#remy abode
deltagrad124 · 9 months
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It is the lens.
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azumanga · 1 year
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dougielombax · 1 year
I wonder what deep root disease does to the brain?
Okay on second thought I probably don’t want to know!
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waning-wings · 3 months
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romanceclub-lovers · 5 months
Q&A with Aleksandra Remy!
Abode: Song of Darkness | SCN&KCD&KFS | RC ·
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Dear friends!
We are pleased to present you an article with Aleksandra’s answers to our questions.
We also remind you about Aleksandra’s telegram channel, where she often answers questions from subscribers and gives us a lot of new information: Party at Remy’s ✨
Let's not wait too long... Let's start with questions about the story of “Kali: The Flame of Samsara”!🔱
Question: Will there be a strong reaction from the already chosen favorites in the story to Devi's marriage? Maybe someone will get into a fight?) Christian has a difficult character, this is already clear, and perhaps he will provoke? And, for example, the same Ram is burning with the desire for the lord to see “traces of kisses”...
“He imagined how others, especially the lord, noticed these marks on Devi. And I myself didn’t understand where this sinister pleasure came from...” - Season 1 Episode 7 scene with Ram in his chambers.
Answer: Jealousy, anger - of course. But everyone understands that it is impossible to openly protest, this promises problems or even death, and each hero has responsibility for their family. They need to use circumstances to their advantage through tactics, and not fight with... the ocean?.. elements, against which it is useless to fight alone. Manipulation or secret duels are closer to the truth.
And deliberately making your fiancée’s secret lover jealous, so that he freaks out and stumbles - a very dirty move, it sounds fucking fun, I like it.
From the administration: It seems to us that when Alexandra was writing the answer to this question, lightning began to strike outside the window, and the peals of thunder mixed with her ominous laughter...
Question: When should we expect branches to close? And will it be possible to combine some branches (with consequences) after closing?
Answer: Closing branches will be in the next update, BUT! they can be combined for the time being. However, you should be careful, the characters will notice all your glances/smiles... (no deterioration so far)
Question: Christian gave a tiger, and Devi in a blue robe finally looked like Jasmine from the cartoon “Aladdin” - was that intended? Or is this a coincidence?
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Cartoon "Aladdin" 1992
Answer: Partly. It seems to me that I included Jasmine somewhere in the TK, as a ref. For the hairstyle, probably, but it was one of many, and more or less reflected my idea in the sketch. But in general, everything else is a coincidence, the tiger was chosen as a beautiful detail of the Indian setting and an analogy with the goddess Durga on a tiger. And shades of blue are the color of the Sharma family.
Question: Will we return to the topic of murders in the residence?
Answer: This is part of the cornerstone of the plot. As in KCD and Nile, the plot will be multi-stage. One, two, three... and it's all connected.
Question: Should we hope for flashbacks with favorites in a five-year period of time?
Answer: There will be few of them. The purpose of the time-skip was rather to show the transformation of Devi herself, and already on this basis, her relationship with Li's began to develop differently... in an adult way.
Remember what she said in the first updates? She was youthfully radical on some issues or very shy about any intimacy. But age, power and passion liberate her, force her to think and act in a new way. I will show this through interactions with Li in the past, but they will be few. I don't want to linger.
Question: Will the phenomenon of Devi's glowing eyes be revealed by Ram's touch?
Answer: You will see everything for yourself. As usual, we enter the abyss of events from afar.
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Question: Why does Ram take marriage so lightly? As if it’s just to drink water - “They’re getting married, nothing special,” and the same Kamal is still keeping his distance.
They are so different...
Answer: Ram knows that he will probably be married to someone with whom it is beneficial to form an alliance. This is part of the system, which is useless to go against, and he does not understand for whom and why. Due to his outlook on things, Ram is not sure that he can fall in love with someone at all. The same Amrit had the only hope - his betrothed, his equal. The only one. Ram doesn't have such a person, so he doesn't care - what difference does it make? This one or that one... they all look at him the same way. And Devi is far from the worst option for an arranged marriage. Smart, influential, beautiful, and most importantly busy, she will not have time to hang on to him - that’s how he sees it. Another question is how Ram will feel about marriage if he really falls in love. He had never loved anyone before.
Kamal is a completely different person. He will marry only the one in whom he sees a companion, with whom he wants to walk hand in hand all his life. He does not lose hope of meeting the one, but at the same time, marriage is NOT the primary task for him. All his life Kamal was the head of the family and a kshatriya, a warrior, his past is rich in a variety of events. He is much more interested in business, work, politics. He is not looking for a bride and does not make marriage his goal, relying on chance or fate. And I'm also not ready to marry just anyone, if my wife is the best and most beloved.
But he also has obligations, sooner or later they will take their toll. If Kamal never loves anyone, he will be forced to marry a worthy girl just to continue the family line.
Question: Does Christian have personal motives for marrying Devi or is it only a political component that plays a role?
Answer: He really liked her on the field, this is the effect of the first impression. He arrived in the country secretly, did not know or see anything, and, moreover, to a post fraught with danger. And then, in the middle of the night, an Indian aristocrat falls into a field nearby, walking without permission and in men's clothing... walking by herself... at night?.. and with a dagger. He remembered her :)
The new meeting only strengthened his confidence and desire to marry her. Is Christian achieving some kind of goal through this marriage? Without doubt. Does he do this solely out of dry calculation? I think not.
Question: Why is it difficult for Kamal to accept the fact that Devi has grown up and despite the fact that he begins to feel for her, he shuns her?
Answer: Kamal has a difficult past, he tries to control himself and not interfere with rash passion in his relationship with Devi. This can ruin everything, confuse everything, and his main task is to put her on her feet, as his deceased friend would have wanted. Moreover, the task that Kamal is performing at the moment goes far beyond simple politics. It helps a woman gain independence, and independence this is a huge step for that time.
Everything is complicated with Devi, because he has known her for a long time, and is not used to looking at her with that look. Kamal wants to know if this is really the one. Giving in to feelings easily is not always a good idea. Kamal is a passionate, sensual man, and he has made many mistakes due to his passionate nature (we are not talking about sex or relationships here). Age has taught him to think first, then do.
Now it’s time for a question about the story of “Kali: Call of Darkness”….
Question: Just hypothetically, could you write a sequel to the story of Kali: Call of Darkness? Somewhere Ratan’s eye twitched and, most likely, yours
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Answer: In some distant hypothetical Universe, the maximum I would dare to do is a couple of episodes on the topic “this is how things are going with your ending,” and then a couple because it won’t fit into one. Maybe one. Or maybe none.
Time for the Song of the Crimson Nile story!
Question: Isman is depicted on the poster of the second season for a reason?
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Answer: There is nothing “just like that”
Question: A question that worries a huge number of players after this update. Amen is clearly not a virgin, but judging by the text, he didn’t love anyone before Eva?
Answer: He didn't love anyone romantically.
Question: Does Seth have a preference - does he prefer necromancy or oneiromancy?
Answer: It's like choosing between beer or wine. It is different, but the heart lies with both. Or choose between your favorite genres of music, between your children, and so on.
The block of questions and answers on stories is completed, but that’s not all...)
Question: How do you cope with such a workload? It’s very difficult to produce five episodes, and also keep an eye on the third story.
Answer: I don’t know, I think I’m used to it (and sleep a little less than other people). I have been gradually increasing my workload for the past two years; in stagnation, it’s hard and uninteresting for me, I’m going crazy. When it’s difficult, it’s very fun and exciting, you learn to do everything faster and better, and over time a lot of things come easier, it’s like a sport. Yes, it’s hard and the gears in my head sometimes creak, and sometimes I curse everything and want to run away from work. But there is no development in comfort, and I am a gambling person. Maybe this is destructive, I’m trying to slow myself down so that the attic doesn’t leak at all.
This is all wrong, probably, and we need to maintain a work/life balance, I’m really on the way to this...
Question: Was it nice to return to an already familiar setting and introduce players more deeply to the entire dozen?
Answer: Double feeling. I seem to already know everything here, and we went through it in the first Kali... but on the other hand, I still have something to say, there are ideas for visuals that will fit only under this setting, and a rich lore that needs to be revealed. Different scenes, decorations, clothes, and even a different prism of perception of the divine - in each story I try to look at this topic from a new angle.
And a big plus is that I didn’t have to waste time and timing on introducing players to the lore and setting. Everyone knows everything, it’s convenient! You can go straight to the plot.
Question: When will you have a full vacation, that is, will you rest until you give up your phone? Of course, we understand everything, the best rest is a change of activity, but still...
Answer: Full-fledged what-what?
In fact, I want to walk the pilgrimage path in Europe in the spring. I’m not kidding, I’ll give up everything for a month and leave... I hope. But it really is in my plans. For a whole month, just walk 800 km, alone with your thoughts and beautiful views around.
Question: What kind of creativity do you like the most from players? Art, processing, poetry? Or are you inspired by everything?
Answer: Artwork, edits, fanfiction, short sketches... a lot of things. I subscribe to the channels of some people from the Fandom, I read their posts and thoughts in order to be on the same wavelength with the players and feel their impact. Among them there are artists, FF authors, and simply active players or thematic channels.
This is very motivating, it helps to look at the story from the reader’s point of view, and not from the developer’s. I remind myself why and for whom I am trying in the first place. It doesn't allow me to be lazy :)
That's all, friends, we thank Alexandra for her answers and you for paying attention to us!
With love, your Abode.
Source: Abobe song of Darkness 👇
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blindingspark · 1 year
The Warrior of Light settles down for the evening, their mind ever turning from recent events, and finds an unexpected visitor in their wake. Rating: Mature-ish [Safe to assume anything w/ Zenos will warrant a mature rating even at the most mild] Pairing: Zenos/WoL Notes: A HUGE thank you to my friend Remi for his input and knowledge on tending wounds accurately! This doozy of a fic was originally meant to be posted w/ accompanying imagery but circumstances have resulted in that being postponed |D I'll update this as soon as they're completed! Contains spoilers from the end of 6.0 and 6.X patches!
There was a certain peace to be found in an evening rainstorm, the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops against window panes and echoing from the rooftops was enough to put the weary mage's mind at ease.
Their tail swayed idly as they stirred a bit of honey into their freshly made tea, the fruity scent wafting upwards and offering its comfort as their mind steadily turned; months had come and gone since facing the epitome of despair, putting an end to the Final Days once and for all only to find themselves swept up in another swarm and impending threat within the Void. It was safe to say the now-former Warrior of Light would only know true tranquility when they started going grey- a thought which made them chuckle to themselves bitterly.
Their thoughts continued their travels, thinking of their new companion… the connection she bore and the turmoil and guilt Auri felt swirling within their chest when they thought of their approach to her.
You will not be able to avoid her perpetually, they thought, You know full well she is not Zenos, and that it would be cruel to treat her as such despite your own connection.
The steady stirring motion stopped, with the au ra glowering at their teacups contents; try as they may otherwise, some stubborn piece of them clung to the past, a mocking reminder with each remembrance that they had failed again. Again.
A heavy sigh left them, stepping away from the counter in the small kitchen area and returning to their spot curled up upon the sofa, the crackling fire in the mantle warming the humble abode with ease. Their small paissa companion slept peacefully, nestled in a blanket opposite of where they sat and having far fewer woes than his owner… Auri's bitter expression softened as they watched the little creature rest, reaching over to gently pet his tuft of longer fur atop his head-
A heavy sound beyond the door caused them to still, looking up and listening intently. Their mind shifting in its racing thoughts, perhaps another resident dropped something, if not fallen… 
The sudden banging upon the door that followed startled the paissa awake, the sound of his tiny claws scratching along the floor being heard as he darted to the safety of his tower and looked to his owner for protection; Auri stared wide at the door, setting their tea aside and grabbing their staff as they carefully stepped towards the entrance, their tail now flicking with nerves.
When a second knock did not come, the mage tentatively leaned in close, listening for any other sounds beyond their home… a faint creaking of floorboards, as well as the door- their brows knit together, was there someone leaning against it?
Auri scowled, checking the chain lock on the door before they grasped the handle, 
"Who is this?" They asked, loud enough for the mysterious visitor to hopefully hear.
A long moment of silence.
"A… friend." The newcomer replied, Auri's scowl deepening as the voice was almost… familiar.
Surely not… They thought, There's… there's no way…
"...Step away from the door." They ordered, earning a brief silence in reply followed by a muffled grunt as the door creaked once more, allowing them to open it slightly and peek out. 
A chill shot through their being as they looked upon the massive cloaked figure, a face just visible enough to discern, soaked as he seemed to be.
The newcomer glanced up, his steady gaze settling on the sliver of them he could see,
"How…?" Auri muttered, staring wide at him in return and seeing him wince, his voice faint,
"I… had nowhere else to go, but I shall explain. If you will allow me-"
The au ra hurriedly set aside their staff and unlocked the door, pulling it open and finding themselves catching the garlean as he staggered into their home, guiding him to the nearby sofa before just as swiftly closing and locking the door again.
They lingered by the doorway, looking over their shoulder as they watched him shiver, reaching up to push the dampened hood from over his head and confirming their suspicions as his attention remained on the fire.
With careful steps, the mage approached the man they had thought dead once more- having breathed his last at the edge of creation, and stilled as he looked to them, 
"I… forgive me my surprise in seeing you here, I had- I assumed you…-"
"Perished?" He finished, his voice hushed, "Aye, I was… I had, and yet…"
His attention drifted shifted back to the fire, his jaw set, "I was once again denied. The events after my return are… faint. Mere glimpses and recollections, all connected by a singular purpose."
The mage frowned, stepping closer and observing his garb, noting the torn state of his coat… and the way his left arm remained covered,
"Me." Auri replied softly, watching as his jaw clenched again, offering a faint nod to them in response.
"I wandered… back to this star, to find you. As I had done before, however-" he quieted with a growl, hunching slightly and shuddering, scarcely paying attention as Auri drew closer, placing a careful hand upon his back out of instinct, waiting until he eased before they spoke again,
"The fact you made it here is… remarkable," they said, their mouth pressing to a firm line as they studied the soaked cloak covering him, "... May I remove this? You will warm more easily without it."
He stilled, gaze remaining on the fire even as his expression softened a touch, shifting to push the cloak from his shoulders and allowing Auri to pull it away; they paused a moment as his current state was revealed to them, the most notable features being the somewhat healed slash across his chest from their duel and the transformed left arm which angrily pulsed with unbidden energies, his clawed fingers twitching before he balled his hand to a fist to nullify the sensation that seemed beyond even his level of tolerance. Auri uttered a small hum to themselves, dragging the cloak away to hang it and fetching a drink of water for the garlean on a whim, returning to his side and offering the glass to him.
A twinge of relief was felt as he took the glass, gulping down its contents like a man deprived and swallowing hard, his attention remaining on the fire until he spoke once more,
"Perhaps I am cursed to wander this star perpetually."
Their gaze fell to the floor, hands idly wringing and attempting to make sense of his circumstances with him, 
"Your… former avatar, she-" they chewed on their lip out of habit, pausing a moment and noticing the way his head turned faintly to them, "We encountered her upon our visit to the Thirteenth, returned her to her original state, and she… has joined us. The tales she has told from her pact with you is…"
"Ah. My death released her from the contract…" he replied, looking to his transformed arm and turning his hand to study it, speaking matter-of-factly, "I'm certain there are many souls who would speak ill of me, curse my very name; they would be right to do so."
The au ra frowned and nodded faintly, looking to his hand and stepping closer,
"I… I find it curious how your arm retained this form despite no longer possessing an avatar," they murmured, "And given how you react to it, I'm to assume it's not pleasant."
He remained silent, observing the limb until its glow brightened, a faint crackle of void energies sparking and curling around his forearm like licking flames as he clenched his hand into a fist once more,
" 'Tis naught the pain itself," he said quietly, "But the way it manifests, it sears beyond anything I have known. Even the power bestowed by Shinryu does not burn so…" 
By now the au ra had moved to sit upon the edge of the sofa, reaching to grasp his hand and carefully pulling it closer, sensing the way his attention settled on them as they traced the lines and fissures with their fingers,
"The contract formed between a reaper and voidsent is the primary method which allows them to manipulate the void energies itself. With your pact diminished it would have naturally dissipated, yet because you live again with no voidsent bound to you…" their lips pursed, brows knitting together as their fingers now brushed along his palm, "There is nowhere for this energy to go but outward- like a circle suddenly broken."
They noticed the subtle way his hand relaxed beneath their wandering fingers- partly relieved that physical touch did not further agitate the limb, though that would be set aside soon after as the mage pondered and eventually looked up to meet his gaze,
"Your fight against this power is only hurting you, it seems," Auri said, " 'tis hardly a power that can be controlled through force alone."
They placed their palm upon his wrist and turned to face him more fully, "Think of the voids power like... flowing water. If you stand in it, it moves around you and offers but a taste of its gift at a painful cost such as this, but…" they then traced their fingers upwards along his forearm, silently noting the way his breathing deepened in tandem, "If you allow it to flow with you like so, it will feel less unnatural. Allow yourself to sink into it but not so deeply you do not come up for air."
Auri looked up at him again with a faint yet warm smile, "It will feel as natural as your own strength with time."
Zenos remained steady on them as he listened, a faint acknowledging hum left him before closing his eyes and exhaling slowly, his hand relaxed as the angrily crackling energies slowly shifted to steadily flow along the length of his arm- the unnatural bite in the air that surrounded him easing through his efforts, "It is… warm. Potent all the same, and yet-"
His eyes opened as he looked to the au ra across from him, brows faintly knit together,
"...Why do you aid me so? To what end?"
They blinked owlishly at his sudden query and tilted their head, "Why…? I'm surprised you ask such a thing-" Auri paused, shutting their mouth and lips pressing to a firm line in deeper consideration, their gaze falling down to his hand which they continued to hold, 
"I… I do not wish to see those I care for in pain, not if I have the means to ease it. Too many already view my attempts and choice of companionship as weakness at best," their voice trailed off, looking to his hand and pulling it closer to hold it to their chest, "I simply…"
The feeling of his clawed hand grasping theirs drew the au ra's attention upwards again, their eyes meeting and finding his expression… difficult to discern, even at such close proximity. Their mouth opened to speak, then shut, the disbelief of him truly living once more lingered even as they held his hand within theirs- felt the warmth of vitality with his presence like the warmth of an emerging sun.
With a deep inhale they stood from their seat and tugged on his hand, watching as he complied and rose to his feet soon after, eyeing them with silent expectation,
"Your wounds…" Auri said at last, "If you will allow me, I would tend to them before we… we decide what to do going forward."
The steadfast and slight crinkle in his brow was his only answer as he was led away from the seating, the soft chirping from within the hiding spot of the small tower hardly drawing his attention beyond comment,
"I was not aware you had a companion."
"Hm?" They perked slightly, looking to the tower and finding themselves unable to hide a charmed smirk at their small observer, "Ah, aye, he's rather recent; he's too small to be capable of surviving in the wild, but has quite the personality once he warms up to others." 
The mage guided Zenos to their makeshift study, letting go of his hand to fetch their medical kit, "He arrived outside of my door one day worse for wear and in need of care-"
"It seems to be a recurring phenomena." He said flatly, giving Auri pause as they looked at him with widened eyes… a snicker leaving them soon after,
"Ah… that it does, given tonights events." They replied with a grin, returning with kit in hand along with extra supplies and setting it on the desk beside the garlean.
Auri sorted through the tools and solutions, ensuring they had enough of what they would need before turning to their visitor once more, eyeing his wardrobe and finding themselves fidgeting in hesitation,
"May I remove your coat? Or would you prefer to do so?"
A momentary silence floated between them, watching as he then reached up to begin the process of shedding the bulky garment- Auri's nose scrunched faintly as he slowly pulled away from the wound, wondering at the back of their mind how long he had wandered the star like this since his return. They held out their hands to receive it upon him shrugging the coat off the rest of the way, dragging it over to the seating across the room and draping it across the back before returning to his side, getting a better look at the laceration as he removed the undershirt he wore as well, setting it on the desk and looking to the au ra expectantly.
Their eyes traveled along his transformed arm, observing how it tapered and fused with his skin at the shoulder; gnarled tendrils of hardened flesh etched into his being and revealing that- if it were possible in the first place- healing and reversing such a change would take time.
The mage stepped closer to him, reaching to carefully examine the cut and hardly realizing the somber expression that had settled on their features,
"You seem distraught over your fine work, my friend." Zenos said, watching them wince at his word,
"It did not feel that way when it happened," they murmured, picking up a clean swab and dousing it with alcohol before setting to work on cleaning around the wound, taking care not to touch the broken skin itself, "As soon as I saw you collapse, my rage- my fear, disappeared and I felt only regret. I felt I had…" 
They sighed and shook their head, changing swabs as they spoke, "I felt I had failed you a second time. That despite how much I had tried to not repeat my failure in the gardens, it would be a fruitless pursuit; that I would lose you every time."
"Do your companions know?" He then inquired, giving the au ra pause as they changed supplies, his seated position allowing him to be eye level with the mage. Auri sighed, shaking their head again and preparing a saline solution,
"No, as far as they are aware I accepted your challenge for a duel and came back barely alive as the victor. None of the Scions know about those last few moments- and if your former avatar is aware she has not spoken of it." They replied, holding a clean rag under the laceration and beginning the steady process of flushing the wound, catching the excess and contaminated saline as they worked their way down,
"Given how long you wandered, I'm pleasantly surprised there are no signs of infection…" Auri noted quietly, "And it looks as though the wound was already beginning to close before you arrived, we'll simply help that process along."
Zenos remained silent, stilling himself as they finished irrigating the wound and moved on to the next process, his own mind turning as he stewed on their words, barely acknowledging the way the small paissa watching them from his tower had emerged and crept closer to investigate the two.
The small creature clambered up a small stack of books and sat on his haunches, wide eyes observing them as he uttered small chirps before the garleans gaze landing on him caused the creature to freeze,
"It's alright, Shallot, he won't hurt you," Auri snickered, this time moving on to grab the sutures from their kit and began stitching the laceration, "I'll have to pay a visit to the chirugeons in the morn, fetch some extra supplies and preventatives while this heals."
"I'll be fine once you have finished, there is no need for-" he paused as their gaze snapped to him with a look of near-angered disbelief, their expression softening apologetically soon after and returning to closing his wound,
"Please, Zenos," they muttered, "Let me do this much… allow me to do right by you while I have the means."
The garlean lingered on them, eventually letting out a slow breath and adjusting at their coaxing touch so they could continue their work, observing them as they readied a small drainage for his wound and moved on to dressings. He had endured his fair share of tendings for wounds too big to bandage on his own, observed as Imperial medics reset bone, removed limbs and damaged organs from soldiers and generals alike, yet such sights hardly held him in the way his companion tended to him; the reason giving him pause more than the process itself,
"Why?" He asked, watching as Auri paused once more, looking to him in the midst of unraveling fresh gauze, "You had defeated me at the edge of creation, having paved the way for the Final Days to begin when I regained my body. After doing all that I could to tear apart what you held dear- if only for a taste of your fury… you would still open your door to me and tend my wounds."
The au ra stared in return, eyes wide as the air filled with a tense silence and broken only when they returned to bandaging him, focusing on their task when they answered,
"Perhaps it is foolishness on my part; young naivety in the midst of hope, or simply stubbornness inherited from my mother," they paused with a smirk, turning as they maneuvered around him to continue their work, gathering the length of blonde in one hand to move it aside, "Or perhaps I cling to what I saw in the man that would perish by his own hand in the gardens of Ala Mhigo.” The garlean reached up to nudge their hand and take over holding his hair, freeing their hands to continue bandaging him- the slight turn of his head indicating that he listened still, waiting as they navigated their thoughts, “I have tried to rationalize it all, every cruel action and how you see the world around you- the contempt and bitterness towards a star where you're surrounded by what feels tedious and grey. But… I suppose in spite of all my reasoning and wondering, I think of what I have gained in knowing you as well; my truest strength in might and in self, in ways I might have never known had we not met," Auri trailed off, securing the dressings and letting out a sigh upon stepping in front of him again, looking up to meet his steady gaze,
"Perhaps it is also selfishness on my end, but I do not think myself capable of hating you- not in the way you had desired for so long… and I have tried." 
Habits of old emerged as they reached to rest their hand upon his cheek, their chest tightening as he studied them with a furrowed brow, slowly pulling their hand away in a rush of nerves only to feel him grasp their hand in return. His touch was tighter than anticipated, causing them to still with their breath held as they wondered what was going through his own mind- feeling his hold ease and pressing their hand to his cheek again, leaning into their touch and closing his eyes, “I have misjudged you, my friend," he muttered, his tone distant, “Sought in you a bloodlust that I would never again see firsthand.”
Such a revelation quieted the garlean for a long moment, sighing and scarce noticing how his companion mirrored the tilt of his head, studying his features at such close proximity before feeling their other hand reach to brush aside strands of blonde. His eyes opened to slits before looking to meet their gaze in full, 
"You vex me endlessly." He said at last, his words met with a chuckle and shrug of the shoulder from the au ra,
"As do you…" Auri smiled, though it faded as their thoughts traveled to the last time they held him like this; bathed in the vibrance of the dawning light and the encompassing, tranquil silence. 
They remembered little beyond the regret that washed over them after claiming victory, the way they clambered to his side to hold him close- their hands drenched in red and the aches wracking their body, and they remembered the way he looked upon them in his last moments, realization manifesting too late as the light faded from his eyes- the remnant flicker of his lifes flame extinguished once more…
A sigh slipped past Auri's lips, pulling their hands away with little protest from the garlean and began to pick through their first aid kit once more, "For the time, I think it more important that your attention remain on healing. There's likely to be questions and arrangements needed once word spreads about my… visitor."
"I find myself curious how willing your companions are to bend upon your request." he commented, watching them shrug with a faint bob of their head side to side in thought,
"Some would be open to… negotiate, and understand, others are likely to give a cold shoulder… I have already found myself losing allies and friends alike when questioned about knowing you." they replied, plucking the bottle of chosen medicine from the kit and pausing as the sounds of little claws and chirps drew their attention away from their task, greeted by the sight of the small paissa now at their feet gazing up at the two with orblike eyes; the mage snickered and reached to scoop him up, feeling his grasping hands cling to their shirt before he stared at their visitor, chirping softly while Auri gently brushed back the soft tufts upon his head, 
"Admittedly, having a new face around will only be strange for a little bit," they said, looking to Zenos once more, "You are not obligated to be his caretaker should you stay for the time, though he does seem rather interested in you all the same."
His attention flickered down to the small creature peering at him, his brows knitting together, "Animal husbandry is rather removed from my skillset." 
They carefully lowered Shallot to the floor to fetch a drink to aid him with taking the medicine, perking slightly as they heard the critter hop away instead of trailing behind them as he often did; the au ra paused after looking over their shoulder, watching as the little paissa approached the large blonde, silently staring up at the garlean with his twitching nose as his only movement. Their brow raised, slowly moving to refill a glass with water as they observed the interaction and ready to call upon their little creature to dismiss him if needed-
An initial, cautious touch to his boot with his small paw. The paissa stared up at him for a long moment still before placing his other paw upon his shoe, slowly working his way up to grasp for purchase and climb the garleans leg; Zenos's expression shifted to a faint, perplexed scowl while watching the critter, eventually- and rather slowly- reaching to scoop him up and onto his lap, a series of softened chirps escaped Shallot as he soon curled up and closed his eyes upon achieving his little victory with minimal fuss.
The garlean's expression remained, his attention shifting to the direction of Auri approaching once more, noting the look upon their face and receiving the offered drink,
"I can take him if you wish." They said, earning a small hum in reply before he focused on swallowing the medicine they offered,
"I take it he does not cling to others like this…?"
"Ah, no… not in the time I have had him. Though I seldom have company over beyond a caretaker when I'm called away." Auri then shrugged, taking the emptied glass and setting it beside the torn undershirt he had worn, lingering on the garment and picking it up to examine the damage,
"I will try to mend this as well, maybe fetch some more clothes while I'm resupplying in the morn. The tailors would most certainly have something for a man of your stature." 
They draped the shirt over their arm with their decision made, closing the medical kit and returning it to its usual spot before the quiet drew their attention back to their companion with a curious look; watching as he took in the towering shelves packed with leather-bound tomes and worn folktale collections, his perpetual stillness remaining as Auri set aside the garment to quietly move and settle at his side again with hands loosely clasped,
"My collection is certainly not as grand as what may have been in the palace, but you are welcome to them all the same…” they noted, the softened smile fading as they watched him; having seen the intricacies and subtleties of his wandering thoughts up close in the past, they reached to turn his head towards them upon seeing those very tells, brushing some of the blonde away from his face once again as they did so,
"Shall I be enlightened on what now swirls about in that head of yours?" They inquired, answered by a sigh and feeling his head instinctively press to their palm, 
"Naught that has not been answered already, 'tis simply the steps going forward that eludes me." 
"Ah," a faint nod, "There was no room nor reason to consider an existence after our rematch, was there? That there was no room for you…" Auri's voice quieted at such a notion, "These days the star has no purpose for myself, truthfully. By all accounts I have spent my usefulness in halting the Final Days, and yet I continue on; perhaps you can find a new purpose- a new life here," they paused, jaw clenching before they reached up with their remaining hand to gently cup his cheeks, "A new life with me."
The mage shifted closer, their hold tightening slightly as they then pressed their lips to his- a gesture so brief it could have slipped beneath the untrained eye, yet one that was reciprocated upon the feeling of a large, clawed hand pressing to their back and pulling their body flush to his for another. 
A tentative movement, unfamiliar but ever certain, mere moments felt like centuries when they pulled away a second time. The rising heat creeping upwards along their neck and to their cheeks as their mind swirled with a million thoughts; the relief of holding him in their arms once more, the winded explanations to their colleagues if- of when- they learned of his return, lingering fears of losing him again and again and again-
With a sigh their head tipped forward and pressed to his, feeling his grasp on the fabric of their clothes tighten,
"Stay… please," whispered Auri through a yearning hiss, "Do not make me lose you a third time."
"There is naught else here for me upon this star or any other beyond the soul standing before me." He replied, a sigh leaving him afterward, "If you would accept me once more…"
The mage smiled faintly in relief, resting their arms around his shoulders and carefully easing against him- a sudden disgruntled chirp capturing their attention as the small paissa had been disturbed from his slumber, hopping off the garleans lap and scurrying back to his tower before settling down once more. Auri let out a chuckle under their breath after, drawn back to their companion and resting their head against his,
"I will make a place for you here," they murmured, "A home… even if I must dirty my hands to do so."
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slooshee · 9 months
Some friends and I watched Gemini Home Entertainment yesterday and today we re-watched TMC together and when I tell you the absolute shock we all felt seeing “Remy Abode” in the ‘Special Thanks’ section of some of the tmc vids. It was a JUMPSCARE.
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d4djobesemuses · 4 months
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"W-Well there might be instances, however as denizens of our revered abode, we should strive for finesse even amidst this... gluttony."
Nevermind the fact that she was, perhaps, the only one even remotely worried about anything but eating and lazing around in the Mansion. The sight of fae' eating 'till their poor bodies could no longer handle the abuse and either expelled the half-digested bog, or simply exploded outright, was a common one.
As was the waddling gait of the overfed mass, the gas problem of the poor librarian, the slothful visage of the gate warden, and the ravenous appetite of the little sister trapped underneath the premises.
"That's... huff.. why we, ugh, should... should try to... hahh..."
...fanning herself, Remi' was forced to take a lil' break mid-rant, petite as she was, the lard encasing her organs made breathing a tad more difficult these days...
"Ooogh... w-water... p-please..."
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Patchouli ignored most of her tirade, this exchange was a regular one, and Patchouli heard, considered, and decided to ignore each of her points long ago, back when she had a semblance of a chance to stand upright under her own power.
What she wasn't quite expecting is for Remilia's weight issues to have progressed to where completing multiple sentences consecutively was becoming an impossibility, a fuzzy feeling warmed her heart, it was either pride or a heart attack, either way, Pache embraced it.
"Hff... nghff... there'sh... hahh... ughfh... no water... hff... b-but... I think... hahh... melted... ghff... ishe... cream... hff... should helph... hff..."
Using the most magical power she could spare, Patchouli made a five liter tub of ice cream float and firmly lodge itself into Remilia's mouth, it was chocolate and strawberry flavored, and mixed to perfection with heavy cream, peanut butter and caramel sauce, in a perfect combination to make the least healthy ice cream shake Patchouli could request of Sakuya.
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On the topic of Gemini Home Entertainment, I find it weird that Uranus was the only giant planet that didn't have a off-putting description in "Our Solar System" despite the fact that the others were clearly effected by the Iris in their own way, and was never photographed in "Crusader Probe Mission" (aside from one of its moons being fused with another). I like to theorize that since it was the coldest planet of the solar system (among other factors that makes it unique like being on its side), the Iris couldn't really damage it in a significant way but I wanna hear what you think.
It has taken me up until now to notice that I answered this entire ask incorrectly because I am apparently fucking illiterate. Now that I have used my eyes to read what the words actually said and put my thinking hat on: It might have something to do with it being a gas giant and really cold in general or the fact that something did happen to it but its not as bad as the others. It could have been knocked off its rotational axis by the Iris somehow (see below) so the change we see is not one that seems very out of place. It could also be because Uranus was also not Conjunct with Jupiter and Neptune when the Iris was doing its thing. Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn all have the capacity to align with each other at the same time due to their orbits around the sun. It does not happen often but its possible.
Remy Abode is generally pretty good about researching the subject matters covered in GHE. Even if its a small detail the facts have generally been pretty good.
I think there are 2 possible explanations for this:
So Neptune is a gas giant (specifically an ice giant). And since I suck at explaining how space shit works here is a chart explaining what Neptune itself is made up of:
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Uranus is actually the coldest planet but Neptune is up there too.
So reason 1 of why Neptune is missing in that episode (and why it could also be called "the lens" could be because of the fact the planet itself is made of ice (at least a form of it despite the high temperature). While using ice as a magnifying glass isn't very efficient, it is possible. Its core also has metal in it, including silicates which are commonly used in the production of glass (which make glasses, heh) but also in the production of computer parts. Given how Neptune is missing in that video and how it was present before in past videos, the core of Neptune was probably destroyed in some way which totally killed the planet's gravitational field. Without the gravitational field, the planet would fall apart since there is nothing (in this case quite literally) holding it together. And while I doubt the Iris is able to build a computer in itself or is outfitted with cybernetic parts it seems to be consuming planets/solar bodies as it moves closer to Earth. And given how the Iris can fuck with telecommunications/tech on Earth: it's probably using the metals it consumes to do it somehow. And if the Iris has done this to other planets before outside of our solar system, it would not be unfair to say that it has done this enough times before to do it efficiently.
The second reason is a bit more tinfoil-haty, but the Iris could have started out as Neptune (given how Pluto still exists) or was somehow birthed on Neptune and managed to break free from it somehow. We were shown early on that Neptune looked like it had an eye that was opening and was "mutated". Given Neptune itself is a gas giant there is not much to mutate. However, Neptune does have an earth-sized core. The Iris (or the creature we know as the Iris) could have been that core. And that big laser we see shooting out of Neptune could be the Iris itself "hatching" (which would yet again also destroy the gravitational field thus killing the planet).
The first explanation is better than the second one but both can work as theories till we find out what the Iris "is" (AKA why it exists and where it comes from). But all you need to do to kill a gas giant is kill the core. If the Iris can eat planets, it can kill Neptune.
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itszerothree · 1 year
Yeah, Midwest Angelica is a great series. But the creator only uploads once every few months if we’re lucky.
Morley Grove is good too, it’s bloody terrifying.
Way more so than it should be. It’s made by the guy who also made Gemini Home Entertainment, which I’ve also seen and which I absolutely love.
i watched midwest angelica and oh my god how have i never known of this before
its so good! the visuals and story in it are great. cant wait to see where it goes!!
and i didnt know that remy abode also made morley grove! i havent watched it yet, though
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deltagrad124 · 1 year
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Hope it went great! 😁
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yippee, hello tumblr people
this’ll be my intro post for now I guess, so hi!! my name’s Cryptid (or Quinn ^^), I use any pronouns, I’m a minor (14-17), and I’m a big fan of horror of almost any genre! you like analog, cosmic, body horror? hell yeah, me too! let’s be buddies lmao
current fandoms: Kane Pixel’s Backrooms, Alex Kister’s The Mandela Catalogue, and Remy Abode’s Gemini Home Entertainment (Local 58 is also cool, and I’ve been trying to get into The Walten Files but we’ll see how that turns out)
I’m an amateur photographer! I use my shitty phone but I still like posting pictures, so look out for those
this is my blog just for original posts, reblogs and stuff will be on my side blog, @quinniesreblogsaaaaaaaaaaaaa
.. --
-. --- -
a real person
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dougielombax · 1 year
It’s kind of amazing how an analog horror series will suddenly go dark with absolutely little to no word or updates from the creator.
For an entire year or longer.
Before suddenly returning abruptly out of nowhere with new content.
This post is about Gemini Home Entertainment! (And others)
*new Morley Grove video when?*
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jordi999 · 3 months
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assaultvvyvern · 8 months
listen the beef i have with urb4n sp00k is not that it has strong themes like harm done on children or animals. any horror product can be done well and have those themes integrate beautifully and fully in the text and make their presence make sense - which like i think is the important part and this website often forgets what good writing is. like no me rolling my eyes at things like r4pe/harm done to kids/etc isn't me being "a meany anti (EUGH) who loves censorship >:(" it's me actually having a critical bone in me and knowing how a narrative structure works. and also being a hater.
it's just that that series was clearly made on a whim to showcase art without any real thought put into it. and i wouldnt be mad at it if the creator wasnt such an ableist little shit who thinks he made the hottest shit ever since local58. like no my man. not when mister manticore, alex kister, kane pixels, martin walls, remy abode and darian quilloy are doing what theyre doing rn. im begging people to take some sort of writing class before they even start thinking abt making original content.
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