#reminds me of the Dobermann one where she was in Medical more than like Mom Asbestos
johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by stephenvares; continuing from this)
Less than a month after returning from their honeymoon, Anya noticed something amiss; the next day, a trip to her primary physician told her what she’d already expected: she was pregnant. This was going to be a massive issue back home, no doubt about it...but honestly? She couldn’t care less - she had the Doctor, and it’s not like the Goddess herself minded. Hell, the Goddess was the first person she told, and She’d seemed pretty happy about it. (That was a fun conversation to tell the Doctor about that night, once he’d calmed down enough to do so.) Time passed, Pyara was born, and life was...life was…
Life was exhausting, for both the Doctor and his beloved bride, for the next few months. Paternity leave saved him from his duties with HR, Personnel, and Tactical Deployment (taken up by at least seven Operators to fill the gap), but not from helping Pramanix sort out the complicated situation back home while she took care of their daughter. Sleepless night after sleepless night, week after week. Anya was crankier than ever, and even the Doctor could feel his nerves fraying.
And then, one day, there was peace.
“...Hey, Anya?” The Doctor scritched behind her ear, trying to wake her up. “Aaaaanya.”
The priestess’s eyes popped open mid-snore. “Hrrrrgh. What?”
“Pyara’s not crying right now.”
“She’s not...She’s not? She’s not?!” She rolled out of bed - quite literally, landing face-first as usual - and flailed onto her feet and towards her child’s crib. “She’s...she’s asleep? But normally she’d be awake right now, right?”
He nodded. “Yeah, that’s why I’m confused. Did something happen?”
“I don’t- oh, my Goddess.” It wasn’t an exclamation as much as an acknowledgment; like picking up a phone receiver, Pramanix began to commune with the Goddess on the spot.
“Well, that would explain the miracle.” The Doctor chuckled to himself as he made his way to the kitchen. As good of terms as he was on with the priestess, interrupting her prayer-time wouldn’t end well for him, no matter how much he wanted his morning kiss. “I’ll make some coffee.”
 A few minutes later, with a pot half-brewed, Anya emerged from their bedroom with Pyara nestled against her. “Little Pi here is old enough to hear the Goddess; She calmed her down for us.”
“Oh, thank the Goddess - literally,” he declared, looking pointedly at his wife’s bell when he said it.
“You know, She doesn’t do favors like this often,” the priestess noted with a smile. “You should do something nice for Her.”
Well, he knew exactly what that really meant, but hell, he could afford to spoil his wife more than a little. “And what would She like me to do for Her this morning?”
“She told me we should have chicken pot pie for dinner tonight.”
“...That’s it?” The Doctor shrugged. “Cool, that was my plan for tonight anyway. We have an anniversary to celebrate, after all.”
Pramanix blinked. “Anniversary? Don’t we still have a couple months for that?”
“For our paperwork and such, yeah. Not for our first date, though.” He winked at her before starting to pour two cups of coffee.
“Oh. I guess it has been a year, huh?” She sighed, landing in a chair at the dining room table for the little one’s breakfast. “Between that and this one, I feel old now...”
A sentiment the Doctor could relate to, honestly. “Time flies when you’re having fun, and I’ve certainly had fun with you~”
“You just wait your turn, mister.” Anya would have swatted him, but he was safely out of range until he brought their coffees to the table.
“I am, I am.” He managed to steal a kiss anyway, thanks to the mugs in his hands. “Your coffee and sugar.”
The priestess wavered between a giggle and a sigh and ended up just giving him a look. “You are so lucky I’m lucky to be here with you.”
“Luck had nothing to do with it - it was all your hard work that got us here.”
“Mmhmm.” She clicked her tongue while shaking her head. “Lying to the clergy.”
The Doctor chuckled. “Did you forget? If you hadn’t worked yourself to exhaustion during those first few months, I never would’ve had a chance to let you sleep on the office couch.”
“Oh, I didn’t forget that. For the first couple of days I was here, I was sleeping in the closet they gave me for an office; I only stopped because Steward came to offer a prayer and found me drooling on my desk.” Not her proudest moment, for sure.
“You’re kidding,” he replied in genuine disbelief. “And I was your first choice after that?”
Anya blushed. “Your office was neutral territory, and...and I already had a crush on you.”
“Really? We didn’t talk much until you started crashing in my office.” Then again, it’d taken him about five minutes to fall in love with her, so-
“It started when you held the door open for me my first day here.” She rushed through the end of the sentence because a certain small creature needed to switch sides.
He took a moment to see if he could remember doing that...nope. “So love at first sight?”
“Basically,” Pramanix admitted. “I saw your face underneath your hood, and that was that.”
“Huh. Maybe that’s why Kal’tsit told me to wear it...”
The Feline giggled. “Because you of all people need a limiter like that...Actually, she’s right. Someone else might’ve gotten to you first if it weren’t for that, after all. I’d thank her, but I think she’s still mad about the night I spilled wine on her.”
“I think she was more mad at Encio than anything that night,” the Doctor replied, vividly remembering that experience. “It’s always the little things, huh?”
“Always the little things.” As Anya said that, Pyara burped.
Her father smirked. “Speaking of. Is she almost done?”
“I think so.” The priestess held her out to him. “Can you take her while I clean up?”
“Absolutely. How’s daddy’s little angel, hmm?” As he took her, the infant began to purr, and the Doctor dashed into the kitchen for the paper towels he’d inevitably need.
Pramanix giggled again. “You’re catching on, huh?”
“One ruined keyboard pad is enough...Hmm. Maybe it was a false alarm.” A few seconds later, and it definitely was not. “Never mind. Do you think our Goddess would mind helping with that, too?”
“One second...Hey, Goddess...Uh-huh...Uh-huh?...Wait, really?...Alright, I’ll tell him. Thanks. She said sure.”
The Doctor’s head poked around from the corner as he continued cleaning up the mess. “I was joking.”
“Ask and you shall receive,” she smiled back. “Speaking of which, put her on her blanket when you’re done.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice. We good, little princess?” The response was a wobbly nod, enough for him to walk her into the living room and set her on a blanket.
Payload delivered; Anya filled the Doctor’s empty arms with a warm smile, draping her tail behind his head. “Now you can carry me~”
“We’ll see about that.” He’d earned the playful slap on his shoulder with that comment, but to her surprise, he picked her up in a bridal carry and sauntered over to the couch, where they could watch their personal miracle work on what it meant to crawl. “So...one year, huh? Any regrets?”
“Regrets? Beyond not waking up to your face in the morning earlier? None I can think of.” Now she was the one purring.
He went for their first proper kiss of the morning - the first of many, especially today. “None for me, either. You are, without a doubt, the best thing to happen to me.”
“The absolute best?” The Feline booped his nose with a finger. “Even when I’m cranky?”
“I love my Anya in every mood she comes in.”
“Even when I scratch and bite your hands?”
“Even then.” The Doctor winked at her. “Maybe even a little more, since you remind me this isn’t a dream.”
Her purring was now audible as well as palpable. “Mmm. Would you mind helping this sleepy kitty wake up a little, darling?”
“Gladly.” And at last, it was ‘his turn.’
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