#reminder that a judge can chose not to enforce unjust laws .. they can just not do do that !!
ofcowardiceandkings · 4 months
judge chris hehir eat glass challenge
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The Code
Though the canon warrior code has a great purpose and is constantly referenced, the actual code itself is ill-defined and poorly enforced. As others like @warriorsredux have pointed out, there aren’t proper solutions to issues like kits from a forbidden relationship, and this leads to unnecessary conflict that could be potentially solved if only some cat had come up with an idea of how to deal with it. (Which, given the frequency of forbidden love in particular, you would think the Clans would have this figured out by now.) In fact, the Code is so poorly defined, it doesn’t actually say that it is against the law to take a mate outside the Clan - it’s only implied within the first rule of “the Clan comes first”. However, I don’t think the general premise behind the rules of each code is flawed, just that they should be much more clearly defined if all warriors are expected to rigidly uphold it for all their lives.
For the sake of this world, the Code is described below, along with certain amendments and solutions to common issues. Though the Code itself is mostly the same, wording may have been changed for clarity. Additionally, common rules that aren’t part of the Code will be listed.
The Code
1) Defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life. You have friendships from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain strongest to your Clan above all others, as you one day meet outsiders in battle. As such, taking a mate from another Clan is forbidden.
2) Do not hunt or trespass in another Clan’s territory. It is acceptable to enter another Clan’s territory if you must report to them or ask for help, but breaking a truce gives the Clan full rights to punish as they see fit.
3) Elders and queens take prey first. Apprentices may not eat until they have completed their duties for the day, unless given permission. The sick and injured must be provided for when elders and queens are.
4) Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.
5) A kit must be six moons old before they may be apprenticed. A leader may postpone apprenticeship, but apprenticeship should not happen earlier.
6) Newly appointed warriors must hold a silent vigil when they receive their warrior name. This vigil is not to be broken until the following sunrise.
7) A warrior must have had an apprentice to become deputy.
8) The deputy becomes leader when the current leader dies, retires, or is exiled.
9) After the death, retirement, or promotion of the deputy, a new one must be named in their place before moonhigh passes.
10) A Gathering is held when the moon is full. A truce must be kept for the night, and there must be no fighting among the Clans.
11) Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Trespassers should be warned off the territory, or fought if necessary.
12) No warrior can neglect or harm a kit, even if it is an outsider to their Clan.
13) A leader’s word is law, and must be respected as though it were the Code itself.
14) A warrior should not kill unless in self-defense or if another is outside the Code. An unnecessary death should be paid back to the Clan whose warrior was lost, to prevent further war.
15) Warriors must reject the life of a kittypet.
Solutions to issues and punishments for breaking the Code: (Numbered by relevant code.)
1) Punishment varies on severity and judgement of the leader. Defending friends from outside Clans while in battle may result in verbal reprimands, being forbidden from attending Gatherings, or, in severe situations, exile from the Clan. Taking a mate may result in being banned from Gatherings or being stripped of a leadership position. In the event that kits are produced from a forbidden relationship, the queen’s Clan will have rights to them. If the queen dies and there is no other queen to care for them, the father’s Clan may take them in order to ensure their health. However, if the leader of the queen’s Clan rejects them, the father’s Clan may take them from the start, provided they have the queens to care for them. Although this code is taken quite seriously, it is broken so frequently that leaders have become accustomed to dealing with the fallout of it.
No matter the situation, one of the two Clans must take in the kits, as the Code demands they cannot be neglected.
2) Again, trespassing punishments vary in severity. Often, the best solution is for the leaders of both involved Clans to discuss reparations, especially if prey-stealing was involved. Minor trespassing is usually just resolves in threats, but repeated or severe infringements may result in an attack.
3) If a cat takes more than their share or eats before their turn, they are bound to hunting duties (sometimes under supervision, which is more an embarrassment to the warrior than anything else), and may lose eating privileges for a day.
4) Punishment for playing with/damaging/ruining prey is the same as 3. Prayers are often done silently, so it is hard to gauge if a cat did not thank StarClan, but if someone deems they didn’t give it proper respects, a verbal reprimand usually suffices.
5) A leader may hold off apprenticeship if they believe a kit is not ready. For instance, some kits are too small when they are six moons, they were sick or injured, or they may have been extensively misbehaving and had it postponed as a punishment. The latter is very rare, and only used in extreme cases, as it holds the Clan back to keep a cat from feeding and protecting them.
6) A vigil may be broken if the new warrior needs to warn their Clan of danger or pass along an otherwise urgent message. However, if they needlessly break it, they may be reduced to apprentice duties again for a period of time.
7) There is no alternative to this rule or punishment for breaking appointing a deputy who has not been a mentor, as this can only be followed by a leader.
8) In the case that a leader and deputy die or are both exiled, a medicine cat should chose the next leader. If this too is impossible, the leader should be chosen by popular opinion. There must be no fighting for leadership, and if there are multiple choices, they may travel to Highstones to dream with StarClan and be chosen.
9) There is no punishment for promoting a deputy late, and is mostly upheld through respect for the Code, want for the Clan to be safe, and fear of the Clan’s superstition if it is broken. If it is broken, the Clan is unlikely to trust or have faith in the new deputy.
10) Punishments vary for breaking a truce. If a few warriors cause trouble, their leaders punish them as they feel is appropriate for the situation. If a leader starts conflict, the others may go as far as to force them out and chase them from their own Clan in the interest of preserving the sacred truce.
11) Unless a warrior had the duty of marking a boundary and neglected it, there is generally not a punishment for a Clan forgetting its border for a day. However, this is hardly ever a forgotten task, as it is upheld to protect the safety of the Clan and preserve their prey from outsiders. Warriors on patrols are generally trusted to gauge the severity of a trespasser and should handle it accordingly. A leader may punish their warriors if they feel the warriors acted too rashly.
12) Neglecting or harming a kit is rarely done, as it takes a truly cruel cat to do this, and the punishment is often immediate exile. A cat who does not have even the slightest compassion for a weakened kit is not trusted to be around the Clan’s own kits, so the cat must be expelled from the group.
13) This is perhaps the most problematic part of the Code, as it gives corrupt leaders free reign to do as they like and forces their cats to go along with it. A Clan may rise up and overthrow an unjust leader, but this itself conflicts with the Code, which causes a conflict of morals. Unless a leader continues to do truly horrible things, and loses support of all their cats, they will often go on without being overthrown unless outsiders become involved.
14) As with stealing prey, an unnecessary killing of another Clan’s warrior should be resolved by meeting directly with their leader and discussing a proper reparation. Additionally, warriors slain must be left for their own Clan to collect and bury. Desecrating a body or preventing a Clan from retrieving their warrior’s body is seen as sacrilegious.
15) This is loosely interpreted between Clans. Some cats take it to mean anything associated with human life should be rejected, kittypets themselves included, while others may think that it only means a warrior cannot become a kittypet or take kittypet food. Taking kittypet is something very rarely done, so there are not established punishments, but a leader may judge the situation and act accordingly.
Other Clan Rules
These rules are less severely enforced, and may vary between Clans or even be nonexistent in one. However, they are still generally accepted as rules and are well-known.
1) Cats travelling to the Moonstone must be left in peace, but they also may not hunt on their journey. If travellers are attacked, witnesses are obligated to respect their connection to StarClan by defending them.
2) Kits may not leave camp until apprenticed. However, certain leaders may be more lenient on this, and ShadowClan as a whole allows it so long as the kits are guarded by a warrior, and even then only for short walks. In general, though, all Clans agree that kits should not be unsupervised and that a queen should be aware if her kits are out of camp.
3) The safety of the Clan is above the safety of one cat. However, this isn’t to say that an injured cat should be left behind or that a warrior should not leap to their Clanmate’s defense, but is more of a reminder that the Clan must be able to preserve itself as a whole, even if a few of its cats are lost.
4) Not insulting a leader or a cat of high social standing is more on unspoken rule, but may result in punishment.
5) Battle training is done with claws sheathed so as to prevent young cats from hurting each other without need.
6) An apprentice may not take a mate. Of course, young cats can’t be stopped from having feelings, but their training and personal growth should come first and they must hold off taking a mate until they reach adulthood.
7) Outside of circumstances that demand it, parents cannot mentor their own kits. Older siblings are generally avoided as well, but isn’t a rule as it is with parents.
8) While not strictly forbidden, a mentor should not court a former apprentice (and certainly not a current one). A mentor is meant to be a teacher and a guide, and romantic feelings from a mentor for an old apprentice are viewed suspiciously within the Clans.
9) Although it is not explicitly in the Code, warriors may be punished if they speak too poorly of StarClan.
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tpanan · 7 years
My Thursday Daily Blessings
November 23, 2017
Be still quiet your heart and mind, the LORD is here, loving you talking to you...........
Thursday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 500
First Reading: 1 Maccabees 2:15-29
The officers of the king in charge of enforcing the apostasy came to the city of Modein to organize the sacrifices. Many of Israel joined them, but Mattathias and his sons gathered in a group apart.
Then the officers of the king addressed Mattathias: "You are a leader, an honorable and great man in this city, supported by sons and kin.
Come now, be the first to obey the king's command, as all the Gentiles and the men of Judah and those who are left in Jerusalem have done.
Then you and your sons shall be numbered among the King's Friends, and shall be enriched with silver and gold and many gifts."
But Mattathias answered in a loud voice: "Although all the Gentiles in the king's realm obey him, so that each forsakes the religion of his fathers and consents to the king's orders, yet I and my sons and my kin will keep to the covenant of our fathers.
God forbid that we should forsake the law and the commandments. We will not obey the words of the king nor depart from our religion in the slightest degree." As he finished saying these words, a certain Jew came forward in the sight of all to offer sacrifice on the altar in Modein according to the king's order.
When Mattathias saw him, he was filled with zeal; his heart was moved and his just fury was aroused; he sprang forward and killed him upon the altar.
At the same time, he also killed the messenger of the king who was forcing them to sacrifice, and he tore down the altar. Thus he showed his zeal for the law, just as Phinehas did with Zimri, son of Salu. Then Mattathias went through the city shouting, "Let everyone who is zealous for the law and who stands by the covenant follow after me!"
Thereupon he fled to the mountains with his sons, leaving behind in the city all their possessions. Many who sought to live according to righteousness and religious custom went out into the desert to settle there.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15
"To the upright I will show the saving power of GOD."
Verse before the Gospel: Psalm 95:8
Alelluia, Alelluia
"If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts."
Alelluia, Alelluia
Gospel Reading: Luke 19:41-44
As Jesus drew near Jerusalem, he saw the city and wept over it, saying, "If this day you only knew what makes for peace–but now it is hidden from your eyes. For the days are coming upon you when your enemies will raise a palisade against you; they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides. They will smash you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another within you because you did not recognize the time of your visitation."
What enables us to live in peace and harmony with our families, neighbors, local communities, and the wider community of peoples and nations? The Father in heaven sent his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to reconcile us with God and to unite us with one another in a bond of peace and mutual love.
Jesus' earthly ministry centers and culminates in Jerusalem, which Scripture describes as the holy city, the throne of the Lord (Jeremiah 3:17);and the place which God chose for his name to dwell there (1 Kings 11:13; 2 Kings 21:4; 2 Kings 23:27); and the holy mountain upon which God has set his king (Psalm 2:6). Jerusalem derives its name from the word "salem" which mean "peace". The temple in Jerusalem was a constant reminder to the people of God's presence with them.
Tears of mourning and sorrow over sin and refusal to believe in God When Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the multitude of homes surrounding the holy temple, he wept over it because it inhabitants did not "know the things that make for peace" (Luke 19:42). As he poured out his heart to the Father in heaven, Jesus shed tears of sorrow, grief, and mourning for his people. He knew that he would soon pour out his blood for the people of Jerusalem and for the whole world as well.
Why does Jesus weep and lament over the city of Jerusalem? Throughout its history, many of the rulers and inhabitants - because of their pride and unbelief - had rejected the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Now they refuse to listen to Jesus who comes as their Messiah - whom God has anointed to be their Savior and Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).
Jesus is our only hope - the only one who can save us and the world Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem was a gracious visitation of God's anointed Son and King to his holy city. Jerusalem's lack of faith and rejection of the Messiah, however, leads to its eventual downfall and destruction by the Romans in 70 A.D. Jesus' lamentation and prophecy echoes the lamentation of Jeremiah who prophesied the first destruction of Jerusalem and its temple. Jeremiah's prayer of lamentation offered a prophetic word of hope, deliverance, and restoration:
"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies are new every morning ...For the Lord will not cast off for ever, but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love for he does not willingly afflict or grieve the sons of men" (Lamentations 3:21-22, 31-32).
Jesus is the hope of the world because he is the only one who can truly reconcile us with God and with one another. Through his death and resurrection Jesus breaks down the walls of hostility and division by reconciling us with God. He gives us his Holy Spirit both to purify us and restore us as a holy people of God. Through Jesus Christ we become living temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).  God has visited his people in the past and he continues to visit us through the gift and working of his Holy Spirit. Do you recognize God's gracious visitation of healing and restoration today?
God judges, pardons, heals, and restores us to new life When God visits his people he comes to establish peace and justice by rooting out our enemies - the world (which stands in opposition to God), the flesh (our own sinful cravings and inordinate desires), and the devil (who is Satan, the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning - John 8:44) who enslave us to fear and pride, rebellion and hatred, envy and covetousness, strife and violence, and every form of evil and wrong-doing. That is why God both judges and purifies his people - to lead us from our sinful ways to his way of justice, peace, love, and holiness. God actively works among his people to teach us his ways and to save us from the destruction of our own pride and sin and from Satan's snares and lies.
Are God's judgments unjust or unloving? Scripture tells us that "when God's judgments are revealed in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness" (Isaiah 26:9). To pronounce judgment on sin is much less harsh than what will happen if those who sin are not warned to repent. The Lord in his mercy gives us grace and time to turn away from sin, but that time is right now. If we delay, even for a moment, we may discover that grace has passed us by and our time is up. Do you accept the grace to turn away from sin and to walk in God's way of peace and holiness?
"Lord Jesus, you have visited and redeemed your people. May I not miss the grace of your visitation today as you move to bring your people into greater righteousness and holiness of life. Purify my heart and mind that I may I understand your ways and conform my life more fully to your will."
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
**Meditations may be freely reprinted for non-commercial use. Cite copyright & source: www.dailyscripture.net author Don Schwager© 2015 Servants of the Word
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