distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
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       “L-Lord Mitsunari, it really makes things difficult when you can’t sit still... I won’t be able to patch your wounds properly with you fidgetting...”
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sengokusumeragi · 6 years
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The vanguard captain called out at the top of his lungs as he bounded up to his commanding officer, all bright smiles so early in the morning. Only two things made him quite so excited in this world; a good game of chance, and seeing the Toyotomi’s left hand man. 
“Good morning, Mitsunari-sama! You’re right on time for training! Do you want to train with us? Oooh, or were you looking for me?! Do I have a mission??”
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goldwingedwitch · 7 years
Morning Melancholy
Continued from ask @reverentmisfortune As he lingered near the gates, a figure appeared from the morning mist just beyond. It wasnt too early in the day, but already it was shaping up to be a rather cool and cloudy day anyway, and a mist had rolled in from over the hills obscuring the grounds beyond the castle gates. The figure that approached wore a hooded cloak-- and as she neared, pulled it back to reveal the long golden curls of the new foreign servant who had come to be employed at the castle. What could she possibly have been out so early for? Who knew.... But it would seem that she had not noticed the silver general just yet, his clothes and very appearance seemed to blend in amidst the white morning mist.
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heartofbasara-blog · 5 years
Tagged by: @gyobu
Tagging: @geometragic, @basararmy, @sengokusumeragi, @reverentmisfortune
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TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): August 14
FOUR ( HEIGHT ): 5′6
FIVE ( HOBBIES ): Writing, playing video games, reading.
SIX ( FAVORITE COLORS ):  Dark purple and black.
SEVEN ( FAVORITE BOOKS ):  Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco, Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris, The Madman’s Daughter by Megan Sheperd, Percy Jackson Series...and I can go on.
EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ):  Remedy by Little Boots
NINE ( LAST FILM WATCHED ):  The Sound of Music
TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ):  For all of them in general, I tend to have a curiosity towards them.  I want to learn more about my muses, what makes them tick...  I also tend to have a connection or I feel like I can relate to them in some way, and I want to get their stories out there, especially since most of them are the more villainous/anti hero/morally gray characters.
ELEVEN ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ):  I wanted the url to be something that could connect to all of my muses.  They are all from Sengoku Basara, and they all in their own way have a strong heart.  So...that’s where it came from.
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windstcrm · 5 years
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ooc: I’m for real going to try to do stuff here. I’ll reblog a meme or two as well just in case.
If you wanna play with me elsewhere, here’s a nice blogroll for you.
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@oshunokaminari aka best boy Date Masamune
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@reverentmisfortune aka actual best boy Ishida Mitsunari
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@musesonswordsummit aka the rest of the Sengoku Basara fuckers and my ocs
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@oftheemblem aka all of my Fire Emblem kids
and of course my Danganronpa kids who are still a work in progress.
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thiefofzaron · 6 years
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      “You going to sit here and keep yelling like a little bitch or actually get the fuck off our land...?”
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windstcrm · 6 years
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ooc: I’ve been hanging out on another blog of mine @reverentmisfortune so if you need me and I don’t answer, hit me up there. People were really excited that I rebooted it, so I can’t leave them hanging. c:
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