regalis · 7 months
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a perfect birthday (at mudumalai national park, south india)
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regalis · 8 months
Feel like eating fruits so I'm gonna buy some oranges and grapes soon ...maybe figs too
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regalis · 11 months
Note to self: salsa thecha combo -> savory oats
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regalis · 1 year
wish I was a little branch on a tree . would luv to sway with the wind
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regalis · 15 days
Gotta get better gotta get better gotta get better
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regalis · 3 months
loooove waking up early and getting glammed up just to study and work on my internship before i walk to office
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regalis · 11 months
Sometimes I think boy do I smoke a lot of weed and then realize that it takes me 2-3 days to finish a joint if I'm by myself
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regalis · 11 months
Let's give it up for the girlies who retreat into their shell and say a million sorrys the moment they feel the slightest bit unwanted ....yeah
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regalis · 11 months
hello friends in my phone ...it was past midnight and I was bored so I made chai flavored baked oats and it smacked ...I love my mind <3 now I'm gonna go to sleep with my new bonnet on goodnight besties
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regalis · 11 months
The boyfriend just left to go to his hometown :( my days of bliss are over
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regalis · 1 year
Every time I read posts that people put up for their mothers I feel so conflicted and I wish I could put my feelings and thoughts into words properly. Somebody I follow put up a very heartfelt post about her mother who passed away and it's so touching but I feel so uneasy because what will it be like when my own mother dies ? How will I feel and how will I deal with it ? I am sad just thinking about it because my mum and I don't get along and for most of my life I've felt that she hates me or doesn't like me. There's always tension and I never know when she is going to go off. I know she is abusive and I don't shy away from that word but we have also had our good moments when we've laughed and danced together and I've slept next to her hugging her. I already have so much trouble dealing with our relationship, how am I meant to deal with the grief when she's not here anymore ? How do I deal when I've had such bad experiences and thoughts about her and how will I forgive myself for those ? Even though I know my feelings were warranted in that moment because she was being abusive.
I don't even know where I am going with this. But every time I am at her house I feel this profound sadness. I want to have a good relationship with her but we only have a good relationship when we're far from each other. How do I deal with all of this knowing that there might be a day when she's not here and we might not have come to a point where we have a good and healthy mother daughter relationship ?
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regalis · 1 year
Americans are so crazy what do you MEAN you don't wash your rice before cooking it ??!!!
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regalis · 1 year
I have been away from my boyfriend for just a bit more than 48 hours and I miss him already ....I'm gone for a month how am I to deal with that 🫤
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regalis · 2 years
That post about going through cycles of rotting and becoming god ...I have been in my rotting cycle and I feel like logically with me having major changes in life, things are going to start looking up. Logically. But my god what if it doesn't
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regalis · 2 years
I'm going to end up having a crush on this guy am I not ....😐🫣
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regalis · 2 years
Inshallah I get this job 🤞🤞🤞🤞
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