supersticiosa · 2 years
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La Cueva (1920) Armando Reverón
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valentinakimilyjones · 6 months
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littlekiwi78 · 3 months
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Armando Reverón, pictured above, is a Venezuelan painter (1889-1954) well-known for his impressionistic landscapes and nude paintings. He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Caracas and later earned the opportunity to study in Barcelona and Madrid. Before traveling back to Venezuela he spent time in France and general time spent in Europe, where he developed a Post Impressionist style. He moved to Macuto Beach where he built several huts that functioned as his workshops.
"Voices and Demons" or Juan Calzadilla's Voces y Demonios de Armando Reverón: Cuentos, Ancedotas, Pensamientos (Caracas: Alfadil, 1990), is a series of statements from Reverón as recorded by Calzadilla. These statements capture Reverón's approach and passions in addition to his declining mental state:
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directedbywomen · 2 years
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Celebrating Margot Benacerraf!
"Margot`s  extraordinary energy; intellectual curiosity and artistic creativity have always remained steadfast, bringing everlasting beauty to the art of filmmaking." Read more on vaeart's website.
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Araya (1959)
"Araya resists categories, leans forward while looking back. Here past and future collapse, along with poetry and poverty, documentary and invention. Reimagined here, Araya is at once endless and utterly finite."—CYNTHIA FUCHS, POPMATTERS
Read more on the film's website.
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Reverón (1952)
"My idea from the start was not to make a documentary about Reverón but to develop an essay on film as I would on paper, that is, specifically, to investigate through the filmmaking process the moment of creation and the relationship between creativity and madness…"
Read more (and access the film) on Milestone.vhx.tv.
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simena · 2 years
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Armando Reverón
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Joseph Mallord William Turner- Londres, 23/04/1751 - Chelsea-Londres, 19/12/1851
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Joseph Mallord William Turner (Covent Garden, Londres, 23 de abril de 17751​ - Chelsea, Londres, 19 de diciembre de 1851), pintor inglés especializado en paisajes. Considerado una figura controvertida en su tiempo, hoy en día es visto como el artista que elevó el arte de paisajes a la altura de la pintura de historia.2​ Aunque es renombrado por sus pinturas al óleo, Turner también es uno de los grandes maestros de la pintura paisajista británica en acuarela. Es, junto a autores como Joaquín Sorolla, Johannes Vermeer o Armando Reverón entre otros, considerado comúnmente como "el pintor de la luz".3
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parsimoniaarchivo · 1 year
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Paisaje en azul (1929) Armando Reverón
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ivebeenfoundout · 1 year
Just had another migraine how so I’m laying down
But my brain can’t stand just resting without doing anything
So I collected a bunch of my favourite works from when I went to MALBA in Dec 2022:
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Mujer desnuda leyendo (Nude woman reading), Armando Reverón, 1932, 78 x 116 cm;
This piece is great in person. When you get close to the canvas the delicate marks scramble and are difficult to make out. Standing further back, however, you can begin to make out the woman’s form. Feels like you are peering through a net curtain.
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El oso (The bear), Vicente do Rego Monteiro, 1925, 86 x 97 cm;
Something about this is very cute, reminds me of Botero but with animals. Although the curves make the work appear soft and mellow at first glance, the grainy effect of the paint and a dark neutral colour palette give the painting a sombre after-tone.
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Cuadro escrito (Written painting), León Ferrari, 1964, 66 x 48 cm;
I haven’t read his text all the way (I should), but the beginning of the very first sentence is what immediately caught my attention: “Si yo supiera pintar…” (If I knew how to paint…) The link between different mediums of art such as sculpture, painting, poetry and film has always been very interesting to me, so seeing a visual artist blur the lines between writing and design is captivating. The winding, swirling orthography reflects Ferrari’s introspective reflection in this piece.
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El hueso (The bone), Miguel Covarrubias, 1940, 35,6 x 26 cm;
What a polite looking man. The size of this piece, and the placid expression on the subjects face, are both unassuming yet arresting. Alone on a corner wall in the gallery, the bright colours save it from getting lost in a sea of negative space. Yet something about the man’s expression, his eyes, seems distant and resigned.
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Sin título (Untitled), Jorge de La Vega, 1971, 230 x 280 cm;
This, on the other hand, is an enormous, attention-grabbing piece. It seems logical that it is a product of the late 60s/early 70s with its almost psychedelic visual effect. Initially I didn’t look twice at the piece, largely indifferent, but the eyes of the apple-eating woman seemed to follow me around the corners of the exhibition room, so that I was forced to reconsider it. There is a childlike sense of wonder here, but her slightly crazed expression makes me wonder if there is a more sinister undertone.
Doing this actually kind of helped my headache! I haven’t been able to paint much lately because of the pain, so it’s nice to be able to still access art in this way.
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STARSKY BRINES’s paintings and drawings captivate audiences with their distinctive style and a recurring theme, the search for the nature of humanity. In his bold works, the artist focuses on characters that are built from a combination of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic features, as well as the appropriation of elements from comics and toys from his childhood.
On the other hand, they move within the realm of fantasy. In particular, the animals paired with their human characters evoke associations with fairy tales or comics. They are reminiscent of the world of theatre, in which fantasy and poetry but also comedy often serve as catalysts for the creation of critical meaning.
With his works, Brines often questions the interplay of good and evil against the background of the worldwide socio-political climate. Yet Brines does not interpret his themes as ‘black and white.’ They are complex and nonlinear, with charming disruptions, quite serious and yet full of humor.
Brines is personally influenced by his mother and art historically influenced by Latin American figurative art, the German Neoexpressionism, the Italian Transavantgarde, and the COBRA group. His works oscillate between figuration and abstraction. Brines holds a degree in Fine Art from the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón in Caracas.
His work has received international attention in exhibitions and has been incorporated into important collections in cities such as Caracas, Basel, Buenos Aires, Bogota, Santander, Miami, Madrid and Seoul.
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nayive2509 · 2 years
  #TAURO  #eclipse #nuevovideo Grados Sabianos: Sabiano TAURO 16,  con Nayive Reverón Ochoa, Astroanalista .
Les presento, en ocasión del ÚLTIMO ECLIPSE DEL AÑO 2022 (que se produjo 8/November) con la LUNA y URANO conjugados en el GRADO 16 DE TAURO, el mensaje oracular del Sabiano Tauro 16.
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ivangzama · 3 months
Cnel. José Manuel Suarez Maldonado hace unos meses mi Presidente Nicolás Maduro Moros a través de la Alcaldía del municipio Vargas rehabilitó de manera integral el complejo educativo "Armando Reverón" y hoy me vine a pasar revista, verificando que cada área siga en aptas condiciones para nuestros niños, niñas y jóvenes que conforman la matrícula estudiantil del plantel
NicoLeEchaPichón ¡Avanzando y venciendo!
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elavilaonfire · 4 months
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Armando Reverón – Reina con corona y vestido de Reverón, ND.
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bebetoro · 4 months
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"Feldman también fue intransigente en advertir en el proceso creativo de Reverón, un sistema defensivo, una especie de trinchera erigida allí para enfrentarse en soledad al temor diario de una pérdida creciente de identidad, como consecuencia del poder invasor de la esquizofrenia.
Lo que el psiquiatra venezolano denominó 'psicodramas', esa incesante materialización de su discurso en acciones corporales, juegos de palabras, pantomimas y rituales, durante o fuera del trabajo de pintar y en evidente conexión con su pensamiento mágico, fueron también coartadas, estratagemas para preservar la integridad de la salud: Rituales con un claro propósito: 'Haciendo esto puedo seguir sabiendo quién soy'.
En una forma genialmente intuitiva, Reverón se rodeó de un mundo intermediario que no era amenazador ni alienante, que ofreció al artista un enorme potencial curativo y estimulador."
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adexe · 8 months
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Masca, Tenerife. Credits: Nico De Ara Reverón.
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artistmiguelissa · 1 year
Corto metraje "Reverón travieso"
Reverón travieso 🎩🎥 ¿Alguna vez habías pensado en Armando Reverón como el niño del arte de povera y no como el loco de macuto? Gracias@miguelissa62@sindirell_a Angel aponte@yahi2379 Por su increíble trabajo para darle vida a Armando Reverón. Dirección y guion @glorybert_entrena Equipo de producciónKelce Rivas Jhongleiver Carrillo Ronaiker Herrera Dennis díaz, Diego Díaz, Yasibit Uzcategui…
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Joseph Mallord William Turner- Londres, 23/04/1751 - Chelsea-Londres, 19/12/1851
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Joseph Mallord William Turner (Covent Garden, Londres, 23 de abril de 17751​ - Chelsea, Londres, 19 de diciembre de 1851), pintor inglés especializado en paisajes. Considerado una figura controvertida en su tiempo, hoy en día es visto como el artista que elevó el arte de paisajes a la altura de la pintura de historia.2​ Aunque es renombrado por sus pinturas al óleo, Turner también es uno de los grandes maestros de la pintura paisajista británica en acuarela. Es, junto a autores como Joaquín Sorolla, Johannes Vermeer o Armando Reverón entre otros, considerado comúnmente como "el pintor de la luz".3
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