#rene guenon
castilestateofmind · 8 months
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"To protect the righteous, to annihilate the wicked, and to reestablish the principles of religion I appear on this earth, age after age".
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entheognosis · 7 days
What the modern world has striven after with all its strength, even when it has claimed in its own way to pursue science, is really nothing other than the development of industry and machinery; and in thus seeking to dominate matter and bend it to their service, men have only succeeded, as we said at the beginning of this book, in becoming its slaves. Not only have they limited their intellectual ambition—if such a term can still be used in the present state of things—to inventing and constructing machines, but they have ended by becoming in fact machines themselves.
Rene Guenon
The Crisis of the Modern World
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eternal-echoes · 4 months
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Charles Coulombe bashing the two favorite philosophers of the alt-right.
I feel like it's misleading to call them heretics because they've both abandoned the faith. So wouldn't it be more accurate to call them apostates?
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rogue762mm · 2 months
Guénon said that the more we delve into the matter, the more divisive and opposing elements take root, thus conflict emerges; however, the more we elevate ourselves on pure spirituality, the more we reach unity, something uniquely achievable via the consciousness of universal principles and its immutable and eternal metaphysical laws.
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raisongardee · 5 months
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“Le caractère analytique de la science moderne se traduit par la multiplication sans cesse croissante des "spécialités", dont Auguste Comte lui-même n’a pu s’empêcher de dénoncer les dangers ; cette "spécialisation", si vantée de certains sociologues sous le nom de "division du travail", est à coup sûr le meilleur moyen d’acquérir cette "myopie intellectuelle" qui semble faire partie des qualifications requises du parfait "scientiste", et sans laquelle, d’ailleurs, le "scientisme" même n’aurait guère de prise. Aussi les "spécialistes", dès qu’on les sort de leur domaine, font-ils généralement preuve d’une incroyable naïveté ; rien n’est plus facile que de leur en imposer […]”
René Guénon, Orient et Occident, 1924. 
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The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times by René Guénon, 1945
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eyeoftheheart · 9 months
“Will the modern world follow this fatal course right to the end, or will a new readjustment intervene once more, as it did in the case of the Greco-Latin decadence, before it reaches the bottom of the abyss into which it is being drawn? It would seem that a halt midway is no longer possible since, according to all the indications furnished by the traditional doctrines, we have in fact entered upon the last phase of the Kali-Yuga, the darkest period of this “dark age”, the state of dissolution from which it is impossible to emerge otherwise than by a cataclysm, since it is not a mere readjustment that is necessary at such a stage, but a complete renovation.
Disorder and confusion prevail in every domain and have been carried to a point far surpassing all that has been known previously, so that, issuing from the West, they now threaten to invade the whole world; we know full well that their triumph can never be other than apparent and transitory, but such are the proportions which it has reached, that it would appear to be the sign of the gravest of all the crises through which mankind has passed in the course of its present cycle. Have we not arrived at that terrible age, announced in the Sacred Books of India, “when the castes shall be mingled, when even the family shall no longer exist”?
It is only necessary to look around in order to be convinced that this state is truly that of the world of today, and to see on all sides that profound degeneracy which the Gospel terms “the abomination of desolation”. The gravity of the situation cannot be minimized; it should be envisaged such as it is, without optimism but also without pessimism, for as we have already said, the end of the old world will be also the beginning of a new one.
the point at which the “descent” is completely accomplished, where “the wheel stops turning”—at least for the instant marking the passage from one cycle to another—it is necessary to conclude that, until this point is actually attained, it is impossible that these things should be understood by men in general, but only by the small number of those who are destined to prepare, in one way or in another, the germs of the future cycle.”
― René Guénon, The Essential René Guénon: Metaphysical Principles, Traditional Doctrines, and the Crisis of Modernity
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After Ragnarök by Emil Doepler  (1855–1922) 
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lullaby1000 · 1 year
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emscriabin · 2 years
From the traditional point of view, what gives all its validity to warfare thus understood, is that it symbolizes the struggle man must carry on against the enemies he bears within himself, that is, against all those elements within him that are contrary to order and to unity.
In both cases, moreover, whether it is a question of the outward social order or the inward spiritual order, warfare must always tend equally to the establishment of equilibrium and harmony (which explains why it is related properly to “justice”), and thereby to unifying in a certain measure the multiplicity of elements that are in opposition among themselves.
War, as long as it is directed against those who create disorder and aims at bringing them back to order, constitutes a legitimate function, which is fundamentally but one aspect of the function of “justice” understood in its fullest meaning. However, this is only the most outward aspect of things, and thus the least essential.
-Réné Guénon
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mantikutayr · 2 years
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‘‘anlam nesnede midir, ona yönelen insan zihninde midir, yoksa anlam bu ikisi dışında başka aşkın bir kaynaktan mı gelir?’‘ 
‘‘guenon, anlamın, metafizik metafizik bilginin insana intikali ile ortaya çıktığı kanaatindedir.’‘ 
‘‘gelenek’te insan, evrenle tanrı arasında ara (berzah) durumda kabul edilir.’‘ 
‘‘insanda metafizik ilgiyi alan bu akıl, onun rasyonalitesi değil entelektüalitesidir.’‘ 
‘’varoluşçu ‘saçma’ kavramı tam olarak modern insanın elinde bulunan enstrümanlarla kendine, doğaya, hayata anlam veremeyeşini, anlamsız bulduğu hayata ve kendine yabancılaşmasını ortaya koymaktadır..’’ 
‘’..modern insan tanrı'yla da uyumsuzdur..’‘
‘‘metafiziğin erişmeye çalıştığı hakikat nedir?’‘ 
‘‘maddi töz alem-i mahsusa sıkı sıkıya bağlıdır.’‘ 
‘‘mutlak iyilik ve anlam mutlak varlık olan tanrı’nın zat’ıyla ilgilidir.’‘ 
‘‘hakikat asla olup bitmiş değil, daima olma yolunda ir şeydir. her hakikat bir yasa gibi, bir dil gibi insan ürünüdür.’‘ 
‘‘insanın dikey (şakuli) ve  yatay (ufki) boyutu.’‘ 
‘‘gelenkselci düşünceye göre insan, teolojik ya da metafizik bir ilkeye dayanmaksızın evrensel bir ahlak kuramaz.’‘ 
‘‘guenon’a göre insanı anlamak için, metafizik bilginin yanında kozmoloji bilgisine de ihtiyaç vardır.’‘ 
‘‘..gül-haç inisiyasyonu insiyelerini kadim insan denielen yere kadar taşımaktaydı.’‘
‘‘nefs, insan varlığının tüm olasılıklarını içeren ilkenin adıdır.’‘ 
‘‘guenon’a göre bilinç insanın ana vasfı olsa da ayırt edici vasfı değildir.’’ 
‘‘inisiyasyon insanın metafizik bilgi tahakkukundan başka bir şeyi amaçlamaz.’‘ 
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castilestateofmind · 8 months
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radiogornjigrad · 14 hours
Nema sumnje da u duhovnoj istoriji Evrope XX veka Rene Genon, sa svojim učenjem „integralnog tradicionalizma“, predstavlja sasvim jedinstvenu, iznimnu pojavu. Ne možemo označiti njegove učitelje i prethodnike, tim pre što i sam Genon, na jednom mestu, izričito odbija da nas obavesti o pravim izvorima svojih saznanja („ni na jedan način nismo skloni da obavestimo publiku o našim realnim izvorima,…
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eternal-echoes · 1 year
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I’ve only seen two Catholics read him so they’re probably in the minority (and it was a long time ago so it’s possible they’ve changed since then). But in case you come across people who read Guénon to shape their worldview, they’re probably heretical.
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la-femme-en-rouge · 2 months
as I read into Renee guenon I sense great satisfaction from the hate he has for modern science & scholastic thought
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urmuzii · 6 months
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raisongardee · 3 months
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"Le processus contre-initiatique se déroule en effet selon deux phases essentielles : la phase matérialiste et la phase néo-spiritualiste – antagonistes en apparence, mais complémentaires en fait, et concourant au même but. Le mieux à cet égard est d’écouter Guénon lui-même, dans le Règne de la Quantité et les Signes des Temps : "L’action antitraditionnelle devait nécessairement viser à la fois à changer la mentalité générale et à détruire toutes les institutions traditionnelles, en Occident, puisque c’est là qu’elle s’est exercée tout d’abord et directement, en attendant de pouvoir chercher à s’étendre ensuite au monde entier par le moyen des Occidentaux ainsi préparés à devenir ses instruments. D’ailleurs, la mentalité étant changée, les institutions qui dès lors ne lui correspondaient plus, devaient par là même être facilement détruites ; c’est donc le travail de déviation de la mentalité qui apparaît ici comme véritablement fondamental, comme ce dont tout le reste dépend en quelque façon, et, par conséquent, c’est là-dessus qu’il convient d’insister plus particulièrement." Ce travail, évidemment, postule l’existence de "courants mentaux" manipulés par certaines centrales d’énergie psychique relevant directement de la juridiction contre-initiatique.
Jean Robin, « La "contre-initiation" selon Guénon et Evola », 1987.
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