#replying to T00nyah >
adventurer-gearld · 2 years
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Uh oh
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adventurer-gearld · 2 years
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Reply to @t00nyah
Yes they will!
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On an unrelated note, Deep Cut and the Squid Sisters are going to be making a collab! Off to Inkopolis they go! Maybe they’ll meet some interesting people, or maybe even, they’ll see someone again.
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adventurer-gearld · 2 years
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@t00nyah ‘s reply. Thank, you for the interest I am quivering to explain some things, shaking even with excitement
It is. Not fun for them
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They are getting incredibly vivid, sudden and terrifying glimpses? flashbacks ? Flashforwards? Visions of the future? Most often of hero mode, in the middle of combat, getting splatted with ink that isn’t for turf war. Some visions are with a squid holding an umbrella, or another squid in pink laughing along with them. Some of a group, clearly close and they’re a part of it, eating and talking with everyone.
But how are they supposed to explain this to a friend? Nobody would believe the claim that the Octarians are coming back, nobody would believe that any of this would happen.
And so, when they heard from the Squid Sisters’s report on the Great Zapfish going missing from Inkopolis plaza, and they saw a familiar old man poking his head out a sewer. What else could they do but follow?
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adventurer-gearld · 2 years
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Reply to t00nyah
:))) :]]] Yes! They are in fact are siblings! With a 5 year difference.
More things under the cut
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A photo taken the day before Four goes to the fancy school away from home! Four is 14 in this photo, Neo is 9. This is the last time they see each other for nearly 7 years. Original timeline and AU timeline.
Four is unknowing of how Neo is faring after cutting contact, because their phone broke and they got a new number. Neo is unknowing as their sibling isn’t picking up the phone and ignoring their calls.
Four is getting no visions of Neo, and Neo only got a dream saying they’ll meet Four again. Neither of them have any clue what the other is doing. Except Little Buddy. He has been completely unable to draw this and have it make sense to Neo.
Four and Neo’s relationship was quite close. Four didn’t want Neo to have to bear the brunt of their parents expectations, so they took it, but there’s only so much a person can take. Neo never ended up resenting Four for leaving, they did at first, but as they got older it made more sense, and they just wanted to meet them again. Hopefully they will, but clearly they aren’t in Splatsville, and it’s rather hard to get to Inkopolis from the city of anarchy.
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