#as serious as surgeons trying to make it look perfect
goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
I've been reading your babyfic snippets and I have so many questions about it. I love the concept, it's so cute and funny and a bit dark – since now the cullens have one more thing to protect. I think you mentioned in one of the snippets that Jasper tried to cook for Ollie (and failed) and I'd love to read anything you have about this. Also, I see Maria and Alice's mom are potential problems (?), but are you thinking about making the Volturi a problem too, aka Renesmee Cullen plot??
Don't worry if you don't have snippets to post, I'd be glad just to know your thoughts <3
Thank you :D I'm having a good time turning baby-fic into something with a Plot.
I can add Jasper trying to cook to the list of potential ficmas posts!
Neither Jasper or Alice are good cooks and rely entirely on Alice's stepfather to teach them (mostly so that they aren't forcing cooking-food scents at the Cullens, not because Esme is unwilling; Simon has High Standards when it comes to food, so he's determined to make sure Alice knows her way around the kitchen).
Alice manages okay with practice - she's never going to be an amazing, passionate cook, but she can definitely feed herself and Ollie. She has the advantage of being able to smell and taste, and Jasper can't tell temperatures as well as Alice. Jasper comes from an era where food was very, very different and everything was made from scratch, and he has only the vaguest memory of eating. But by god, he's going to try so goddamn hard to get it right.
(Esme hovering every time he's left home alone with Ollie, desperate to help, but Jasper's so determined to be able to do this one damn thing for his son because it's a basic human need. It would be hard to be a vampire that can learn anything with ease for decades, and then be faced with something that can't be mastered instantly.)
So the plot between main Hybrid-verse and Baby-verse will be different. Basically, there will be main Hybrid-verse, and a secondary fic that basically diverges into Baby-verse.
They will, at this point, have different villains. Hybrid needs a major overhaul, tbh, so a lot of details are up in the air (right now, I've reached the equivalent of New Moon in major scenes; I'm leaning towards Hybrid being one giant fic instead of divided up, but that's not set in stone either.) I need to ramble at beautlilies about main-Hybrid to see if the existing plan is ridiculous or usable, before I confirm or deny who the villain is.
Maria is not the villain in either of them; she's kind of there to stir the shit and when she's around, it's solely to remind everyone that only she may harass, torment, and manipulate Jasper and his possessions (family, friends, Alice), and anyone else who tries is added to the top of her shit list.
(Maria on discovering Jasper has a kid because neither of them was using birth control: "...I changed him because he was pretty, not because he was smart.")
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di-writes-stuff · 1 year
The Very First Night
Derek Shepherd x fem!Reader
One Shot
TW: Literally nothing. I’m taking a quick break from Evermore because I am so in love with this man I need to write some fluffy shit for him. No use of Y/N
A/N: This is based around the whole prom episode. I needed some self indulgent fluffiness. Also yes I’m ignoring both Meredith and Addisons existence in relation to Derek. Fight me.
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When the chief announced that Seattle Grace Hospital would be holding a prom, you would have thought he was kidding if he didn’t look so deadly serious.
You made a point not to look at a certain man when he announced it.
Derek Shepherd has made it his ultimate goal to get you on a date with him.
Under any other circumstance, you would have said yes in a heartbeat. Hell, you would have been praying for him to ask the second you met him.
He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s a neurosurgeon for God’s sake, not to mention that he’s absolutely gorgeous.
Derek Shepherd is perfect.
He’s also your boss.
The one and only reason you aren’t leaping at the prospect of a date with him.
The label of “slutty intern sleeping with her boss to get ahead” isn’t an appealing one.
But still, the man is very convincing.
You’re doing charts when he sidles up to you, that smile you always stare at a little too long plastered on his face.
He leans against the counter your working on, watching you while you work.
And desperately try to stay professional when you look at him.
“Do you need something, Dr. Shepherd?” You use his title pointedly, a reminder of the barrier between the two of you.
He couldn’t care less.
“Just some information.” He speaks casually, shrugging as he begins to walk, and you follow him without a second thought.
He’s whittling you down, and you both know it.
“About…?” You try to force a smile off your face, but it’s no use. He’s infectious. His flirting. His smile.
You’re not somebody who fails. You’re an incredible doctor, you’re going to be an incredible surgeon. You were always considered an academic weapon, acing almost every class you’ve taken.
You don’t fail.
But when it comes to resisting Derek?
You think you’re about to.
“You got any plans for prom?” He speaks smoothly, comfortably, like he’s not a grown man asking a grown woman to the prom.
Like he’s not praying you’ll say yes.
You laugh, looking down at the ground instead of his eyes.
His beautiful eyes.
“I guess I’m coming, but no, I don’t have plans.” You place a special emphasis on plans. You both know what plans means.
A date.
Derek smiles, brushing your side gently, getting you to look back up at him, your gaze softening when you see him.
“Great, I’ll pick you up at nine.” He grins at you, looking very pleased with himself.
You go to speak, and you plan on saying no before you do. Explaining for what feels like the millionth time that nothing can happen between the two of you.
And hating every second of it.
But instead, it’s like your brain does you a favor, and speaks before you can decide what to say.
“Okay.” Your voice is a little breathy, and obviously nervous.
Shock passes over his eyes for a second before the smile on his face grows wider, reaching his eyes and making them sparkle.
Really, how the hell were you supposed to say no to that?
Your hands brush for a moment, his fingers sweeping past yours, sending your heart rate up.
He says something before walking away, but you aren’t really paying attention, more panicking at what you just got yourself into.
You’re going to prom with Derek Shepherd.
You never planned on taking this very seriously. You were just gonna throw on your dress from senior year, slip into some heels, and head back to the hospital.
But now?
Needless to say, you’ll be spending more time getting ready.
Two hours.
You left work early, and spent two damn hours getting ready for the prom.
All because of Derek Shepherd.
He’s the bane of your existence.
You can’t think around him.
You can’t think about much besides him.
When you’re with him, your happier than you’ve ever been.
Everything about him just makes you adore him more. His personality, his talent, his skills, his smile, his laugh, everything.
He might just be the love of your life.
You brush out the carefully placed curls in your hair, watching as they fall over your shoulders in waves. Your old prom dress still fits you, thank God.
The satin fabric hugs your waist, thin straps showing off your collarbone and shoulders.
A slit runs up from the bottom of the flowing skirt of the dress, stopping around the middle of your thigh.
Even you have to admit you look good.
You slip on your heels when you hear a knock at the door, and you swear you feel your heart stop.
You look at the clock by your bed.
9:00 exactly.
He really might be perfect.
Meredith peeks her head into your room, you’re living with her for the time being.
She smiles when she sees you despite how uncomfortable you look.
You haven’t been on a date in months, and you don’t think you’ve been this gussied up in years.
“You look great. I’m sure Derek’s gonna agree.” She teases you, all your friends have known you have a thing for Derek since you started your internship at Seattle Grace.
And now that you finally caved and said yes to a date with him?
You’re gonna be hearing a lot of shit about it tomorrow.
You can’t help but feel like this’ll be worth it.
“Thank you, and shut up.” Meredith laughs at your attitude, heading downstairs to her boyfriend, Finn.
You follow behind her, exhaling nervously before opening the front door to find Derek standing in front of you.
Derek, decked out in a suit and tie.
His hair is perfect, as usual.
And in his hands, a bouquet.
A bouquet of your favorite flowers.
You mentioned it once. A simple, offhand comment. You can’t even remember how it came up. But he did.
He remembered. He cared.
He’s making it really hard for you not to fall in love with him.
For a second you recognized an expression on his face you’re not sure you’ve seen before. He looked nervous. That was before his classic McDreamy smile appeared on his face when he saw you.
“Did I get it right?” He asked, handing you the flowers.
You’re blushing like a schoolgirl, honestly a bit giddy. Here you are, getting flowers, being taken to prom by the most handsome man you’ve ever seen.
You nod, taking them and stepping inside to let Derek in.
“Yeah, yeah you got it right.” You speak quieter than you usually would as you quickly place the flowers in the vase, smiling widely when you feel his eyes glued to your every move.
You turn around to find Derek watching you, a sweet smile on his face, a look in his eyes that means more than just simple attraction.
He admires you carefully, not as a painting, a still, lifeless thing meant for him to enjoy, to examine, to scrutinize.
He admires you like a worshipper in church.
He adores you, and the look in his eyes might as well be a sign around his neck that reads ‘I’m in love with you.’
“You’re beautiful.” His voice is breathy when he speaks, and the words cause a vivid blush to rise on your face.
You utter your thanks shyly, stepping towards him and taking his hand when he offers it. He regains his composure quickly, slipping back into the flirty pattern you two follow.
Still, the basis of it, the reason why all of this is happening.
It’s not flirtation. Not attraction. Not even because you like each other.
It’s more than that.
It’s love.
He leads you to his car, you’ve been in it a couple times before, on the way to dinners you swore weren’t dates, nights spent with one another when you were still adamant on refusing to develop feelings for your boss.
Or, adamant on pretending not to, at least.
The car ride isn’t terribly long, but somewhere in the middle of it, your hand is on the middle console when Derek’s comes down from the wheel, landing on top of yours.
You don’t move, and he takes the opportunity to interlace your fingers, earning a smile from you that makes him wish he could freeze time and stay in this moment forever.
“Thank you, for asking me.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, and you look over at him. His eyes stay glued to the road, but you watch as the corners of his mouth lift to a smile.
“Thank you for saying yes.” He quips back, looking over to you when you stop at a red light.
You laugh for a moment before responding. “It was about damn time.”
The moonlight glistens off his face as he laughs, every detail about him making you fall for him more.
He’s mesmerizing, and you can’t bring yourself to take your gaze off of him.
You’ve got it bad.
“Yeah, it was.” Theres still laughter lingering in his voice when he speaks, and you think you could melt right then and there at the sound of it.
It’s not long after that when you arrive at the hospital. You go to open your door before Derek does so for you, going to the effort of helping you out.
“What a gentlemen.” You say teasingly, letting your hand stay clasped in his as you walk into the hospital.
“I’ve been trying to land a date with you for months, I’m not gonna screw it up now.” He smiles down at you when he speaks, scanning your face. Pieces of hair fall to frame it, and he brings his free hand up to brush them away quickly, knowing the affect it has on you when you blush and look away quickly.
You’re honestly a bit shocked when you see how put together the whole event it, decorations are everywhere, and the lobby has been turned into a dance floor.
You already see a few people you know, the ones that came here with dates are already dancing, and the ones that are alone?
Well, they’re drinking the night away.
You don’t realize where Derek is taking you, too busy looking around, until his arm slips around your waist, and his other hand is holding yours as you’re pressed flush to his chest.
Derek Shepherd just asked you to dance, without saying a word.
“May I?” He’s good at this, and he knows it.
For a brief, insecure moment, you wonder why. You wonder if the reason this is so natural for him is because you’re not the only woman he does it for.
If you’re just a phase.
A tough one to crack.
You worry that he doesn’t feel the same way as you do.
But then, you look him in the eyes, and the softest, the gentle, loving, adoration in his gaze.
Your worries vanish like fog burning away on a summer morning.
“I’m not very good at this.” You warn, smiling sheepishly up at him as he begins to sway you, a grin on his lips.
You’re closer than you’ve ever been. Your free arm is thrown around his neck lazily, and you could melt into his embrace.
He leans down, whispering in your ear, his minty breath fanning over your neck. “I don’t mind.”
You smile when you hear him, laughing sweetly when he continues to dance with you. There’s a few people watching. You and Derek have become a topic of conversation around the hospital ever since he started pursuing you so strongly.
So, pretty much since your first day.
Neither of you seem to mind, to engrossed in each other to care. He hasn’t stopped looking at you this whole night. You’re always stunning, he usually can’t keep his eyes off you when you’re just in your scrubs.
But tonight?
You look like an angel came down to earth.
Derek lifts your arm above your head quickly and spins you, smiling brightly when the sound of your bubbly laughter reaches his ears.
It’s the best thing he’s ever heard.
When he pulls you back in your pressed close to him, touching his chest with yours, staring up into his cerulean eyes. Your breathe mingles as he looks down to you, his gaze flickering to your lips as he does.
Everything else feels like it just disappears. The only thing that matters, the only thing in your world, is the man standing in front of you.
You curse yourself for waiting so long. For always being so damn good. For not letting yourself have this sooner.
Have him sooner.
Every single time he asked you out, you wanted to say yes. But you didn’t, you were too focused on everything you shouldn’t have been.
Everything but him.
And now?
You’re done.
So when he leans forward, when his lips brush yours. You close your eyes and let him kiss you, and it makes your knees weak. It rips the air out of your lungs.
It flips your world upside down.
You could have repeated this moment forever and been happy.
You move against him, kissing back, running your hands through his hair. His hands slip further down your waist, coming to rest on the small of your back.
Your forced to pull away as you begin to run out of air, gasping a bit as you do. You press your forehead to Derek’s, smiling widely.
He pulls you in closer, and you bring your head to rest in the crook of his neck, and he sways you back and forth, abandoning any efforts of actually trying to dance.
“You got me.” You whisper, and you feel laughter rumbling in his chest when he hears you.
After all this time, all of the asking, all the flirting, everything.
You let go.
Let go of your worries.
And grabbed on to him.
And you are never, ever, letting go.
A/N: Soooo this is short and kinda cheesy ngl, but I hope y’all liked it.
edit: guys stop glazing we all know this doesn’t deserve over 600 likes
- di <3
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elizabethsnuts · 5 months
Little Surgeon
Alex Karev x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Alex plays pretend surgery with you on his day off.
As Alex walked into the living room, he found you on the floor surrounded by your toys, wearing a tiny doctor's coat that he had gotten you for your birthday so you could match him.
"Daddy!" you exclaimed, your eyes lighting up as you saw him. "Look, I a surgeon just like you!"
Alex chuckled at the sight of you in the miniature lab coat. "Oh wow, I can see that!"
You nodded and put a shower cap on your head, pretending it was a scrub cap. “I boss surgeon and you be helper”
Alex nodded and chuckled as you put the shower cap on your head. “Alright, we can do that, you ready? Surgeons have to be very ready for surgery.”
You nodded eagerly, your head bobbing with excitement. "Yes, Daddy! I ready, I ready!"
Alex settled onto the floor next to you, joining you in your imaginary OR. "Okay, Dr. Karev, let's go over the basics. First, we need to scrub in."
You giggled and nodded, running over to the sink. "Daddy help! I need to wash!"
Alex laughed and got up to hold you up to the sink to wash your hands. "We wash our hands really well to make sure they're clean," Alex explained, turning on the tap.
You nodded and rubbed your tiny hands together as you washed them under the water. "Like this, Daddy?"
"Exactly like that," Alex said with a proud smile. "Now, let's put on our gloves."
You eagerly grabbed a pair of plastic gloves and struggled to pull them on, your small fingers fumbling with the material. "These gloves are too big!"
Alex chuckled and helped you adjust the gloves. "There you go, Dr. Karev. Now, let's get ready to operate."
You nodded and went over to your stuffed bear that was lying on the coffee table. “It okay Mr Bear! We gonna make you feel all better!” You said with a smile.
"Okay, Dr. Karev, let's start with a simple procedure," Alex said, handing you a plastic toy scalpel. "We need to perform surgery to remove Mr Bear's appendix."
You held your toy scalpel confidently as you began your pretend surgery. You mimicked your father's every move with precision.
"Okay, Dr. Karev, we need to make a small incision here," Alex instructed, pointing to a spot on the teddy bear patient.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "I know, Daddy. I know what I doing. I boss, you helper."
Alex raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Oh, you do, huh? Well, let's see what you've got."
With a mischievous grin, you made a swift incision, your movements surprisingly smooth for a toddler. "See, Daddy? I do it."
Alex couldn't help but laugh at his daughter's confidence. "You're a natural, Y/N. But remember, surgery is serious business."
You nodded solemnly, your expression turning serious. "I super duper serious!"
Alex matched your face, trying to suppress a chuckle. "That’s a good surgeon face you have on."
You nodded again seriously and suddenly shouted. “Bandaids! I need bandaids! Right now! Helper I need bandaids! Pink one! Pink one! Pink for emergency!”
Alex laughed and quickly handed you some pink bandaids. “Here! You have to save Mr Bear!”
You put on your concentration face and started to frantically put bandaids on the stuffed bear. You were very focused and determined to ‘save’ Mr Bear.
“He okay! I save him! He not bleeding no more.” You smiled triumphantly and wiped the imaginary sweat off your forehead.
“Well done, Dr Karev! I think you should become chief of surgery.” Alex said with a smirk. “Alright, now close him up.”
You nodded and pretended to stitch up the bear’s belly. “I closing don’t worry.”
You eventually finished your surgery and smiled. “I all done, he all better. I save the day!”
Alex smiled at you, he loved that you wanted to do what he does. “Perfect! I think that’s the best stitching I’ve seen in a long time.”
You giggled and gave Alex a big hug, resting your head on his shoulder. “Thanks for being my helper, Daddy! You very good.”
Alex kissed your forehead and hugged you back even tighter. “Well, I think you were an amazing surgeon.”
As you continued your pretend surgery, Alex couldn't help but smile at you as you played together. He didn’t regret taking the day off at all.
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shady-lemur · 1 year
Abby spolis reader for their birthday
i love this sm. it would physically hurt her to not kiss the ground you walked on on your birthday.
you wake up to abby singing happy birthday in her pajamas with a tray of food in her hands and your cat trailing happily behind her. she always comes through with the breakfast in bed omfg… blueberry pancakes, bacon, lots of fruits, some yogurt, chopped potatoes, orange juice, and coffee. you smile at her and sit up so she can set the tray up on your shared bed. “happy birthday angel. do you feel old now?” she teases and you shoot her a warning glance. “shut up. i’m not that old..”
abby laughs and gives you a kiss on the cheek before getting under the covers to sit next to you. she knows you’d be mad if she just made you food and sat there and watched you eat so of course she brought her own utensils and put extra food on the plate so you can enjoy it together. before you can start to eat she puts a candle in your pancakes. “you gotta blow your candle out first!!”
you shake your head at her and smile, “are you gonna make me do this every meal?” abby shrugs playfully and gets her phone out to film you making your first birthday wish. after you blow out your candle and notice her sneaking a few pictures of you now and then you whine. “absss! i look crazy in those. i’m not ready.”
she frowns and shakes your head, planting kisses all over your face. “you are so beautiful angel.”
you laugh at her ticklish kisses and move to have your lips meet hers. “thank you abby. this smells so fucking good.”
you eat breakfast while laughing with each other and listening to the playlist you made for her one year for your anniversary.
after breakfast is when the birthday surprises REALLLY start. after you get ready for the day and put on the “birthday girl” sash that abby got for you you walk out of your bedroom to a decorated living space. banners hung on the walls. balloons on the floor, party hats, and a dining room table full of gifts. a massive bouquet, a few designer brand bags, jewelry boxes, your favorite snacks, and a few gift bags and boxes. not to mention the huge new cat tree in your living room because when it’s your birthday it’s basically also his.
“oh my god abby. i thought you said you weren’t gonna do anything crazy. this is so much.” you cover your face and groan (half playfully) when she wraps her arms around you and hugs you from behind, pressing gentle kisses behind your ear. “hmm? giving my angel some presents on her birthday is not crazy.”
you turn to face her and give her a “really?” look. she smiles at you and gives you a peck on the lips.
“i’m serious! all i did for your birthday was get you a few books and a watch.” you whine. abby shakes her head and furrows her eyebrows.
“noo. you made me an incredible homemade pasta, got me those very thoughtful gifts, made me a beautiful cake, and gave me the best present of all before bed.” she gives you a wink and you sigh, how does she still make you so hot in the face after 6 years together..?
“are you gonna open your gifts? we’ve got a busy day planned!!”
you look at her and smile, eventually giving in to her excitement to show you what she got you. her gifts definitely were not under 10k… the surgeon salary 😍😍😍
of course, after opening your gifts she takes you to the mall for a shopping spree. using your birthday as an excuse for you to finally except her offers of paying.
“abby i can’t. you already spent all that money one me.” she looks at you, genuinely confused, because she doesn’t understand how you don’t understand that this is very much a win-win for you. you get a bunch of cool stuff, she gets to get you a bunch of cool stuff!! you put the purse back on the shelf but she slips in back in the basket while walking behind you like a baby duck.
“what about that dress angel? that style is perfect for you.” you look at her and smile before getting a dress to try on. it’s easier to give in than fight it.
after she pays at that store (chanel. you couldn’t even watch while she paid because it physically hurt) she smiles at you and gives you another kiss. “where do you wanna do next baby?”
so you led her to victoria secret, mostly as a reward for her because she won’t stop buying you shit!!!! her face definitely goes beat red at some of the things you point to or hold up to show her. “abs! wouldn’t that look so cute on me? i could wear it around the house, in the morning i-“
before you can finish she already had the right size in the bag. you giggle and continue to lead her through the store, basically just seeing how much you can tease her. “oh my god, abby!! can we get those, we could match!” in the bag.
“those look like they’d be so comfortable.” in the bag.
“oh my god i love that color!” in the bag.
*staring at something* in the bag.
and you don’t get to leave until at least another 8k was spent. jesus christ this woman.
and of course you go to the fanciest restaurant abby could find. she takes you home after you shop so you can change into one of your new dresses and she puts on one of her favorite dresses too (sorry i know y’all wanted me to say a suit….. i’m just too obsessed with fem abby :(!!).
she feeds your cat and gives him a couple treats for being so good while you’ve been gone and then escorts you to her car before she goes feral because of how amazing you look!!
“you look so good baby. i can’t believe you’re my girl.” she reaches over the console (?? is that what it’s called…?) to give you a kiss, forcing herself to pull away before she gets too handsy.
you smile at her and move a hair out of her face. “abs. you’re so perfect. thank you so much for all of this.”
abby grins and looks at you like a fucking puppy. she puts her hand on your thigh and finally gets on the road!! she takes you to a very high end restaurant (ofc..) and has the staff give you a menu that has no prices… jesus christ. abby orders some wine and laughs as you try to pronounce the names of the fancy foods.
she tells everyone around that it’s your birthday just because she’s so excited to get to spoil you!! at the end of dinner they bring out a small cake with chocolate covered fruits around it. the cake has your name on it and abby makes sure to get pictures of your joyous face when it first comes out.
you’re so tired by the time you get home. immediately stripping out of your dress and heels when the front door closes and making your way up to your shared bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. abby trails behind you happily. neither of you forget to pet the cat of course!!
after you finish in the bathroom you plop yourself on to the bed. you laugh when abby plops down next to you, causing the whole bed to shake. “thank you soo much for today abby. i couldn’t have had a better birthday.” you wrapped your arms around her sweetly and she copies your movements, resting her head against your shoulder. “this is no one near what i owe you for being you.”
you snort and look down at her. she starts to laugh too, “what are you laughing about? i’m serious!!”
“you’re so cheesy ab!! oh my god!”
you end the night with some cuddles and you’re favorite movie.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
Little Doll P3
Media - The Artful Dodger Character - Jack Dawkins Couple - Jack X Reader Reader - Miss Y/n Y/l/n (Porceline Skin China doll look) Rating - Sweet AF Word Count - 2473
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Jack missed Y/n, he had seen her a few times as she had come to visit the hospital or he had met her around town and every time they met they shared the sweetest of embraces and the most perfect of kisses. Jack loved every moment he had with Y/n, every gentle touch, every sweet kiss, every shy glance of her emerald eyes. He was utterly obsessed with his beautiful little doll. Jack knew he was so utterly smitten, in love with his little doll. But he also knew every day there was a risk of her being wedded off to some horrible man, But Jack had a plan, he couldn't stop her from being wedded off, but he could make it so she got wedded off... To him. It pained Jack to think of Y/n being wedded to someone else. The very idea made him almost enraged. The thought of some cruel and unworthy man putting their grubby hands all over his doll. He could never allow that. He would make sure Y/n was his.
Jack for himself dressed into his best clothes and walked the way to Y/n's father's estate the large house was quiet and grey as he approached the door
He was starting to grow a little anxious at the thought... What if Y/n didn't want to marry him? No... She had to. Jack was nervous of course at the idea of asking for Y/n’s hand but he knew the only way to keep his little doll his would be to well... Make her his. Jack knocked on the large doors of Y/n's father's estate. His heart was hammering in his chest as he waited for someone to answer the door, he didn't think he had ever been this nervous in his life. This was make or break.
the door opened to a young maid girl, Jack was relieved to see a young maid behind the door instead of Y/n's Father, he put on a polite smile for the young girl. "Hello there," He spoke politely, "I was wondering if Mr Y/L/C is available? I have something rather important I'd like to speak to him about."
the maid nodded and ushered jack inside,
Jack was ushered into the parlour by the maid. He looked around at all the hunting trophies and shivered slightly as he saw all the dead animal's heads mounted on the wall. Jack didn't find them pleasant to look at, instead he found them unnerving. Jack's eyes immediately fell on Mr Y/L/C's large form and he gulped slightly. He had to do this, for Y/n, and for himself.
Mr Y/L/C sat in his chair smoking a cigarette, the round mans eye brow raised "Doctor Dawkins? I don't recall requesting a house call?"
Jack gulped slightly before answering. This was it. Time to try and charm Mr Y/L/C and get his permission to ask Y/n for her hand in marriage. "I do apologize for the unannounced visit, Mr Y/L/C, but I... There was something I wished to speak to you about." Jack explained nervously, his hands feeling slightly clammy.
"oh? Go on."
Jack nodded slightly at Mr Y/L/C's words and stood up a little straight. He took a deep breath to compose himself, "I wish... I wish to request your daughter's hand in marriage." He said finally, watching Mr Y/L/C closely for his reaction.
"I see... What makes you think your suitable to marry my daughter?"
Jack mentally prepared his answer as he spoke. He knew that Mr Y/L/C would ask something like that. Jack gave Mr Y/L/C a polite smile as he spoke, "I would like to think I am a respectable man. I am hardworking, responsible, dependable." Jack explained, "I am the local physician and surgeon," he answered, "In short, I am willing and able to keep Y/n happy and supported."
"... I see, to have full Intention to wed her? Not ask for her hand and keep her strung along for months and years"
Jack immediately shook his head, "I assure you, my intentions are entirely serious. I have no intention of stringing Y/n along with no real intention to wed her. I want to live with her as my wife." Jack explained, looking at Mr Y/L/C with what he hoped to be an honest and sincere expression.
"you own a home?"
Jack nodded at this question, "Yes sir. I own a small cottage not far from my clinic. I built it myself, so it's a little rough as I'm a doctor, not really a builder, but you can rest assured that it will be comfortable and clean and not falling apart." He explained, "As well as that, I am in the process of hiring an assistant. Once the assistant has been trained I will be able to earn slightly more money. I'm making sure all of this is taken care of to give Y/n the best life possible."
"do you have Intentions to give me grandchildren? And are you... Capable of such Intentions?"
Jack felt his heart hammer as Mr Y/L/C's questions got more and more personal. Jack took a second to compose himself before he answered with an honest answer. "Of course, I want nothing more than to start a family with Y/n. I am perfectly capable of giving you grandchildren, in fact I greatly look forward to being a father to Y/n's children." He said, trying to keep his tone and expression as pleasant and sincere as possible.
Mr Y/L/C pondered, leaving the room in silence a moment before finally speaking up "Agreed. You will marry my daughter. We'll pencil the wedding for a month's time"
Jack was so relieved to see that Mr Y/L/C agreed for him to marry Y/n. He didn't care that Mr Y/L/C hadn't even asked Y/n if she would be amenable to the arrangement. All that mattered to him was that he could marry Y/n and be with her forever. Jack bowed his head politely in Mr Y/L/C's direction to show his gratitude. "Thank you, sir. I greatly appreciate your benevolence. I promise that I'll make Y/n happy."
"I couldn't give a rats ass you make her happy, I care you keep her funded. Fed and fucked."
Jack knew that Mr Y/L/C wasn't a particularly caring or good father to Y/n, so he already expected Mr Y/L/C to be less than interested in Y/n being happy. The casual way Mr Y/L/C mentioned "taking care of" Y/n's needs made Jack's expression darken slightly, but he put his dislike for the man to the back of his mind. This was for Y/n, he could deal with Mr Y/L/C's crassness for her sake. Jack gave a slight nod, "Yes, sir. I assure you that Y/n will never be without food, money or... Otherwise taken care of."
"good, up the stairs fourth door on the left. Suppose you should go break the news to her. She won't be thrilled"
Jack gulped as he heard Mr Y/L/C's words, so much for asking Y/n for her hand in a romantic and dramatic way. Feeling a little nervous at Y/n's reaction to the news, Jack gave Mr Y/L/C a polite nod and turned to leave, heading up the stairs the way he directed. He soon reached the fourth door on the left, staring at the door for a few seconds before knocking gently.
"come in" Y/n answer from inside
Jack egarly snuck himself inside her room and for a moment was taken back by the place the walls lined with bookshelves, trinkets, bottles, and jars, frames of diagrams and collection notes, crystals and small trinkets littered the place, a large fourposter bed with thick purple curtains. A fireplace burning bright. And Y/n laid in her dark blue dress a matching bow in her brown curls as always inside a small book nook with a blanket, deck of tarot cards in hand flipping them around in her fingers, Jack immediately smiled upon seeing Y/n in her little nook, she looked so sweet and cozy laid on her bed, flipping the tarot cards in her hand. Not wanting to interrupt Y/n while she was sorting her tarot cards, Jack quietly stepped over to her book nook and leaned down slightly, gently speaking to get Y/n's attention. "My little doll?"
She jumped and looked up at him "jack! What are you doing here!" She whispered yelled as she sat up,
Jack gave a low chuckle at Y/n's whisper-yell, "My little doll, is that any way to treat your beloved visiting you?" He teased, keeping his voice at a whisper too, "I do hope you are not unhappy to see me?"
"of course I'm happy to see you I’m always happy to see you" she pulled him down into the book nook for a cuddle "but what are you doing here? It's not safe if Father finds out you're here he'll boil your toes"
Jack smiled as Y/n pulled him into the book nook, wrapping her arms around him as he laid beside her. He wrapped his arms around her and cuddled up against her slightly, laying his head down on her shoulder.
At her whispered explanation of why it was dangerous for them to be together like this, Jack gently nuzzled into her shoulder. "I know, my little doll, I know... But I have some important news. "
Jack looked up into Y/n's emerald eyes from where he was cuddled up beside her. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked as the fire of the nearby fireplace softly glinted off her porcelain skin and lit up her emerald eyes. Jack was quiet for a moment, suddenly feeling a little shy as he spoke, "Your... Your Father, has agreed that we can marry. A month from now..." He explained quietly, gently cupping her cheeks in his hands, "You are to be my wife."
"... Do you say this... In jest jack?"
Jack immediately shook his head at Y/n's question, "No, my sweet doll. I would never jest about something like this... I'm dead serious. You're going to be my wife." he explained, gently rubbing his thumb across Y/n's cheek as he looked at her.
Y/n began to tremble and she broke down hugging him tight pressing her face to his chest as she cried, As Y/n began trembling and crying against him, Jack immediately wrapped his arms around her, holding her to his chest and rubbing her back soothingly. He held her gently against his chest and gently kissed the top of her head.
"Shhh, my little doll... You're okay, you're safe, you're safe, shhh..." He whispered soothingly, holding her gently against him as she cried and trembled.
"...I'm... So... Happy..."
Jack gave a low, fond chuckle as Y/n continued crying and cuddling up against him. He kissed the top of her head gently as he held onto her soothingly, "I know, my doll. So am I... We'll be married in a month." He whispered soothingly, his arms wrapped protectively around his fiancée, gently rubbing his hand across her back.
"it's really true?" She looked up a him "you and I? I will not be sold off to some man to make babies but... Given to you?"
Jack cupped Y/n's cheeks gently in his hands as he gave her a loving smile, "Absolutely true. You are mine, nobody else's." He whispered, gently rubbing his thumbs across her cheeks.
"Nobody's marrying you, nobody's making you bear their children, nobody's going to touch you." He added soothingly, "You're mine, my precious doll, nobody's taking you from me."
"thank you!" She hugged him tight
Jack's heart leapt in his chest as Y/n wrapped her arms tightly around him, her gentle body pressed against his. He gently rested his forehead against her's and gave her a warm, loving smile. "... I'll always keep you safe and loved, my precious doll. I'll protect you." He whispered soothingly to her.
"we'll get to get married!" She jumped up to her feet pacing in her room excitedly "well get married and have a little house and we can fill the house with books and trinkets and tools! And we can look up medical books together by the fire! And I couldn't come bring you lunch everyday whilst you have surgeries! And we can go for long graveyard walks every week! And you won't throw away any of my collections!"
Jack could feel a wide smile spreading across his lips as Y/n began pacing around excitedly. He stood up to his feet and just watched her in adoration and affection. Y/n's pure excitement and joy was so endearing, he loved everything she was suggesting. The little life they were to share together sounded like his dream come true. He gave a low chuckle as she mentioned that he'd never again throw any of her trinkets away. He reached forward and gently took her hand, giving her a fond smile. "Yes, my love. We can do all that and more."
Jack gave a low chuckle as he nodded at Y/n's exclamation, "Yes, my doll. I'll let you bring all the skulls and trinkets home that your heart desires." he said, placing a gentle kiss on the back of Y/n's hand as he spoke. "And we shall buy mountains of books, so that your little book nook will be the envy of all our friends. We'll go on walks in the graveyards and you can gather bones while I collect specimens. We shall live in marital bliss together."
"do... Do you think... As I'll be your wife? I'll be able to sit in on more autopsies?"
Jack's expression Jack couldn't help but give a low chuckle as Y/n squealed and jumped up and down in excitement. He gently reached out to take her hands, pulling her gently against his chest so he could hold her close. He gently brought Y/n's hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss against her knuckles. "Absolutely, my love. After you become my bride, you shall be right by my side for as many autopsies as you like." He answered with a low, fond chuckle, "I would love to have you by my side for them, my precious little autopsy helper."
"maybe even surgery?" She asked sheepishly
Jack's face immediately lit up as Y/n inquired after if she might be able to attend surgeries. He gave her a wide and excited smile as he answered, "Absolutely, my doll. You will be my assistant in your own right. I'll be letting you sit in on every surgery. I'm sure you'll be my own personal good luck charm, my lucky little doll."
she squealed excitedly jumping up and down like a child "yay! I'm so happy! I love you, I love you, I love you!" She yelled
Jack couldn't help but give a low chuckle as Y/n squealed and jumped up and down in excitement. He gently reached out to take her hands, pulling her gently against his chest so he could hold her close. "I adore you, my precious doll. I love you more than you know." He purred gently, kissing the top of her head before rubbing her cheek affectionately.
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the5n00k · 6 months
Hawkeye Pierce: The Good, The Bad, and The Unmilitary
The long awaited first official M*A*S*H character analysis
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It's not a secret to anyone aware of this blog that I fucking love Hawkeye. This piece of shit lives rent free in my mind and has lived rent free for the past four months. Which is kind of why I've hesitated so long to make this because he means so much to me (also what's left for me to say about him, he's been around longer than I have, surely he's been analyzed and over analyzed more than I can imagine)
But I relate to him unfortunately so you're going to have to hear about him sorry <3
Her ass is rambling, this is a long post
Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce starts out the series loud and eccentric but relatively level headed most of the time compared to some of the other members of the 4077. Playboy, drinker, anarchist, and pacifist (by technicality only), his really formative episodes for his character going forward to me at least were Dr. Pierce and Mr Hyde and Sometimes You Hear The Bullet. Both his wish to do something, anything to stop the war and his declining mental health because of it are on full display in these episodes. The war took so much from him and keeps taking, especially when Henry dies and Trapper gets shipped home while he's away. He's a desperate animal clawing at the dirt just trying not to fall off the cliff. And he keeps slipping.
One of his biggest weaknesses as a bleeding heart is burning himself out or having zero self preservation. It's admirable how much he does for his patients and camp mates but most of the time it just looks like he has a death wish. But the admiration is exactly what he doesn't want. He's an attention whore sure, but every time he's ever been put on a pedestal he's tried to shake it off; dismissing the news reporters and even yelling at Radar for simply looking up to him. He covers up his self loathing with humor, childish antics, and self inflating bickering with the other surgeons to give him a fake sense of self worth despite thinking of himself so poorly. Just the way he treats himself with ridiculous drinking habits and poor self care in general is rather telling and only gets worse as the series goes on.
That being said, he is also strongly fixated on having a sense of normalcy, demanding more choices of food and taking showers whenever possible just like all the others scrambling to keep some sort of routine. He also frequently sets up dates with the nurses when he can not looking for anything serious. He falls in love/forms attachments really easily so that often gets him in trouble, especially when his coping mechanisms keep him from being real most of the time. And once he loves you, he holds on, still mourning the loss of Trapper throughout the later seasons as if he was dead. Moving on is not an option for him, often retreating back into memories voluntarily or not to cope with being drafted (Hawk's Nightmare, Bless You, Hawkeye, basically any episode where he talks extensively about Maine or his father)
And no matter what happens, no matter how much he hates it, Hawkeye knows he has to keep going or people will get hurt or worse. He knows he has to get up and keep doing his job because he has to. He doesn't like it. He'd rather literally be considered dead than get continuously screwed over by the army (The Late Captain Pierce) but he gets up anyway. Because people depend on him. There have been a few episodes where I believed his mental health may have been improving, after/around season 9, and then Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen happened and I was immediately destroyed.
His arc in GFA, like a lot of the other characters in that finale special, was perfect for his character. He was always claiming things like “sanity is a state of mind” (and talking about chickens a lot for some reason) so to have him finally, horrifically snap and lose it so badly Sidney found it necessary to keep him in a mental hospital felt like the trainwreck I had been anticipating for the entire series. He needed to stop repressing things and actually process the horrors he's seen, all of it stacking up is the reason he broke to begin with. Everyone else has more or less accepted their shitty situation of stitching together victims of the cruelty of warfare but he'd been fighting it for 11 seasons now (something around 4-5 years show time) and eventually the longer the unstoppable force pushes against the immovable object, one of them will break. Then to see him finally confront the fact that him and BJ will probably never see each other again and practically beg for the closure that Trapper never was able to give him and FINALLY get it was so satisfying and a perfect shot to send off the character with. BJ was the only one keeping him focused and on the right track when he'd start going too far, gave him some much needed reality checks, and was the only one to stick with him through everything. He knew every ugly secret and Hawkeye knew his. They both did terrible things in situations they never asked to be in. They were bonded in trauma and whether you read their relationship as romantic or not, they're probably the closest relationship in the series and I couldn't be happier with how they ended off.
Hawkeye is a deeply flawed character (dare I say… problematic) and while his change isn't immediately noticeable in the series, it is striking if you watch an episode from an early episode to a late one, especially regarding his relationship with Margaret. Across many episodes, they mutually earn each other's respect and actually become very good friends, probably second only to BJ and Hawkeye. They've also been through a lot of shit together and are very similar, reacting to the same insecurities and desires in completely different ways. (Affection craving, their disdain for senseless violence, deep seething rage for injustice, refusing to show weakness due to their high positions)
There's some indefensible things this character does I will admit and things that made me say “why would he say that” but in general, I believe he is a very well written example of PTSD and a strong-willed anti-war activist. The term activist is thrown around a lot online but he's pretty much the only one there trying to fix things, even if his efforts are unethical or straight up ineffective. I actually really love that he does some things that I hate. Seeing such a gritty and reactionary protagonist was so striking to me, his unpredictability made watching him react to things fascinating. He's a cornered animal desperately trying to escape being closed in on closer and closer until he lashes out. My job is nowhere near comparable to the mental turmoil of his but I found myself comparing his thought processes a lot to my own. He's self destructive, impulsive, and immature but his energy brings so much to the show and the characters around him. He has such a fondness for everyone in the 4077 that becomes more explicit in the big moments. He'd raise hell for anyone in that compound whether they asked for it or not. Or if they even needed it. He'd just raise hell. It's enrichment for him
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davidchiemcore · 3 months
transcript for DRDT Prologue Episode Three
Teruko: Why don’t we talk to that person next?
Xander: Hello there, we–
Arturo: Arturo Giles, Ultimate Plastic Surgeon. That’s what you want out of me, right?
Ultimate Plastic Surgeon - Arturo Giles
Arturo: We both have made sufficient introductions, so I’ll be taking my leave now.
Xander: Whoa, wait. Why are you leaving so soon?
Arturo: You two are far beneath my standards and are not worth my time, that’s why.
Xander: Excuse me?
Teruko: Erm, what standards are you talking about?
Arturo: Tch. Do I need to spell it out any more for you two?
Arturo: You two are ugly. And I don’t talk to ugly people. So get out of my sight.
Xander: …
Xander: …I’m confused.
Arturo: What is there to be confused about? I made my point perfectly clear.
Xander: Your standards for talking to people is based on their physical attractiveness? That doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Xander: Also… I’m not that unattractive. I’m not, right, Ms. Teruko?
Teruko: …It’s okay, Xander.
Xander: Wait, what’s that supposed to mean??
Teruko: Anyway, Arturo, you said your talent was Plastic Surgeon? I guess to an extent, it would explain why you’re focused on physical beauty so much.
Teruko: But going as far to say that you won’t even talk to people you think are unattractive is, how do I say, ridiculous.
Teruko: Do you possibly think that you’re so astonishingly attractive that you think you’re above us?
Arturo: Ugh, making me explain things to you… This is why I hate interacting with the hoi palloi.
Arturo: It doesn’t matter what I look like. After all, in the end we are nothing compared to those people.
Teruko: “Those people”?
Arturo: Yes, indeed… Those people… THose celebrities, actors, idols, who adhere so strictly to a beauty code and who have sacrificed everything for their appearance.
Arturo: That upper class who has attained a higher form with their perfect standards of beauty… Their elegant forms! Their stunning grace! Everything about beautiful people is so heavenly!
Arturo: Indeed, compared to those otherworldly gods, average people like us are merely a lower caste meant only to idolize them!
Arturo: That is the true purpose of my talent. I am only meant to serve those who are beautiful, help them attain even more magnificent forms!
Teruko: …
Xander: …
Teruko: Xander, we’re talking to a lunatic. I don’t have any clue what he’s even talking about. I think we should leave, right now.
Xander: Hey, no backing down, Ms. Teruko. Besides, we’re trying to gather information, remember?
Teruko: Something about this guy just makes me want to stay as far away from him as possible.
Xander: Hey, Mr. Arturo.
Arturo: Oh. I forgot I was still talking to you. What do you want?
Xander: First of all, can you stop talking about “attractive people?”
Xander: Second of all, do you know anything about our current situation?
Arturo: First of all, no.
Arturo: Absolutely not. Secondly…
Arturo: Hmm. All I can say is, the infirmary seems abnormally well stocked.
Arturo: Normally, an infirmary for a regular building would not contain surgical supplies, partly because there are not many people who are trained to use them.
Xander: The medical bay has that sort of equipment? I didn’t see anything like that; it must have been in storage.
Xander: Has whoever brought us here anticipated that there would be a surgeon amongst us and brought the necessary equipment?
Teruko: The alternate explanation is that whoever made this place expected that, for whatever reason, we’d be seeing a lot of serious injuries in the future.
Arturo: The latter explanation seems more likely. After all, there is quite a variety of equipment that would serve no use for cosmetic surgery, which is my speciality.
Arturo: …Not that two peasants like you would know anything about it. Run along now and leave me be.
Xander: Peasants? Is that really how he views others?
Teruko: I think I’m starting to slowly understand his worldview the more I talk to him.
Teruko: …No I don’t!! Just what on earth is he going on about??
Xander: If something goes wrong, it’d be useful to have someone like Mr. Arturo around who has medical training.
Teruko: It’s just that…
Teruko and Xander: I wouldn’t want this creep to operate on me!
Teruko: Next person is…?
Levi: Hello. Do you two wish to introduce yourselves to me, now?
Xander: That’s right.
Xander: I’m Xander Matthews, the Ultimate Rebel. And this is Ms. Teruko Tawaki, the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Levi: Hmm, it seems like you’re trying to create a striking appearance with your style of dress but are mostly wearing accessories on top of a school uniform. Do you come from a private school?
Xander: Oh, right, this uniform. It’s my old boarding school’s uniform. It’s pretty lame.
Levi: On the contrary, I think it accentuates your personality well.
Levi: You are trying to make use of whatever clothing or style is forced upon you by society and altering it to create something new and original.
Levi: Just from your clothing alone, I can tell that you are an unorthodox person who doesn’t like to be constrained by rules but knows how to make use of what he’s been given.
Xander: Whoa! You can tell that much by my clothing? That’s incredible! Who are you, anyway?
Levi: Ah, my apologies. I was so focused on analyzing you that I neglected to introduce myself.
Levi: I am Levi Fontana, the Ultimate Personal Stylist. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Ultimate Personal Stylist - Levi Fontana
Xander: Ah, guess that explains why you know so much about clothes. No wonder you seem like such a cool person. I suppose someone like you knows everything there is to know about style.
Levi: I don’t wish to mislead you into thinking that I am an expert in my field. I am actually a novice when it comes to fashion.
Levi: The truth is, I only turned towards this talent recently. I was quite a different person in my past…
Levi: Although that is not something I wish to discuss, my apologies.
Teruko: He turned his gaze to me.
Levi: As for you…
Levi: Oh, dear.
Teruko: Ah, geez. Are you going to talk about my outfit now? I know that I’m probably dressed a little too shoddily for my first day of school. I probably look like a mess.
Levi: No, it’s not that.
Levi: Judging from your battered outfit and your bandages, you seem like a person who gets injured very frequently.
Levi: I’m very sorry. I don’t know whatever circumstances you were in prior to our meeting, or what caused those injuries of yours. It’s a real shame.
Levi: As long as I am your classmate and acquaintance, I will do my best to keep you safe from now on.
Teruko: A–ah, that’s incredibly nice of you. Thank you so much.
Levi: If there is anything the two of you need, just let me know and I will be happy to help to the best of my abilities.
Xander: I’m relieved; it turns out that Levi’s an incredibly nice person.
Teruko: Right. I wonder what happened in his past, though? He brought it up but didn’t elaborate.
Teruko: It’s probably best not to pry.
Teruko: Hello there.
Ace: Huh? The fuck do you want, bitch?
Teruko: Eh?
Xander: Hey, don’t talk to Ms. Teruko like that. What gives you the right to be so rude?
Ace: What gives you the right to talk to me in the first place, asshole?
Xander: You’re being the real asshole here!
Ace: You wanna fight??
Teruko: …I think this is only going to escalate unless I step in.
Teruko: We don’t want to start a fight, okay?
Teruko: Well, I don’t want to start a fight. Xander may be halfway there already.
Teruko: My point is, I just want to know your name and talent, and maybe a little bit about yourself? We have no negative intentions, I assure you.
Ace: Why should I tell you who I am? Why exactly do you deserve this information, huh?
Levi: His name is Ace Markey. He is the Ultimate Jockey.
Ace: Why did you tell them that–OH GOD IT’S YOU
Ultimate Jockey - Ace Markey
Teruko: Oh! A jockey. That explains–
Teruko: –nothing. By the way, Levi, did you do something to Ace? He seems quite frightened of you.
Levi: I assure you I have not done anything, at least to my knowledge.
Ace: Bullshit! You’ve been watching me ever since I got here! You’re probably, like, planning to beat me up or something!
Levi: I have been watching you because you have tried to start a fight with every single person that has talked to you thus far, and I would like to avoid the chance of an actual fight breaking out.
Ace: Are you just making things up? When is the last time I even did such a thing?
Xander: Are you kidding me? Just now, you had asked me if I wanted to fight.
Xander: Which, by the way, I’m perfectly willing to accept.
Ace: W–W–Wait, don’t come over here, I was just kidding! Please don’t actually fight me! Y–You look so scary, holy shit, get away from me!!
Xander: So, you talk louder than your fists, huh? You’ve been rude to us this whole time, but the moment you face any sort of consequences you instantly become a coward.
Ace: What was that?!
Levi: Please stop, both of you.
Xander. Tch. I’m not going to get riled up again over the empty words of someone so weak-willed. Besides, it’s clear to me that you’ve got nothing useful to say. Ms. Teruko, let’s leave.
Teruko: Just another minute, Xander. I still want to ask some more questions.
Xander: Suit yourself.
Teruko: …Xander sure is way too serious about this sort of thing.
Ace: What the hell do you want with me?
Teruko: Don’t come any closer. If you do, I’ll curse you with my bad luck.
Ace: Wh, wh, what?! Is that really true? S–Stay away from me at all costs! I won’t touch you!
Teruko: Wait, you took that seriously? I wasn’t serious at all. Look, I just want to have a normal conversation without you starting a fight.
Teruko: …A normal conversation standing 10 feet apart. Why did you back up so much?
Ace: How far is far enough?? Don’t come near me!
Teruko: …
Teruko: I just wanted to know why you’re so aggressive, especially when it seems that you’re unwilling to actually have a confrontation.
Teruko: Isn’t it tiring acting like that all the time? Why do you even want to come to this school?
Ace: Oi, speak up. I can’t hear you all the way over here.
Teruko: …
Ace: …Hm? You askin’ why I came to this school?
Ace: To be honest, I didn’t fuckin’ want to!
Ace: I don’t want to be an Ultimate. Hell, I don’t even want to be a jockey!
Ace: I hate horses and racing is so dangerous, it’s terrifying. What if I fell off and broke a bone? What if I died??
Teruko: Um, why are you even here then? You know you could have just… turned down the Academy’s acceptance letter, right…?
Teruko: …He can’t hear me anymore.
Xander: Don’t waste your time with this guy, he’s not going to say anything worthwhile.
Xander: Anyway, what exactly did you say to him? He keeps moving away from you.
Xander: …
Xander: He’s like, on the other side of the room.
Teruko: I just meant to frighten him a little, I really didn’t think he’d take it this seriously.
Xander: A guy like that will get scared by anything that moves.
Xander: Come on, let’s move on.
Min: …
Teruko: This person looks intensely buried in some sort of textbook.
Xander: Hello there.
Min: …
Xander: Hey, do you mind putting your book down so that we can talk to you?
Min: …
Teruko: She looks pretty engrossed. Maybe we should come back later.
Xander: I’m Xander Matthews, and I’m the Ultimate Rebel. This is ms. Teruko Tawaki, the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Teruko: You never give up, huh?
Min: …
Teruko: Uh, I don’t know if she heard us.
Min: …
Xander: Hey! Stop ignoring us! We’re not going to leave until you give us an introduction, you know!
Teruko: She slams her book shut.
Min: Hmph. Alright, I understand.
Min: I’d really prefer not to be disturbed when I’m in the middle of reading, but it seems that you two aren’t going to leave me alone.
Min: I am called Min Jeung, the Ultimate Student. It’s nice to meet you.
Ultimate Student - Min Jeung
Xander: Ultimate Student, eh? Any relation to your talent, Ms. Teruko?
Teruko: I don’t think there’s any connection between an Ultimate Student and an Ultimate Lucky Student. They just happen to have similar names.
Min: I have finished introducing myself, so…
Teruko: She opens her book and starts reading again.
Xander: Are you kidding me? We’re not done with you, so stop reading! Haven’t you got any respect for your peers?
Teruko: We’ll just ask you one question, and then we’ll leave. What do you know about the situation we're in?
Min: I don’t know anything more than you do. I think if I investigated a little, I could find something out.
Min: But right now, I’m more focused on memorizing this anatomy textbook I found in the medical room.
Xander: Wait a minute. Memorizing?? I’m probably nowhere near as smart as you, but that still looks way too dense!
Min: I can handle it. In a day, I could probably fully memorize the contents of multiple textbooks like this one.
Teruko: That’s incredible. I guess you are the Ultimate Student for a reason.
Xander: Well, that’s not what’s important here.
Xander: You woke up in a mysterious place with all your classmates, not knowing how you got here or what’s going on, and your first instinct is to start… studying?
Xander: I understand that you are the Ultimate Student, but still…
Min: You may disapprove, but it’s a simple fact that I must be constantly working to hone my talent in order to maintain it.
Min: Every single bit of free time I get is an opportunity that I can and should be using to do something productive. That is the only way I can maintain my position as the Ultimate Student.
Min: My school performance cannot be anything less of perfection. That’s the work ethic I live by.
Xander: I would understand if you were studying towards a specific profession, or a particular purpose in life. But just to keep your grades up?
Xander: Do you do anything else in your free time, other than cram?
Min: Sometimes I sleep.
Xander: Do you have any hobbies?
Min: I participate in various clubs.
Xander: Do you have any friends??
Min: Yes, I–
Min: I don’t need to prove myself to you! Just why do you think you have the right to pry into my life, anyway?
Xander: This is messed up.
Xander: See, Ms. Teruko? This is what I mean when I say society is messed up. We’re teaching people that the only thing that matters are useless rankings or grades, not actual talents.
Xander: And for what, to raise an entire generation of kids who can’t even see in front of their own faces, much less their futures?
Min: I can see through my bangs just fine.
Teruko: I think she’s missing the point.
Xander: What do you plan to do after you graduate? What good is memorizing a bunch of meaningless things once you needn’t take tests anymore?
Xander: Have you ever even thought of your own life outside of school??
Min: …
Teruko: She went back to reading.
Teruko: Xander… You may have good intentions in mind, but I don’t think lecturing strangers about how their talent and lives are pointless is necessarily the right thing to do right now.
Xander: Oh.
Xander: Well, when you put it like that… I guess I did come off as too rude.
Xander: Sorry. I just get so worked up over these things; it’s hard to stay calm when I do.
Teruko: You’re a lot to handle.
Teruko: Why don’t we just move on to the next person, then?
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noteguk · 2 years
is the drabble game still open, mx. Nala??
If it is, can I request for:
23. Medical/Hospital AU + Angst & Smut for Jungkook
Thank you (°○°)
— contents and warnings; ridiculously specific medical talk (are you surprised?), vague smut, discussion of open relationships, I don’t support hospital seggs!!!, semi-public, protected
Two overworked and emotionally constipated surgeons trying their hand at romance was clearly a recipe for disaster — you knew it, Jungkook knew it, but none of you cared too much about it.
Medical school made you formulate a theory that, generally, the most hardworking students are the ones with the littlest time for interpersonal growth. Yeah you know the coagulation cascade, but you don’t know how to handle failure without crying. Yeah you can manage a patient in arterial fibrillation flawlessly, but you’ve sacrificed great experiences in the name of academic perfection.
It’s not all bad, obviously. Chances are that such student will be a fantastic doctor, and that matters a lot. But, then, after the diagnosis is made and the surgery is over, all that is left are the people you deal with. And all the issues that come from it.
Jungkook was a classical case of that: one of the most prolific and up-and-coming cardio thoracic surgeons out there, but a complete idiot when it came to catching a non verbal cue. At first you thought that it was adorable, and his high intellect didn’t hurt also. But when one kiss turned into another and you two started waking up next to each other, things took a more complicated turn.
“Kid with Tetralogy of Fallot also has Hirschsprung’s disease.” Jungkook threw some papers on your desk, which made the X-rays poke under the white paper. You looked down on it for a second before you heard the door close behind him, and then you found his gaze once again. “Thought that you could take over that case.”
It took you a second to digest his words, then the case came up in your head — newborn with cyanosis, yeah, the one Jungkook had discussed with you about. Unfortunately the kid had won the malformation lottery, it seemed. “How bad is it?” You asked, reaching for the papers.
“Not that extended, it seems. But he’s already showing serious signs of pain and constipation.” Jungkook sat down in front of you. You hummed in agreement, taking a quick look over the case. “Also, it’s affecting his potassium intake, and nephrology thinks the abdominal pressure could worsen his kidney. I can’t do the Fallot correction and risk cardiac failure.” He tapped on the table. “So, can you take over?”
“Well, I’m the pediatric surgeon on call, so yeah,” you agreed, staring at him. “But it’s probably going to turn into a full-on discussion. Operating his intestines can also mess up a lot of things. I’ll talk to my colleagues about it, let’s keep him hydrated and balance out his electrolytes externally for now.”
Jungkook nodded, absent minded. He had probably reached the same conclusion before he even walked in, that much you knew. After a second of silence, he spoke up again. “So,” he said, “any plans for the next hour?”
And that’s how it always started.
Having relations in the hospital was always a huge no-no in your book — so, how you always ended up pressed against the wall with his large hand over you mouth, you had no idea. It was the same theory as before, you thought: you were chasing after the college experiences you never had before, but the impulsive, teenage-like mentality came a little too late.
“Why are you so loud today?” He asked, fighting back his own sounds. Jungkook’s voice was groggy, hanging over the edge, and you could feel yourself clenching around him already. Quickies always made you rush — in all possible ways. “Missed me that much?”
You could only nod, blinking up at him. Jungkook licked his lips and dove into a heated, passionate kiss. You felt like crying.
Yesterday, he had asked you about trying new things with new people. He said he was scared of making anything official between the two of you because he “has never had anyone else”, so he didn’t want to jump into a full on commitment, even if he “liked you very much” and “looked up to you as a person and as a colleague”. You had felt your heart break into a million pieces, but, like the pushover that you were, you agreed. Even though you also liked him very much and didn’t want to see him with anyone else — you agreed.
And now Jungkook was kissing you and you felt like throwing up because you didn’t know who had he kissed in the meantime. Didn’t know if he had his eyes in someone else, if he was just trying to create some distance because he didn’t see a future with you. You felt replaceable, and that’s something you had worked hard to never feel.
With a groan muffled against your shoulder, Jungkook spilled himself inside the condom, holding tightly onto you hips. You followed right after, but the pleasure was muted by the emptiness that grew inside your chest.
“I needed this,” he breathed out. “Thank you.”
If he said that because he missed you or if he was nervous for a date and needed a way to unwind, you never knew. “No problem.” You lied through your teeth. “I needed you too.”
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heejayy · 2 years
Fucking Rich People || Gojo S.
Warning: misogynist, sexism, swearing
Pairing: Pilot! Gojo x black! Reader
Wc: 1458
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“Why do we have to go to this stupid gala anyways? Can’t we stay home and order food?!’’ Your husband whined as he threw his limp body on the bed. His hair was tossed along with his dress shirt which was half tucked into his slacks.
“Because I have to show that bitch Margaret she’s not the only one with a hot rich husband’’ you smirked putting on your earrings ‘’plus it’s also a fundraiser to fight against serious issues around the world like world hunger, poverty, sex trafficking, gender eqaulity- shall i go on?’’ You turn to waving your hands in a forward motion.
Unlike the heartless pricks that’ll be at the gala you both actually care for these problems and fight to solve them. You sighed checking your hair, makeup, and outfit making sure everything looked damn near perfect before you left. You ran your hand down your skin fitting gown admiring how hot you looked right now.
“Gojo, will you please finish getting ready so we can go! Now now now!’’
“Why should I go with you, youre only using me as arm candy. This is degrading and embarrassing’’ he huffed, crossing his arms giving you a fake pout. “I’ll only go if you give me a kiss.’’ you slowly turned to him with your eye twitching.
“Fine fine i’m getting ready’’ he flinched shuffling around you towards the bathroom.
“I so hate it here, it’s nothing but snobby rich white people showing off their wealth. I'd rather do something hands on like i don’t know helping at a soup kitchen’’ he audibly gagged while looking around. “Boy if you don’t hush and sit down’’ you spoke through your teeth as you smiled at the other attending guest trying to look somewhat happy to be there.
While you chatted with some random person, Gojo on the other hand was poking at his food with his fork loudly sighing. You fought the urge to roll your eyes as you excused yourself and turned to him “Gojo i hate it here as much as you do and I know you’re not a social person, but please at least pretend like you’re having a good time for me?’’ You gave him a genuine smile rubbing his thigh.
He took a deep breath nodding “fine i will’’ he said defeated fixing his posture. He scanned around trying to find someone to chat with but none looked approachable. The whole party was filled with ceo’s, surgeons, judges, pilots, (like himself), lawyers, anesthesiologist (like yourself), and stuck up young rich kids who are just here to flaunt their parents' money.
He was about to give up when he heard this oh too familiar thick southern voice “Saturo my old friend!”
“God help me” you let out a low chuckle at Gojo’s unfortunate luck “shoulda’ listened to me earlier’’ you gloated with a slight smirk. You watched as his ‘friend’ sat across from him with this disgustingly creepy smile. You could kill with how much hatred you have for this man, but you put up with him because he has the power to blacklist your husband and strip you of your anethesiologist liscense with one phone call, which is quite terrifying.
“Well hello Jonathan long time no see?’’ Gojo gave his best smile while shaking his hand.
“Yes yes very long and oh why look at you Ms. Satoru don’t you look lovely as ever’’ he groaned, almost moaning as he took your hand to kiss it. You swiftly pulled back before his lips even grazed you
‘’it’s nice to see you too John’’ you gave him a tight lipped smile scooting your chair closer to Gojo. You took a sharp breath looking around “where’s your wife? Is she around?” you question trying to shift the energy.
“Oh yes she’s home cooking me a nice meal exactly where she should be’’ he grinned letting out a boisterous laugh “no no i’m just joking she’s in the restroom dolling up her face, but i tell you right now she’s not as good looking as she used to be since she had those two twin devils. The only thing good that’s come out of that pregnancy is her free boob job’’ he snickered, taking a sip of his wine.
You gripped Gojo’s hand signaling him not to say anything “speaking about those two beautiful babies’’ you smiled putting an emphasis on beautiful “how are they?”
“Loud and obnoxious, can’t believe she had twins and they’re both girls’’ he shook his head . Your smile faded, and just as you were about to read him for free his wife took a seat beside him.
“Oh hi Maddie you look beautiful tonight’’ you beamed admiring her red silk dress with matching heels. She smiled looking down flustered “Thank you-”
“What took you so long you literally look the same-’’
“Ok! Well the bidding will be starting soon so we should get ready yeah?’’ Gojo interrupted him, rolling his eyes. You noticed maddie’s smile fade, you felt so bad for the poor girl.
After dinner and bidding you both were just mingling with everyone, you and Gojo mainly stayed to yourself and you honestly thought you were in the clear until you heard Johnathan screaming for Gojo again.
“He’s close, let's make a run for it’’ Gojo whispered, interlocking his hand in your hand, yanking you across the ball room. You let out a giggle as you lifted your dress “you’re going to yank my arm off.”
“Uggh fuck me” Gojo groaned throwin his head back, you smacked his arm laughing telling him to straighten his act. A visibly drunk Jonathan waltz his way over to you two with a stupid smile while his wife Maddie struggled to hold him steady.
“Gojo hey my friend!’’ Gojo rolled his eyes for the thousandth time tonight biting his inner cheek.
“Hi…Jonathan’’ You put on your best phony smile giving him a wave, Gojo snaked his arm around your waist feeling the need to protect you.
“I couldn’t help but notice your wife bid more than you on those little orphan brats organization. Is it possible she makes more than you? Hell my wife isn’t even allowed to have a job’’ he let out an annoying laugh almost tipping himself over “but no it couldn’t be that would be absolutely embarrassing’’ Gojo scoffed as his protective instincts kicked in. His grip on your wrist tightened as he stepped in front of you.
“You know what in fact she does make more than me’’ Gojo slowly approached Jonathan’s drunken figure as years full of rage filled him “I am proud to say this beautiful, intelligent, incredibly talented woman makes more than me. She absolutely deserves everything she has and more because she worked hard for it, unlike your shiesty ass who inherited every dime you have from your dead father who you probably murdered! And you don’t deserve that nor that sweet woman who’s your wife, who you are always publicly degrading!’’ Gojo paused to grab Jonathan by his collar pulling him close “and if you ever say anything else about my wife I won’t hesitate to whoop your wannabe playboy ass, got it?” You sipped the rest of your martini and placing the empty cup on a random table completely unfazed unlike the rest of the guests.
Jonathan nodded and Gojo angrily threw him to the floor with a loud thud “You fucking rich people” he scoffed grabbing your hand stepping over him.
“Oh and I’d advise you to get a divorce baby girl. I heard he’s going bankrupt, I know a good lawyer.” you gave Maddie a sweet smile and walked off with your husband leaving these snobs in a shocked state.
You and Gojo returned home content with how the night ended, but you could tell he was still on edge. “I’ve never fucking liked that bastard, god that felt so good to get off my chest” you eyed him through your vanity mirror as you removed your hair pins. He hastily pacing the room mumbling under his breath.
“Sweetie, why don’t you try to wind down ok? Come to bed with me” you insisted as you walked towards the bed “I’m tired, you’re tired and we just need to relax after tonight.”
Gojo nodded agreeing sliding in bed with you and cutting off the bedside lamp.
“My bad if I overstepped my boundaries with you tonight I know you can take care of yourself I jus-“
“Shhh Gojo it’s alright I didn’t mind, I’m well aware you know I can handle myself. Plus it was kinda hot seeing you go all protective mode” you smiled snuggling closer to him “he got what he deserved now go to sleep cause I’d rather not talk about that repulsive so called man, goodnight.”
“Damn you know you didn’t even show me off to Margaret I’m kinda hurt.”
“Gojo go to sleep.”
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Jjk Masterlist
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sweetbillwriting · 8 months
Love Just Happens
Roxy's Perspective - Additional Chapter
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Description: Roxy has been Aurora Lou's best friend since they were teenagers but when Bill becomes a big part of Aurora's life their friendship changes.
Characters: The future's Bill Skarsgård and others close to him. The rest is my own characters. 
Setting: This story is set in the future but because it's hard to say how the world is then (and it isn't that important for the story) the future is similar to our time now, even with fashion and so on. 
Warnings: 18+, age difference, smut, alcohol, ageism, talk about sex, talk about weight and looks, plastic surgery, cheating, jealousy, bullying, toxic relationships, mentions of abuse.
Notes: this is additional "scenes" to the original stories so scenes from the original story aren't a part of this story.
“A plain but ambitious girl” 
That was probably how Roxy would have explained Aurora Lou, before the nose job. 
They met at their ballet class when they were fifteen. They were the most ambitious girls in the class and of course they became friends, the other didn't seem to understand how serious the dancing was. They tipped on their toes next to each other with squared postures. The sweat ran down their backs because of their teachers' hard drill but the two of them never whined. 
Their teacher, Mrs. Cassidy, looked at them proudly but gave Aurora an extra long look. She had many times said out loud, in front of the whole class that Aurora had the perfect body for the dance. The teacher probably thought the girls would be jealous, trying to lose weight to look more like Aurora but none of them wanted to look like her. She looked like a child compared to them, petite, with a flat chest and no other curves. No guy looked at her, with her messy curls and childlike futures. Roxy thought she was cute and kind though, even if she had understood both the girls in the dance class and at her school thought she was a pain in the ass. She sang all the time. She heard from people that she walked through the corridors singing, sat alone outside, singing and that even the librarian was forced to hush her because she suddenly wanted to try the acoustics in the school's library. Roxy wanted to give her a chance though, even if the time and activities with Aurora were limited. She had an insane curriculum with singing lessons, dance lessons and piano lessons. She didn't drink and seemed to be afraid of guys. 
One day they laid in the May sun by Aurora's parents' pool. They had been friends for a year and big things had happened that year. Roxy met her first boyfriend, Aurora won a singing contest but she also finally got her period. Roxy talked about her summer plans with her boyfriend while Aurora listened and gave her her full attention. Roxy wondered if she was jealous of her, if she understood that not many guys were interested in her but would never ask. It felt like a subject you didn't talk with Aurora about, everything was about her music career for her. 
Roxy looked at Aurora's mom Melinda fascinated where she sat on the opposite side of the pool. She was so beautiful and young. Her own mom said she was a trophy wife, a young wife to a rich plastic surgeon. Roxy thought she was wrong, Aurora's dad was funny and kind and the two grown ups kissed a lot, she had even seen them make out in a way other grown ups didn't. Her father, Paolo, came out to them and sat down by Melinda's side. 
“Have you told Roxy the news, honey?” He shouted to Aurora over the big pool. Roxy gave her a curious look with a small smile. Has she met a guy? 
Aurora laughed embarrassed and played with a knot on her bikini bottom. 
“I have been offered a record deal…” she smiled big but blushed heavily. 
Roxy made an excited scream and hit Aurora playfully on her arm.
“Oh my god! That's awesome! 
“But… They think I must be a bit older and they want to see how I ‘evolve’...” Aurora looked down and shrugged her shoulders. 
“Oh… Is it like… an appearance thing?” Said Roxy carefully. Aurora was such a talented singer and dancer and she could also see Aurora didn't really look like a popstar, even if she slowly had gotten more curves and learned to master her curls. 
Aurora didn't say anything, so the answer was obvious. Roxy wondered what they wanted her to change. Or would they wait for puberty to hit? 
Roxy continued to talk about her boyfriend again when Aurora had been silent a bit too long. Aurora smiled and laughed at the stories. It was hard to read Aurora but Roxy forgot about her news while talking about her boyfriend. 
Aurora had said she had a lot to do over summer but then she continued to be as hard to reach the first part of autumn. Roxy thought she tried to dump her as a friend and got annoyed at her but when she even missed ballet practice she got a feeling something was wrong. 
“Mrs. Cassidy,” she asked after a lesson and walked up to her teacher who wiped off the bar they had been standing by with a wet rag. She looked up at Roxy with a small smile. 
“Eh… Have you heard anything from Aurora? She hasn't been here for so long.” 
Mrs. Cassidy looked down at the wet rag with pursed lips. 
“That girl had so much potential… She called, dropped out. Because of weight gain.” 
Roxy looked uncomfortable with her teacher. It didn't feel okay that she told her that but she didn't say anything. 
“It's always how it starts… Probably a boy. Don't make the same mistake, Roxanne.” 
Roxy wondered what had actually happened. Had she gained so much weight she was at fat camp or something? It sounded weird when Aurora had probably weighed under 100 pounds. 
She didn't have any other option than to visit her even if it felt weird to do so when she didn't answer any of her messages. 
It was Melinda who opened the door, dressed in leggings and a sports bra. She looked so good that it was hard to understand why her daughter had become so plain. 
“Oh! Roxy! Nice to see you,” she said kindly but didn't let her in. Roxy smiled and played with her light brown hair. 
“Is Aurora okay? I haven't heard from her for a very long time.” 
Melinda smiled a little and looked towards the stairs. 
“She's okay, wait a moment so I can see if she's home.” 
Melinda walked into the house while Roxy stood in the doorway looking into the big hallway. She understood Melinda walked to see if Aurora wanted to talk to her and prepared herself for a no. She was surprised for several reasons when she saw Aurora, mostly because of the tape on her nose and bruises under her eyes. It was obvious she had gotten a nose job but it wasn't the only thing that was different with her. Instead of a petite, childish figure she now had hips and curvy thighs and when she walked by the mirror Roxy could also see she had a really nice ass. Even with the tape on her nose Roxy saw her differently, she was hot. It was probably not that much that was different with her in reality but the smaller nose made her big brown eyes become doll-like and her lips inviting. She was beautiful. Roxy looked at her with big eyes and didn't know what to say. This was the same Aurora, but in six months she had become a young woman. She didn't know why she felt pain in her stomach. 
“Hey… Can you come in? I hate to show myself like this…” said Aurora embarrassed and pointed to her nose. Roxy smiled a little uncomfortably and walked into the house. Aurora was dressed as her mother while Roxy came from school, in jeans and a hoodie. 
“Did your dad…?” She asked carefully and nodded to the nose. 
“Yeah… Instead of having his real one, he has given me a new one,” she joked and looked at Roxy take off her shoes. Together they walked into the house. It was as modern and clean as it had always been, only that school books were spread over the dining room table. 
“I'm trying to study from home… I have so many things to do now, I haven't had time to go to school…” said Aurora embarrassed and walked to the kitchen. She gave them each a coke while they sat down next to her books by the table. 
“Oh? The nose job and..?” 
Aurora still looked just as embarrassed. 
“I'm recording now… I've written some of the songs myself…”
Roxy nodded a little but felt the jealousy creep up. She didn't think anything would actually happen with the record deal. 
“Mrs. Cassidy said you had gained weight?” 
Aurora laughed, she didn't seem to care that their teacher talked about her behind her back. 
“Yeah I did… Over the summer. I quit the ballet diet and then it was just like, boom! I gained 20 pounds or something. For me that's a lot, because of my height. But I've lost some of it now but it was quite funny telling Cassidy that…” 
Roxy looked at her carefully with a doubtful smile. If she had been more confident she would have told Aurora how good she looked but she couldn't. Aurora had a record deal, a new nose and rich parents, she didn't need to hear that she looked good also. 
“I’m sorry I haven't answered you… Em… Because you will hate me…” said Aurora and looked down at her hands. Roxy gave her a confused look but understood Aurora was ashamed of something. 
“You know your boyfriend's police report? I was the one filing it…” 
Roxy's boyfriend had been accused of stealing from people on the beach with his friends. They weren't together anymore but she had never believed the accusations. 
“They stole my shoes, weirdly enough. I didn't have anything else to steal but I saw them carry my shoes and also go through some other people's pants pockets…” continued Aurora. “I understand if you don't want to believe me.” 
Roxy nodded slowly. She didn't know what to believe and instead waved it away. She wasn't with him anymore. 
“We're not together any longer and… And I need a new, better boyfriend!” 
Being sixteen was exciting in many different ways. New experiences, new friends, a new sort of freedom. But there were also many negative things about being sixteen. Such a thing was insecurity and the four ballet girls that had made fun of Aurora's body earlier, all felt it when she stood in the hallway together with them at a big New Years Eve party. Aurora had been so plain, boring even but there she stood in high strappy heels and a pink sequin dress. She looked like the pop princess she was about to be and the teenage boys dropped their jaws when they looked at her. The other girls pretended not to notice how much attention she got and that made Aurora believe she had just imagined things. Roxy looked at her friend and felt a bit stupid in her black short dress. She looked not at all as hot as Aurora but tried to tell herself Aurora was more “girl pretty”, guys wouldn't see her as that hot.
“There’s so many people here,” said Aurora with a giggle. Roxy nodded a little and looked at three guys looking towards them, she stretched her back and pouted with her lips but when they walked closer it was obvious all three of them looked at Aurora. Aurora seemed oblivious to what was happening. This was her first real party and both she and Roxy had probably never believed she would be the girl everyone talked about. Two of the guys suddenly took Aurora's hands and pulled her close to them. 
“Where have you been all my life?” Said one of the guys and looked her up and down. 
“That dress is amazing,” said another. Aurora giggled uncomfortably and looked down at her dress. 
“What's your name?”
“Aurora Lou,” she said embarrassed. 
“Aurora Lou!” Exclaimed the boys in choir. 
Roxy and two of her friends looked at them unamused. She probably needed to get used to this now. Aurora wasn't plain anymore, she was the most beautiful girl there and the next Friday her song with a famous DJ would be released. She had the boys and the world in her hands. 
Roxy continued to watch Aurora mingle around. The big eyed boys, the jealous girls but also the ones that just wanted to be close to her light. She didn't feel that jealous until midnight when she saw Aurora get her first kiss from Chase McCarthy. He had graduated last year and was the hottest guy in Roxy's school then. He was the guy every girl wanted. He made out with Aurora Lou, the girl who sang in the corridors and had a folder where she planned her first tour. He probably didn't know that Aurora hadn't been that hot a year ago, and that she didn't have Los Angeles' cutest nose then. When he a month later became Aurora's boyfriend she got used to the thought but wondered if he knew Aurora's nose was fake.
There is a point where all teenage girls learn there is a girl everything seems easier for, a girl who has looks, money and the best sort of life. Roxy learned to accept that Aurora was that girl and also saw that it was probably always the plan. It was easy making fun of a girl like Aurora in their teens, who prepared for her career down to the smallest details and laid all her waking time to just get better at her craft but it was also the kind of person that would succeed. Aurora had already decided she would succeed. 
Roxy learned to stand behind her both figuratively and literally as her background dancer. If she was honest she knew she would never have the energy to do all the hard work Aurora did and that she probably wouldn't have worked as a dancer if it wasn't for Aurora but she was a bit too proud to confess that. 
Roxy put all the time Aurora put on her career to party and find the perfect guy, or so she thought he was. She met him when she was 18 and he was 23. He was tall and handsome and studying to become a surgeon. He was her Dr. Dreamy and only hers. He wasn't interested in Aurora at all and often called her a diva even if she wasn't. He had never wanted to be around her so he didn't know Aurora was the kind of girl who gave up her seat to a stranger just to suddenly be without a seat herself. Roxy loved Aurora and saw her goodness but was glad her boyfriend didn't. 
While her own relationship with her boyfriend evolved smoothly to a grown up relationship she saw her friend struggle. Aurora got together with another young artist, Timmy Laurent and nothing went the way she wanted with him. Roxy hated to see her struggle like that and wished that she would meet a good guy soon but when she finally did… Roxy didn't react as she had thought…
“He's much older than you!” She said, shaking her head. Aurora, her and three other friends sat around a table in an Italian night club. Aurora had walked by some guy in the line she recognized and now wanted to talk to. An older guy she admired and also thought was sexy, he wasn't at all so stereotypical pretty as Timmy. 
“Who cares about that! He just has experience!” said their friend Erica with a pointed look towards Aurora. Aurora smiled with a blush. Roxy could be a bit annoyed at Erica, it was Aurora's friend from the start and she thought she could be too loud and vulgar. Roxy believed Aurora hadn't dared to tell Erica about her story with guys, how they all had broken her heart and left her in crumbles. It started with Chase thinking she was a workaholic and left her for a girl at his gym. Then it was Timmy who was a serial cheater and when they had a break she was with Philip that abused her mentally, so much her father had forbidden him to contact her anymore. 
Roxy believed Aurora wouldn't talk with anyone else than her about it and was irritated that Erica made everything sound so easy. Aurora's lovelife wasn't easy. 
Roxy really believed Aurora would listen to her and let the guy be but when she had walked off from the dance floor she saw Aurora sit on a low couch together with a tall guy dressed in black. He had his hand on her thigh and Aurora looked at him with big eyes, an attribute she and the guy shared. While Aurora had big chestnut eyes framed by long lashes, he had big green eyes that instead were framed by shadows from his prominent eyebrow bone. They had a similar expression on their faces; big curious eyes and a small almost blushing smile. Roxy looked at him intensely. He wasn't her type but she could see he had something and he was probably as tall as her ex, the surgeon, who she had left when she realized he had failed his studies and moved home to his parents. 
“I think they look cute together and I get a good feeling looking at him. His jeans actually fit, his smile is kind and he has good arms…” said Erica with a smirk. She suddenly stood next to Roxy and sipped on a gin & tonic. Roxy looked at her a bit annoyed. 
“Aurora is fragile… She should keep away from men for a while…”
Erica made an amused exhalation.
“She has never even been with a man! Come on, this is good for her!” 
Roxy didn't say anything, just moved to the bar to order something. She looked at Aurora when she left the guy and felt pleased seeing her leave him behind but she got a bad feeling when he stood up and also walked out from the same door. He was taller than her ex and had a swagger in his steps. The people who knew the guy would have understood it was something temporary from a confidence boost by getting attention from Aurora but she saw his confident, laid back steps as a sign on how bad news he was.
Roxy sat in the limo home with the other girls, all of them except Aurora. She had texted Erica and told them she had already gone home with “company”. Roxy felt negative emotions in her chest while looking out from the window of the limo. She couldn't put a finger on if she was just worried for her or if it was something else. It felt weird Aurora had texted Erica instead of her but also that Aurora hadn't taken her advice to let the guy be. Now he was at their (Aurora's) house and she had no idea what they were doing. Aurora wasn't the girl to sleep with a guy the first time she met him and she wondered if he would take a no graciously. She had seen how guys looked at Aurora since they were sixteen and knew it wouldn't be a good idea for her to take a guy home that she didn't know. 
In the house the girls could see some signs of a man being in there but it was quiet and dark so they guessed he was behind Aurora's closed bedroom door. Roxy looked at the whiskey on the coffee table and shook her head. It was typical Aurora to get a bit too comfortable with a guy fast, she was naive and had high thoughts about people. She stopped outside of Aurora's bedroom and listened if she could hear something but it was completely silent. 
“What are you doing?” Whispered one of the other girls that was on her way to her bedroom. Roxy licked her lips and shook her head. 
“I'm just worried…” 
The girl nodded. They knew that Roxy was Aurora's oldest friend and most often seemed to know better than Aurora about what she needed. The girl let Roxy listen outside of Aurora's door but as soon as Roxy was alone her curiosity took over and carefully she pushed down the door handle. 
The scene behind the door was sweet, even if she didn't really want to see it that way. The man laid on his back on the right side of the bed, facing the door. Half way on top of him laid Aurora under the silky cover, her cheek pressed against his chest while both of his big hands laid on her bum over the cover. It looked like they were used to sleeping together. Roxy looked at Aurora's face. She slept relaxed and heavy, even snoring lightly. Roxy then looked at the man. He had several attributes that were similar to Aurora, even if they weren't anything alike. His nose was upturned and his lips full. He had model high cheekbones that the little light in the room reflected on. He was beautiful. Roxy had always liked classic handsome men and this guy was that in some ways but had also attributes that she otherwise would see as unattractive; the deep set eyes, the high forehead, but it just made this man interesting to look at. She looked at him a few seconds too long and maybe he felt it because he moved suddenly, scratching his cheek but then laid his hand on Aurora's bum again. Aurora followed in his motions, like she already knew his moving pattern and rubbed her nose against his chest and smiled a bit in her sleep. 
Roxy closed the door with a beating heart. She stood a moment outside of the door, processing what she had seen. They looked like a couple in love but they had just met that night. Roxy felt the bad feeling in her stomach and interpreted it as a sign that this guy was bad, this guy was nothing for Aurora. 
Bill. Bill Skarsgård. Bill Istvan Günther Skarsgård. 
Roxy knew his whole name now. It wasn't hard to find out. As soon as she found out he was an actor named Bill his name and biography was just a google search away. Aurora had told them he was 40, separated and a father to three girls, she found the same thing online. There wasn't anything of importance answering why he had separated with his kids’ mother, the only thing she could find was that she was a few years older than him and the break up didn't seem to surprise his fans. 
She looked at him while he laid on a sun bed by the pool with them. They were still in Italy together and he had been over almost every day since two weeks back. Aurora had invited him in and changed the dynamic in the group. She was always close to him and acted in ways Roxy hadn't seen before. She had always seemed unsure and eager to please with other guys but with him she dared to be herself with a constant smile on her lips. She laid more or less on top of him in the sun bed while he was reading out of a thick book. It looked like Aurora slept with her nose pressed against the side of his neck but he just continued to read, like it was a small kitten lying on him instead of a woman. 
Roxy stood up and walked towards him. Just like all of them she wore swimwear. Bill looked up at her and smiled a little questioning, he didn't give her that from head to toe look Aurora's exes seemed to give every girl they met. 
“Is she awake?” Roxy asked and pointed to Aurora. Bill laid his book on the ground and looked down at Aurora. 
“I think the light is off completely,” he said with a smirk then looked up at Roxy. Roxy looked at his face for a few seconds but looked away. She wanted to ask him what he wanted with Aurora, if she could trust him but while she stood there it felt silly and if she had understood him correctly he wouldn't want to talk with her about Aurora when Aurora wasn't present in the conversation. Roxy wondered if he was just smarter and better at manipulation than Aurora's exes or if he was a good guy. While looking at him she became more and more sure it was the first option, he made her feel strange. 
“Roxy? Was it something?” He asked kindly while carefully moving Aurora's leg from his hip. Roxy looked at him again. He gave her a friendly smile but not at all as big as the one he always gave Aurora. 
“Ehm… I just wondered if Aurora is okay…” she said and he nodded a little. “Yeah, I will wake her soon. I just want to finish this chapter,” said he with a smirk, like she was his baby. Roxy smiled unsure. For the people around she looked like a worried friend but she had also another worry in her body she pushed away. 
A few minutes later Bill woke Aurora up and she straddled his hips. They didn't notice that Roxy watched them. His big hands dragged down Aurora's back, down to her hips. Aurora teasingly moved her hips and you could instantly see its effect by Bill's expression. He laughed and bit his lip. His face was so different when he looked at Aurora compared to when he looked at her. His eyes were hooded and almost sleepy and when Aurora moved her hips again he looked at her body greedily. His eyes were dark and his expression sexy. For a few seconds Roxy's mind got as dark as Bill's gaze. Perfect Aurora had of course found the perfect guy now… 
Roxy laid wall to wall with Aurora's bedroom in the house's second floor. She and the other girls had been out dancing while Aurora got the house alone for dinner with Bill. It was obvious what Aurora's idea with the night was but Roxy had also overheard her speak with Erica and how a bottle of lube had shifted hands. 
It had been quiet when they came home but after just an hour of sleep a sound woke Roxy up. First she thought it was a cat crying after attention but the cat started to sound more and more like Aurora. It sounded a bit pained but then she giggled and a man chuckled almost mockingly. In the same beat as Aurora's moaning Roxy heard the sound of skin slapping against skin. It sounded gross but Aurora's moaning was also alarming. She had heard her before, with Timmy and it didn't sound anything like this, this was much higher in pitch and some times it was dragged out like she had stepped on a piece of lego while trying to stop herself from cursing. 
Roxy laid her pillow over her head to try to shut the sounds out but then another sound increased. Bill's sounds. First his moans sounded just like a rumble through the wall, so deep it mostly just felt like a vibration but as it got louder, it also became higher in pitch. It sounded sensual and soft, like an ocean breeze. Roxy wanted to pretend as if she didn't want to hear but she really just wanted to listen to those soft moans and his low chuckle. When Aurora's sounds got higher again, together with the hammering from the headboard against the wall Roxy swallowed dryly. She had a pain in her chest that got worse from the beat from the headboard against the wall. She needed to speak with Aurora tomorrow. This was so unlike her, this wasn't the Aurora she knew. 
Kisses and hugs. Sweet smiles and laughter. Him explaining politics and philosophy for her. She was trying to teach him how to play the piano. Everything was so sugar sweet but then it was also the sexual tension, the sneaky hands and the loud moaning. It was just too much. 
Roxy didn't really know why she continued to be close to them. It was painful, especially when she wanted to be close to her best friend's boyfriend while his behavior towards her grew colder every time they met. He was an actor but he was bad at concealing his irritation with her, or he didn't care to hide it anymore. 
He was 40, had three childrens and sometimes was on the line to being rude to her. It wasn't a guy she would fall for in normal cases and not a guy she would think her best friend to be around. She was just worried for her friend, that was what it all was about. Nothing else. 
“No, I think he's weird. And the whole situation… I mean she has been with two rappers and now she's with him. Sure, he's handsome and all that but it will never work. She will get bored of him and then he probably will show his true colors,” said Roxy with a shrug. She had left Aurora's house at the same time as Michelle, Aurora's assistant and they walked to the neighborhood’s gate together. They had talked openly with each other many times, most often about Aurora, that they could be quite annoyed with. 
“Weird?” Asked Michelle carefully and looked down at the ground. 
“You know, one moment he is so silent, the next he's so loud. It's totally psychopath behavior.” 
Michelle laughed a little and looked up at the younger woman. 
“Bill is far from a psychopath, he might play it well but he is really grounded.” 
Roxy furrowed her brows and gave Michelle an examining look.
“How do you know?” 
Michelle smirked and shook her head to herself. 
“We dated for a while. I actually thought it would become something serious but then he met Aurora… But he hasn't told her. He isn't a psychopath but obviously an asshole.” 
Roxy looked at her with big eyes. She couldn't believe it, that the world could be that small. 
“I have photos,” Michelle stressed, she could see Roxy didn't believe her. 
“Let me see.” 
“I don't have them on this phone…” 
Roxy gave her a look, showing clearly she didn't believe her. 
“I do have them! I can send you them!” 
When Roxy was home in her own home she got a message from Michelle. She hadn't lied because there the picture was, the picture of her and Bill in an intimate kiss. She sat down on the couch in shock. He really was an asshole. Aurora must have the worst luck to find the worst guys. Cheater, abusers and liars. This was also the thing that could break Aurora free from the guy, if it was used the right way. If Roxy just showed it to her she knew she must explain how she had gotten the picture and then Aurora would find out Bill just had lied, not been cheating. She needed to use it so it seemed like he was also a cheater, that would make Aurora break up with him, nothing else would, Aurora was too forgiving. She looked at the picture and tried to come up with a plan and at the same time justify what she would do. She just wanted the best for her best friend. Bill wasn't the guy for her. 
Andrew sat with a hand over his mouth with the picture of Bill and Michelle in front of him. He was in his office with Roxy, Aurora's best friend, in front of him. 
“I don't know what to do… He's clearly a cheater but Aurora will never do anything about it…” said Roxy. Andrew stretched in his chair and made a doubtful face. 
“I felt he was bad news as soon as I met him. He is the sort of guy that could just wife her up and then it's over for her.” He was silent a while before adding: “and she doesn't want that.” 
Roxy nodded and waited for him to say something more. 
“There are already rumors about her being pregnant… I can use this too… If she doesn't listen. It feels a bit mean but what should we do? Clearly she doesn't know what’s for her own good. I miss her time with Timmy, he really made her a better artist.” 
Roxy swallowed hard because she didn't think that all. Maybe this was on the line of being a great friend and a bad friend but she wanted her to be happy and she wasn't happy with Timmy, far from it. Roxy just wanted her to be with someone else. Not Bill. He could go back to Sweden and become forgotten, both by Aurora and herself. 
“I’ll fix this Roxy, otherwise we will come up with something else to get that guy out. She doesn't listen anymore. She seems to believe she knows best now. I don't know what she believes, she's still 24 even if her boyfriend is a man.” 
Roxy nodded a little, even if she also was 24. She just agreed so he would do the work and make Bill disappear and make her and Aurora's friendship easy again. 
Andrew used the rumors about pregnancy and cheating as a fuel to make Aurora leave Bill but he didn't even hear that made any difference. Instead she pushed him even further away and it started to feel like she would fire him soon. He really needed to do something. 
Roxy heard from Aurora about the picture and how Aurora spoke like she never believed Bill would cheat. They were too in love. She started to feel powerless and at the same time it got harder and harder to even see Bill, but at the same time she didn't want anything else. Seeing him was the only thing that felt like it mattered. 
One July day she visited Aurora with the excuse she needed help with a guy she was seeing, even if in reality she wasn't dating. She knew it was Bill's birthday in just a bit more than a week and the couple would go to Italy in just a few days. She had the thought of giving him something, something small and thoughtful to make him understand she cared but couldn't come up with anything. She realized she didn't even know what he liked and felt awfully stupid. 
Aurora had no idea she would come, especially because they hadn't had as much contact for a time. As Aurora's best friend she had gained the trust to go into her house with her fingerprint and used that trust that day to let herself in. It was empty in the house and she looked around the big house but didn't meet anyone other than Aurora's dogs, until she looked out towards the pool. Bill laid alone on a sun bed with closed eyes. He had just bathing shorts on, a pair much shorter and tighter she had seen him in before. He was still wet after a swim and his hair was pushed back. He was probably unaware someone else was in the house because he stuffed a hand down the shorts to correct his member. Roxy didn't know what to do or look. She stood there and just stared at him even if all alarms rang in her head. It wasn't okay at all. Suddenly his phone rang on the table next to him and he answered with a bright smile. It was obvious with that smile who was calling. Roxy hid behind a counter so Bill wouldn't accidentally see her. 
“Babe, babe.” He laughed and hummed. “You know that's just bullshit. You're really clever even if you don't have high school grades… No, not as smart as me but that doesn't prove anything.” He laughed and then made a low chuckle, an in love chuckle. “Hit him then. It's okay for me. You know how to do it… And you're really sexy when you fight.” 
Roxy closed off. The conversation was intimate, nothing she should hear. It was proof they were just as in love when they believed no one saw or heard them. 
She snuck out of the house. She should just let them be but instead she fantasized about him talking that sweetly to her. No more weird side eyes and irritated sighs, he should just give her all that love. 
The lie had been the worst thing she had done her whole life. Aurora had been her friend for almost ten years and she had done everything in her power to steal her boyfriend. A boyfriend that had never even liked her and was crazy in love with her friend. It was idiotic, evil and desperate. 
Roxy talked to the press and told a gossip journalist she was sleeping with Bill Skarsgård, Aurora Lou's boyfriend and after that she had tried to kiss him. She was a desperate mess who lost her job, her best friend and many other friends at the same time. 
She retracted the confession and it never became an article but she didn't succeed in saving herself from the fall. After Aurora's new manager had fired her she became an aerobic instructor and lost all the luxury that being a friend to Aurora, had come with. 
She would always regret the things she did but it wasn't Aurora she thought about the most. It was Bill. The day she found out they had gotten married was a day of sorrow.
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tabletochka500 · 16 days
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Josie Agapova (Biography)
A young girl Josie Agapova was born in Russia in 2000. She had a strange appearance, so she is almost not friends with anyone and she has no friends. Many people stayed away from Josie pretending not to see her, while others ran away in panic or fainted. No one knew if Josie was dangerous or ready to attack, in fact, this girl is calm and always has the same expression on her face.
When Josie Agapova turned 7, her parents took her to school as an ordinary child. This is where it all started, the whole story is based on observation, schoolchildren could easily describe their peer, because she attracts attention very much. Josie has loose long blonde hair, almost yellow, very pale skin like a sheet of paper, completely black eyes, long eyelashes as if glued, red lips as if in lipstick. She's like a living porcelain doll, only this is how Josie was different from other people, no, it wasn't the surgeon who worked on her, in fact, the girl was born like that.
Josie spent most of her time outdoors in the park, in the woods, in the field.
At the age of 12, the girl began to move her arms, legs and head unnaturally, Josie did not notice this, as if this was a special case. Her parents often stopped staying at home and locked her indoors, justifying that it was necessary. Josie had nothing to do in the room except watch TV, eat all sorts of goodies, try to make up with her mom's makeup, or just sleep.
At the age of 16, she began to bleed for no reason from her eyes, ears, nose, mouth and in various crevices from where possible. Josie thought she was sick, she needed to see a doctor urgently, but the big problem was the parents, who behaved as if they knew something, but did not tell. They said it wasn't fatal or contagious. Now Josie is homeschooled, this is necessary so that outsiders do not see all the horror that is happening to Josie. Now mom and dad are not only not at home, their phone is even turned off, it feels like they have a professional escape plan or they have serious business.
At the age of 18, Josie went missing, no one knows what this is related to, the police were called after the CCTV camera recorded something unexplained. The camera showed a young girl with long blonde hair wearing a short dark blue dress with straps. It would be all right, it was like a 5-minute walk, but in the end the girl's body began to squirm in an incomprehensible way, as if that girl was not a person. In the night atmosphere, it looked like in horror movies, but much scarier because the event was actually happening.
It seems that the girl noticed the camera and came closer to it, probably to see it, or something else. Here the police saw her face surprised, eyebrows raised, big black eyes on a perfect white face and a slight little smile. Familiar people of this girl confirmed that this was the same strange Josie, little was known about her. People wanted to forget about her like a dream, even though she disappeared, but still no one wants to run into this girl.
- Josie is the only child in a family in which no one paid attention
- Josie's favorite movies are horror
- She's NOT a lesbian, Josie doesn't drown for LGBT, she doesn't have a boyfriend and a girlfriend!
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callsigndragon · 2 years
In the Keeper/Wifeman/Mama Hen universe but not Thoughts on married Dagger Squad because Fanboy doesn't have a wife yet.
And that is because he is not sure what he wants...
Until he meets this very charming boy on base. Fanboy is just trying to figure out for a while who he is attracted to in general until he just gives up when that Charmer (Prince Charming?) asks him on a date...
They keep seeing each other in private, only Jake knows because he walked in on them kissing in the hangar after a rough training day. They are like deers in the headlight until Jake smiles, nods, maybe even winks and then leaves them to give them some privacy
The next day when Hangman can tell that Fanboy feels awkward he has a talk with him, asking if it's serious and if Fanboy knows that whoever he loves is welcome to their squad get togethers?
I'm gonna marry your brain, i swear.
FANBOY AND CHARMER?? OMG SO CUTE. I can totally see Fanboy just waiting for someone, it doesn't matter who, to make his heart flutter. And it has to be a fucking prince charming (I imagine that he's British at this point, not gonna lie). And we know Fanboy falls fast and hard.
After they get together, and he introduces his bf to the squad, Fanboy's call sign has a new meaning. He's ALWAYS talking about Charmer. He's his biggest Fanboy. He brings him at every Squad dinner/bbq... and board game night. And they would totally beat the ass of everyone in Monopoly bc:
Keeper and Mama Hen are to busy trying to be better than the other.
Jake and Bradley are just there, looking at their wives being pure chaos.
Wifeman is just there bc they let him bring cookies and he loves making cookies. And Phoenix it's just there bc she is eating all the cookies. (Please, don't ever take the cookies away from Nat, you'll kill her)
Bob is just trying to understand what the heck is happening.
And Charmer seems like a chill dude but when it comes down to Monopoly, he's just merciless.
So, yeah. Power couple. Don't mess with Fanboy, Charmer will make you pay for it.
Also Bob's future wife is a doctor/surgeon/nurse bc I fucking live for it. She's very shy and my best man Bob it's always flirting with her, testing her, using pick up lines on her just to see her blush. (I have one piece wrote about Angel, the base doctor, and I think it's perfect for this) so, Angel is like:
"Bob, we're dating already"
"You don't need to flirt with me anymore?"
"But i love to see you all shy. Hey honey, your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine"
Honestly Angel doesn't know if she likes those lines or if she likes that the says them to her. But she will always blush and Bob fist bumps bc look at that. That's his girl.
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aeipathys · 1 year
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NOW LOADING ...       
i : the lovers' mask
a tale called the moon's anguish that has circulated anchorage for the past several decades has prompted some young lovers to exchange masks as a promise of devotion. what design would muse theoretically think fits them?
a lace mask with mini orchards sewn into the design. the lace is pitch black and does not reflect even the brightest light, seemingly only growing more richly dark as it is illuminated, as if consuming the energy of the sun; an endless black hole where nothing can escape its orbit.
some might consider them leading a double life if they knew about ... 
honestly, nothing. her identity as a clone fits perfectly into kwon ara’s life, simply due to the nature of the kwon family’s underground business. the original ara learned about weaponry and was taught martial arts at a young age, so it would make sense that she now is able to defend herself and hold her own when it comes to physical fights in the present time. 
what would be their own deal breaker in a relationship? would they die for love or kill for money?
... possibly wanting a relationship, in the first place. she’s only been in one serious relationship her entire life, and that ended in flames, so she’s not exactly looking for a repeat. if you do manage to convince her to commit, a deal breaker would be if her presence causes the other person harm. 
she would die for love and kill fo’ free :)
they only have enough change for one call at the phonebooth, & someone with glaring red eyes & a spatula is standing across the street. who will they call?
no one. she would probably try to fight it, herself. 
ii : the zeigeist of the '90s
in their free time, they enjoy going out and ... 
drinking. she works long shifts and doesn’t have much of a social life, so you can probably find her at the local bar being a menace to society on her time off. whenever she has extended free time, she enjoys rock climbing, though only on actual mountains and not at the gym. if she is stressed, she frequents the boxing gym. so in short, more active hobbies!
a fashion fad of the times they adore that their friends would despise is ...
crop tops, platforms (because she’s short), and chokers.
how often do they order delivery from peppy's pizzeria? have they ever seen the walls ooze green slime in the pizzeria or the animatronics move on their own during their time in anchorage?
she doesn’t eat cheese, so has never visited the pizzeria. 
iii : the curse of the spider
are there family secrets or so-called curses that haunt them? ones that are known publicly or follow them figuratively?
her family is a black market distributor of weaponry throughout the united states, though it doesn’t particularly haunt her as much as desensitizes her to violence and crime. 
which of the seven sins would corrupt their morals?
pride. surgeon’s god complex, anyone? she’s very much used to being the best at everything she attempts, and if she fails on the first try, she’s prone to giving up instead of putting in more effort. 
the world remains the same for decades now. is ignorance bliss? or is there the shaky sense something is amiss that can't be ignored? 
ara rarely uses technology, save for the medical technology at work. she doesn’t have social media and checks her phone less often than others, so while she has noticed that anchorage is different from the other places she’s lived, she simply thinks it’s what people call a ‘small town charm.’
dreams are often influenced by the subconscious & sometimes distorted. in their deepest, darkest nightmares, how do they view themselves?
it’s not so much how she views herself, but how the ones she cares about view her. refer to this reply.
iv : the crooked frame
what is their death wish? miroirs only: the perfect crime was constructed & someone else took their place. how did they originally die?
to have something/someone to die for. despite being successful on paper, there’s an emptiness that lives within her chest — a gaping black hole where she knows her heart should reside. i think, if she finds purpose within her life, she would be content to die. 
i imagine her death would be violent and bloody. to add angst to her death wish, it would be a purposeless death that doesn’t affect anyone — no funeral, no mourners. 
muse couldn't be the one behind the tunnel of love outage because when the power went out, they were... 
not in anchorage.
what would they consider their calling card (i.e. what symbols, personal mementos, etc. do they perceive as representative of themselves)? 
black orchids, distressed leather, surgical gloves. 
those with intermediate technical skills have used cracks & vpns to improve the internet connection, but anything post-dating the 1990s is only accessible through the dark web. has muse ever accessed the dark web? have they used it for any nefarious means or to purchase services?
girl doesn’t even know how to use emojis. 
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writer86 · 3 months
The next morning, Selene and Shadowheart pack their camp without a word and move on. The ruin blocks their path further along the coast, so now they turn back the direction they'd come from. Just when it seems inevitable their path will cross back through the wreckage of the Nautloid, the rock face to their right flares with vibrant purple energy.
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*You approach the sigil on the stone. Magic glitters and swirls from it erratically, as if malfunctioning. It looks slightly dangerous.*
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Selene regards the sigil curiously, then glances back to Shadowheart. "What do you think?"
"It looks like a teleportation sigil gone wrong," Shadowheart answers. "In that state, no telling where it might take us."
"No telling what it might do if left alone in this state either," Selene points out.
"You want to touch it, don't you?" Shadowheart sighs.
There's a trace of a grin on Selene's face as she answers, "Engage with a possible threat without my ally's agreement? Wouldn't dream of it."
Shadowheart just scowls. A moment passes, then she sighs. "Get on with it, then."
"As you wish," Selene answers. She reaches out...
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... and recoils as if stung. The next moment, an arm is abruptly thrust outward from the dark center, and a voice cries out, "A hand? Anyone?"
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Somewhat taken aback, Selene exchanges a look with Shadowheart, who returns a similar expression. Feeling as though their time is short, Selene steps forward:
Let flow some words of prayer to soothe the sigil's magic. [Wisdom] Success.
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The voice from within shouts, "Whatever you're doing, it's working wonders! Now a quick little pull should do the trick."
And sure enough:
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"Oooft, hello!" the man says with a bright smile once he's free and upright. "I'm Gale of Waterdeep." Abruptly, he surges forward, seizes Selene's hand and gives it a quick shake. "Apologies, I'm usually better at this."
Already, this interaction is a significant improvement over the rest of their time in this region. A request for help, an introduction, a handshake, and an apology. Selene looks him over for signs of obvious injury and finds none... but that doesn't mean he's uninjured.
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"No need to apologise," she says quickly. "Are you all right?"
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"A bit shocked, but friend, it is a relief and a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Say, but I know you, don't I? In a manner of speaking. You were on the Nautloid as well."
He's certainly not lacking for things to say, Selene notes with an amused glance to Shadowheart beside her. Already, the other cleric's arms are crossed, as though she's trying to defend herself against the onslaught of Gale's verbose manner.
"I was, yes," Selene agrees.
"Then I can only assume you too were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome insertion in the ocular region."
When next Selene glances to Shadowheart, her fellow cleric's distrust has shifted into incredulity. Selene can almost hear her thinking who talks like that?
The answer, as Selene well knows: Wizards. She stifles a smile and says, "Go on."
And Gale is all too happy to do so...
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... though his enthusiasm does shift into a bit more serious a tone to match the subject of his monologue:
"The insertee we speak of, this parasite - are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation, it will turn us into mind flayers? It's a process known as ceremorphosis, and let me assure you: it is to be avoided. You don't happen to be a cleric, by any chance, do you? A doctor? Surgeon?" Here, the grin reappears. "Uncannily adroit with a knitting needle?"
Shadowheart has had enough:
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"You seem to know enough about our condition to realize it is beyond most clerics' skills," she snaps irritably.
"Most, no doubt," Gale agrees. "But I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few. You don't happen to be one of them?"
Selene's immediate thought is to respond, Yes, of course, but the moment the thought occurs to her, she pulls up short.
(A/N: Yes I'm reusing a screenshot, because the expression on Selene's face is perfect for how she's feeling now as well.)
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A few days ago, that would have been her answer. But the level of power she's used to throwing around is lost to her now, never clearer than when she fell from the Nautloid and had no wings upon which to catch herself. She and Shadowheart have stated their necessity for a healer on more than one occasion, but only now has it finally sunk in for Selene: that isn't her.
She hesitates a moment longer before saying, "... I was going to ask you the same question."
She was not, but Gale doesn't seem to realize.
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"Then it seems we're both starved for answers," he says mildly. "We're most certainly going to need a healer, and soon too. How about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a healer together?"
Selene again glances to Shadowheart, who looks thoroughly less than impressed. But Selene just murmurs under her breath, "Ally..." and Shadowheart sighs.
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Putting on her sweetest smile, Selene says, "Sounds like a plan. You're welcome to join us."
Gale returns her smile with a grin of his own and says exuberantly, "Most excellent! A parasite shared is a parasite... halved. Or something to that effect."
Behind Selene, Shadowheart coughs to cover a groan.
"Oh! But before you think you're about to embark on a journey with a most ill-mannered a man: thank you for pulling me out of that stone. It was an act of foresighted kindness I assure you, for I have the feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor."
And this time, Shadowheart does laugh aloud. "No doubt," she agrees.
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foreverxapp · 3 months
Smart Ways to Make the 'About Me' Section on Physician Dating Sites Interesting
It's important to have a unique "about me" section on dating sites, especially for medical professionals. This section of your profile provides information about your values, interests, and identity to possible matches. The days of relying just on a profile image are long gone; authenticity is now essential. A well-written bio on a physician dating site can draw readers who are really interested in learning more about you. Your chances of meeting the one who is a perfect fit and values both your career and personality might be raised by concentrating on authentic and imaginative descriptions.
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Creating a single physicians dating profile
It might be less intimidating to write your single physicians dating profileoffline, particularly if you're thinking of a doctor's dating site. It enables you to meticulously edit and modify your profile so that it appropriately conveys your character and obligations in the workplace. You can monitor character limits, tailor your bio to highlight your unique qualities as a physician and save it for use across different dating platforms. This approach enables you to present yourself authentically and attract potential matches who appreciate your dedication to medicine and personal interests.
Define Your Ideal Partner
For genuine relationships to flourish and embarrassing first dates to be avoided, it's important to know what kind of partner you desire. Think about your preferences for a casual or committed relationship, as well as their hobbies and how you would spend time together. These observations help you not only focus your search but also craft a dating profile that appeals to potential partners. Knowing your interests can help you customize your profile so that it appeals to others who share your vision and increases the likelihood that you will make a meaningful connection on a surgeon dating app.
Highlight your best qualities
 Emphasize your strengths without overwhelming potential matches with excessive details. Use a friendly and inviting tone that aligns with the relationship dynamics you desire. Whether you're aiming for casual connections or a serious commitment, tailoring your profile to reflect your personality and relationship goals increases your chances of attracting compatible matches on physician dating platforms.
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Reflecting on Relationship Dynamics
Reflect on past relationships to identify traits others found appealing. Finding your relationship strengths or shared interests requires self-awareness. You may honestly communicate who you are and the kinds of connections you're seeking for by listing these attributes in your dating profile. By being genuine, you draw similar people to you on medical dating sites that value and connect with what you have to give.
Choose words Wisely
It's critical to stay away from certain terms and phrases in your dating profile that might take away from your message or lead to misconceptions. Refrain words like 'Don't' from listing dislikes or negative preferences. Focus instead on what you are looking for positively to attract compatible matches. Even while it might be funny, sarcasm might not work well in a dating profile. Don't suggest that you like sarcasm until you've built a connection with someone.
Take your time creating a succinct yet engaging "about me" section for a medical dating service. Because long profiles might not be seen by potential partners, concentrate on emphasizing your best qualities right away. Be sincere and allow your own self to come through. Steer clear of overanalyzing and try to project a real personality that briefly highlights your passion for both your personal and professional pursuits. By keeping it straightforward and engaging on doctors' dating apps, you can attract like-minded individuals who appreciate your unique qualities as a physician.
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azbreasts-blog · 10 months
Realistic Expectations for Plastic Surgery ╴Yes, It Matters
Going under the knife is a serious decision. Having unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment or the desire for costly revision surgeries.
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Whether you want to go up a cup size, achieve a slimmer waistline, or reduce the signs of aging on your face – you need to have realistic expectations about your procedure and results. Plastic surgery can be life-changing, but there are limitations based on your unique anatomy and physiology. The goal should be to enhance your natural appearance, not meet an unrealistic standard of perfection.
An informed patient will be the most content patient. Here, we discuss the importance of having realistic goals.
Cosmetic Procedures and Areas for Realistic Consideration
We encourage you to maintain realistic expectations about the following:
1. Recovery Time
Most plastic surgery procedures require downtime. For breast augmentation, breast lifts, tummy tucks, rhinoplasty, and facelifts, you need to take a week or two off work. Complete recovery can take several months as incisions heal, swelling goes down, scars fade, and your results become more apparent. It's crucial to limit strenuous activity during this period.
Further reading:
7 Ways to Optimize Your Plastic Surgery Recovery
Exercise After Breast Augmentation: Guide to 1-12 Weeks Post-Op
2. Limitations
Understand the limits of your desired procedure. The human body can only be altered so much before results appear unnatural. For example, too big or oversized implants on a small physique can look disproportionate and unnatural, compromising aesthetic harmony. It's important to consider body proportions for a more balanced and natural-looking outcome.
During your initial consultation, discuss what's realistic based on your anatomy and health. Try to focus on meaningful enhancements rather than unrealistic ideals.
Further reading:
Breast Implants 101: How Big Can You Go?
Keeping Up With the "Natural" Plastic Surgery Trend
3. Risks and Complications
No surgery is without risks. For example, although breast augmentation is safer than ever and techniques have advanced significantly through the years, complications like implant rupturing or capsular contracture remain a possibility.
Choosing a specialist surgeon over a generalist can reduce risks and complications. Specialized surgeons possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in their field, ensuring a more focused and precise approach.
Further reading:
Generalist vs. Specialist in Plastic Surgery
Best Practices for Capsular Contracture Prevention
4. Final Results
Do not expect to see the final results immediately. It can take three months or longer for the full effects of procedures like breast augmentation to become visible. Your body needs time to heal and adjust to the changes. Be patient through the process.
5. Psychological Impact
Plastic surgery cannot solve mental health problems, although it may help improve self-esteem in others. In many cases, patients who undergo surgery to please a romantic partner or appease a psychologically-entwined body image issue end up facing immense regret and disappointment.
Have plastic surgery for yourself, not to meet someone else's expectations. Moreover, address any underlying psychological motivations beforehand for regret-proof satisfaction.
6. Side Effects
Having realistic expectations about side effects like swelling, bruising, and temporary changes in sensation or function will help avoid feelings of regret or disappointment. Discuss postoperative pain management, downtime from work and physical activities, and recovery stages in detail with your surgeon.
7. Possible Revisions
Secondary procedures may sometimes be necessary to achieve the best results or make minor adjustments. Talk about the possibility of revisions with your surgeon ahead of time and plan for additional expenses. Revisions are often done within months after the initial procedure.
How to Set and Meet Plastic Surgery Expectations
When considering plastic surgery, you must establish realistic expectations about all of the above. Here's how:
1. Do Your Research
Carefully researching the procedure, recovery, risks, and limitations will help you set appropriate expectations. Understand that plastic surgery cannot produce a perfect or ideal outcome, only an improved appearance based on your unique body. Outcomes also depend on factors like your skin elasticity, bone structure, overall health, lifestyle, and ability to follow postoperative instructions. 
2. Seek Gradual Enhancements
Focus on specific concerns and set incremental improvement goals rather than aiming for an unrealistic ideal. For example, if you are concerned about lines around your eyes or mouth, set a goal to soften crow's feet or nasolabial folds by a certain percentage. Consider options for a conservative approach with gradual improvements over multiple procedures at once, especially if you are a first-time patient. Your surgeon can show you before and after photos of their actual patients to help determine realistic outcomes.
3. Stay Healthy
Maintain a healthy lifestyle and stable weight before and after a body contouring procedure. Significant weight changes can alter your appearance and diminish the benefits of a tummy tuck or liposuction. Staying fit and avoiding unhealthy habits, like smoking and excessive tanning, will promote healing and longevity of outcomes.
4. Be Specific About Your Motivations
Know your motivations for pursuing plastic surgery. In particular, discuss any body image issues you have, areas you wish to enhance or change, and other concerns you hope to address. Your surgeon can then determine if your expectations are realistic and achievable.
On the one hand, if your motivations involve extreme body image disturbances (e.g., depression and anxiety, body dysmorphic disorder, and eating disorders), we recommend reaching out to a mental health professional instead. Concealing these issues and proceeding with surgery can do more harm than good.
Further reading:
Should You Go Under the Knife? (Know Your Reasons)
Should You Embrace Your Flaws?
5. Share Examples of Desired Outcomes
Bring visual examples to help your plastic surgeon determine whether your aesthetic goals are achievable via your preferred procedure. For instance, if you want a boob job, go through your surgeon's before-and-after gallery and pick a few that you find aesthetically pleasing. Print them out or save the links on your phone, and then show them to your surgeon during your consultation. These visuals will convey your preferences more accurately than verbal descriptions. If your goals are unrealistic or may compromise your health, your surgeon may suggest slight modifications or offer alternative procedures.
What to Keep in Mind
By maintaining realistic expectations and following our expectations-setting guide above, you can prevent feelings of regret and be more at ease during your transformation. Also, remember to approach plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures as a means of enhancement, never as a quick-fix solution. Last but not least, with open communication and collaboration based on realistic expectations, you and your board-certified plastic surgeon can work together to accomplish the best possible results.
Contact Guerra Plastic Surgery now to meet some of the best plastic surgeons in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona.
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