#remember when ppl were complaining abt the episode when it aired
atlasshrugd · 2 years
we as a fandom took ep 8 for granted
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nagitokinmoment · 3 years
hi could i please request a (male) mha, haikyuu & bsd match up? (sorry i wasn't sure how many fandoms i'm allowed to request but if 3 is too many then mha + haikyyu is fine!!)
appearance: my aesthetic is goth! i'm pretty skinny and i have like shoulder length black hair. i also permanently have on winged black eyeliner haha (plus black lipstick here and there)
personality/star sign: ISTJ + aries. i like to think i'm a loyal friend + straightforward, confrontational and aggressive person. i'm really sharp mouthed and i have a "why say it behind your back when i can say it to you in front of your face?" mentality. honestly, i'm rly chill and have an "idgaf abt anything" persona until i'm provoked.. that's probably why ppl think i'm rly "shy and quiet" when they first meet me. but i'm also lwk a huge softie inside qbsuwhe
likes & interests: i LOVE ranting/gossiping, drawing, knitting, rock music, holding hands, being lifted up/carried, fashion, cute things (animals, stationary, etc), watching tv, reading and food
dislikes: bugs, people who only do/like things once it's trendy, dry texters, people who complain about stuff nonstop but are too scared to actually speak up when the opportunity presents itself (aka "all bark no bite" people) and raw fish
thank you!! 🥺💗
Hello! I’m so happy you requested! *happy finger guns*
I’m so sorry your request took so long. I’m going to be truthful here for a minute, I had not finished bsd yet. But I wanted to pick a good character for you and so I decided to finish the series before I wrote your matchup. So thank you for requesting it because I had been stuck on the same episode for almost a month *thankful finger guns*
For mha I think I’m going to go with Kirishima!
He would love for you to knit him things once he finds out you know how to. It’s cold out? He wants you to knit him a scarf. But he won’t push you to, even if he needs a new scarf.
For your all’s first date he took you to the mall so that you could find some cute stationary. At one point you two parted ways for one reason or another (is that how the saying goes? 🤔) and decided to meet back up at the food court for lunch. On his way there he passed a claw machine and the prizes inside were really cool so he decided to try to win one for you.
Once you all start dating he will definitely give you those hugs where you lift the other person up into the air and spin them a bit. 
For Haikyuu I think Asahi!
Asahi loves to watch you draw. He finds it really sweet whenever you look so proud of your drawings. He makes sure to compliment you on everyone he sees, because he thinks they’re amazing!
For your all’s first date he took you to a park during spring so you all could see the trees starting to bloom. (I’m not sure if I described that right but I have these trees in my driveway that look so beautiful in the spring time and so those are what I was sort of imagining.) After walking around the park for a bit you all decided to get some coffee at a nearby restaurant because even though it was spring the weather was still chilly!
After you all start dating he holds your hand all the time. The first time he tried to hold your hand he got really embarrassed but after you assured him that it was alright, holding your hand became a regular thing for him.
From bsd I’m going to go with Atsushi!
Your all’s relationship has a lot of trust. He can always count on you and you can always count on him. He really likes to hear about what book you’re reading and every time you don’t have one he makes sure to get you one to show that he cares about your hobbies.
For your all’s first date he takes you to a book store so you could look at all the books. If you find any that catch your eye he definitely buys some of them.
After you all start dating you make sure to always go out to get coffee together once a week so he can listen to you gossip about other people in the agency or just around town.
——————————————————————————~I hope you liked your matchup! Thank you for requesting! Remember to stay safe and do some self care!~
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