#jonathan ferrara gallery
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Brick, 2020 - Dirk Staschke
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deadassdiaspore · 1 year
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distinktionsfetzen · 4 months
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Check out Farley Aguilar, Cotton Mill 1913 (2021), From Jonathan Ferrara Gallery
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saddayfordemocracy · 4 years
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Skylar Fein, “Grey Flag for Franklin Rosemont,” 2019,
Acrylic on Plaster and Wood,
55h x 92w x 2.50d in.
Jonathan Ferrara Gallery
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rongbennettart · 2 years
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Detail of an excellent @angeldufuche painting @jonathanferraragallery #nolaart (at JONATHAN FERRARA GALLERY) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWLQEk0ls3p/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amnesiacarts · 12 years
Mapping 06/ Universi liquidi. Selezione di Devis Venturelli
Mapping 06 Universi liquidi Cecilia, Centro per la Creatività di Tito (Pz) venerdì 11 maggio > giovedi 17 maggio
Selezione di Devis Venturelli (Artista)
Artisti: Dacia Manto, Planiziaria, video doppia proiezione 2009, 15' 00’’ Stefano Scheda, Fuoridentro mobile, 2007 - video da installazione loop Rapadura - Juliana Gotilla & Izabel Rainer Harbach, fluid network, 2010, 1’11’
Tracce di entità biologiche in sistemi ambientali incontaminati sono i panorami specchianti d’acque di Dacia Manto in Planiziaria. L’attenzione quasi scientifica per le forme di vita di un’oasi naturalistica diviene dimensione lirico-poetica dello spazio ambientale. La costruzione simmetrica del video evoca a tratti le forme di Rorschach come se l’artista volesse indagare capillarmente attraverso lo strumento proiettivo la dimensione psicologica della personalità-ambiente. Di giocosa ironia sono invece imbevute le fresche e ludiche sequenze di Fluid network del Colletivo Rapadura, Su di un clinico light box sono disposte forme continentali terrestri; al ritmo incalzante di connessioni internet una successione di gocce collegano i territori verso una nuova Pangea, metafora della nuova dimensione globale che ha segnato le evoluzioni socio-culturali degli ultimi anni. Infine, Fuoridentro mobile di Stefano Scheda ci conduce ad una dimensione più strettamente simbolica. L’immagine fissa di una carrozzina rispecchia dall’interno il mare in cui è immersa alludendo ad una riflessione sulla dimensione originaria della vita. Devis Venturelli
DEVIS VENTURELLI Nato a Faenza (RA) nel 1974. Vive e lavora a Milano. FORMAZIONE / EDUCATION 2000 - Ecole d'Architecture et du Paysage, Bordeaux (France); 2002 Laurea in Architectura / Degree in architecture, Università di Ferrara; 2006 Residenza presso / Residence at ZKM, Karlshrue (Germany)
MOSTRE PERSONALI (selezione) 2011 - Estasi urbane, l'Ozio Amsterdam (The Netherlands; Devis Venturelli, Monografia in Videoartyearbook 2011, Chiostro di Santa Cristina, Bologna. 2010 - Video of the month #55: Devis Venturelli, Ursula Blickle Videolounge Kunsthalle Vienna (Austria); La casa dell'ospite, Obalne galerije Piran. 2009 - Casa dell'ospite, installazione site specific / Arte Fiera Off - Galleria Lipanjepuntin Trieste, con / with Stefano Scheda.2008 - La casa dell'ospite, installazione site specific Bassano del Grappa. 2007 - Variazioni sul sacro, Fondazione Culturale San Fedele, Milano.
ESPOSIZIONI COLLETTIVE (selezione) 2012-Supertemporal, Kulturhuset Stockholm; 16/9 Widescreen, Spazio Armani Torino, in collaboration with Allegretti Artecontemporanea. 2011- Digital Life², Ex GIL, Roma; Invideo, Spazio Oberdan, Milano; Round the clock, Venezia, Spazio Thetis Arsenale Nuovissimo; Su nero nero, Castello di Rivara, Torino; Cinema take away, Rovereto; International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS, Riga (Latvia); Videoholica international video festival, Varna (Bulgaria); Big Screen Project?, New York; Il coreografo elettronico, Pan, Napoli; Loop festival, Medialounge, Barcellona (Spain), Videoartyearbook,Fondazione Sandretto Rerebaudengo, Torino; Fashion LA, Ace Gallery, Los Angeles; The night event, Angel Orensaz Foundation, New York; Regards sur l'art video, Institue francaise de Serbie, Belgrade; Premio Arte Laguna, Nappe dell'arsenale Venezia; 2010 - Video.it, Fondazione Merz Torino; Videoart year book, Chiostro di Santa Cristina, Bologna; Premio Agenore Fabbri, Stadtgalerie Kiel (Germany); Let's go outside, Superstudio più, Milano; Scherzo, ironia satira, doppio significato, Kunstverein, Augsburg (Germany); A remote viewing: Loop Barcellona (2003-2009), Centre d'art Santa Monica Barcellona (Spain); Kunstart , Bolzano galleria Defaveri arte; Mecal film festival, Barcellona (Spain). 2009 - Playlist, Galleria Neon campobase, Bologna; WRO Expanded City, 13th Media Art Biennale, National Museum, Wroclaw (Poland); Cannes AVIFF festival, Cannes (France); Souvenirs from heart, Cologne Art Fair (Germany); Videoformes, Clermont-Ferrand (France). 2008 - Magic moving image, Melina Cultural Centre, Atene. 2007 - VD Videodance Festival, Atene (Greece); Storung festival, Barcellona (Spain); Videoformes, Clermont-Ferrand (France); Athens videoart festival, Atene (Greece). 2006 Figures of Motion, Künstlerhaus, Plüschow, (Germany); Directors Lounge, Karl Marx Allee, Berlin (D). PREMI / PRIZE 2011 - Premio Romaeuropawebfactory, Fondazione Romaeuropa (Primo Premio / First Prize); Premio ArteCa, Premio Arte Rugabella (Primo Premio / First Prize). 2010 - Premio Farm Video.it, Artegiovane Fondazione Merz Torino (Primo Premio / First Prize). 2009 - Pagine bianche d'autore. Menzione Lombardia. 2008 Premio Aletti Art Verona, Banca Aletti (Primo Premio / First Prize). 2007 Premio arti visive Sanfedele, Milano (Primo Premio / First Prize). 2006 Premio Videoarte, Festival Visionaria, Siena (Primo Premio / First Prize). 2004 - Circuito Off, International short film festival, Venezia. Menzione speciale.
DACIA MANTO Nata a Milano nel 1973, vive e lavora a Bologna.
Da alcuni anni porta avanti attraverso video, installazioni e disegni una personale ricerca e mappatura dello spazio e del paesaggio, che ha interessato in particolare territori fluviali e palustri, periferie marginali e semiselvatiche. Osservatori strutturali e poetici sulla natura, i suoi lavori costruiscono immagini ed architetture aperte, mutevoli, precarie, che divengono testimoni dell'inafferrabilità dell'ambiente, della difficoltà di restituire la realta' della visione. MOSTRE - selezione personali 2011 - Wood seer, Paolo Maria Deanesi, Rovereto; Dacia Manto, Macc, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Calasetta. 2010 - Bower, Magazzino 1 B, Prato; Metcalfa, Mars, Milan Artists Run Space, Milano; Omphalina, PWC, Milano. 2009 - Dacia Manto, Mar, Museo d'Arte della città, Ravenna; Walden. Azione-installazione. Per Ammutinamenti-Cantieri Danza, Almagià, Ravenna. 2008 -Jardin Planetaire, Klerkx, Milano. 2007 - Olympia, Galerie Di Maggio, Berlino. 2006 Dacia Manto, GCAC, Galleria comunale d'Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone; Vuoti d'aria, Laboratorio dell'Imperfetto, Cesena. Collettive: 2012 When (italian) responsibilities become forms, Oltre dimore, Bologna. 2011 - Doxa, UPP, Venezia; A history out of context, The promenade gallery, Valona, Albania; Stanze 101-102: Flavio Favelli, Dacia Manto, Maurizio Mercuri. Farnespazio, Bologna; Percorsi ritrovati nell'arte italiana, Mart, Rovereto; Ossessione verde, Feltre; Pure Water Vision, Premio Acea, Roma. 2010 - Cosa fa la mia anima mentre sto lavorando? Maga, Gallarate; Private Garden, Pav, Parco D'Arte Vivente, Torino; Posizioni attuali dell'arte italiana, Stadtgalerie, Kiel (D). 2009 - Fragile, Metropole, Museo D'arte Contemporanea, Saint Etienne (F); Green Platforms, Centro Cultura Contemporanea La Strozzina, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi; New italian Epic, Brown Project Space, Milano. 2008 - Mediations, Voyage sentimental. XIII Biennale, Poznan (PL); Dinamiche dello spazio in Italia, GCAC, Galleria comunale d'Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone; Drawings in action, Disegni animati dall'Italia, Luigi Pecci, Prato. 2007 - Wundergarten, Orto Botanico, Palermo; What remains, Lambretto Art Space, Milano; Open air.
STEFANO SCHEDA Nato a Faenza nel 1957. Attualmente Vive a Bologna dove insegna “strategia dell’invenzione” all’Accademia di Belle Arti . Tra le mostre personali più importanti:Studio Vali Design London, Biennale Venezia 2005/evento fuori biennale, Annina Nosei Gallery,New York , Pari Nadimi Gallery Toronto, Ugo Ferranti Roma, Galleria il Milione Milano Gas Art Gallery Torino, la videoinstallazione" Meteo 2004,The Reality Show of Hallucination, al prestigioso ZKM, Center for Art and Media ". Le sue opere sono state esoste tra l’ altro a: Cact Bellinzona, Villa Croce Genova, Ursula Blickle Fondaton Kraichtal - Untero wisheim, GAM Bologna, Villa delle Rose Bologna, Fondazione Waf , Kunsthalle, Goppingen, MART Rovereto, Kunsthalle Museum Squartier Wien, The Leslie -Lohman Fondation New York, Kunsth Merano, Museo kendamy Brescia., Kunstsammlungen chemnitz, Mucsarnok kunsthalle Budapest Rupertinum Saltzburg, Finalista alPemio Celeste 2011 e Premio Pure water Vision. Acea Eco Art contest 2010 Fondazione Waf Premio Agenore Fabbri. collabora con diverse gallerie, principalmente dal1995 con la galleria Lipanjepuntin di Trieste con cui oltre a realizzare diverse mostre personali , e stato inserito in importanti collettive e ha partecipato a prestigiose fiere (Paris Photo,Arco’,Art cologne ,Mi Art ,Artissima ,Art Verona e Artefiera) e recentemente, dal 2009 con la Galleria DeFaveri Arte Contemporanea. .Diverse le partecipazioni a mostre anche internazionali con testi critici e curatoriali fra cui Peter Weiermair, Peter Weibel, Jonathan Turner,Emmanuel Cooper,Laura Cherubini, Claudio Marra, Luigi Meneghelli, Roberto Daolio ,Tiziana Conti, Ludovico Pratesi,Mario Csasanova,Lia De Venere, EugeniViola, ,Valerio Deho’, Angela Madesani, Cristiano Seganfreddo,Sabrina Zannier, Daniele Capra, Gigliola Foschi ed altri.
COLETIVO RAPADURA Il Coletivo Rapadura costituito da Izabel Rainer Harbach e Juliana Gotilla nasce nel 2010 a Milano ed oggi ha sede a San Paolo in Brasile.
IZABEL RAINER HARBACH http://cargocollective.com/belrainer 30 anni, è laureata in Communicazion Sociale, a San Paolo, Brasile. Ha fatto un Master di New Media Art Design alla Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano, Italia 2010-2011. Lavora come "graphic, motion e interactive designer". È interessata in sviluppare progetti di arte collegati con design.
JULIANA GOTILLA www.juliana.gotilla.com 29 anni, è laureata in architettura alla FAUUSP, a San Paolo, Brasile. Fa un Master "Espace Public: architecture, design, pratiques" a Saint Étienne, France 2011-2012. Lavora come "graphic designer" e ha un progetto personale con il riuso dei oggeti della routine. È interessata in svilupare progetti di arte e design sullo spazio pubblico.
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kyleelisetht · 3 years
New Orleans Artist Ruth Owens’ Portrait of Rarely Sighted Side of Arts Advocacy. ~KyleeliseTHT
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The Coronavirus has ravaged the already tenuous circumstances of millions – probably hundreds of millions when thinking globally.
Artists, devastated, too, by the weight of economic strain yet, conversely, buoyed by urgency welled-up from the onslaught of social injustice or pure and desperate creative animus, continue to create without the frail security of financial reward.
Concurrently, institutions and a near-anonymous league of arts workers have retooled to meet the challenges of quarantines and closures and declines in revenue supporting art and those who make it.
Toccarra A. H. Thomas is the director of the Joan Mitchell Center in New Orleans – an esteemed artists’ residency in the heart of Mardi Gras central, a close-quartered tourist hub – and a prime pandemic incubator. Ms. Thomas is also my daughter.
The boundaries are very clear when it comes to my daughter’s professional responsibilities. So, I don’t know the details of the Center’s necessary pivot. Nevertheless, her personal sacrifices and impossibly long days and hurried phone calls, and delayed visits with family are telling. 
Ms. Thomas and her team have worked hard. She has worked exhaustingly in her leadership role.
After a several-month-long closure, the Center reopened late fall and is near the end of a refashioned residency that temporarily focused on the needs of local artists from the New Orleans area. 
Ruth Owens, MD, MFA, a widely shown artist, who’d previously had a 25-year-long career as a plastic surgeon, recently completed a turn in residence. She is currently represented by the Jonathan Ferrara Gallery.
Near the end of her residency, Owens, a “figurative painter, and video artist,” snapped a photograph of Toccarra and rendered a watercolor study.
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The initial rendition, however, evolved into the regal portrait shown at the top of the page. The final result will be exhibited as part of the artist’s upcoming show, Figurative and Narrative Paintings, April 1 - May 29, 2021.
The subject of the painting has a reputation for choosing to be an unassuming champion of artists and arts workers. Ms. Owens’ illustrious vision might appear to contradict. As a spectator, however, and without any confirmation from the artist, the painting is reminiscent of a much-regarded historical figure known for her humility and commitment to those she served - a fitting persona for the dedicated arts administrator.
Interestingly, in another masterful work of art, Toccarra’s feet were cast and reframed as those of Hermes, conceived by the artist Onyedika Chuke and placed on view at the Socrates Sculpture Park in New York City.
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Artworks © Ruth Owens and Onyedika Chuke, respectively
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kolajmag · 6 years
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Kolaj Magazine is the world’s only internationally-oriented art magazine dedicated to contemporary collage. Subscribe, order a copy, or collect back issues HERE
Books Transposed
Tony Dagradi at Jonathan Ferrara Gallery in New Orleans, Louisiana through 30 March 2018. This is the debut solo exhibition of New Orleans artist Tony Dagradi, best known for his musical talents as a Grammy-award-winning jazz saxophonist. The artist applies his methodologies of jazz composition to visual creations using his collection of antique books. The final products are sculptural collages, which act as a sort of visual summary of the book-in-question’s contents. The artist says, "Within a jazz ensemble, each player is responsible for an individual part, which must support and inspire the other musicians. In the heat of the moment, unexpected phrases or motivic ideas can affect surprising new directions for the collective ensemble. Similarly, the tension and harmony, which naturally occurs as I uncover each new image, unfailingly impacts the whole and often shifts the form and concept of the emerging composition." MORE
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uniartcollective · 4 years
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@artbyrewa ‘OBODO OYIBO | Return from the FOREIGN LAND’ / swipe 👏🏾 for 👏🏾 details 👏🏾😍 (at JONATHAN FERRARA GALLERY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8cy7mYpF5_/?igshid=2kkthku9gvg2
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pulseartfair · 7 years
Announcing the PULSE Miami Beach 2017 Exhibitors
\We are delighted to announce the exhibitors for the 13th edition of PULSE Miami Beach! The fair returns this December to its oceanfront home at Indian Beach Park, opening on Thursday, December 7 and closing on Sunday, December 10, 2017. PULSE will present over 70 galleries and 200 artists from around the world across its two spacious tents. By mixing returning galleries with new exhibitors from countries such as Peru, France, and The Netherlands, PULSE continues to provide a dynamic overview of the contemporary art being produced today.
You can find the full list of PULSE Miami Beach 2017 exhibitors below and learn more about them on our website. In the coming weeks we will be updating you with more information about our special projects and programming. For live updates, follow us @PULSEArtFair and we look forward to seeing you in December!
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PULSE Miami Beach 2017 Exhibitors 
ANTONIO COLOMBO ARTE CONTEMPORANEA, Milan, Italy ART LEXING, Miami, FL BEERS LONDON, London, UK Bernarducci Gallery Chelsea, New York, NY Black & White Gallery / Project Space, Brooklyn, NY Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, New York, NY Carrie Able Gallery, Brooklyn, NY CEDE GALERIA, Lima, Peru CHARLIE SMITH LONDON, London, UK Christopher Moller Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa Claire Oliver Gallery, New York, NY ClampArt, New York, NY Danziger Gallery, New York, NY David Lusk Gallery, Memphis, TN Davidson Contemporary, New York, NY Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, OR FIUMANO CLASE, London, UK Flowers Gallery, New York, NY & London, UK Frantic Gallery, Tokyo, Japan Front Room Gallery, New York, NY Galleri Urbane, Dallas, TX Galería Leyendecker, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montreal, Canada Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt am Main, Germany GALLERY MoMo, Tokyo, Japan Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark Garis & Hahn, Venice, CA Ginsberg Galeria, Lima, Peru HATHAWAY, Atlanta, GA Honey Ramka, Brooklyn, NY Hosfelt Gallery, San Francisco, CA Jenkins Johnson Gallery, San Francisco, CA JHB Gallery, New York, NY JONATHAN FERRARA GALLERY, New Orleans, LA Joshua Liner Gallery, New York, NY K. Imperial Fine Art, San Francisco, CA Kahn Gallery, London, UK Kallenbach Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Litvak Contemporary, Tel-Aviv, Israel Livingstone Gallery, The Hague, The Netherlands LPH, London, UK Mark Wolfe Contemporary, San Francisco, CA Maus Contemporary, Birmingham, AL Mindy Solomon Gallery, Miami, FL Muriel Guépin Gallery, New York, NY Nicholas Metivier Gallery, Toronto, Canada NIL GALLERY, Paris, France NL=US Art, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Patricia Sweetow Gallery, San Francisco, CA Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, London, UK PDX CONTEMPORARY ART, Portland, OR Pentimenti Gallery, Philadelphia, PA Project for Empty Space, Newark, NY Project: ARTspace, New York, NY Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, CA Richard Levy Gallery, Albuquerque, NM Rick Wester Fine Art, New York, NY robert henry contemporary, Brooklyn, NY Samuel Freeman Gallery, Los Angeles, CA SVA Galleries, New York, NY taubert contemporary, Berlin, Germany TRAYWICK CONTEMPORARY, Berkeley, CA Uprise Art, New York, NY VICTORI + MO, Brooklyn, NY VIVIANEART, Calgary, Canada Von Lintel Gallery, Los Angeles, CA WHITECONCEPTS, Berlin, Germany William Baczek Fine Arts, Northhampton, MA Winston Wächter Fine Art, New York, NY & Seattle, WA YoungArts, Miami, FL
* Image Caption: Andy Dixon Odalisque, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and BEERS LONDON.
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Untitled (green), 2016 - Anastasia Pelias
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distinktionsfetzen · 4 months
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Check out Kristin Moore, Golden Hour (Overlook) (2023), From Jonathan Ferrara Gallery
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lesliefryartist · 5 years
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Nice short video interviews of all us NO DEAD ARTISTS at Jonathan Ferrara Gallery, New Orleans https://youtu.be/kaTK9cwP9zc via @YouTube #jonathanferraragallery (at JONATHAN FERRARA GALLERY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2xvVrHlh4XZoR7LKI-C8e-lWjl3-qUEN4JqZo0/?igshid=1ruoenq3jplxq
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thesouthendproject · 5 years
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Artist, activist, and entrepreneur Jonathan Ferrara invokes the Arthurian legend of the Sword in the Stone with his piece Excalibur No More by sticking a shotgun in a boulder. In Ferrara’s case, the gun cannot be removed; the artist’s way of asking, “Aren’t we done?” The artwork is part of a larger exhibition, put on by the Jonathan Ferrara Gallery, titled “Guns in the Hands of Artists.” In the exhibition’s catalog, Ferrara describes the ease of purchasing the shotgun for the work, stating, “After I found the gun online, the seller brought it to the gallery and I gave him the money and he gave me the gun… no paperwork, no receipt, no record… totally legal… it blew my mind." The exhibition has traveled to cities devastated by gun violence, such as Miami, St. Louis, and Minneapolis. Somewhat surprisingly, Senator Tim Kaine, a gun owner and Second Amendment advocate, sponsored the exhibition in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington. At the show, an essay by Kaine accompanied Excalibur No More, where the Senator wrote about his frustrations as a lawmaker, and his desire for “more sensible” regulations. Kaine was governor of Virginia in 2007 when the tragic Virginia Tech Massacre took place. Kaine, Ferrara, and the other artists involved in the exhibition hope to influence policy-makers by making their work highly visible.
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johnsimon · 5 years
Last night, Monday, April 29th, Chanel hosted the 14th annual celebration of the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival Artists Program at Balthazar in New York City. The evening honored the artists who have contributed original artwork to the festival’s award-winning filmmakers. This year’s contributing artists included Jeff Koons, Shepard Fairey, JR, Eddie Kang, Swoon, Stephen Hannock, Jane Dickson, Fred Tomaselli, and Walter Robinson.
This partnership reflects Chanel’s continuous commitment to creation and artistry in their varied forms. Throughout history, art has played an integral role in the House of Chanel. House founder and visionary Gabriel Chanel surrounded herself with the leading artists of her time, drawing inspiration and support from her fellow creative peers. Chanel is honored to continue its support of the annual Tribeca Film Festival Artists Dinner, which celebrates the leading filmmakers and artists of our time, and the rich tradition of artists supporting artists.
Guests at the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival Artists Program included Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal, Diane Kruger, Katie Holmes, Cara Delevingne, Chloë Sevigny, Angela Bassett, Alexander Skarsgård, Ashley Benson, Debra Messing, Haley Bennett, Jemima Kirke, Julia Goldani Telles, Piper Perabo, Pom Klementieff, QTip, Zoey Deutch, Zosia Mamet, Abel Ferrara, Aisling Franciosi, Alex Poots, Carey Lowell, Chloe Wise, Craig Hatkoff, David Alvarez, Derek Blasberg, DeWanda Wise, Diana Silvers, Dustin Yellin, Ekaterina Samsonov, Ella Hunt, Frederic Tcheng, Gillian Laub, Grace Van Patten, Grace Gummer, Hailey Gates, Helena Howard, Jeff Scher, JR, Jen Brill, Jennifer Maguire, Jon Batiste, Jonathan Ames, John Alexander, John McEnroe, Justin Bartha, Kal Penn, Kathryn Newton, Kelsey Asbille, Kenya Kinski-Jones, Kenzo Takada, Lauren Hutton, Lauren Santo Domingo, Massimiliano Gioni, Maya Erskine, Melissa Barrera, Melita Toscan Du Plantie, Olympia Scarry, Patty Smith, Paula Weinstein, Phoebe Robinson, Rainsford, Sadie Sink, Stephen Hannock, Stephen Kay, Theo Wenner, Thelma Golden, Tom Freston, Walter Robinson among many others.
More photos in the gallery…
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Photos: Billy Farrell, BFA
Photos: Chanel's Tribeca Film Festival Artists Dinner #ChanelTribeca2019 Last night, Monday, April 29th, Chanel hosted the 14th annual celebration of the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival Artists Program at Balthazar in New York City.
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kolajmag · 6 years
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Kolaj Magazine is the world’s only internationally-oriented art magazine dedicated to contemporary collage. Subscribe, order a copy, or collect back issues HERE
Basements of Culture, Temples of Art 
COLLAGE ON VIEW Dialogue with Resonance John M. Miller at Julian Scott Memorial Gallery at Johnson State College in Johnson, Vermont
COLLAGE ON VIEW Books Transposed Tony Dagradi at Jonathan Ferrara Gallery in New Orleans, Louisiana (image)
COLLAGE ON VIEW Behind the Scenes: más allá de la Gran Vía at Hotel Indigo in Madrid, Spain
COLLAGE ON VIEW Piecework group exhibition at Pavel Zoubok Gallery in New York City 
FROM THE ARTIST DIRECTORY Olivia Descampe, Berlin, Germany
Are you getting Kolaj Magazine delivered to your door? Subscribe Today! U.S. & International Subscribers go HERE | Canadian Subscribers go HERE
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