#relying on her mother for accurate medical information was not alice's brightest moment
goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
I've been reading your babyfic snippets and I have so many questions about it. I love the concept, it's so cute and funny and a bit dark – since now the cullens have one more thing to protect. I think you mentioned in one of the snippets that Jasper tried to cook for Ollie (and failed) and I'd love to read anything you have about this. Also, I see Maria and Alice's mom are potential problems (?), but are you thinking about making the Volturi a problem too, aka Renesmee Cullen plot??
Don't worry if you don't have snippets to post, I'd be glad just to know your thoughts <3
Thank you :D I'm having a good time turning baby-fic into something with a Plot.
I can add Jasper trying to cook to the list of potential ficmas posts!
Neither Jasper or Alice are good cooks and rely entirely on Alice's stepfather to teach them (mostly so that they aren't forcing cooking-food scents at the Cullens, not because Esme is unwilling; Simon has High Standards when it comes to food, so he's determined to make sure Alice knows her way around the kitchen).
Alice manages okay with practice - she's never going to be an amazing, passionate cook, but she can definitely feed herself and Ollie. She has the advantage of being able to smell and taste, and Jasper can't tell temperatures as well as Alice. Jasper comes from an era where food was very, very different and everything was made from scratch, and he has only the vaguest memory of eating. But by god, he's going to try so goddamn hard to get it right.
(Esme hovering every time he's left home alone with Ollie, desperate to help, but Jasper's so determined to be able to do this one damn thing for his son because it's a basic human need. It would be hard to be a vampire that can learn anything with ease for decades, and then be faced with something that can't be mastered instantly.)
So the plot between main Hybrid-verse and Baby-verse will be different. Basically, there will be main Hybrid-verse, and a secondary fic that basically diverges into Baby-verse.
They will, at this point, have different villains. Hybrid needs a major overhaul, tbh, so a lot of details are up in the air (right now, I've reached the equivalent of New Moon in major scenes; I'm leaning towards Hybrid being one giant fic instead of divided up, but that's not set in stone either.) I need to ramble at beautlilies about main-Hybrid to see if the existing plan is ridiculous or usable, before I confirm or deny who the villain is.
Maria is not the villain in either of them; she's kind of there to stir the shit and when she's around, it's solely to remind everyone that only she may harass, torment, and manipulate Jasper and his possessions (family, friends, Alice), and anyone else who tries is added to the top of her shit list.
(Maria on discovering Jasper has a kid because neither of them was using birth control: "...I changed him because he was pretty, not because he was smart.")
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