#but what if peter 3 befriended mj after that huh
forgaeven1 · 2 years
‘    you’re him,  aren’t you ?   you’re peter,   ’    and mary jane says it kindly,  softly;   like it’s a name she’s kept treasured her whole life.   and her eyes too,  they go over his features with such tender fascination,  her smile never once wiped away from her face.   you’d think figuring out your best friend’s the spider-man would be shocking enough,   but to see a duplicate from another universe...
mary jane smiles wider.
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‘   you have his eyes.   brown,  puppy-dog eyes.   i’d know ‘em anywhere,   ’    she says,  a voice still above a whisper.    ‘    oh,  i’m so sorry,  cariño !   i’m mary jane.   um...   mj?   ’    because if it’s anything like how peter tells her,  then the younger looking peter should have his own version of mj.   to think they’re friends in every lives.   that’s...  yeah.  mary jane’s happy.
   @rejectory​    /   starter call
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drunk-onsunlight · 4 years
"I have been doing it since I was little"
 "He's kidding with me, right?" it's the only thing that crosses my mind when I heard the words coming out of his mouth. But no, he actually grabs a few towels and goes to the bathroom, and guess what, he closed AND LOCKED THE DOOR! Why he needs so many towels, btw? I definitely hate him! I know you must be thinking "what the hell is she talking about?” Well let's say I have the hots (maybe I'm in love or whatever) for a guy that it's a total dork. Lucky me! But I will tell you the full story while the loser takes his stupid shower... Without me.
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"He's kidding with me, right?" it's the only thing that crosses my mind when I heard the words coming out of his mouth. But no, he actually grabs a few towels and goes to the bathroom, and guess what, he closed AND LOCKED THE DOOR! Why he needs so many towels, btw? I definitely hate him! I know you must be thinking "what the hell is she talking about?” Well let's say I have the hots (maybe I'm in love or whatever) for a guy that it's a total dork. Lucky me! But I will tell you the full story while the loser takes his stupid shower... Without me. I met this sweet, amazing, totally idiot of a man when we were in high school. I got kind of obsessed with him but he never knew that, not that he needs to know. And things happened (by things I mean he got bit by a fucking radioactive spider and got some weird and sticky superpowers and long story short, he is spider-man), we got closer after lots of decathlon practices, homework nights and yeah, I fell for the guy. Peter Parker is a loser, but a cool loser. I will never accept that to his face, never! It's been 5 years since we became friends, 3 since he told me he is Spider-Man and 4 and a half since I figured out he was Spider-Man. Ned, Peter's best friend (dork/loser #2), is the only one that knows about my little and insignificant crush on Peter. Don't worry, I treated him a little just in case he gets the amazing idea of telling Peter about my feelings, none existent feelings... Whatever, let's move on. Why was I talking about Ned? Oh, yes! It's his fault I'm in my room, flirting with Peter Parker and obviously falling. Ok, I covered very fast who the dork and his friend is, how we meet and blablabla. Now let me tell you what led me to this exact moment. It was 10pm and I was talking to Ned over the phone about how winter break was going, how he manages to do college, a part time job and being Spider-Man's right hand (I have a soft spot for the nerd and I worry about him, ok?) when he got a message about a big fight between fishbowl man and Spidey somewhere in New York. As soon as I heard Ned saying to Peter that we were ok and that he needed to trust his Spidey senses, I knew something was up. The fishbowl man, better known as Mysterio for everyone out there, uses very high tech and illusions to set Peter off, it's not the first time they have crossed paths. And just in case you are wondering, I call him fishbowl man because he literally uses a fishbowl as a "helmet". Look, the man is a dick, the name and the fishbowl are proof of that. Let along that he tried to befriend Peter and ended up using all the info he could get from him to torture him with his stupid illusions. Now you get why I'm not very fond of Mysterio "Ned, what's happening with Peter? Please tell me that idiot is not getting in his head with us because or I will personally go and end him" I was being a little dramatic and Ned knew that. Very not like me, I learned that from Peter.
"Not much, you know Mysterio. He is trying to get the best out of Spidey so he was just checking that we are both save at our respective apartments. No biggie" I have never tell Ned how much I admire him for what he does every day with the Spidey thing, his job, college and dating Betty. The man is a champ. One day I will tell him, probably not sober. "Ok. I hope he actually listens to you for once and trust his Spidey senses." I was being serious here. Peter needs to listen to Ned more. He was a bit of a bad adviser back in high school but now it's actually very wise men (Betty's words, not mine).
“He is doing quite well MJ, you don’t need to worry about him. You two are the worst friends ever.” Wait, what?
“Worst friends ever? What do you mean?” Now I was a little bit offended
“Blind, just blind” Again, what? Ok, poor Ned it’s just losing his mind
“Whatever you say loser” I can hear him laughing and mumbling something to Betty but I can hear what they are saying, and I’m definitely not asking. None of my business. We keep talking while Peter on the other end is still fighting Mysterio.
Peter is still fighting fishbowl man, Ned is eating something with Betty so we are no longer on the phone, it’s 11pm and I´m on my third glass of wine. What a lovely night. But that’s not the point, remember I have the very stupid Peter Parker taking a shower on his own, on my bathroom, right? You must be asking “well, what happened MJ? How Peter got to your apartment and why are you so surprised he is taking a shower alone?” Ok, now that you asked me I can tell you. Serve yourself with some popcorn or your favorite food, maybe even something to drink and enjoy my misery.
I was drinking that third glass of wine, feeling a little bit tipsy when I heard a knock on the window of the living-room. Can you take a guess who that was? Yeap, Spidey, well, actually Peter but you get the idea. I didn’t move from the couch I was very comfortable because the window was open and he knew that. He is knocking because one day he almost gave me a heart attack when he got in and “walked” on the ceiling and dropped himself next to me while I was cooking… yes, I almost killed him with a pan. Anyway, he got inside, took his mask of and I can tell he is fucking tired by just taking a brief look at him. His face has been always an open book. I’m actually surprised no one else knows that he is Spider-Man.
He drops himself on the couch next to where I am and releases a deep breath, he is too quiet for Peter Parker, and damn, he is too quiet even for Spider-Man. But I’m not gonna talk if he doesn’t want to, God knows what Mysterio made him see today. I poured a glass of wine and handed it to him. He took it while looking at the table in front of the couch. No words needed and I knew it had to be bad. I put on my "I don't care" face, the same I have been using since high school, the same one that Peter learned to read all too well, he knew I cared a lot for things and I just wanted to keep people away from me so I didn't get to attached to them.
"That bad, huh?" I couldn't resist, ok? Don't judge me.
"Yeap" Damn, he sounded off, like a mile away from me. His head haven't moved an inch, his eyes fixed on the table and the glass of wine intact in his hand. I wanted him to feel better but I knew he needed time to process what happened and be back to reality. So I got up from the couch, headed to my room and let him for a bit, he didn't need me there checking on him, he needed time to breathe.
Ten minutes later he walked inside my bedroom and sat at the end of the bed. Remember the three glasses of wine? Well, they decided to kick me right there! My mind literally went like "ooohh, he is in your bed, tired, maybe a little massage or maybe even a kiss will help him relax!! Yes! Let's do that!" what an idiot right? The man just had a terrible and probably traumatic night and all I could think of doing was kissing him! Very intelligent of me.
"You wanna change into normal clothes?" I heard him a few times saying his suit wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world so normal clothes maybe could make him feel better.
" I'm glad you are ok. He made me saw you fall from the Empire State and I couldn't get to you" See? I was a total idiot. Peter faced my dead, on illusion tech that apparently looked too real and there I was, thinking about kissing him to nonsense.
"Peter I'm fine. You need to rest, relax or sleep. Maybe all of them. Look at me, I'm perfectly fine" He actually looked at me with so much fear in his eyes that everything seemed to disappear around us. I wanted him to be fine again, the bubbly, too chatty Peter Parker.
"When I fight him, I know anything it's real. But he knows how to get to me with little things. Tonight was the first time he put you in one of his illusions, that threw me off completely" He was checking my face like he never saw it before.
"You just realized that your life would be totally miserable without me, Parker" I needed to break the tension somehow, ok? And those kind of comments where always my to-go. And guess what, I made him laugh!!
"Maybe… just maybe. You can be a total headache when you want!" and he made me laugh, internally, I wasn't going to show him how true and funny that was for me, but I was tipsy so sue me for what I did right after.
"Oh, stop suffering. You love this headache" but sue him too because I wasn't waiting for his answer either.
"Do I? Ok, yes. Maybe I do love this headache" And the kissing think was back! I wanted to kiss his stupid smile away from his face "But don't flatter yourself a lot, I'm here just because of what Ned told me" remember I said that it was Ned's fault that I was in that room with Peter Parker flirting? Well, yeap. As soon as he said that I started planning the murder of Ned Leeds.
"What did he tell you?" Very good MJ, pretend you don't know what he is talking about. Not like I know but you get me, right?
"That you threatened to go end Mysterio by yourself if he used you guys on his illusions and that you were worried about me" yeap, poor Betty, Peter and I would be attending Leeds funeral very soon.
"I do wanted to kick that fishbowl man and I do worry about you Peter. Nothing new" the wine is speaking, not me. And that actually took him out of ward.
"You look nice today, by the way" hold the spicy and stupid comeback that's one your tongue MJ, you can do it!
"Thanks dork. I could tell that you look nice but you actually look terribly tired and your suit is full of dirt" I tried!! I swear I tried to have a nice comment, I'm terrible at flirting and the compliments thing. Good thing: He is laughing now
"Sorry. You are right, my suit it's full of dirt and I'm here just sitting on your bed and probably you want to kill me for getting dirt on your bedsheets" He started to lift from the bed and my reaction was to… Hold his hand. It was a little weird with the gloves he used with the suit.
"I actually don't mind. I like having you here. I can always just wash them or whatever" I pulled him back to the bed but this time we were a little bit closer.
"That's cool. And just for the record, you are not a headache, I was messing with you" maybe Ned was right, we were the worst friends and totally blind. Cancel the funeral people
"I know. I actually like when you tease me like that" bless that wine
"I like it too. Among other things" and there we were. Looking at each other like we wanted to do more than looking. I could feel the tension rising between us and I felt that was my chance to make a move. It was a now or never moment and I was tipsy so, why not?
"Would you like to take a bath?" ok, the ball was at his side. He needed to make a move now
"Actually, yes. I would love that" oh men. It's happening! It's actually happening!! Keep you shit together Michelle.
"You want me to help you?" brave move Michelle. I was giving myself a little pat on the shoulder but then… The dork had to ruin it
"No, it's fine. I have been doing it since I was little" and the mood was death, the tension gone and my wants to rebook the funeral back!
"Ammm… Ok. Cool. Yeah" I'm not gonna lie. He took me completely off ward! I was waiting for a million things but that… That wasn't one of them!
He headed to the closet, grabbed like three towels and walked to the bathroom. You know the rest. He closed and locked the door and I was left there, sitting like an idiot thinking he is somehow just messing with me, or that maybe I'm an idiot because he is actually really tired and I shouldn't be trying anything tonight, not when he told me he had to see me die because he couldn't save me, even if it was fake. It's been like 20 minutes since that and now I can hear the water stop from falling. I just hope I didn't mess anything up. After all, Peter is my best friend.
"Hey! Better?" oh no. I wish you could see what I'm looking right now. His hair is really curly and the drops are falling to his shoulders and some to his face. I can see every freckle on his nose and he looks adorable. Now I understand why he took the three towels, one for his hips, one around his chest and one for his hair.
"Yeah. I feel so much better. Now I just feel very like I need to sleep for a week" the dark circles under his eyes were clear. I take a look at the clock and I see it's almost midnight. We definitely should go to sleep.
"Well, you can take the bed. You need it more than me and I'm not letting you leave until you get some sleep" see? That was the right thing to do. Offer the bed, let him rest, maybe try to make a move other day with less traumatic events.
"Just with one condition. You stay with me, if that's fine with you, of course. I just want to know that you are really ok" and I wouldn't dare to say no to that. How could I?
"Ok. I'm staying with you. Just let me change in something more comfortable" I grab some oversized shirt and ran to the bathroom to change my clothes. When I go out he is already on the bed, under the covers wearing some sweatpants from his drawer and I walk to my bed. When I get under the covers he pulls me closer and I try not to shake from the sensation. I'm pretty sure he can hear my heartbeat go faster but he doesn't say anything.
"Thanks, MJ. I really appreciate this" He hugs me and I put my head in his chest and my left hand is hugging him from the middle. I can feel every muscle in his abs and I can see some bruises and cuts healing. I instantly knew they looked worst just minutes ago.
"No problem, loser. Anytime" I can feel myself falling asleep, side effects of the wine.
"Em?" He is whispering but we are so close that I can hear him clearly.
"Yes?" I'm too tired and sleepy so I whisper back my answer.
"I was messing with you. When I answered you about the shower. I did wanted you to go with me but I knew what it looked like under the suit. Not a nice view" For God's sakes, he is an idiot!
"Peter, you are an idiot" If I wasn't this sleepy I would totally have more words to say, right now we just need to sleep, and we can talk about this properly tomorrow.
"Well, you love this idiot" he has a point. And maybe this is the moment we stop being idiots and actually do something about this weird thing that has been going on since we were in high school.
"I do" in that moment I look back at his face and decide to go for that want I had a few hours ago. I give him a soft kiss in the lips and separate just a little to look at his eyes. Bright, happy, sleepy eyes. And this time he is the one that closes the space between us and we are kissing again. A really soft kiss that last a few seconds that feels like hours. When we break apart he is smiling at me and I can help but smile back at him. We don't need to say anything, I readjust myself on his chest and he hugs me closer.
Maybe I am in love with the dork and maybe I should thank Ned for telling Peter what I said and maybe we can take that shower together tomorrow. But for now we need to sleep the fake illusions away and take care of reality and feelings tomorrow.
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triscribe · 5 years
Because my brain refuses to let go of this crossover idea just yet. Enjoy!
The next time Miles visits, his watch is repaired, and Peter is back in Queens. They swing around together for a while (which is awesome), stop a gang fight (which is even better), and then (best of all), hang out on a rooftop eating take-out pizza. That’s also when Peter finally gets to talk about his own universe in depth, several details of which apparently keep throwing Miles for a loop.
(“Wait, hold on, are you seriously telling me your Iron Man isn’t James Rhodes?”)
It’s a fun night.
To make it even better, before Miles has to go, he and Peter pose together for a selfie taken on the latter’s phone. Said photo is then passed along to Ned, who - after suitably spazzing out - uploads it to the ‘official’ Spider-man twitter account. The caption attached reads: Turns out the multiverse is a Thing, and Other Spidey has much better fashion sense than me!
“You sure you aren’t gonna get in trouble for this?” Miles asks, pressing the right sequence of buttons on his watch to get home.
“Are you kidding? It’s not like anyone pays attention to our stuff - everybody thinks it’s just another cosplay account.”
Well... Peter turned out to be wrong about that, but it didn’t come up until the next day.
“So it turns out the ‘multiverse is a thing’, huh?”
Wincing, Peter can’t do more than offer his mentor a sheepish grin. “Uhh... I can explain?”
Tony gives him a thoroughly unimpressed look. “Yeah, I think you’d better.”
Miles visits twice more by himself before Gwen shows up again too. She seems, if not completely at ease, then at least better than when she’d first met Peter. He picks up on how Miles keeps shooting her worried glances, and tries to avoid talking about himself too much.
Which, is pretty easy, because once she starts sharing details he really wants to hear more about Gwen’s universe.
(“Let me get this straight-” he says. “Potts Industries is owned by Pepper, who is Iron Woman, and run by Rhodey, her CEO, and it’s Tony Stark who’s War Machine? What. The Heck.”
“You think that’s cool, I can’t wait to tell you about Jennifer Walters and Peggy Carter.”)
They briefly swing by Peter’s apartment to grab hoodies and sweatpants, in order to enter a grocery store to get a tub of Neapolitan ice cream and a package of plastic spoons. Then it’s back to the rooftops, hurrying to find a good spot to settle and eat before their frozen dessert melts.
“So dude,” Miles says at one point, leaning past Gwen to get another spoonful of chocolate and strawberry. “You have an MJ yet?”
Peter just about chokes. “Do I- gah- what?”
Gwen arches an eyebrow at the other boy. “Did you tell him he was married in other universes?”
“Just not to who.”
“Well, I wanted to find out if she was around here yet or not.”
By that point, Peter’s recovered enough to wave his hands in a hold the heck up gesture. “Whoa, wait, does that- are you saying what I think you’re saying?!”
“~MJ and Peter, sittin’ in a tree, K-I-” Whack. “Ow! Gwen!”
“That’s enough outta you, ya dork.”
Apparently, not only were most adult versions of Peter married to MJ, but in some of the universes Gwen had been to, they even had kids.
“May and Ben, of course,” she tells him when Peter starts to ask about their names. “And I’m not saying any more than that, because the details about them really vary from one place to another.”
“That’s... still. Thanks.”
“No prob. So, you wanna come visit one of us next time?”
“Can I?!”
(He can, and he does.)
After about a month of back and forth visits, Peter is of a mind to think he’s learned all there is to know about his new, alternate-universe friends. Then he meets Officer Jefferson Davis by accident when hanging out with Miles (and boy, listening to his friend put on the ‘deeper so it has to be older, obviously’ voice is flat out hilarious), which leads to talking more about his deceased uncle Aaron.
And of course, that particular name drop is way too big of a coincidence, so Peter does some snooping back home.
The next time his friends drop in, summoned by an semi-emergency beep from the blue button on Peter’s fob, he all but tackles them with his news. “There is a six year old version of Miles in this universe.”
They both stare at him. Then Gwen rips off her mask, revealing the most evil grin Peter has ever seen on anyone. And she aims it right at Miles. “Dude.”
He immediately brings up a hand, index finger pointed directly at her nose. “No.”
“Absolutely not-”
“-Miles, we have to-”
“-have to my butt! We so are not-”
(Spoiler alert. They so are.)
“He’s adorable,” Gwen cries, leaning halfway over the fire escape railing to get a better look.
“I don’t care if he’s the cutest to ever cute,” Miles grumbles, “I am not comfortable with spying on my own family.” Nevertheless, he too keeps glancing in through the window, watching younger versions of his parents have dinner with itty-bitty six year old Miles, all three of them chatting and laughing together.
Peter, in the meantime, is pretty proud of himself. “Aw, c’mon, dude, there’s no harm in one peek. And hey! Just think, in another eight to ten years, there could be a second Spider-man in this universe too!” Both the others shoot him wide-eyed looks, and Peter mentally rewinds his words before paling. “That. Um. I could’ve said that better.”
“Yeah, ya could’ve,” Gwen tries to chuckle. “How about, let’s just say, a decade from now you could be mentoring a second Spider-kid. Better?”
“Much, much better.”
Inevitably, Miles and Gwen have to meet Ned and MJ. And of course, it goes nothing like what Peter anticipated.
To start, the first thirty seconds are just the pair of multiverse travelers starting at Peter’s sort-of girlfriend. “Uhhh, guys?”
Gwen is the first to blink, and she immediately slants her gaze to their fellow Spider. “Um, are you sure this is Mary Jane Watson?”
Then it’s Peter and Ned’s turns to stare, whereas the third member of their trio just raises her eyebrow. “My name’s Michelle Jones.”
Miles frowns. “But, you’re still MJ?”
“I’m still MJ. Around here, I’m the only MJ.”
Apparently, something Peter had not picked up on during his visits to Miles and Gwen’s respective universes, was the difference in name and appearance between his MJ and those of other Earths.
“I’ve thought about dying my hair red,” she remarks, once the others finish explaining. “But pure caucasian? Overrated.”
Gwen cracks a smile at that. Miles isn’t far behind her, and soon enough the five teens are relaxed and chatting happily.
(“Peter, we have got to get you a Spider-cave. As your Guy in the Chair, I insist.”
“Well, kinda need a backyard, first...”)
“We’re gonna do this again sometime, right.” MJ phrases her question as a statement when Gwen and Miles are getting ready to go, something which causes absolutely none of them to bat an eye.
“Of course we are,” the other girl answers, turning on her watch, before pausing. “Hey, Michelle? You play guitar by any chance?”
Both Peter and Ned’s eyebrows shoot up when their friend shrugs. “I’ve fooled around a bit on my mom’s old one, but not too seriously. Why?”
“Well, if you ever find and have a chance to befriend this world’s Gwen Stacy, you might ask if she plays the drums or not...”
“What happened to ‘every universe is different’, Gwanda?” Miles asks. Gwen then puts a hand to his face and shoves the boy through their portal. “Ack!”
“See ya later, guys.”
The trio call their own goodbyes, and when the portal fades, Peter casts a nervous glance at his friends. “So? What’d you think of them?”
“I meant what I said, Parker,” MJ replies. “We’re doing this again sometime.”
Meeting his own other, older self is... odd.
“Geez, I do not remember ever being this short,” Mister Parker mutters, looking Peter up and down. “Or well-geared - seriously, is this circuitry-?”
“Um, yeah. My first suit was, well, definitely homemade, and not all that good - but then I met Mister Stark and he made this one for me-”
“Stark? As in Tony Stark?” The man looks surprised. “Is he still alive in your universe?”
And just like that, a wave of cold fear washes over Peter so fast he’s left dizzy and practically shaking. “W-what do you mean?”
“That man drank himself to death years ago; no ‘Iron Man’ where I’m from, unfortunately. Stark Industries didn’t stop making weapons until afterward, when his daughter took over with her clean energy initiatives.” Mister Parker seems to finally notice how pale Peter’s gone. “Hey, kid, do you need to sit down? You don’t look so good...”
He does, in fact, sort of just collapse right there on the rooftop, and his older counterpart winds up needing to call Miles over to take Peter home. Cutting their first meeting short is a shame, because Peter had come with a bunch of questions pre-prepared, but hearing about Tony just kinda... empties all the wind from his sails.
Back in his own universe, he shakily sends Miles away, promising to call for a ride rather than attempt to swing home. And there is something to be said for how clearly out of sorts he sounds right now, because one phone call is all it takes to summon Tony to come get him. A few minutes of waiting later, Iron Man zooms into sight and touches down.
His mentor steps out of the suit, and Peter immediately jumps up to grab him in a hug.
Thankfully, Tony realizes this isn’t the time for questions, and just holds him back for a while, until the trembling stops. “C’mon, kid, let’s get you home.”
(There is also a Part 3 in the works, which will introduce more Spider fam members from various sources because I feel like it.)
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chaoticbeanz · 6 years
New Crush?! (2-?)
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Summary- Sometimes you can have a crush on someone you least expect.
Pairing- Peter Parker x Stark! reader
Warning- cursing (a little)
Word Count- 2770
A/N- Hope you enjoy. If you have any requests, I will do my best to try to make them happen.
Y/n knows that Spider-Man was recruited by Tony but doesn’t know it’s Peter.
The picture is of your necklace
*Thoughts in italics*
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
School was finally done for the day and Peter couldn’t leave fast enough. As soon as he was out of the building, he went to do what he always did. Go to his favorite deli and get a sandwich. After that well, you know what he does. He changes into his suit and starts patrolling, swinging around from building to building.
“Hey Karen, got anything for me?”
“Mr. Stark has not left any messages.”, the AI in his suit replies, “How was school?”
“Eh, the same as usual.”
“Have you told Y/n how you feel yet?”, Karen asks abruptly. That threw Peter off. Sometimes he forgets that he told her about his crush and often regrets it. “What?! No Karen, I haven’t and frankly I probably never will.”, Peter continues to swing but with less enthusiasm. He hates thinking about how much he likes Y/n and will never have a chance with her. Hell, he’s never even talked to her and today he blew that opportunity when she smiled and him and he didn’t even smile back.
His thoughts were interrupted by Karen speaking again, “Why not Peter? From what you have told me about her, she would be a lucky girl to have you.”
“Thanks Karen, but let’s focus now. It’s Spidey-time not Peter-time.”
While Peter was out swinging around, Y/n was still at school. She had volunteered to help Liz Toomes with this years homecoming decorations. Since the whole incident with her father last year, kids at school treated her different when she returned to school. Acting like she knew about the whole thing. But not Y/n, she knew that Liz had nothing to do with her father’s actions and instead of being fake to her,-because she knew what that felt like-she ended up befriending her over the course of the school year. Like how MJ had befriended her.
I was walking into the gymnasium looking for Liz but could not find her. I walked up to a girl I recognized from one of my classes. “Hey Maddison, have you seen Liz?”
“Uh I think I saw her over there.”, without looking the girl had pointed across the gym. When I looked again I had found Liz painting a huge banner all by herself. That pissed me off because no one was or wanted to help her. Bunch of fucking assholes. I called out to her as I walked toward her. Liz turned her head at the sound of me. She smiled and stood greeting me with a hug.
“Happy birthday Y/n!”
“Thank you Liz”, I say as we let go of each other.
“I’m glad you came. Now I don’t have to wait to give you your present.”, she said happily as she turned to her book bag to retrieve my gift.
“First MJ with a cupcake now you. Liz, you know didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I wanted to and besides what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t get you anything.”, Liz protested.
I just shake my head and sigh. It’s not that I don’t like gifts-I love them, especially when they’re meaningful-it’s just that….well. Given who my father is, I could have anything and everything if I wanted to. If I let him, he’d spoil me rotten but I convinced him that it would only raise suspicions and all the money he could be spending on me can go to something more important. And his response is always the same, “You’re what’s most important to me in this entire universe, Y/n. And nothing will ever change that.”
“I hope you didn’t spend a lot of money Liz.”, I warn her. She turns around and hands me an envelope. “I didn’t have to.”, she smirks. I gave her a look that said really? I open the envelope and inside was what seemed to be a ticket. I take it out and read it:
Stark Wildlife Preservation charity event Friday, 28th Bronx Zoo @ 7pm
My eyes widen,”How did you get this?!” On the outside I looked shocked-well because I am- but on the inside I was panicking. This charity is my other birthday present from my dad. He knows how much I love animals. So technically it’s my charity event. How does Liz get a ticket for it!? More importantly, how am I gonna explain that I was already going without telling her the truth. I refuse to lie to her or MJ. I may be keeping my father’s name a secret but I have never lied about anything I have said about him.
“My friend Peter Parker has an internship with Tony Stark so he has access to go to events like this. He was able to ask Mr. Stark for tickets for us to go.” Odd? Dad never mentioned an internship program otherwise I would have joined to spend more time with him. I’ll have to ask him about it later.
“Us?”, was all I could get out at the moment.
“Yeah. Me you MJ and Peter’s best friend Ned. Oh and his aunt May, she’s chaperoning.” Oh god, I think I’m going to pass out. “Liz, this is amazing but I can’t accept this.” I am freaking out right now. I put the ticket back in the envelope and try to give it back to her but she refuses to take it. “You can and you will, Y/n. I know how much you love and care about animals. This is a charity for them and to top it off it’s being held at the Bronx Zoo.”
I look at the envelope. I am again reminded the kind of friend she is. Like MJ, she actually pays attention to me and doesn’t just brush me off. Her doing this for me reminds me that she cares about me. They both do.
I look at Liz and give her the biggest smile ever, “This has to be the best gift you could ever give me. Thank you.” I give her another hug then put the envelope in my messenger bag then put it next to hers. “Now. How bout we paint this huge-ass banner?” I needed a distraction right now. Well actually I need a plan. I have to talk to dad and figure this out. The idea of telling MJ and Liz so soon makes me wanna throw up. What if they don’t want to be friends with me anymore? Then I’ll truly be alone. To me, that’s worse than death. Ugh I need to get out of my own mind.
“Hey Liz, since those two guys you mentioned are also gonna be at the charity; why don’t you invite them to come to my house tonight? I mean only if they would want to, that way I can meet them beforehand.”
Liz giggles, “I’m pretty sure you’ve seen Peter and Ned around school before. They’re on the decathlon team, but yeah I can talk to them and see if they want to come.” “Cool”
We both finished the banner then headed out of the school walking separate ways. On my way home I decided to stop by my favorite bakery and get a donut-which was free because it was my birthday-to eat later. Putting my headphones on, I tune out the loud people and car horns. I wish I knew that that was gonna be a bad idea.
Today was a slow day. One car thief, a cat stuck in a tree...twice, and old lady asking for directions, and one attempted mugging. I’m currently sitting on the edge of a building eating my sandwich from earlier and switching out my web fluid. Because I am still in the open, I have my mask half up so I can eat. Once I was done and refilled my web shooters, my phone started ringing. The caller id said Liz Toomes. I answered it. “Hey Liz”
“Hey Peter, are you busy tonight?”
“Uh not particularly. Why?” This is weird. Liz never calls me.
“Well first off I wanna say thank you for the extra ticket for the charity. She loved it” She? I thought Liz was bringing a boyfriend. “Secondly, if your not too busy she having a small birthday celebration at her house and she invited you and Ned.” I was a little taken back. Me and Ned were being invited to hang out? “Uh sure sounds like fun. I’ll talk to Ned.”
“Oh I already called him, he said he’s coming and said I quote, ‘Tell Peter that if he doesn’t he’ll regret it.’ But I’ll text you the address. See ya.” I’d regret it? What was Ned talking about? Oh shit. I forgot to ask who was ‘she’. Oh well I guess I’ll find out when I go. My phone buzzed indicating I got a message. It was Liz and she sent a time and the address. Before I could think any farther, I heard yelling.
“Please! Help! Some one stop him!”
I pull my mask down and jump off the edge swinging toward the distress. It was a girl running after a guy who seems to be hold a bag which is probably hers. As she was gaining on him-wow she’s fast-I swing lower and just when I was gonna shoot a web at the thief, he fell over dropping the bag. Oh. Well that was easier than I anticipated. Swinging down, I landed next to the thief who was….convulsing? Like he had been shocked.
I look down at the bag. It had an embroidery patches of Stark Industries, the Avengers symbol and symbols that represented each Avenger. Next to the bag, stuff seemed to have fallen out. An envelope with the words ‘Happy Birthday’ written on it, a phone and a big book with ‘Stephen King IT’ sprawled on the cover. Could it be? No. This is just a coincidence. In the short time it took me to put the items back in the bag, I heard a voice and I froze.
“Better late than never huh Spider-Man!”
That voice, I’ve heard it before. My head snaps in the direction of the voice. Holy fuck! If I could shit a brick right now, I would. “Y/n!”, I whisper-yelled. She was the one who was getting robbed. She was now walking instead of running- there was no point of the guy was down. Even though she was catching her breath, having just sprinted to try to catch this guy, she still looked beautiful. Hair now in a ponytail though some strands had fallen due to her running, headphones resting on her neck, glasses falling ever so slowly from the thin layer of sweat that had formed. Still beautiful. Oh god she’s coming closer.
“Now’s your chance. Tell her how you feel, Peter.”, Karen tells me. “Not now Karen.”, I whisper back. I put her bag down so I can tie the thief up. As I was about to touch him, Y/n shouts, “No! Don’t touch him!” She lightly jogs over and bends down next to the guy. Her eyes scan the ground around us like she’s looking for something.
“I wouldn’t touch him, unless you wanna get shocked too. It should wear off soon though. Oh, there it is.”, she says a she picks up a small pendant that look familiar-but I can’t put my finger on it. Come on Parker, you can do this. Be cool.
There was no way I was gonna let my bag get stolen, so of course I ran after him. I shouted for someone to stop him but no one helped. This city is so fucked up. But then I remembered what my father gave me for situations like this. Or other situations should it ever happen. So I ran harder so I could get closer. And once I was I took the pendant from my necklace-which was designed to look like the arc reactor-pressed the center of it and threw it at the thief. It landed on his back and I watched as he fell over, convulsing. I stopped running-because there was no need to anymore-and tried to steady my breathing.
As I walked towards the paralyzed guy, a blur of red was seen swinging in the corner of my eye. Spider-Man. Though I’ve never meet him, I know that my dad recruited him during the time of the Accords but I don’t think he’s considered an official Avenger...yet. I watched as he swung and landed next to the thief. Seeing that his job was already done for him, he bent down and put things in my bag. I guess my stuff fell out.
“Better late than never huh Spider-Man!”, I shouted at him. He looked up in my direction. Of course I can't see his expression but I seemed like the white eyes of his mask widened. Like he was surprised. He left my bag on the floor and stepped closer to the stunned man. When I saw him reach out to the guy, I immediately yell to him. “No! Don’t touch him!”
Spider-Man stops and watches me jog to him and the man on the ground. Once I get there, I search for the pendant while telling Spider-Man why he shouldn’t touch him. After I find the pendant, I hear him speak for the first time. “What is that?”, Spider-Man asks and sounding genuinely curious. I stand up to show him it.
“An invention my father made. When activated it sends a wave of electricity through whatever its attaches to. Example being this guy, resulting in convulsion, temporary paralysis, and eventually he’ll pass out. Once the device releases the shock, it detaches itself and can't be used again.” I’m always proud of dads work.
“Wow. Your father must be a genius to be able to come up with this. It’s so small yet packs a punch.”
I look up at him-he’s only a few inches taller than me- smirking and laugh, “You have no idea.” If only he knew.
We looked at each other for a moment. I wonder what he looks like? Maybe he’s cute. He sounds like a nerd-considering how interested he was about the device.
“Uh well uh it seems like you didn’t even need my help.”, He laughs almost nervously referring to the passed out guy.
“And what if I actually did need your help and you didn't show up? What then Spider-Man? I would have lost my birthday presents.”, I smirk, crossing my arms then placing my hands on my hips. I couldn’t help but be a little sassy.
“It’s your birthday?” Oh fuck.
Realizing my mistake, I lowered my head, “I’m sorry. You weren’t supposed to know that.” Your so smart Y/n.
He bent down beside him, picked up my bag from the ground and handed it to me, “Well, happy birthday uh....”
As I took my bag, our hands brushed against each other. I looked up at him again. Did he feel that tingle? Probably not. I decided to ignore it and gave him a small smile, “Y/n and thank you Spider-Man.”
“Your welcome Y/n.”, he continues to look at me. God I wish I could see the expression on his face. “Well uh I should uh probably take this guy to the police station.”
“Oh yeah right. And I should really get home before my mother files a missing persons report.”, I joke as I place my bag on my shoulder. Spider-Man laughed then pointed at my bag, “Cool patches by the way.”
I just smile at him, “See you around Spider-Man.” I turn around and begin to walk away. Not even a few steps away I hear him speak.
“Stay outta trouble”, he says.
I turn around, walking backwards, “And what if trouble finds me?”
“Then I’ll find you.”
Whoa I was not expecting that answer. His response caused me to blush hard, hoping that I was far enough that he couldn’t tell.
Oh my god. Do I have a crush on Spider-Man?!
Part 3
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