#rejectory: peter.
forgaeven1 · 10 months
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❛⠀you come here a lot, huh ? ❜
@rejectory — smol starter call
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kinomorebi · 25 days
@rejectory asked "Abandonment requires expectation." Peter to Felicia.
“Well well well… if I didn’t know any better, Spider—” Voice of lacey silk, she circles him with the makings of an enemy. Predator and prey. A cat with claws readied to strike. Movement ultimately brings her to a stop just a short distance in front of him. She’d use the space there like a tool. “—I’d think you were making implications.”
He poses it as a means to push her towards her own realization. At least, thats what she assumes of him. What she expects of him. If he was to be holding out bait, she’d bite, but never without unsettling the trap. Never.
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“Seeing as expectation is a given, doesn’t that make abandonment inevitable?”
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1nm2 · 1 year
❛ why is it whenever we see each other, one of us is covered in blood? ❜ tobey peter to andrew peter
Peter covers his mouth and his fingers rapidly fumble before uh – ‘ M-Theory?  ‘
His smile is freakishly amiable, while the tears not-well in his eyes, confused, slightly hurt, like you could punch him in the liver and you’ll get a whisper, ‘sorry…’. For being arrogant. Around them and the dozen tiny spice bottles she doesn’t prance back and forth confused altogether, either. She wouldn’t. He slams his grip down around other me’s bicep. She’d know what to do with that--thaaat...-- bloodily fibrous flesh wound he's squinting at.
‘  Another you could have been in Spain…
--You know it’s always Aunt May, not Aunt June. All three of us ha-have an MJ – or. Had.
And Gen Z got his suit as like a.. a Christmas present? Cool.  ‘   He hangs his head.  
‘  It’s, it’s… different, huh?  ‘  The sweet kicks, the midair swings had been a lot less. It all goes skittering off into the dark of the neighbourhood mazes and disappears. His place’s not what it used to be. One day there’s police buzz below the apartments, and then…  
‘   Is there a Stark in your world?   ‘ 
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fightsbck · 4 years
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‘    yeah,   the rumours are true.    i’m his illegitimate kid.    ’     /    from harley for @rejectory​ !
 one-liner sc.
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naturetorn · 5 years
“It doesn’t hurt to ask,” Peter says.
game night prompts  \  @rejectory  -  accepting, mutuals only
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               “ it appears it doesn’t,  you’re right. ”  
it seems that,  regardless of her status as a  super - villain,  when a child,  teen or young adult has made up their mind to ask something of her,  there’s no stopping them.  and it never fails to surprise her,  how willing the younger generations are to run head first into danger for the sake of having a couple of questions answered.
“ how about this,  you get three questions and I promise to answers as truthfully as I can. ”
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milehighmechanic · 5 years
"i’ve seen you save so many lives," peter says.
tony’s never really known what to do with peter’s honest, heartfelt admiration of him. oh, he knows there are hundreds, thousands of fans out there, children and adults alike who see him as a hero. ( they see iron man, flashy, solid red and gold, not the atoning man inside the suit. ) but this is different. 
maybe it’s because he cares what peter thinks.
maybe it’s because he feels like he’s living on borrowed time until the day peter sees him for what he really is.
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“that is my JOB,” he says, like it’s no big deal, because he has no other way of coping with this conversation. peter doesn’t need to hear the inner workings of tony stark’s mind, and tony doubts that he would want to either. it’s not exactly a picnic up here. “i wouldn’t be a very good superhero if i didn’t save people. y’know, now and then.”
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stormweathered-arc1 · 5 years
@rejectory​ asked:  ❝ i know everything, i can’t help it, ❞ peter says.
marvel comics
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   ❛ NOW THAT IS A BOLD CLAIM ! ❜ The look in his eye holds some EXASPERATION, but —— for all he may have been BOTHERED by such a claim by one yet so green, a second glance at the papers that Peter had commented on only proves him to be RIGHT   ( and, bluntly: not something he had even considered. )   There’s a heartbeat of hesitation as he chews on those words, but he flattens a palm on them and slides them over towards the boy in offering. ❛ But —— you are not wrong. Tell me what ELSE you see. ❜
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dvarapala · 4 years
will you tell me why? may
askbox fun // @rejectory​ (may)
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“i would, if i could tell you all about what i’ve seen out there without breaking your heart.” 
but udyati can’t, so she’ll do what she’s always done, what she’ll always do: she’ll keep everything locked inside. in little boxes. nice and neat and crushed and far from the surface. gone. gone, gone, gone, gone, gone. they’re all gone. her friends are all gone. her father’s gone, never to return. 
the world’s been thrown in disarray and now it’s been reset and her friends are still gone, and so is her father. and things are all right. except they’re not. udyati’s glad that she’s still got her mom, at least, and that aunt may has peter back.
“i’m really sorry.” she is. “i wish i could tell you what you need to hear without the hurt that comes with it.” 
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getwebbed · 4 years
“  you  know...  ”    he’s  grinning,  but  it’s  impossible  to  tell.    not  like  he’s  got  a  mouth  on  his  mask.    sometimes  to  his  detriment,  but  other  times,  he  sure  is  relieved  that  people  can’t  quite  tell  his  facial  expressions.    the  eyes  can  say  only  so  much.    “  redwing’s  kinda  cute!  ”    he’s  a  tech  and  science  geek,  of  course  he’s  going  to  love  on  redwing.    peter,  without  asking,  thwips  a  web  at  it  and  pulls  on  the  web  so  he  can  look  at  redwing  a  little  bit  closer.    “  sorry,  should’ve  asked  to  do  that,  but  i  can  be  a  bit  impulsive  sometimes  when  i’m  excited—  ”    it’s  fine,  he  didn’t  damage  redwing,  and  he’s  going  to  give  him  back  to  sam.    “  now,  would  y’kill  me  if  i  took  this  home?  ”    he’s  joking.    maybe.    kind  of.    peter  is  all  but  a  little  nuisance  sometimes,  but  it’s  not  his  fault  they’ve  accepted  him  like  family.
@rejectory, not plotted either, but here’s crack for sam.
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forgaeven1 · 2 years
‘    you’re him,  aren’t you ?   you’re peter,   ’    and mary jane says it kindly,  softly;   like it’s a name she’s kept treasured her whole life.   and her eyes too,  they go over his features with such tender fascination,  her smile never once wiped away from her face.   you’d think figuring out your best friend’s the spider-man would be shocking enough,   but to see a duplicate from another universe...
mary jane smiles wider.
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‘   you have his eyes.   brown,  puppy-dog eyes.   i’d know ‘em anywhere,   ’    she says,  a voice still above a whisper.    ‘    oh,  i’m so sorry,  cariño !   i’m mary jane.   um...   mj?   ’    because if it’s anything like how peter tells her,  then the younger looking peter should have his own version of mj.   to think they’re friends in every lives.   that’s...  yeah.  mary jane’s happy.
   @rejectory​    /   starter call
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forgaeven1 · 11 months
"we'll pay the price, i guess." peter to harley
❛ —- wait, no, i don't get it. ❜
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and really, peter should be thanking him for even wanting to spend time on this. doesn't he know harley's got other things to focus on ? a.k.a. filing a complaint about how his food order was totally thirty minutes late and it'd messed with his whole waiting-on-his-lab-result thing because he was really hoping to recalibrate that biological element into the design. but whatever. parker wants him to listen in, so he does, but only 'cause it involved wizards, and those are kind cool — not that parker knows that.
❛ so this- guy, got to fight a bunch of enemies, and then to save the universe, he had to sacrifice everyone knowin' his real identity ? which ultimately drove him alone and lonelier in a city of millions ? ❜ sounds horrible. hate to be that guy. ❛ i don't know, man. i think he should just re-friend all the friends he once got. what's with the angst, anyway ? seems like a waste of time, especially if he's a superhero and all. remember tony stark ? he wasn't alone. he refuses to be, in fact, with morgan and pepper and everything. ❜
1989 ( from the vault )  /  @rejectory
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