#reide giratina
meglinpancake · 2 years
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and every night has its day, so magical
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nazariatakus · 3 years
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askthepokemutants · 3 years
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TapuKoko: Excuse me, what?
Mewtwo: Diancie was here to confront Kyogre, however, they chose to attack us, I dealt with the threat accordingly.
TapuKoko: ... Hmm. I see. Good.
Raikou: Oh? You are fine with this?
TapuKoko: Swift decisions like that are acceptable to me, however, Mewtwo, how is this plan compromised?
Mewtwo: I’m sure I mentioned this before, but Genesect’s role in my plan was to try and locate Rocket by following the faint threads of his prior travels, someone with whatever his hatred of humanity is wouldn’t just up and vanish unless it was serious... While I don’t know exactly how, Genesect was murdered by either Giratina or Diancie utilizing the power of corrupted, fake Regi, this is the reason my plans were set back-Genesect found Rocket, but was struck down before we could be informed. Then Giratina’s whole attack happened in Orre... sigh...
TapuKoko: So this Rocket is important to what exactly?
Mewtwo: The initial plan was to use Rocket to manipulate Reid and Vris into laying low, truly vanishing from view... at least... that was my theoretical plan-if we could get Rocket to communicate with us.
TapuKoko: Alright, so he chose not-
Mewtwo: He’s dead, Rocket is dead.
TapuKoko: ... What-
Mewtwo: The only thing we found of him was... what I can assume is his ghost.
TapuKoko: How can you be so certain?
Darkrai: Let me fill you in, sparky...
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Darkrai: Kyogre’s deeper inside this cavern and even they confirmed that the one who initially came to them was a Politoed... This overgrown bag of water is likely the Rocket we’re seeking... but I have doubts that his former partners in crime will take too lightly to seeing a ghost of him.
Cresselia: At the moment we arrived, some sort of training was being conducted, and Rocket was in this sleeping state. Before you ask, no, he is not Kyogre’s Proxy, at least that much we can tell...
TapuKoko: ... Fair enough... so what’s our next move?
Mewtwo: I’m going to Orre...
TapuKoko: Of course... I recieved word recently that TapuLele and TapuFini are there as well, with Celebi.
Mewtwo: What? Why?
Darkrai: Not another fight there... if it is, I’m staying as far away from any weird energies, got it?!
Raikou: Entei also went there...
Mewtwo: And I tasked Lugia to watch over Reid and Vris...
TapuKoko: Do you have any idea what may be happening there?
Mewtwo: One of two options, right?
Cresselia: I apologize, but... I am lost.
TapuKoko: I came here to inform Mewtwo of a theory we came across after our own investigations... apparently, the former trainer of my Proxies met with a young human who claims to have been-essentially-brought back from the dead by someone we assumed was long lost to Ultra Space. It turns out they’ve managed to obtain an unfathomable amount of power and are existing under what we assume is an alias: “R-Teddy”.
Mewtwo: ... I thought we could ignore that thing...
Darkrai: Wait, the hell? You know about... whatever that is?
Cresselia: And you do as well, Darkrai?
Darkrai: I swear it’s the thing that forced me out of Reid’s nightmare before Orre...
Mewtwo: ... I knew enough... my Proxy was “investigating” it while keeping an eye on Mew... it became a focus of the Strident Knights alongside their main targets after whatever happened to that “Kryona” place... hmm...
Raikou: Entei originally went to Orre to confront Lugia after we felt their power flare up, and from my understanding, it was a fight between various Pokemon, among them this Reid and Vris... all of which defeated Lugia.
Darkrai: ... Heh...
Mewtwo: No overreaction?
Darkrai: I wouldn’t fight those two, and all I’ve done is feed off of a few occasional nightmares... they’re not pushovers if you actually force them into a corner...
Mewtwo: Either way... can you two inform Rocket of what’s happened? Whenever he wakes?
Cresselia: Of course, speaking for Darkrai, I feel this is the safer option for us, we’re not as resilient as the rest of you...
TapuKoko: So, why are you leaving so suddenly, Mewtwo?
Mewtwo: I can feel them again... Mew... they’re back...
TapuKoko: Then I will come with you.
Raikou: As will I.
[After Mew... Mewtwo!]
[This form of Rocket’s initial appearance...~]
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pogomaratimba · 5 years
Divulgando Reids no Discord 2/2
Passo 8: Montando o texto do Discord
Veja abaixo alguns exemplos:
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Exemplo número 1:
Uma reid de giratina com clima nublado, ginásio azul, com ovo já chocado
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Texto 1:
Itapemirim 🇧🇷  Lv5 :GiratinaAShiny: :GiratinaAShiny: :GiratinaAShiny:   LV5:
🏟 Mesas de Xadez 👑 
Climate: ☁
Gym: :Mystic:
Hatches In 0 Minutes!!!
Join in now!!!
5 players in lobby!!!
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
Texto 1 explicado:
Linha 1: -21.005748,-40.832177 = coordenada.
Linha 2: Itapemirim 🇧🇷  Lv5 :GiratinaAShiny: :GiratinaAShiny: :GiratinaAShiny:   LV5: = cidade, emoji do país, emoji do Pokémon e level da reid. Ajuda a situar o local e o tipo de reid
Linha 3: 🏟 Mesas de Xadez 👑 = Nome do ginásio no qual ocorre a reid. Importante para os jogadores encontrem o ginásio.
Linha 4: Climate: ☁ = clima do local onde ocorre a reid, como o clima influencia na força do Pokémon pode deixar a reid mais fácil ou mais difícil, é muito importante destacar se o Pokémon estiver potencializando pelo clima.
Linha 5: Gym: :Mystic: = A qual time pertence ao ginásio, é importante para definir o número de pokebolas que ganhara na reid.
Linha 6: ```-21.005748,-40.832177``` =
Coordenada destacada ajuda a quem joga pelo computador, as ``` dá um destaque a coordenada
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Linha 6: Hatches In 0 Minutes!!! = Tempo que falta para o ovo chocar.
Linha 7: Join in now!!! Ou Join in hatch!!! Entrar agora/entrar quando o ovo chocar = quando se deve entrar na reid. Observe em que essa parte é muito importante!
Linha 8: 5 players in lobby!!! = número de jogadores na sala
Linha 9: ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ = destaque-se o Pokémon tiver alguma peculiaridade como forma Shiny ou o ginásio for reide ex
Texto 2:
Marataízes🇧🇷  Raid Lv5 :MewtwoA:
🏟 Jaques Soares 🔱
Climate: ☀
Gym: :Valor:
Hatches In 0 Minutes!!!
Join at Hatch!!!
Join at 40 min
Join at 35 min
Join at 30 min
Join at 25 min
5 players in lobby!!!
:ExRaidPass: :ExRaidPass: :ExRaidPass: :ExRaidPass: :ExRaidPass: :ExRaidPass:
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0 notes
tagged by my baby<33 @les-amis-de-la-mort​
Things I’m Currently In Love With One Song: Beautiful, in Heathers omgggg Two Movies: The Blind Side, and The Conjouringgg Three TV Shows: Criminal Minds, my daddy spencer reid is in it, Once Upon a Time, and Parksssss and Reccccc Four People: my darling themfriend, of course, Dr. Spencer Reid, Heather Chandler, Leslie Knope Five Foods: Spaghetti, goldfish, cheezits, French fries, and mushrooms
so I have to tag people now: @injesgahfa @verysmallparakeets @lesbian-giratina @thedarklordwholewheat
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askthepokemutants · 3 years
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Alma: Should I clean this thing first? I mean, technically you’ve been wearing it since I’ve known you, Jory-
Jory: Just put the dang thing on before I ‘deck ya...
Alma: And who says that-
Jory: You’re not my boss anymore, Alma, rememberrrrr you disbanded the Sinnoh Knights...
Alma: Calm down, I’m joking...
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Regigigas: [I am certain you can understand me now, yes?]
Alma: Huh... yes, yes I can.
Regirock: [Does that include us?]
Jory: I assume? I mean, he does have the item tied directly to Regigigas, so...
Registeel: [That’s quite the responsibility to leave to a non-Proxy. Albeit, spreading the power is not unheard of, look at Lugia’s Proxies after all.]
Alma: ...
Regice: [It is, very much so, but this Lopunny, Alma was it?]
Alma: ... That’s right...?
Jory: Oh! He can understand them!
Alma: Where are they though??
Regice: [As mentioned earlier, we reside within the rings worn by Proxy Jory, thus we can move about freely while being aware of the world around us and not draw attention that is unneeded. However, I do find some interest in if Sir Alma will join as our Proxy, having another to speak with that can understand us would be lovely.]
Alma: “Sir” Alma...?
Jory: Sometimes Regice can be pretty formal, most of them try to be, really.
Alma: Huh...
Regigigas: [I considered making Alma a Proxy, truthfully, but I do think testing him first would be ideal, it would fit in with his circle of friends after all.]
Alma: I don’t think choosing a Proxy based solely on who their friends are is wise...
Regirock: [Lugia did it.]
Alma: So...? And do you think I know what Lugia did??
Regigigas: [Lugia’s Proxies are also fellow experiments of the criminals of Orre, and in turn, their greatest foe and fellow Shadow Pokemon is a mortal who outclasses them on occasion, not to mention one of the humans behind their alteration into these new forms of Pokemon also created the mortal that you once bore animosity towards.]
Alma: You mean... Reid? How do you know-
Jory: Remember this... even while incapacitated, there are other Regi out there, somewhere, ‘Gigas made a bunch of them, just I-personally-don’t know where they are.
Regice: [And Madam Jory has yet to prove herself worthy of that knowledge, regardless, I am certain quite a few of our Regi brethren “slumber” within Orre. Likely failed versions of Registeel and ‘rock, I’d say.]
Regirock: [Possibly, yes.]
Alma: So, the Regi aren’t like the other Legends?
Regigigas: [Well, not my creations, no. I am the only one-true “Regi” as you call us. These are extensions of myself, they do not “Reincarnate” in the same way as others do, either. One Century, I was bored, and recreated the Regi with these unique colors in mind, if you must know.]
Alma: ... Huh, but they all have independent thought?
Registeel: [Correct. We have our own thoughts and emotions, Regigigas is capable of creating life, as they are one of the original Legends created before the beings of life and death truly existed.]
Alma: And those would be-
Jory: I think they mean Xerneas and Yvetal...
Alma: Ah...
Jett/Victini/Meloetta: ...
Victini: I thought the Lopunny was a hardass...
Jett: [He’s been acting strange since the Giratina attack, honestly.]
Meloetta: Maybe that’s why he cannot understand you.
Jory: ...
Alma: Something wrong? Everyone suddenly got eerily quiet...
Jory: Nope! I’m just glad you got used to the voices in your head thing so fast!
Alma: I think I’ve been through enough BS to be comfortable with an ancient god and their creations talking to me through telepathy provided by an artifact they made...
Jory: ... OK!
Regigigas: [I’m certain you know where to locate the “Spirits of Chaos” as you call them, so please make sure to prepare for anything before you head off on your journey.]
All (except Jett of course): Right!
[To be Continued on @askdeceptiveliepard​]
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askthepokemutants · 5 years
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Yoshi: She never seemed to care about the Knights under her command, often sending them into situations that would've gotten them hurt or worse, myself included sometimes. And when Victini started burning Unova.... she didn't seem to care... And don't get me started on her style of fighting-it's just.. fucked up, alright? Despite how mortified I was when I heard she died... somewhere deep down, I'm happy she’s dead...
Reid: Haarsh...
Cassidy: Considering I-I had to stop you... I don’t believe that-
Yoshi: Listen, at that point, just learning someone else died when I could’ve done something hurts...
Reid: Look at that... something we can agree on...
Yoshi: ... Let me finish... Like with Ilumia, Nelda would send squads out to dangerous places and often they either didn’t come back or came back in worse shape than when they left, which is part of the job of a Strident Knight obviously, but the thing is-especially if she went with them-she’d come back... different? I couldn’t ever grasp it at first, not until we fought with Team Machine during that year you and the other Trio members vanished, Reid...
Reid: Hmm...
Yoshi: During that battle, we suffered a lot of losses-especially Unova and Orre’s Knights-the Orre Knights lost their original leader-and the Unovan Knights, um... the only ones who came back were Nelda and myself...
Reid: What?
Lugia: Ooh, she’d work wonderfully with Giratina...
Cassidy: W-what-
Lugia: It’s no longer important~
Yoshi: ... Ookay... anyway...
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Yoshi: It was... weird... normally Banette can’t open their mouths or their soul would drain out, but not hers... I’m just glad Ace wasn’t able to go on that mission... I couldn’t imagine him being a part of whatever amalgamation she was...
Lugia: Oh my...
Reid: That... sounds disturbingly... familiar... different, but still...
Lugia: You know, it reminds me of Dusknoir-maybe she was a reaper of souls and decided to ignore that duty.
Reid/Yoshi/Cassidy: What???
Lugia: I mean, it’s a thing, it’s part of Giratina’s job and all-
Reid: Please stop... Legendary Pokemon roles are just confusing...
Yoshi: And so is this reaper nonsense, besides, she’s dead, so it’s not like it matters...
Cassidy: M-maybe we should change the subject before you g-get-
Yoshi: You’re right, Cassidy... I still have a question to ask Reid.
Reid: Sigh... shoot..
Lugia: ... [Are they willingly being ignorant right now or do they just... not that I could blame them-especially Reid-if he knows as much as we do... that Proxy of Celebi’s is a problem... I envy them there... but maybe I should focus on my personal goals and-hmm... but still... this Banette...]
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Giratina: And I have to admire this one’s soul... Annika was merely to distract this Banette, but... look at this beautiful soul... brimming with the lives of so many-many burned away by Victini... victims of missions that failed that she led... so many that are filled with pain, regret, hatred... but they were never allowed to become ghosts themselves... isn’t it fascinating, Dialga?
Dialga: No.
Giratina: It is to me... she single-handedly collected the population of a small island... she assisted in the genocide without even knowing it... ah.
Diagla: ...
Giratina: If only Annika was this thorough in Hoenn... hahah...
Dialga: Contact me when Father re-
Giratina: Father wants us to stay here... eventually they’ll want to talk about something... important...
Dialga: ... Another meeting?
Giratina: No. Just you, me and Palkia...
Dialgia: ... Why...?
Giratina: ...
Dialga: Are you listening? Gira? Stop gawking at that Banette’s disgusting soul and-
Giratina: What kind of timeline are we heading down, Dialga? Something feels... wrong?
Dialga: ... You know I do not speak of timelines and their futures.
Giratina: ... Right... then we wait.
<While everyone else continues down this timeline...>
<To Be Continued... At a Later Time...>
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askthepokemutants · 5 years
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Faril: If we stay here too long and learn too much, you’ll go and say something stupid to Reid...
Sean: And what’s wrong with that-
Faril: If he finds out this happened to Vris, he’ll lash out, and if he does, Lugia’ll fight him to keep him still. It won’t be like the petty, hours long ‘play fight’ Lugia was doing to try and test Reid’s abilities, it’ll be a real fight, and Reid will look far worse than Vris does. So, we’re leaving, now.
Sean: ...
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Carla: Vris and I had a short... argument back in Gateon as well... and... the things she mentioned then... about my dad-
Gareth: Why does what she said hurt you so much? Didn’t Annika say the same things when she was possessed by Giratina?
Carla: I... but-
Gareth: Well, if you need to build up composure, since I’m sure your mental status is different with your being a Shadow Pokemon now... take all the time you need-Lugia’s Proxies have vanished.
Carla: A-ah...
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Hikari: We went through HELL for that damn egg, it’s a miracle we’re even here at all, and you’re just-aaagh!! WHY AM I WASTING MY TIME HERE!?
Leo: Hikari, breathe-
Hikari: He’s lying too, we heard enough, we have an idea, your kid was taken, right? Royo?
Vris: Wha-
Hikari: Or did she ki-
Vris: Don’t you DARE imply that-
Hikari: Then what happened?!
Vris: ... She’s... she claims to be his mother... she took him to try and control me... and if I said anything she’d...
Hikari: ... Then, I’m going... obviously you’re too afraid to-
Vris: Yeah right... you’ll lose... she beat the shit out of me and those assholes following her are always nearby...
Hikari: Rrgh...
Peroxide: C-come on... let’s not fight, please...?
Vris: Besides... what kind of egg was that? I’ve never seen one like it, what kind of Pokemon was that even supposed to be?? Because it’s definitely not a Pikachu... ... ...?
<Uncomfortable Silence...>
Vris: What the hell’s going-
Hikari: ... [Change the Subject... change it...] Talk to Reid about it...
Vris: What? Why would I even bother talking to HIM??
Hikari: Wait, what?
Peroxide: Uh...?
Vris: If you seriously think I'm talking to Reid after all that's happened you're dead wrong-
Hikari: So, you’re not friends with Reid anymore?
Vris: Nope, I hate him...
Hikari: Huh...
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Vris: What happened, Hikari?
Hikari: What makes you think I should tell-
Vris: WHAT HAPPENED-aaagh....!
Hikari: ...
Leo: Come on, Hikari-
Peroxide: We think he was kidnapped by... well...
Leo: I thought we didn’t know...
Hikari: We didn’t, but Peroxide did have a theory...
Vris: Stop with this suspense shit! What-
Peroxide: I think he’s been taken by Lugia!
Hikari: ... What?
Leo: What’s that?
Vris: ... W-wha...
Peroxide: I... I’m sure that’s what’s going on-
Peroxide: .... Wh-
Leo: Brother-
Hikari: Excuse me-
???: BROTHER?!?!
???: Seriously, Carla...
Carla: I-I’m sorry, Gareth, but YOU try staying calm i-
Gareth: I did. [How do I even make sense of this... Brother?? Lugia??? I’m confused... what the actual hell...???]
Hikari: Come out...
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Vris: You actually followed in “Daddy’s” footsteps, huh...?
Carla: ...
Vris: I’d say... “Welcome to the Family,” but... I’m honestly just sorry for you...
Carla: ...
Hikari: So, you can tell she’s a Shadow Pokemon, huh?
Vris: You learn how to identify it...
Hikari: Hmm... well... that bombshell aside... that bitch has your son, right Vris? 
Vris: Right...
Hikari: And she has my egg... so...
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Vris: We were never pals!!
Hikari: Really-
Vris: Don't put words in my mouth!!
Hikari: Well, we had to at least befriend each other at some point, we all became targets of Team Machine after all-
Vris: That was Reid’s choice, not mines!
Hikari: And here I thought we were all friends...
Vris: Shut the hell up!!!
Leo: Hikari, what are you-
Gareth: I think she’s deflecting that strange revelation...
Carla: No, no, no....
Gareth: Carla-
Peroxide: Stoooop!!
Leo: Is something wrong?
Peroxide: Stop antagonizing her, Hikari...!
Hikari: What?
Vris: ...
Carla: Please, just... stop, we’ll figure something out for the both of you, okay?
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Hikari: [Manipulated... Dicie’s still out there, probably chasing her... if Vris won’t do it, I will... humph...]
<Hikari has left...>
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