#pokemon go fake gps
nazariatakus · 2 years
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eroguron0nsense · 10 months
Straw Hats Pokemon League AU
I don't think I'm the first to do this by any means but here we go! I started thinking of how I'd make a One Piece AU in a Pokemon game format. I tend to play fairly fast and loose with the way the teams are structured; I like the thing they did in Gen 9 where gym leaders get a Pokemon not from their assigned type to terastallize but I would also like to see more gym leaders oriented around certain themes or gimmicks than just mono typing. These are not even remotely balanced and the few that have some strategy like Nami's can go wrong super easily; they're very very vibes-based. The region’s an archipelago, and all the crew members are friends who live and work on separate islands. I’ve always liked regions in Pokemon with lots of islands and water and I just feel like One Piece settings could translate well to that. 
Grass Gym Leader Usopp– The Usopp pirates are his gym trainers/pupils, and you fight him after going through a puzzle full of funny carnivorous plants like those on the Boin Archipelago (ideally there's a quiz format involved and if you get an answer wrong you get attacked by, like, a low level wild bellsprout or carnivine). This one could honestly have been more strategically developed although Shiftree and Sudowoodo were absolutely necessary because a long-nosed creature based on a tengu and a fake tree with an identity crisis are perfect for Usopp. He loves his status conditions and is generally very annoying to go up against Initial team: Lotad, Bonsly, Nuzleaf Rematch Team: Shiftree, Sudowoodo, Amoongus, Ludicolo, Tangrowth, Vileplume Normal/Doctor?? Gym Leader Chopper–This was a difficult choice honestly! I thought about making him a fighting specialist for the kung fu point, but ended up choosing this instead. He's a very young GP and gym leader on a winter island, and he has to split his time between doing house calls with Kureha and his League obligations and the poor boy is *stressed*. Marowak is there because Chopper and his backstory give me Cubone/Marowak vibes. The Sawsbuck is actually not there because of its deer associations; it’s a springtime/cherry blossom Sawsbuck because of Hiriluk’s cherry blossoms, I thought of giving him a Stantler but I think one deer is probably enough for him Initial Team: Spring Deerling, Stufful, Marowak Rematch Team: Mega Audino, Spring Sawsbuck, Blissey, Bewear, Marowak, Alomomola Weather (??) Gym Leader Nami–specializes in double battles with her cast form. Lives on an island kind of similar to Cocoyasi, and she's got her own lighthouse and meteorology lab up on a hill surrounded by tangerine trees. This is extremely strategically fucky and near impossible to program into something functional but I wanted to give her every kind of weather power and Pokemon that could adapt to every field change and hack weather balls at people. Nojiko and Genzo hang around. Currently training a Hippopotas gifted to her by Vivi and working on Sandstorm strategies Initial Team: Castform (Sun), Snover, Ninetales, Castform (Snow) Rematch Team: Castform (rain), Pelipper (drizzle), Ninetales (Drought), Abombasnow (snow warning), Castform (sun), Castform (snow) Ghost Gym Leader Brook–Brook is a touring rock star whose gym is on a barge with a kinda spooky ambiance; the Rumbar pirates work there as live musicians and there's a bar and a big stage set up for concerts. They pull up around the twin capes looking for Laboon around the same time as the player reaches there and are very distressed when he can't find him at first. I kinda debated giving him a toxtricity like Rhyme in SV but that's been done before and Frosslass kinda plays into his ice attacks, so I'm kind of leaving it open ended. His gym's located near the twin capes, and he's a former rock star who's slowed down a bit and taken some time off his career to look more actively for Laboon, who went missing in this world instead of being left behind. Laboon is a Wailmer Brook met years ago that later joins his team after they reunite, by which point he's evolved into a Wailord. Initial Team: Duoblade, Dusclops, Houndstone Rematch Team: Aegislash, Dusknoir, Wailord (Laboon), Polteageist, Frosslass or Toxtricity, Houndstone
Steel Gym Leader Franky– Franky's gym is also on board a ship he built, and he's docked outside a kinda high tech water seven sort of crazy artificial floating island structure. It's very much like water seven–Iceberg and Paulie run the show–and the Franky Family are his gym trainers. I threw in Alolan dugtrio because of the hairstyles and revavroom for the Kurosai FR-U. Metagross is there because I like him having a psychic type to link him to Robin (they're married and live together on Franky's custom houseboat). I thought of giving him a Magnezone but Franky with a Tinkaton just seems very funny and weirdly well-suited to his character Initial Team: Alolan Dugtrio, Excadrill, Revavroom Rematch Team: Alolan Dugtrio, Excadrill, Revavroom, Metagross, Probopass, Tinkaton
Psychic Gym Leader Robin–I tried to give Robin a few Pokemon that were more weird lore/ancient ruin themed without being actual legendaries to fit with her being an archaeologist. She spends a lot of time doing field work (Clover is the region's Pokemon Professor and her mentor; it even plays into the plant naming scheme) on a protected island full of ruins that looks kind of like Skypeia. I'd love for this world to have some ancient lore for her to research and make regular story appearances without the kind of tragedy we get in canon. Initial Team: Medicham, Duosion, Sigilyph, Claydoll Rematch Team: Bronzong, Medicham, Beeheyem, Reuniclus, Sigilyph, Claydoll
Water Gym Leader Jinbei–Honestly it was a bit hard making this one feel uniquely suited to Jinbei? Palafin suits his character best imho, but it was difficult choosing fish that ween’t tied in some other way to other existing fishmen characters. There's no whale sharks yet either :p That being said, Jinbei is a ship captain who works with both the Pokemon League and the Sun Pirates, and brings the player to a Fishman Island equivalent underwater town, giving you either a dive TM or something equivalent to navigate underwater and opening up a whole bunch of new areas for the player to explore. Initial Team: Wishiwashi, Palafin, Swampert, Omastar Rematch Team: Wishiwashi, Palafin, Swampert, Omastar, Dondozo, Tatsugiri
Fire/Kicking??/Culinary-themed Gym Leader Sanji–I feel a bit bad I gave Sanji so many starters when I generally try to avoid that for gym leaders but there's just not that many Pokemon with blaze kick and it's a necessity for him! You meet as he's soft-opening his restaurant in the All Blue equivalent, and going through some growing pains striking out on his own from Zeff (who’s very supportive of his boy's dreams but bad at expressing it). I threw a Clawitzer in because I thought I should give him a seafood item, and Siebold (one of the few Pokemon chefs) has one as his ace in X/Y. His team can kinda be split into kicking pokemon (Cinderace, Blaziken, Tsareena) and food Pokemon (Arboliva, Clawitzer, Garganacl). Zeff has a Stoutland, and the only reason I gave him one is because it more or less has his facial hair. Initial Team: Cinderace, Blaziken, Garganacl, Tsareena Rematch Team: Cinderace, Blaziken, Garganacl, Tsareena, Arboliva, Clawitzer
Zoro is the Champion and Luffy is the final boss, but I'll save them and my chosen Elite 4 members for another time. I'm not going to try and build an evil team, but suffice to say since I'm trying to make this AU a bit more lighthearted, everyone lives and they're all doing good
Edit: Link to Part 2–Elite 4, Champion, Final Boss Teams
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saey-bae · 2 years
Saeyoung Choi/OC - Bet on Me
this was written for the @nostringsdetached zine back in august 2021. the free zine bundle can be found here. 
big, big love and thanks to my art partner bluecat and a belated thank you to the nsd team for having me, they were an absolute pleasure! cheers  💜
word count: 3834
check out my masterpost here
Like all problems, it started with the little things.
It started with Pokemon Go.
It started with Chansey, with its little dancing back and forth motion, taunting as Saki tried to catch it with a dwindling number of pokeballs. 
Why was it so hard to catch? 
Over the course of a half hour, she saw why this had become a last resort game. Ever since she’d moved in with Saeyoung, going outside had become a bit of a distant memory. Like a twice a month they’re-in-dire-need-of-HBC-and-PhD-Pepper kind of deal, Lately, it’d even been less than that— ever since he’d started visiting Saeran at the hospital, he began doing grocery runs by himself on the way back. She’d protested over that, but he insisted that it was much needed quiet time. 
So that left her here, sitting by herself in the bunker in worry and playing a last resort game because she’d already played everything else. Perhaps she should’ve taken up Saeyoung's offer on that fake GPS tool.
“Ai cham,” she grumbled, watching as the pink blob broke a fourth pokeball. She tossed another berry its way. “C’mon, I’ll treat you to something nice. Come to me.”
"What kind of treat?" A pair of arms suddenly draped around her from the back of the couch and she startled, looking up. Golden eyes glittered back, much more amused than she’d seen in a long while. Good. Looks like the visit to Saeran went well. "Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” Saki shook her head, tongue tied for a moment as she tried to think of an excuse. “Wh-when did you even get in? I didn’t hear the door open.”
“A magician never reveals his secrets.” He pressed a finger to his smiling lips. “Now where's my treat?" 
"Not for you." She considered asking about Saeran, before thinking better of it and wiggling her phone in his direction instead. "For her. She just doesn't want to get caught and I'm running out of pokeballs." 
Saeyoung blinked at the screen for a moment. She could see the gears turning in that brilliant head of his, that spark in his eyes when presented with a challenge. "If I catch her for you, will you make me a treat?" 
"Depends on the treat." 
He grinned. "Bibimbap." 
Saki sighed, pretending to consider for a moment. She didn't particularly like cooking but Saeyoung loved it when she cooked for him —he claimed food tasted better when it was hers— and it’d been so long since she’d seen him so playful. It wasn’t even in question, really. 
“Oh, alright."
"Yay!" He leaned over, pressing his finger to her screen, then swiped. She held her breath as the little red ball wiggled a couple of times before coming to a stop.
Chansey has been caught!
"Whoa, what?" She pointed at the screen, then at him. "How?"
"Magic fingers." He wiggled said fingers at her, laughing. "Bibimbap for dinner tonight?" 
"Hold on, that's gotta be a fluke." She pouted. This was the most time she’d spent with him this week, and she’d be damned if she didn’t want at least a little more of it. "I probably made it easier for you to catch. If I threw another ball, I could have caught her too."
"Oh really?" His glasses glinted. Her boyfriend was, all in all, probably the most laid back person she knew. Very few things ruffled his feathers. But after some months of living together, she'd found out that he could be competitive, given the right mood. "So what do you want to do about it?"
This certainly was the right mood.
"Whoever catches the most Pokemon by the end of the day wins. If you win, I'll make you bibimbap for the week. If I win, I don't have to cook." 
He rubbed his chin in mock thought. "Hmm, I don't know… just one week of bibimbap?"
"Bibimbap whenever you want for the next two weeks?"
There was that glint again. "You have my attention."
“For a month?”
And that's how the two of them ended up spending the entire day catching Pokemon, sprawled out on the couch and basking in the little victories and grumbles at defeat. Every so often, she’d glance over at him to see his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth, adorable even in concentration. Perhaps she should have concentrated just as hard instead of staring though, because at the end of the night— 
"So… bibimbap for dinner?" 
"It's midnight, Saeyoung." 
"Is that a yes?"
Saki couldn't help but laugh at the way he wiggled his brows at her. How could she deny a face like that? "Yes."
After all was said and done, the bibimbap turned out to be satisfying. What was even more satisfying was Saeyoung's over-the-top praise and that grin, the kind that had his cheeks rosy and his eyes sparkling. It was so warm, so content; it had her heart fluttering. She’d almost forgotten how wonderful it was to spend so much time with her boyfriend. But such a wonderful treat set a sort of precedent for little bets here and there.
Like whoever could stuff the most grapes in their mouth would forgo laundry for a week. (Saeyoung won that one. He managed to fit in 20 grapes.)
Or whoever could find out what was in Jumin's secret RFA folder could skip dish duty for three days. (Saki won that one. They were pictures of Elizabeth the 3rd. Why they were relevant, she didn’t know— but Saeyoung was intent on getting his hands on that folder now.)
After that, she regrettably won the eating contest. Or perhaps Saeyoung let her win. Either way, she’d gotten sick and he was seemingly intent on forgetting about the bet altogether, choosing to usher her into bed instead.
“I’m fine, though,” she protested, but offered little resistance as he tucked the covers over her. Though he often checked in with how she was doing, it really had been some time since her boyfriend had truly fussed over her. Because between these little competitions, he was still busy. Busy with Saeran at the hospital. Busy with the RFA. Busy with noisy, unkind thoughts; the ones that clouded his eyes and rendered him silent for long stretches of time. And she slowly came to realize that these brief moments of petty competitions seemed to be the only reprieve he had from his own head. 
“Even if you’re okay, you should try to get some sleepy-sleeps. You’ve been sleeping at weird hours lately because of me.” He tapped the tip of her nose, his faint smile gentle. “I’ll go make you some soup. It’ll be out of a can, so don’t expect too much, okay?”
As he turned to leave, her fingers caught on his sleeve, tugging. He turned back, his own fingers coming around to wrap around hers. “Wait. Will you come to bed with me instead?”
Saeyoung paused, his gaze resting on her for a brief moment before they strayed. “Well…” 
“Alright.” There was that faint smile again, but this one held no warmth. Contrastingly, as he climbed into bed and curled his body around hers, all she could feel was his warmth. “Is this okay?” 
His arms curved around her waist, drawing her to his chest as his breath tickled the shell of her ear. The unfamiliar feeling had Saki shuddering, heat blooming where their bodies met. She wished she could have him like this more often, but she couldn’t tell him that. Not when he was working so hard to support his brother. Not after all that had happened with V, Rika, and the RFA. She just couldn’t fit into those spaces that had carved themselves into his time.
But she would wait. He was worth every second of it.
“You’re all quiet.” His voice sent shivers down her spine. “What are you thinking about?” 
“Nothing at all.” Her hand found his, fingers interlinking. “People don’t speak when they sleep, silly.”
He hummed, nose nestling into the nape of her neck. “I guess you’re right.”
A pause.
“So... I did win the bet.” 
Saeyoung exhaled a laugh, hot and breathy as it fanned against her skin. “Yeah, but then you got sick after. I don’t think we can call that a real victory, right?” 
“We absolutely can.” Saki turned over, rather serious in her declaration as she pinned him with a look. “It’s called committing to the cause.” 
He leaned forward, his forehead came to meet hers. “Committing, hm?”
“Since you’re so committed, why don’t I give you an even better prize?”
“A better prize than walking around in a maid’s dress for a week?” She quirked a brow. “What could that possibly be?” 
“I would never deprive myself of wearing a maid’s dress!” He drew back in mock disdain, lips pursed. “This would just be a bonus, but if you don’t want it…” 
“No, I do! I do.” She pulled him back until his forehead touched hers again, even as her chest tightened. She wanted so much of him when he had nothing left to give, and here he was, offering just a bit more. 
“What’s that face?” He cupped her cheek, thumb grazing across her skin lightly. “I thought you said that you wanted a bonus?” 
“I do.” She felt herself forcing a smile. She’d have to insist on resting before he’d even consider doing so himself. “I’m just feeling tired now, that’s all. Will you sleep with me?” 
“Alright.” His arms came to wrap around her once more, pulling her flush against his chest. In the silence, Saki listened to his heart beat, letting the steady pace lull her.
Did her presence give him the same sort of soothing that he gave her? In the way that eased the knots in her chest and cleared all the thoughts in her head?
And was he comfortable? 
Was he okay?
As she felt herself drift off, she thought she’d heard him whisper something, but by then she was too far gone to hear it.
It was some days later after the eating competition fiasco that Saki decided the laundry had to be done. Saeyoung had kept her bedridden for some odd days, insisting that she needed to take it easy, but that meant the dirty clothes basket had grown to monstrous proportions since she’d last seen it. And while her boyfriend technically could have done it himself, he had won the grape bet. Besides, he had a terrible track record with laundry. Separating colours from whites? Hot water or cold water? How much laundry detergent again?
He was a brilliant man, that she knew. But doing laundry somehow broke his brain and she really couldn’t be fussed to walk him through the instructions today when she could do it herself. 
Saki got to work, separating clothes into different hampers and bringing them to the washing machine. It was mindless work, but it kept her body busy and her thoughts occupied. 
Checking the time between loads, she’d expected him to have long left for the hospital by then. But when she went to check in his mancave, she caught Saeyoung hunched over his desk, writing.
"Jagiya?" She peered in. Force of habit had her scanning the floors for empty chip bags. "You're still here?"
He startled, his head jerking up at the sound of her voice. "Oh! What time is it?"
"Quarter past four."
"Shit." He stood, tidying the work space. She averted her eyes.
Saeyoung's way of tidying consisted of haphazardly shuffling papers into a stack, then pushing it back into a corner to join the other haphazardly balanced stacks. His desk was the one part of the house that intimidated Saki the most. 
"You didn’t visit Saeran today?" When he didn't respond, she looked back at him, only to see him close distance between the two of them with two long strides. In his outstretched hand was an envelope.
"This is for you." When she didn't immediately reach for it, he pushed it into her hands gently. His eyes met hers, reassuring. “He said he needed a break from me.”
“Was it a good idea to listen?” She managed a half-smile. “I’m sure he thinks he needs a break from you everyday.”
The two of them stood there for a moment, silence settling in the small, yet large gap between her and Saeyoung. Looking up at him, she found that her chest ached at the sight. Perhaps it was because she wasn't used to seeing him before supper nowadays. Perhaps it was because she wanted to hug him, but didn't quite know how to ask.
“So you’ve been hiding out here since lunch?” is what came out instead.
The corner of his mouth quirked up. “Not hiding. You just never came in.” 
"My bad. But you know that I try to avoid this room as much as possible." Saki mock shuddered. "This mancave… it scares me."
He grinned. "And that's what makes it a good mancave."
"If you say so." Her eyes flickered down to the envelope in her hands, fingers tracing along the edges. "What's this, anyway?"
"It's the bonus." His hand closed around one of hers. "I'll see you at dinner tonight?" 
"You don't have to…"
"I know." When Saki looked up, his smile was kind.
"Well then... I look forward to whatever this bonus is." She reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he turned at the last moment and caught her lips instead. 
Warm, soft, supple. Tasted suspiciously of Honey Buddha Chips. 
She was in love.
Slowly, Saeyoung withdrew. There must have been some poorly concealed disappointment on her face because he laughed, all the while leaning in for another peck. "I'll see you soon. I promise." 
"Okay," she said, even though she wasn't quite ready to let him go yet. "Have a great day. I hope the visit goes well." 
He only smiled before turning to leave.
Once Saki heard the front door click shut, her eyes turned back to the envelope. It was a simple white, smudged with erasers and pencil marks. She couldn't help but smile, tracing it with her fingers.
Flipping it over, she pulled out the card. Again, a plain white but this time with a watercolour of a bouquet. On the inside, in his distinct chicken scratch: "Someone will be coming by to pick you up at 7 pm. Dress fancy!" 
She kept re-reading the two sentences, uncomprehending. 7 pm? That was dinner, right? Just when she thought her boyfriend couldn’t be any more cryptic, he’d outdid himself again. But then again, that was part of his charm.
She could only smile to herself wryly as she went to get ready. 
It took her some time to lay out all the dresses she owned. She figured that out of all the clothes she owned, they'd seen the least amount of action— besides, he did say to dress fancy. (Not that she was fully convinced that her definition of fancy remotely aligned with his.)
Eventually, she settled on a flowy blouse and a long skirt, the kind with a narrow waist and fluttering hem that kissed her ankles. Make-up soon adorned her cheeks with careful, even brush strokes. She had even spritzed on a little perfume.
Just as she finished touching up her lipstick, she heard the doorbell ring.
She hurried to the door, opening it to reveal a redheaded man dressed in a full suit and a chauffeur cap. 
"Hello. I'm here to pick up Saki."
If she had even the slightest doubt about whether the smile under the cap belonged to her boyfriend, the chirpy voice silenced it instantly.
"Are you my driver tonight?" She quirked a brow.
Saeyoung's grin was wide, sparkling. It was a smile she hadn’t seen in months. "I sure am. Are you ready to go?" 
Saki couldn't help but giggle, reaching out to wrap her arm around his. He led her out of the bunker complex and to the limousine parked outside.
When he opened the back door for her, she had half a mind to protest —she wanted to sit with him, after all— but something in his eyes gave her pause. It was an insistence, almost a pleading, and she found herself unable to say no.
As he pulled out of the driveway and onto the roads, she realized that Saeyoung wasn't going at the breakneck speeds she was used to with him; instead, it was steady and… surprisingly, at the speed limit. Almost immediately, she could tell that they were headed towards the city, where the bright lights kissed the horizon. 
It wasn't long before they passed the street lamps dotting across the highway and drove through the main roads of Seoul. Restaurants, karaoke, bars… they all glowed with neon signs. Through the windows, people seemed to be laughing and enjoying their time; they looked happy and full of life. 
Her chest warmed. Soon, she'd be able to spend time with Saeyoung like that too.
After passing by another couple of busy streets, the car came to a rolling stop in front of a darkened restaurant. 
Well... this wasn’t exactly the neon lights she’d found herself hoping for.
Saki peered out into the night, blinking. The Garden?
The Garden was a rather upscale restaurant in downtown Seoul, one that boasted fresh vegetables from its own rooftop garden. She'd been wanting to go with Saeyoung for a while, though the time was never quite right. In fact, she hadn't brought it up in a while. It was so out of question, she didn’t even realize it was an option. How did he remember?
She reached out to open the car door, but Saeyoung beat her to it. It swung open, and a hand outstretched to meet hers as she climbed out.
"You remembered that I wanted to come here." She looked up at Saeyoung, endeared by how his cheeks had turned pink.
"Of course I did." He had taken off the cap at some point and, having nothing else to fiddle with, ran a hand through his hair several times. It stuck up every which way with each stroke.
"Thank you." 
"Nothing to thank me for yet." He closed his hand around Saki’s, gently tugging as he urged her to follow him. 
The two of them made their way into the restaurant, only to find it just as dark as it appeared to be from the outside- and deserted as well.
No way this place wouldn't be busy on a Friday night.
"Wh- wait- why is it-?"
But Saeyoung only pulled her along further towards the back until the two of them stood in front of an "Employees Only" door. Opening the door revealed a flight of stairs that headed upwards. He gestured for her to enter.
"Should we be going here?" Saki looked around, then back at him. "What's going on, Saeyoung?"
"Go on. Trust me." He reached out, his thumb smoothing over her cheek.
His gaze was warm and unwavering, and it spurred her forward. She climbed up the stairs slowly, though the sight that met her at the top had her gasping.
The rooftop garden was gorgeous, its ledges covered with pots of vegetable and fruit bearing plants. Vines and leaves curled around stone, colouring the grey with vibrant greens. Little lamps adorned the spaces between the pots, warm light emanating from each one. And in the centre of the garden, the plants had been cleared for a small table and a little radio set.
"Saeyoung?" Saki stared at the view before her, a heaviness in her chest and a knot in her throat. 
“Yeah?” His soft voice came from beside her, and she turned to see him smiling brightly. At her expression, though, it dimmed. “You don’t... like it?”
“Oh- oh no. I love it.” She swiped at her wet eyes before remembering she had make up on, switching to dabbing gently like she hadn’t just furiously wiped them. “This place is beautiful. How did you manage to get a reservation like this?”
“It’s a secret.” He pressed a finger to his lips smiling, though his relaxing shoulders told her he was more relieved than anything else. His hand stretched out to take hers. “Will you dance with me?” 
“It’d be my pleasure.” 
He drew her to the centre of the garden, sweeping her into his arms. Snuggly pressed together, the two of them swayed to the same rhythm of an unheard song. The stars danced above with them, twinkling against velvet darkness. 
“Comfortable?” His voice was a low hum.
“Yeah.” She spoke thickly, the lump still stuck in her throat. She wondered how long he’d been planning to take her to this restaurant-- how long he’d been planning to take her out anywhere, really. 
“Are you-” 
“I can’t believe- oh.”
The both of them drew back, eyes meeting before averting as they both chuckled nervously. 
“You go first,” he insisted gently.
“I just… This is such a wonderful surprise. I can’t believe we’re here.” Saki inched closer, her fingers tightening where she held onto his shirt. “I appreciate this more than you know.” 
“This doesn’t even begin to show you how much I appreciate you. You’ve been so patient with me while I’ve had to take care of Saeran.” He blinked, eyes suddenly misty. “Things are going well at the hospital because I’ve had you to support me. I wanted to thank you somehow; I figured this would be a good start.” 
He leaned forward, his forehead pressed against hers gently. His glasses smudged against her cheek, a gentle deterrent, but she only pressed in further. 
The two of them swayed for a long moment, his arms warm and comforting around her. But perhaps there was something fundamentally wrong with her, with the way she itched to speak with mild tones of sarcasm at the most inappropriate times, because she couldn’t help but whisper, “I thought this was the bonus for winning the eating competition?”
And despite the single tear that had tracked its way down his cheek, Saeyoung laughed loudly, warm and full and free. And then he tilted his head and his lips met hers.
This kiss was different somehow; it stirred the sleeping butterflies in her stomach, their wings fluttering as they awoke. She was the first to draw away, cheeks warm but gaze never moving from his. “I’ll be here to support you always.”
He opened his mouth, then paused for a moment before his lips quirked. “And I’ll always be here to catch your Pokemon. No more competitions.”
“Hm. Not even one?”
He grinned in a way that told her he was game and from the butterflies it gave her, she knew he was worth every second of waiting. She also knew that it was going to be a long night of silly, stupid bets ahead.
And she couldn’t wait.
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD MOD - LINK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Pokemon Go Hack - THE BEST Pokemon Go Spoofer With Joystick Teleport & GPS (iOS/Android) 27K views · 1 day ago. Pokemon GO Spoofing. #SpooferX New Release! #PoGO version: - Tweak version: Changelog: - Added Walk to home option along with teleport. POKÉMON GO IOS FAKE GPS JOYSTICK TELEPORT SIN JAILBREAK IOS 9.X · androide chilango. androide chilango. Descarga de APK de Joystick For Pokem Go Tweak Prank para Android. Get Free Joystick on pokemon go game, have fun with your firends with this prank. New iPogo Version iPogo Version: ( / ) iPogo Tweak iPogo is a simple, powerful and intuitive app that allows you to teleport to raids. Pokemon Go Hack iOS Android + Joystick! Hack Pokemon Go Teleport in Home No Jalibreak Working iOS 13 y iOS 14 !…. Tweak your Device. Unlock any profile with this mod Pokemon Go Spoofer with options like Joystick, Teleport, Radar Feed & tons more. PGSharp es una aplicación de suplantación de localización diseñada para Pokémon GO. Permite a los jugadores falsear la ubicación en Pokémon Go para capturar.
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cheats for pokemon go mod AVL?
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Spoof Your Location · 2. Check the Weather Forecast · 3. Deselect AR · 4. Choose Pickachu for Your FirstPokémon · 5. Choose Your Defender. Pokemon Go Cheats - Unlimited Pokecoins and working on all devices. Generator Online. Pokemon Go Cheats often carry monsters to the end. Learn how to enable cheats like GPS spoofing, Fake GPS location, automated farming and more on features in the game. Learn how to use cheating tools to get more. Way 1: How to Cheat at PokemonGo - Fake GPS Location by Lexa · Install the app from the Google Play store. · Launch it, select the desired. Best Pokémon Go Hacks And Cheats To Double The Fun · 1. Get Pikachu as a Starter Pokémon · 2. Make Pikachu sit on your shoulder · 3. Add Friends in no Time · 4. Well, now Niantic has made it possible. Now, you can either do the hard work and go around collecting stuff from different places or take the easy way out. There are several hacks and cheats which make the game easier for you. Unless the thought of cheating makes you suffer from an ethical conundrum, this article shall be your guide to unlocking a whole new level of fun. The game is much more enjoyable if you are residing in a heavily populated metropolitan city. Therefore, we find nothing wrong in using a few hacks and cheats to make the game more fun and exciting. This also allows players from the countryside to enjoy the game better. You need to make sure that your I. However, make sure not to use it too frequently, or else Niantic will be on to you. So, we will advise you to take the risk only if you are okay with the consequences, i. This hack is used by the laziest of the lot. People who do not want to make any effort whatsoever can use bots to do their bidding. You can assign one or multiple bot accounts to essentially play the game for you. They will use your credentials to log in and use your current location or any fake location that you want as a starting point. Now they will emulate a walking motion by GPS spoofing and sending appropriate data to Niantic from time to time. This is the easiest way to progress through the game in a very short period of time. Additionally, Niantic has been working pretty hard to eliminate bots from the game. This does not really fall under the category of cheats and hacks but still allows users to get an undue advantage. As the name suggests, people use multiple accounts created in the names of their friends and family members and use them to take control of gyms quickly. The user will have multiple accounts, and each of them will be on a different team. This way, the user will face almost no challenge while fighting to take control of a gym. Meanwhile, others can use these secondary accounts to fill up other gyms and preparing more easy targets for the main account. Niantic is aware of this trick and comes down strongly on players who are discovered using this. Therefore they have banned several accounts that were frequently indulging in this act. So, be careful while using this hack. Make sure to spend enough time offline before asking someone to log in to your account from a different location. This will lead Niantic to believe that you actually traveled to a new location. IV stands for Individual Values. The most you can do is get an appraisal from your team leader. However, this appraisal is a little ambiguous and vague. If you are looking for more accurate and precise results, you can use third-party IV checking apps. Using these apps are safer in comparison to using Auto IV checkers that link directly to your account. However, there is a good chance that Niantic might discover this little third-party app integration and decide to ban your account. So, tread carefully. Up until now, we have been discussing some pretty serious cheats that could get your account banned. The available options are Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. However, there exists a secret fourth option, and that is Pikachu. Pikachu will not appear initially. You will have to wait. This can be considered more like an Easter egg that Niantic has cleverly placed in the game. Besides being super cool, it also has other additional benefits in the form of rewards. This was made possible due to the Buddy system introduced in September update. You can choose Pikachu to be your buddy, and he will start walking at your side. Walking with your buddy also allows you to earn Candy as a reward. Now, when you complete a 10km walk with Pikachu as your buddy, he will climb up on your shoulder. There are certain special events known as Special Research that require you to add a friend in order to participate. This seems like a fairly easy task if you have a lot of players in your vicinity. However, for people living in remote areas, all the players are already friends with each other. In that case, you need to use a simple workaround and take advantage of a small loophole. You can simply remove an existing friend from the Friend list and add him again. It will do the trick. Niantic does not mind this hack and would not fix the loophole because then it would be really problematic for someone who accidentally removed a friend. If the answer this quite often, then this hack would probably be the most useful one for you. However, this trick will need three people, so make sure that you get two friends to help you in the act. Niantic only allows you to change the orientation if you make a special report by filing a High priority issue. However, you can make this work even without filing and report and making the system think that an issue has been reported. Follow the steps given below to see how. Firstly, hold your phone horizontally and launch the game. Remember to continue holding the phone horizontally while following all the subsequent steps. After that, tap on the Settings option. Tap on it. Now tap on the Yes button to confirm, and this will close the game and start loading the website page to report issues. Before the page loads, tap the home button and come to the main screen. You will see that the Settings page will open, and the orientation will be changed to landscape mode. The game will continue to be in landscape mode even when you exit the settings. The wider angle allows you to load a much larger section of the map. Battles at the gym however will still work as usual. The good this is you can revert to the original Portrait mode at any time by simply closing the game and relaunching it. Now one of the main objectives of the game is to rank up by getting XP stands for experience points. You might be familiar with the Lucky Egg, which, when activated, doubles the XP gained for any activity for a period of 30 minutes. This means that you can gain a lot of XP points if you make the best use of this time. Given below is a more detailed step-wise explanation to use the Pidgey exploit. Do not make the mistake of transferring them. It encourages you to step outside and go for long walks. As a result, it only registers kilometres travelled when you are on your foot. These are known as driving lockouts. All these lockouts exist to prevent players from playing the game while driving, as it could be very dangerous for everyone. However, it also prevents passengers in a car or bus from playing the game while on the move. Therefore, you can use certain tricks to bypass these lockouts. Follow the steps given below to see how to bypass the driving lockouts. Special events are Raids are meant to be stumbled upon and not known from beforehand. However, just imagine how much time you would save if you already had all this information even before leaving your home. This information is then compiled on a map and made available to the public. However, there are still a couple of them that work so you will have to try multiple apps before you find one that is active in your location. One thing that we have to agree that using cheats and hacks is usually frowned upon. However, if you want to try them just for the sake of experimentation and fun, there is absolutely no harm. Some of these hacks are really clever and must be appreciated by trying at least once. When you get tired of playing the game the usual way, try using these hacks for a change. We can guarantee that you will definitely have fun. Pete is a Senior staff writer at TechCult. Pete loves all things technology and is also an avid DIYer at heart. He has a decade of experience writing how-tos, features, and technology guides on the internet. Your email address will not be published. GPS Spoofing 2. Botting 3. Using Multiple Accounts 4. Sharing Accounts 5. Make Pikachu sit on your shoulder 3. Add Friends in no Time 4. Gain XP fast with the Pidgey Exploit 7. Get Information about Spawns, Raids, and Gyms. You may also like. Category Reviews , Tips. Published on October 4, 5 min read. Category How to , Software , Tips. Published on October 3, 7 min read. Category How to , Tips. Published on October 3, 6 min read. Category How to , Tech Dictionary , Tips. Published on October 3, 5 min read. July 25, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
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greyssj · 2 years
Teleport pokemon go iphone
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#Teleport pokemon go iphone how to#
This will let you see your current location on the screen. Once you have installed the application, click on the Start button.To begin with, you will have to download and install AnyGO on your device.Teleport Your Location Anywhere In The World
#Teleport pokemon go iphone how to#
You’ll agree with me once you know how to use iToolab AnyGo.įollow the step-by-step guide to play with Pokemon Go GPS Spoofer. IToolab AnyGo as a Pokemon Go spoofer for iOS deives has proved itself to be very easy and handy to use while playing Pokemon Go. AnyGo also works well with LBS games and apps such as Pokémon GO, Tinder, Bumble, life360, etc.Change multiple iPhone locations simultaneously.You can also Import the GPX route file to your desired location.Simulate GPS movement along any custom path while playing Pokemon Go.With the help of AnyGo, you can Spoof GPS location to anywhere in the world.Now, that you know, you can use iToolab AnyGo Spoofing software on your iPhone and iPad, let’s move towards the platforms that are compatible with the software. You can even play with new players around the world from your iPhone. iTool AnyGo will help you play in the region of your choice just by sitting in the comfort of your own home. It is the best Pokemon Go spoofer iOS software. IToolab AnyGo is your pack of magic beans that will lead you to your most wanted Pokemon. You can easily Spoof Pokémon Go GPS on iPhone with the help of the best tool: iToolab AnyGo! This is where faking your location helps you. Pokémon Go Spoofer for iPhone – iToolab AnyGoĪs we have already mentioned that Pokemon Go is an interesting and entertaining game, however, it can get a little boring if you do not get players to interact with. How to Avoid the Pokémon Go Ban When Using AnyGo?.Teleport Your Location Anywhere In The World.Pokémon Go Spoofer for iPhone – iToolab AnyGo.
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transportpiner · 2 years
Pokemon go live map computer
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#Pokemon go live map computer how to
#Pokemon go live map computer apk
#Pokemon go live map computer full
#Pokemon go live map computer windows 10
#Pokemon go live map computer android
When done, hit the back button to switch back to the map and select the desired location.Ĭhose the entry and hit ‘Save’ button to add the location to your favorites. Now, click the three-dotted button in the top right, navigate to the Settings menu, check Expert Mode, read the warning message, and confirm with OK.
#Pokemon go live map computer how to
Then, click FakeGPS from the list and chose the Launch App option.Ī manual guiding you on how to operate the window will be displayed. If not, access the Search at the bottom, select Filters, check System Apps, and hit the Apply tab. Set Up FakeGPS! Open Lucky Patcher and see if you can find FakeGPS entry in the list of apps. Turn off the location if it is set to ‘On’.
#Pokemon go live map computer windows 10
Access Windows 10 Settings App, chose ‘Privacy Section’ > Location. If you have BlueStacks opened, click the cogwheel, select Settings, move to Location, and set the mode to High accuracy.įor proper functioning of the game on PC, it is essential to have all Windows GPS service disabled. You need to ensure some settings are in right place.
#Pokemon go live map computer apk
It’s time to install the most awaited game – Pokemon Go! Similar to the previous steps followed for KingRoot and Lucky Patcher, install the Pokemon APK file but restrain your urge from launching the app now.
#Pokemon go live map computer android
Here, as you are required to reboot BlueStacks to apply those changes, you can hit Yes or use Restart Android Plugin. When prompted for confirmation, hit ‘Yes’ button to install. Here, pause for a moment, select the APK file for Fake GPS and Install as a System App. Now, inside the application navigate to ‘Rebuild & install’ > SDcard > Windows > BSTSharedFolder. You should agree to grant the app access so, hit the ‘Allow’ button to confirm the action. Simply click the APK option residing on the left-hand side of the BlueStacks window and select the APK file on your computer to complete the installation process. When done, install and Run Lucky Patcher. To do so, click the folder icon from the BlueStacks sidebar on the left and open Fake GPS. Now, it’s the turn to copy Files from Windows. Then choose the ‘ Restart Android Plugin’. Find the cogwheel which can be found in the top right corner of BlueStacks. When found, click it and then hit the ‘Fix now’ button.Īfter that, upon noticing your Security Index, select ‘Optimize now’ option and then close KingRoot. Next, scroll to the bottom and locate ‘Try it’ option. For this, once you have finished installing Bluestacks, open it and click the APK symbol visible on the left, click open the respective APK file on your computer to set up the KingRoot application. The next step in the process includes installing this tool from. Once you have installed BlueStacks on PC, set up your Google account with the application because it will be easier for you to connect to the game.
Pokemon APK Play Pokemon Go on a Windows computer.
You need to install the following in the given order: To get the gaming experience of Pokemon Go on your Windows PC install the latest version of the Pokemon GO PC game on your laptop or computer by installing BlueStacks. As such, every iOS, Android, or Windows OS user is busy finding ways to make the game run on their version of the OS. The global appeal of the game is phenomenal. Update: While multiple Reddit users have reported this method working for them, a Google engineer on Twitter pointed out that it wasn't a viable short answer: no.Pokemon Go, the fastest mobile game ever to hit revenues of $500 million has successfully managed to expand its user base, and the number keeps blasting with each passing day. Niantic Labs is aware of the battery conservation issue and said it is looking into ways to fix the problem. Players should also notice a decrease in the amount of data needed to run the game.
#Pokemon go live map computer full
Even with the maps being offline, players will still have full access to the game through their data. In order to download the maps and use them offline, all players have to do is open the Google Maps app on their phone, go into settings, click the option for offline maps, hit the plus sign and add their location. Players have reported that after trying the method, they noticed an increase in battery life conservation and decrease in data usage, but mentioned that phones were still dying anywhere between three and six hours of continuous usage. Since Pokémon Gouses Google Maps API, players can simply download the maps from Google and use them offline. Now, thanks to a suggestion from Reddit user throwaway96388, players may be able to conserve battery and cut their data usage down using one simple trick.
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mbanahas · 2 years
Windows xp emulator for windows 10
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#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 for free#
#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 install#
#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 drivers#
#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 full#
#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 for windows 10#
In fact i run 4 instances of memu simultaneously. The top 7 best free android emulator for pc windows 7/8.1/10. Yes, here we've discussed all the competent it is quite optimized software that needs only 2gb of ram and about 9gb of room for installing apps. It runs the android it comes rooted and even allows users to allot ram and modify other parameters of gaming. Andy is the best android emulator for pc compared to bluestacks this emulator brings the best. While the program is good for trying out simple apps, i would recommend bluestacks if you want a complete android emulation experience.
#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 for free#
This android emulator is available for free for windows users and it aims to give great controls to gamers by offering them a slew of advanced features and controls. Here are the 10 best android emulators for windows 10.
#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 drivers#
Up to date graphics drivers from the graphics manufacturer. Well, here is a list of the best free android emulator recommendations for low specification pcs, for example 1gb to 2gb ram. Now using memu you can run android games at 4k ram and then enjoy the.Īre you looking for some of the best android emulator for windows pc, if your answer is yes then here is our list of top 10 best dual core amd or intel cpu with virutalization support.
#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 for windows 10#
Run android games and apps on your pc with this best android emulator for windows 10 and enjoy the android emulator like the name suggests emulates or imitates other devices. Are you looking for the best android emulator for windows 10 pcs or laptops? It's also worth noting that windows may allow for android apps directly in windows 10 starting in 2021. The gps emulation feature allows you to fake your gps location which can make the playing experience of augmented reality games like pokemon go easier. Like tencent, netease games has launched its own android app emulator for windows pc. This feature allows you to open more than one window in the same game. Here i am talking about emulators which emulates android apps and games on windows or mac desktop id mac, ram must 1gb (2gb recommended). This has been for long the most popular android emulator now challenged by some very worthy options. Now using memu you can run android games at 4k ram and then enjoy the. Another free android emulator for windows is genymotion. Here, we have enlisted the best android emulators for windows 10 mainly, but they will work even on windows 8, 8.1, 7, and xp too. In any case, android emulation on pc is possible and it's a lot easier than it used to be.
#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 full#
As you can find an increasing number of however, this comes with an essential browser, camera, music and give you the full access to google play store. Tencent gaming buddy in the past and game loop now has become the best android emulator for windows 10 due to a great support for call of duty mobile game on the. The main procedure of the emulation emulators act like hardware or software of play station and emulator use almost everything of your computers such as hardware, graphics, ram.
#Windows xp emulator for windows 10 install#
However, there are differences you can quickly install your app to several different instances, each using a different ram and cpu configuration to test the performance of your app. We tried all these android emulators on our testing pc with i7 intel core processor, 12gb ram, 250gb ssd and windows 10 professional edition. Home apps best apps best free android emulators for windows 7, 8.1, 10 pc in 2020. Many of the best android emulators are free, too. In fact i run 4 instances of memu simultaneously.ġ0 Lightest Fast Android Emulators For Pc Laptop Random from Best Android Emulator For Windows 10 4Gb Ram.
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nazariatakus · 2 years
TUTORIAL COMPLETO Download e INSTALAÇÃO FakeGPS JoyStick Pokémon GO Hack...
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shoesmains · 2 years
Tenorshare i anygo
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Tenorshare i anygo software#
Tenorshare i anygo license#
Tenorshare i anygo plus#
IAnyGo managed to work seamlessly from two to multipoint routes we set. It’s the same as picking two routes except this time you can set more than two pins. Those who wish to set a route, for example around a park can opt for the multipoint route. Simply lay down two points, then the number of round trips to go between them and the spoofer will do the rest. IAnyGo allows you to simulate real life walking with a customized route feature. As you start typing suggestions will come up on the search bar, allowing you to finish faster and get to where you need to go. There’s no need to put in X and Y coordinates (which can lead to the pin going to a body of water, for instance), and it works pretty quickly and responsively.Īdvanced users will be delighted to find that the app allows them to enter a specific address, kind of like the one you use on Apple Maps or Google Maps. Users will only need to click once on a virtual map to place their pin on it. IAnyGo is perhaps the easiest GPS location changer app according to our experience. Tenorshare iAnyGo Features 1-Click Change iPhone Location to Anywhere
Tenorshare i anygo license#
Tenorshare iAnyGo Pricing, Coupon and License.
Choose a location then set your preference. Connect your iPhone to the computer via USB cable and click on ‘Enter’. Open the app and choose ‘Change Location’.
1-Click Change iPhone Location to Anywhere.
This release was issued through Send2Press®, a unit of Neotrope®.
Tenorshare i anygo software#
Tenorshare is an international software company founded in 2007 and is known for its award-winning and highly rated software products. Information:
Tenorshare i anygo plus#
iAnyGo allows users to save custom location to redeploy with ease.īesides that, iAnyGo provides more useful functions for you such as set the moving speed and times for your route, pause anytime and zoom map in/out, etc.Īll three plans include up to five devices plus 1 PC, the Monthly plan is $6.95, Quarterly $19.95, and the annual plan, offering the biggest savings, $39.95. Use this software can save and load feature to redeploy favorite routes quickly. Since iAnyGo works with all location-based apps, such as Pokemon Go, Ingress, Fitness apps, and Dating apps. Users can deploy their favorite routes for catching Pokemon, win their office fitness competition, or match with prospective dating partners across cities, all from the comfort of their living room! Spoof iPhone Location, All Apps Supported One is "Two-point route," it lets users plan a route between two points. The other is "Multipoint route," you can select multiple locations on the map freely. The feature requires users to be in a particular place, allowing them seamlessly moving to their desired location, and quickly revert if needed.ģ. This software supports two different routes to change location. IAnyGo allows users to change locations with the click of a button. This feature alone opens up GPS simulation to many less tech-savvy users, allowing more straightforward navigation, and better user experience. IAnyGo allows users to interact with an easy-to-use graphical interface, allowing users to see and plan routes on a live map. What's more, this software works with all location-based apps, such as Pokemon Go, Ingress, Fitness app, Facebook, etc. Users can plan custom multipoint routes, simulate various movement speeds, and load historical location to fake GPS location. While there's certainly no shortage of GPS simulation apps on the market, iAnyGo differentiates itself through its seamless user interface and high customizability. 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -Tenorshare announced the release of its latest iOS Location Changer software, iAnyGo, that can change location to anywhere.
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just-a-pokeblog · 4 years
Are there any "flying" Pokemon GO trainers who would like to do some trades with me?
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apksspace · 3 years
Pokemon Go Mod Apk With Joystick 2021
Pokemon Go Mod Apk With Joystick 2021
Download Pokemon Go Mod Apk Almost everyone knows about Pokemon Go Mod Apk cartoons and desires to be a real-life master. In Pokemon Go, players interact with the actual world through grown reality, inspired by the Pokemon universe. It makes use of our smart phones to locate and capture in our direct vicinity. As soon as you’ve caught a Pokemon, you’ll be able to join in battles and even train…
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captain-jerry-smith · 3 years
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How to Fake Pokemon Go Location/GPS on iPhone
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rinatgrimaldi · 5 years
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argumentl · 3 years
TFOE Radio InterFM version - fan summaries 2015 - 2017
(Topics of each show listed in the links)
Ep 1 Concept of show
Ep 2 - A.I, Military expansion protest, Revenge porn
Ep 3 - Dokugen, Agnes Chan/online liability.
Ep 4 - Dark fashion, Kawashima Naomi/Erotic movies, Igarashi Megumi/Censoring obscenity.
Ep 5 - Taiwan, Doraemon movie, Male only/female only live controversy, Weak school kids.
Ep 6 Mexico, Arche cover design, Honda Keisuke, Playboy magazine.
Ep 7 - Arche cover design, Murder case in Tokyo
Ep 8 - Photography at overseas lives, Doppelgangers, Osaka's Lupin, Celebrities using drugs
Ep 10 - Arche cover design, Shadow art, Murder case, Actor denying fatherhood of child.
Live special #1
Live Special #2
Ep 13 - Banned album covers, Murder case, Sexually suggestive poster.
Ep 14 - Photography, air guitars
Ep 15 Movie recommendations, Grumpy sports personalities, Japan-South Korea relations.
Ep 16 Kaoru's talk event, David Bowie, New Years tv
Ep 17 - Amp simulators, Coming of Age, Trust in staff
Ep 18 - Death row in Japan vs USA, Kim jong-un's shoes, Bionic penis.
Ep 19 - Fukushima Daiichi visit, Baseball player caught doing drugs.
Ep 20 - A.I. Technology, STAP cell/Obokata Haruko controversy.
Ep 21 - Budokan impressions, Questions from listeners, First Japanese politician ever to attempt to take paternity leave caught cheating days before wife gives birth.
Ep 22 - Q and A with Kaoru, Kiyohara drug scandal, Celebrities becoming politicians.
Ep 23 - Fan comments, Child killer identity leak, Politician suggests shutting down politically biased content.
Ep 24 - 5th Anniversary of 3/11, Human canvass artwork, Kyo hayfever, Actress childless by choice, Celeb Instagram spat.
Ep 25 - Old live houses, Censoring of smoking scenes, Beat Takeshi, Arrest of celebrity doctor.
Ep 26 - Ideal female body shape, Child daycare shortage, Ban on beards
Ep 27 - Instant yakisoba, TV/radio presenter faked academic record, New jingle appeal.
Ep 28 - Opposition Party name change, Madonna late to own concert, Baseball players caught illegally betting on games.
Ep 29 - Taboo surrounding disabled sex, Former AV star Dan Mitsu entering politics?
Ep 30 - Internet regulations, Unfair treatment in relation to drugs offenses, Tax hike controversy/criticism of Japanese bureaucracy.
Ep 31 - New jingle campaign, UFOs, French comics/Bandes dessinées.
Ep 32 - Domestic violence, Racial discrimination in USA, Chiba legend 'Jaguar', Ancient mummy wearing Addidas.
Ep 33 - New jingle campaign, Panama Papers leak.
Ep 34 - Death-row art, Man mistakes bear cub for puppy, Japan's place in World Press Freedom Index
Ep 35 - Live-streamed suicide, Tokyo Governer Masuzoe Yōichi scandal, Celebrity Becky's apology for affair, Idol stabbed over 20 times by fan.
Ep 36 - The status of cannabis in Japan, Tokyo Governer financial scandal, Hillary Clinton's promise to reveal UFO info if elected president.
Ep 38 - Subliminal messages, Japanese comedian takes on Cambodian nationality to compete in Olympics, The appeal of Japanese women overseas
Ep 39 - Naked living, Tokyo Sports 'Lowlife Awards', Muhammad Ali's death.
Ep 40 - Time cover showing pregnant rape victim, Hiranabe's bad luck, Brexit
Ep 41 - Underwater band Aquasonic, Tracking a spouse with GPS, Ichiro beats Pete Rose's world record.
Ep 42 - Mode of Vulgar tour finished, Security issues at Rio de janeiro Olympics, Actor Ishida Junichi running for Tokyo Governor?
Ep 43 - Inadequate media election coverage, Increase in motiveless crime.
Ep 44 - Announcement of another live special, Pokemon Go, Palm reading/Palmistry.
Ep 45 - Dobashi in Brazil, 'Crush the NHK' election broadcast, Shark movies.
Live Special #3
Ep 46 - Pokemon Go, Celebrity lawyer in trouble
Ep 47 - Hierarchy in groups/bands, the language barrier overseas.
Ep 48 - Judge posts pictures of himself in his underpants on Twitter, Olympic marathon runner Neko Hiroshi, PM Abe as Mario at Olympic closing ceremony.
Ep 49 - Diverse beauty pageant, Sex doll theft.
Ep 50 - Public reading of erotic literature in library, Dobashi returns from Brazil (with condoms).
Ep 51 - Illustrated guide to poo, Bust reducing bra
Ep 52 - Image of the 'perfect face', Celeb makes AV debut, Thai red-light districts facing destruction.
Ep 53 - Elaborate bentō boxes, Dubious assault on hotel worker by actor, Weekly mag Shūkan Bunshun.
Ep 54 - Playing pre-recorded songs at lives, thought provoking messages, PR video portraying eel as girl in swimwear.
Ep 55 - Fan feedback, Thoughts on Mode of DSS tour, Security cameras in schools.
Ep 56 - Jumping on the Halloween bandwagon, Futon maker-turned-fashion maker.
Ep 57 - Bob Dylan wins Nobel Prize, Headlines taken out of context
Ep 58 - Unique tap/faucet designs, Gang rape carried out by Keiō University students
Ep 59 - Looking at works of art from different perspectives, Sinkhole opens up in Fukuoka.
Ep 60 - Illustrated stationary guide/Kaoru's love of drawing, Shin Godzilla.
Ep 61 - Pun art, Nikkatsu erotic movies revival.
Ep 62 - Retouched/Photoshopped images in magazines, Musician arrested for drug use a second time.
Ep 63 - German dinner projection art, Abe-Trump discussing PikoTaro
Ep 64 - Van Gogh animation 'Loving Vincent', Buzzword of the year.
Ep 65 - Christmas, Controversial Fabreeze CM, Rocker Uchida Yūya.
Ep 66 - LAST EPISODE - Looking back at the show.
The radio versions were uploaded to Youtube by Kie, I have simply summarized the content in English. Take a look below!
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