😯 “(y/n)...” the pink on his cheeks is just noticeable
Momo does a lot of hyperactive and stupid shit throughout the day, so you find him the most endearing in the moments where he’s serious or calmly sleeping. You go up closer to his face, admiring his serene state.
“Marry me Momo” you sigh, you didn’t realize he was actually awake, as he suddenly jolted up, bumping his forehead against yours in the process and falling off the bed completely. You let out a groan, rubbing your forehead, too much in pain than to be embarrassed, Momo will always be a little spazz~
Admit it, Kisumi’s laughs catch us ALL off guard.
“Uwu marry me Kisumiiii” you hadn’t realized that the boy had stopped laughing as he heard you clear as day. His cheeks turned pink as he pointed towards himself, as if in confirmation, agape. You blushed too, but decided to play along.
“Yes you idiot!”
Asahi’s is something as simple as scratching his jaw while reading or on his phone. You’re off in the corner entranced by an action as simple as that.
“Marry me” you mumble
“Huh? Cherry you?” You deadpan. You were glad he hadn’t heard you, but part of you still wished he did.
“Idiot! I said marry you!” You throw a pillow in his direction, directly at his stunned, red face.
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@croctears asked: aight so since i got water phobia or wtv that shit be called,, how would the boys be if their s/o has that as well? since they're swimmers and all yk, no other specific character req but sou would be highly appreciated hehe, thank you bub❤️ - vix
Here you go bby I’ve said this like 10000x already but I missed you sm 😣❤️❤️ and I think it’s officially called Aquaphobia??? Someone correct me if I’m wrong
S/O Having Aquaphobia (style 5 + Sousuke)
Haru......I don’t know how this works lololol he doesn’t know how this works😭 he’ll really just be like, “Just accept the water~” or some shit like that 😭😭😭
Makoto is very understanding of your situation, he has something similar but only with swimming in the ocean. He’ll find ways to slowly get you comfortable with the water. If anyone can help you with this it’s Makoto. Of course he’ll never push tho, he’ll only try to help out if you’re comfortable with it. Baby steps 🥰
Nagisa ummm he’ll find a lot of ways to help too. He’s also your little bodyguard loll. Everytime your near a body of water, he’ll be like “DONT WORRY, I’LL PROTECT YOU (Y/N)-CHANNNN”
Rei is doing some extensive research. He’ll read books, articles, stuff online, personal experiences, EVERYTHING. He also has a wholeeee list of ideas to help you. Half of them are pretty questionable ways tho. But he means well 🥰 he really just wants you to realize how beautiful the water can be~
Rin won’t push you or force you to like swimming just because he does it. In fact if you’re not comfortable even being near a body of water, he’ll insist that you don’t have to feel obligated to visit him in practices or even competitions. But if you’re willing to try, he’ll take baby steps too, to help you get comfortable in the water. Starting by an inflatable kiddie pool and some floaties lolll @vix’s mom
I’m sorry vix, I know Sou’s your bby but....He’s just :o I mean he’s so confused 😆 like what should he even say? Should he even say anything? But like Rin, he won’t force anything on you or make you feel obligated to anything that you’re not comfortable with. He personally doesn’t think he’s capable of helping you cope with your phobia but he will go out of his way if he needs to find someone who can if you’re willing! Also if you’re ever near a bathtub full of water, he’ll low key start freaking out outside of the bathroom 😭
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@tea-chan-191 asked: Hi! I was wondering if you could do some hc’s with style 5 + Sousuke, building sand castles at the beach . I actually thought of this at the beach the other day while I was building a sand castle myself and I thought I would be a cool request.
Mbn to be able to go to the beach rn 😔
Building Sandcastles (style 5 + Sousuke)
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Let me just start by saying that your sand castle is going to be BEAUTIFUL
It ain’t no ordinary castle
The only thing that dragged Haru out of the water
You collect the sand and look for shells, while he offers to get the water
You two start by piling your sand high, then begin carving it
You’re so impressed with Haru’s crafting abilities, you leave it to him to build the actual castle, while you decorate with shells, plants, and other items on the beach
Also Haru is going to protect this castle at all costs, no bratty children better think that they can come up and stomp on it
“Haru it’s getting late, time to go..”
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You two get so into it!
You take turns bringing in buckets of water and anything that might be useful
Aww everytime Makoto tries building it, the sand ends up falling apart 🥺
He can’t do the tiny details either 😭
“Makoto maybe not pat it with so much....force?” 🙂
He leaves most of the building to you, while he protects it and finds anything that might be of use<3
It may not be the prettiest sandcastle but you worked hard!
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He will insist on you burying him in the sand and building the castle on top of him😅
So you’re the one doing all the work
“Nagisa that’s not fair.”
“It’s ok (y/n)-chan, I’ll be cheering you on the whole time!” 😁
You sigh and get to work
It actually turns out pretty well at the end!
I mean only after you had to do it 10 times over with Nagisa either having to sneeze or itch his leg
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Oh no this is no joke
He is taking this SERIOUSLY
I’m talking about precise measurements people.
“No (y/n)-san! That’s too much water!”
“Just shut up and build Rei”
You two work long and hard, Rei extra attentive to details
In fact, your whole beach day is spent on this activity
But it was worth it.
Until a tide washes it away
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Nope this turns into a whole competition
Both of you are hard at work
Lots of teasing and boasting
Also arguing over items that you find on the beach 😅
“Hey Rin! No fair! I found that shell first!”
“You snooze you lose.” 😜
In fact you two are so wrapped up in this competition, that you don’t realize your castle has fell apart and run over by someone else🥺
Rin feels really bad, so he’ll end up naming his little castle after you, calling you it’s king/queen 🥺❤️
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He’s like yeah sure, whatever
However, he insists that you do most of the building while he goes and gets you whatever you need
The two of you sit down and pat at the sand
He’ll pick up a little shell and hold it towards you, telling you it’ll make the sand castle look prettier 🥺
It’s not the best sand castle, but it’s cute and made with love🥺🥺❤️
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