#resident evil vendetta kin
aces-kin-stop · 1 month
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Icons for Leon Kennedy (RE: Infinite Darkness + RE: Vendetta) (500px) @nyctohyloph0bia
version without the overlay below the cut!
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herasyndlla · 1 year
tagged by: the loveliest @loisfreakinglane
nickname: mar mar is the only like nickname that has stuck but only because i use it for gaming lol
sign: cancer
height: 5’7”
last thing i googled: the fire emblem engage main characters cause… uh… their looks are something
song stuck in my head: the credit song for trivia murder party 2. legit amazing song go look it up
number of followers: over 1000, too lazy to check the actual number
last night: like 7 hours. tonight is going to probably be like 6 😬
lucky number: i don’t have one tbh
dream job: living in the woods with good wifi and being paid to think about dnd/ocs and play dnd and video games
wearing: my pjs, it’s bed time
movies/books the summarize me
movies: how to train your dragon (all three), pride and prejudice (2005), the lord of the rings, resident evil: vendetta
books: basically anything by tamora pierce but specifically the immortals quartet
favourite song: i cannot pick a favourite of all time i am sorry but i really enjoy hibernate by woven kin right now
aesthetic: i don’t like have just one but i would really like a woodsy kind of one for my bedroom, i think that would be very nice
favourite author: tamora pierce
favourite animal noise: guinea pig squeaks are just the best
random: okay we played push the button tonight on jackbox and i had to be the alien and it was so stressful but i successfully survived ✌🏻
tagging: @forksthousands @ezraesfandi @hobbitunderthemountain @dinahdlance @transmutes @seance
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it's an important day for me, so i might as well get this out...?
hi. i'm looking for any other people who kin from resident evil. sourcemates/canonmates are both appreciated, and i don't mind doubles. my biggest RE kin is leon kennedy (i have memories from 2 remake up until village) but i also kin chris redfield from the remake of the first game.
primarily though i'll talk about my leon canon. i remember being in a relationship with chris from post-vendetta up until village. we were married. the later details are on a need-to-know basis, i'll tell you if you ask. piers lived, and stayed with us during that time while he was in rehab/honorably discharged, and was like a son to us. i've already found piers, but please, please, please, if you kin chris and this sounds familiar to you, please contact me, send me a DM. otherwise if you're a sourcemate/other canonmate and just want to talk, feel free to DM me as well. i promise i don't bite. i just want to get over myself and finally reach out again.
i am also 20 going on 21, so i would very much prefer if other 19+ people message me only. no minors, sorry. if you're 18 you will be on thin ice.
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bwopo-blog · 7 years
FIRST OF ALL I REALLY NEED TO SAY THIS BECAUSE ITS AWESOME BUT HOLY FUCK !!! HOLY FUCK!! RESIDENT EVILS FIRST CANON CONFIRMED LESBIAN CHARACTER DIDNT FUCKING DIE !! AND SHE WAS A FUCKING BADASS !!!!!!!! WITH HER GODDAMN RAIL GUN!!!!! AND SHE WAS SO CUTE AND SNARKY OH MY GOD AND HOLY FUCK... glenn arias actually wasnt that bad of a villain i think?? he was weird as hell but i did not expect that to happen at all. doesnt mean he wasnt boring though. rebecca being all badass and telling him that she figured out literally ALMOST EVERYTHING about his stupid virus like it was nothing SHOOK ME!!! I LOVE MY SMART PROFESSOR WIFE HOLY FUCK and god like the fight scene between chris and arias was really cool !!!!! all of the fight scenes were so smooth and its so interesting that they acted out every single one of them !! but fuck leon and his ducati was SOMETHING ELSE I GOTTA SAY ALJFKDGKFD I LAUGHED A LOT ABOUT HOW RIDICULOUS HE LOOKED.... also him saying “i dont plan that far ahead” is... so me... i rly felt that kin connection during that movie, more than the others did i think. leon was a lot more dynamic in this movie than he has been previously, which i am glad about, but it still feels like hes being force fed to us and its so annoying. what i really wish this movie did was like... go more into the characters connections with each other. more character relationship building and character building in general? because this happens sometime after re6. chris had a fucked up time during re6 and i was really hoping vendetta would show us how he was doing... the making-of video before the movie started mentioned that there was going to be some of that in the movie but?? there just?? wasnt :/ i AM glad that leon and chris learned that it was no good to fight with each other on everything though, and that they learned to work together again (thanks to queen rebecca). i just.. wish there was more of character story building than the boring focus on action and blood and gore :( the actions scenes were cool though. i really liked this movie!! i dont think i like it more than i like damnation tho LMFAO, but its up there
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