#remember when the drivers were bitching about the halo? nobody bitched about it after romain's crash
mistressemmedi · 2 years
Ok… I get the whole „the FIA didn’t care in the past“-thing. And I agree that there‘s bigger issues in F1 than jewellery & underwear - which doesn’t mean safety shouldn’t be prio 1.
But still I feel like Lewis & Seb act like big toddlers with that “let’s see how far I can take this until mommy totally loses it”-attitude.
*conspiracy theory time* I'm still convinced something happened with Mick's accident where FIA realized piercings could present a bigger liability that originally thought and that's why they're doubling down on it.
Unpopular opinion, but I think Lewis and Seb are being quite childish over this whole ass discourse. I respect Lewis and Seb a metric ton, but this is becoming a bit of a ridiculous hill to die on
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