dontshootmespence · 4 years
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay
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Summary: After losing Phil, Luke struggles to cope. He retreats, not wanting to talk to anybody. But Spencer isn’t about to let his friend struggle alone.
Words: 829
Warnings: Talk of post traumatic stress syndrome.
A/N: My next entry for @cmbingo​! This one was suggested by @dreatine​ for a Luke/Spencer fic regarding PTSS.
Spencer of all people knew what it was like to want to retreat into oneself after a tragedy. After Henkel? Check. Into drug addiction as a matter of fact. After watching Lindsay’s father shoot a kid right in front of him? Yup. After watching Maeve get shot in the head? Check. Almost delved back into dilaudid for the that one. After losing Gideon? Yup. After prison? Duh. Suffice it to say, he and post traumatic stress disorder weaved a tangled web from which he’d probably never truly break free. But after so many confrontations with PTSS, he was learning how to deal with things.
It wasn’t like this was the first time Luke had gone through something traumatic, losing Phil. In this line of work it basically came with the territory. And he could probably recognize PTSS in himself, even figure out how to deal with it. But after all he’d done for Spencer while he was in prison, how hard he’d advocated for him despite barely knowing him at all, Spencer wasn’t about to let Luke suffer alone.
Before Spencer knew it, he was knocking on the door. For all Spencer knew, Luke would slam the door in his face. It had definitely been one of his own signature moves. 
“Spencer?” Luke greeted, his voice groggy like maybe he’d been woken from a nap. “What are you doing here?” Spencer gave him a half-hearted smile. “Checking in on you.”
“I’m fine.” He lied. Why did they always lie? Spencer had done it too. Why? Why was it not okay to not be okay?
Luke’s eyes went wide and for the first time since Phil’s death, Spencer heard Luke laugh. “Doctor Reid, mind your language.” 
“No, I’m calling you on it.”
“My bullshit?”
“Yes. Can I come in?”
Luke opened the door slowly. The dim lights in the apartment did little to hide the fact that the place was in disarray. It looked a lot like his place had after Maeve’s death. “Sorry,” Luke said. “Haven’t had a chance to clean up.”
“Doesn’t bother me. My own place has looked worse.” He decided to be frank with Luke since it elicited the only positive response he’d seen in weeks. “You on the other hand. You look like shit.”
Luke feigned hurt and held his chest. “Language! And thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.”
“You aren’t sleeping.”
“No shit!”
Spencer smacked the wall. “Ha! So, you admit you aren’t okay?”
Instantly, playful banter gave way to solemness. “No, I’m not,” Luke replied, unceremoniously plopping down onto the couch. “I can’t. Every time I close my eyes, I wonder what I could’ve done differently to save him.”
“I know.”
“You do?”
“You don’t think I go over every detail surrounding Maeve and Gideon’s deaths? After they died, it happened constantly. It still happens from time to time. It’s normal.”
Luke spoke, resigned. “I know. But I don’t care. It sucks and I can’t stop it.”
Spencer walked across the room and sat at the other end of the couch. “Well, there’s exposure and cognitive therapy, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing if you feel that it’s truly getting in the way of you living your life.”
Luke adamantly shook his head. “No, no, no. I mean, I can still work. I function.”
“Do you want to function?” Spencer asked. “Or do you want to live?” How easy it was to think clearly when you weren’t the one in the midst of it. 
“You sound like a motivational speaker.”
“Shut up,” Spencer laughed. Silence hung between them for a moment. It was comfortable, pregnant with possibility, but it wasn’t the time. “All I’m saying is there are active ways that you can help yourself without therapy.”
“Enlighten me, Doctor.”
“Don’t shut us out.” Spencer cleared his throat. “I’m worried about you. The team is worried about you.”
“Why? I function,” he said, putting air quotes around the word.
“You haven’t been out with the team since. Even though you’re still great at your job, you get short with us much more often than you used to. You can’t say his name. You admitted you can’t sleep. You-”
“Alright, alright I get it.” Luke combed his hands through his hair, practically pulling it from the roots. “No, I don’t want to just function. It’s just...it’s hard. I don’t want to bring other people down.”
“Start small. Come out with us for one drink and then go home. Work into it. Just...realize we’re all here. It’s how I quote unquote got passed Gideon’s death.  Morgan would not leave me the fuck alone until I started going out with the team again. He showed up to my door constantly. Don’t make me do that to you.”
Chuckling, Luke allowed his head to fall back into the couch. “Wouldn’t want that. I’ll come out for a drink next time you guys go out. I promise.”
“I’ll hold you to it.”
“I’m counting on it.”
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stunudo · 6 years
Spencer Reid x Jennifer Jareau
 Gifts Series
Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid
Love during Loss : Criminal Minds Fan-fiction Exchange 2017 $
Who We Were and Are Now
Spencer Reid x Luke Alvez
Distract Me*
One of The Guys*
Divide Focus * $
Or Forever~
Tara Lewis x Alex Blake
A Much Needed Proposal~*
Emily Prentiss x Penelope Garcia
Our Last Chance*
Penelope Garcia x Luke Alvez
Spencer Reid x Elle Greenaway
Fancy Meeting You Here
Tara Lewis x Emily Prentiss
Tarily Ever After (Sergio focused)
There are more on the Smuturday Masterlist
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stunudo · 7 years
A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction
Featuring: Spencer Reid x Luke Alvez   Setting: Season 12
Requested: @ralvezmood
Prompt: ❝ hey , what’s with you? you need a hug or something? ❞
His dark curls were like woven cords of licorice, spiced and sheen. Spencer had always gotten comments on his hair, whether compliment or not, but his waves were nothing compared to Luke’s thick mane. He found himself mesmerized by the strands on his coworker’s head, staring at the short locks while Luke slept reclined on one of the many seats on the BAU jet.
Spencer was known as a light sleeper, and there were many nights where he was the last one awake on the team. It was on those nights where he let his mind wander and his appreciation of Luke’s appearance take over. Spencer was a student of symmetry, proportions and parallels and he found that all and more while gazing across the aisle in the subdued lighting of an overnight flight. What got under his skin more than his colleague’s beauty, was the confusion over the draw it had on Spencer himself. Curiosity was a hunger, one that was never left unchecked for the genius doctor.
Luke had found Reid fascinating from the moment they met. His reputation for avoiding physical contact was one of many things he knew about the younger man prior to meeting him. As any true unveiling, the subject was given layers and depth only known through exposure over time. Spencer interjected the most detailed of points, sometimes filling in the blanks on a case, others just sharing one of the many trains of thought in the mega-station that was his brain. And all the while, Luke listened.
“There have only been 140 vehicular deaths in the state so far this year, seventy six percent of those were not wearing a seat belt, though.” Spencer explained at the medical examiner’s office.
“Our victim was dead before the crash took place.” Luke continued.
“But why pick such an uncommon event to use for a cover up?” Spencer posed.
“Less traffic, sure, but that also means less witnesses.”
“We should get back to the team.”
Bursting through the front door of the unsub’s workplace was predictable with Luke by his side. He trusted and respected the former Army Ranger, but also valued his addition to the team. They hadn’t spoken about it with the others, but Spencer had been helping Luke practice for his profiling exam. They found the outer rooms empty, meeting JJ and Lewis around back. Which only left the basement, why didn’t they just start there in the first place? Sometimes protocol was illogical.
Four trained guns were locked on the waiting unsub, sitting on a dingy old couch, playing a video game. He didn’t look up or stop his thumbs from jamming into the buttons. “Knew you would find me today,” his voice was calm.
“Scott Turner, hands up, the game is over, man,” Luke stated almost kindly.
“Sorry, agents, I’m not dying in some shoot out, but there is no way I was going to survive  prison either.” Spencer was watching him intensely, his voice was fading in and out, his head lolled. Then the syringe rolled off the cushion beside him. No. Spencer went into panic mode, checking Scott’s pulse and trying to calculate how much he had taken.
He stood by the unsub’s side as the ambulance wheeled him away, the white sheet mocking him. JJ was the first to approach Spencer, his hair a mess after dragging his fingers through it in desperation. He was on edge, he needed to work through it in stages; understanding he couldn’t have stopped the unsub until he could believe it too.
They wrapped quickly with the local precinct, paperwork and afterthought when your suspect commits suicide. The team had given Spencer Reid his distance, allowing him to process the outcome. Luke had read the files, known there were some unsubs that hit closer to home than others, for everyone. Much like Adam and even Tobias Hankel, Spencer felt he could have saved them. That the truth could have given them the tiniest bit of redemption.
It was there in the small town’s police station that Luke caught Spencer staring at him. He grinned, waving his hand as if to say ‘Earth to Spencer!’ But Spencer didn’t look away or shake away his daydreaming. He smiled gently back. Luke chuckled, crossing the space between them.
“Hey , what’s with you? You need a hug or something?” Alvez leaned beside Spencer against a windowsill. Spencer’s smile pursed with his blush, drawing Luke’s eyes to Spencer’s pink lips.
Then suddenly Spencer replied, “Yeah, I do.” Luke did a double take, but turned toward the thinner man. Spencer Reid, averse to touching strangers and confiding weaknesses, opened his arms and Luke’s stronghold found him. The men stood there, rocking on the spot for merely a moment. But it was long enough for a beginning and long enough for Spencer to memorize the precise scent of Luke’s hair.
@dontshootmespence @imagicana @starbucksreid
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stunudo · 7 years
The aim of a college education is to teach you to know a good man when you see one.
William James
One of the Guys: A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction
Featuring: Spencer Reid x Luke Alvez     Setting: Season 13
Requested: Anonymous
“Can I request a Ralvez fic where Luke wants to introduce Reid to some of his army pals but Reid is nervous because that's a lot of like big buff manly men and he's afraid he won't relate? Or that he'll embarrass Luke? Sorry if this is dumb. Thanks!”      
A/N: I finally got it up! I hope you like it....xoxo Stu
It had been some time since Luke had checked in with his Regiment buddies when Johnson sent him an event invite on Facebook for an annual cookout signifying the anniversary of their return from Iraq. Luke Alvez had been neck deep in hunting fugitives and trying to get a falsely accused teammate out of prison during the last two gatherings. This year he was going to be there, he was adamant.
He just needed to breach the subject with his boyfriend of almost a year, the incomparable Dr. Spencer Reid. Since they started dating, they had been open with their teammates at the BAU. Which were essentially, Spencer’s family. Luke was a part of the team, but he hadn’t quite survived the trenches with them like he had his old Army buddies. Wanting Spencer to meet them was natural, but it was bound to bring up a few concerns.
Spencer had finally established a comfortable normal after, well, everything. Moving in with Luke had been on his mind since his mother had entered into a new (local) facility after her doctors had begun working with a new trial for her Alzheimer diagnosis. He was teaching this week and the team was away on a case. The lack of Luke’s comforting presence apparent through out his day. Spencer cleared his desk and stopped by to say goodnight to Garcia.
“I just wanted to check in before I headed home.” Spencer had approached her desk, but Garcia was rapidly flying between monitors.
“Reid!” She grinned. “Remember way back when you were forced to squat in my domain because you had lied about being cleared for field work?”
“It wasn’t a lie.” Spencer muttered.
“Right. Anyway, I could scrounge up another chair if you aren’t busy. It is lonely with my babies gone for so long.”
Spencer watched as the bespectacled blonde pleaded for companionship. He gave her a considering half smile. “How about I run and grab dinner for the two of us?”
“Would you?” Garcia stamped her platformed feet on the ground. “Oh I knew this restriction was going to be good luck!”
“I need to go check on Roxy first though. With traffic it will be over an hour before I am back, an hour and twelve minutes actually.” Spencer clarified.
She waved at him, sending him off to his tasks with a joyful shrug.
On nights when Spencer was on his required office days, Luke slept terribly. He had gotten so used to Spence’s soothing voice lulling him to sleep. The other half of the bed was cold and vast. On the road, he missed Roxy too, her instincts so keen to his every emotion. Luke grabbed an extra pillow and cradled it to his chest, nestling it below his goatee-covered chin. It had been an hour since Emily had sent the team to the hotel for the night, each agent exhausted and frustrated. It has after another thirty minutes of tossing and turning that Luke broke down and called home.
“Can’t sleep?” Spencer’s voice answered on the second ring.
“Uh, yeah, how ‘bout you?” Luke leaned back, resting his free arm behind his head.
“I kept Garcia company for most the night, so now I am going over my lecture for tomorrow.” Spencer explained.
“Didn’t you finish that last week?” Luke asked, amused. “Overachiever.”
“I’ve got to keep busy while the team does or, I, just, - I miss you too much.”
“Miss me? Or the team?” Luke teased. “Probably the unsubs the most though, huh?”
“Stop it, Luke. You know what I meant.” Spencer smirked, closing the folder he had spread open on his lap.
“So, I’ve been meaning to tell you. But I got an invite to a yearly barbecue from one of the guys from my days in the Rangers. It should be just before you’re due back in for field work. Think we can be that queer couple at the semi-redneck gathering?”
Luke held his breath, he tended to make light of uncomfortable situations. He knew Spencer would worry, but he had to put it out there. And sooner was always better than later.
Spencer’s hands were sweating and his voice kept catching in his throat. Luke was picking him up in ten minutes to drive to Johnson’s house for the yearly reunion with Luke’s friends. Spencer had changed his clothing three times. He put on a tie and would take it off. He worried he should have gotten a hair cut, though he hadn’t shaved either. Did it even matter? Spencer walked determinedly away from the mirror and returned not a moment later.
His deep set eyes bore into himself, “You have five bachelor degrees and three phds.” He coached at his reflection. “You have an amazing, devoted, handsome boyfriend that would do anything for you... Even introduce you to his tough army buddies who could snap you in half!” Spencer sat down on the edge of the tub in a thorough pout.
Luke found him in that exact spot five minutes later, zoned out as he walked through possible scenarios for the remainder of the day.
“Hey, Spence, you, uh, you good?” Luke sat down next to him on the cold stone ledge. He wore a simple polo shirt and khakis, Spencer’s heart slowed ten beats per minute by Luke’s sheer presence. Luke slid his hand into Spencer’s left and waited until he was ready. He didn’t worry about the time, he knew Spencer knew exactly how long they had before they became late. Luke didn’t prod, he just sat beside his love as their breathing harmonized.
Finally, Spencer turned and let Luke see the distress in his eyes. Luke leaned forward and rubbed the back of Spencer’s knuckles with his free hand. “Hey, if you don’t want to go with, just say the word. I won’t be upset, I’ll just go alone. And be home before dark.”
“Don’t you think it will be better that way? I mean, I would be quite the odd man out, even if we aren’t the only gay couple in attendance.”
“Spencer, if I didn’t want you to go, I wouldn’t have asked.” Luke tried to be reassuring.
“What if I embarrass you? I can give detailed accounts of the missions you completed from reading the reports, but I have no first hand experience. I feel like an intruder, like I am somehow unworthy, or, I guess, not masculine enough?”
Luke’s compassionate eyes watched every reaction on Spencer’s memorized features. Luke leaned in and took Spencer’s face in the palms of his hands, forcing Spencer’s warm eyes to follow his own darker pair.
“Querido, no. You have more than proven your strength day in and day out on the job. None of the spouses or partners are going to know exactly what we went through out there. That is why you are so important, you are here for us, even though we have these battle wounds. The ones that can be seen and the ones that remain unseen. Spencer, I want you there, because I am so proud to have you by my side.” Luke placed a soft kiss in between Spencer’s furrowed eyebrows. “Let me show you off to my unit, show them how Alvez scored someone out of his league.” He grinned, watching Spencer’s lips curl as that heart-melting blush slid over his cheeks.
Spencer considered backing out, but felt like a coward for even humoring the idea. He exhaled and stood, clutching Luke’s strong hand. “You really know how to boost an ego there, Alvez.”
“Good, because I already told them all about you.” Luke smirked as Spencer’s eyes took in the new information. It was going to be a long day.
As Luke pulled into the circular drive, Spencer took notice of the various cars and SUVs lining the side yard. By the number of vehicles, there would be no more than twenty eight people in attendance. Spencer gave lectures to upwards of two hundred students, and even now these twenty eight people wouldn’t be hanging on his every word. It wasn’t like he was walking on to a football field in a blindfold, Luke was here, he would be fine. Perfectly fine, right?
The white cottage had a deep gray trim, as the couple rounded the house Spencer took note of the metal ramp to the porch. There was music playing and voices carrying on the summer breeze.
“Well, well, look who finally decided to show his slack-jawed face again!” A red haired balding man called out from one of the four picnic tables spread over the stone patio. “That’s Harper.” Luke said under his breath.
“Look who hasn’t forgotten his drill voice, I mean, we’re all standing right here, Harp.” Luke volleyed back. SFC Harper stood and shook Luke’s hand, bringing him in for a manly hug with many pats on the back. Soon it was a frenzy, Luke hugging and shaking hands with everyone. Some of the women kissed him on the cheek, when he finally came to a new face he spun on the spot. Looking to introduce Spencer to his army family, meanwhile Spencer had unceremoniously hung back, taking in the scene of camaraderie. The tall genius remained uncharacteristically quiet.
“I’ll be right back.” Luke excused himself and returned to Spencer’s side. “How do you want to me to do this?” He whispered gently, waiting for the go ahead. Spencer sized up the situation and realized one on one introductions would be putting him on the spot for physical affections.
“One big introduction?” Spencer offered. Luke nodded and spun on the spot.
“Hey, so, everyone? This is Spencer.” Luke called out to the group. Everyone did the AA chant of an enthusiastic echo of “Hi, Spencer.” Luke pressed on, grinning with pride. “Spencer is my teammate at the BAU, and also my boyfriend. Be nice, guys.”
A couple cat call whistles burst from the crowd, but overall it was a jovial welcome, and Spencer got out of shaking hands by waving back delicately. A muscular pink faced man rolled over to Spencer and Luke first, he used a manual wheel chair instead of a mechanical one. “Good to see you smiling, Alvez. Nice to meet you, Doc. Brenton Johnson, host extraordinaire. Welcome.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Sergeant Johnson.” Spencer stated happily. A plump woman scurried over to introduce herself, rubbing Johnson’s back mindlessly.
“I’m so glad, y’all could make it.” Her accent was pleasant, her smile pristine. “It had been so long since we have seen our Latin Luke, the girls and I were getting worried.”
“Don’t mind my wife, Doc. The other wives all had bets on what tickled Alvez’s fancy.” Johnson barked out a laugh. “Missy’s just rubbing it in everyone’s faces because she called it.”
“Called what?” Spencer asked confused.
“Why don’t you give us the tour, Missy?” Luke interrupted to avoid the social undertones that Spencer had missed.
After a tour and more formal introductions, Spencer slowly began to relax. Luke hovered when the packs of wives and girlfriends tried to give Spencer the third degree. There were lots of, “What’s it like in the FBI?” or “I bet your patients just love you.” When one of Luke’s brothers in arms approached Spencer, he held his own. Spencer managed to only scared away two with his ramblings. Just before night fall the cards came out.
“Alvez, you want in? Only twenty dollar buy in.” Harper called from the dealer’s seat.
“Nah, man, I’m good. I’m going to help Missy with the dishes.” Luke waved out of the offer.
“Mind if I take a seat?” Spencer asked innocently. “What’s the game?”
“Texas Hold ‘Em, sure you want to go toe to toe with these guys, Doc?” Johnson asked warily.
“Can’t hurt to try.” Spencer shrugged. The men around the table laughed, but no one was laughing as hard as Luke Alvez, whose army buddies were bound to lose their shirts to his quirky genius.
“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” - Plato
@dontshootmespence @imagicana @tarciau @starbucksreid @ralvezmood @gubl-oser
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stunudo · 7 years
You Don’t Know Everything
A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction
Featuring: Kate Callahan and Family      Setting:  Season 15
Requested: Anonymous
Prompt: ❝ you may leave school, but school never leaves you. ❞
A/N: I really like writing in the future! Also this is all team fluff. I didn’t use the prompt as a quote, but as a theme. Hope you don’t mind! xoxo Stu
The hallways were empty as the senior class poured from their testing in the cafeteria. Graduation was days away, so the twelfth grade students were completing their finals as the lower grades continued on their normal schedules. The athletic brunette dodged around a few groups to catch up with the curvy African American girl arm and arm with the statuesque blonde boy.
“Markayla,” Meg purposely pulled her friend’s backpack, dragging her away from her longtime boyfriend, Mason.
“Meg!” Markayla squealed, shoving the other girl back. “How’d you do? I aced the essay, but completely blanked on the section about mapping the post-Soviet countries.“
“I did alright, anyways, I already have an A. If I got my name wrong; I wouldn’t fail.” Meg grinned, sidestepping as Mason fell back in line with her bestie.
“Do you have to work this weekend?” Markayla asked the tall boy.
“Nope, but I have early morning baseball practice.” Mason admitted.
“Gross!” Markayla complained. “I want some crew time! I feel like we never get together, just the five of us anymore.” Meg laughed, shaking her head at the pouting girl.
“I have to babysit tonight anyways,” Meg reminded her.
“Ugh, fine.” She grinned, proving her whining in jest. “Next weekend for sure then.”
“It’s a date.” Meg and Mason said in unison before the three of them broke into hysterics.
The bath water was sloshing at dangerous levels as Meg Callahan shampooed her little cousin’s hair. She made sure to not let any suds slip down his face, while expertly shaping his unruly hair into a row of spikes.
“I’m a Spinosaurus!” the boy roared, while appreciating his reflection in the reflective faucet.
“Alright, Mr. Spinosaurus, you have ten minutes to play and then I’ll be back.”
“Twenty minutes?” He asked with a pouty flutter of his eyelashes.
“Ten, don’t push your luck!”
“Bye, Meg. See you in twenty minutes!” His tiny voiced screeched. Meg refused to argue further and left the damp bathroom tile behind, heading to the living room and her waiting calculus notes.
Later that night as Meg was tucking in the suddenly tired preschooler, he asked an impressive question. “Why is graduation such a big deal?”
“Because it means I am done with normal school.” Meg tried to explain as she found the exact toys he needed to fall asleep each night.
“You still have school, but you have to move there?” He understood pretty well for a four year old.
“I am going to school in New York, but I won’t move there until August, bud.”
“I don’t want you to move, Meggy-Pie.” His voice was soft.
“I know, but just think, the new baby will be here before I leave. It’s going to be crowded!”
“Can you stay and the baby goes to college?” He suggested, his plush Chewbaca tight against his cheek.
“Nice try, but not this time.” Meg answered gently, tucking his drying curls behind his ear. She sat on his bed and watched him fall asleep, memorizing him in this moment as fleeting as any.
“GUYS!” Garcia chirped over JJ’s speakerphone. “You all need to get your booties in here, it’s starting!” Spencer and JJ shared a glance, leading the way to the tech office.
Over Lewis’, Alvez’ and Simmons’ faces a confused look passed, though they fell inline behind the senior agents of the BAU. On the numerous monitors above Garcia’s desk was a single live feed: a profile shot of a young woman in a navy blue graduation cap atop her brunette mop of shoulder-length hair.
“I can’t believe she is already graduating,” JJ gushed.
“I am surprised Chris is keeping it together long enough to hold the phone steady!” Garcia added, dotting her eyes with a tissue.
“Hey, look, there’s Markayla too!” Reid pointed to the softly permed head of Meg’s best friend one row back and two chairs over.
“Guys, I am glad you’re all excited, but who is she?” Lewis asked.
“Right?” Alvez and Simmons said in unison.
The screen shifted to a little boy with black curls hoping excitedly on a gymnasium bench beside his mother’s protruding lap. Garcia squealed and clapped. A deep voice said, “Alright Callahans, say hi to our viewing audience.” The beautiful woman and hyper child gave the obligatory greeting to the phone’s camera. A microphone crackled, signalling the start of the ceremony.
“That’s Kate?” Alvez asked in a low voice, leaning towards his husband’s ear.
“Yeah, the little guy was the reason she left the bureau. That’s Kit he’ll be five three months before Michael.” Spencer explained.
“He’s gorgeous!” Garcia cooed. “Oh! Do you think Rossi knows it’s today? Should I call him?” Just as she spun for consensus a heart from Uncle Dave’s profile floated on the screen. JJ grinned, spinning Garcia back towards the monitors.
JJ leaned back, speaking to Lewis and Simmons, “Just before Kate left, we rescued Meg and her best friend, Markayla, from an online ring operation for murdering sadists.”
“Yikes,” Simmons responded, “Can’t really blame her for stepping away. Family is too important.”
“The unsubs were actually targeting Kate, so she had more reason to leave than most.” Reid added.
“How awful,” Lewis mused as the pep band ended the school song. The routine faculty speakers and valedictorian address followed. The whole process was pleasantly succinct. Once the students began lining up, the camera moved. Chris was searching for a better angle for his niece’s diploma acceptance. The awkward zoom found the stage and refocused on the podium and the waiting principal. The A’s were a small group, just a single row of seats at the front of the basketball court. They barrelled through the B’s, soon it was Meg’s turn, the BAU teammates lunged forward in anticipation.
“Margaret Callahan,” the announcer read loudly. The agents clapped and hooted in celebration.
“Hey, Spence?” Alvez whispered to his lanky husband. “I think it’s time, we really should meet with the social worker again.” Spencer grinned, nodding in enthusiastic agreement. They firmly held hands, always careful to keep their office affection professionally modest.
“I think that calls for more celebration!” Emily burst into the cramped office with Dixie cups of sparkling cider on a ramshackle tray from the break room.
“To all the BAU babies, be they grown or still unknown!” Garcia toasted to a cacophony of cheers.
It was two weeks later that Kate and Chris had been able to rent a hall for Meg’s graduation party. Coordinating party schedules with the parents and grandparents of Meg’s four closest friends (Markayla, Mason, Jian and Grant) had been a feat, but as any challenge Kate faced it head on. The guests were due any minute as the teenagers quickly put out the remaining chairs. Little Kit was half dancing/ half chasing balloons across the stage as the sound system was set up.
Meg and Markayla were hovering between the front doors and the gift table, fixing and reshuffling the decorative confetti around the gift bags. Markayla’s mom helped Chris bring out the food for the buffet, while Kate chatted casually with Mason’s grandparents, rubbing her swollen belly. The kids had maintained  such a strong bond because their parents or guardians all trusted and communicated too. The Davis and Callahan families knew all too well the dangers with not knowing your kids’ friends.
Mason’s freshman sister played with Kit, hoping to show Kate she was ready to be their new babysitter when Meg went away to school. By ones or pairs, more classmates and teachers swung by the party, all still giddy with the freedom of summer. It was about an hour after the party started when a dark haired man and his moping teenager walked in, looking for Kate. His lined face broke into an unusual smile when he saw her shuffling her swollen ankles towards them.
“Hotch! I can’t believe you actually made it!” She beamed, taking him in a deep hug. Kate then turned to the shy gawky boy, almost as tall as his father now. “Now this handsome young man isn’t little Jack!”
“Hi, Kate,” a deep voice answered back. Tears stung her eyes as she took the boy in an awkward hug.
“I am so glad you could make it!” Kate exclaimed, scanning the crowd for the woman of the hour. “Meg! Come say hi to the Hotchners.”
Meg, Markayla and Grant all moved as a unit to the small circle of mostly former FBI agents. They made their introductions and caught up. Kate sharing Meg’s plans for the fall with pride, asking what life after the Bureau entailed for them. Life was good, not perfect, not easy, but definitely worth it for these two small families that had lost so much so young.
Soon Chris brought out the projector screen and blasted Meg’s baby pictures for the entertainment of her guests. The years unraveled and they began to see the woman she was on her way to be. If one looked closely, you may have glanced a picture or two with her black hair, taken before her and Markayla shaved their heads for a fundraiser freshman year.
After the cake was eaten and the karaoke was sung, the Callahans sat in the abandoned banquet hall in a contented quiet. Little bits of streamers and confetti littered the floor and their hair, thanks to the now sleeping boy drooling on his dad’s shoulder.
“How did it go so fast?” Kate remarked in awe.
“I would say that it took forever, but you know, perspective.” Meg teased.
“I just can’t believe we won’t get another party like this until the little guy graduates, class of ‘33, represent.” Chris stage whispered. Meg and Kate shared an eye roll before laughing lovingly at the cheesy man.
“You never know, maybe I’ll get married before Kit graduates.” Meg challenged, leaving masks of shock on her aunt and uncle’s faces. Quickly she chimed in alongside them, “Nah!”
The night ended with a comedic clean up for the day to remember.
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stunudo · 7 years
Divided Focus
A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction
Featuring: Spencer Reid x Luke Alvez
Setting: Season 13
Requested: Anonymous
“How about a Ralvez fic where they’re on a case and they’re having sex when they get back to the hotel and Emily (or Penelope or whomever) accidentally walks in on them? Kinda like a small hotel or whatever like when they were on that one case. :)”
A/N: Some smut, some awkwardness, some crime. I kind of made the intrusion intentional, but you’ll see. xoxo Stu
Emily Prentiss spoke to her team gathered in the round table room, the new Unit Chief was certain they had a case in the least expected location.
“Maine?” JJ asked.
“Not just Maine, Houlton, Maine.” Garcia clarified.
“The population of Houlton was roughly six thousand one hundred and twenty three in 2010, considering regional trends, the population hasn’t fluctuated much since.” Spencer Reid’s encyclopedic mind shared with the team.
“Stephen King did gather much inspiration from the secluded reaches of the state.” Tara pointed out.
“Well, this guy is finding victims fairly regularly, a town that small. Someone has had to seen him.” Luke added.
“Right, it’s going to be a tight ship. Small town, small precinct, small accommodations.” Prentiss paused, awaiting the communal groan. “Yes, that means doubling up on rooms.”
“Alright, Simmons, I’m going to do you a solid. You’re rooming with me.” Rossi explained, generously. He leaned back and winked at Alvez, the old Italian read “amore” before it was even wet on the paper.
“Wait, Emily, there is an uneven amount of agents now, who gets the room to themselves?” Spencer had to point out the obvious.
“I do.” Prentiss clarified. “If you have a problem with that, take it up with the chief. Wheels up in twenty.”
JJ and Spencer shared a look, no one dare complain now.
The flight was brisk, landing in the small hobby airport of Houlton International. As Spencer had pointed out; they had a silver lining that the case was called in on a Tuesday, as the airport was unmanned on the weekends. The tiny corner of the state didn’t have government issued SUVs at the ready, so they split between two passenger vans rented from one of the two car rental depots in town.
The police department was attached to the fire department and the town hall. It was, quaint. The mayor and the sheriff were waiting for the team with all the evidence they could muster. They had been severely overwhelmed with the unsub. Luckily for them, the BAU was a well oiled machine. The agents dispersed quickly, each trying to fill in a different set of blanks on their profile.
After aiding the Medical Examiner for most of the morning, Spencer needed to refuel. He and Rossi stopped at the local cafe to grab coffees for the whole team. When they didn’t have Luke’s favorite pastry, Spencer called him for a back up. Rossi rolled his eyes, knowing the special treatment would not have extended to himself or even JJ.
“Hey- yeah, the ME is totally unprepared for the potential remaining victims. – We’re on our way back now– They’re out of bear claws– are you sure? Okay, just wanted to be sure.— You’re welcome. Bye, ba—Alvez.”
“Balvez? That’s an interesting pet name.” Rossi chided.
Spencer balked, “According to Bruess and Pearson, the use of “idiosyncratic communication” or pet names indicate overall relationship satisfaction.”
David Rossi smiled at the BAU’s genius profiler, proud of him and Alvez finding happiness together. “Makes sense to me, kid. I’m buying, but you get to carry the trays, this jacket is new.”
It was almost midnight when the BAU team paired off into their hotel rooms at the Shiretown Inn & Suites just north of I-95. Emily dispersed the room keys and warned everyone that they would be getting a 7am wake up call. The rooms were all adjoining with each other, except for Rossi and Simmons, who had the room at the end of the hall. Alvez had grabbed the first key, putting him and Spencer nearest the split in the hallway. As soon as the door clicked into place, the couple appeared where before there had been two teammates working a gruesome case.
Spencer’s face was savage, his mouth attacking Luke’s neck in hunger. The sloppy kisses scratching as he laid them in a neat row along the crest of Luke’s defined trapezius muscle. Luke’s strong left hand was entwined in Spencer’s untidy curls, his mouth hung open, panting already. With his right, he held Spencer’s lean form to him, needing him closer, fingertips digging the cotton and polyester shirt into the tawny muscles of the genius’s back.
Spencer’s pink lips parted, allowing his unnaturally straight teeth to nip at the bit of Luke’s exposed skin. His large hands were tugging at the hem of Luke’s shirt, his body suddenly over-powering his immense mind. All reason and all work trip decorum were forgotten. Raising his hulking arms, Luke finished Spencer’s efforts, his hands going next for Spencer’s belt as if pulled by some magnetic force.
They moved in time, each removing a new article of clothing, while its wearer finished the discarding upon the well worn carpet. As they approached the bed, Spencer paused in his assault on Luke’s neck and shoulders to take his mouth once more in a sensual, yet sweet kiss. The gentle hum of pleasure resonated through Luke’s broad chest, his hands holding Spencer’s smaller waist in place. Spencer broke the kiss to grab their lube from Luke’s bag. While Luke knowingly removed the scratchy comforter from the bed before Spencer could point out the unhygienic practices of such hotels.
Luke rolled on to the beige blanket and eagerly slipped between the generic white sheets. The cool fabric sent shivers through his naked body adding to the anticipation of what was to come. Or rather, who.
Spencer brought the whole toiletry bag to the bedside table, allowing them less distractions if they got carried away. Spencer tended to be over prepared for the bedroom and yet never thought to pack anything for his go-bag. Luke attributed it to being single for so long; he found it endearing that Spencer never expected sex.
“You’re biting your lip again. Amante, you know what that does to me.” Luke teased, as Spencer approached.
“The image starts in the Orbitofrontal Cortex that sends stimulus to your Amygdala which aids in physiological changes from increased heart rate to vaso-dilation in sexual organs.” Spencer smirked.
“You’re damn right it does. Now get over here.” Luke’s tone was affirming, not demanding. Spencer slid beside his love in the small full sized bed, his body molding around Luke’s side. Luke’s fingers dragged Spencer’s locks back as he began showering Spencer’s defined features with kisses. Luke’s generous lips caressing every inch of the paler man’s face. Spencer’s eyes fluttered closed, basking in the adoration.
Luke rolled slowly, kneeling over Spencer, who was propped up with pillows behind his shoulders and head. The kisses migrated south, Luke’s lips floating over the scruff on his jaw, Luke’s tongue darting out over his drastic Adam’s apple. Spencer moaned gently as Luke’s erection rocked against his left hip. Spencer’s left hand stroking Luke’s length tenderly, using his own side to aid in the friction.
Luke gasped, tisking at his boyfriend and removing Spencer’s hand from his sex, placing the hand gently upon Spencer’s chest. This was not Luke’s turn, Spencer was the one who needed to be sated first tonight. “Oh no, mi amor. Primero es tuyo, tal vez segundo también.”
Spencer reached forward, taking Luke’s irresistible mouth in a fierce kiss. The rich syllables of his heritage making his lover a quivering mess. Luke broke away laughing gently, setting Spencer back down onto the deflated pillows, his hands trailing the length of Spencer’s lean abdomen. Luke centered himself between Spencer’s legs. His tongue and lips swirling over the thin muscles of Spencer’s chest, taking care to begin sharing his attention with Spencer’s pulsing cock.
Spencer sighed, his voice hitching as Luke’s masterful mouth found the tip of his sex, expertly swirling his initial desire down his length. Spencer forced his eyes open, his right hand threading through Luke’s crown of curls. Luke enjoyed his hair being played with almost as much as Spencer did and the gentle hum of his appreciation added to the intense sensations of Luke’s oral performance.
The Hispanic agent increased his pace, sending Spencer into the pulses of euphoria. Spencer’s voice cracked and whimpered, encouraging Luke’s efforts. Luke’s own desire calling for contact, he thrust his hips into the mattress, trying to re-focus on Spencer’s pleasure. Luke’s fingers gently massaged Spencer’s balls, placing pressure just behind them, dragging his climax forth.
“What the fuck!” Spencer barked out, his voice deeper than his previous mewling. Luke held back his grin as his drank in all of Spencer’s seed, slowly decreasing his pace as Spencer softened slightly within him. The men had missed the sound of the chain lock on the adjoining door in Emily’s room. They missed their boss’s sleepy voice calling to them.
Not so suddenly, Emily burst through the door to their room. She found Luke’s shocked face hovering over Spencer’s cock at half mast. Spencer’s dark eyes orbs of recalcitrance, his wide mouth a deep grimace. The unit chief in her borrowed terrycloth robe looked between her two agents mid-coitus and nodded.
“Alright then, not prison nightmares?” She verified with Reid. He nodded and swallowed back his usual verbal ramblings. Luke pulled the sheets up to Spencer’s chest and lay beside him once more. Emily wiped away the shock from her bare face. Slowly her usual giving in face formed, she smiled gently at the couple.
“Just try to keep it down? You have only six hours until wake up call, boys.” And with that Emily Prentiss stomped off to her room, securing both doors with a deep click of each latch.
The rest of the case spanned three days of mind numbing profiling, and adjusting the profile as new evidence and victims were found. The team pressed on, Emily making every effort to protect Reid and Alvez’s relationship. After a drawn out confrontation in the parking lot of the Houlton Walmart, the BAU were able to help the tiny municipality with an arrest.
The team celebrated with a delicious meal at The Vault Restaurant in town. It was an early morning take off in the jet, Prentiss and the pilots arranging to depart the usually vacant airfield with local volunteers seeing them off in gratitude. Despite all the trauma they were leaving behind, the BAU knew they had done their jobs and the town would heal together.
Emily sat across from Rossi as they shared a round of cocktails, it was the weekend after all. Emily smiled in amusement of Luke’s expression as Spencer explained the causality of Dr. Who. Rossi peered over his shoulder and chuckled in agreement with her.
“Who would have thought that it would take all that he’s been through before he found happiness?” Emily mused about her good friend Spencer.
“The fact that they survived the past year proves that this happiness isn’t going anywhere.” Rossi added.
Emily watched the senior agent in wonder, not only did he know, he revealed the length of Reid’s and Alvez’s relationship. She should have known, when it comes to romance; Rossi knew it all.
@ralvezmood @dontshootmespence @hotchnerfuckmeup @reidsexualwriting @ralvezforthewin
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stunudo · 7 years
A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction
Featuring: Luke Alvez x Spencer Reid                 Setting: After Season 12
Requested by: Anonymous
“Omg I am going to request a ralvez one shot because there is not (and never will be) enough ralvez in this world. So could you do one where they finally admit their feelings for each other (post-reid jail time) and Luke admits that he's never been with a guy before and he is nervous??? Please and thank you!! <3″ 
A/N: Thank you for your request! I am tagging it for @reidbyers Ralvez week. I am sorry it took so long, but I, huh, really need to watch season 12. (Because I spend too much time online and can only watch the show when my kids are asleep.) I love this ship so much! I hope you like it. xoxo Stu    
Warnings: Grief, angst, talk of sex acts
Spencer felt like he had been asleep for months. In truth it was twenty seven hours and fourteen minutes since he last glanced at the bedside clock in the safe-house Emily had placed he and his mother in. The thought of his mother and her safety sent that familiar panic through his lean frame. He found her seated at the kitchen table, reading contently. The relief flooded through him and he sighed when the nurse caught his eye, smiling in her quiet understanding.
It was as if the past months locked away were just a nightmare he had to overcome; wakefulness had found him with his freedom. He had missed much more than just his mother and her abduction. He had missed cases and setbacks, profiles and small victories. He had missed his team. Although his thoughts had been on one team member more than the others. Something that he hadn’t expected especially when Luke first began aiding the BAU.
Luke hated this part of the job the most. The delivery of earth-shattering news to the family members of his fallen brothers. Emily had insisted on meeting the Walkers at the hospital instead of going home. Luke wouldn’t let her do that on her own. Every one of them were exhausted to the point of numbness. In this storm of emotions his years of training kicked in and he persevered.
The natural smile far from his lips as he stood alongside his chief as the truth destroyed Stephen’s family. How much more loss was he going to have to bring to loved ones? Was catching the unsubs and fugitives making any difference? It didn’t feel like it on nights like these.
The day of the funeral was the next time Spencer saw any of his teammates, besides JJ. She had come over with the boys to visit once Spencer and Diana were resettled at home. Diana loved those boys. Spencer was amazed at how much they had grown since, well, everything. Henry was calculated with his questions for Uncle Spencer, JJ was on guard about any topic too personal. Spencer appreciated his godson’s curiosity and insight. He answered him honestly, because Spencer valued Henry’s trust.
Diana didn’t notice Spencer getting dressed in a full suit. She didn’t notice him shaving or saying goodbye. Spencer took the train into the city and found his way to the cemetery alone. Garcia saw him first and she maneuvered mechanically around the chairs and rows of strangers. She scooped the tall genius into a tight hug.
“You cleaned up nice,” She whispered breathy.
Spencer’s mouth grimaced and he nodded his head to the side. “Thanks, uh, you too.”
“Oh pish,” She waved off the compliment with her clutch in hand. “Come on, our family is all over here.”
Spencer followed Penelope to the two rows the BAU team was occupying. JJ and Emily both hugged him as Rossi patted him on the back. Luke and Tara held back sharing concerned welcome. Spencer didn’t know what to say to Walker’s family, so he sat down and kept quiet. Something he had become used to doing over the past months in prison. The service reflected a talented and dedicated father; a man who deserved more years than he was given. Spencer grieved for the family, a family who wouldn’t be in this situation if he hadn’t been incredibly reckless all those months ago.
Luke had been going over the words and sentences in his head for months. He had guessed every possible reaction that Spencer would have, except this. Spencer sat beside him in the passenger seat in complete and utter silence. Luke wasn’t sure if he had spoken aloud. Had he? Had he meant to? It was not the best timing. But after months apart, the twenty minutes in the car together was the most genuine comfort he could have dreamed of, especially after the funeral.
Luke cleared his throat and tried to look Spencer in the eyes. “Reid? Did you hear me?”
Spencer’s hands were placed flat on to his thighs, they began to sweat so he brushed them on his suit pants absentmindedly.
“Do you mean it?” Spencer’s voice was barely audible. He let the words sink in and then he met Luke’s dark eyes in earnest. Luke’s throat had gone dry, he swallowed.
“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t.” Luke leaned toward the taller man, not sure of what to do. Hands itching to comfort him, to solidify his confession. “I’m in love with you.”
Spencer’s brown eyes were on the cusp of tears, his lips pursed and scrunched in concentration. He inhaled, “I’ve wanted this for so long, Luke.” A shy smile curling his pink lips. “But I’m not the man you knew. I have done things and hurt people. People that didn’t deserve it.”
Luke gave up the internal debate and placed his strong left hand on Spencer’s forearm. He raised his right thumb and brushed a streak of saline from Spencer’s pristine cheekbone. “We have all been through a lot since you’ve been gone. I just want the chance to get to know each other again. As more than teammates.”
Spencer bent his face into Luke’s soothing palm, closing his eyes to revel in the skin to skin contact. Affection that had been missing from his life for too long. “Even if I am still navigating towards the new me?” His voice cracked.
Luke didn’t answer, instead he crossed the distance to Spencer, sealing all of their hope and longing in a whisper of a kiss. He touched his forehead to Spencer’s, staring into his very being, “Even then.”
One month later
“What are your plans for the weekend?” Lewis kicked her long legs on the seat facing her and Luke. The case was over, unfortunately the unsub killed himself before they could arrest him.
“Well, there’s this film festival I read about...” Luke checked to see where Spencer was sleeping on the jet, to ensure the conversation was private. “I know he likes foreign films, but I kind of want to surprise him.”
Tara shook her head and patted Luke’s knee.
“You’re trying to surprise a profiler who has a photographic memory?” Lewis chuckled softly. “I’m sure you’ll have fun, but don’t bank on the surprise part.”
The next afternoon Luke and Roxie returned after their run through the park. They were both panting from the exercise, though still excitable. When they got home, Roxie made a weird noise and started pawing at the door.
“What is it, girl? That thirsty?” Luke teased and unlocked the door to his home. Roxie bolted in and jumped up on Spencer who was waiting patiently inside. Spencer and Roxie had formed a surprising relationship since Spencer and Luke started dating. The skittish genius had warmed up to Luke’s dog, he assumed it was because he was able to trust her and hoped she understood they both cared about her human. She tolerated him because he smelled nice and made her human relax.
Luke’s face was alight, “What are you doing here?” Luke walked up to Spencer and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Wait, how did you even get in here?” Luke’s eye brows raised. Spencer shrugged, smirking while scratching Roxie’s ears.
“Mrs. Hermann likes me.”
Luke rolled his eyes, “That’s because you flirt with her. Any others of my elderly neighbors I have to worry about?”
Spencer liked when Luke was jealous, but he didn’t want it to be drawn out. Roxie left them alone to find her water dish, Spencer slid his arms around Luke’s waist. “So? Have any plans tonight?” His light brown eyes rich with mischief.
“Not anymore.” Luke gave Spencer another quick kiss. “But, let me shower? I am all sweaty.”
“Yes, I can see that.” Spencer appraised Luke’s form fitting tee shirt and basketball shorts.
“Stop, I’m gross.” Luke teased, squeezing Spencer’s side playfully. “Just give me ten minutes.”
After a deeper kiss and a sigh, Spencer released his boyfriend. “No rush, the first showing isn’t until eight anyway.” He called as Luke headed to the bathroom. Luke shook his head, of course Spencer had figured it out on his own.
There was a gay couple in one of the films! It was annoying how pleasantly surprised Luke felt when he saw them. It was something he wouldn’t have noticed until a talkative genius captured his attention. Luke had never been with a man before, in fact he had never thought he would be in a relationship with one at all. Perhaps it was his overly strict Catholic family or his own insecurities regarding his sexuality. He had “passed” as straight for so long he didn’t think he needed to explore that part of himself.
Until he fell in love with his old partner, he wasn’t even sure he was queer. The despair and uncertainty that came with his death had pushed Luke’s heart back inside his internal closet. And then he teamed up with the BAU. Spencer’s intense mind and deep soul encompassed Luke’s heart faster than anyone had before. Being a bisexual in hiding meant Luke was not versed in determining that the twinkle in Spencer’s eyes was only for him.
Spencer, meanwhile, had become overly comfortable with his solitary lifestyle. After losing Maeve he didn’t think he would ever want or find romantic love again. As a man of science, he never had any concern over the physical of those he became emotionally attached to. Certainly not concerning anything as arbitrary as genitalia or societal expectations. Spencer Reid valued people as a whole, not a collection of body parts. Luke Alvez was wholly beautiful, internally and externally.
There the budding couple sat in the dark in the center aisle of the half-crowded movie house. The subtitles giving Luke the hints to Spencer’s engagement with the confrontation upon the screen. Suddenly the tension froze as one of the men fiercely kissed the other actor. The scenes flashed forward with brief glimpses of the passion unfolding, kisses and hands, one man performing oral sex on the other. Then the following morning and the men snuggling in the easy morning light. It was breathtaking. The rush Luke felt throughout his body twisted in his stomach. Emotion rolling within; desire, embarrassment, awe, hope and insecurity. He was going to have to tell Spencer his secret. But how?
Spencer’s aversion to physical contact was only for those he didn’t trust and strangers. He was not into public displays of affection because he hated to be seen as a target for bullies. Luke was not ready for anyone but the team knowing about their relationship so he was also content with walking with his hands to himself back to his truck.
“That was not the first film by Bisogni that I have seen, but his style has evolved since the last one.” Spencer had one hand in his pocket and the other aiding in his descriptions. Luke listening intently, unlocking the passenger door and holding it open for Spencer to duck inside the truck. Spencer smiled to himself at the sweetness of the gesture, he watched Luke walk around the front and into the driver’s seat.
His smile came easily, but the words were a rush. “Did you know that the glans of the penis has roughly four thousand nerve endings?”
Luke was used to his boyfriend being full of facts, but he wasn’t used to sex facts out of context. Spencer continued, “And by the age of fifteen nearly 100% of males have masturbated to the point of orgasm.”
“Okay, Spencer, where is this going?” Luke started the engine, not looking at his boyfriend.
“Physically pleasing oneself is beneficial for being able to communicate how a lover may best please you. Statistically, you know how to bring yourself to orgasm, Luke.” Spencer’s voice softened. “Being intimate with a man is a lot easier than society wants us to believe. Anatomically, we already know what pleases us, so we have a basis for our journey together.”
Luke slammed the gear shift back into Park. Spencer had profiled his inexperience and hesitation from that two minute love scene in the show. He dropped his head to the steering wheel and exhaled a groan of embarrassment. Spencer leaned over to stroke Luke’s curls, “Please don’t hide from me. Tell me what’s going on in that mind of yours.”
Luke smiled, it was usually him wondering what Spencer’s brain was processing. “I, um, have never been with a man, Spencer. Which, I take you know?” Spencer nodded and pursed his lips. Luke continued, “Are you going to leave me if I, can’t, if I’m not ready? Spencer, I don’t want to be bad at this.”
Spencer understood, completely. He always had the facts and research to back up his endeavors, but with Luke, things came easier, born of instinct. The idea that he wouldn’t be adequate hadn’t even crossed Spencer’s mind, because it was something they would be figuring out together. “You won’t be bad, baby. You’ll be new at it. This isn’t a test, its a way for us to become closer in every sense of the phrase.” Spencer’s mouth quirked mischievously. “We don’t have to figure anything out tonight. Just know that I would love to wake up next to you, if you want to spend the night.”
Luke nodded, sighing as his body released the tension that had been building. He wasn’t ready for all night love making, but perhaps spending the night would be a good starting point for their intimacy. Luke drove home to check on Roxie and grab some essentials.
“Are you sure about this?” Spencer asked quietly.
Luke nodded. “I’ve wanted you for so long, Spence. Are you? I don’t want to confuse your mom.” He entwined his hand in his boyfriend’s, gently kissing it.
Spencer shook his head and stroked Luke’s hand with his thumb. “Mom will be fine. Let’s get to bed already.” They kissed softly in the late night air as the vehicle’s engine roared to life. They had found each other in the hopelessness; together saving themselves.
@imagicana @gubl-oser
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stunudo · 7 years
He is just letting Luke know he is for open mouth kissing...
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stunudo · 7 years
❝ hey , what’s with you? you need a hug or something? ❞ with ralvez?? Please and thanks!
Finally(!) I have gotten here, to let you know this will be up tomorrow! It is called Beginning. Thanks so much for the requests, sorry they take me so long. I was hording these prompts for November as I should be writing my novel. Thank you so much Paige! xoxo
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
Criminal Minds Bingo 2020 Masterlist
Tumblr media
Ratty Clothes and Metal Make the World Make Sense
Square Filled: Sharing Clothes
That’s Why
Square Filled: Reassignment
Far From Over
Square Filled: Season 2
The Shaky Path Forward
Square Filled: Addiction
Stars and Sunflowers
Square Filled: Missing Scene
You Do Something To Me
Square Filled: Free Space/Bull Pen
Square Filled: Hotchners
An Artist in His Own Mind
Square Filled: Unsub
A Smile You Could Get Used To
Square Filled: Season 6
Random Chance
Square Filled: Meet Cute
Its Simplicity
Square Filled: Neighbors AU
The Moon and The Stars
Square Filled: Reid/Einstein 
What an Imagination!
Square Filled: Dream sequence
An Arsenal of Cute
Square Filled: Season 10
All Her Fault
Square Filled: Karaoke
Square Filled: Platonic Soulmates
Savior in a Strange Land 
Square Filled: Royal AU
I Chose You
Square Filled: Ex’s
I’m Telling You We’re In The Matrix
Square Filled: Simulation
Small and Feisty 
Square Filled: Opposites Attract
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay
Square Filled: Reilvez
Well Deserved
Square Filled: Fix a Plot Hole
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
For the Reilvez square, how about a conversation between Spencer and Luke regarding PTSS. We know in 'Wheels Up', Luke told Spencer that he was suffering from it, and wonder if Luke himself had experience with it. Or after losing Phil, Spencer talks to Luke about losing Gideon and how he was able to get through it. Peace.
Hey! So I actually got the inspiration! This will go up on 8/18 at 5pm :D
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stunudo · 4 years
Sorry its not Tuesday here but it might still be Tuesday for you so can you list some of your fave CM ships?
Ooooo, good question!
So, tippy top is Garvez at the moment.
I started off as a Reilvez shipper, but I am also okay with seeing them as an OT3.
The first ship I wrote was Moreid in Love During Loss.
I can also get behind Emily x Hotch, but have only written it in the background of a Halloween Spencer x Reader piece.
As for Jemily, I appreciate the ship, but I like Willifer too much to have in any way other than an AU.
I really like Tarily the best for Emily though.
And, of course, the ship I didn’t see coming, but totally went all out for in BAU Prep School is Reidaway!
My Ship Masterlist
Thanks, Sarah!
I like talking no matter what day it is.
Talk to Me Tuesday
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Sam, Charlie, Eileen
Sam: What is something from your early work that keeps resurfacing?
My early work is more Criminal Minds related, but I have quite a few early smuts that always pop up in my notifications. It’s crazy.
Charlie: What is one thing that you are most proud of with your work?
I’m proud of how much better I’ve gotten. Even though I still have days where I doubt my writing, I have more good days now.
Eileen: What ship would you die for?
Saileen, Samweena and Destiel in SPN. And Reidaway, Reidness, Reilvez for Criminal Minds :D
Thanks! <3
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
Four of my CM bingo squares now have requests! Karaoke, Ex’s, Platonic Soulmates and Blake/Reid.
If you have a request for any of the following squares, let me know! 
Both think dead
Fix a plot hole
Pirate AU
Opposites Attract
Royal AU
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
hot idea Reid deserves better than JJ and if they end up as endgame I'm gonna be pissed, but garvez? i need that to be endgame
I don’t think we have to worry about JJxReid endgame because they SLOPPILY pushed that to the back burner like they just needed to get it out of the way. Garvez though, I would love. And my canon says Garvez or Reilvez or Garreilvez forever :D
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 and 📚 (love u)
💏 Who is your OTP?
I have multiples. I am, without a doubt, a multi-shipping whore. For SPN, I love Destiel, Dean x Donna, Saileen and Samwena. For CM, I love Reilvez, Reidness and Reidaway, Jemily and Tarily.
📚 What’s the longest fic you’ve read in one sitting?
I can’t remember what it was called, but YEARS ago, I read a 100+ chapter FrostIron (Loki/Tony) fic in about six hours. LOL
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