petalbursting · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀... Blake— ?⠀ ❜⠀⠀HER⠀voice cracked way more than she would've liked, as if it's been weeks since she needed to use it. For all she knew, maybe it had been. How long was she falling exactly ? Did it really matter ? Not like this was her final destination. … Or maybe it was. She's not sure if that's a comforting thought or a suffocating one...
⠀⠀⠀But despite the inner turmoil, there's a sincere glimmer in silver eyes. She feels a lightness in her chest, almost like when she'd first started falling — but considerably nicer. Her steps quicken, and for a few perfect moments she can savor the innate joy of finding a familiar face. Until she takes notice of Blake's uneven walk, the way the corners of her eyes crease with winces she tries to pay no mind. Her expression falls, and her own steps falter. As dark brows knit with concern, Ruby can feel the weight in her voice — a delicate attempt to buoy her rising dread.
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⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀It's always something. … What happened ?⠀ ❜
⤷⠀⠀@reliberated ——— s.c.
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wiltingbeast · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀// @reliberated
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⠀⠀⠀⠀"— Don't bother." The statement was swift, stern. The feline wasn't even bothering to stick to the shadows after a certain point, making it all the easier to pick up on her presence. An agitated breath follows, right hand resting on the hilt of his weapon out of habit. The left, after a tense moment of silence, moves up to carefully remove the mask that obscures half his face. Keeping a firm grip on it as the wind dashes along the wounded scar tissue, his back remains to the Belladonna woman as he continues to address her.
⠀⠀⠀⠀"I've been here just as long as you, it seems. Very recent. ... And yet, it seems you ran into trouble first." There was something off about those footsteps. A minor limp, perhaps? The best assumption is that Blake wound up in a fight before this unfortunate run in. An odd change of pace, certainly.
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aurachevalier · 1 year
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"Blake!" the relief is just as immediate as soon Jaune spots her, not wasting a second to get to his friend's side as he reaches out to grasp her shoulder. The smile on his face is wide, bright; shining in the corners of his eyes. No, he hadn't found everyone who fell yet-- but Jaune was making progress, one step at a time. They always worked better together anyways, didn't they? It'd be no time at all that they'd find the others now, and he believed that wholeheartedly. "Man, am I glad to see you..! You doing okay? I, uh.." but for a moment, that bright smile dampened ever so slightly, as a pang of guilt echoed on the walls on his chest.
".. I-- guess it's pretty obvious, but.. I fell, too. After you, Ruby, and Yang.. a-and.. Weiss did, too. I know this wasn't how things were supposed to happen, but.. if we're here, the others have to be too, right? There's gotta be a way we can get back home."
☽☽*; –      ( @reliberated )
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isolaradiale · 1 year
it's been a long time but nostalgia grasped me and so if nobody has beaten me to it, i'd like to reapp blake belladonna from rwby! app is located under /a and this is a new blog but all of her old info can be found linked in her stats page under/s in the rankings section!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Blake!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 224.
You will retain everything you had in your previous stay.
– mod pleiades.
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explosivedesire · 11 months
So Architect may have missed the point of a ball being rather fancy. Or costumes that didn't seem like they were bought at the last minute. But then again it beat staying back at the apartment trying to find someone to hang out with. Especially seeing as she expected the vast majority of people of the citizens to head here.
But still girls (or dolls) had to have fun somehow. Stashing a bag in the basement along with her dress and other costumes was the first step. And then she the first one she planned for night, slapped it on, and went back upstairs, only to almost immediately lose focus and spot someone familiar. A short stop wouldn't throw too many wrenches in her plans.
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"Oh HEEEEEEY been a hot minute since I've seen you around! You are the one who flipped out over that purple drink right? How's it hanging girl? Ready to party tonight?"
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trans-axolotl · 5 months
day 7, congressmen in our camp trying to get congress to overrule our mayor and bring cops in to sweep our campus. so far no arrests, a successful de-arrest three…or was it two. nights ago when we reliberated the barricades from the cops. Connections between imperialism and a militarized police force and cop city and abolition are being made VERY clear
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slick-devon · 11 months
Absolutely fantastic work! I aspire to your level. It's also refreshing to see men being created. I'm so tired of Midjourney telling me a shirtless man is NSFW. Or a man with an open shirt cannot be created. Censorship that's gone too far. I'm now using Automatic1111 on my mac, but don't get anywhere near your detail. Are you using SD 1.x or SD 2.x? Unfortunately, I cannot get SD 2.x models to work on MacOS. I'd love to learn a bit more about your process!
I gave up on Mac a long time ago, though the Apple silicon models are definitely capable! But most things Stable Diffusion are nVidia graphics first. But I do know another AI artist that's had a great deal of success. I've been dabbling in SDXL, the successor to SD 2, but I don't have as much control as SD 1.5 which for many is still the sweet spot. Go to CivitAI.com and look for SD 1.5 checkpoints and LORAs for the style you're looking for. If you're looking for NSFW creations, be sure to turn that off in your settings when you search. For realism, look for Deliberate or Reliberate checkpoints. Another method I employ is ControlNet. You can get poses or enhance existing images. I feel your pain on Midjourney. It's tragic that both MidJourney and Dalle-3 make great images with little effort, but you have to get around the censoring to get something sexy.
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sweetretribution · 1 year
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tagged by:  @enmemoire tagging: @petalbursting, @reliberated, @aurachevalier, @redreaping, @moraypower, and Y O U
arms crossed over chest   /   crossing legs   /   fist-like gestures   /   pointing index finger   /   karate chops   /   stiffening of shoulders   /   tense posture   /   curling of lip   /   baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures   /   head tilted   /   stroking chin   /   peering over glasses   /   taking glasses off   —   cleaning   /   putting earpiece of glasses in mouth   /   pipe smoker gestures   /   putting hand to the bridge of the nose   /   pursed lips   /   knitted brows
arms crossed over chest   /   sideways glance   /   touching or rubbing nose   /   rubbing eyes   /   hands resting on weapon   (   if carrying   )   /   brows raising   /   lips pressing into a thin line   /   strict, unwavering eye contact   /   wrinkling of nose
open hands   /   upper body in sprinter’s position   /   sitting on the edge of a chair   /   hand-to-face gestures   /   unbuttoned coat   /   tilted head   /   slacked shoulders   /   loose posture   /   feet pointed outward   /   palms flat and facing outward
hands behind back   /   hands on lapels of coat   /   steepled hands   /   baring teeth in a grin   /   rolling shoulders   /   tipping head back but maintaining eye contact   /   chest puffed up   —   shoulders back   /   arms folded just above navel
chewing pen or pencil   /   rubbing thumb over opposite thumb   /   biting fingernails   /   hands in pockets   /   elbow bent   /   closed gestures   /   clearing throat   /   picking or pinching flesh   /   fidgeting in chair   /   hand covering mouth whilst speaking   /   poor eye contact   /   tugging at pants whilst seated   /   jingling money in pockets   /   tugging at ear   /   perspiring hands   /   playing with hair   /   swaying   /   playing with pointer or marker   /   smacking lips   /   sighing   /   rocking on balls of feet   /   flexing fingers sporadically
short breaths   /   twitching eyelids   /   “tsk” sounds   /   tightly-clenched hands   /   fist-like gestures   /   pointing index finger   /   running hand through hair   /   rubbing back of neck   /   snarling   /   revealing teeth   /   grimacing   /   sharp-eyed glowers with notable tension in the brows   /   shoulders back, head up - defensive posturing   /   clenching of jaw   /   grinding teeth   /   nostrils flaring   /   heavy exhales
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My Lord Regent, how fares the Indomintus Crusade? More importantly, how fares Commander Dante’s mental health?
"The crusade still goes.... We have to back track to reliberate worlds we already freeded because something sneaks through the gaps, it is frustrating... As For lord Regent Dante? I have not heard from him since I appointed him to that position. I assume he is well."
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petalbursting · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀Well well, fancy meeting you here !⠀ ❜⠀SHE⠀punctuates her greeting with a pair of finger guns that feel... wildly out-of-place in the otherwise enchanting garden, lit only by dim lanterns and many a firefly. But after a beat of silence, she can't even commit to her own joke. ⠀❛ ⠀Well— you know, after we got here. Together. … I kinda lost you once I found the food—⠀ ❜⠀
⠀⠀⠀Ruby somehow manages to force herself to stop rambling, rubbing at the back of her neck with a sheepish half-chuckle. It's hard to focus on saying anything coherent when Blake's standing there looking like she just popped out of a painting, cheeks slightly flushed — probably from dancing, if she had to guess. She picks up her heels that she'd abandoned near one of the garden's numerous flowerbeds, another laugh leaving her almost on impulse. ⠀❛ ⠀Eheh— needed a little break. I thought I'd be a bit better in these by now...⠀ ❜⠀
⤷⠀⠀@reliberated ——— DRAGON WITCH BALL.
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stormslayer · 3 years
     // @reliberated​  |  Crew Call
     ... This is rather odd. This realm, once again, has shown that its own reality is fickle to some degree. The city he has grown familiar with is now nowhere to be seen. In what felt like the blink of an eye, the hybrid now finds himself flung to some distant future— that’s what he can gather from a glance, at least. A city burning with neon, technology one would only find in some sort of science fiction movie now surrounding him all over... A quick glance shows that Vergil stands atop a towering structure, though there’s no clear indication for why he’s here. His attire may not have changed much, but he’s quick to notice the attachments of machinery to his head. It feels as though some sort of earpiece is set in his right ear, while an odd, semi-transparent visor flashes before his eyes.
     He barely has time to process the information before a stranger’s voice reaches his ear— as if resuming a conversation the man had no recollection of.
          ”Alright, Agent— the security should be shut down soon by our other operator. Once the lights are off, break in and tear up the factory the best you can. There’ll still be some resistance, but that should be easy pickings for you.”
     ... What?? That was utter nonsense— Is any of that suppose to mean something to him? Any reason for him to care? But before Vergil can protest or ask questions— the apparent signal he was told of was just now starting up. In this city of burning lights, the one he was standing on was swiftly going dark. ... Hm. As confusing as this may be, there doesn’t seem to be any point in standing around here. Guess he’ll have to ask questions later.
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          “Fine— I’ll make this quick.”
     A few precise swings of Yamato manage to cut through the nearby glass wall, the carved out piece falling inside— with the slayer soon jumping in to take on... whatever he’s suppose to take on. Maybe this “other operator” can explain this mess better.
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sanpatron · 3 years
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“ Sorry t’ hear about your loss of a job. I’m sure it must’ve been nice working at someplace quiet like Owl’s. ”
Sad he never got to properly say goodbye to the old woman. Feels like there was so much left to be said between the two. Who knows. Maybe it’s for the best it went this way.
“ You got any plans on finding another place t’ spend your time while you’re here? ”
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isolaradiale · 1 year
it's been a hot minute but, if possible, i'd like to reapp blake belladonna from rwby, please! app is located under /a, thanks!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Blake!
You will be housed in HOUSE 105.
You will retain everything you were given your previous stay.
– mod pleiades.
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wiltingbeast · 4 years
     // @reliberated​  |  Starter Call
     The darkness was finally dispelled. It was so dense, endless... an utter void of nothingness. Some time ago, Adam had simply gone to rest in the comfort of his own manor... yet was eventually greeted by the sheer magnitude of the void. Had only a minute passed? Months? Years? There was no way to tell... But with the dark finally gone, his consciousness has returned to the realm of Isola. According to this realm’s sense of time, only a few months had passed...
     Despite finally regaining a sense of awareness... it seems that sense of void had left somewhat of a mark on his soul. Adam went on to clean up and eat as usual, yet his mind was still disoriented from what had just happened. He eventually finished dressing himself and had taken a few steps outside his manor... only to end up sitting on the floor at the top of the steps, legs crossed with his weapon rested against his shoulder. This time, he had no mask or bandage to obscure his face... seems like the idea didn’t even cross his mind.
     He’s not sure how long he sat there in silence, with only the bustling noises of the Cotes Ward around him keeping the bull company. But eventually someone began to approach his territory... a familiar presence. Finally, a twinge of emotion swept through his body at that realization.
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          “... What do you want?“
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manafront · 4 years
          ❛ ah — i actually have the next volume of that series. ❜
          romance novels were a guilty pleasure, admittedly, and not something she would openly admit to reading so regularly. but they were easy to read, and a good way to ease stress ( even if the plots were oftentimes a little too exaggerated for the mage’s tastes ). personal opinion varied, she supposed. and for as much as she’d love to dedicate the entirety of her efforts on academic texts, there was only so much one person could do before exhaustion caught up to them. thankfully, this city’s collection of books was near boundless — finding a new story to read was never difficult.
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          holding out the book in question to the woman, erhi head tilts to the side.  ❛ if you’d like it, it’s yours to take. i was coming to return it, actually. ❜
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bahrlee · 5 years
Usually when people look back through old art they cringe but every time I do I get fond memories...
Like 12 year old me? Bitch? Your human fnaf designs were killer! That Foxy the Pirate Fox with emo bangs? Beautiful! That chibi drawing of Sans Undertale? Adorable! Your oc who was a parody of a hot anime guy, who carried around a stuffed narwhal? AMAZING! She was doing gods work, honestly, they mightve looked like shit but they were terrific in their own way for being some of the most creative and strangest shit ive ever produced!
It brought me back to a time where I was so passionate and had all the time in the world to draw and be creative! Uuugh I want that again....
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