#remember this sin't for you cause I KNOW nobody asked for this
loyaltykask · 3 years
Okay, I can explain
A crossover nobody wanted and nobody asked for expect for me
2003!Dark!Turtles x 2007!Movie
Leonardo has a good explanation to why he went MIA for those extra 6 months. He swears! After all, if you find a secret underground lab in Brazil being run by a certain mortal enemy of yours, cough Agent Bishop cough, that made 4 clones of you and your brothers, what would you do? Not adopt them?
Chapter 2
He should have called. 
He should have called. Texted, sent a letter, carrier pigeon. Literally anything. Anything would have been better than this. 
Mikey and Donnie were quick to get up at the first cry, one falling to the floor and the other sitting up so fast that he also fell to the floor afterwards. Master Splinter helped in the sense that he got the other three crying children off his back but they would only settle once Leo sat down and was able to hold each and everyone at the same time. 
Raph was no help at all just staring at Leo like he was simultaneously having a seizure and giving a lecture in proper samurai etiquette. Big help he was.
But somehow Splinter managed to move them all to the living room where any ‘Welcome Back’ hugs and greetings were quickly overshadowed by the ‘What in The Ungodly Green Earth are You Holding?’ and ‘Can I Hold Them Leo Pleeeeease I Promise I’ve been Working with Kids and Won’t Drop Them Like The First Time,’ which did not inspire confidence. 
“Okay,” Donatello slouched on the chair he was previously sleeping on. Leo felt guilty waking his brother up like this. Awake he looked even more tired, bags under his eyes and a posture that suggested he hasn’t had a real night's rest in days. What has his brother been doing to make him so tired? “So, Leo! Um, welcome back. We’ve missed you and... glad to see you are okay.”
“I knew you were fine,” Mikey cut in quickly as he scooted closer on the couch they were both sharing, “Sure after the first month without a letter I was worried, and also the second month and when you missed our 20th birthday, happy belated birthday by the way. We thought about going to get you ourselves, had my bag packed and everything, but Splinter said your life force was stable and everything, so we thought you were just... you know… taking you time, I guess…”
He really should have called.
“Buuuuuuuut…” the melancholy look on Mike’s face was placed with curious bright blue eyes that had barely held excitement, “We can see you were buuuuuusy~ OW! Raph!”
Raph lowered his hand. He was the only one not sitting, standing near the couch edge farthest he could be without leaving the circle. 
“Michelangelo, Raphael,” Splinter slightly chided from the only other recliner in the living room at the other end of the couch, “I believe that Leonardo was quite the story to tell us. Let us hear what your brother has to say before we make assumptions,” he directed pointedly to Mickey’s chagrin. 
“Come on,” Mikey says, pointing to the children on Leo’s lap. The red clone leaning heavily on Leo’s side hiding himself between the cushions and Leo’s shell. The blue and purple clones were happy to sit on Leo’s leg, one each as he bounced them every few seconds or so. Blue enjoyed the game as Purple wouldn’t hesitate to smack Leo’s leg to make him stop. The yellow/orange clone was the only one that was still whimpering as Leo used his free hand to hold the youngest to his chest, “How else do you make babies?”
Leo only barely manages to hold back the loud sigh from his lips. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to leave. He wanted to get this over with.
He should have called. 
He adjusted the twins on his lap as Red leaned closer to him. His oldest was actually quite shy despite his hostile appearance and seemed to hate the strangers around them trying to hide himself behind Leo. His youngest was similar in that he seemed content with closing his eyes, shutting the world out until the bad things were over.
Leo knew that Orange had very similar curious eyes as his counterpart. 
“Do you mind holding him?” Leo gestured the yellow/orange clone from his chest to Mikey. 
Mickey’s mouth hung a little, “Wha- you serious? I mean I was serious about the whole working with kids thing, but they are usually around the 6 to 10 age, and have a mean right hook and- oh!”
Mikey tensed up horribly as the small newborn size clone was placed silently in his lap. The clone’s eyes opened just a tad releasing two very deep shades of purple. Once the youngest saw he was not with his original dad the eyes opened wider… and wider, taking up nearly half the kid’s head. Mickey starred in both fear and wonder at the child that looked so much like him yet nothing at all. 
Then the kid’s eyes pointed in different directions. 
“Hey, Leo,” Mikey mock whispers, “I think the kid’s a little broken in the seeing department.”
Leo lets out an amused huff, “No that’s normal. That's just how he sees.”
“He looks like a bug,” Raph had gotten closer to lean over the couch to stare as well, “Kid’s doing a lot of staring for someone that can’t fight back.”
“Boys,” Splinter chided again, more lightly this time. 
Leo readjusted his grip now with both hands-free. Blue was happy to just handhold, which escalated to lightly gnawing at his hand, but Purple needed more stimulus thus Leo petting his spiked head, as he tried to remember his practiced explanation,  
“It was nearing the end of my 6th month in Brazil,” he starts, “It was the last week when I went to town for one last supply run when I heard news about White Men being seen off the village perimeter. I thought it was poaching at best or kidnapping at worst and that I could squeeze in one last mission before heading off. Found the guys, suits for sure, followed them back to their base where it turns out it wasn’t either. It was Bishop.”
Leo paused as his family let out a range of disbelief through anger. Mickey sucked in his breath while Donnie and Raph had a disturbingly similar look of hatred, not unnatural on his red brother but looked far too similar on his far more patient purple brother.
“That fu- fruitloop?!” Raph quickly corrects himself, “I thought that freak was taken care of What the shell was he doing in Brazil of all places?”
“Nothing good,” Donatello grumbles.
“Raphael, calm yourself,” Master Splinter slouches in his own seat, “This is disturbing news indeed but I will not have another… outburst,” he gestured to the pathetically whimpering red clone trying harder to hide even more behind Leo’s shell from Raph’s yelling.
Raph only sneers but otherwise doesn’t shout anymore at least. 
Leonardo took that as his cue to continue, “I infiltrated. Inside, it looked more like a research center than a military base, I think it gave cover to whatever locals took notice as more a wildlife preserve. I thought that it was in our best interests to see what Bishop could be up to. Long story short I was able to sneak in pretty easily to the main floors until I found there were underground labs with some of the most advanced technology I’ve seen. On par with Donatello's.”
“Underground labs,” Mikey shakes his head, “Those are never good bro.” He relaxed a bit more as he got us to Orange in his lap. Orange tried to escape his little burrito blanket wrapping causing Mikey to hold the child a bit closer. Orange seemed perfectly content wiggling for his own amusement and the sentiment was shared with his counterpart. 
Leo was glad they were getting along. Maybe Mickey really was working with children. Whatever that entailed. 
“The place was filled with scientists from what I could tell. Specifically bioengineers and biologists. It was only luck that I stumbled across their… experiments. As insane as it sounds, they were trying to create chimera for warfare.”
Donatello gave a low groan. Leo knew his compassionate brother would never even think to use his tech to deliberately hurt others (unless they were attacking his family) but to help instead. And to see his fellow scientists use such technological advances for such things only brought him more disappointment in the human world. Leo could relate on some level. 
“What did you do?” Donnie finally asked. Eyes straying to the children in his brother's lap. Raph looked more uncomfortable, pacing behind the couch trying his damnest not to lose his cool. Micky just held Orange closer.
“I couldn't do much,” Leo answered honestly and regretfully, “Most of the species were already considered unstable and brain-dead, some kind of cancer or organ failure or something, and… they were just in pain… none of them could even move anymore and I didn't know what else…”
Mikey took his hand, or at least grabbed his upper arm that was still held by Blue, and looked at him with eyes full of sadness but understanding, “Dude, we know you if there was another way you would have found it. That much I know.”
The amount of faith his younger brother still had in Leo almost made him choke. 
“Mercy isn’t always the easiest path, my son,” Splinter said sadly, “Nor is it the same for everyone. You’ve made hard decisions and you must live with those choices. That is all any of us can do.”
Leo took a steady breath, “I destroyed as much data and information I could while down there. Computers, papers, anything really… and then I found… them.”
And thus the center of the room came back towards his boys. Donatello looked at them with more pity than anything else. Mikey's eyes were still wide with curiosity. But Raphael’s hostility only grew. 
“So you are telling me you brought four of Bishop's creations into our home!” Raph growled, “What the shell were you thinking! You had no problem putting the rest of the animals down!”
“It’s not the same and you know it!” Leo snaps back, holding his boys closer. Purple startled at the loud noise but Blue let go of Leo’s hand to reach out to his twin giving him both a distraction and comfort, “You weren’t there, Raph. The chimeras weren’t the end goal; they were just experiments and we’re seen as a means to an end. But these kids were the end products. Bishops have been taking our DNA over the years and re-made us! They have our DNA… they have our blood.”
The room fell silent at the outburst. Raph looked like he wanted to puke, Mikey might not be far behind. Donnie was gripping his armchair tighter, “Did you… please tell me you destroyed anything he had on us. DNA records, samples, anything, everything!”
“I did,” Leo said with confidence, “If he was that pissed when he saw when I finished if it was anything to go by. Probably thought it would all be safe in one location miles away from New York,” Leo gently started to brush Blue’s head and reached to brush Red’s head as well, “When I saw them… I really thought Bishop created… monsters. Perfect soldiers under his control. Unthinking and unfeeling.” 
He pulled the red clone from behind him, “But… when I saw them. Ray was standing over his brothers, protecting them. He thought I was going to hurt them. And then Miguel started to cry and I knew they were alive. Like we are. They weren’t dying. They were scared and wanted to live. I couldn't leave them. I couldn’t just let Bishop have them and I couldn’t just take their lives when they were given the worst start for their lives. So I took them. Burnt the facility to the ground on my way out. And I’ve been traveling the past 6 months by foot trying to get Bishop's goons off my back. Lost them back in Mexico but still felt safer to travel by foot. I thought that if I contacted you he would intercept it but…” 
Red shuffled out from behind Leo’s shell now facing him. His wide eyes open showing a deep amber color, so similar to his counterpart yet so different as he looks to comfort his guardian. 
The room was silent trying to dish out the story that was untold. Splinter looking more put off that another enemy has arisen. Donnie takes it more in stride finding comfort that their DNA was destroyed, though he knew he had to be double sure. Mikey looked perturbed at the idea of being cloned like some kind of B-rated horror movie, and Raph… well he stopped pacing at least... which might be even worse. 
Leo looked at Mikey who repeated, “You said Ray. And Miguel.”
Red tilted his head at the call making Mikey’s signature smile widen. 
Leonardo, the fearless leader, flushed a deep green, “I, um, well I couldn't just call them serial numbers the whole time… so I gave them… names.”
“You named them,” Raph deadpans, “You? The guy who named his swords after Bushido nerds.”
“Musashi and Kamiizumi are not nerds!” Leo was quick to quip back. It was almost relaxing. At least with banter, it's not bickering which Leo will take any other day of the week, “And… while I did give them names I don't think they are too bad.”
“Well, what are they?!” Mikey squeals, “I’m tired of thinking of them as Red, Blue, Purple, and Orange. Those are colors, not names. Maybe nicknames but like later!”
Leo gulps as he gestures first to Red leaning heavily on his side. Red was the largest of his brothers both in size and height, looking the most like a toddler. His appearance was the most startling at first, six small horns covering his head, two spikes on each jawline, and even more spikes decorating his shell. He just had spikes everywhere. From his elbows to his shoulder, to his knees. He had claws instead of fingers with his largest being his thumb claws. He was also covered in scars, small precise ones to large and cruel both for the sake of evil intentions. Leo wraps a thick blanket around his shell, making an impromptu poncho and a small wrap around his head, making him easier for picking up and hugging capability. 
“This is… Raymondo Zackeal.”
“You got to be fucking kidding me.”
“Raph! Not in front of the kids!”
“That’s so cute!”
“He ain’t old enough to understand, Don!”
“Hi Ray-Ray! I’m your Uncle Mikey!”
Red, Ray hid his face in Leo’s side, not liking the attention he was getting, “Guys, calm down. He’s… he's the oldest and was at the lab the longest. He remembered the most of what happened and doesn’t like sudden movements or loud noises.”
“They’re not the same age?” Donnie asked more curiously now.
Leo shook his head, “From what I can tell they were created by DNA sample size. Raph had the most apparently since he has been in the most fights.”
“Fights that I win.”
“So they created him first,” Leo rubbed Ray’s head, careful of the spike under the bandana, “I think he’s around 2 years old, maybe. They didn’t have enough of our DNA to make exact clones so… they combined the DNA with other animals. They used a horned lizard for Raymondo.”
“So that’s why he's so big and spikey!” Mikey gushes, “I was about to say I thought lack of green pigment was like an aesthetic choice but adding the horned, claws, and sharp teeth are just genetic, good to hear.”
Leo had to laugh at that, “Ray was… very hostile at first. Didn’t trust me or anything besides his brothers. He’s very protective over them. I think it's because he was so used to adults hurting him that he thought I was going to do the same.”
Leo continued to brush Ray’s spiked head as he leaned closer slowly coming out of hiding and closer to Purple, “I was very honored when Ray started to open up a bit more. He’s very sweet, I swear. He’s only hostile when he feels threatened.”
“Sounds strangely familiar~” Mikey dodges the incoming slap, “Hey! Baby on board, dude!” he pointed to the yellow lump still in his lap.
“No kid is going to save you from that mouth of yours!”
Splinter leans forward, “He has a strong spirit. Despite his hardships, he still chooses not only to survive but to live.”
Ray only blinked at the old master, seemingly the least afraid of the furry rat.
“What about… Blue and Purple,” Donnie ventures. “They look about the same size.”
“They are twins actually,” Leo supplies, “Purple is… Dante Othello and Blue is Levio Leocardo.”
Mickey burst into giggles, “O-Othello?!”
“It’s a good name!”
“I’m honored Leo, really. Huge Shakespeare fan.”
“Levio Leocardo… talk about hubris, Jungle Boy.”
“I-I couldn’t decide, okay! That’s what middle names are for!”
“We don’t have middle names.”
“No, Michelangelo, while I did name you all after something personal to me, I was not very creative when it came to your namesake. Leonardo had far more freedom and far more choices to dwell on.”
Leo tried to reign in his blush, “Dante is a couple of months older than Levio,” he gets out, “I think Bishop took more of your DNA to get started after the whole… double mutation. I think he just got mine from regular battles. I think they are about a year old considering they were going only through procedures at the lab, they weren’t being...tested on yet.”
Donnie’s eyes darken at the mention of his double mutation, “Yeah, he would have the perfect opportunity to do that, wouldn't he?” he tried to refocus, “What animals are they shared with?”
Leo held Levio up. Levio was blue-tinted with several long thin yellow stripes around his shoulders and head covering him completely. He had two long red stripes down his face making him look more predatory and his eyes were hetero-chromatic, his left eye is red and the right eye was blue. His claws are thinner but a lot longer and sharper than Ray’s. His shell was all black, being smoother than his brother, being more scaly in nature, that connected to a long thick tail, “Levio is combined with a komodo dragon. And yes, he is venous but only a little,”
An incredulous “A little?” from Raph went ignored. 
“And Dante seems to share traits with an iguana,” he pets the spike on Dante's back. Dante with a more purple hue, had green spikes going down his head, giving him a little mohawk that was adorable honestly, all the way to the back of his shell to a long thin spiked tail. His eyes mirror his twin’s in that it was his right eye was red while his left was blue. Another similarity was the long sharp nails. He had two large circles decorated his lower jaw but any other patterns were long rectangles like strips that covered his whole body. 
“Dante’s nails aren’t so much of an issue as long as I cut them and keep them short but he does get into places he ain't supposed to be. They are both trouble makers,” Leo gives both of the twins a faux stern look as both of them stare blankly back. Until Levio gently smacks Leo’s cheek with a tiny clawed hand.
Splinter chuckles at the sight, “I remember when you were young yourself Leonardo, curious to explore and prone to adventure. I see they have gained your spirit.”
“Little Leo a trouble maker,” Raph grumbles, “Must have blocked that out of my memory.”
“Well!” Mickey gently picks up the yellow clone, “What about baby me? What name did you give him?!”
Orange was more than happy with being manhandled. Leo found his youngest still in the test tubes. He was scared that if he opened the tube that the small creature would die. He wasn’t given much of a choice when Bishop shot at him and missed, hitting the container instead. Leo dived to catch the fourth clone, finding a pulse still strong despite the sudden change in environment.
His youngest was mostly yellow in color but he was sprinkled with orange spots, on his face, shoulder, head, everywhere there were spots of orange. His eyes were a deep purple with several rings around each other and while they were able to point in different directions at different times he knew that his youngest was very capable. His head was a little misshapen to fit his eyes as his eyesockets were far more pronounced; a little more animalistic but still had his turtle heritage in there. The cloth hid his smoother shell, similar to Levio’s and thicker claws like Ray’s. His tail was long but curled into a perfect circle when free. He never had to face Bishop and never had the experience of being tested on, looking at the world with wide and curious eyes. 
Leo smiled gently at his youngest, still swaddled in his blanket prison, “Miguel. Miguel Angelo. He’s the youngest like you. Just a baby.”
Mikey over dramatically clutches his heart, still careful of his clone, “Leo, bro, my favorite brother. You named him literally after me. Me! Suck it, Raph!”
“What do you mean by suck it?!” Raph snips back, “They all got our names! Fearless isn’t exactly thinking outside the box here! Zackeal? That’s practically my name with a Z.”
“Dante is very unique,” Donnie hums, “A great storyteller is nothing else.”
“Miguel is based on a chameleon from what I can tell. That's why his eyes are like that. And his tongue.”
“Tongue?” Micky asks, “What you mea-AH!”
Mickey’s non-question was answered as Miguel’s long and sticky tongue smacked him in the face. 
“Ah, that means he’s hungry,” Leo calmly says over Mickey’s stream of ‘ew ew ew ew ew.’ He reaches for his old bag, taking out a single dented can, “Here, trade-off.”
Without much protest, Mikey somehow ends up with Levio in his lap and Donnie quietly takes Dante from his other leg. Leo tried to think of the last time he didn’t have one of his sons in his lap as he was quickly derailed by putting Miguel in between his legs as he opened the can. 
“Is that… worms?!” Raph leaning on the armrest to get a closer look. He had gotten further and further in the family circle with or without his realization, “Don’t tell me- You are not going to-!”
“What else am I supposed to feed them?” Leo asks right back as he takes a single blue worm and holds it less than a foot away from Miguel’s face. Miguel’s cross-eyes focused back at the meal as his tongue zipped out to quickly grab the meal and nom at it slowly, “He’s actually quite picky. He only likes the blue ones.” 
“EW!” all three of his brothers said at once, “Leo! He’s just a kid” “The humanity! The lack of humanity!” “We have food at the house, Leo!”
Splinter raises a single brow, “I recall a time when I didn’t hear any complaint about food when it came to bugs, mold, and algae in our first few years of living.”
That turned all four of the rat’s son a different shade of green, “Master Splinter please,” Donnie begs as he tried to keep Dante’s curious claws from scratching his hand, “We had just come out our mutations, and considering we lived underground it was in our instincts to keep to known food sources until we were old enough to probably digest dairies and fats.”
“The same here,” Leo holds another worm for Miguel to catch, “I only know they are combined with us and even more animal DNA. I don't know what they can eat and didn’t exactly have time to ask the scientists leaving the burning building a simple question about diet. So I kept it to what I knew most about turtles and their respected spices,” he held up a fifth worm, “lots of bugs and meat.”
“... he is a pretty good catch,” Mikey mutters, now more in amazement at Miguel’s tongue than disgust. 
Ray started to get fussy, wanting his guardian's attention after so long, “Hmmm, hmmm!”
Raphael picks up Ray out of nowhere, “How do you get his kid to quiet down?”
“Wait, Raph, NO-!”
But it was too late, huge pools of red liquid came to Ray’s eyes and he started crying and thrashing!
“Shit!” Raph barely held onto the thrashing toddler, trying to avoid small but sharp claws, “I didn't do anything, I swear!”
Leo quickly put Miguel on Mickey’s lap as he jumped over the couch to grab Ray. Try as he might to cover Ray’s spiker back with a cloth, his claws and horns still caused small cuts on Leo’s hand and chest as Ray kept thrusting, “That’s normal. The blood in his eyes I mean, that means he’s panicking.”
“He must get that from the horned lizard DNA,” Donnie says trying to determine if Leo needs help or not as he still has his own kid on his lap, “Horned lizards can actually shoot blood from their eyes in the face of predators. They rarely do it to humans though.”
“Dudes,” Mickey says as he tried to balance both Levio and Miguel on his lap, inexperienced but trying so hard, “Our family just got a lot weirder.”
“Family? We’re keeping them?!”
“What else are we supposed to do, Raph?” Leo asks as Ray’s cries turn into small whimpers clinging to his guardian for dear life. Leo used his hood to dry the blood/tears from his oldest face.
“Not keeping them?” Raph asks back, “We can’t take care of them!”
“Oh sure, let me just give them back to Bishop so he can turn them into weapons of mass destruction. Or maybe an orphanage that accepts giant mutant lizard-turtles?”
“Leo I get your trying to get the good guy here but they are not our responsibility!” Raph pushes, “They are only going to cause us trouble or they are going to get hurt because of our trouble! We aren’t babysitters.”
“Aren’t they?” Leo shouts back, “They have our blood and even if they didn’t, they are still our responsibility because of us. Because Bishop sees us as monsters and he wanted his own control. Even if they don't have our DNA they are like us.”
“So you just go AWOL for 6 months!” Raph snarls right back, relying on familiar rage, “6 extra months without a fucking word-” “Language Raph” “-you could have said something! We thought you were gone! Living in your own world playing family man. I thought you were just abandoning us in the stupid jungle playing Tarzan-!”
“I wasn’t!” Leo snaps back, his own voice rising, “I would never! I was there to train to get better for you all! For this team! Calling would have been too risky.”
“Maybe we didn’t need a better leader!” Raph points, “Maybe we needed someone who was actually here. You can’t just drop this on us after being gone for a year and expect us to fall in line with it.”
“No, I don’t! I don’t expect you to do this but I’m asking! I’m sorry for making you all think I was gone. But I would never abandon this family.”
“Look like you got a new one!” Raph snaps, his own anger rising. Some part of him knew this wasn’t about the kids, this was old anger that has festered for too long. Old anger that was even older than a year, “Why did you even come back when you were real quick to replace us!”
“Is that what you think they are?” Leo hisses, “That I think so little for you. Of them?!”
“You’ve only ever thought of yourself. How are we supposed to protect one another when we have kids to worry about? Maybe we were doing just fine before you came back.”
“Like you were doing, going out every night?”
Raph whips his head at Donnie staring him down despite a curled-up Dante on his chest. 
“Raph, I respected your privacy for the past few months but really? Might as well get it out in the open while we are having a feeling bash.”
Mikey looks up, “What? What’s going on?”
“You knew?!” Raph hisses. 
“You aren’t exactly subtle, Raph,” Donnie points back.
“Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“I thought you wanted to keep it a secret and if you wanted to talk I would let you make the first move, but no, I didn’t say anything because I thought you needed it. That you needed to let off some steam!”
Leo now looks back and forth, “What is going on?”
“I'm the Nightcrawler.” Raph spits out
Mikey gasps, “What! Dude, you’re the vigilante that’s been going around!”
“Vigilantly work? Alone?!” Leo pushes, “Raph, do you know how dangerous that is?”
“Oh sure, when I do it with Casey it's fine but when I do it alone that’s crossing the line!” Raph points back, “And if you say anything about like getting justice in my own hand’s bullcrap I will make you eat your hypocrisy mister ‘do-gooder.’”
Leo can feel his arms getting heavy holding Ray for so long, “There's an order to these things Raph-”
“I was helping, while you were gone-!”
“Dudes, both of you shut up!” Mikey snaps, putting both his big bros in line, “Raph was going around being batman for a couple months. Was he more violent? Yes. Was that uncalled for? Also yes. Leo was gone in those months too. Should he have called? Yes. Should he have asked for help from his own family? Also very yes! You are both wrong, neither of you have the high ground and if you keep bitching I will nun-chunko you both in the head so hard you will gain brain cells.”
The room fell silent at their youngest outburst. Only Miguel’s giggling was heard. 
“...that's his first giggle,” Leo whispers. 
Mikey immediately brightened, “Aw! Did Uncle Mikey yelling at his stupid, stubborn brothers make you laugh, little Angelo? Yes, it did, yes it did!”
“It’s still too dangerous to keep them,” Raph says his rage left him as soon as it came, “It’s only going to make things harder for us and we aren’t exactly living it up.”
“That didn’t stop Father…” Leo says, looking at their silent dad, “He could have left us too.”
The room was silent. They were all grateful to the dad for raising them, caring for them. When he has just mutated into an intelligent giant rat himself, he didn't have to take on four turtles to feed, bathe, care for, love. But he did.
“Boys, sit down,” Splinter said, looking so older. Leo felt a sense of shame for fighting in front of their father like that but at the same point, he felt that he couldn’t back down. He didn't want to fight his family. Not about the kids. But he didn’t want to force his kids on them. He wanted so many things
Splinter gently took Levio from Mikey’s lap and held the blue child closely. The boy was not used to… such soft texture and just a warm presence. He leaned into the larger creature as gently claws scratched his head. He felt safe. 
“When I first mutated myself, I didn't know what to think. Before, I didn’t think at all, relying on my instincts and nature. When you four were created my first instinct was to copy that of my master, to show care and protection on those weaker than me. And as you grew, so did I. We grew with each other, learning from one another and finding out ourselves together. I, of course, was the one to guide you due to my age, and despite my own shortcoming of how to properly show child-care... I did try the best I could by you.”
“You are an amazing father, sensei!” Mikey says, “We know how much you care about us. And we love you too.”
“Father,” Leo says, “We owe you everything, you took us in and raised us to live a good life.”
Donnie nods, “Considering we were all lost when we were first mutated, we had each other.”
“I think we came out alright all things considering,” Raph says softly. 
Splinter gave a small smile full of warmth and love, “Thank you, my sons. I can't say how I was able to be blessed with four wonderful sons as you all, an old rat like me, but I know that given the choice. You were all worth every moment of my life. One that I am willing to put down for your protection. Not because of my instinct or my nature but because I grew to love you all like my own children.”
The sons fell silent. They never heard of their own father’s doubts. He always seemed to be sure and untouchable, the force in their lives that has all the answers and while as adults they know this to be untrue logically there is still the emotionally childlike wonder that as long as their dad was near everything can be okay. 
“Leonardo,” Splinter says he pets Levio, “When given an impossible choice and facing impossible odds you still found humanity in the most hopeless of places. You strive to do right in the face of wrong and took the harder path when an easier one was there time and time again. The path ahead only gets harder and you will falter but you will not be alone. This family does not give up on one another.”
Leo could cry. But he nodded, “I know sensei. I-I want them. I want to keep them. And if you guys would have them… us. I would like it if we could do this together,” he starts to scramble for words, “I know this wasn’t planned and that we still have the Foot to worry about, and now Bishop but I can’t lose you guys and I know it's selfish to make this choice without you but for the first time I felt like- like I'm doing something right and-”
“Leo,” Raph snaps, quietly but firmly, “Shut the shell up.”
Leo laughs both scared and amusement. 
“I’m still pissed,” Raph says slowly, “At Bishop for taking our DNA and making chimera, at the Foot as large, at you for leaving!” he says quickly and Leo knew that wasn’t going to go away anytime soon, “But not at the kids. On that you're right. They didn’t ask to be given this lot in life. To be a monster in the world of humans…”
“Raph…” Leo swallows, “... I thought you would all be fine. That maybe you would... like a break from me.”
“Woah woah woah,” Mikey pipes up, “Where is that coming from? We can't be a team without you, bro!”
“Donnie seems to be working hard at it.”
Donnie coughs, “Actually… I’ve got a job at IT.”
Leo turns to look at him incredulously.
“And I’ve been playing at party functions?” Mikey adds.
Leo blinks, turning to Raph, “And you?”
Raph shrugs, “Nightcrawler.”
Raph and Leo shared a look. There were still hurt feelings, still bitterness and resentment underneath it all. But there was also an understanding. Understanding that both just wanted to do what was right and while maybe wrong in so many ways, feelings were still hurt, and words were still left unsaid. 
But it’ll take more than to ever break their bond. Something forged in rivalry, respect, and love. Things aren't good now, but maybe they can get better. No, they will get better. Leo stepped closer to Raph and let him see Raymondo. 
Gold eyes met orange as Ray calmed down, being held by his father and as voiced calmed down. 
“This is your Uncle Raph,” Leo whispers to his oldest son, “He’s a bit sensitive but you can trust him. There’s no one better that can protect you.”
“I’m not sensitive,” Raph grumbles with no heat, not expecting Leo to slowly hand over Ray, “Woah, woah, woah, I ain't getting blood on me-”
“Just don't manhandle him, Raph,” Leo says, “Here, put him on your hips like this,” showing Raph the correct way as Ray’s legs wrapped around Raph’s hip immediately. With his guardian near, Ray felt calmer despite not letting go of one hand on his dad, the other went to Raph’s chest. 
“I, uh…” Raph wasn’t sure what to do with the little tyke on his hip. He’s never held a child before, let alone a toddler that looked like him, “Hi?”
Raymondo only blinked the last of the red in his eyes washed away with a pout. He smacked Raph’s chest hard. 
“Jeez,” Raph caught more by surprise than pain, “Kid’s going to have a mean left hook when he grows up.”
Leo sucks in his breath, “So… you’re… you don’t…”
“No Fearless, I’m not going to kick you out of the house like a pregnant teenager,” Raph raises a brow, “Don’t even think I can, considering Dad and Mikey are already scrapbooking-” “That's a good idea!” “- and like I said I’m not mad at the kids. Their dad though… I can be as mad at you all I want.” the words were there but it was more out of habit than malice. Leo found himself welcoming the old banter again. 
“That’s right!” Mickey says as he lifts Miguel in the air, “Though, shouldn’t we all be their Dads since they got all our DNA? Like Leo can be like The Father, capital F, but I think I should be the Cool Dad.”
“What?” Leo turns back, hand still on Ray and Raph, “No, you're the uncles, I’m… I’m their… I’m the Dad.”
“Oh no no no,” Donnie says as he catches himself in the middle of a game, Stops Trying To Poke My Eyes, with Dante, “If we are all in this together now I demand an honorary dad title. I think I want Papa!”
“And  Raph can be Pops!” Mikey supplies, “I think it fits him perfectly.”
“Pops...” Raph rolls the titles off his tongue as if testing it out. 
“Not you too, Raph,” Leo says firmly as he starts to lose control of the situation, “I appreciate the help, I’m going to need it, but I’m the Dad. I got a 6-month head start on you all.”
Mikey gaps, “That’s why you didn’t call us! You want to give yourself the head start on dadship!”
Leo blushes a deeper green and Raph actually laughs, “Wait, seriously! Didn’t think you had it in you, Leo!”
“That’s not-! I didn’t-!” Leo stumbles, “That was not the intention.”
Splinter holds his third grandchild closer, “You are going to be very well-loved my grandchild,” he smiles, “Huh, never thought I could finally say that.”
Ring~ ring~ ring~ ring~
“Come on, pick up already. ”
“Raph?” Casey answered, “Where were you, man? I thought you would have seen you last night?”
“Shouldn't you not be out?” Raph immediately quips back, “Thought April was trying to reign you in?”
“Uh… working on that,” Casey mutters, “Like just going out for a stroll never kill anyone.”
“Because you stroll, right? Got plans to frolic later?”
“Oh shut up, you green creep!” Casey laughs, “Anyways what's up with the call? Doesn't sound like danger if you have time to talk? Miss me?”
“Haha,” Raph shuffles, the sound of Mikey’s panic yell gave off in the background followed by more  ‘ew ew ew ew’s and Leo’s resurgence that saliva isn't that gross, “Heh, funny no. Um, Leo is back.”
“After April just got back from Brazil?”
“And after she didn’t find him.”
“So what you are saying is… my fiance is going to kill your brother.”
“Probably,” Raph replies calmly, “So you finally asked?”
“Shit-!” Casey fumbles on the other side, “Um, no not yet, still trying to find the right moment. But, um, getting there, just, um, yeah, waiting for the... perfect time.”
“I will knock your ass out,” Casey sighs, “Stop dodging the issue. What the hell took him? April was about to start a manhunt when the locals told her that their jungle guardian went missing months ago. Did he get lost in airport luggage or something?”
“Traveled by foot and car,” Raph says, “Listen a lot has happened in the past... 3 hours. Mikey and Donnie are taking off of work for… family issues. And I’m about to do something that Leo should have done 6 months ago and just tell you over the phone what the shell is going on.”
“Oh, damn it's serious, okay,” he hears Casey sit down, “Want me to wake April, it’s only 6 so she should be getting up soon,”
“No, you can tell her, I don't want to be part of the crossfire.”
“I know, anyway Leo found a secret base in Brazil that had four clones of us and he adopted them. Travel by foot and now we have four sons, all baby ages, and yeah, you and April should come by sometime tonight to come see them.”
“... … … …”
“Are you still there?”
“Hold on, I think I’m having a seizure or we have a really bad connection but did you say… babies? Like children babies?”
“No the term to catcall a woman and loved ones, yes, I mean children what else could I mean?”
“... I just… I mean… damn. Clones? And kids? And Leo adopted them?”
“Glad we covered that your hearing process is still working, numbnuts. Would you like to repeat anything else I just said?”
“That’s a lot, Raph!” Casey shouts, there was muttering in the background, “Oh, shit, sorry babe, go back to sleep. Dude, you can’t expect me not to freak out a little.”
Raph was starting to see why Leo didn’t call. Still pissed though, “Well, have the rest of the day to freak out and just… just come see them I guess. It's a family thing now and they need to be familiar with you.”
“... you are taking this very well.”
“I’m the most adaptable ninja turtle on this planet,” Raph sighs, “No, at first I was… pissed.”
“Pissed?” Casey sounds doubtful.
“Okay maybe more than pissed but… It's not the kids' fault, Casey. Leo on the other hand! Definitely pissed for no heads up! Swear that guys think he can just do anything on his own...” Raph snaps, “But… you just got to see them…”
“Awwwwww!” Casey's voice grew, “I knew you were a softy! Behind that hard shell is a squishy turtle with a squishy heart!” More noise in the background, “Oh! Sorry, April! It’s Raph… oh, uh funny thing.
“And you’re a numbskull with a squishy head,” Raph quips back, “Anyways, have fun telling April this, bye.”
“Wait-! Don’t you-!” Raph hung up the landline quickly as walked away going back to the kitchen. 
He stopped at the doorway. Mikey was wearing heavy rubber gloves holding a blue worm close to Dante’s mouth with one hand as the other kept trying to block Miguel’s attempt to snag it with his overly large tongue. 
Donnie seems to have an easier time, taking a nap with Raymondo sitting on his chest like a weighted blanket. Donnie was wearing thick mittens and a scarf to properly hold him and they had a second cover to separate any loose spikes that might poke him in his sleep. Raph doubts even being poked would wake him, knowing Don the guy could sleep through a train station when he knew he was in a safe place to deep sleep. 
Leo seems busy with his own version, cutting thin slices of ham and putting them in front of the 1-year old, “No, no,” Leo chided slightly as Levio tried to swallow the stirp whole, “Teeth, Vio, teeth,” Leo showed his own, “You need to chew your food. I know instinct is telling you to swallow whole but you need to chew.”
Vio opened his mouth again but this time small but razor-sharp teeth emerged from his gums, a slight stream of blood running down his chin. 
Leo smiled like a proud father at the sight, “Good, Vio!” and gave Vio the ham strip as the child slowly chewed his food, “Teeth, right, making it so much easier to go down. No more sore throat.”
Raph couldn’t help but find the whole situation hilarious. He didn’t know what to expect when Leo finally got home if he ever did. Maybe a fight, a dramatic screaming match on top of a roof with a dramatic reveal of pent-up emotions and old grudges they never properly got hashed out coming to bite them in the ass. But definitely not a group family therapy session while juggling four new family members now under his protection. 
No, he didn't know what to expect. 
But he damn well knows that as long as they are together, things are going to be okay. 
“April, babe, sweetie, uh, love of my life? Don’t you got like a super important client to meet up with today? Or something?”
“Fuck that guy!” April shouts as he gets her clothes in order, “Casey, we have four new nephews and you want to talk about clients?! Grab a coffee and get your jacket. We are going right now! I’m calling Irma to let her know that a family emergency is happening and cancel all my appointments.”
“Uh, you sure?”
“They guy can wait another day, Case, this cannot!”
The guy waited thousands of years, he could wait another day… or not.
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loyaltykask · 3 years
Okay, I can Explain
A crossover nobody wanted and nobody asked for expect for me
2003!Dark!Turtles x 2007!Movie
Leonardo has a good explanation to why he went MIA for those extra 6 months. He swears! After all, if you find a secret underground lab in Brazil being run by a certain mortal enemy of yours, cough Agent Bishop cough, that made 4 clones of you and your brothers, what would you do? Not adopt them?
Chapter 1
Everything was going to be fine. It had to be. Because if he let himself believe anything else for even a moment his carefully crafted facade of someone responsible and completely in control would crumble and he could not afford that. Not now. Maybe later during a 5-minute bathroom break but even then he was on a clock. 
But negative emotions and even more negative thoughts aside he was excited. Happy even. Because he was finally back home in New York. He was 6 months late but better late than never, right? 
He had the perfect explanation. He had crafted it 3 months ago and thought of every way he could explain what was going on. His family would understand. And if not he could fall back on explanation 2 and then explanation 3. If they still didn’t understand by the 6th then he would have to fall back on plan B or backup plan B-!
A small cry interrupted. Followed by its twins in similar distress. 
“Shhhh, shhh” he gently cooed to the bundles in his arms. Going by plane would have been far faster but far riskier. He had no idea how they would react to the pressure change and with how loud they can be he couldn’t risk their safety for travel speed. Thus a 6-month long road trip between Brazil and New York by foot, truck, train, and the occasional donkey was made. Honestly, 6 months in the Brazilian jungle was a summertime vacation in comparison. 
The two pairs of eyes blinked sleepily up at him, the third was still sound asleep strapped to his chest while the fourth didn’t make so much as a peep from his back. 
“Hey, hey, hey” he cooed again, “It’s okay… we are almost there. Once we get home… we’ll be nice and warm at least.” he didn’t want to lie even though he doubted they understood his words they reconsigned the soothing voice and quickly closed their eyes again. 
He didn’t honestly know what to expect when he got home. The guilt of not sending a letter or even calling weighed heavily like a rock in his throat but what could he say? He convinced himself months ago it was better to introduce them in person but right now facing the consequences of his past choice he was starting to rethink that. He should have at least sent that he was okay. Or that he was on his way? Or that he wasn’t alone?
He gave a huge sigh. No point he regrets now. He just had to face whatever punishment face first. He had no other options. Worst comes to worst, maybe he could bunk with April and Casey for a night. He could find another place of lodging easily if he was alone... It was more a matter of winter settling in and it would need to be clean for them, and warm for them, and he needs enough food for them. 
The kids. 
He gives a kiss on both of the bundles’ heads as he so carefully with ninja grace and silence maneuvers them both to his back with their fellow sleeping brother. The different weights called for a certain pattern of who goes where in order for him not to topple over. 
The last ride was a ferry boat from Staten Island to Manhattan. He could have made the run in about the same time but the jostling would disturb the children. No, a ferry break was what they needed, some rest before whatever storm may await them. 
He hated thinking that about his own family but he did. He was… scared. He didn’t want to be but he was. He had no idea what they would say. How they would react. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This wasn’t the plan. He was supposed to be gone for 6 months, come back a better leader and they become a better team. 
Now it’s been a year and everything feels different. He was different.
And he was scared. 
Raph would get a kick out of that. His Fearless Leader being scared of his own family. Like a teenager being caught playing hooky from school and now dreading going home to face the music. Or maybe in this case finding a pregnancy test in the trash. Okay, the analogy is getting weird. 
The small heartbeat on his chest made him look down at the bundle. He maneuvered himself from the top of the ferry boat towards the sides to wait for the docks. 
He was different and he was scared, yes. But he wasn’t alone. 
It was the last ride of the day as evening covered his exit. People too tired or too distracted to ever notice a single shadow slip by the harbor and onto land. He would rather go his family’s underwater passage back to the lair for ease but considering that he was sure two of his four bundles couldn't hold their breaths any better than a human child he wasn’t going to risk it. 
At least New York didn’t change. Not even a little. The smells, the sights, the sounds, even at night the city glowed with life. The consistency brought some comfort. 
The small whines from his back showed not everyone felt the same. 
Leonardo imminently started humming his small lullaby as he made his way through alleyway to alleyway and the whines quieted to the occasional whimper. It was something that Splinter used to hum to his brother and himself as tots. Sensei said it was to the tune to an old Japanese tune that he long ago forgot the words but that never bothered him much. It was a family song. 
It should be around 3 or 4 in the morning at this point. His cloak covered his whole body, looking more like a hunchback homeless wandering than any giant walking talking turtle. His kids must be distributed by the sounds and smells. He hoped they could adapt quickly as they have on the road. He couldn’t think of any other home he would rather raise them in.
You can take the turtle out of New York, but you can’t take the New Yorker out of the turtle.  
He moved further into the city. It felt like no time at all before he found himself among familiar roads and familiar signs. Going by ground wasn’t his preference but when injured his brother and he learned how to adapt. 
He stopped at the manhole cover. 
He felt like throwing up. 
But he can’t run away, not from this. The longer he puts it off the worse it’ll get and he already has put it off for 6 months. 6 months of being alone and feeding, and walking, and burping, and biting, and hunting, and crying, and singing, and sleeping, and weeping, and laughter, and everything all at once. 6 months of being alone but also never having a moment's peace to himself. 6 months of holding something precious all to himself and being selfish enough to not tell anyone. How could only half a year in the jungle not have any effect on him besides making him feel more alone in the world and yet the other half of the year made him feel so much older and yet so inexperienced. That he has learned so much but still has so much more to ago, he doesn't even feel like himself from half a year ago. 
No more excuses. 
He opens the cover like he has a million times before and slips in. 
He goes more by instinct than anything that leads him down familiar pathways. He was home. The underground settled something instinctively inside him, Donnie once explained it had something to do with a turtle’s tremorsense and all that. He could practically feel the kids relax as went deeper in, their breath becoming easier as they drew farther and farther away from the hustle and bustle of the inner city. 
As he drew closer to the lair the more unreal it felt. A year. A year since he’s seen his family and now he is coming back with what? A burden? Little miracles? Random divine intervention? … new family meeting old. 
He really regrets not calling first. 
He touches the wall for the keypad and puts in the code by muscle memory more than actually knowing the numbers. 
The lock dings politely and the doors open. 
“Maybe it's not too late to make a life in Brazil,” Leonardo whispers to his single bunch strapped to his chest. “Or maybe we can go back to Mexico. You liked it there, yeah? Nice and warm and sunny. Or even Jersey at this point.” The buddle doesn’t answer back as the warm glow starts to emerge from the door. 
Come on, Leo. You have to do this. If not for yourself, for them. 
Your responsibilities. Your kids. Your sons. 
He entered slowly as signs of life emerged. He could hear them before he could see them. Michelangelo was on the couch with a chips bag to his chest and his slight snoring was drowned out only by the TV’s background noise. His youngest brother seemed lost in his own world but seeing the baby fat that stubbornly refused to melt away gave him that youthful and free spirited appearance Leo so deersalty missed. He wondered what kind of trouble he got into while he was gone? Something about that unfamiliar plastic turtle head in the corner gave him the feeling it was nothing good. 
Donatello was not 5 feet away in the recliner, some kind of magazine over his eyes and he twitched slightly in his sleep. Even from under the paper Leo knew that his brother hadn't been sleeping well, he only twitched like that when he was spertically sleeping. But he looked healthy and there were no obvious cuts or burns so at least he wasn’t experimenting with anything too crazy. He must have been working so hard as leader while Leo was gone. Leo was so proud of his brother for taking on such a burden, hopefully if things go… well then Leo could take most of the responsibilities back to help ease the load. 
The wave of warmth at seeing his brothers nearly overwhelmed him, no tears came but his eyes did gliseen at the sight. All that was missing was Rapheal. 
Raph… He worried about his red brother the most. He took his departure the hardest, not waking up to see him off and never sending a letter in any of the months Leo was in Brazil. Maybe he sent one in the last 6 months and he simply wasn’t there to receive them but who is to say now. He hoped… well,l he hopes everything goes at least not terribly. 
He thought about waking them right here right now but… best to rip the largest band aid first. His goal settled for the wooden door left slightly ajar and the smell of incense and tea wafted through the air. 
He covered his front and back as best he could, lowering his hood to cover his shoulders. Not yet. 
The voice hasn’t changed, still strong as ever that Leo almost suspects that his father knew he was coming today. Impossible for anyone that wasn’t his dad. 
He does enter and Leo sees his father, a little greyer than he left him but all the more the same. There wasn’t a day he didn’t miss him. 
“Kneel, my son,” Splinter hasn’t opened his eyes but Leo can already tell he picked up that he wasn’t alone. 
Leo kneels, “I’ve returned, master.” Not from training. But from hiding. Splinter opened his eyes and Leo could see the weight behind them. Old. Torn. Worried about the one son that he never thought would give him such greif. Leo lowered his head in shame, “I was so caught up in my own world. I forget about everybody else.”
He didn’t mean to. He didn’t. But a week turned into a month and a month turned into three and it felt like an eternity and yet no time at all. 
“I’m sorry I failed,” he whispers. 
“Shh,” his father shushes, in such a familiar fashion to his own Leo couldn't help but look up in incredulity to see Splinter open a casket and take out a talisman, “I can sense it in your soul. You’ve come back far stronger than you left. More so than I could even imagine.”
Splinter slowly made his way around the table, his eyes directed towards Leonardo’s cloak, “But I feel that is not because of your mission. No. Rather, I must ask who I may be thankful for…” Leo watches as Splinter slowly removes the cape, revolving the very snug, very alive, and very sleepy two year old clone mutant turtle to Leo’s chest, “... for my own grandchildren.”
The door slammed wide open! Startling not only Leo (good ninja skills there chunin) but his children as they all gave a high cry. 
Raphael stood at the door looking a good mix between pissed, confused, relief, hope, despair, and about 20 other emotions Leo couldn’t read as he imminently went to rock his first child. 
“What. The. Shell?!”
Leo scrambled, “Okay, I can explain,” he really couldn't. 
How do you tell your family that you’ve become a father yourself with four cloned versions of you and your brothers?
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