seemabhatnagar · 1 year
Pain of withering
Sudden unexpected events wither you inside.
First challenge is to accept the event
Second challenge is fear of unknown
Acceptance pushes you to look for solution
Here comes the third challenge
A tiff between mind, body and soul
Rebuilding self from the broken soul
A daunting task for the wounded soul
Brain and Heart pose their challenge
This is your battle
None can take you out
Suggestions may provide relief but it is temporary
So keeping yourself exceedingly occupied
May provide distraction from the wound
But when you are alone with yourself
Suppressed inner volcano gushes outside
As deep inside the wound is still afresh
Frequent gushing of wounds continues their piercing
Solace comes from healing
Healing gives peace to mind, body and soul
Difficult to receive the healing balm
No one wants to lose the battle
No one wants to be known as failure
Option is to fight or flight
Fight requires persistent determination
Despite receiving setbacks in the process
Continuous failure tears you apart
Foremost is your mental triggers, coupled by surroundings
Abetting hurt to the already wounded soul
And you look for escape
Unable to cope with the pressure of the sores
You attempt to leave but with heavy heart & crying soul
You don’t want to be known as loser
You always want to win
Failure is killing
And circumstances wither you inside out
Seema Bhatnagar
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