#rejuv v13.5 spoilers
heretodefyfate 6 months
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Of all the MCs, hearing this from Alain is the most funniest
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littlemisspeggie 15 days
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more rejuv memes i made for the rejuv nation on tumblr. hello again 馃憢
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lemonade-juley 7 months
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Outfit Crescent has was from @delightful-69
Crescent and Aevia hanging out again...
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reginald-k-sanshire 5 months
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Pokemon Rejuvenation characters + Quotebot Against Humanity tweets - Part 2
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rozetheeuwu 6 months
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pain-del-doge 3 months
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Som reward sketches bc i managed to draw a galaxy skt decently lmao
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aliasorwebcomics 7 months
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On Twitter I'm also working on the first chapter of the AU "ParagonVsRegenade: Paradox". Three Interceptors for the price of one. Meanwhile Wip of the animatic. And yes, Zetta is Rapunzel.
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djdiamond18803 7 months
A bit of spoiler for Renegade Talon fight.
"We'll never hurt again. It's all gone now..."
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Aka, I know I couldn't bring myself to do the Renegade route so I watched a gameplay and let me tell you... it hurts. Also I just really love Talon and Florin when I first met them, so I'm just copping with sketching this while listening to his boss OST :'D
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pinkdreamscape1 2 months
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How are we doing folks?
I'm doing dandy.
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felikatze 2 months
right so. when replaying rejuv for v13.5. i'm literally only on ch9 rn and forgot most of endgame but i'm having thoughts that the interceptor has wayyy more characterization than before.
like i've pondered "is the interceptor a direct player stand-in or their own distinct entity?" before but replaying made me really im favor of the latter
and i think that. the kind of core defining moment of the interceptor as a Person. is always grief. The moment that made them a person is grief.
spoilers for like, mooost of the game, maybe? primarily up to blacksteeple and terajuma though
a lot of waffling without much point other than "i love silent protagonists and unconventional explorations of personhood a lot"
So. the first time control is REALLY taken from the player's hands in how the protag FEELS is. melia's "death". because no matter how you play, the interceptor was stuck in depression for a week and just staring at a wall until they had enough energy to finally set out again in melia's name.
and, really, the FIRST thing they are defined by as a character is the loss of their mother. when the oceana sinks, the protag is the only person left, and the motivation of the pokemon journey for them amounts to "do ANYTHING to fill the void, and maybe find out what happened to mom in the meantime." They miss their mom! A lot!
Blacksteeple is of course the point where this gets even worse. When Nancy dies for them, they're catatonic again. And after that, so much of them is defined by the grief of her sacrifice. Like the optional encounter with a Nancy ghost in Amethyst Cave, right at the top of it, when the interceptor's first brush with grief came in its depths. "Why do I feel this way?" they can't comprehend the emotion they're defined by.
Even before they got a journal to snark around in, sidequests that gave them the occasional line of actual dialogue, the interceptor has always grieved, and they do not want to grieve again.
Like. Okay. The A-Gang, right? Wasn't it that they allowed the interceptor to use their souls because they were tired? this terrible catastrophe happened to them. they're all dead and gone, their home is destroyed, they just... cant go on anymore. their grief destroyed them.
in a way, the interceptor is made to grieve. and they are made to move on, again and again and again.
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heretodefyfate 5 months
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some vs trainer i did in my free times
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littlemisspeggie 2 months
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rejuv memes i made over the past few months that i was too lazy to post onto tumblr until now. hello rejuv nation on tumblr 馃憢
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tlozypaka-tina 8 months
Rejuv v13.5 teaser observations and theories! (Before public release)
First of all, I want to put out there I was not a Beta tester so I don't know how right or wrong I am about any observation made here. I could be overthinking things! But that's half the fun in theorizing!
Second of all, I implore every single one of my followers who happen to see this post but haven't played Rejuvenation: This huge post will contain HEAVY SPOILERS for v13!! I don't want to ruin your experience of the game so please try it out once 13.5 releases!!
Anyway time to word vomit an essay:
Prelude: Abbreviations and concepts to be used later on.
OA: Original Aevium. Before the reset (Revealed as of v13)
(to be added)
Part 1: Trailer themes and iconography.
Archetype symbol: The center of it all.
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Core symbol/Interceptor: Appears at the end. The colors associated with the Core are Blue (Active) and Orange (Inactive)...which can be seen when the butterfly flies away at the midpoint. Something to keep in mind.
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EDIT: The butterfly in question! Could be attributed to "Butterfly effect".
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Karma (?): 1st image is the Karma indicator in game, 2nd and 3rd are trailer images with different details added and removed. 3rd one is speculation and could have different meaning.
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Alright, now that I've established the most prevalent images that constantly come up in the trailer, I can start discussing the contents themselves and what the overall theme seems to be.
A big point in the trailer is the diagram depicting a pathway and connections, which all seem to be connected to an entity. The first 4 characters we saw are our core friend group: Ren, Aelita, Venam and Melia. There are 2 types of dots present in this first instance alone: A simple black dot, and a dot with extra layers. The simple ones are assigned to Aelita and Melia, while the other ones to Venam and Ren. Is this coincidental or is foreshadowing something??
I can only conclude, aided with the name of the update being .karma files, that the Main theme of this trailer is Karma and Connections. Are the consequences of our choices and actions going to finally unravel?
Part 2: Characters present, points in common.
The Theolia family (except Maria/Marianette)
Amber, Kenneth, Kreiss, Talon, Venam, Alice* and Allen* (Gym leaders)
Tesla (Elite 8)
Spacea and Tiempa + Kanon, Melia and Jenner (Stormchasers)
Hazuki is the only Protector of Aevium present of Nymieras' time.
Ren (Outlier 1 in these subgroups)
??? (Outlier 2)
Mr. Luck (Outlier 3)
Part 3: Missing faces and inconsistencies.
Ren's positioning in the trailer makes it so he is the only character in the trailer without a title on the upper right corner.
Mr. Luck. What does he have to do with all of this? All of them?
No team Xen admins...at all. Not even Madame X.
Gym leaders missing: Martin, Crawli, Valarie, Adam, Saki, Lavander, Texen, Flora/Florin, Spector, Narcissa, Souta, Ryland, Erick.
Damian and Alexandra.
Elite 8 + champion missing (except Tesla).
No interceptor hosts or Ana.
Nim absent.
No signs of Nancy.
Garufa inc. is supposed to be defunct at this point in time, yet the interface we access to see all these files is from garufa inc...
Of course, the characters omitted could be simply because of space and the briefness of the teaser, but then the question would turn into: what do the characters that were included have all in common?
Part 4: Elephants in the room - Jenner, Melia and Corrupted File.
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We got 3 hidden details as sneak peaks for 13.5! Seems to be 1 new character and 2 new looks for existing ones: those being Melia and Jenner who look....quite different.
Looking at all official art of Melia as of v13 (redesign of second iteration omitted but the hair is the same), it seems her new look could fit in after her 3rd iteration (going to the past arc, or the stormchasers arc, whatever we wish to call it) but before her awakening and current attire (4th pic) although the way the sidebang is positioned and her clothes are....off.
It doesn't quite feel like the Melia we know- the only time she has shown her shoulders has been in her 1st iteration, when we met her, afterwards her outfits are more conservative and white is the dominant color. This time, it's black.
Of course, this is a sneak peak of the outfit so we don't know anything else, but it's curious to see such a drastic change...also, it seems to be longer than her stormchasers fit, but shorter than her current version.
EDIT: This doesn't take in account the fact that Zumi's artstyle and way of drawing Melia's bangs may have evolved, but as an artist myself, I do find the choice veeeeeeeeery curious.
My friend Vance pointed out that she both looks a bit like Amber and that her expression resembles Melanie's VS battle sprite. Hm...
EDIT: The comparison!
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Also! @spar-kie has pointed out that Melia is wearing eye-shadow in this image! That's definitely out of character for her!
As for Jenner, a recent ask answered by Zumi threw into question the possibility of this being a Past!Jenner...so is this an alternate version of him, or a change in appearance after he was trapped in Nim's pocket dimension??
As for the mystery character...I can't say anything about them because the name tag is glitchy, has an error and there is no picture to give us and inkling of who they are. Regardless, they seem to be very important this version for it to be teased this early.
Part 5: Crack theories and conclusions
The trailer is from the perspective of the Interceptor accessing the information from Zeight as it was teased at the end of V13. Would fall in line with the way the characters are shown as Data and Files. They are also the center piece that connects all these characters together and fits the theme of Karma and Connections.
Related to above...but different. The information shown is from OA, not current Aevium, which is why the trailer is Glitchy and has a corrupted file...maybe a character that shouldn't exist persists in Zeight's data despite the reset? Would also explain why Melia and Jenner look different as they may have had different fates in the OA. (Observation made by my friend Vance!!)
These are all my current observations after analyzing the trailer like a normal person!! After one day!! There are things I haven't quite touched but I'll edit this post after I get home because there is a lot of things I want to improve and I need to let this thoughts into the world before I forget and this week passes by-
Feel free to discuss in the tags, by rebloging and adding into the post or replies!!!
I'm so excited for v13.5!!!
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reginald-k-sanshire 4 months
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Pokemon Rejuvenation characters + Quotebot Against Humanity tweets - Part 3
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rozetheeuwu 2 months
Been a while since I last heard about your OCs (or, actually most if not all of the Tumblr rebornverse OCs), so tell me anything you've been cooking up for them recently!
Okay so like I said before I am making toyhouse pages for all of (rebornverse) ocs and Miles & Mavis are currently done! I just need to make some more new art for them! Speaking of art everyone is getting some new character art/refs!
Everyone is getting a bit of a re-haul! Either design or lore wise, some are major some are minor. Planning on making 10 year in the future refs/art for all my reborn ocs, so look out for that!
For the the ones I'm really working on are Chad and Dearil! I'm also making a new Rejuv oc namd Felix and a new Reborn oc named Lukey Arengee! (some v13.5 spoilers!)
Okay so quick reminder:
Mention of child abuse, death
Chad and Dearil lived in Almia with a woman named Aasha, who was cruel and manipulative, after their parents died. They are not blood related, they didn't even meet until Aasha brought them in.
Aasha mainly cares for money and power, but hides in the shadow for the most parts. She is a thief (and implied murdered).
A while after Dearil turns 18 Chad leaves to Reborn to start a new life, but promises to come back for them and take them with him. Dearil visits Reborn after Chad defeats Lin (Main Game). When they found out Chad 'disappeared' they assumed their brother abandoned them and left back home. Aasha lashed out at them and attacked them. Unfortunately she killed them on accident, although she wasn't too sad about that.
When Chad came back he was heartbroken to find out Dearil 'died' and defeated Aasha in a battle who 'disappeared' right after.
Chad then lived out his life in Reborn.
After Dearil died Variya pulled them back and asked them to become the interceptor. Dearil agreed. His soul was filled with hatred and the need to get revenge, however they didn't know why as their memories where erased for the most part. (some of their memories come back, all of them at their final battle against their brother)
Dearil tried to defeat team Xen and went along with the others in hopes that the feelings they were feeling would be quenched, but soon found out it didn't help. He didn't really care about helping any of the people who saw them as their friend and Clear and Kieran took that opportunity to ask them to join them.
They told them that if he helped them bring the world to oblivion the person that he hated so much would perish too, they agreed.
At some point Dearil is facing off against Chad, who was tipped off that his brother was alive and figured out what they were up too.
Chad defeated them and mortally wounded them and all the hatred Dearil felt went away. Chad said he would reset time using Dialga and fix all this, Dearil entered the Zeight (remotely) and tried to fix some things there so Chad wouldn't remember and Dearil would be able to fix their own mess as they started to feel regret.
Karma intervened and they struck a deal, no one (but Karma) retained their memories although they were saved in the zeight. Dearil then goes through the paragon run.
Chad stuff:
-He plays instruments, preferably windinstruments (harmonica and flute), but he also plays acoustic guitar and bass.
-He was very sheltered from the world by Aasha, although he knew he was trans he didn't know there was hormone treatment or surgeries he could take. Aasha did steal some T-shots from hospitals to give it to Chad, but he was under the impression she made it for him.
He also does not have had any surgeries, after learning that stuff like top surgery and bottom surgery exist he still decides not to take any as he is comfortable enough with his body as is.
-During the events of rejuv he has two babies (twins.) One named Riley, nickname Riri (Nickname is similar to Kiki) and one named Dearil II (named after his 'deceased' sibling.)
-He still specializes in ghost/dragon type, but half his team is sand based to mirror Solaris.
Dearil stuff:
-Before the interceptor stuff he used to try out different instruments to try and play music with their brother, although they gave up quickly on most of it. He did sing though which was one of the few things they enjoyed doing. He picks this back up late act 2 (karma files).
-Renegade Dearil does like and care for Mosely and Amber... To an extant. They're nice to those two, but if they get in their way... Well...
-Paragon Dearil's memories of his renegade path are hidden away, but still very much present. During act one most of it is them seeming to get a feeling of 'deja vu' which are actually just memories. During the quest where you meet Talon, Florin and Flora he gets 'weird visions and nightmares' (memories) of rift Talon and Florin how he acted during renegade if you choose the road to kill him.
During act two their memories seem to leak into reality. During act one renegade Dearil and Paragon Dearil make most of the same major choices (defeat madame X, don't give Cera the Magma Stone and save Amber), until act 2 starts and paragon Dearil after voices in their head tries to steer him from the path of oblivion (his past renegade self and the things Chad said during their last meeting in renegade)
His renegade self coming forth and taking over his current personality (this never last long). Others also get some weird feelings of deja vu and an uneasy feeling around Dearil during certain parts.
During the parts in Darclight time starts to distort around Dearil (and Florin and Erin who are with him at the time). An anomaly (renegade Dearil) appears after memories with Chad were once again unlocked. P!Dearil is unconscious during this and Florin and Erin are forced to fight the anomaly (Dearil's pokemon helping out trying to protect their trainer).
Stuff like this happens a few times.
Eventually when Adrest unlocks their intereptor form the memories get released as well, but they take form as r!Dearil. The two fight and Adrest gives the option to lock the memories away again.
Both Dearils and Aero talk for a bit and decide that they shouldn't hide from the past. Adrest and Nancy warn that everyone will remember what they did.
They won't remember everything at once, and not everyone will remember things as fast as the others, but they'll remember.
They go for it anyway and the paragon Karma Files play out as normal for the most part there.
Well there is a scene after they return from the zeight and they and Melia go through the ruined timeline stuff as, well, the others remembered. They all decide to trust Dearil in the end.
-R!Dearil specializes in Dark/Ghost, to represent evil and death.
P!Dearil specializes in Normal/Ghost, Normal to contrast with the fact nothing in any of their lives was normal to begin with.
Complete!Dearil specializes in Normal/Fire, Normal because they just want to put their past behind them and be a regular person. Fire as their life has started a new, a new flame if you will.
-All of P!Dearil's old ghosts were gifted to some of his friends.
Felix's host is Ariana. He does not specialize in a type, but his pokemon are friendship themed! He uses pokemon that evolve via friendship and uses pokemon that are the aces of his loved ones. His starter is Torchic to represent his host!
You can figure out Lukey's case.
Sorry for the entire long ramble these were supposed to be fun facts, oops.
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pain-del-doge 4 months
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Amber thoughts from last night-- Mostly abt eyepatches
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