Love yourself so much that who someone treats you wrong, you recognize it.
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renafromtheheart · 7 years
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Fearless Black Woman. Featuring Yours Truly. -RenaFromTheHeart
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daphne280 · 9 years
Hi Daphne saw your post. idk you but you kinda scared me a bit lol I was like aw why is she so sad, then I read the rest and thought well that's cute. Idk anything about you or your relationship, I miss my bf when he is away. Sweetie you're too young to be this consumed in love. Not sayin you can't love lol but When you're not around him, have fun, laugh, build yourself, your future, do your favorite things, be an individual ya know. Don't think the only time you can smile is when he's around :)
Thank you so much! Normally everyone just scrolls past it but it means a lot to me that you actually read it and cared enough to respond. I know I’m way too in love with him for my own good, but I feel safe with it mostly because he is that way too. It’s just that I haven’t seen him for two weeks and that’s the longest we’ve been away from each other. Also, right now, my father in in the ICU at the hospital, so being without my father and my boyfriend has been really hard on me. Thank you so much for caring! It really does mean a lot
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renafromtheheart · 9 years
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How strong is your Black Man? Does he provide for you and your family? Keep his promises? Stands on his beliefs? Or does he make excuses? Lies? Falls through on his plans? How strong is your Black man? Can he start a revolution? Can he bring change? Can he make every young boy want to do great things? Does he strive for excellence in every area of life? Does he put you first? How strong is your Black Man?
How Strong is your Black Woman? Does she respect you? Does she motivate you or tear you down? Does she support you as you support her? Does she push you away or draw you close? Is she strong enough to love past her anger? Does she sacrifice for her children? How strong is your Black Woman? Can she support your strive? Can she make a difference? Can she start a revolution? Do young girls want to be like her? Does she respect and love herself? Does she flirt and flaunt or Proudly proclaim you? How strong is your Black Woman?
When years pass, and your pictures, of you and your family all strolled all over the internet. What will people say? Will they be talking about your money, your scandalous ways or your bond and integrity. When people see you and your strong black family, are they as motivated as I am when I see the Kings? How strong is your Black family, your Black love? How strong are you?
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