#but no lets be an asshole to these concerned kids lol
ofcowardiceandkings · 4 months
judge chris hehir eat glass challenge
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dixons-sunshine · 13 days
No-Nonsense | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
A/N: I am so sorry this sucks. I’m moving in a few days, Saturday to be exact, and I’ve been packing non-stop today. When I finally sat down, my brain was fried and I couldn’t really think of words lol. This was the best I could do. I hope it’s still somewhat okay!
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The sound of a disbelieving scoff being let out had Daryl tensing up. His cerulean-coloured eyes trailed over to where you leaned back against the wall, his hard, steel-like gaze resting on your face. “Ya got somethin’ ya wanna say, Sunshine?”
“Yeah, I do.” Your own angered stare rested solely upon the crossbow-wielding archer, T-Dog, Rick and the kid, Miguel or something, not even being on your mind at that moment. “I want a gun.”
Daryl rolled his eyes at your statement. He didn’t even know why Rick had bothered asking you along. If shit hit the fan, you wouldn’t be able to protect yourself, and the archer didn’t feel like dying for some woman he didn’t even care for. Sure, you were a resident at Atlanta General before the world ended and had come along to check if Merle had potentially suffered from heatstroke, but other than that, you were useless. At least, to Daryl’s knowledge.
“Yeah, well ya ain’t gettin’ one. I ain’t ‘bout to have my head blown off ‘cause’a yer shit aim,” Daryl told you defiantly. Truth be told, he did not even know whether or not you could use a gun, but if your hesitance towards even looking at Dale’s shotgun back at the camp was anything to go by, it was best not to trust you with a weapon that could potentially lead to his demise.
Cleverly sensing that the situation would escalate without an intervention, the self-appointed leader stepped forward and between your’s and Daryl’s line of sight. “No need to get at each other’s throats.” Rick sighed, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. The last thing he wanted was for blood to be spilled over something as meaningless as an argument. The main concern was getting Glenn back. Rick turned towards you, an understanding glint in his eyes. “Shane told me you didn’t know how to handle a gun. I’m guessin’ he’s got it wrong.”
“Shane doesn’t know shit,” you spat bitterly, pushing yourself off the wall. “I know how to use a gun. I just don’t like it.”
“Yeah, well s’the way’a life now, Sweetheart. Better get to likin’ it real quick,” Daryl interjected before Rick could respond. He picked up his crossbow and slung it across his shoulder. “‘Sides, how do we know ya ain’t jus’ lyin’ to us?”
“You don’t,” you began, your jaw clenching as you tried to suppress your anger. “I could be lying to you, or I could be telling the truth. Either way, I’m not walking into that place with nothing but my good looks. So we can continue to argue about this all day, or you can stop being an asshole, shut up, trust me, and give me a goddamn gun, or else you can tend to your brother’s wounds on your own if we find him. Your choice.”
If there was one thing Daryl had to give you points for, it was your no-nonsense attitude. Most of the women at the camp seemed to fear him, but you didn’t. Time and time again, you stood up to both Shane and Merle. You refused to be belittled, and he respected you for that. You could stand your ground, regardless of the person you faced.
Swallowing his pride, because he sensed that he could potentially have been in the wrong, Daryl reached forward and grabbed a handgun from the table. He offered it to you, and when you wrapped your hand around the handle, his hand lingered on the weapon for a few moments. “Jus’ so ya know, I ain’t gon’ carry ya when ya shoot yerself in the foot.”
Against your better judgement, you sent him a small smile. “And I’m not gonna carry you when that guy shoots you in the ass for shooting him in his.”
Daryl let out a small huff of laughter. Under normal circumstances, the archer would have still been pissed. However, for some reason, seeing your smile made his anger fade away and be replaced with another feeling, one that unnerved him beyond belief. However, he pushed that odd, fluttery feeling to the depths of his mind. There were far more pressing matters at hand.
Before he could speak up, Rick’s voice flooded the air, making you and Daryl practically jump apart. “Now that that’s settled, let’s get goin’.” For added emphasis, he cocked his gun, motioning towards the kid. “Let’s get Glenn back.”
You spared one last look at the brooding archer. He gave you a small nod, a stark contrast to his previously angered, frustrated state. “After you,” he mumbled, motioning towards the door.
You sent him a playful smirk as you walked past him. “Why, thank you. That was almost gentlemanly of you.”
“Keep up the smart ass remarks and m’shootin’ an arrow into yer behind.”
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annwrites · 4 months
see somethin' you like, darlin'?
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: you & billy are far from hawkins & get a room for the night.
— tags: there's only one bed, billy offering to share the shower, billy getting you to open up to him, billy just being a complete horndog
— tw: eating, drinking, mentions of domestic violence, mentions of near-childhood molestation, mentions of alcohol, smoking
— word count: 3,644
some of billy's dialogue is so funny to me lol
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When you wake, it's now daylight out and the car is stopped, the smell of gasoline wafting through the cabin. You slowly sit up and see that you're at a gas station. You look around, and spot Billy, who's standing behind the car, gassing it up.
You exit the car and he looks at you. "See you're finally awake."
You'd only woken one other time in the middle of the night, and had listened silently as Mötley Crüe played quietly on the radio, Billy softly singing along. You'd let his voice put you back to sleep.
You nod, stretching, and he licks his lips as your t-shirt rides up a tad before settling back over your hips.
His eyes meet yours again.
"Where are we?"
The nozzle jerks and Billy removes it, screwing the gas cap back into place. "Missouri."
Your brows raise.
He comes to stand in front of you. "Slept right through Illinois."
You'd gone through an entire state overnight.
Something about him letting you sleep peacefully all night while he raced to get the both of you away before anyone could come after you made warmth bloom in your chest.
You cross your arms gently. "Do...do you think we're okay?"
He shrugs. "My folks would probably know I'm headed for California. I'm guessing your dad wouldn't know where to start looking for you?"
You shake your head.
He reaches into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out a pack of smokes, then retrieves a lighter from his front right pocket and he lights one up. He takes a long drag before speaking again, eyes wandering over those milling around the gas station, fueling up or wrangling unruly kids, taking bites of their gas-station snacks.
He then looks back down to you again. "You hungry?"
You blink up at him, more worried about being caught and dragged back home than grabbing a candy bar. Not one to dwell on serious matters, he is.
You shrug. "A little."
He turns, heading to go inside. You follow behind.
When you enter the small convenience store, the smell of hot dogs and something sugary greets your senses, cool air washing over you. The two of you go in separate directions. You opting for something hot to eat, him, a bag of chips and a pack of M&Ms. You grab a bottle of water from one of the coolers, while he opts for a Red Bull.
Once you're standing up front before the cashier, you begin patting your pockets, realizing your wallet is in one of your bags in the car. "I'll be right back, I have to go grab some cas-"
He pushes your food together with his. "It's fine, I've got it."
"Thank you," you say quietly.
The older woman behind the counter with dyed-red hair and a bit too much eyeliner glances between the two of you with a concerned expression. Your brows furrow, confused as to why she's giving you a strange look. Your pictures weren't already being broadcast on TV, were they? And then you remember that you'd been beaten black and blue last night.
Billy rolls his eyes. "I'm not the one that gave her a tune-up. So, you want to ring my shit up now, or what?"
You look down, embarrassed.
The scanner starts to beep.
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Once you're both back in the car, you taking small bites from your hotdog, Billy taking sips from his energy drink, you remain silent as he turns out of the parking lot, merging back into traffic.
"Are you still okay to drive? I mean, aren't you exhausted? You look tired."
He glances to you with a smirk and a raised brow.
Great, the pretentious asshole is back.
"If you think I'm about to let you behind the wheel, sweetie, you have another thing comin'."
You lean back, taking another bite of your food. You swallow. "I wouldn't know how, even if I wanted to."
He shifts gears. "Don't tell me you only know automatics."
You take a sip of your water. "I don't know any."
He slows for a red light, looking at you. "Your old man never taught you how to drive?"
You shake your head.
He rolls his eyes, accelerating again. "Figures."
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You're in Oklahoma when Billy finally stops, the sky now a dusky pink color, splotches of orange melded in.
The two of you had spent most of the day in silence—well, not talking, that is—at one point he'd turned his music back on, blaring Sammy Hagar's I Can't Drive 55, while, of course, refusing to drive that himself, instead cutting people off in traffic, while going well over the speed limit.
You'd tried to tell him if he kept it up, he'd inevitably get a ticket. And what if the cops then found out that he's been reported missing? That both of you had? Not that you were sure either of you had yet, but that paranoia of being discovered and carted back to Hawkins refused to release you.
He'd then smirked, smoking another cigarette—you hated the smell, and he knew it—and he'd told you "You worry too damn much, darlin'. Might help you relax if you just got laid.".
You'd groaned, leaning your head back against the seat, staring out the open passenger-side window.
He'd laughed, turning back to the road.
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Currently, you're standing next to him at the front desk of a Super 8 motel, your bags at your feet as he asks the receptionist for a room for the night.
"We currently have a few rooms available. How many beds?"
He glances to you and you stare up at him. "Which is cheapest?"
He turns back to the receptionist then.
You both wait patiently as she checks the motel's log book. She looks back up to Billy. "We have a room with a double-bed that's twenty-five a night."
He jaw flexes. "And if I wanted two beds instead?"
She glances to you, your bruised-up face, then back to him, then her log book once again. "It'd be double the price."
He sighs, pulling out his wallet, slapping a twenty and a five down on the counter. "One bed it is, then."
You watch as he writes down the name George Thorogood in the guest book, your lip twitching in amusement.
She hands him the key, and each of you pick up your bags from the worn, stained carpet, then, and head back outside, and you follow him up a flight of stairs to your room for the evening.
Once the door is closed behind you, you switch on the light, taking in the low-budget space. A single bed is shoved against the middle of the wall, small wooden nightstands on either side of it, an AC unit under the window to your left. Against the opposite wall is a box TV sat atop a dresser, a placard on top stating they have HBO. To the right side of the bed is the closet, past that, the bathroom. There's also a small table with two chairs by the door you'd just entered.
You watch as he drops his bag on the floor, kneeling down and pulling a jewelry box out, placing it on the bed, and then a small steel strong box.
Your brows furrow.
He flips open the lid of the jewelry box, dumping the contents on the comforter. He begins sorting through everything, separating it all into two distinct piles: cheap, and expensive-looking.
"Did...did you steal that from your mom?"
He looks to you. "Step, and yeah, I did. Got a problem with that?"
You study him for a moment, then shake your head.
He turns back to the jewelry—hand hovering over a silver ring—which he then picks up, and lets out a low curse. "This was my mom's. Fucking bastard. Bitch."
He shoves it into his pocket.
He looks to you. "Think a pawn shop would take costume jewelry?"
You shrug. "Maybe. If not, you could always try an antique store. They probably won't give you very much for it, though."
He dumps all the expensive pieces back into the box, then shoves the rest into a pocket on his duffel bag. Next, he slides the heavy strong box toward the spot the jewelry box has now vacated. He stares down at it for a moment, considering.
He then walks into the bathroom. You sit, listening as you hear the toilet tank lid scraping against the tank, then porcelain meeting porcelain as he, you assume, sets it atop the toilet lid. You hear something being jimmied, then he comes back into the bedroom, handle-arm from the tank in-hand.
He kneels before the box, shoving the piece of thin metal under the lid and pushing upward as much as he can, lips pressed into a firm line.
He stops for a moment. "Gonna end up breaking the fucking thing instead," he mutters to himself.
He looks back to you over his shoulder. "Do you have any bobby pins?"
You stand. "I think so." You walk over to your bag, pick it up, and set it atop the table. You begin rifling through the pocket where you'd put a few personal care items, including a small pack of bobby pins.
You hand them to him, your fingers brushing against the palm of his calloused hand.
He takes two out, unbending them, and he shoves both into the lock of the box and begins to slowly turn them.
He stares at the headboard a few feet from him, going off of feeling alone, trying to concentrate.
"Motherf-" He bites his lip, turning them the other way. He shoves one in further. "C'mon, you bitch."
And then you hear something unclick and a wide smile breaks out across his face. "Ha! Fuck yeah!"
He stands, throwing open the box's lid and both your eyes widen when you see the rolls of cash inside.
He looks to you—who's still standing beside him—with a raised brow and a pleased smirk. "My old man's savings. What I could get my hands on anyway." He begins pulling out rolls of quarters, handing them to you. "He has an account at the Hawkins Credit Union, too, but..." He looks back to the table you'd previously been seated at, then at the rolls of coins in your open palms. "Count those for me, will you?"
You nod, sitting, breaking open the tight paper rollers wrapped around the change.
You glance up and watch as Billy unrolls a fat wad of bills. He begins counting to himself. "Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty..." He continues counting in only a mere whisper then.
Once you've finished adding, you look up to Billy. "There's thirty-five dollars in quarters here." One of the rolls had only been half-filled.
He puts the last of the bills he'd been counting back in the strong box, practically vibrating with excitement. "Three-thousand fucking dollars!" He turns back to you. "Do you have any idea how long that'll keep us going for, honey? Fucking weeks—longer, maybe."
You smile at him.
He turns back, nodding. "Goddamn, three thou'."
He comes over to you, gathering the change to put it back away. "How much did you bring?"
You flush, feeling inferior in comparison, because you'd done the same as him before leaving home: stolen from him. But the amount you'd brought along was practically chump-change in comparison.
"Not nearly as much. My dad...he spends most of his paychecks on booze and scratch-offs. So, only a little over three-hundred." You reach into your bag, rifling through an inner pocket, until your fingers brush again cool metal.
"I did take this, though." You hand him a Rolex.
He whistles. "Damn, how much is this worth?" He looks at you from under his lashes.
You shrug. "My mom bought it for him at some point before she left."
His smile falters then, his eyes staring into your own.
You wonder what had caused his sudden shift in mood.
"Yours left you, too?"
So that was why.
You nod, taking the watch back away from him. "It was a long time ago." You drop it into your bag.
He steps away, flopping back on the bed, hands behind his head as he stares up at the ceiling. "So, what was the plan, anyway? If I hadn't come along, I mean. Were...you meeting someone?"
You tuck one of your feet under you. "No. I just planned to walk for as long as I could. Maybe thumb a ride if need-be."
He snorts. "'If need-be'," he repeats back to you. "You realize California is over two-thousand miles away, right, honey?"
You shrug. "I hadn't necessarily planned on California, specifically. Like I said: I just want to go West."
"Well, that's where you're headed now. Specifically." He smiles to himself. California. Home. He was finally going home. He'd never have to be around those people again.
"You mind if I ask how long he's been doing it for?"
You don't need to ask him to elaborate what he's asking exactly.
You're quiet for a moment, staring down at your recently-painted toes. "Since before my mom left. But before she did, he'd never hit me. Only her. So nine."
He chews the inside of his cheek. "That the only thing he did: hit you?"
You know what he's asking. And you don't want to answer.
"Does it matter?"
You'd given him the answer without even having to say it.
"How many times?"
You sigh, wishing he'd drop it. You briefly consider snapping at him, just to cause an argument, which would get you off of this subject.
"Never, technically."
He sits up, looking at you, forearms resting against his thighs, fingers steepled. "No?"
You shift uncomfortably. "When...after I turned twelve and hit puberty... There was this one night when he came home—drunker than I'd ever seen him before. I'd been in bed asleep. He woke me up. Called me my mom's name. I think he thought I was her. I decided to knee him in the groin when he started trying to take off my nightgown. He hit me for it, but it got him off of me, at least. I slept outside that night. Well, stayed outside. I didn't do much sleeping, too afraid to close my eyes.
"The next morning, it was like it'd never happened. Maybe he didn't remember. I sure as hell wasn't going to remind him out of fear of him finishing what he'd tried to start the night before."
You're both silent for a moment, a pregnant pause settling between you. Until Billy speaks.
"I'm sorry."
You look at him. "Me too."
He doesn't want you feeling sorry for him, though. Doesn't want you asking him to open up like you just had. Men were built different. Girls could cry and get upset all they wanted—they were emotional little things to start with. Men needed to be tough. You wanted to feel something? Get angry, then.
He stands, shrugging off his jacket, tossing it back on the bed. He then grips the back of his shirt, pulling it off as well, and you look away, blushing.
He smirks at the look on your face. A dozen sly comments make their way through his head, but he refrains. For now. "I'm going to take a shower to wash the road off of me."
He glances to your bag for a moment. "You got any makeup in there, like Revlon or some shit?"
You look at him with furrowed brows. "No. Why?"
"Well, maybe you should get some. Tired of people giving me dirty looks thinking I did that shit to you." He gestures toward your face.
You shrug. "It'll heal eventually."
"Yeah, in a couple weeks, if not longer."
"I thought you were going to shower?"
He raises a brow. "Saw it when I went to get the handle-arm. Big enough for two."
You roll your eyes, standing, then flop down face-first on the bed. "I'll be just fine right here."
He stares at your ass for a moment. "Oh, I'm sure you will, sweetheart."
You groan and he chuckles as he heads in the direction of the bathroom.
He doesn't bother closing the door and you hear the water start.
And he of course sings loudly the entire time—the lyrics to Warrant's Cherry Pie.
You cover your head with a pillow.
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Fifteen minutes later, Billy emerges from the bathroom with nothing but a towel hanging low on his hips, his happy-trail visible. He'd positioned it exactly-so in front of the mirror before coming out.
...and you were busy staring out the window. Because of course you were.
He clears his throat and immediately turns toward his bag when you turn to look at him. "Shower's free," he states, dropping his towel to the floor as he pulls on a pair of black briefs.
Your eyes widen. "Billy!"
He glances up to you with a bored expression.
Meanwhile, your face is now cherry-red, your expression that of mortification.
A mischievous smirk then crawls its way across his lips as your eyes glance from his now-clothed waist, to his muscled chest—still wet from the hot water—then your eyes meet his, noticing his damp, slicked-back curls.
"See somethin' you like, darlin'?"
You grab the clothes you'd picked out for wearing to bed tonight while he'd been cleaning up, and storm past him, slamming the bathroom door behind you, even locking it as you turn the water back on, sitting on the toilet lid, head in your hands as you try to calm your now-thundering heart.
Billy merely lays back on the bed again, feeling content, a wry smirk on his face. "Oh yeah, she wants me."
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When you emerge from the bathroom, you find Billy asleep on the left side of the bed, nearest the door, light from the window shining down in thin slivers which arch across his bare back.
You quietly pad over, pulling the curtains closed, the room darkening.
Your stomach then rumbles and you decide to go out in-search of a nearby place to get some dinner. It's when you open the door to the room—a twenty from the money you'd taken from your father tucked away in your pocket—that Billy's eyes pop open.
"The fuck're you doin'?" He asks, face half-buried in his pillow.
"I'm hungry."
He closes his eyes. "Then order room service."
You shift on your feet. "I don't think they offer that here."
He groans in tired irritation. "Fucking delivery, I mean."
"Why can't I just-"
"Because I don't need to worry about your ass disappearin'. And I'm fuckin' beat, so I'm not going back out. Close the damn door."
You sigh, doing as he's said, sliding the chain-lock back into place.
"Deadbolt, too," he commands.
You oblige.
You walk over to the bedside table beside his head and pull the drawer open, hoping to find some menus inside, and you end up in-luck. You bend over to grab them, and his hand suddenly slides up the back of your thigh then and you jerk, standing up straight, nearly dropping the laminated papers from your grip. You swat his hand away, stepping back over to the table.
He snickers to himself and you just look at him, shaking your head.
"Is that all you think about?" You ask, voice full of disbelief that he'd just done that.
He rolls onto his back, folding his hands atop his bare chest, eyes still closed. "You sure you want the answer to that, honey?"
You roll your eyes, perusing the menus. "Are you hungry?"
"For food or somethin' else?"
"What do you think?" You spit at him and his lip twitches at having gotten under your skin so easily. Again.
"Not really."
You feel the need to berate him for going to bed on an empty-stomach. All he'd had today was a couple bags of junk food, but you know he's tired, so you instead let it go.
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You order a small pizza from a local Italian place, and twenty minutes later, there's a knock at the door.
And Billy is woken yet again.
You silently pay the man, closing and locking the door behind you as you set the box on the table.
"Smells good," he says, words slurred.
And he said he didn't want anything. Men.
You plop a piece down on a paper plate and walk it over to him. "Here."
He looks up at you. "Really tired. Maybe I should let you feed it to me."
Jesus Christ—he never stops, does he?
You toss it down on the nightstand. "Your arms aren't broken."
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It doesn't take long for the two of you to finish eating. After which, you brush your teeth, then come back into the bedroom, the sky now dark outside.
You stand on the side of the bed opposite him, considering sleeping on the damn floor instead.
"You comin' to bed?" He asks, head turned toward you, eyes closed again.
"Are you going to keep your hands to yourself?"
He shrugs one shoulder. "No promises."
You briefly consider smothering him with a pillow, but instead opt for postponing committing homicide. For now.
You lie down next to him, right on the edge of the bed, and his eyes flutter open. He smiles then. "Knew I'd get you into bed eventually."
"Go the hell to sleep."
He closes his eyes again, a warm smile on his face. "I don't mind 'em fiesty, y'know."
You roll over, facing away from him.
"Mm, even better view."
You let out a loud, irritated groan, stand, then climb beneath the comforter, wrapping it around you. You close your eyes, ignoring the fact that Billy is lying just a few inches away, as you drift off to sleep.
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britany1997 · 7 months
hey bestie for requests i was thinking something with toxic/stalker/possessive paul with a reader he falls for love at first sight/pining for reader since he first saw them, whether that’s him getting jealous of someone at the boardwalk flirting with HIS partner (whether reader knows it or not yet) or reader hanging with friends and paul hates sharing the reader with anyone other than him or something like that. just super possessive paul sounds *chef’s kiss*. feel free to disregard if you don’t want to do this!
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Every Breath You Take
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Of course of course! Thought this would be a fitting first story for my return to writing:):) hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: stalker/yandere Paul, general yandere behavior, kidnapping, making out, light touching lol
Paul x fem! Reader
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“He’s staring at you again,” the semi concerned words of your boyfriend came with a sharp elbow to the side. You catch the eyes of the same wild-haired blond man who seemed to pop up wherever you were.
Like always, your shared gaze didn’t last long as his blue eyes quickly flitted away. Yours narrowed, curious as to how he always seemed to know where you’d be.
“I’m sick of this asshole,” your boyfriend decides, rolling up his sleeves, “him and I are gonna have a conversation.” As he moved forward to walk towards the blond man you placed your hand on his chest, blocking him.
“Let’s not resort to violence,” you firmly suggested, “he’s not doing anything really he’s just…” you sucked in a breath, watching as the man pulled out a joint, not so subtly avoiding your eyes from afar, “watching.”
Your boyfriend scoffed, “you placate the weird kid you end up at the bottom of a lake.” Your nose scrunched in disgust. “What you didn’t see that Netflix doc babe?” He continued, “you never heard of Dahmer?”
You rolled your eyes, rolling your shoulder so his arm slid off, “you’re such a prick sometimes,” you mumbled.
Your boyfriend glared, “whatever, if I’m such a prick, why don’t you go be with that dude.” He gestured at the blue eyed man, who seemed to be trying (and failing) to pretend he wasn’t listening to your conversation.
“In fact,” your boyfriend pulled his keys from his pocket, “maybe he can give you a ride home.”
“What the fuck? You’re really gonna be like this right now?” you shook your head at your boyfriend’s hysterics, “real nice babe.”
He shrugged, saluting you mockingly before turning and walking away, leaving you stranded on the boardwalk.
Your head fell into your hands, what an asshole.
You looked in the direction of that blond guy, maybe he could give you a ride home. All things considered, he did seem harmless…and he was even sorta handsome. But unfortunately for you, he was also gone.
“Shit,” you muttered, pulling out your phone and clicking open the Uber app. You sighed. ‘This time I’m done with him,’ you thought to yourself, ‘no going back.’
“You sure?” A voice as smooth as silk purred over your shoulder, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.
As you turned, your wide eyes bore into stunning blue ones. Your jaw went slack. You couldn’t deny that deep down you’d always thought he was an attractive guy…but up close? He might as well have been Adonis.
Maybe he liked seeing you squirm because the corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk. “You done with him baby? Want a real man? Hmm?” His honeyed voice lulled you into a trance. You gasped like a fish as you stared at his perfect face. You let him slip an arm around your shoulder.
But then your brow furrowed, your shoulder tensing under his grip. “But…I never said I was done with him… not out loud,” you mused, shooting him a confused look.
He huffed a quick laugh. “You musta been thinkin out loud sugar,” he winked, “was half way to my bike when I heard you say that, thought I’d come back and getcha, give ya a ride maybe?”
That sounded nice. Much nicer than walking home. And hey, this guy seemed fine, the only thing he’d ever done to you was hang around while you were at the boardwalk, and damn, it was a public place anyway.
You shrugged and let him lead you towards his motorcycle as his arm slipped from your shoulder to your waist.
As you settled into the seat in front of him, he smiled brightly. “Lucky I was here huh sugar? The breakers is a good five miles from here.”
As one of his hands slid around a handlebar and the other wrapped itself around your hip, you froze. “How do you know which apartment complex I live in?” You whispered, fear coursing through you.
You felt Paul’s grip on your hip tighten as his body tensed behind you. Then he relaxed, fingers drawing light circles on your hip bone. “Fuck babydoll, knew I’d mess this up.” You felt him lean in closer, his head resting on your shoulder.
You willed your body to run, scream, do anything, but you were petrified, held captive by your fear and this man’s firm, veiny hands.
“This might hurt,” he whispered into your ear before his teeth sunk into your neck.
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You were awoken by the feeling of a hand running through your hair. You smiled softly, leaning into the touch as your eyes slowly opened.
The scene you’d expected to wake to, of your boyfriend lovingly stroking your locks, vanished as you were met with the same bright blue eyes of the man from the boardwalk.
“Oh good you’re awake,” he smiled his terribly beautiful smile, the sight of it now making you sick.
You tensed and tried to pull away before realizing the blond man had your left wrist handcuffed to the bed.
“Just a precaution for now,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss your forehead, “when you can show me you can be a good girl for me, I’ll take it off.” He promised, almost gently.
You whimpered as you began to feel tears threatening to spill.
Paul softened, “no baby don’t cry,” he managed to gather you up in his arms, your cuffed hand hanging awkwardly from the bed as he cradled you.
“I’ll take such good care of you,” he promised, “I’ll spoil you, hold you, love you, whatever you want.” He buried his face into the nape of your neck and inhaled deeply. “I wanted to do this right, honest!” He told you, “but you’re so damn smart babydoll, you figured it all out so I just had to take ya.”
You sucked in a breath, fighting to hold back your tears as the blond man rambled desperately.
“It’s Paul by the way,” he tells you, “but you can call me anything you want sugar, whatever makes you happy,” I seductive smirk played on his lips, “I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to call me daddy.”
You cringed.
“Not there yet? Ok baby” Paul’s grip on you tightened, you could feel his freezing skin pressed against every part of you.
Your heart rate raced at his touch and he sighed. “I promise I’m not gonna hurt you babydoll,” he whispered, nuzzling his face into the nape of your neck once more. “I’ll be so sweet to you.”
“You bit me,” your quiet voice whimpered, “that hurt.” You reminded him.
Paul sighed, “I know sugar, I won’t ever bite you again…unless you want me to of course,” he promised, purring the last part into your ear.
You squeaked.
His hand moved to caress your cheek as he titled your gaze up to his. “I’ll be so good to you baby I promise. I’ll treat you like a princess.” His thumb rubbed against your cheek as his eyes softened with a boyish sweetness and adoration. “You’re so cute, and soft, and human.” He spoke almost absentmindedly, smiling as he touched you.“I’ll give you anything you want sugar, anything.” He whispered, his voice laced with desperation.
“You always looked so tired when you came home from work,” Paul continued, stroking your hair while he spoke. “Used to get so worried about bills…about everything. I can take care of you baby don’t you see? You’ll never have to worry about anything here, all you gotta worry ‘bout is lookin pretty f’me.” He kissed your cheek.
“Fuck, that shouldn’t be too hard for ya huh baby? You’re always so damn pretty for me,” his eyes clouded with hunger as he looked at you. “I’m gonna be so good to you babydoll” he repeated, his voice dripped with honey as he nipped at your neck.
You gasped at the sensation of him licking and sucking on your sensitive skin. The same sensation that had terrified you moments ago, now had you squirming with pleasure in Paul’s lap.
While you sunk into the feeling of his mouth on your skin, his hand found it’s way to the hem of your shirt. It snaked under to rub gentle circles on your stomach, sneaking higher with every caress.
You mewled in delight. Paul’s touch blew your boyfriend’s out of the water. To him, pleasure had been a game, to Paul, pleasure was an art.
You snapped back to reality when you felt Paul hardening against you in his lap.
Your eyes flew open as you remembered where you were, as you remembered the cuff around your wrist. This wasn’t right.
“W-wait,” you managed to whimper out, pushing his chest back as you did. “This is all a little much right now,” you said hesitantly, bracing yourself for Paul’s reaction.
His gaze softened, “course sugar, don’t wanna push ya.” He planted a chaste kiss on your lips before detangling himself from the bed and kneeling in front of you. “Do you want something to eat baby?” He asked, his pretty blue eyes full of adoration.
You nodded, blushing under his loving gaze.
“What do ya want sugar? I can get you anything,” He offered.
Your brow furrowed as you struggled to decide what you wanted.
Paul stopped you, “I’m sorry baby, don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” He leaned forward to kiss your forehead. “I’ll pick for you, just relax ok? I can make all your choices for you sweetheart.”
With that, he flashed you a boyish grin and took off to get you something to eat.
Once he was gone, you leaned back against the bed frame and sighed. Your free hand moved to your neck, feeling around where Paul had bit and kissed you. Electricity coursed through you at the memory.
You looked around the little cave Paul had you in. The walls were plastered with posters of heavy metal bands and all around the room there were crates filled to the brim with records. A collection that must have taken decades to amass, you realized.
The room actually looked decently clean, you had thought. Until you’d looked a little harder and noticed clothes and leftover pizza boxes poking out from underneath the bed. You smiled to yourself, he’d tried.
The more you thought about it, the more you realized it might not be so bad to have such a devilishly handsome man so hopelessly devoted to you. Your job was exhausting, and you were always stressed. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to let someone take care of you, God knows your boyfriend…your ex boyfriend, never had.
And Paul had been so sweet, so gentle, so loving with you. You hated to admit it, but you’d loved the way he touched you. And you found yourself wondering how long it would be till he’d touch you again.
You bit your lip at the thought. How could something wrong, feel so right?
‘Maybe this isn’t so bad,’ you thought to yourself as Paul walked through the entrance to his room with an armful of Chinese takeout boxes.
So when he flashed you his signature bright smile, you allowed yourself to smile back.
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wishesofeternity · 2 years
how interesting that when Rhaenyra looks at a maimed boy whose eye was gouged out by her own son and says "he must be sharply questioned" (aka tortured) for repeating things about her that she knows are 100% true, and when Alicent is horrified that an insult to Rhaenyra (which is, again, 100% true) is considered more important than her son literally being maimed and whose broken skin is currently being stitched up as they speak, Viserys chooses to support Rhaenyra. He walks up to his bleeding brutalized son and orders him to tell him where he heard such lies. He offers him no comfort or reassurance as a father, just an order. "Your King demands an answer."
(and frankly, he expected them to say Alicent. Look at the way he looked at her. He was almost expectant. He wanted her to be condemned)
and both of them prove completely unwilling to obey him. they look at this piece of deadbeat shit right in the eye and say: "We know, Father. Everyone knows. Just look at them."
And now that the accusation has turned back to Rhaenyra, does Viserys choose to listen and do something about it? does he? no, lol.
Instead he declares: "This terrible infighting must cease. We are family." How convenient. how fucking convenient. when Rhaenyra wanted justice (aka the further torture of a maimed kid for telling the truth) Viserys is fully willing to indulge her. He wasn't Aemond's family when he questioned him: he said it himself, tell me by the order of your King. But when his children refuse to listen to him, when the issue turns back to Rhaenyra? We're all family, let's reconcile and put this behind us :)
and that is when Alicent asks Viserys for justice of her own.
just look at Alicent's tone. Rhaenyra was the one who flat-out demanded that Aemond be questioned. Alicent isn't demanding anything, she is pleading. You think she cares about taking Luke's eye? (just minutes later, it's Rhaenyra she goes after. and when Larys asks her flat out if she wants him to do the deed for her, she tells him that it won't be necessary). Look at what Alicent says after this: "He is your son, Viserys. Your blood." This fucking asshole has raped her and abused her, and she is begging him to at least care about his children with her. And he does not.
He displays, for the whole court to see, that he does not give a fuck about his wife and their children. His young son has been horrifically maimed, but shielding and coddling his adult daughter from completely justified "accusations" is what he is most concerned about.
"This matter is finished," Viserys says. And right after? "Anyone whose tongue dares question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra's sons should have it removed." So essentially: the matter is over, everyone should make goodwill, but his precious daughter is always right and will always be his first priority. partly to soothe his own guilt over murdering his previous wife, and partly because Rhaenyra is a Targaryen which, to him, will always make her more worthy than Alicent.
and so it is his wife and other children - including the one who is bleeding in the same damn room - who pay the price for that
And thus, all of Alicent's well-founded fears about the life of her children and herself if Rhaenyra takes the throne are completely solidified. She and Rhaenyra do not share equal culpability for this conflict in the show, because Rhaenyra begins by fighting for power and Alicent begins by fighting for survival. The blame is fundamentally unequal.
you CANNOT tell me that Alicent was unjustified in how she reacted. you CANNOT tell me that she wasn't 100% right in grabbing that knife and going right to Rhaenyra (to rhaenyra! not to luke), demanding justice.
"and now you take my son's eye, and to even that you feel entitled" She is right. She is absolutely right. (She has no idea how right she is, actually, because that entitlement will lead directly to Rhaenyra's downfall someday)
Alicent Hightower finally snapped. GOOD FOR HER.
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Adam waking up in another dimension. I can totally see him being so confused by the baby and even checking his dick, making sure he still had it. I’m not sure if he would a v***ina too but he can see him checking his pants first and then she leaning against the alleyway with his hands on the baby bump. Slowly becoming aware of the whispers of ‘The queen of hell’ and not quite understanding he wonders out of the alleyway, the sinners continue to gossip about the queen (him but he doesn’t know that lol )
He wonders around awkwardly, noticing the sinners seeing him but not approaching to hurt him. It’s weird and makes him uncomfortable because some sinners are looking at him fondly. Until he sees charlie and Vaggie.
Adam to himself: Lucifer little brat. Fantastic. I can get some answers
Adam: OI, er what’s her name again? Oh right, Charlie!
Charlie’s he’d snaps up, her eyes wide as she turned towards him. At first Adam thinks vaggies going to attack him, especially when Charlie begins to tear up.
Adam: Oi brat-
Charlie: Mum?
He had to resist the urge to check for Lilith behind him. He eventually reaches the two and notices Vaggie isn’t holding her spear to his face.
Adam: Um okay what’s-
Charlie throws herself at him, hugging him: Mum! Is it really you! Where have you been? Dad and I have been so worried! We looked all over hell for you!
Adam eyes wide and in shock. He glances at Vaggie who looks rather relieved to see him. Eventually he gathers his bearings and pushes Charlie back.
Adam: the fuck you on about? Who are you calling mum!
Charlie noticing Adams bell: M-Mum…did you cheat on Dad? Is-is that why you left us?
Adam frowned: fuck no! You can cheat on somebody you were never with! And this, un, well I don’t know. I just woke up with it
Charlie relived: you didn’t cheat on dad
Adam: that’s why you got from that?
Vaggie clears her throat and gestures to Adam stomach and then the sinners around them: Charlie, we should hear back to the hotel? Maybe having this conversation in privacy ?
Charlie kidding: and call dad, he should know we’ve found Mum and that he doesn’t seem to be in a good way
Adam: good way? What are you getting at?
Vaggie moves to stand protectively: ma you have blood on your clothes
Adam: Ma? Who are you calling Ma!
Charlie on concern, speaking to Vaggie: you don’t think somebody hurt mum do you?
Vaggie: it definitely seems like somethings off. Ma has always been a little sickly. Didn’t your dad say after giving birth to or you his body got weaker?
Charlie becoming even more concerned: you’re right. Let’s get mum to the hotel so he can lay down. Then I’ll call dad over.
Vaggie nodding with steel eyes.
Adam shuddered when both of them looked at him.
Everyone would think that Adam had amnesia lol I can just imagine what happens when they get to the hotel and Lucifer finally shows up.
Lucifer: Oh thank my father you're okay! Where have you-
Adam: Don't touch me asshole!
Charlie: This is what I was trying to tell you on the phone dad, Ma seems to not know who we are.
Adam: I know who you assholes are! What I don't know is why I'm pregnant and apparently married to this clown! And apparently your mother? The fuck?
Lucifer: I will find out what happened to you my love.
Adam: What???
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Hello. In the final end notes of ‘What You’re Longing For (you claim to abhor)’ you mention the goons picking up the wrong clues from the Entire Mess of the final chapter. Is there any chance you’d be willing to expand more on that?
Additionally, I find myself curious: in the time after the fic, would Talia ever kidnap Jason for a bit of family bonding time(probably murdering dudes in the middle of nowhere or something, but still.)
Thank you for your time,
Hi! I’m not sure if this is a follow up request you’d like to feature in Ghost Stories so I’ll just list some of my thoughts here 💚
So Dave, Jones and McKenzie are a very very tight knit little group that established itself after being hired by the Red Hood. Despite working as goons, they each have their own moral compass that perfectly aligns with Hood’s rules. Consequently, they ended up being Jason’s most loyal and trusted underlings.
Jason didn’t intend to get attached to the three but he did and as a result let slip some personal info form time to time. Jones, Dave and McKenzie all made a game out of collecting clues to Hood’s real identity and background to the point where they’d sit down after work and pool their information. They’ve got a pinboard and everything lol.
Sadly Jason’s life was depressing af for the most part so the things he accidentally mentioned didn’t paint a very pretty picture. And when he used typical teenage slang one too many times Dave correctly inferred that their boss is much younger than any of them originally thought.
So in the end they had hundreds of little clues that all added up to the following (in their mind):
1. Red Hood is actually anywhere from 20-28 years old (+/- a couple years) and not a fourty-something rogue with plans of grandeur
2. Hood was abused as a kid
3. Hood hates Batman
4. Hood hates Robin and Nightwing but not as much as Batman
5. Hood hates Robin but still mother hens him like crazy and seems reluctant to let him go back to the Bat every time
6. Hood is a young guy with better training and tactical thinking than a trained navy seals soldier
7. Hood is intimately aware of how the Bats operate,l fight, and think
Conclusion: Batman used to train Hood and was also the one who abused him—> he’s concerned the same thing is now happening to Robin.
So yeah, that’s pretty much the train of thought they’re having right now. So while Dave, Jones and McKenzie definitely won’t shoot Robin (or Nightwing), they’ll definitely try to gun down Batman.
At least until Jason remembers to retract the order lol. (After which they reluctantly stop shooting at Batman but still not-so-subtly drop hints that they’d absolutely have Hood’s back if he ever needs help with the asshole. Jason doesn’t know what all the fuss is about all of a sudden.)
As for the “would Talia ever kidnap Jason for family time” question:
Yes. Absolutely. And if Talia was busy Ra’s would show up and do it instead.
The al Ghuls adopted Jason into the family. No takebacksies. And while they think Bruce’s overprotectiveness of Jason is amusing (and totally warranted given Jason’s penchant for getting himself into trouble) they draw the line at being barred from seeing their precious sons/grandsons.
So yeah, Bruce and Dick have to deal with Damian and Jason disappearing for a couple days every two months at least.
The first time it happened Bruce, Dick and Tim all lost their minds with panic and when Jason and Dami returned it was to a frantic batfam and the entire JLA in Gotham, on the hunt for Hood and his assassin baby brother ksksks
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sunflowersandsapphires · 10 months
Down to the Meadow
When Skies Are Gray, Chapter 3
Series Masterlist             Next Chapter
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader 
summary: Frank’s life has reached a crossroads: he can either continue to seclude himself and pursue a dark, lonely future, or he can open himself up to connecting with someone again and maybe achieve happiness. Being the grump that he is, Frank has already committed to the lonely path, but his curious new neighbor might just turn that around. 
warnings: swearing, descriptions of depression, descriptions of violence/gore (canon typical), more of Frank being concerned about what reader is eating (very vague ED references)
a/n: AHHHHH I AM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE! A huge thank you to the anon who reminded me that it was Monday LOL. I am so glad that someone else enjoys this story because I love writing it. This chapter delves into Franks trauma and mental state and I hope you all enjoy!
w/c: 5.5k
The dream evolved after the first iteration. Each time he closed his eyes, a new horror cemented itself into the sentient nightmare that was slowly consuming his entire life. 
As with the first dream, it started with you joining Maria in his standard nightmares. Your beautiful figure sitting on the carousel alongside his late wife and kids as those assholes gunned you down. A patch of red slowly spreading across your pretty white dress as your smile morphed into a face of horror. 
The weird thing was, his subconscious laced the nightmares with gorgeous, peaceful images of you. Like his mind was desperately trying to remind him that good things are easily ruined. 
You pulling cookies out of the oven. Then, you being blown to bits in front of him in the field. You laughing at a joke he didn’t mean to make. Followed quickly by your screams as the life drains from your face. 
You picking flowers in a sun kissed field, before a large black mass overtakes you, swallowing you whole. 
Though his resting mind was eager to pry him away from you, to spare you a terrible fate, his waking mind was yearning to let him wrap himself around your finger. The fine line he was treading started to look more like a noose—and he was weaving it himself. 
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A cold, squishy object nudged Frank’s outstretched hand deliberately. Groaning, the Marine retracted his hand into the cocoon of sheets he had created in his uneasy sleep. A pitiful whine shattered the early morning silence and sent a white-hot strike of pain through his skull. 
Pressing the heel of his hands into his eyes, his throat twisted in a silent cry of pain. Prying his eyes open, he was blinded by the daylight, searing an imprint into his eyelids. 
Nausea burned in his gut as he contemplated opening his eyes again. He wanted nothing more than to lie here and rot all day, but Max clearly needed to go out. The thought of bringing Max outside the apartment right now was enough to make a gag rise in his throat. An idea rattled around in his skull, the pain of his hangover too intense for him to even remember that Frank Castle never asked for help unless he was on his death bed. Braving the sun’s unintentional inferno, he let his eyes slide open again. 
A hiss of pain escaped his lips and he drew a hand up to block the rays as best he could while he took in his surroundings. He had fallen asleep on his couch after making a mess of his apartment, but his phone sat prominently displayed on the coffee table amid a smattering of empty bottles. Grasping it for dear life, he sent a message as quickly as possible before shutting it off and letting his head fall back to the pillows. 
Frank: I hate to ask this but could you take Max out for me? I’ve got a bad headache. 
A vibration let him know that you’d responded, prompt as always. 
You: I’m sorry you’re not feeling well ☹️ I’ll be right over. 
Breathing deeply, Frank heaved himself off the couch, stumbling to the door to unlock it before retreating to his created sanctuary. 
Frank: You can let yourself in. Door’s open. 
Drifting in and out of a painful consciousness, Frank hazily remembered the door opening, a cool hand on his face, the same gentle palm offering him some extra strength painkillers and a glass of water, before all signs of other life disappeared from his apartment. 
When he woke again, you were returning with Max in tow—your ethereal form outlined by a halo of golden light as you crouched in front of him. Frank was vexed by the sight of the skirt of your beautiful dress pooling on the floor.
“Hey, big guy. Feeling any better?” Your voice was soft as your dainty fingers stroked his arm with a featherlight touch. 
Frank grunted in affirmation, not trusting himself to look at your dazzling eyes and risk seeing honest concern. There was no way his fatigue riddled mind could resist you, it was too dangerous. 
You gave him a small smile. “Well I took Max for a walk to and around Central Park, so he should be a happy camper for a while. Did you want me to stay?” 
Blood rushed to Frank’s ears. This is exactly what he was afraid of. Do not say yes. Do not say yes. Do not— “Please.” His voice cracked around the word, making him cringe. You fucking asshole. You piece of shit. 
“Hey, I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, but tell it to quiet down. It doesn’t seem to be helping.” Your knuckles brushed over his cheek and he leaned into the touch, weakening your worried frown. 
“I just…I ain’t good company, sunshine. I shouldn’t let you stay, I can’t ask that of you.” Your pinched expression intensified as you listened to his deep grumble crack on the pet name he used for you. Cupping his cheek tenderly, a small smile slipped through as you reassured him. 
“You don’t need to be good company for me to enjoy being with you, Frank.” You shuffled closer to the couch, hand moving to scratch lightly at his scalp which made him groan in appreciation, eyes falling closed. 
Frank sighed, a strong sense of guilt ballooning in his chest “I don’t deserve you.” 
“Oh stop. You deserve to be happy. Whatever and whoever helps you get there, yah?” Your voice was definitive, almost stern, which made the corners of his lips twitch up in a smirk. 
“So bossy.” He murmured, his smirk growing as you gave his hair a small tug in retaliation.
“Can I sit?” You jerked your head to his couch and he nodded, sitting up to make room for you.
Ignoring his desire to let you care for him, he rested his arms across the back of the couch. The ghost of your body heat dancing over his exposed skin in an almost comforting waltz. It wasn’t a great placebo for your gentle touches, but it would have to do. 
You were quiet for a moment, worriedly glancing around the apartment. Empty beer and liquor bottles littered the coffee table. While you wouldn’t dare call Frank’s place “messy,” your rigid, grouchy neighbor was never less than meticulous. He’d mentioned his military background to you once, which would explain his precision and attention to detail. And that was why the litter seemed so out of place, you supposed. 
Preoccupied with brainstorming a way to assist, Frank nearly made you jump when he broke the silence. 
“Sorry I ain’t much fun.” 
You chuckled, poking his shoulder. “I already told you, tough guy, you don’t have to be fun. You can sleep more if you want.” 
“Nah.” Frank’s face contorted with a grimace making you giggle.
“Ok, have you eaten yet?” You tilted your head at him, darling smile persisting even though his place was a mess and he was a disaster. His doubt began churning again. She deserves better. Send her away. 
Frank just shook his head, both to clear it of the whirling thoughts and to answer your question, so you continued. “How does an incredibly greasy burger sound?”
The Marine groaned, “Like fuckin’ heaven.” 
Giggling, you took his hand. “I know a good diner not far from here. Join me for lunch?” 
“Sounds like a plan, sunshine.” Frank allowed you to pull him from the couch, appreciative that you took care not to jostle him too much. Armed with more painkillers and a pair of sunglasses, the two of you headed out for a meal. 
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The amount of care you took, in the short walk between his apartment and your destination, to ensure his comfort on the bustling NYC streets was honestly outrageous. How someone could give two shits about a man that massacred people without trying was beyond him, but he was grateful nonetheless. Keeping a tender hold of his hand, you led him around the other New Yorkers with immense grace, your sweet face bright with a smile the entire time. Thinking it would be best for his pounding head, you refrained from making conversation, simply turning around to grin at him every once in a while. 
As you reached the diner, you pulled open the door for him before his outstretched free hand could touch the handle. Frank was always so chivalrous around you, it was time for him to get a taste of his own medicine. Smiling sweetly, you bit back a laugh at his narrowing eyes as he skeptically accepted your action. 
“Thanks, sunshine.” 
“Why of course, sweetheart.” You coated your voice with honey and Frank grumbled, furrow above his brow deepening. Bringing his calloused hand up to your lips, you placed a kiss on his knuckles before brushing over them with your thumb. “Relax, Frank. Let someone else care for you this time, hmm?” 
The tension on his face ebbed before evaporating. Poking his cheek, that was now dusted with a rosy blush, you giggled, pulling him towards an empty booth. 
Sitting across from you, Frank slid his sunglasses off to fully appreciate your appearance today while you read over the laminated menu. Dolled up in one of your signature floral sundresses, your hair was styled differently—pulled away from your face, revealing more of you to him. Natural light poured in from the window framing your booth, highlighting your slender hands and neckline that plunged deeper than normal. Frank found his eyes tracing the line of fabric down into the valley of your visible cleavage until your sudden movement spooked him from the trance. 
“Ooooo the red onion and goat cheese burger looks good. That must be new or I would have tried it before. What are you going to get?” You beamed at him, blissfully unaware of the way his thoughts lingered on your skin. Stuck in his own head, he wondered if your melodic voice would respond to his touches the way he wished it would. What would you sound like if he ran a hand over your thighs? Would you get louder once it became his tongue?
“Frank?” You took hold of his arm that was resting on the dull plastic table, startling him. Your pretty brow pinched, eyes running over his face for any sign of distress. “Are you ok? Is it too loud or bright in here?” 
“I’m a’right, sunshine. Jus’ lookin’ at ya, is all.” He grumbled, picking up his own menu as heat rushed to your face. 
“Oh, well, er—everything is good, so whatever you choose will be, um, good.” You stumbled through the sentence, trying not to dwell on Frank’s consistent compliments. 
A waitress eventually approached the two of you to take your order. Taking your cues from Frank, you ordered a strawberry milkshake with your burger while he requested a chocolate one—Frank seemed more than pleased about the addition to your meal and you weren’t quite sure why. 
While waiting for your food, you and Frank were looking out at the flow of people through the window beside you. You happily commented on their outfits, and what jobs you thought they held. Though it was clear you were being overly goofy to lighten his mood, he encouraged it—asking you to describe their personality and voice along with their job. 
Letting your lilting tone wash over him, he focused on the way your fingers fit so perfectly in his. Your thumb continued drawing patterns across his knuckles, even though your focus was outside. 
While you were giving a ridiculous impression of a man in a full suit that clearly thought he was tough shit, Frank felt a confession bubbling up in his throat. 
“Friday is my daughter's birthday. She would have been 18.”
“Oh, Frank…” The devastation in his statement made emotion well up in your own chest. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thought I owed ya an explanation. F’r the mess.” His hand circled towards himself lamely. 
“You don’t owe me anything. Not one single thing, sweetheart. I’m here for whatever you need, explanation or not.” You squeezed his hand again, looking at him with concern, but not pity. 
“I meant what I said earlier. You deserve better.” Keeping his eyes downcast, his heart plunged when your fingers stilled over the back of his hand before slipping out of his hold entirely. 
Closing his eyes in disappointment, he assumed he’d rightfully lost your support until he felt a burst of heat settle against his side as you wrapped him in an embrace. Your hand buried itself in his hair and he let you pull him into your neck. 
“You are exactly the kind of man I deserve, Frank. You’re allowed to grieve, and, honestly, if you showed no emotion that would be a huge red flag. It’s ok to struggle and it’s ok to ask for help. I am always always a door away if you need company or someone to talk to. I know I tend to dominate the conversation, but I have been told that I’m occasionally a good listener.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, stroking over the spot of impact gently when he subconsciously leaned into the contact. 
“I don’t doubt it, sunshine.” He idled in your hold before drawing back, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he moved away. “Her name was Lisa. She, um, she died in a shootout. Along with my wife and son.” 
Before he could continue, your waitress returned to your table. Thanking her briefly for the food, you positioned Frank’s food in front of him, picking up a fry. Watching you turn to him expectantly, he found himself telling you everything. For the first time in his life, he understood why Red felt so strongly about his religion. Confessing his sins to you lifted a burden that he had lived with for so long, he had previously assumed it was a permanent piece of him. He’d found a new altar to kneel at, and he wouldn’t give that up, he couldn’t. 
He talked for what felt like hours. Telling you about Maria, their meeting, their love, their marriage. He told you about Lisa and Frankie, how he felt like he had failed Frankie more so than anyone else because of the responsibility he’d unknowingly placed on the boy’s shoulders. While he didn’t go into detail about their deaths, he spoke about things that had haunted him silently. The pieces of his relationships with his wife and children that he kept so close to his chest, Curtis didn’t even know about them. 
By the time he’d picked his plate clean, he was exhausted. Revealing his fears to you was relieving, but it took so much energy. Running a palm over his face roughly, he drained the last of his milkshake. 
“I’m sorry, sunshine. That was…a lot.” 
“Don’t be sorry. I appreciate you trusting me with this.” Your words were genuine. “Let me finish my burger and then we can go home.” 
His heart fluttered at the small implication that his apartment was your home as well. You may not have intended it, but it’s warmed his chest nonetheless. As you worked your way through the rest of your food, you remained tucked into Frank’s side with his arm around your shoulders. 
Letting his arm fall to your waist, he stroked a thumb over your hip gently, making you smile. Popping the last bit of sandwich into your mouth, you fell more firmly into his hold. Studying his face with a small smile, you brushed a few strands of hair off of his face, eyes landing on his lips for a moment before you looked away. 
Flagging down your waitress, you started to hand over your card but Frank’s large hand settled over yours. Passing the waitress his card instead, his lips twitched in a tiny smile. 
“I got this one, sunshine. Could she get the rest of that shake to go?” 
You grinned at him, pressing another kiss to his cheek. 
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Frank was sure he hadn’t smiled this much in years. The pair of you traipsed along the city streets, under the impression that the sunlight would do you both some good. Of course, he’d needed to persuade you and your adorably furrowed brow that his headache had faded and could withstand the bright lights and urban ambiance. You’d once again woven your fingers with his as you ambled along, this time threading your arms together too. The heat of your skin pressed to his was a drug unlike any other. He was infuriatingly drunk on you and his heart refused to do anything about it. 
Because it was you, with your brilliant smile and silvery laugh. He’d been constructing walls around himself for years, and you’d strode up with a basket of pastries, walking straight into his life and tidying it up like you had always been there. 
Stuck in his own mind, Frank failed to see the teenager sprinting down the sidewalk. His growing daydream of you cementing yourself into his life was shattered as your hand was abruptly tugged from his grasp, your body falling to the cement under the weight of the gangly teen who’d toppled you. 
“Oh gosh, are you alright, ma’am? I am so sorry! I didn’t see—“ 
“The hell?” Frank snapped at the kid, who turned white as a sheet as he stared up at the towering man. 
Kneeling beside you, Frank felt his heart constrict seeing the crimson-tinged scrapes on your elbows, small trickles of blood spreading from them across your pristine skin. Not to mention, your beautiful dress was splattered with the remnants of your milkshake, the styrofoam crushed against your chest. 
Snarling, Frank turned back to the boy, still crouched beside you, arm outstretched so you could pull yourself up. “Jesus, did ya even look where you were goin’? Or did ya just feel like injuring her and ruining her pretty dress.” 
The kid’s adams apple bobbed as he gulped in terror, wide eyes watching Frank’s movements as he backed away in surrender. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve been paying attention.” 
“Yah. Ya should’ve. Fat lot of good that does us now, though.” Frank spoke tersely, feeling a hand rest on his bicep. 
Sitting up, you gave him a pointed look before smiling at the teen. “It’s quite alright, I just got scraped up, is all. Don’t worry about him, he’s a little protective. Are you ok?” 
Only you would be able to experience a mess like that and worry about the idiot that caused it. The kid nodded, breathlessly running his hands through curly, brown hair. 
“I’m fine, ma’am. I am so sorry, again, did you need help—“ Bravely (or stupidly), the boy stepped towards you with an arm held out, offering to help you up. Fists clenching, a low growl left Frank, scaring the kid back into his senses. 
“Sorry, er, have a good day!” The kid chirped fearfully, dashing away. You giggled, craning your neck to watch him disappear into the masses. Grabbing Frank’s hand with your own sugar-stained fingers, you allowed him to help you stand, brushing a knuckle over his cheek when you saw his fierce scowl. 
“I’m ok, tough guy. He didn’t mean it.” Giving him an earnest look, you withdrew your hand from his face, giggling when he slid forward on his toes to follow the warmth of your touch. Gently sliding your palm against his nape, you scratched at his hair—earning a deep, pleased rumble from him—and tugged him back into a moderate pace. “I would love to get this dress washed so it doesn’t stain, though. Let’s get home.”
Tense scowl easing, Frank gratefully let you guide him back to your building. 
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“Frank, really, I’m ok! You don’t need to—“ You pleaded, watching the man pace around his apartment, grabbing various first aid supplies to tend to your shallow wounds. 
Frank ignored your bargaining tone, shuffling through his depleted kits for the supplies he sought.  Armed with bandages, saline, and cotton pads, he kneeled before your seated form on his couch. “Course I don’t need to. I want to. That bother ya?”
Sitting before him in a cotton shirt and pajama pants, he felt his heart clench as he studied your soft figure. You shook your head at his inquiry, looking at him with eyes filled with an unrecognizable emotion. Had he upset you? Was he being too pushy?
“No, it’s just…” You trailed off, eyes avoiding his own as you worried your bottom lip between your teeth. His stomach tightened, waiting for you to reveal that he’d pushed you away, but the sentiment never came. “I don’t want to be any trouble, Frankie.” 
Oh. Oh. It’s not defensiveness, it’s doubt. Guilt. He’d been so wrapped up in his own insecurities that he had forgotten you were fully capable of falling prey to your own. Setting the supplies aside, he took your hands, looking firmly into your eyes. 
“Ain’t no trouble. Not to me. Not when it’s you.” His words were honest and the short, strangled gasp that escaped you told him you weren’t expecting it. A hint of a smile ghosted over your lips, making his mouth twitch in tandem. 
Silently, he pushed up your sleeve and rotated your arm to expose the torn skin. Dampening a cotton pad with saline, he swiped over the injury as tenderly as he could, terrified of seeing you wince. Holding still, you smiled at him, free hand coming to rub circles over his back as he worked. 
Focusing his eyes intently on the wound, he ignored the growing warmth in his chest, expanding with your continued touches. Though he was staring at your ravaged skin, his thoughts were elsewhere—leading him to put too much pressure on the wound. Your hand gave a barely noticeable twitch of pain, but he cursed his existence anyway. 
“Shit, ‘m sorry darlin’.” Loosening his hold on you, he bandaged up the shallow cuts. You just smiled at him, tracing a finger over his chin. 
“No need to be sorry, Frankie. Thanks for taking care of me.” He blushed, grumbling out a dismissive response and returning to his work. 
Though the day had already worn him out, long strings of words spilled out his mouth. Stories pulled from him by your sheer magnetism. You gave reassuring touches and encouraging nods as he once again told you everything. How he’d been a trouble maker as a kid and ended up enlisting, the brotherhood he’d found in Curtis and Billy. There was no way your perceptive eyes missed the flinch he gave when mentioning his former best friend, so he moved on quickly. He spoke about coming home to Maria and the kids, dealing with the shenanigans of two elementary schoolers while struggling with PTSD, the way he’d grown to appreciate the quiet and the way he hated it now. 
While you were more than comfortable carrying a conversation, he’d never found more solace in letting someone listen to him. You remained quiet, but present enough to stoke the embers of his energy as he rambled, squeezing his arm when he stuttered and smiling softly at the anecdotes. With a sigh, he placed the final bandage on your skin and pulled your sleeve to cover it. You were silent for a moment, studying the fabric of your top before his doubt got the better of him. 
“I’m sorry, you can leave if you want. I didn’t mean—“ 
“Oh Frank,” Chuckling softly, you pulled him into a hug. While the gesture was unexpected, he was overwhelmed with gratitude as he melted into the embrace. Pulling back slightly, you pressed your forehead to his. “What on earth gave you the impression that I didn’t want to be here with you?” 
Snorting at his own lack of control over his fears, he nudged his marred, crooked nose against your pristine one. “Wanted to give you a route to escape, is all.” 
“Don’t want one.” You whispered, growing breathless as he ran his fingers along the soft skin of your cheeks. 
The two of you sat there, slowly melding together, for what felt like hours. A cloud of hesitation and want steadily growing around both of you as you desperately sorted out whether or not to make a move. Before either of you could act on your desires, a shrill alarm rung out—startling you so intensely you shrieked, nearly toppling off the couch. 
“Shit, sorry, honey that’s me.” Large thumbs fumbling over the screen of his crappy phone, he shut off the horrific noise and chucked the device across the coffee table. “You ok?” 
You were panting, on the edge of giggles at your clumsiness, but you nodded. “Something wrong?” 
“No, sunshine, nothin’ like that. My friend, Curt, he’s hostin’ group today. Asked me to come.” Frank wallowed in the disappointment of the ruined moment, cursing his own rotten luck for pushing you away. 
“Oh, I can get out of your hair. Sorry to keep you!” Standing from the couch, you made to straighten the fabric bunched around your waist but a hand shot out to wrap around your wrist. 
“It’s not for a couple a’ hours, if you wanna stay.” Frank’s dark eyes flitted over your face, scanning for any sign of required affection. Luckily, it didn’t take long for you to break into your signature dazzling smile and perch on the edge of his seat, practically sitting in his lap. 
“Course I’ll stay. I could make something for you to bring, if you’d like?” 
“Somethin’ like those addictive cookies?” Frank asked, raising a brow teasingly. 
Leaning in close, your murmur danced across his chin as you grinned up at him. “Tell you what, I’ll teach you the recipe, then you can bring them whenever you’d like. You have to be careful though, these are dangerous secrets I’m revealing to you, sir.”
Frank laughed, pressing his lips to your forehead. “I’ll take ‘em to the grave, sunshine.” 
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Scrolling through your phone, you sighed as you switched apps yet again. Nothing was holding your attention and the boredom of it all was eating you alive. 
Biting your lip hopefully, you flicked your screen to your message inbox, heart sinking when you saw there were no new messages. 
You’d spent damn near 8 hours with Frank, yet you couldn’t help but mourn his absence this evening. It was well-known both to you and your loved ones that you were quick to get attached to people, especially if they were brooding or lonely. Leo always referred to this as your “penchant for strays” given your obsession with pitbulls and black cats in addition to society’s lone wolves. But there was so much more to Frank than his soft grumpiness. 
Frank was sweet and protective, and his actions were proof that cared for you deeply despite only knowing you a few weeks. Your face felt clammy just thinking about the way he patched up your minor scrapes earlier today. You wondered if his tender first aid skills were developed during his short time with his wife and children. 
It was no surprise to learn about Frank’s tragic backstory. Though you had done your best to keep his life private, you’d managed to piece together the key points of his service, his loss, and his downfall. Your conversations today had simply filled the gaps, and fueled your existing desire to learn more about him. 
Despite your unassuming, feminine nature, you couldn’t help but empathize with Frank and his violent past. His actions didn’t scare you, revenge was something you’d dealt with intimately throughout your life, and you couldn’t help but feel grateful that so many dangerous individuals were no longer around to terrorize your beloved city. 
Learning more about his past had only drawn you to Frank even more, as if learning about each segment of his being only strengthened the invisible current that washed you repeatedly against his rocky cliff side. His violence wasn’t unnerving to you, simply more evidence that this man was exactly as passionate as you’d interpreted him to be. 
“The Punisher” they called him. The name was brutal, absolute. It wasn’t the image of the vigilante that you’d settled on. Yours was complicated, human. Just a man who loved his family so deeply that he was willing to bring hell to the people who took them away. His journey was one you couldn’t fathom, yet you understood. 
So you continued to pursue a friendship, maybe allowing it to blossom past traditional platonic boundaries, but how could you resist. Spending time with him meant time flying past, sharing bubbling laughs and stupid jokes with a man who looked at you like you hung the moon. When Frank was with you, his attention was deliberate and profound. He was focused on you and only you, even when surrounded by a myriad of other people and stimuli. You basked in the intensity of his gaze, letting it warm you from the inside out like a bright flame on a dark night. Did the world really expect you to not stoke those embers? 
As if your thoughts had summoned him, the unique text tone you’d assigned to Frank’s number sounded, igniting a bright smile on your face. 
Frank: You might have created a problem for me, sunshine. These guys want me to bring cookies every week now. 
You: All good things come at a price, sweetheart. Did you really think that you didn’t need to sell a piece of your soul to make cookies that good?
Frank: Pretty evil of you not to warn me. I’m starting to think this was your plan all along. 
You: Damn! You found me out. What can I do to make it up to you?
Frank: Do me a favor? 
You: What’s the favor?
A firm knock on your door startled you, making you drop your phone. Tilting your head quizzically, you shuffled over to peek out the peephole, grinning when you saw who had knocked. Pulling the door open, a very stern looking Frank—contrasted by the wiggling, excited pitbull at his feet—stood before you. 
“Hey there, sweethearts! C'mon in!” Beckoning the pair into your apartment, you led them to the couch, happily letting Max jump into your lap. 
“You’re spoilin’ him. He’s gonna think any furniture is fair game.” Frank’s gruff voice held a tinge of amusement but his face held a whirlwind of emotions you couldn’t quite decipher. Clearly, he was avoiding something. 
“He’s the bestest boy, Frankie! He deserves to sit on the couch with me!” Squishing the pit’s face, you gave Max a kiss before looking at Frank expectantly. “Sooo…you needed a favor?” 
Looking away from you, Frank sighed, rubbing at his nape. “Yah, shit, I hate to ask this, sunshine. I, uh, I was hopin’ you’d be willin’ to watch Max for a few days for me?” 
Your heart pounded, body flooding with concern, and slight excitement. “Of course, Frank. Everything ok?” 
He nodded, slouching forward so that his elbows rested on his knees, still refusing to make eye contact. “Yah, just a business trip, nothin’ crazy. I just wasn’t expectin’ it and couldn’t get him into his usual place. If you don’t wanna do it—“
“Frank,” You placed your hand on his forearm, stroking his skin softly as you tried to encourage him to relax. “Of course I’ll watch him. That’s not an issue. I’m just worried about you is all.” 
Frank snorted quietly, letting you take his hand and pressing a delicate kiss to your knuckles. “No need to worry, sunshine. I can handle myself.”
Sliding out from under Max, you strode over to the broad man on your couch and knelt before him, taking his other hand. “Never said you couldn’t, sweetheart—but I’m going to worry about you anyway. Anybody going with you on this job?” 
“Nah, just me. Why, you gettin’ jealous on me, darlin’?” Frank smirked at you and you shoved his knee, trying to ignore the fluttering in your chest at the new nickname. 
“You wish, Castiglione. I’m cool as a cucumber.” Mirroring his tender affection, you pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “Just don’t want you to forget about me while you’re out galavanting, is all.” 
“Don’t think that’s possible, sunshine. I can’t stop thinkin’ about ya.” Frank murmured, finally meeting your eyes. The two of you hovered mere inches apart, tension growing around you in a thick fog before Frank cleared his throat, dissipating it. 
“Anyway, I can leave a key with ya, if that’s not too weird…” 
“Yah, yah.” You let go of his hands, standing up to brush off your dress. “That works, Frankie. When do you leave?” 
“Well, uh, now. If you’re truly ok watching Max?” 
“I’d be honored. Just…promise me you’ll drive safe, sweetheart.” 
Frank’s gaze was fervent, drawing you in and pushing everything else away.
“I promise, sunshine.” 
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Thank you for reading!! Comments and reblogs are incredibly appreciated!
Taglist: @cheshirecat484@xxdrixx@smhnxdiii@mattmurdocksstarlight
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Obi-Wan 7yo, wakes up from naptime in the creche after a Very Important Vision
Immediately skips bail to go out into the temple proper, following whispers of the force (more like cackling lmao) till he gets to a training salle
Training salle is occupied by 15-18yo padawans in the middle of practice, one of which being Kelleran Beq, The Sabered Hand, who is a cheerful teen who wants to be a creche master after he’s knighted
Of course an unaccompanied initiate in the salles is always a cause for concern, so Kelleran comes over to coax the boy into telling him why he’s wandered off
Obi: I’m going with you next month when you go to the production studios for your first filming of the Jedi Temple Challenge
Is questioned on if his creche master just told him that??
Nah he saw it in a dream
Cool cool cool Kelleran LOVES the possessed ones, they’re so cute
Asks kiddo why he thinks he’s going with
Cause Obi-Wan needs an escort to audition for the next season of Sesame System, a show that teaches children and reduces the galaxy’s gap of learning between the poor and the rich, so he can teach the galaxy about what it’s like to be a Jedi!
Okay okay that’s chill lil buddy, Kelleran will be in the production studio anyways cause they’re in the same place
Turns out the REAL Jedi Temple Challenge was the 10 under 10s Kelleran got to help wrangle along the way
Not fully sure where this is going other than Jango Fett (only 3 years older here and not 6) ending up on the same season of Sesame System only for him and Jaster (who’s also got the exact same goals of endearing the public to Mandalorians and is using the show to help point out the Mandalorian kids shows the galaxy can show their kids too, while Obi is pointing at Jedi Temple Challenge) to immediately decide that’s a prime little buddy and now they wanna keep him
The temple settles on a middle ground of letting them babysit Obi sometimes by sticking him in Mando production studios
Kelleran is very worried about baby getting kidnapped by the prince of Mandalore but accepts that Obi also really likes the prince they’re vode now
I. Fucking. Love. Childrens early educational shows and stuff like that. And I want to write an entire series about the shows the Jedi and Mandos could put out to endear themselves to the galaxy and it’s basically propaganda but not bad because the Sith could never get a foothold because Jedi are just sweet little guys with god powers what’s not to love lol
And then the ideas combined in my head when this last Mando episode reminded me of Jedi Temple Challenge (I never actually watched it but I did overall hear about it when it aired) and I decided Kelleran needs to make my dumb ideas a reality.
Obi’s master is a Jedi who’s been doing acting their whole life too but it can’t be Mace because Mace is a theater kid and not a kids show kid he needs a less theatric and more educational master 😔
Ani ends up being on a couple seasons of Sesame System (I specifically chose this as a parody idea because I have BEYOND respect for Sesame Street and I truly believe in the power of kindness and friendship the show likes to give us) when Obi-Wan first finds him and Ani is really nervous at first but they let him rant about sand on the show so they’re chill now
Qui-Gon is not Obi’s master but he DID get wrangled into taking Kelleran and the kids to the studio (it’s in fairly neutral area on a station, but around a planet for outdoor scenes because it’s just easier for legal reasons) and that led to them missing the Telos mission and Xanatos got therapy instead and Qui-Gon isn’t an asshole cause he’s still got his kids
Shmi works on the production station
More kids shows in fantasy and sci-fi settings plz.
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bluebird990 · 1 year
Eleceed minor characters appreciation post!!!
(read: me fangirling over characters who, imo, need more screentime)
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Like. I would literally die for this kid. Can we just adopt him?? And keep him in Korea with us forever?? His family clearly doesn't deserve him! And I feel like Jiwoo is probably the first person who has ever shown any concern for him and has been nice to this douchebag...just...please adopt him into your found family Jiwoo!! (also fuck you Duke!! how dare you hurt him, you lowly mob boss!!!)
I NEED him to make some friends who genuinely care about him!!! I also want Jiwoo to give him a bear hug. He needs one.
Next up is Kang Suman!!!!!
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Do I even need to say why this man is the definition of perfection?!?!?!
He is the only sane person in the Kang family and the way he held Jiwoo protectively after he was tortured?? and the way he tries to look out for his nephew as best as he can?? Literal perfection.
Next!!! Him!!!!!
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Muse is the CUTEST member of Frame. Fight me.
It was like a flip switched in my mind the moment he took his mask off. It's the eyes, I swear. He just looks so trustworthy; not to mention how well he treated Jiwoo from the very beginning (granted he was just being polite but damn!! we love a man with good manners!!)
And Jiwoo definitely won him over after his fights. I LOVE how genuine his concern was for our main boy!!
He also definitely made the best first impression among all the Frame members!!!
Next up!! The superior Patrick sibling!!!
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I am that meme "I've only known this punk for one chapter but if anything happens to him, I will kill everyone and then myself."
Like, come on!! The way he said "You're so kind that I'd feel bad for ignoring you" to Jiwoo?? and just the whole vibe of his character?? I Love Him. Far more than his brother, definitely!!
The moment he was leaving I was like "Nooo invite him to your gang Jiwoo!!!" He'd be such a fun addition to our idiots!!!
And lastly...okay hear me out...
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Now I know that Roist is kind of an asshole and he definitely DID NOT make the best first impression BUT!! the way he disses and insults Duke? Gold.
Also, let's be real. At least he asked to meet and fight Jiwoo in a not-very-civil-but-at-least-it-wasn't-an-ambush kind of way. He isn't the best but not the worst either. (And his name is so...fun to say!! ...Idk I just love it!!)
And I loved how surprised-but-also-kinda-pleased he looked after seeing Jiwoo kick Duke's ass.
Bonus? He's Kayden's fangirl!!!
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Look at him!! He looks like he's two seconds away from going sparkly-eyed and squealing like a high schooler with a crush lol!!! He is the president of Kayden's fan club!!! This side of him is so cute!!!!!
(Add him to the list of Potential Future Hyung?? Idk I just Love this psycho!!)
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
Hidan’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Deidara:
Fuck you
Where’s the money you owe me
I KNOW it was you asshole
At least mine isn’t 91!
Pizza or Chinese?
No bc if you killed him Leader would just blame ME.
Help me prank Itachi and I’ll give you half my next check 
Scared of a little gengetsu? Pussy
Go smell Tobi’s hair then ask me who took your damn cheap-ass shampoo 
Why would you eat it it HAD MY NAME ON THE LABEL bastard!
Ok but can ya’ll go to HIS room once in a while?? I don’t need to be kept up all night!!
From Kisame
Do that to Itachi again and I’ll eviscerate you and floss with your intestines.
That Jashin voodoo crap doesn’t scare me kid
Why the hell would you eat that?! You don’t even LIKE tuna!!
You better hope you can outrun Deidara then 
I think you meant that for Kakuzu. GOD I hope you meant that for Kakuzu.
From Zetsu
You left that guy outside can I eat him?
Are you done with that body yet?
Believe it or not fear actually seasons the meat 
Weird question but can I lick your scythe before you clean it 👀
From Konan
Lol pretty sure his are bigger than mine kid
He’s not that old he just looks like that 
Leftover ribs in fridge for you 
Pls stop harassing him. He blows up my phone for hours complaining about you 😒
Get back down here and clean all this blood you trailed in! I JUST cleaned the floor!! 😤
Dinner. Last warning.
Me and Deidara going to get manicures, you in?
You think I can’t knock you out just because you’re taller? Challenge accepted.
From Sasori
I’m not a pervert he’s 19 he’s an ADULT.
Best friend? Since when??
That medicine won’t take effect if you don’t LAY DOWN and GO TO SLEEP, brat.
For as fascinated as you seem to be with my anatomy you’d think YOU were the one sleeping with me, not Dei 🧐
If Kakuzu already said no then NO.
Next time I’m stitching that mouth shut so we can all get some peace and quiet.
Yes but I can make mine any size I want at any time. You’re stuck with what you’ve got. 
From Nagato
Because I said so.
Yes, really.
Be thankful that’s the ONLY punishment you received.
What she and I do is none of your concern, brat.
I’m sorry but you know Kakuzu has the final say in all financial matters.
You either apologize or I’m going to let Zetsu eat you.
Because you two cause too much trouble when we let you take missions together.
From Itachi
I’m not falling for that one again.
Never. Never in a thousand lifetimes.
Because it’s unsanitary!!
I know you took it I saw you wearing it yesterday.
Why were you even listening anyway? Pervert.
Only if Tobi comes too, I don’t trust the two of you alone.
Literally a few greens won’t kill you.
Yes you did know that!! I told everyone on the VERY FIRST DAY how allergic I am to that! 😡
Either finish your ritual or take that guy somewhere else I can’t sleep with all the screaming.
From Tobi
Of course not! We’re just friends! 
Wait do you think I might have a shot with him?! 👀
Idk I left after I saw Zetsu chewing on the guy’s foot
Is there a way to take back a picture after you send it before the other person looks at it? 
Want some cake? Want to eat myself but Konan says to share or I’m gonna die 😅
From Kakuzu
How much is it?
Did you use the coupons I gave you?
That shit is coming out of your paycheck brat
Sorry. Next time I won’t make them so tight.
Because I don’t have the patience and you’re not responsible enough.
I stg if you bring one more lawsuit against this organization 😡
My room. Now. 
Everybody gets the exact same. If you waste yours that’s your own fault.
Make me ask again and I’ll come get you and throw you over my shoulder
This is getting ridiculous how many times am I gonna have to sew it back on?!
Come see me tonight I’ll take care of it.
It was you and Deidara. I KNOW it was you and Deidara.
Maybe if you’re a good boy.
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facets-and-rainbows · 9 months
Blue Exorcist 147 summary
The official translation is delayed relative to the raws this month so I get to paraphrase a chapter just like old times! The nostalgia!
Fairly detailed spoilers and no images:
Asmodeus goes on about how Shura is full of contradictions (young but also somehow aged, cold like ice but with a burning passion, full of life but death has always been close by) and says she's his type (ewwwww) Shura says Asmodeus is not her type, sorry, and shoots him full of icicles XD He tells her to go deeper with it (eeeewwwwwwwww), the pain makes him feel alive
Rin and Yukio have another round of "BUT SHURA!" "BUT THE WHOLE MISSION!" and the mission wins out They safely make it to the door with the rest of the team, but the door won't open normally so we've got some kind of RPG style door puzzle on our hands Yukio sees the L (probably Left) and R (probably right) on the doors but that doesn't explain THAT MESSED UP LITTLE DISPLAY OVER THERE So the real question is what on EARTH does the bleeding corpse suspended over a meat grinder with the inscription "VL" mean Yukio and Neuhaus together wonder if the V is roman numeral 5 and 5L means you have to give it five liters of blood (one person's worth) to open it They get as far as wondering if you could just borrow like a freshly dead corpse from the battlefield, (they're not using their blood anymore, does it HAVE to be fresh?) before Rin is like….yeah we could take a look at the whole thing from above first though? Heh I think Rin is using fire to burn some footholds as he and Yukio climb? (Edit: wait I'm dumb it's Satan's fire, I already forgot that the walls burn you when you try to climb them lol) Yukio showed off his fireproofness and Rin was all impressed and Yukio very nearly almost smiled
MEANWHILE Amon is struggling with Osceola more than he thought In fact, the fight has damaged/destroyed his emerald ring! His 10.8 carat emerald ring!! Tragic He stomps on Osceola brutally while yelling THAT WAS WORTH MORE THAN YOUR DUMB HUMAN LIFE and OH JESUS IS THAT A DISEMBODIED ARM My Concern For Osceola Gauge just spiked again guys Katoh please he's two days from retirement!! Amon decides screw it, he's just gonna blow everything up at this point. Apparently being a sun god comes with the ability to go supernova and be reborn later (Huh! The sun disk over his head is his demon heart! and he's able to shatter it and have it reform) It'll take like ten minutes for this drama man to do his drama thing so let's cut back to the kids
Rin and Yukio find that the door leads to a bottomless pit even if you DO get it open So what gives? L might be "left" but what's the V? Rin observes that there's some patterns/symbols/something on the ground. Yukio recognizes them as Indo-Arabic numerals. V is 7. So I guess the seventh symbol on the left is the real door. They go there and find a little hidden entrance. No blood sacrifice required! The weird meat machine is a gross red herring! I feel like this is a lil jab at the first anime ending XD
On the way to bring everyone to the entrance, we run into This Asshole Again ("BUT SHURA!" "BUT THE WHOLE MISSION!") Asmodeus says that it's a pretty sweet gig, being a demon of his or Amon's level. Easy to find hosts and they don't disintegrate too fast. But BECAUSE of that, you don't REALLY get to feel alive (He shoots nasty energy beams at the kids and Shura defends them as he's saying this) Asmodeus says that pain and fear and despair are all proof that you're alive! And he can live vicariously through Shura by making her feel these things! Ew!
Cliffhanger on him winding up to kill someone or other in front of an exhausted Shura, while Osceola tries to stand up Osceola is just absolutely maxing out my Concern For Osceola Gauge in that last panel. Concern levels are off the charts here
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Chicanerous - Jimmy McGill/Male Reader (NSFW!)
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jimmy brings you to meet his brother chuck. though due to chuck's homophobic behavior towards jimmy in the past, jimmy wants revenge. he has you wear a vibrator to chuck's house and sneakily controls it in front of him. tags/warnings: vibrators, sex toys, voyeurism, exhibitionism, referenced homophobia anatomical terms: none! (this was completely unintentional so if you're a cis man/amab enjoy ig lol) words: 3,115 ao3 link author's notes: i hate you chuck mcgill 😌
“Forty bucks.”
“Jimmy, I’m not doing this.”
“Did you just go down?”
“Oh, good, you are listening!” Jimmy laughed, “But seriously. Fifty-five? C’mon! It’ll be the easiest money you’ve ever made… and the sexiest.” 
That was probably true, but it’d also be the most humiliating and mean-spirited way to earn a quick buck. You refused yet again. “Jimmy, no. I’m not going to harass your brother like this. I’ve never even met the guy!” 
“Trust me, you’re not missing much. Chuck’s a…” Jimmy paused and tried to think of a nicer word than ‘asshole’. “Let’s call him an acquired taste. If you have a taste for mothballs and bigotry, that is.”
“Bigotry?” You questioned. “Oh, god, don’t tell me-”
But he told you. “Raging homophobe! Jesus, when I was like 14, I told him I think I like boys and girls, and he practically dragged me by the ear to our local church for confession. He said he was doing me a favor by not telling our parents. Can you believe that?” Jimmy scoffed, but there was a profound sadness oozing out of his pores. He sniffled and cracked his neck; you hoped it wasn’t to choke back tears. 
You could see the pain in Jimmy’s demeanor and empathized with him. “Really? God, that’s so fucked, I’m so sorry. And he never apologized?”
“Are you kidding?! He thinks he’s the Messiah!” Jimmy dropped the box he was holding on the table and paced around your living room. “The ever-infallible Charles McGill Jr.! He thinks I’m the one who needs to repent for living a sinner’s lifestyle. He really goes above and beyond, y’know. Hates the sin and the sinner.” He plopped down on your couch and sighed.
You sat down next to him and put an arm around his back. Concerned, yet confused. “Why do you still talk to him, then?”
“His condition.” Jimmy explained, “He can’t take care of himself, so he needs me to brave the electricity-ridden world for him and get him what he needs. So, he kinda has to keep me around. That’s the only reason he’s even agreed to meet you.”
That tracked. A homophobe who pushed his younger brother to pray the gay away would probably not be too kind to said younger brother’s boyfriend. “So… what, he only cares about you because you keep him alive? That’s shitty. Fuck him.”
“Fuck him, indeed.” Jimmy concurred, “You know what? Nevermind. Don’t even worry about meeting him, honestly. I shouldn’t have even brought it up. No sense in bringing you over there if he’s not gonna like you, anyway.”
That gave you an idea. If Chuck wouldn’t like you on your best behavior, why bother with pleasantries? If he was going to think you were a degenerate pervert regardless of what you did, why not have a little fun and hit a homophobe where it hurts? Fuck turning the other cheek; take the upper hand.
“...I’ll do it.”
You squirmed in the passenger seat of Jimmy’s two-toned Suzuki Esteem. The vibrator wasn’t invasive, but it made its presence known. It was hard to sit still with it inside you. You needed friction.
“Well, someone’s got ants in their pants!” Jimmy chuckled and killed the ignition. “It’ll probably sound more like bees once I turn it on, though.” He fished a small remote out of his pocket and pressed the power button. A singular vibration pulsed through you, making you jump.
“How loud does this thing get?” You asked.
“It probably won’t be too obvious at first since it’s under your clothes, but he’s definitely gonna hear it once it really gets going. Now, let’s rap for a second.” Jimmy put the remote back in his pocket, unbuckled his seatbelt, and faced you. “No matter how loud it gets, you don’t hear it, I don’t hear it. We lie through our teeth and make Chuck feel like he’s going crazy. You get me?”
You got him, “Yeah, sure,” though there was an obvious hole in his plan, “But, like… if it’s vibrating, I’m gonna be, like… moaning and stuff like that. Wouldn’t he notice that?”
Jimmy waved you off, “Cover it up, if you can. Make whatever excuse you gotta. But if you can’t or he starts to question you, I’ll step in. You’ll be fine. You ready?”
“I guess.” You unbuckled your seatbelt and stepped out of the car. Jimmy locked it and squeezed behind you, making his way to the mailbox.
“Gotta put all your electronics in here. Anything with a battery can set him off. He’ll know if you forget something.” Jimmy loudly proclaimed as he opened the mailbox and stuffed his phone, watch, and keys inside. When he was done, he grabbed you by your hips and whispered in your ear. “He’s watching.”
Your eyes scanned the front of the empty-looking house, and sure enough, you saw two fingers pulling the blinds apart, and disgruntled eyes peering through them. You flinched, and hastily dug in your pocket for your phone. “Jesus…” you grumbled. “Fifty-five bucks for this, right?”
“How’s about forty-five and the best head you’ve ever gotten?” Jimmy kissed the back of your head as you closed the mailbox.
You spun around and flicked his forehead. “Nope. Fifty-five. And don’t act like you’re not gonna give me head regardless.”
“Oh, you know I will.” Jimmy smiled at you. Some tapping on the window broke up your intimate moment. Chuck was getting impatient. “Coming!” Jimmy called out and grabbed your hand, leading you up the walkway to Chuck’s front door. He stopped you in front of a metal pole. “Ground yourself.”
“Just tap the thingy.” Jimmy demonstrated by tapping his finger on the pole, and you did the same. Having grounded yourselves, you were ready to enter. Jimmy knocked on the door, and Chuck answered with faux hospitality.
“Welcome! Jimmy, good to see you, as always. And, uh… what was your name again?” You could tell he was fighting to fake a smile for you.
You reminded him of your name and offered your hand to shake. “Pleasure to meet you. Jimmy’s told me so much about you.”
Chuck hesitated before grabbing your hand, as if being gay was contagious. Physical contact with a homosexual was sure to poison him with an unquenchable craving for cock and balls. Nevertheless, he persisted, taking your hand in his and offering a limp, wet noodle handshake. “Oh, all good things, I hope?”
“Of course!” You lied.
“Well, come on in.” Chuck stepped aside and allowed you to enter his delusional home. “I apologize for the darkness. Jimmy informed you of my condition, I presume?”
“He did, yeah. It must be tough to live with,” You answered with mock sympathy, in reality you couldn’t give less of a fuck about his living situation. It’s not like you’d ever be invited over again after today. Still, you tried to come up with a compliment. “You seem to be handling it really well, though. I’d imagine you have to get pretty creative. I don’t know what I’d do in your position.”
Jimmy swooped in to back you up. “I told you he’s a smart guy! Managed to build a life for himself in the 21st century without any tech whatsoever. I don’t know anyone else who could solve a problem like that.”
Chuck forced some laughter out, “Ah, well, I do what I can to get by. Please, have a seat.” He gestured to the couch, where you and Jimmy sat down. He situated himself across from you, and folded his hands in his lap. “So, how did you meet my brother?”
“Well, actually, I-”
You should’ve seen that coming, but you didn’t. With no warning, Jimmy had ignited the vibrator, which was now rattling against your sensitive walls. You gasped, but faked a sneeze to cover it up. 
It was on the lowest setting, so thankfully Chuck didn’t notice the noise. “Bless you.”
“Thank you…” You replied. Already, your nerves were on fire. You knew Jimmy wouldn’t rush out the gate guns blazing, but this was much harder than you expected it to be. You couldn’t imagine you’d keep up the charade for very long. It took you a while to catch your train of thought. “We, uh… I work at the…” You swallowed a moan, ”...the nail salon, where he lives, and I… I saw him come in one day, and, like… I just kinda… shot my shot, I guess.”
Chuck raised an eyebrow. “You seem tense. Are you feeling alright?”
You nodded, hoping your body wasn’t shaking as much as the toy was. “Nerves, sorry.”
Jimmy slung an arm around you and hugged you from the side. “He’s just a little anxious, that’s all. He wants to make a good impression.”
Chuck nodded, content with that explanation. “Right, right. Well, I must say I’m not… thrilled, that my brother is with another man, but I hope that-”
That son of a bitch. Jimmy turned it up. In the middle of Chuck’s sentence. You had no time to stall your reaction, groaning audibly and grabbing Jimmy’s leg for support. 
“You feeling alright, babe?” Jimmy asked, brushing some hair out of your face as you leaned into him, his other hand tucked into his pocket with the remote. “Jeez, you’re all red. You took your meds today, right?”
If anything, you appreciated Jimmy’s ability to lie on the spot. There was no medication for you to have taken. It was bullshit, all the way down. You let him lead, your dance partner in the tango of dishonesty. “I… I thought I did… Today’s Wednesday, right?”
Jimmy gave you a concerned, sheepish look. “Today’s Thursday, honey.” 
“Oh fuck,” You moaned, and upon realizing where you were, slapped your hand over your mouth and apologized to Chuck. “O-Oh my god! I’m sorry! I-I don’t mean to be rude.”
“It’s… quite alright,” Chuck replied, his skepticism slowly inching upward. “Would you like some water?”
Jimmy answered for you. “Water would be great, thanks. He gets dehydrated easily.”
As Chuck stood up to get you some water, Jimmy pressed the button one more time, making the vibrator buzz harder and louder. Finally, it was enough for Chuck to hear.
Chuck winced, his face contorted in pain as he stared you both down. “Is that… Is that a cell phone?”
Jimmy hugged you closer to him and stroked your hair, pretending to comfort you through your “symptoms”. He gave Chuck an incredulous look. “What? What’re you talking about? Do you hear something?” 
“Y-Yes, actually. I hear something… vibrating… like a cell phone.” Chuck grimaced and grit his teeth to bear the pain. “Jimmy, I thought you told him.”
Jimmy went on the defense, “I did! Chuck, I swear, we put all our devices in the mailbox. There’s nothing here that could be vibrating. Are you sure that’s what it is?”
You backed him up, “Y-Yeah, I don’t…” and took a deep breath to maintain poise, “I don’t hear anything either.”
And Jimmy scored the goal. “And he has great ears, too. He’s got perfect pitch. He’s actually in school to be a classical pianist. So if he doesn’t hear it, I kinda gotta take his word for it.”
Another lie. You couldn’t play piano to save your life, but goddamn, Jimmy could play anyone to save his.
Chuck wasn’t backing down, though his composure was starting to slip. “I-I’m serious. I hear something vibrating. Are you telling me you two seriously don’t hear that?”
Jimmy sighed, pitying his brother and his circumstances. “Chuck, buddy, no one else hears what you’re talking about. Just… How about you just go in the kitchen for a bit, take a breather, and maybe it’ll be gone when you come back?”
Chuck didn’t answer Jimmy. He scurried into the kitchen and away from the offending sound.
Once he was sure Chuck was gone, Jimmy switched the vibrator off, finally giving you a moment to breathe. He kissed you on the cheek and whispered to you, “Isn’t this fun? You’re doing great.”
You giggled and kissed him back, “It’s… definitely exciting. You’re a genius.”
“I know, I know. That little piece of plastic is making you feel real good, huh?”
“Not as good as me though, right?”
“Not by a longshot.”
Chuck returned with three glasses of water, one in each hand and cradling the other under his arm. “My apologies for that,” he said as he set the glasses down on the table. He took his seat once more. “Well, Jimmy, I hate to say it, but you were right. I don’t hear that sound anymore, and I feel perfectly fine. I wonder what that could’ve been.”
Jimmy picked up his glass. “Are your coolers good? Maybe you ate some spoiled food and it’s giving you hallucinations. That’s what they say happened in the Salem Witch Trials.” He took a sip and set it down on the table.
You did the same, chugging half the glass in one go, playing into the easily dehydrated lie.
“No, no, the coolers are fine. I don’t think that would’ve done it.” Chuck drank some of his water and turned his attention to you, hoping to steer the conversation away from his ailment. “So! You’re a classical pianist?”
You gave him a timid smile, unsure of how you should be acting due to your medical condition that Jimmy decided you had. “Y-Yeah, I, uh… Been playing since I was three. I’m a senior at UNM.” Lies upon lies, you hoped they were as good as Jimmy’s. But if not, he’d have your back.
Chuck smiled, warmer than you expected from him. Were you actually impressing him? “Well, that’s wonderful! I’m a huge fan of classical music. My ex-wife was a violinist.”
Jimmy butted in, “And a damn good one, at that! I guess McGill’s are drawn to musicians, huh?”
“Thank you, Jimmy.” Chuck said with a heaping spoonful of sarcasm. “You know, I actually have a grand piano here. Not to put you on the spot or anything, but do you think you could play-”
Jimmy McGill was trying to get you killed.
Or, save your ass, because if he hadn’t intervened, you would’ve been pressured into bullshitting your way through a Beethoven sonata.
Or, make you cum in front of his homophobic brother, just to fuck with him.
Or, and most likely, all of the above.
He’d cranked the vibrator up to max, making you cry out in pleasure, and Chuck in pain. Thankfully, his brother was somehow louder than you were.
Chuck covered his ears and shouted, “Agh! It’s back! The buzzing! It’s back!” He jumped up and ran to open a cabinet, where he apparently kept large sheets of tinfoil to wrap himself in. As he put on his Chipotle burrito cosplay, he put the heat on his brother. “Jimmy, whatever you’re doing, whatever… device you two brought with you, just turn it off! Turn it off and get out of my house!” 
“I’m not doing anything, Chuck!” Jimmy stood up and shouted over all the commotion, rushing to Chuck’s side. “I still don’t hear what you’re talking about! Where is it coming from?”
Chuck whipped his body around, the foil crinkling with his movements, and pointed a shaking finger at you. “Him! It’s coming from him! He’s got something on him, and I hear it! Don’t tell me it’s nothing!”
“He doesn’t have anything on him! I checked! He’s got no devices, doohickeys, gadgets, gizmos, nothing that could make that kind of-!” Suddenly, Jimmy froze, his expression melting to one of pure fear. You figured he’d get the letter for his Oscar nomination soon enough. “Oh no…” 
“What?! What is it?!” Chuck panicked.
Jimmy hurried back to where you were sitting on the couch, and laid his hand on the left side of your chest. “It’s his pacemaker… It’s going crazy.” 
It took everything within you to not burst out laughing. Or moaning. You bit your lip and let Jimmy do the talking as you rocked your hips back and forth on the couch cushion. 
“His what?!” Chuck yelled the obvious question. “He’s so young, how the hell does he have a pacemaker?!”
“That’s none of your business, Chuck!” Jimmy grabbed your shoulders and pressed his forehead to yours. “I’m so sorry, honey. I didn’t think it’d be a problem. I’m gonna take you home, and you’re gonna take your meds, okay? You’re gonna be okay. Come on, upsy-daisy.” 
Jimmy hoisted you up off the couch. The vibrator had done a number on your balance, and the new angle had it pressed up into just the right spot. You collapsed into him and moaned his name, not even trying to hide it anymore. “Oh, Jimmyyy…”
Playing it off like a champ, Jimmy shushed you and walked you towards the door. “I know, I know, sweetheart. It’s okay. You’re gonna be fine. I promise.” He opened the front door, and turned to his brother one last time. “I gotta get him home. We’ll talk later, Chuck. See ya.”
Even after the door was closed, he kept up the act as he walked you to the car, just in case Chuck was watching through the window. “There we go, almost there. We’ll get you home, baby boy, don’t you worry.” He opened the door for you and even buckled you in. When he walked around to his side, he saw Chuck peering through the windows again. He got in the driver’s seat, turned the car on, and sped down the block, past Chuck’s limited field of view. 
Once Chuck was out of sight and out of mind, Jimmy turned the car and the vibrator off. He grabbed you and started kissing all over your face like a madman.
“That was amazing! Baby, you were perfect! You are a star! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Jimmy praised as he hugged you tight and kissed anywhere he could plant his lips on you.
You laughed hysterically, tickled pink from the thrill and your boyfriend’s cheesy affections. “Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome. That was crazy! What am I again? A college student with a pacemaker that’s training to be a classical pianist? How the fuck did you come up with that?!”
Jimmy laughed too, wiping tears of joy from his eyes. “Ah, a magician never reveals his tricks. I’ll get you the cash when we get back.” And like the magician he was, you didn’t see the sleight-of-hand of him reaching into his pocket. “But first…”
“How’s about we finish what we started?”
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Taiju Shiba Fluff - He is trying to redeem himself
Reader is female (I am just indulging myself here lol)
Warnings: violence, cursing, Taiju being aggressive against reader but not hitting her once, Taiju crying, Taiju questioning his faith
Time set: Just after the Christmas fight, Black Dragons Arc.
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3rd Person POV.
Taiju walked slowly towards the church, his feet crushing the fresh snow with his weight.
His face was puzzled, he remembered how he lost that battle and how he was nothing, no siblings anymore, no gang, no anything. His permanent scowl scaring the old grandmas that were walking out of the church.
He almost cried when he stepped into the sacred place. His mind flying back to the previous night. He sat at the rows of benches and began to pray his heart out. He muttered to himself his prayers, while some tears were shed. “Oh God, why have you done this to me? I devoted myself to you and lost my family, my power and my gang” he prayed silently, his whole body moving while he tried to stop crying.
“Oh dear Lord, I can’t lose anything else, I will be nothing by then. Send me a signal, an angel that will come and save me. Help me, I want to redeem myself. I have been a sinner. I have not been a good sibling, I couldn’t even protect them. I haven’t been a good gang leader either. Please, Oh almighty God, hear my prayers!” He screamed that last part between tears. He was lucky he was the only person there.
He got up, whipping his tears angrily with his jacket. “He will never listen to my prayers, he isn’t there for me like I’ve been for him” he said, muttering to himself while he went out of the church.
He didn’t have a place to stay, so he went to a park to sit around and maybe look at the snowy sky.
His eyes were red and puffy, but with his other features painted by anger, nobody noticed. Until some girl did.
He sat at a bench in the park, throwing his head back as he looked at the sky and tried to keep his own tears in.
Some kids were playing there until they saw him and proceeded to run away. He huffed in annoyance. “Even kids hate me now” he thought to himself. He closed his eyes and tried to compose himself.
“Hey, are you okay?” A sweet voice asked. He opened his eyes, to be greeted by a figure that was facing him. The light that was behind her made her look magical, angelical even. He shook his head bewildered.
“An angel, sent just for me” he thought his prayers had been heard. But soon the magic wore off when he saw it was a normal girl, just waiting patiently for him to respond if he was okay.
“Yeah, I’m okay, now fuck off!” He spat. She pursed her lips and sat down next to him. “The AUDACITY THIS BITCH HAS!?!?” Taiju thought.
“You don’t look okay, you are really bruised and your eyes are red. Have you been in a fight? Do you need me to get you to the hospital?” Concern painted the girl’s features as she looked at him with wide eyes.
“Again, I don’t need anything. I am just relaxing here, go away!” He said, his face getting a little red (anger and blush were guilty for it). “Do you know who I am?” He said, now towering a little bit over her to intimidate her.
“No” she simply responded, a little bit scared. “Aww she looks like a small mouse, so scared of a huge gigantic man like me” he laughed at her.
“I am not scared, whoever you may be” she tried to sound confident.
“ you should be scared of me!” He said, coming closer to her. She backed away a little bit. “Well, if you are going to be an asshole I’ll let you drown in your own thoughts. Bye, bye!” She moved away and got up.
He huffed as he sat back, until he reached for her wrist, gently stopping her. “Please, stay” he said, his voice suddenly small.
His tears threatened to fall again, his facade almost cracking. She noticed it and sat back. “Lord” Taiju thought “thank you for giving me a second chance in this life” he prayed, a small smile on his lips.
“Well, what has made you change your mind?” The girl was quick to ask. “You are the only person that doesn’t run away” he simply said, siting back.
She smiled “well, I am Y/n and you?” She held her hand out for him. “I am Taiju Shiba” he said, shaking her hand and seeing how perfectly her smaller and softer hand fitted on his own. He felt a soft blush creeping onto his face.
“Well, it is nice to meet you Taiju and Merry Christmas” she said, suddenly her phone rang. “Oh it’s my mother, I’ve got to go. See you around Shiba-kun!” She smiled softly at him before getting up and walking away.
He nodded his head and looked down at his hand, tracing with his eyes every curve her fingers had touched. He sat back now laughing a little bit. “You surely sent me your best angel, pal” he laughed looking at the sky.
Hakkai and Mitsuya were walking towards the Toman meeting when they saw Taiju there with the girl and when she left they saw how happy he looked.
“I will redeem myself, just to keep this girl as my friend!” He got up in one jump that scared both teenagers. Hakkai looked at Mitsuya bewildered and he gave him back the same look.
“TAIJU SHIBA WILL TRY TO REDEEM HIMSELF?!?!?!” They both thought, watching him walk away.
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
My Perfect Girl
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Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: your friends leave you feeling more insecure than you already were, but Ellie comforts you and yells at your dickhead friends
Cw: body insecurity, mentions of feeling/being fat+ugly, troubles eating
You struggled to breathe as you lied in bed curled into a ball, crying your eyes out. Your crying fit had been a result of a rather hurtful conversation with your "friends." Your body faced the wall as tour hands came to cover your face, your palms wetting with tears. Time passed, you didn't know how much, but you'd heard a voice behind you and the bedroom door creaking open.
"Baby? What's going on, what happened?" Ellies voice was laced with concern and worry as she rushed to your side, rubbing your back.
You sniffled as you turned to face her, tears still streaming down your face as you picked up your phone and opened up your grouochat then handing it to her. Your breaths were ragged and quick as you watched her read, hee brows furrowed in worry quickly arched with anger as she did.
Y/n: guys I feel like I look bad today *image attached*
Ryan: wdym
Rosa: yeah u look the same lol
Y/n: idk like I feel ugly and like fat :(
Ryan: I don't see any difference 💀
Rosa: ong you look like u always do
Ryan: yeah ur just being dramatic lmao
Rosa: she probably just wants attention to be really honest
Ryan: omg you're right tho, fishing for compliments haha
Y/n: guys stop I'm not kidding.
Ryan: come on yk were right
Rosa: yeah just calm down bro
Y/n: whatever I'm done talking to you guys.
"What the fuck." Ellie muttered under her breath.
"Ellie, I look terrible and they're just making fun of me." Your bottom lip quivered.
"Baby, you don't. I promise they're just being assholes for no reason." She tried to reassure you, rubbing at your arm up and down.
You turned away from her, facing the wall again as you cried harder. You couldn't believe a word she said, you just felt insecure. It wasn't the first day you've felt like this, but it never got easier. It was days like these where you couldn't even bring yourself to look in the mirror, shower, or take care of yourself in general.
She let out a deep sigh, bringing a hand to rub your back gently, occasionally combing through your hair with her fingers. She looked at your phone again, then stood to leave the room.
"I'm gonna talk to them." She stated before exiting and calling the group.
Your friends picked up and were confused, seeing Ellies face instead of your own. It's not like they didn't recognize your girlfriend, but they wondered why she was the one calling them.
"Oh hey Ellie." Ryan greeted with a smile.
"Hi. So what the fuck is wrong with you guys?"
Rosa laughed a bit, her brows furrowing.
"What are you talking about?" She asked.
"Whyd you guys say that shit to Y/n? Seriously what kind of fucking friends are you?" She asked in return, as if it was obvious.
"Oh come on, she knows we were kidding!" Ryan argued.
"Yeah, she's probably being dramatic anyways." Rosa chimed in.
"I bet you're only asking because she told you to." Ryan spoke smugly.
"Um, no actually I'm asking because clearly she's upset and you guys are just being assholes. And if she knows you were joking why'd I come home to her crying, hm? Terrible fucking jokes by the way." Ellie argued, feeling angrier at your friends poor reactions.
"She was crying? Oh shit, sorry." Suddenly Ryan seemed to feel bad.
"Yeah you fuckin should be, she's probably gonna be worked uo for days now. Great fucking job you two." And with that Ellie hung up, as she couldn't bear to speak to them any longer.
She shut off your phone and set it at the bedside table, sitting down and glancing over at you as you let out a heavy sigh. You silently cursed as your stomach grumbled.
"Babe, you hungry?" Ellie asked, leaning down to rest her chin on your shoulder.
"No." You lied, shaking your head.
"Ok, well have you eaten today?" She asked, already sure she knew the answer.
"No." You were quiet now, feeling ashamed at your inability to care for yourself, how you know you should be.
"Alright well come on then, let's put something in that belly of yours." She tried to turn you around, take you to the kitchen.
But you wouldn't budge, tears falling from your eyes once again as you shook your head furiously.
"No! I-I'm already fat enough I don't need to eat anymore!" You protested, believing everything you said.
"What? Stop it, that's nonsense and you know it. Come on, just come have something. Please." She frowned as she held your hands in her own, it hurt her to see you so upset.
"I can't." You choked out and she pulled you into a hug.
You immediately leaned into her relaxing touch, wrapping your arms around her back as you nuzzled your head into her shoulder.
"Baby, you can. I know you can, you're stronger than you think. And your body is perfect" She pulled away, holding your face in her hands as she peppered kisses over your face, "I love every part of it, and you. You're amazing and your brain is just lying to you." She reminded you.
"Love you too." You responded, sniffling and leaning your forehead against her own.
You finally followed her to the kitchen, still hesitant but you'd get past that. You sat at the table and watched as she made pasta for the two of you, mainly because she knew it was your comfort food. A smile made its way to your face as she brought over two bowls, giving on to you. Ellie smiled ten times as big as you did, rubbing her thumb over your cheek fondly. It made her happier than anything to see you smiling after you'd had such a tough time that day.
Once you finished eating, Ellie insisted on doing the dishes. You felt bad for not helping out, but she reassured you that she was more than happy to do it herself. She told you to go sit down and pick a movie, and of course you did.
You'd selected something happier, usually you two watched horror together but tonight you just didn't feel like it. You sat with your knees pulled to your chest, a fuzzy blanket engulfing you as you waited for your girlfriend. She was sitting beside you in no time, pulling you into her side. You hummed contently, leaning into her touch with a smile as you leaned your head on her shoulder.
About halfway through the movie, Ellie placed a kiss to your forehead then placed a hand on your chin to make you look at her.
"Is my girl finally feeling better?" She asked.
"Mostly, thank you for helping me." You smiled before leaning in to give her a kiss.
"Of course Baby. You tired yet?" She asked, looking at her watch and noting that it was getting late.
You just nodded before placing your head back on her shoulder and closing your eyes. She chuckled a bit at you, rubbing your side lovingly then letting her head fall against your own as she waited until you fell asleep before carrying you into your shared bedroom. She laid you down then climbed in next to you, pulling you in. You let out a small groan as you hiked your leg over her own, wrapping your arm around her stomach.
A/n: sorry ik it's kinda short! Hope u still liked tho :)))
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4,10 and 19 ? 👀 (did I do it right ? Or do I have add something to it ?)
4. You know I'd do anything to keep you by my side right? Anything.
10. Let me call you mine just for tonight.
19. Never scare me like that again!
Nope you did it right! Lol Thank you for sending this in ☺️
Hope you don't mind if I use the prison au, it has me in a chokehold 😫 Au belongs to @rius-cave
Lucifer pulled Adam along by the collar of his jumpsuit back to their shared cell. He was fucking pissed at the ex-officer, how stupid can you be?!
Adam was sporting a freshly made black eye, given to him by one of the V gang members. He didn't say anything as he was pulled along, he did what he did for a reason and he'd do it again.
Lucifer all but threw Adam into their cell slamming the door behind them, he waited for the click to be sure the door was locked. Adam sat down on the bed and just waited for the ear full he knew he was in for. Lucifer came up to him and gripped Adam's jaw, making him look Lucifer in the eye. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!! Do you hear me? You could have fucking died!" Lucifer roared, his voice sounded angry, but it was laced with concern.
Adam rolled his eyes which earned him a stronger grip on his jaw. "Like you give a shit." He ground out.
Lucifer glared, the nerve of this prick! "Look," he started "I know you were only trying to get that V asshole off of Anthony, I agree the guy could use a shit kicking for what he does to that kid. But putting yourself in harm's way like that? Val wouldn't think twice about shanking you."
Adam and Anthony or 'Angel' as his street name was, have grown close in the clink. So when Adam saw that fucker smacking his friend around, it set something inside his soul on fire. So he stepped in and shoved the prick into his equally weird friend. That had earned Adam his black eye when Val stood back up. Apparently, he had more in mind than just blackening the ex-officers eye.
Lucifer had stepped in at the last second and stole the shank away and had embedded it into Val's ribcage.
Adam felt his eye throb at the memory. "Well, if you'd have let him, your job here would be done now wouldn't it?"
Lucifer was taken aback by this, but he recovered quickly. "Are you really that stupid? I take my deals very seriously. For as long as I own you, you will not be harmed as much within my power."
Lucifer got closer to his face, his blue eyes boring into Adam's dark brown ones, this close he thought he could see flecks of gold. "You know I'd do anything to keep you by my side, right? Anything." He growled out. What did he have to do to drive the point home?
Adam felt his breath hitch in his throat. Somehow this felt different, like something between has changed. "I don't know, do I know that?" Sure, there had been lingering touches, they showered together for fuck sakes and even shared a weird kiss but they had never done more than that.
"I don't like people touching what belongs to me. You're my bitch, only I can touch you." Lucifer trailed a hand, the one not holding Adam's jaw, down from Adam's neck to the buttons of his jumpsuit toying with them. He undid the top button and smiled when he felt Adam shiver. "Let me call you mine, just for tonight." He whispered against Adams lips.
Yes, he owned this man's ass but he wouldn't force him into any unwanted sexual situations. Lucifer wasn't a monster.
Adam swore the temperature in their cell was turned up to a suffocating degree, he was hot all over. He knew the blonde twink wasn't going to let him fuck him, Lucifer was planning on fucking him. Adam had never been with a man before. He always thought that if he did try to sleep with a man one day, it sure was shit wasn't gonna happen in prison.
Beggers can't be choosers he supposed.
"Okay." Was all he said before Lucifer's lips attached themselves to his own, stealing the air out of his lungs. Adam felt himself being pushed down into the bunk bed, Lucifer crawling on top of him. He felt his jumpsuit being unbuttoned.
Even if this was a mistake, a choice made in the heat of the moment with emotions running too high. Neither could deny afterwards how fucking great it had been.
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