#respect your damn library books or i'll hold you down while page kicks your ass; sincerely a public librarian
College of Whispers Bulletin #1
from the desk of Master Wizard Leslan Khur'kern
It has recently come to the attention of the faculty that someone has been sneaking into the scholars' dormitories to stuff raw chicken breasts into their pillows. This matter is currently under investigation.
Chief Alchemist Dathul Eldeth wants to remind all potential students to his class to learn protective Alteration spells and review proper lab safety procedures before turning up to class, quote, "drunk beyond measure." Alteration spells and information on casting them can be obtained through Alteration Master Telonil Kaeire.
Regarding the argument between scholars Newha the Fleet and Rallo Lalanus the other day that evolved into a fist-fight, we would like to once again remind people to take your scholarly disputes outside. While it thankfully did not escalate to that point, it should go without saying that killing your fellow mages - no matter the reason - is unacceptable. Anyone who kills a fellow College member will be promptly expelled and handed over to the town guards for a proper legal trial.
While the College of Whispers encourages the study of necromancy and Daedra alike, please do not do so outside of college grounds, as it concerns and causes fear in the local towns.
Our librarian, Flips-Through-Pages, would like to once again remind college members that, while there are no late fees to returning overdue materials to the library, you will not be able to take more books until you return your overdue tomes. If the items have been destroyed, the cost of the book along with a processing fee will be added to your record.
Thank you all for choosing the College of Whispers to study at. We hope that your studies will be fruitful and you will get through the year with minimum laboratory explosions.
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