#momotarou mikoshiba x reader
thatanimewriter · 2 years
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➳ synopsis: who cries on their wedding day (they all do)
➳ character/s: nanase haruka, tachibana makoto, ryugazaki rei, hazuki nagisa, matsuoka rin, yamazaki sousuke, nitori aiichirou, mikoshiba momotarou, kirishima ikuya, kirishima natsuya, serizawa nao, shigino kisumi, shiina asahi, toono hiyori
➳ warnings: swearing, reader is the one walking down the aisle (rei) but otherwise no roles mentioned
➳ notes: i don’t know where i got this idea from, it popped into my head and i looked at the list of characters i write for and thought that this worked the best for the free! cast. also, i can’t imagine any of them NOT crying?? maybe to varying degrees, but they’d all shed a tear or a thousand
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  
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sousuke is a strong man
he’s not, but let’s just pretend he is
he doesn’t cry over things like this
yes he does
but when he saw you for the first time in your wedding outfit, he nearly broke
but like we said
he’s a strong man
he doesn’t CRY at things like YOU in a JAW-DROPPING OUTFIT >:((
this is unheard of 
he’s perfectly fine and it’s just dust thank you very much
he won’t cry in front of you or the guests
because he’s just
but when he returns for the reception
and you ask him if he cried
because his eyes are kinda swollen and red
absolute lies
he said he just took a breather
but you know he went off on his own to sob to himself
because the remnants of tears are still there
and no, you’re not gonna mention it
he couldn’t lie
he almost got teary just seeing you for the first time
but he managed for the ceremony
as for in between the ceremony and reception?
don’t worry about it :))
he just needs a moment to sob it out
but it’s a happy sob
he’s definitely yelling to himself how happy he is about marrying you
and as private as he wanted this moment to be, everyone CAN hear him
he is a very loud man
everyone doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing
 but one can assume he’s jumping up and down like a kid
probably in denial a bit 
he didn’t imagine this would ever happen
so this still feels kinda like a dream
only until the wedding finished
and he woke up the next day to see you sleeping next to him
wedding ring glinting in the morning sun
immediately starts crying
because he’s not alone anymore ;v;
and he has you
he’s 100% embarrassed he’s crying over this
and he’s 100% glad that he did cry the day after
very level-headed
he’s very absorbed in him not fucking up his vows
but once the ceremony is over
he’s done for
just stood by himself for an extended period of time
the poor man
he cleans himself up before coming back to you
but you know what he’s been doing
and honestly
because you’re probably not any better :))
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what a little bitch
he can remain as stoic as he wants
but you don’t miss the tear that rolls down his cheek
his eyebrows raise just a fraction
and this look of absolute admiration crosses his face
haru.exe has stopped working.
in middle school, you’d never see him cry
but how can he not shed a tear when you’re getting married?
our usually unemotional bean is in a place he thought he would never be
and god
it feels so fucking good 
he has an obsession with beauty
we all know this
so when this beautiful THING (you) appears
lip quivering like crazy
vision gone blurry even though he’s got his glasses on
and a lump in his throat
can barely get through his vows
honestly, you’re happy he cried
because you had said previously
‘if you don’t cry when i walk down the aisle, i’m turning around and we’re trying that again.’
so it’s good that he got it right the first time-
what a soft boy ;v;
audible gasp when he sees you for the first time
jaw dropped and just staring
he doesn’t even notice he’s started crying a little bit until you comfort him
he’s fine with it though
it’s HIS (and your) wedding day
he can CRY if he fucking wants >:((
i say that as if he would be able to control it
he can’t
not a single thread of toxic masculinity in this man
he would wrap you in such a tight hug and cry into your shoulder
but he wouldn’t ruin your outfit, he can wait until you get home and can finally go to bed
this tease oml
he’s still gonna keep it light-hearted
this is your wedding day after all
makes the stupid ‘kiss me’ joke
but he can’t finish it without his throat closing up
and his eyes filling with tears
he claims he had a flashback moment
where your entire relationship just flashed before his eyes
you’re pretty sure he’s just emotional
BUT if that’s what helps him sleep at night-
you’re not complaining
because he’s your husband from that day onwards, you’ll let him process it however he needs
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it took waking up for this bitch to cry
i am not kidding
he woke up and chose tears
it has been 3 minutes after waking up
and he’s already a goner
he can’t wait for the actual ceremony where he continues to cry like a baby :))
and that he did
cried through the entire ceremony
but survived well enough
he can’t give a speech at the reception though
he’s hopeless
hides his face in the paper he wrote his speech on and got it wet ._.
he doesn’t know what emotion he is
is he crying of happiness, excitement or fear?
probably all three
manages to calm down
after the rest of the style five boys give him some more confidence
and then their work is immediately reversed the moment he sees his parents in the front
and then he improved a little bit
and then he went right back to being a mess
because of your mere presence
and the words ‘ i now pronounce you’
the rest of that sentence was a blur because he just dove in to kiss you
probably cried about the wedding for the rest of the week
oh boy
he’ll cry at anything
so his wedding day will be a moment and a half
anxious knee-bouncing on the car ride to the venue
and anxious sighing until the ceremony starts
he both desperately wants to see you and wants you to stay far away
can’t get through his vows without sobbing
he went through an entire tissue box by himself
and he cried most of the way through that as well
especially the speeches
my god, the speeches...
likely said he’d be fine
and uhh, yeah
he definitely wasn’t
his shirt is probably soaked
don’t even bother with the blazer
it’s ruined
he’s in a whirlwind of emotions
and he doesn’t know how to escape it
because when this absolute piece of art is standing in front of him
his brain malfunctioned
after the vows and everything he was fine though
that night when you went to bed he wasn’t
ikuya is an emotionally troubled man
and it fucking shows
he’s literally never felt like crying more
natsuya and hiyori bullied him for it FOR SURE
which made him super embarrassed
and probably made him cry harder-
the first time he saw you, he tried suppressing it
tried to get through his vows without crying or fucking it up
tried to regain his composure for the speeches during the reception
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If you’re taking requests right now, can you write jealousy headcanons for the Samezuka boys + Seijuro? Thanks!
Sometimes it’s hard to take him seriously when he’s like this, he’d be more over the teasing side, but he’d poke around you not wanting to be with him anymore and wanting to be with that barista guy in the coffee shop you visit frequently. 
Sometimes, you’d play along, until you can literally see him tear up. 
Then, you’d decide that it’s enough and you’d pull him in for a hug. 
He’s dumb, he can’t see how beautiful he is, can he? 
You’ll make sure he knows he’s your one and only. Then, he’ll tease you back with how much you love him. 
He is a sweetheart, he’d be so heartbroken when he sees you talking to your tall classmate. 
He’d start wondering if you’d like him better if he was taller or stronger, or if his eyes were darker. He’d change his haircut if that meant youd like him better.
Nitori’s eyes would look glossy when you come closer to him after noticing him by the door. 
You’d hug him and kiss his cheek, he’d shyly ask if you dont mind him not being that tall. 
You laugh it of softly, “No, Ai, you’re perfect like this”, wrapping your arms around him. 
You’d feel him relax in your arms and blink back a few tears.
He might feel his world is falling apart. 
Momo would very likely make a scene and sob when he thinks you like someone other than him a lot more. 
He’d talk to you about it though.
You’d explain that it’s nothing like that and that this person was just borrowing something from you. 
He’d wait until you give him a forehead kiss to stop his sobbing.
Then, Momo would take you to get some ice cream. 
He’s a bit harsh and erratic when he’s not thinking straight. 
Sousuke wouldn’t want to hurt you in anyway, but if you try to talk about it at the wrong place and time, it could turn into a fight (depending on how you both handle it of course). He can be very explosive. 
He would never attack you in anyway, but he’d want to pull himself out of any interaction with anyone for a bit to cool off. 
If you leave him alone to think, from the begining, he’ll calm down and come back in a few minutes. He’ll hug you and tell you how much he loves you. 
But on the few days where he’s a bit more difficult to handle, if you try to push him into telling him what’s wrong he might snap. He’d be dumb and say something that he doesn’t mean. 
He’d then come back and try to explain what was happening through his mind. 
He is 100% not good with “negative” feelings, but he will fight back really hard to show he’s very sorry.
Honestly, Seijuro is pretty cool about it. Like, yeah, sure, he does get jealous, because it kinda happens to a lot of us. But he’s mature enough to not make a scene about it (probably not like Momo, for example).
He’d try to not address his feeling though, at first, because he doesn’t want to make a big deal about it, until you feel he’s a bit more quiet.
Seijuro will then explain to you how he feels, he’ll be very clear in the fact that there’s nothing wrong with you and that he should just probably reflect on his feelings for a bit.
You could try to validate his feeling or just let him deal with it by himself, but if you try to talk it out with him, he’ll feel a lot better with the situation and himself. 
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Anon asked: Hello👋 I love your writing so much! so um... I was wondering if I may request kirishima bros, asahi, kisumi, rin, and makoshiba bros the first time their s/o falls asleep on his shoulder or lap when they’re watching a movie together or something? Bonus first time he wakes up and s/o is in his bed with him (no sexy time! they were just cuddling!) and s/o is still asleep squeeze-hugging legs&arms his favorite pillow & he doesn’t have the heart to wake s/o up? I’m sorry if it’s too long or silly🖤
Aww you love my writing?🥺❤️
S/O Falling Asleep On Them + Waking Up To Them (Rin, Kisumi, Momo, Seijuro, Asahi, Ikuya, Natsuya)
Rin is just stares at them for a while. How can anyone be so cute?🥺 His heart just wells with so much love, he feels like it’s going to burst. He gives them a small smile, before gently picking them up and leading them to bed.
Bonus: he’s definitely up before them, he just takes a moment to really admire them, moving any hair from out of their face, so serene. He’s entranced.
Kisumi just looks down at his lap and smiles his soft smile. He runs his fingers gently through their hair, just staying like that for awhile, enjoying the sensation of his s/o in his lap.
Bonus: He’s a bit stiff, and his whole body is probably asleep, but they are just toooo cute, he won’t move an inch and gently kiss their head deciding that he’ll just have to stay like this~
Momo’s heart is about to burst out of his chest. He’s suddenly turns so stiff and nervous and he’s low key shaking. But he really likes it! He’s just so excited and he’s trying his best to contain it 😆 He’ll eventually ease up a bit smiling over at his s/o
Bonus: Momo’s a hugger too😆 they’re both entangled in each other🥺 he might hug back a bit tighter and accidentally end up waking his s/o out of excitement 😭
Seijuro, the opposite of his little bro, is a lot more calm. He chuckles before fixing them into a more comfortable position and just admiring their beauty. Nobody better barge in and disturb this moment either~
Bonus: He’s a bit surprised when he peels his eyes open in the morning to find himself in such a position, but his s/o just looks so relaxed, he’ll just sigh out a small laugh and kiss their forehead
Ikuya becomes a bit stiff. He’s just trying to process the moment, but he’ll relax after a bit, a calm, small smile resting on his lips. He likes the feeling of their head in his lap, and he’ll play with their hair a bit, relishing the moment. He’ll even play a slow, relaxing song, placing his headphones carefully on his s/o’s head 🥺🥺
Bonus: He groggily wakes up squirming a bit, wondering why he can’t move. Oh... it’s all so surreal for him. He never imagined himself to ever be in this moment. He just stares at them in awe✨
Asahi is about to jump, slight startled, but he quickly stops himself upon seeing them in such a serene state. He kind of stays like that, awkwardly with his arms in the air and one knee bent as if about to get up, but now he doesn’t even want to move an inch that might wake them. They’re so 🥺🥺
Bonus: Similar to last night. He doesn’t want to move at all. He’s blushing so hard right now, but he eases in, connecting foreheads and falling asleep once again alongside with them
Natsuya will shut the t.v., just wanting to take this moment and really look at them. They’re just so gorgeous. He’s smiling like an idiot to himself, switching their position into his lap so they can be more comfortable while he just runs his fingers through their hair
Bonus: Mesmerized. He doesn’t even mind that he’s become a human log, this moment just means so much to him. As if they couldn’t be more beautiful. He’s smiling widely putting his arm around their back and holding them close to his chest.
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free-pool-trash · 6 years
Fighting with the Free! Boys [pt.5]
Requested by anon: hi i really love your works and it's my first time sending request omg.. i didn't watch the s3 yet btw my request is free! boys any angsty stuff but ends with fluff like him being ignored by s/o or vice versa, arguments, jealousy, calling clingy and etc. it depends on you love yaaa 🐬
Last part bbys.
[pt.1] [pt.2] [pt.3] [pt. 4]
I feel like Aii baby likes his personal space from time to time
it'd been a long week
he'd already had Momo grabbing at him and hanging out of him like he was a jungle gym
All he wanted was to spend some time with his girlfriend and have some space to breath
lol no
you'd had a long week too
school was hard
you missed your boyfriend
now it was the weekend and all you wanted to do was cuddle
It was a mess
You arrived at his dorm and the first thing you did was hug him
which was fine he loves your hugs
then you sat down to watch a movie
And you put your head on his shoulder
also fine
but then you started wrapping your arms around him like the caring girlfriend you are but today he just wasn't feeling it
”Uh.. can we not today?”
I am confusion?
”Not what?”
He blushed before answering and you were worried that he thought you were trying to start something
You weren't prepped for that one
Your face fell and you unwrapped yourself from him, sitting beside him stiffly
you even scooted away a little
”oh okay.”
Nitori knows he done fucked up
The first 40 minutes of the movie he could see you trying to figure out why he didn't wanna cuddle with you and it was breaking his heart
40 minutes of being able to breath wasn't worth it
He scooted close to you and this time he wrapped his arms around you, catching you by surprise
”I thought you didn't want to today?”
He squeezed you tight before he responded
”I can't resist your cuddles.”
Cheesy but it turned your frown upside down
”Momo! Pay attention to me!” You yelled at him as he kept playing with his beetles.
Date night was going great so far
That was like the 5th time you called him
And he ignored you yet again
Nitori was out of the dorm for the night so you couldn't even talk to him while your boyfriend ignored you for beetles
You hadn't seen him all week and he'd barely spoken a word to you since you arrived
”Quit being clingy.”
Momo realizes what he just said to you
”If me wanting my boyfriend to actually spend time with me after he hasn't seen me all week is clingy then fine.”
Then you picked up your bag to leave and Momo was in shock
what the fuck is happening?
”I guess I'll quit being clingy”
you stormed out and slammed the door
Momo is still sitting on the floor
did you just- shhhhhhitttttt
He's up like the flash running after you
you obviously hadn't gone very far down the corridor when he reached you
you heard him running at you but you let him have his dramatic moment
He barreled into you from behind and wrapped his arms around your waist and dug his head into your shoulder crying out
”I'm sorry! Don't go you weren't being clingy I was being a jerk I'm sorry.”
you try to stay mad but he starts rocking the hug and you're pretty much gone
”It's okay. Are you gonna actually pay attention to me now?”
Why is he smirking? What is that? What's happening
”Come back inside and you'll find out.”
Excuse me what.
Teenage hormones
yeah he paid attention to you.
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animebaby00 · 2 years
Free! Boys and Their Nicknames For You: Part 2/2
Same as the first part, but with some different boys <3
(PART 1)
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My Mermaid (A/N: If you’ve seen Dive to the Future, then you know :3)
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Sweet Thang
Sugar Lips
Skittles (A/N: Maybe it’s his hair that gave me this one? Idk…but it works)
Tater Tot
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Ladybug (A/N: I luv this oneeee)
My Lovely
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Sweet Pea
Puffin (A/N: This one just in his cute little voice I can’tttt >.<)
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Baby face
Jelly Bean (A/N: I used a lot of candy names, but I feel no shame, especially not with this one)
Cutie Pie
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Sweetums (A/N: *swoon)
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butter-egg-toast · 3 years
Gifts 🎁 for you
Anon ask: What type of gifts will the free boys give to you?? Thank you take your time
Birthday 🎂, Christmas 🎄, Valentines 💝 or Anniversary 💐
Sorry this took long anon.
Haru: Bath self care kit: Bath bombs, bubble bath, sugar scrubs, lotion, body wash, and body exfoliator brush
"I heard this stuff is really good for your skin."-Haru
Makoto: Cat theme, Cozy throw blanket with giant kitten stuff animal
"I hope its not too big for your room. The blanket is super soft and warm too!"-Makoto
Nagisa: clothing set: hoodies, sweat pants, purses, and shoes
"We have matching hoodies y/n chan, lets show everyone!"-Nagisa
Rei: fragrance 5 set with scented lotions: Raspberry mist, coconut mist, cotton candy mist, white peach mist, and Mango hair mist.
"These fragrances has a lovely sweet smell to them. I really like them on you"-Rei
Rin: Jewelry kit:  rings, necklace,  bracelets, body jewelry, mini jewelry box. and ear rings
"I got you different colors, I wanted to look for different designs. I know they are going to look great on you"-Rin
Sousuke: Sleep set: slik pillow case, eye mask,head phones and night time mask
"I wasn't sure what to get you, so I hope you'll like it"-Sousuke
Aii: He would make cooked home made meal,(breakfast , lunch and dinner), planned out a whole day of activities. Watching movies, buying what you want, going to the zoo and enjoying each others company.
"Today is going to be special for you"-Aii
Kisumi: Slippers, fuzzy socks matching  pajama set and tea set with candies
"You can wear these when you spend the night over my place. And we can try some of these teas"-Kisumi
Asahi Hair care set: shampoo, conditioner, oils, scalp care, brushes combs and curler iron.
"Your hair always look so pretty, so I got you these. I hope you like it. Tell me if you do."-Asahi
Ikuya: Scented candles 5 set, pumpkin, vanilla,  cinnamon apple, citrus rose, and Lavender
"These are also help calms stress. Let me know if you like them. I'll buy you some more"-Ikuya
Hiyori Make up kit, lips sticks, lip gloss, blush. Eye shadow, concealer, make up brushes and eye liner
"I saw that you would look at those makeup tutorials, so I thought you may like this."-Hiyori
Natsuya Skin care: sunscreen, face wash, 5 peel off mask, moisturizing oils, lotion, facial rollers, lip scrub, and toner
"I really wanted to find something you may like. I noticed you have a lot of these products in your room"- Natsuya
Nao Cooking kit: cooking books, aprons cooking mittens, sweet champagne bottles and glasses:
"I hope you enjoy you gifts." Clicking both glasses together."-Nao
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divetothefandom · 3 years
I'm fully covinced that embarrassing Rin's hilarious, and so easy that this all takes place relatively early in the relationship.
So before that I imagine Rin just casually knew you because you tagged along with the Iwatobis to the competitions and training with Gou.
And you reminded him of Haru, serious and stoic, but more talkative. Constantly making him laugh when he heard you teasing someone else over something stupid they did.
You both could talk about deep stuff and have conversations in different languages.
Slowly he started falling in love and miraculously enough he manged to ask you out without passing out of embarrassment.
But you still had him wrapped around your finger.
And at some point things will get hectic because life of a professional athelete do be like that. Probably training got delayed and he was late for a date with you so he went for a rose to give you as an apology.
But he was running through the park where he was supposed to meet you and while waited for you to appear a cat snatches the rose and he starts tugging it to get it back.
Needless to say the poor flower is torn apart when you do show up.
He hides the little botanic vitcim behind him red in the faces and can't form a coherent sentence he's so flustered.
And he hears it.
You start laughing and he looses it.
He will hide his face in his hoodie cap tugging it to cover more of his face. Which only makes you laugh more.
It's a vicious cycle of embarrassment and giggles.
But truthfully, he wouldn't change it for the world.
Sousuke is a serious guy for the most part.
So he is not particularly pushy about making you laugh.
Most of your relationships is pretty chill and not over the top as it'd be one with let's say Nagisa, Kisumi or Asahi.
Sousuke jokes around and is charismatic but he's pretty calm.
You often hang out with Sousuke in his rehab training and help him do some of his excercises.
You love talking to each other and are very much happy around each other.
But it isn't until one day Momo convinced Nitori to do a little Tokyo escaped with the Iwatobi guys since Rin was going to be in town... meaning the whole Swimming nerds crew would be reunited.
It was a rare opportunity you couldn't pass, so you skipped classes to reschedule his training earlier.
Everyone is reunited and they're having a great time.
They started teasing him and mocking him.
Among those things they went over funny stupid things he'd do as a child.
He's embarrassed and considering to leave when he hears you laughing at a story Rin told him.
It's such a pretty laugh and heartfelt.
He melts and decided leaving is not so bad being a little bit embarrassed if he can hear you laughing like that.
Clearly, he had to balance things out telling stuff about you.
And definitely he will make sure to tell you more fun stuff about his childhood if it means to make you laugh more.
He's not funny, he's not the kind of guy that makes other laugh.
But he's adorably ease to tease.
Which is why he hadn't invited you to visit you during his trainings or whenever Momo was around.
But today you showed up unannounced trying to surprise him.
He goes pale that you almost feel bad.
But he just knows what will happen.
All the guys are over you, specially when they know your their smol bean of a captain's sweetheart.
Trying to mess with him and you for being together.
Nitori is so flustered is adorable that he lets out the loudest screech to send them to work.
But you start giggling at him and everyone else finds it hilarious.
He's too flustered about it and just whines about it.
Don't get him wrong, he loves you, but he's so flustered!
Momo is hyperactive and cute. But he's more annoying than funny.
You particularly didn't seem to find him as either.
In one hand, you didn't get mad at him
On the other he never saw you laugh.
He was dead set on it, he is a cinnamon roll and always asks you about it
He is such a hyper bean.
One day you tag along with him to a joint meeting with the Iwatobi guys and you chat with Gou and Ayumu.
They start going about how obssessed he was with Gou and all the times she'd say his name wrong.
Momo experiences stress for the first time thinking you'd get mad.
He's an opening mouth away from going on a ramble about how that's the past and he only has eyes for you and only you.
But he's surprised to see you burst out laughing about how ridiculous he was and the whole name mix-up.
He feels like the luckiest guy in the world, not only for his sweetheart being so sweet and understanding, but also that laugh??? Is. So Precious?!??!?!
He's always so determined and stubborn.
So making you laugh is his goal. But he doesn't play dirty.
He wants to be intentionally be funny enough to make you laugh.
He's a sweetheart but just like his brother: hyperactive, not funny.
So he tries to be amusing another way.
One time he asks you to meet you by the pool and you arrive a bit early so he's still at the pool.
And look, my man is a devoted swimmer but not as devoted as he is to his darling (and he's very devoted to swimming).
He's just so excited to see you he rushes out of the pool and he runs to greet you and carry you in his arms still dripping wet.
Your response is the cutest nervous stream of giggles.
He gets even more excited that he makes you spin around and fill you with smooches until the coach scolds him and send him back to the pool.
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syrenblubs · 3 years
Hi syren!! Can I requests for which free! boys gonna spoil they s/o and which boys never spoil they s/o and which boys accidently spoil they s/o
Btw I hope u have a nice day and take care of yourself 😘😘
a/n: i had this stuck in my drafts for a while but ty for the request! have a good day too <3
those who spoil their s/o:
natsuya, nagisa, kisumi, seijuro, momo, rin
those who accidentally spoil their s/o:
makoto, rei, asahi, hiyori, nitori
those who never (or rarely) spoil their s/o:
ikuya, haru, sousuke, nao
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Day 6: Bugs w/ Momotaro Mikoshiba
You see you really liked Halloween, you liked the scary movies, the candy, dressing up, and all the fun stuff surrounding the holiday, But if there is one thing that you can’t stand about it, it has to be the bugs.
More specifically the spiders, those eight-legged spawns of hell always brought you a sense of dread whenever you spotted one.  
Right now, you were currently locked in a standstill as you stared at the tiny but lethal creature as you slowly rose your phone to your ear, as it dialed you never once took your eyes off the insect until you heard the voice of your savior.
“(N/n)! Hey, you wouldn’t believe what I just caught-!”.
“Momo I’m about to die”, you say, getting straight to the point.
Knowing how you were already, your boyfriend laughed a bit before being cut off by you, “You’re laughing at me? I am about to face certain death by Saitins spawn and you’re laughing?”.
“(Y/n) it’s a small spider, I’m pretty sure it’s more afraid of you than you are of it, but don’t worry I’m already on my way”, he grins as your screech.
“It just moved closer Momo! Hurry, I am a foot closer to death’s door!”, you cry.
“I’ll be there in a bit I promise! Just hang on”, Momotaro says as he grabs his equipment and walked out the door.
“Wait! Don’t hang up the pho-!”, your voice cuts of as he puts his phone away, wincing knowing that he’ll probably get an earful later he started to run to possibly make up for hanging up on you.
Once he got to your home, he quickly opened the door calling for you with a big grin on his face, “(Y/n)! I’m here!”.
It was quiet for a moment before he heard your running steps and eventually saw you, when you made a mad dash for him he opened his arms and crouched a bit to catch you. A small ‘oof’ escaped him when you ran into his embrace. 
“Momo you jerk you hung up your phone!”, you cry as your bury your face in his chest, he laughs a bit as he holds you tighter before asking.
“So where’s the spider?”
“In my bathroom”, you answer quickly.
Momo grinned as he let you go and grabbed his equipment, “Don’t worry I’ll catch it in a jiffy!”.
He did make good on his promise but… he didn’t have to show you the thing in the jar, it was like the thing was staring at you with evil intent.
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animetrash420 · 4 years
Mona Lisa Smiles
Pairing: Momotaro Mikoshiba X F!reader
Genre: Fluff
Authors Note: I had a really fun time writing this and this is probably the softest thing I wrote so far
Synopsis: On a hot summer day Momotaro found himself bored. That is until his girlfriend Y/n suggest that they have a recreating a Bob Ross painting challenge. Not one to back down from a challenge he accepts only to found out that it was a lot harder than he thought it was.
It was just like any other summer day. Hot and sticky and best spent indoors. However there’s only so much social media for a person to scroll through before they get bored. Momotaro sighed loudly as he tried refreshing his feed for the fifth time in that hour. Y/n looked past her canvas and queried an eyebrow at her whining boyfriend.
“You okay?” 
“There’s nothing fun to do!” He complained, throwing his arms out in exasperation. Y/n giggled at his childish antiques. 
“Why don’t you come over here and paint with me? It might help you relax for a bit, and who knows maybe you might find some enjoyment out of it.” She patted the chair next to her. They had only been dating for a year at this point and Y/n has not once seen Momotaro even look at a paint brush. That’s not to say that he hasn’t been very supportive of her but he was just too much into swimming like his sibling. However Y/n was also curious of how good Momotaro’s art skill was. To Y/n’s surprise he actually had gotten up from the couch and made his way over to the table. She took a moment and scrambled to set up a canvas and paint tray for him. Once he made it over he took notice of the peace she was currently working on. 
“Wow… That’s amazing.” Y/n blushed, shaking her head.
“Oh no it’s nothing. I’m not even close to finishing it. It's still just a work in progress.” She explained as she moved it aside and placed a new canvas in its place.
“Well I still think it looks amazing.” Y/n mumbled a thank you. Momotaro plopped down next to her and eyed at all the supplies laid out in front of him. He stopped when he noticed her set up youtube on her laptop and placed it in between them.
“I thought that we could make this a little bit competitive and try to recreate one of Bob Ross’ paintings. That way you have something to follow along.”
“Alright but what do I get if I win?” Y/n thought about it for a moment.
“If you win then I’ll go out and buy dinner, but if I win then you have to wash the dishes for a week.”
“How is that fair?”
“It’s like 100 degrees out there and you never do the dishes!” Momotaro shrugged in agreement and  pressed play on the video. Soon the calming voice of Bob Ross rang throughout the room as he listed off the colors he would be using. Y/n giggled softly as Momotaro tried to scramble to gather up all the paint and squirt it out onto his palette. A few minutes in Momotaro took a glance over at his girlfriend’s progress. He was in awe at how good it was turning out. It was almost an exact replica of the one Bob was painting yet there was something a little off about it. As he was staring at her he could help but take in the little details of her, like the way she was so precise with each stroke and how she stuck out her tongue as she got more focus. Momotaro could help but smile and think that he was the luckiest guy on the planet. 
Y/n could feel him staring and looked at him, looked at him out of the corner of her eye and cocked a brow. Momotaro slightly jumped once he realized that he was caught and quickly went back to painting. Y/n softly smiled at her slightly flustered boyfriend as she continued to follow along with the video. After twenty or so minutes the credits started to toll on the video.
“Alright let’s put on any finishing touches we want and then we’ll show each other?” Momotaro nodded. A few moments later they both put down their paint brushes.
“You go first,” Momotaro insisted. Y/n sighed but turned her canvas around. Of course it came to no surprise to Momotaro that her piece came out amazing and so close to the original.
“Alright your turn,” her eyes widened. Instead of a painting of a bubbling stream that both Bob and Oribia painted Momotaro had painted a portrait of Y/n. It was no Mona Lisa but she could tell that he put a lot of work into it. 
“I kinda got lost so I, uh decided to paint the prettiest thing I know.” Momotaro rubbed the nape of his neck feeling a little embarrassed. Y/n’s heart melted as tears started to form in her eyes. Momotaro’s eyes widened as he tried to think of what to do. The best he could do was place his hand on her cheek and wipe away the tears. Y/n in turn cupped both his cheeks and pulled him in for a soft and tender kiss.
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bonkers-4-hatter · 4 years
Anon asked: May I please have a character match up for Free! ? I'm 5'7", I'm an adrenaline junkie but I'm also a writer and I love reading. I can waste all day listening to music and rock/ punk is my favorite. I'm like a light caramel color but really caramel in the summer. I swim a lot in the summer and I like singing. I have strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. My legs are really long. I'm not really girlie. I'm intelligent and I have a bad temper. 
If you enjoy my content, please consider buying me a coffee.
I match you with:
Momotarou from Free!
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Will totally rock out with you all day with your rock and punk music! He’s so hyper and ready to have fun, so get ready to dance your tail off. Loves your skin color, will always tell you that it suits you and how you look beautiful he could eat you up. He’ll call you his little caramel delight.
Takes you to every pool, beach and lake imaginable so you both can swim and get out in the sun when it’s Summer. You’ll be living in your swimsuit all Summer that’s for sure. Wants you to sing for him especially when you guys are just relaxing together, it really calms him down.
Knows about your bad temper and will try his best not to make you angry, but you have to let him know that stuff because this boy is sometimes really oblivious to things like that. He can pick up when you’re getting angry with others and will try to diffuse the situation before it gets bad or he’ll just take you away from the situation so you can calm down. He doesn’t like to see you get angry and if he can stop it from happening, he will. He loves you and just wants to see you happy. 
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Anon asked: Hello!! Here's a lil prompt for style 5 + Sousuke + Momo + Kisumi + Asahi and their respective s/o: they are having some nice times just the two of them, then the boy does/says That Thing™ which s/o finds so endearing/adorable and goes all 😍😍😍😍 and mutters "marry me~", thinking he wouldn't hear, but he actually does aaaaaaa How would the boys react?? Thank you and have a great day!! 💖💖💖💖💖
Here’s your request! Hope u had a great day too! <33
When They Do That Thing™️ (Style 5 + Sousuke, Momo, Kisumi, Asahi)
For Haru, both of you would be caught up in a tranquil moment. Everything just feels right. And when you glance over, he’ll have that serene smile that always makes your heart stir.
“Marry me.” The words come out so effortlessly, you not even knowing that they did until you saw his eyes connect with yours. You immediately blush, looking away.
“Okay.” He states simply, connecting his forehead with yours~
That’s it. You’re crying. Your heart just can’t take this. Makoto kneeling down, softly talking and getting along with children?🥺 too much.
“Marry me...”
“Huh!?” Clearly, he heard you as his face turned 10 shades of crimson.
“yay! They’re getting married! They’re getting married!” The children at the park heard you too as they’re now chanting and parading in circles around you two.~
Nagisa is just too cute. Well, you knew that, but when he does this one thing, your heart just explodes. It’s when he chews. It’s weird when you think about it, but the way his cheeks just-
“Marry me”
“Mphuh?...whahtmm did you shay?....Marry you?” Your face goes red in embarrassment as Nagisa continues blabbering with his mouth stuffed.
“N-Nagisa! C-Chew with your mouth closed!”
You found the way Rei pushed his glasses up so endearing. No not when he intentionally did whenever he came up with his little schemes or theories, no, it was more when he did unconsciously while focused on a task at hand. Rei could be so unintentionally adorable.
“Hmm marry me...” you trail off....wait, what?
Rei immediately drops whatever’s in his hands and goes red. Like I’m talking ab roots to face to neck to chest red. He starts malfunctioning, words that can’t even be put into sentences.
Catching Rin off guard was your favorite pastime. This particular moment left you mesmerized. The way he would run his finger through his hair, pushing it back. It was...hot. You were peeking behind a wall when you unconsciously murmured,
“Marry me..” your eyes fluttered at the man who suddenly jumped upon hearing your voice. He looked at you with wide eyes, a blush quickly rising to his cheeks. Once over the initial shock, he comes over, pulling you into his chest to hide his flustered face.
“I was already planning to” he mumbles, embarrassed.~
Confused Sousuke is your favorite Sousuke. But even that doesn’t top this. Even after his surgery, Sousuke has a habit of rolling his shoulder back. And when he does it with his shirt off? :O ///-///
“Oh Sousuke...Marry me...”
Sousuke said 😶😯 “(y/n)...” the pink on his cheeks is just noticeable
Momo does a lot of hyperactive and stupid shit throughout the day, so you find him the most endearing in the moments where he’s serious or calmly sleeping. You go up closer to his face, admiring his serene state.
“Marry me Momo” you sigh, you didn’t realize he was actually awake, as he suddenly jolted up, bumping his forehead against yours in the process and falling off the bed completely. You let out a groan, rubbing your forehead, too much in pain than to be embarrassed, Momo will always be a little spazz~
Admit it, Kisumi’s laughs catch us ALL off guard.
“Uwu marry me Kisumiiii” you hadn’t realized that the boy had stopped laughing as he heard you clear as day. His cheeks turned pink as he pointed towards himself, as if in confirmation, agape. You blushed too, but decided to play along.
“Yes you idiot!”
Asahi’s is something as simple as scratching his jaw while reading or on his phone. You’re off in the corner entranced by an action as simple as that.
“Marry me” you mumble
“Huh? Cherry you?” You deadpan. You were glad he hadn’t heard you, but part of you still wished he did.
“Idiot! I said marry you!” You throw a pillow in his direction, directly at his stunned, red face.
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fictional-cuties · 5 years
May I request a matchup for Free? I’m a straight female, 5’4”. I’m a little shy but really want to be open with others and try to be friendly with everyone. I get flustered easily and embarassed of my laugh. When I open up, I’m affectionate and playful and enjoy pulling little pranks. I love to be cuddled and held; physical touch is my love language. I love playful people. I enjoy cooking and writing. I’m a little nerdy about things I like. I’m an Animal lover. Stuffed animal lover, too. Thanks!
ofc! tumblr sort of ate your ask, so sorry its formatted like this.
I match you with...
Momotarou Mikoshiba!
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—Being the kind of person he is, he immediately notices how shy you are, and becomes determined to make you more outgoing.
— He’ll always pull gags around you or crack jokes really loudly. He loves it when you laugh, and he doesn’t understand why you’re so embarassed of it.
— He’ll eventually start to notice how flustered and embarassed you get when he does this, and he finds it so cute, that it somehow makes him flustered too.
— He first realized he liked you when you pulled a prank on him by tricking him into standing really close to the water, and then mischievously pushing him in. He saw you laughing so hard at yourself, and so he didn’t even mind the fact that his uniform was all soaked.
— He was actually super shy when it first came down to how he felt about you. He never really asked you out, the two of you just became an item.
— He fucking loves cuddling. He likes it when you sit in between his legs, and he can hug you from behind, sometimes blowing silly little raspberries into the back of your neck.
— He buys you a jumbo plushie of an otter and tells you to cuddle it when he’s not around to be in the otter’s place.
— He starts to help you be more open in general- just as his original plan was.
— He gets super soft if you ever comb his hair with your fingers, or even just ruffle it to mess it up. And he’d actually melt into a puddle if you ever washed his hair for him.
— Overall, he’s such a good boy. He’s so invested in your happiness and he always tries to get into your interests so you can talk about more things together.
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Free! Headcannon: ‘Rin’s American Friend’ (a.k.a don’t give a paintball gun to an american.)
A/N: This is what it’s like to play paintball w/ a trigger-happy-gun-loving-American. Style 5 + Ai, Momo, & Sousuke.
(Note: I’m using Jane Doe instead of s/o b/c I feel like the use of s/o takes readers out of the story & also it’s what unidentified bodies are called in the morgue.)
Rin Matsuoka:
Rin is 1000% done w/ this sh*t. (=_=)
He knew this was a bad idea. He knew it! But that didn’t stop the others from plowing right on ahead.
The second one of the guys suggested paintball her eyes started to sparkle & a scary smile stretched across her face. It was the kind of smile Rin had only seen when she was about to deliver a well-deserved-can-of-whoop-a**. & he just knew this was a bad idea. 
But no one listened to him. Not a single one of his friends headed his suggestion “like hey maybe it’s not the best idea to give a paintball gun to a gun-loving American...” & now they were all reaping the consequences.
(more under the cut...)
Jane Doe was a monster on the course. It wouldn’t have been half as bad if Jane was just a trigger-happy-moron who had never fired a gun in her life & had terrible aim. But no. Rin knew that Jane used to shoot skeet w/ her dad on the weekends (probably still does.) & that meant that her aim was on point. 
That didn’t make her any less of a doofus, though. She was just a idiot w/ excellent aim. Throughout the game she kept laughing maniacally like one of those old James Bond Villains & shouting out lines from American action flicks. But she kept mixing them up so none of it made any sense.
“Say hello to...THE CHIMICHANGAS!!!” “YIPPIE KAY-YAY...YA FILTHY ANIMALS!!!” “Who ordered the whoop-ass fajitas?!” “Merry Christmas MOTHERF***!!!”
~Oh, lord give him patience. How did he get such an idiot for a friend?~
 It was fortunate for him that he had wound up on the same team as Jane b/c he sure as hell didn’t want to trade places w/ Sousuke right now.
(Sousuke had been pinned down for the last 5 min while Jane fired like a ba-sh*t-llion of paint balls at the tree he was shielding himself w/.)
But just b/c Rin was on the same team didn’t mean he wasn’t the victim of friendly-fire. 
“F*ck. Jane, I’m on your team!” 
“Sorry, Rin!” 
He was basically trying to stay out of her way & not get hit w/ anymore stray paint balls. But that didn’t stop him from shouting out at her when she did or said something particularly moronic.
“Look north, Makoto!”
“You’re standing east, Dumba**!”
Haruka Nanase:
Worst.teammate.ever. He was like zero help in this situation. 
Like Rin, he had been lucky w/ the odd number of players & got stuck on the same team as Jane. But he hadn’t lifted a finger to help Rin take down the other teams.
You know how you have those people who just sit on the sidelines w/ a lawn chair & a bowl of popcorn & watch the world burn? Well that’s Haru in this mess. Except he’s not sitting on a lawn chair, he’s crouching behind a wooden wall, & he’s not eating popcorn, he’s munching on dried pineapple slices that Jane had given him.
He probably just didn’t want to get slaughtered when he stepped out from behind that wall. So he stays back & guards the fort.
~“What fort? That’s a wall, Haru! Get out here and help me!!!” Rin yells at him from the other side of the course.~
He spends the majority of the game watching Jane. Images of that kiss still running through his mind. He may have started to develop a little bit of a crush...
Haru is a little scared of her to be honest. & w/ good reason as she just eliminated Rei while taking a flying leap off a 9 foot wall.
But then she stops & blows him a kiss... ~ <3
~“Gross! Jane, stop flirting with my friends!”~ 
(Rin is beyond disgusted by her PDA towards Haru.)
Sousuke Yamazaki:
~“Someone help me!!!! F*ck!!!”~
He’s in some serious trouble. Like he is 100 miles up sh*t creek without a canoe. Where the hell is Makoto?!
Sousuke was on the team w/ Iwatobi’s swim captain, but he couldn’t find the other boy after the first wave of paint balls. Which means he’s on his own trying to pull a John McClane & not get shot. But he’s battling against the freaking Terminator.
If he wasn’t so panicked right now, he’d probably be impressed by how accurate Jane’s aim was. B/c dang does that girl knows how to shoot! She’d be totally boss at the shooter games at the summer festivals.
But right now Sousuke’s huddled behind a tree after Jane got the upper hand in their standoff. Maybe he should just surrender...
~“I’ll take no survivors! Mhuhahahahaha!!!”~
Or not. (-_-)
 Rei Ryugazaki:
He was taken out within the first minute of the game. He had wanted to devise a plan that would take into account the physical terrain of the course along w/ the wind speed & wind’s direction...
But while he was calculating all the math. Jane had been able to sneak up on him. 
He still didn’t know where Ai-chan-san went though. Maybe if he had been there Rei would’ve been able to put the plan into motion, however the white-haired boy was strangely missing (hiding).
Later Rei was beyond grateful that he was the first to be eliminated b/c it was after that that Jane became this force to be reckoned w/. & like everyone else she scared him sh*tless. 
He spent the rest of the game sitting w/ Haru-sempai & eating dried pineapple.
Makoto Tachibana & Aiichirou Nitori:
(o-o) !
(O_O) !!
These two guys were immediately regretting every life decision that led to this moment. Had they known this is what Rin was talking about when he said it was a bad idea, they would’ve never had agreed to play.
The second the paint balls started flying they both hit the the ground & army-crawled to where they thought would be safest. 
It just so happened that they both thought the safest place was behind a monstrous old tire. But the tire wasn’t big enough to hide them both.
“I was here first. You move.” 
They played a round of rock-paper-scissors to who decide who would get to keep the spot. ~they both played paper~
Then a paint ball came whizzing past & Makoto barely managed to tackle Nitori out of the way before hit him. It was then decided that safest option would be to get to where Rei and Haru were at. 
(That spot seemed to have become the designated safety zone.)
~“Look north, Makoto!”~
OH SH*T!!!
“Nitori-kun run, I’ll distract her while you make a break for it!”
“Go now! Hurry!”
~“I won’t forget your sacrifice, Sempai!!!” Nitori cried as he made a mad dash across the open field.~ 
Nitori ran like his life depended on it & ducked behind some barrels. Heavy footsteps started to approach from his right. This was it --he adjusted the gun in his hands & took a deep breath. 1. 2. 3...
“Wait, Nitori-kun...!” 
Makoto tried to stop him before the younger boy unleashed a wave of paint balls. But Nitori had already pressed his fingers down on the trigger & was firing paint balls every which way as he screamed at the top of his lungs.
(This was the end to Makoto & Rin. The latter of which got hit by one of the stray paint balls.)
Jane shot Nitori seconds later.
Nagisa Hazuki & Momotarou Mikoshiba:
These two idiots had started this mess.
It was their idea to go to a paintball arena. It was them who convinced the others not to listen to Rin. They were to blame.
Not that they honestly cared, though. These two were having the time of their lives as they reenacted the last stand of Alamo. If they were going to go down they were going to go down fighting.
Amazingly enough they weren’t picked off within the first 10 minutes like everyone else. But instead retreated to tower-like structure to wait while Jane picked off everyone else on the field. 
What ensues is pure chaos & hilarity for the others watching from the safety zone. Nagisa & Momo are just as trigger happy as Jane. But their aim wasn’t nearly as good.
So their brilliant idea? That’s to charge out at the same time & fire a cr*pload of paint balls in her general direction while yelling at the top of their lungs. 
Jane of course fires two shots & hits both of them, but not before Momo trips on his shoelace, thus knocking down Nagisa & Nagisa’s gun accidentally discharges & that last paint ball hits Jane square in the chest. 
The way things worked out all three were eliminated at the same time leaving only Haru the only one unscathed. 
~“But he didn’t even do anything!” Rin sulks.~
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free-pool-trash · 6 years
Periods with the Free! boys:
Hey guys, it’s shark week lmao I’m in pain and spent too long wishing the Free! boys would take care as me as I laid awake in intense pain until 5AM so here is how I believe the boys would take care of you! Also my last Free! headcanons now have over 400 notes, thank you all so much!!
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So you were staying with him when you felt the cramps coming along, you were both just chilling on his couch talking when you went quiet and tried to hide the fact that your insides felt like they were about to bust out
Being the caring boyfriend he is he asked you what was wrong and unluckily this would be the first time Haru was along for the wild ride which is shark week, so cue blushing mess (Y/n) trying to tell her monotone boyfriend that her feminine cycle had begun
Eventually you got the words out and it was one of the rare occasions where Haru blushed really hard, all this poor boy could get out was a quiet “oh.” and you were then both plunged into an awkward silence
After a few minutes Haru caught on to the situation. He was your boyfriend, but what did boyfriends do in these types of situations? Did they go to the store and buy supplies? Did they cuddle? WHAT DOES HE DO?
Haru’s accurate train of thought at that moment 
Alright but imagine 50% off Haru in this moment
Shit Haru what do we do?
That’s a dumb idea Haru
You’re a dumb idea Haru
Ouch Haru, cut me deep Haru
He’ll get over the shock fairly quickly and proceed to looking after you, he’ll get you a hot water bottle and all the food you won’t want to admit you’re craving and if you want them, all the hugs he can give
He’ll do whatever makes you happy that entire week, he’s probably one of the best people to have with you because this boy will literally bring tampons/pads in his fucking messenger bag for you in case you need them
If other guys give him smug looks in the store when he’s buying said tampons or pads he will ruin them oh my god. One time he was minding his own business buying his girlfriend some feminine items when this guy gave him the most smug look and Haru just stared him right in the eye and said “They’re for my girlfriend, I’m guessing you don’t have one.” Then he just... walked away.
He is surprisingly really good at handling how clingy you get during this time
Just a really good person to be around to make your period a little bit less painful.
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Boy oh boy, stop your search you’ve found the one, congratulations.
Alright, he is a sweetie pie, this we already knew but when period week comes? Hello Makoto 2.0 is here to meet you.
He knows when you’re on it because you get all emotional and just start needing all of his attention all of the time, constantly, 24/7, the whole week, entire 7 days. He loves showering you in affection so this is okay with him.
He may as well just be named a saint, he gets you painkillers if you need them he will buy you all the sweets. You want ice cream? He’ll get it. 
He’ll watch a romcom with you thinking it would be a fantastic idea to make you laugh but you started to cry when the main character did something stupid to their significant other. Makoto was then lie ‘I really don’t know why I didn’t see this coming’
“I just really love you and please don’t do that.” 
“You know I wouldn’t, I love you so much.”
You end up crying of happiness because he’s so sweet
He keeps tampons/pads in his bathroom for you and his mother was just like 
“Ran isn’t quite at that stage yet, dear.”
 He’s just like
 “Mom no they’re for (Y/n) if she needs them.”
His mother dotes on you during the week as well she just kinda knows when it’s time, woman senses probably
Makoto get’s Ren and Ran to bring you gifts he bought for you because he knows it makes you happy, sometimes you’ll cry because Ren stays that little bit longer to give you a hug and Ran tells you she hopes you get better soon because she doesn’t understand.
In terms of who you want with you during your period he will give you all of his attention so 100% an amazing choice When I say all of his attention I’m not shitting around, Haru calls? Sorry bro. Ren and Ran need babysitting? Can he bring you along?
He won’t smother you either, if by chance you act like you feel trapped he’s on the other side of the getting ready for when you start crying about being lonely 
You’re like a cat
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HAHAHAHAHAHA he has older sisters he’s ready. best trained and most capable to deal with this situation which is surprising I know but seeing as his sisters used to make him wear girly clothes they probably weren’t above sending him to buy tampons/pads or heating pads or making him dip into his sweet stash and provide them with the good shit.
So when you start getting snappy he’s like *internal groan* he’s a lot more patient with you than with his siblings because he knows nobody will ever be as bad as his oldest sister
If you get mad at him he won’t take it to heart unlike any other day, he’ll just say something nice to you and let you cool down for a bit before he goes in for the snuggles
He doesn’t get confused when buying tampons/pads because again,sisters. But he manages to get the exact ones you need and you’re not sure whether you should be pleased or creeped out
“How did you know which type I needed?” “Just an informed guess.” “What do you mean’informed guess’“ “Nothing...”
He knows one of your main shark week quirks is insane mood swings, you get really easily agitated out of nowhere, you’ll initiate a hug but then as soon as he responds you squirm you way out of it, at first Nagisa was like “Why don’t you want my love????” but now he’s just like “Alright baby, seeya next week.”
He acquires this calm, mature personality when it’s the time because you don’t feel well and he wants to feel like he’s 100% only taking care of you and not you feeling like you need to look after him
But of course Nagisa is still Nagisa and when you crave sweets he’ll make you play the pockey game with him and or show up with these weird ass candies you’ve never even heard of
Despite all this our baby boy takes very very very very good care of you and will get you whatever whenever
alright but Thugisa dealing with this can we just
“So it’s shark week huh? Damn never knew jaws 3D had a cousin, HAH” “Nagisa, please don’t smoke that, it’s a tampon not a joint” “Nah nah nah, babe just watch, you light it up like so then- shit it’s burning. DON’T BREATH IN.”
Please make this happen
A good period kid
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Oh no.
nuh uh I think the fuck not
Over educated on the subject of periods and afraid (His own little version of naked and afraid)
So you, his girlfriend, are bleeding out of a place where the sun don’t shine and are in a mood.
He knows what’s up and how does he respond you dare ask? HE LITERALLY LEAVES YOU ALONE UNTIL IT’S OVER
Nah no joke the first period in the relationship he literally left for five days only sending you texts like “Love you are you better yet?” he didn’t realize he messed up until he made you cry because he said he had homework and was too busy to come over and cuddle you
You sobbed over the phone while he was still on the line so he came over in the end, that was a fun time 
From then on he got a little better, he doesn’t drop off the face of the earth anymore which is y’know a plus
He’s just so sweet but so awkward
Anything else and he’d be doting on you like a worried mother but for whatever reason he just can’t with this
Bless him though he gets you whatever you ask for with no protests although tampon/pad buying is a different story
“What ones do I get, there are so many! Do you need extra absorbent or just regular absorbance? What’s all this stuff about flows? What’s your flo-”
“Rei, shut up and just pick up the ones that say regular, please.”
“Okay, got it.”
“(Y/n) somebody is looking at me funny, this is not beautiful!”
More of a drama queen than you if we’re all being dead honest with each other here.
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Here’s a guy who thinks he knows what’s up but actually doesn’t sorry to break it to ya baby
He’s all like
 “Oh, you’re on your period, don’t worry babe, Gou’s a girl I know how this stuff works”
 “Uh, they’re both the same thing right?” 
Who is this boy and why doesn’t he at age 17-18 know what a tampon is?
But you know what they say about sharks and blood ;) 
You literally have to teach him the difference between a tampon and a pad, needless to say it was a painful conversation for the both of you.
Other than that he’s pretty good the only problem is you have to borderline bribe this little shit into helping you out, he’s such a damn cuddle monster that he’s like 
“Yeah of course I’ll run to the store and get you some pain killers and chocolate...”
“Thank you Rin Rin.”
“Oh for the love of God! What? What do you want from me?”
You’d swear he was the one on his period 
On that note he’ll rub your tummy when the cramps are being little ass hats (You know when the cramps aren’t like pounding but they’re there and bringing really intense pain and you’re just sitting, waiting for death thinking HOW?? Yeah I feel like a belly rub from Rin Matsuoka would cure that.)
He’ll give you all the affection, he’s a good boy
You’re own personal heating pad
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AHA, um um um okay. lol
95% of the time he is the most amazing boyfriend you could ever ask for, bless him the period week is that 5% when he’s just barely average
Strap yourself in because I’m gonna be saying barely a lot in these points
Alright if we’re gonna be real hear, he’s grossed out. he does not like this, there is blood coming out of your what? Sign him out, he’ll barely let you use his bathroom during that week
It’s like a switch in his mind goes from kissing you softly and whispering “I love you baby” to awkwardly at most wrapping his arm around your shoulder and going “Shh it’s okay?” In barely a matter of seconds
Don’t get me wrong he still loves you with all of his heart this is just really not his thing, he’ll bring you food though, that’s kinda the only thing he can do during this time
You can groan from pain and he’ll be like
“Baby? Are you okay? Do you need more chocolate?”
“No, Sou, it’s just cramps.”
“I’ll go get you more chocolate”
“No! Sou I don’t need more cho-”
“Yeah, i’ll get you more chocolate”
He wholeheartedly believes that chocolate is going to stop the blood that’s leaving your body
Aside from all of this, this is Sousuke Yamazaki we’re talking about and he is willing to put his grossed outness aside and do whatever for you if he sees you start to get really upset/sore/needy 
To be honest he drops his “Eww girls are icky!” facade at least once a day, he’s not about to deny you his hugs and kisses while you’re in pain who do you think he is? some sort of monster?
 I think the fuck not.
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Aww an awkward baby boy
He knows what a period is and when you tell him you’re on yours as a warning in case you end up getting mad at him further into the week he blushes and asks you what you need him to do or if you even want him to do anything
If you do he’ll get whatever you asked for with no questions asked (Apart from maybe what pads/tampons you need, it’s embarrassing for both of you but unless you wanna be uncomfortable and grumpy and not to mention leaky it is a question that needs to be asked)
Even if you don’t ask him for anything he’ll stock up on everything he thinks you may need anyway
I’m taking tampons AND pads, all your favorite sweets and chocolate, pain killers (Not even the regular ones but the ones that are made for period pains what a saint), heating pads, the works
You’ll be in his dorm and you’ll like sneeze or something (Get real girls, we all know how it is) and at that moment you have The Fear but he sees and he’s all shy like
“Is it that time?”
“um, yeah.”
Then he pulls open his drawer, hands you a pack of pads/tampons and tosses this mass amount of chocolate onto the bed and you’re just internally screaming about how after you deal with the bloody situation you’re having you were going to kiss his sweet little face
Makes a point of giving you extra kisses and hugs because lucky for you you don’t have bad cramps but you do get very emotional but half the time Aii is on that level anyway so that week is just one big pile of yikes
You just want the snuggles and buddy will he give them to you
He won’t lie, I won’t lie, he lives for period week, I mean come on, he loves your attention and on period week all he has to do is exist to get it (same as usual), a score on his part.
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AH, has anyone died of second hand embarrassment yet? No? 
Well you’re about to
So it was a Friday and you were cuddling in his dorm, Nitori was visiting his family so it was just the two of you, this beautiful boy decided you should stay the night
And of course, you were cuddling your amazing boyfriend, he was snuggly and warm so you agreed to stay the night sleeping with him in his bed
And you bled on his sheets. 
Uhuh, unluckily you were the first one to wake up and again came The Fear (I know the pain of bleeding on something that isn’t my own bed sheet, it’s the worst dear god kill me) You just started at the huge blood stain underneath you and paniced
What the actual fuck were you supposed to tell him? Yeah goodmorning baby, sorry no goodmorning kiss, I have something better! I ruined your bed sheets and very possibly the mattress underneath due to my monthly female cycle? 
When he woke up you panicked, you lost all sense, so when he asked you in a huge ass panic if you were okay because there was blood everywhere you started to cry out of pure guilt
“I’m sorry I got my period during the night and I’m so so so so sorry I ruined your sheets, I’ll clean them for you I’m sorry don’t hate me!”
For minute he’s just tryna piece together what the fuck just happened when he finally gets it around his head his first thought definitely is not of the sheets
He get’s you off the bed so fast, his first instinct to get you out of those blood covered clothes and get you warm because ‘Oh God she’s probably had to lay in the blood for hours  she’s probably so uncomfortable right now my poor baby!’  
He gives you a pair of his boxers, baggy sweatpants and he threw his yellow hoodie there too because he knows it’s your favorite.
He then leaves you in his dorm the clean up and get changed and he’s straight out the door on his way to the store dead set on buying you tampons/pads Rin sees him rushing down the halls at 9AM and he’s like what the fuck?
“Momo? What are you doing up so early?”
Every time you’re on your period he gives you his yellow hoodie so you basically live in it for a week and he’s just kinda like “sweet”
He genuinely couldn’t care less if you bleed on every single sheet he owns, he’s not letting you be alone without somebody to cuddle with, fair to say sunshine baby doesn’t know all too much about the magic of periods but he knows enough
He has no problem buying you tampons or pads but you probably shouldn’t let him because if he’s in panic mode and somebody looks at him funny he will actually square up to them and be like 
He’s a great person to be around on your period because he’s happy enough to keep you happy but not so happy that it gets on your nerves
Hope you enjoyed xx
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famej · 3 years
Sunshine through the rain
Momotarou Mikoshiba x Reader
It surely was ridiculous, but those ridiculous things were getting to you more than they should. At this exact moment, instead of walking around a park with an obvious sad face and teary eyes, you should be enjoying an afternoon with a friend. But for the umpteenth time, they cancelled with the excuse of having to much to do before going back to school.
These days, it seemed recurrent for these kind of situations to happen. The cancelled meetings, your best friend pushing you away to spend time with her boyfriend that she never told you about before, that feeling of loneliness and abandonment was slowly starting to eat you up.
The weather had somehow matched your mood, with heavy bright grey clouds coating the sky, threatening to spill an equally heavy rain at any moment.
With all the running thoughts in your mind, the tears you’ve managed to keep in until now, trailed down your cheeks in perfect lines to your chin.
Then a crack of thunder, along with a wave of wind gave you a late warning, before rain literally poured down on you in a deafening noise.
Around you, the passers by scattered to shelter themselves under trees or simply  ran out of the park to go back home.
You should’ve done the same but you weren’t feeling like it, maybe due to your empty stomach, or simply emplty self, really.
Slowly your hair were drenched, clothes soaked and every inch of you was covered with water. Between the rain and the tears, there was no way to decipher one from the other. You were lost in all the negativity surrounding you and it didn’t matter if a full gallon of water fell on you or if you were gonana get sick afterwards.
« Hey ! What are you doing ? »
The voice, even if it was subdued by the raging rain, made you turn around. It wasn’t like you were even expecting anything from the person who shouted you out of your daze, but you certainly haven’t imagine stumbling upon this kind of sight.
A young man, wearing a bright yellow rain cape and holding an insect net. He was smiling, which contrasted the worried tone he’d called you out with.
« You shouldn’t stay under the rain »
His voice seemed so far and you were also too far away from reality to properly react. The only thing you could do was observe him. His red hair, golden bubbly eyes and his smile, slowly changing into a frown.
Your wrist was seized and you got pulled away from the main path, under a big tree, where the stranger stopped and finally took off his hood.
The raincape might not hide much but it was somehow different to see him without.
« Cute » you thought
« Are you okay ? » he asked you gently, putting a hand on your shoulder.
You took a dreep breath that you didn’t know you needed to take and managed to nod.
« Yes »
The guy seemed to relax at your answer, his smile returned to his face, in a brighter version this time.
« Good ! You scared me back there, I thought you were having a seizure »
As he talked to you, it was like the temporary wall you’d built around yourself to block the outside world, was starting to fall down, and so did the tears.
Adding to the previous ones and the crazy amount of water stainning your face, a new flow was starting to pour out, this one with the sobs you’d stuck in your thoat all this time.
« I’m sorry » you cried out, surprising your saviour.
Under the weight of all your built up emotions, you let yourself fall on the ground.
« It’s ridiculous, really, I’m just crying for stupid reasons »
He settled down next to you.
« Don’t worry, cry if you need to »
You desperately tried to calm down and after a few minutes, your breathing became normal again. You tried to wipe away your tears but realized that doing so with wet hands was useless and gave up.
« Are you feeling better ? »
Now that you regained all your senses , the shame of the previous events prevented you to look at him.
« Yes, thank you. I’m really sorry for bothering you I swear I’m not crazy »
He chuckled. You looked at him.
« Don’t worry, it’s okay to be sad. I was just worried ‘cause you looked like a zombie »
« So cute » you told yourself, analyzing his face.
« Can I ask you what your name is ? »
« I’m Momotarou Mikoshiba. I was hunting for stag beetles, cause one rare specy only goes out when it’s stormy but they hate water so I could only catch one before it started raining »
Right after finishing his sentence, he took his back pack off his shoulder and fished a bocal out of it. It was somehow organized with earth and a sort of branch on which a beetle was quietly resting.
« I didn’t name it yet. What ‘s your name ? »
« Y/N »
« That’s it » he exclaimed, smiling  widely at you, then turning to the bocal.
« Hi there, little Y/N » He tapped lightly on the glass. The way he looked at the little creature, with such passion that his eyes were almost shining.
You let out a laugh, a genuine one that wasn’t so much of a good fit with your mood.
« You’re really cute » you chuckled
Momotarou clearly tensed at your words and didn’t even looked at you. Instead, you could witness his face going from a slight pink to a deep scarlet, even reaching he’s ears and a patch of his neck.
Repressing another laugh, you completely turned to him.
« It wasn’t my intention to embarrass you, sorry. I’ve never had an animal named after me, also you seem to really like those things. »
With still colored cheeks, he slowly turned to you, his gaze adverting from you.
« Yeah, they’re fascinating. Did you know most Stag Beetles live for only a few weeks after emerging as an adult, only a few can survibe if they find a nice environment to live. That’s why I prepare some nice places for the ones I catch. »
Now, you two were just like friends having a basic conversation and not some awkward encounter under the rain.
He was still ranting about beetles, letting his embarrassment go.
Sure, your friends ditched you and it didn’t solve the problem nor suppress your sadness but for a moment, through the seemingly never ending storm, a sunshine pierced his way through, offering you some of his warmth. A warmth you knew you’d crave again in a not so distant future.
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