#relation: You love your automail scratches don't you?
alchemic-elric · 4 years
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Send my muse a name.
They will say if that person is a Friend, a Foe, or I Don’t Know.
Anonymous said: Black Hayate  ( in reference to @loyalestdoginthemilitary​)
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“That dog loves me but I’m sure it’s cause’a my automail. He loves scratches from my right hand. I dunno, I can’t explain it. Ask the dog. He loves pouncin’ me ta the ground too. I’d say he’s my friend. 
Had scare once, when I found him beat up in an alleyway, so Al an’ I ran him ta the vet. He’s always clingin’ ta me when I go over ta Hawkeye’s. Probably knows cause I’ll make’im treats while I’m cookin’. I dunno why he likes me, he just does. He’s a good dog.” 
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alchemic-elric · 5 years
Truth. How do you feel about the individual members of Team Mustang?
Send the word ‘Truth’ along with a question and my character has to answer it honestly.
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“Fer real? You slam me with this?”  He sighs.  “Fine! Have it yer way.” 
“Falman is horribly fun ta tease. I always act like I don’t know his name just ta get under his skin, but he’s a nice guy an’ has the most amazing memory I’ve ever seen. You can’t surprise that guy, he’s like a walkin’ encyclopedia. 
Breda kinda keeps ta himself fer the most part when it comes’ta me. We don’t talk a’lot.  He’s nice enough I guess, always calls me ‘Boss’ but I think it’s cause he doesn’t know what else ta call me. I didn’t know how’ta take it when I was twelve but I’m fifteen now so I just kinda got usta it I guess.
Fuery is kinda like a brother in a way? He’s easy ta talk to an’ I don’t have to strain myself ta look’im in the eye. That’s a plus. He’s a tech nerd, kinda like Winry. I’m sure they’d get along great. I’ve fixed some shit fer him with Alchemy a couple’a times. I mean he’s nice, doesn’t seem like he could hold his own in a fight very well though. 
Havoc let’s me get away with so much shit. He’s got a nickname fer me too, he calls me ‘Chief’ I think he’s in the same boat as Breda as ta what ta call me by. Why they can’t just call me ‘Edward’ I dunno, but whatever. Still he’s a nice guy, fun - got a lot less of a stick up his ass than the Colonel. I was really upset to hear ‘bout what happened ta him. 
Hawkeye is basically the Aunt I never had. All the people I think of as Aunts aren’t actually related to me in any way. Not that I could get away with callin’ her Aunt Riza or anything nor would I ever think about it. But it’s her an’ Aunt Sarah. She spoils me, covers fer me an’ she lets me borrow her kitchen when I wanna cook an’ play around with shit. 
Hayate is a suck up fer his scratches an’ he will whine at me unless I give them to him with my right hand. I love that dog but I don’t love how much he seems to love pouncin’ on me. I could do with out that. 
Mustang is an asshole.  No seriously, I don’t understand how someone can simultaneously be both an asshole and quite possibly the kindest man I know. He’s done more fer me than I can ever repay. I worry about him - he does a lotta stupid shit.  Dumbass is gunna get his ass killed if he’s not careful. I - I look up to him. Since Uncle Yuriy died, he’s the only male figure I’ve ever really had in my life besides Sig - an’ Sig doesn’t talk much. He’s the only other alchemist beyond my brother that will let me just talk to them. Teacher wasn’t much fer that an’ besides when I was trainin’ under her I was tryin’ ta keep my shit ta myself cause well…ya know. So I mean, it means a lot ta be able to just bullshit with the Colonel - just talk about alchemy an’ shit.  But just cause I care about him doesn’t stop him from being a complete dick - nope - not fer one second! 
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alchemic-elric · 5 years
There's a small bark that comes from a nearby alleyway, sharp, but hesitant. A small black and white dog comes limping out of it, dirty and scruffy, and holding a paw in the air. His tail wags slowly, hopefully, as if he hopes he'll be recognized. He whines, and limps a little closer, with a soft, hesitant bark. Black Hayate has clearly been through a rough time, something the Lieutenant would never willingly let him do. The question is, of course, what happened to him, even as he whines in hope
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He’s running - racing to the injured dog as quickly as he can. He knows that pup - he knows that dog well for as many times as Hayate as jumped and pounced on him. For as many times as that canine has knocked him to the ground. Ed’s tearing through the alleyway as quickly as he can, not thinking twice about what else could possibly be looming within.  The sound of mismatched steps is heavy followed by a song of clanking armor. 
It is Hayate and the blond is on his knees quickly, gathering the dog up into his arms. “Al! Go find the Lieutenant!” He sounds out the order, gold looking about the place as he holds Hayate close for any sign of her - she’s no where to be found - it seems like Hayate’s alone. Who or what did this to him?  He looks worse for wear.  
“There’s a doctor a few blocks from here. Bring her to us!” 
Edward stops for a moment, gently places the dog to the ground to strip out of his trench coat and soon he’s bringing red fabric to wrap around his canine friend. The black and white pooch is back up in his arms again, secured in the safety of his coat.  “I got you buddy, hold on. I’m gunna take you to the doctor. But I gotta run Hayate, I need you to bear with me okay buddy?”  
There’s a smile wide and worried across his features as he holds the bundle of red fabric tightly against his chest. There’s a glance over his shoulder and his brother is yelling  “Go Brother!”  at him before he takes off in a sprint, dashing through the streets of central to get to the closest clinic he could think of.  
“I got you, Hayate. I got you.” 
What the hell happened? Black Hayate is a trained military animal there’s no way he should be this worse for wear. He doesn’t have time to think about that, - he can worry about it as soon as he’s with the doctors. Hopefully Al will find the Lieutenant soon, she’s got to be worried sick about him. 
He practically throws the door open, the lady at the desk standing  up at the display only to take in the sight of the boy standing in the door way. 
“Edward!” she sounds. She knows them - she knows the Elrics from all the times they’ve brought in strays to be looked at. They may not have the means to keep an animal but that didn’t mean they would just let one die on the street if they could help it. This clinic in particular has grown used to the sight of the two brother’s by now.  “What is it? Is this stray worse then the rest?”  The receptionist sounded. “You’re still gunna have to wait for us to deal with our other patients, Edwa-” 
He’s standing front of her, panting before she has a chance to finish her sentence. “This is the service animal of Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye. His name is Black Hayate. I know you have other patients, but I’m begging you - he can’t wait.”
“He’s a military animal?”
“You know you can declare a medical emergency as a solider, Edward.” 
“Then as a State Alchemist, I’m telling you this is a medical emergency!!!” 
She was hurried to the back of the building as soon as he spoke, a doctor came rushing out looking at the boy with a sad look. “Edward?”  He spoke. “Another Stra- “
“This is Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye’s service animal, Black Hayate! Help Him!!” Edward urged, handing the bundle of red fabric and the dog when the doctor rushed over to him. 
“We’ll do what we can.” 
“Thank you.”
There was a sigh as his shoulders dropped and he moved into the waiting room where he sat, twiddling his fingers, which turned to crossing his legs one way and then shifting to cross them the other way in the next few moments. He took to pacing for a minute or two - maybe ten he didn’t really know, only feeling a burst of job when Alphonse came rushing in alone. 
“Where’s Hayate?!“Where’s Hawkeye?!” 
The brothers sounded at each other in unison. 
 “They have him in the back, they said they’d do everything they can.” 
“I couldn’t find her. So I came rushing back to you, brother.” 
There was a universal air of defeat to both of them. Alphonse’s shoulders dropped and Edward sighed as they shuffled back into the waiting room, taking a seat down next to each other. All they could do was wait. 
A small ‘thud’ happened soon after a few more moments passed. It was the sound of Edward leaning over with his head resting against his brother’s side. He blew out a puff of air as he sighed again. 
Al’s hand came down, taking Ed’s left into his grip. 
“It’ll be okay Brother, it’ll be okay.” 
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