pyrandonnees · 1 year
via Pyrandonnées - Flux RSS Une randonnée dans les Pyrénées
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Belle randonnée de haute montagne vers le très beau lac de Tebarray. Région : Haut Aragon, Ordesa https://www.pyrandonnees.fr/randos/88/IMG_0574.JPG #randonnées #rando #pyrénées https://www.pyrandonnees.fr
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subimosriscos · 5 years
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🐐: Ahora que empieza a hacer fresquito es cuando entra la nostalgia del verano, ¿verdad?😂 El calor sofocante sin tregua de la montaña ( además sin sombrero dado que me lo dejé en el regugio de #respomuso ), la sudada que te pegas para subir los riscos que te rodean y coronar la cima que más te llama ( en mi caso el 3000 de los #picosdelinfierno ) y finalmente bajas deseando plantar campamento y descansar... ¿Y qué es lo que más me apetece en el mundo cuando encuentro sitio para pasar la noche? Pues un baño de agua congelada y pura salida de las entrañas de la montaña que reviva mi espíritu y mi cuerpo maltrecho, secarme al solecito sobre una roca caliente y disfrutar de una sensación de relajación única e inigualable por el lugar en el que me encuentro, feliz por la mera existencia de todo cuanto rodea. Una verdadera terapia integral... ojalá todos/as los que verdaderamente veáis en la montaña lo que nosotros vemos y sepáis apreciarlo como merece disfrutéis de esta experiencia tanto como la disfruté yo. Pienso en un hombre sabio ( @conciencia_bienestar_salud ) con el que me gustaría compartir este lugar y conversar por años, o en mis hermanos de subimosriscos, el puñales🗡🗡🗡 y el canalla🦉, que se perdieron todo este tramo de la ruta que hice en solitario y que disfrutarían como enanos en todos los aspectos imaginables 😆 Por suerte pude compartir esta experiencia con mi chica, que se vino desde Madrid a #pirineos con su padre y su hermano a pasar una noche bajo las estrellas y un día largo de pateo conmigo en este lugar maravilloso... desde entonces la quiero más si cabe 😘 Coooonclusión! No seáis gallinas y daros un chapuzón bien fresquito... el placer es similar a darse una ducha caliente despues de un día frío de lluvia 😉. Consejito by: @subimos_riscos . . . . . . . . . . #subimosriscos #pyrenees #vivelospirineos #ibones #fotopirineos #vive_montanas #mountainlake #mountainlive #bramatuero #bachimaña #loves_pyrenees #paisajes #españaenpaisajes #sitiosdehuesca #livewild #inpirineos #backpackingculture #mochileros #RinconesDelPirineo #befree🍃 #lospirineos #bañosdepanticosa #3000 #gr11 #naturaleza #montañas #travesiapirenaica https://www.instagram.com/p/B5nyey0iRI5/?igshid=w47lr8f9g5n9
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jow99 · 2 years
Refugio Respomuso to Sallent de Gallego over Collado de les Musales
Well I did actually sleep pretty well. I lay awake for a bit around 12:30 - 1:00am but then went back off to sleep until about 6:20am when people were starting to get up. We’ve continually been astounded by how late people head out for their walks over here, it seems that is until they’re in a refugio and then they all want to leave at 6-7am 🙄. As breakfast finished at 8am (which is when we’ve gone down to breakfast everyday) we had a 7:30am breakfast, this meant we were on our way by just before 8:30am.
We’d all been talking about what to bring for the colder temperatures up here in the mountains - ha! I was warmer when we started walking this morning than the day before. I’d carried warm clothes up here that I was now going to carry back down and they hadn’t seen the light of day - not that I’m complaining, I’d much rather have warmer weather.
Anyway, the start of today’s walk was lovely as we were surrounded by high mountains and passed numerous lakes. We had a couple of navigational boo boos, but it was so pleasant we didn’t really care. Then crunch time came - time to head up to the pass. As a side note, before commencing our steep ascent we had morning tea. The grass here is terrible, it was prickling through our shorts so we sat in the track to avoid it 😳
The going was definitely steep and we crossed some scree and then we were rock scrambling. We had been warned not to attempt the pass if you suffered from vertigo and I could see why. We had the option to summit but we had 1300m of descending ahead and I think we’d all had enough excitement for one day. Unfortunately there are no photos of the last part of the ascent as all hands and feet were required to hang on.
So the rest of the day was spent descending. The top part was the steepest, but after close to 2 hours of descending I was pretty over it even though it was now for the most part more forgiving.
So after more descending we finally arrived back in Sallent de Gallego where we stopped for drinks and tapas and to enjoy the sun, atmosphere and views before heading back to the hotel for showers, washing and catching up with blogs, etc after our night without coverage.
We went for a pre dinner drink in a cute little place that specialises in local wines and produce. Under other circumstances I would have pinned my ears back in their store. Then it was on to dinner. I have to say the food here in Sallent de Gállego has been outstanding. If you stayed here you would have to do long walks to walk off all the food.
We had a lovely dinner. The specialty around here seems to be slow cooked lamb shoulder - delicious 😋 It wasn’t a late night as we’re all pretty tired so only slightly over full tonight (for me at least) we headed back to the hotel.
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amazingnaturescenes · 3 years
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Respomuso Refuge by Juanjo Serrano Notivoli
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brunoowens513 · 3 years
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Respomuso Refuge by Juanjo Serrano Notivoli https://ift.tt/3hl0LCb
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toooooooop · 3 years
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Respomuso Refuge by Juanjo Serrano Notivoli
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viajesverne-blog · 5 years
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@ignacioalbabiel y @beatrizgcarrera desde la ruta a los Ibones Arrieles en Sallent, camino al Ibon Chelau, un día espectacular de montaña #viajesverneexperience #viajesvernezaragoza #travel #viajar #escapada #arroundtheworld #pirineos #travelphotography #Verano #vacaciones #cultura #arrieles #ibon #rios #pozas #aragon #huesca #bañarse #sallentdegallego #sallent #respomuso #ibonesarrieles #montaña #planazos #planazopirineo #lasarra #andada #escapadapirineo (en La Sarra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B19ehLtomlg/?igshid=12ri3gc32wt3y
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Ibon de Respomuso #AboutToday #ValeroRiojaPhotography #iPhone7Plus (en Pyrenees)
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pyrandonnees · 2 years
via Pyrandonnées - Flux RSS Une randonnée dans les Pyrénées
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Belle randonnée qui permet de rejoindre l'Espagne depuis le Val d'Azun Région : Haut Aragon, Ordesa https://www.pyrandonnees.fr/randos/87/IMG_0449.JPG #randonnées #rando #pyrénées https://www.pyrandonnees.fr
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subimosriscos · 5 years
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🐐: 📍Ermita Virgen de las Nieves (2130m). Esta ermita fue bendecida y consagrada por el obispo de Jaca, donada a la diócesis de #jaca Y ahí va algo íntimo: Se nos olvida tan a menudo lo afortunados que somos, que en ocasiones, cualquier nimiedad puede hacernos mella en el espíritu, hacernos flaquear y rendirnos ante las adversidades. ¿Lo mejor que puedes hacer? Dar gracias. Dar gracias nos recuerda lo bueno que hay en nosotros y en nuestras vidas, para lo que sea, creo que es importante tenerlo presente. Aquí, frente a esta ermita, volví a recordar este hecho. . . . . . . . . . . #subimosriscos #pyrenees #vivelospirineos #respomuso #fotopirineos #vive_montanas #ermita #mountainlive #iglesia #loves_pyrenees #mountainchurch #españaenpaisajes #sitiosdehuesca #inpirineos #backpackingculture #mochileros #RinconesDelPirineo #descubrehuesca #virgendelasnieves #lospirineos #beautifulclouds #gr11 #naturaleza #montañas #Aragóndefoto #paraisodemontaña #barrabes #thankyou #mountains (en Embalse de Respomuso) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Mso7WiC7K/?igshid=1r58loicber57
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jow99 · 2 years
Sallent de Gallego to Refugió Respomuso
We had a lovely breakfast presided over by our lovely host María José. Jose then did a quick trip to the panadería for bread. Packed and lunches made we said goodbye to María José until tomorrow.
The start of the walk was through town and then up into the forest. After about 45 minutes if walking we came to a big car park where I think most hikers start from. Being a Saturday the track was quite busy.
It was a beautiful walk through a gorge and gradually ascending. We saw and crossed numerous waterfalls. It eventually got quite rocky. With the warm day, the altitude and the never ending rock hopping what on paper doesn’t sound like too bad a day actually was quite tough. I did a happy dance (well the best my legs could manage) when we finally saw the lake and then the refugio.
So today was a bit over 4 hours of walking and around 12km, but we ascended to 2200m, which was an elevation gain of about 900m. It was around 2:30pm by the time we arrived so we found a spot for a picnic lunch. We very quickly dismissed any notions of an afternoon walk.
We decided to check in but we were a bit early so we enjoyed a drink in the sun. By now loads of other hikers (mainly French) we’re turning up ready to check in. The thing that astounded us (well there were numerous things actually), was that people would walk up and back in a day - they’d have a beer and their picnic lunch and then head back down. Half the time they would have their dog with them, we even saw a chihuahua 😳
What astounded us even more on the way up (and by now I was ready to chuck my boots, pack and poles and just give up) was a couple of mountain bikers! Now I was making a meal of walking up this track and granted they were frequently off and pushing, but still really 🙄 I would no sooner have attempted to ride up here than fly to the moon. It was a very narrow track and they passed us riding. I couldn’t watch as they passed Jose, it was so tight.
Checked in, we found our room and our bunk. Thankfully the four of us are sharing a top bunk. The room even has an ensuite, but the room does hold 14 people and the refugio is full tonight.
We decided to enjoy a bit more sun before heading off for a shower. Though as more people arrived we decided it was best to get in and get showered. Anyway sitting in the sun we had g&ts and a beer for Rob, very civilised.
By 6-6:30pm people were still rolling in, some for a drink before heading off to set up a tent somewhere (they weren’t allowed by the refugio). We were gobsmacked to see one couple come wandering in with small day packs each but she was carrying a very large sleeping bag under one arm and he was carrying another sleeping bag and a tent, one in each hand and they were wearing tennis shoes. We had to scrambled over boulders in parts of the path - what the! Goodness only knows where they ended up. We watched in amazement as they headed up the path past the refugio.
At dinner we had a couple of guys and another couple on our table. Of the couple she is originally from Washington and he is Spanish. They now live near Madrid. Dinner was actually quite good and they catered beautifully for my gluten intolerance.
By now everyone was yawning so we all trooped off to our communal bunk. 😴
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ETAPE 29 : Bivouac Ibon de Campoplano - Refuge Arremoulit (18/07)
Le réveil (6 h 15) ce matin est plutôt humide, la toile de tente, le duvet, les habits, tout est, soit mouillé, soit moite. Heureusement, le temps est clair. On s'extirpe de la tente, petit déj, démontage... et à 7 h 15, nous démarrons (y'a du progrès !). Les conditions sont idéales pour marcher, et le profil de l'étape est assez facile. Nous marchons à flanc de montagne, dépassons le refuge de Respomuso (refuge-hôtel) jusqu'au déversoir du lac d'Ariel. Sous l'ombre géante du Balaïtous, nous escaladons le versant opposé jusqu'au col d'Arrémoulit (2448 m).Trois quart d'heure plus tard, nous arrivons au refuge du même nom. C'est un petit refuge construit en 1920, sans douche, aux toilettes acrobatiques, et pourtant tellement agréable, convivial et accueillant. Il est environ 12 h 30, nous avalons une omelette aux lardons et un excellent gâteau à la broche tout en discutant avec le gérant. Soudain, une forte détonation nous fait tous sortir du refuge ; nous n'en saurons jamais l'origine. Dans la foulée, nous nous préoccupons de faire sécher tout le matériel trempé lors du dernier bivouac. En fin d'après-midi, nous retrouvons pour la troisième fois le couple de bretons qui finit là son périple pyrénéen. Il est ensuite 19 h, l'heure du repas. A cette occasion, un conteur et un journaliste de "Pyrénées Magazine" vont tour à tour nous narrer des histoires vécues ou imaginées sur les Pyrénées. Cette soirée est filmée par une camérawomen. Un documentaire devrait sortir dans un proche avenir. Au total, nous passons une soirée sympa où le gardien lui-même s'essaie à l'exercice du conte en nous narrant des histoires vécues. Tout ça agrémenté d'une liqueur de génépi "maison". 22 h 30 il est temps de se coucher.
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delrioalmonte · 3 years
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No busques sentido a aquello que te hace feliz. Simplemente hazlo. Disfrútalo. Vivelo. Y a ti, que te hace realmente feliz? ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Jornada interminable, de sol a sol, subiendo al pico de Llena Cantal 📍 desde La Sarra con escenas que contrastan. Colorido y vivas aguas por abajo; soledad, nieve y roca por las alturas. ⛰️⛰️⛰️ #delrioalmonte #vive_montanas #naturaleza #mountains #beadventurer #fever_mountains #privatesportshop #outdooradventures #aquihaytrekking #pirineos #goexploringnow #inpirineos #ibericacima #tocandoelcielo #campbaseoutdoor #casabiescas #fever_allpics #moon_mountains #trailsandnature #total_mountains #snow #alpineclimbing #zapas_lokas #huesca #pyrenees #aragon #montaña (en Respomuso) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPk6pSdJcXp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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soidaragon · 4 years
RT @GuilleGarcia86: Atardecer en #Respomuso #Pirineos https://t.co/YwISszP2FH https://t.co/WUpajjaJ0j
Atardecer en #Respomuso #Pirineos https://t.co/YwISszP2FH pic.twitter.com/WUpajjaJ0j
— Guillermo García (@GuilleGarcia86) April 8, 2020
via Twitter https://twitter.com/SoiDAragon April 08, 2020 at 08:32PM
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toooooooop · 3 years
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Respomuso Refuge Sunset by Juanjo Serrano Notivoli
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viajesverne-blog · 5 years
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@ignacioalbabiel y @beatrizgcarrera en el Ibón del Respomuso en Sallent de Gállego, a más de 2100m de altitud, recrecido a mediados del siglo XX en una controvertida y compleja obra de ingeniería en el circo de piedrafita, en las faldas del Balaitus y arropado por montañas de más de 3000m de altitud, donde nace del río Aguas Limpias, afluente del Gállego. #viajesverneexperience #viajesvernezaragoza #travel #viajar #escapada #escapadasallent #escapadapirineo #planazos #pirineos #travelphotography #Verano #vacaciones #cultura #arroundtheworld #senderismo #cascadas #cascadaspirineo #fauna #flores #andadapirenaica #andada #lasarra #sallentdegallego #sallent #respomuso #ibon #rios #pozas #aragon #huesca #bañarse #photography #photoofday #valledetena #riogallego #paraiso #paradise #paisajes #travesia #travesiapirenaica #balaitus #granfacha #llenacantal #tebarrai #ascension3000m (en Sallent, Aragon, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1HtxnXo9HG/?igshid=1gispea8ynyfw
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