#revin week
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This week, we have five fics that take place in Marquet! Check them out under the cut, and as always, if you liked them, don't forget to comment and kudos!
Complications and Catches by Derkish (18231,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Cassandra de Rolo & Keyleth & Vex'halia de Rolo
Every year, Vex and Keyleth take a week off from their responsibilities to unwind and catch up on the sunny shores of Marquet. When Vex notices Cassandra having an off day, she invites her (read: drags her) along to join them. Because Cass really, really needs a vacation.
Reccer says: Great female friendship and relaxation
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you're gonna carry that weight by allmadeofstardust (2095,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings: Bells Hells & Ariks Eshteross
Lord Ariks Eshteross knows his time is drawing to a close. That doesn't mean he's going out without a fight.
Reccer says: I liked it
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Second Chances by thewriterintheback (1039,General) Warnings: None Pairings:Imogen Temult & Relvin Temult, Liliana Temult & Relvin Temult
what the world looks like to the people who love us when we go off to save it and have to leave them behind
Reccer says: An interesting look from Revin's point of view as the one who stayed back
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Sealed With Gold by bluegreenamber (1771,Mature) Warnings: Pairings:Ashton Greymoore & Milo Krook
Milo Krook is more than used to fixing other people's messes, but picking up the literal pieces of a certain earth genasi has never been part of their job description as a tinkerer. All they know is that Ashton is going to owe them so many drinks by the end of this whole ordeal.
Reccer says: Great Milo and Ashton hurt/comfort!
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the dawning hour by jude_writes (520,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: none
Jarett in Marquet.
Reccer says: I liked it
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics featuring Blindness/Deafness!
After that, it'll be Focusing on Jester, and then one of the Critter Gen Week Prompts for this year!
Oh! Also! Critter Gen Week is happening! Prompt suggestions are now open, if you've got any ideas.
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit! If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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nkhluu · 8 months
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"That girls a monster, she'll consume you!"
Revin!! Day 2 of Hellpark week :D
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ruby-hux · 1 year
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tried to make some arts for revin week (days 4 and 6)
but that's all I could do
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kennys-parka-jacket · 27 days
i feel like part of the fandom forget about brimmas/bromas (brimmy x thomas if u wonder)
i never really shipped it but i got remembered by it
Brimmas fucking rules lol. Discount creek.
I'm not shocked it faded out after a few weeks, but it was nice while it lasted. We should do background editions of popular ships more often. Sally Turner x Jenny Simons = Revin yuri
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ladyl · 2 months
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Nu-i complicat să fii impresionat atunci când înveți de la cei mai buni.
În seara asta am fost fermecată de informație, discurs și insight-urile prețioase din zona de Art Design & Brand Design furnizate cu generozitate de @_liviuturcanu & Brandient.
Când am început școala eram convinsă că îmi doresc să fac #copywriting dar vă recunosc că prezentările din seara asta mi-au deschis un orizont interesant spre o zonă despre care știam prea puține.
Voi aprofunda din cartea “Branding în the eastern front” de Aneta Bogdan, cea pe care am primit-o în seara asta pentru întrebările lansate în sesiunea de Q&A.
Impresionată? E puțin zis. Mă fascinează structura asta de păpușă Matrioșka a cursurilor care, pe măsură ce crezi că le-ai aflat surpriza, deja îți descoperă o alta.
De abia aștept să revin. Next week!
#adcschool #branding #rebranding #brandient
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ionutdragu · 10 months
Shark Week, unul dintre cele mai așteptate evenimente din SUA, revine și în România pe 24 iulie la Discovery Channel, cu Jason Momoa în calitate de maestru de ceremonii. Morotai Island, Indonesia: Two black tip reef sharks next to coral head Momoa, care este dedicat protejării și conservării oceanelor noastre, invită fanii la cea mai mare sărbătoare anuală a rechinilor. Pe parcursul Shark Week,…
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lesombresdeschoses · 1 year
SALE WEEK-END - seconde partie
Ce message ne me disait rien de bon. Je sentais le coup fourré. En rentrant au chalet, j’allai chercher mon arme dans mon sac et la planquai dans mon jean.
Je ne me sépare jamais de arme. Je suis parano.
Je m'adossai contre le mur de la maison et fixai mon portable. Tyler vint me rejoindre quelques minutes plus tard, laissant les deux autres idiots jouer dans le lac. Il était hors de question que je leur gâche leur week-end. Inquiet, il me demanda ce qui n’allait pas. Je lui tendis mon mobile pour qu'il lise le texto.
— On y va, me dit-il.
Il me prit par le bras, puis ouvrit la portière de la voiture. L’instant suivent, nous étions sur la route en direction de l'adresse en question. C'était à moins d'une demi-heure du Lock. Nous roulions, en silence. Nous arrivâmes près d’un hangar de taille moyenne, sûrement une réserve de foin avec un bout d'étable. Je me demandai ce qu'on pouvait y faire, si loin de tout. Tyler et moi y entrâmes sans trop savoir que penser.
Si j'avais su ce que j'y découvrirais...
On y avait lunché deux personnes. Depuis peu, me semblait-il. Mais quand je reconnut le visage de Morgann. Mon monde s’effondra aussitôt sous mes pieds. Paniquée, je me jetai sur n'importe quelle chose qui me permettrait d'accéder à elle pour la détacher de sa potence. Tentant de la ranimer, je m’acharnai sur son corps, incapable de me rendre compte qu'elle était morte depuis des heures. J'espérais tant la voir reprendre son souffle, d'un moment à l'autre. J'étais hystérique. Tyler a essaya de me relever, je me débattit, il me gifla. Ce qui, l’espace d’un instant m’avait calmée. Mais je lui rendit son geste, puis retournai près de la dépouille de ma sœur. Tout était de ma faute. J'aurais dû la dissuader de travailler en infiltration ! Mais elle n'en faisait toujours qu'à sa tête !
Tyler appela les renforts. Les collègues arrivèrent rapidement, se chargèrent des cadavres. Je demandai au légiste de me contacter dès qu'il aurait les résultats de l'autopsie. Je vis Tyler parler avec eux. Je ne savais pas qu'il était flic :
— Inspecteur ?
— Comme vous.
Finit les familiarités, signe que nous étions passés en « mode pro ». Nous paraissions surpris de découvrir que nous exercions le même métier.
— Criminelle. Me dit Tyler.
— Stup. Je ne vous ai jamais vu…
Le pauvre avait tellement picolé la veille, qu’il n’a pas été foutu de voir que j’étais de la maison...
— Je viens d'arriver en poste.
J'eus tout d'un coup l'incommensurable envie de m'isoler dans la voiture. Tyler me suivit de peu. Il prit le volant et sans posé de question démarra le véhicule pour rentrer au chalet. Au retour, Tyler me laissait des regards discret, attendant une réaction puis, voyant que je n’avais aucunement l’intention de parler, finit par rompre le silence :
— Merci pour la gifle.
— J'étais hystérique je sais, mais je ne m'excuserai pas de te l'avoir rendu et je t'emmerde.
— Hm, Harry m'avait bien dit que tu avais un caractère de merde.
— Lui aussi je l'emmerde.
Après un moment de mutisme, je repris la conversation, la colère dans la voix :
— Morgann était infiltrée dans le business de « Paddy le boucher », c'est à la crim d’Édimbourg de gérer le dossier ! Hors de question que les flics de Glasgow nous mettent des bâtons dans les roues !
— Je m'en occupe.
Sur ses paroles, nous cessâmes notre échange. J’ai toujours préféré le lourd silence, dans ce genre de situations. Son poids empêche toute réflexion, la tête se vide. De retour au chalet, les gars commencèrent à charrier, persuadés que nous avions fait plus que flirter. Harry finit par dépasser les bornes. Je sortis de mes gonds et le cognai.
— Mais qu'est ce qui te prend, t'es cinglée ?!
Je revins à la charge, mais Tyler me retint.
— Espèce de malade !
— Arrête Harry, on sort du boulot, un double homicide, l'une des victimes était sa collègue.
— Bon sang, t'es obligé de remuer la merde ! lui criai-je exaspérée.
Je me libérai de son emprise. McKenzie s'énerva brusquement :
— Arrête, ça n'avance à rien !
Je lui assénai un coup de poing qui le fit tomber.
Une petite miette d’un mètre soixante-quinze contre un Goliath de près de deux mètres. Il ne vaut mieux pas me chercher.
J'avais besoin d'air. Tyler se releva, contrarié par ma réaction, me regardant m'éloigner vers le lac. Harry lui expliqua que ma collègue était en fait, ma sœur. Le pauvre commençait à comprendre. Neil lui conseilla d'aller me chercher.
J'étais rentrée dans l'eau, tout habillée, j'avais envie de mourir. Je sortis mon calibre et posai contre ma tempe. J'hésitais.
C'est plus efficace sous la mâchoire.
Tyler se jeta dans le loch et m'arracha l’arme des mains.
— C'est une très mauvaise idée... qui va renvoyer l’addition ?
Les larmes m'aveuglaient. Je ne pouvais pas les retenir. La rage m'envahit. Son cadavre m'obsédait. Je n'arrivais pas a sortir cette image de ma tête. Il me prit dans ses bras. J'avais besoin qu'il me serre très fort, qu'il me fasse mal. Je ne sentais plus mon corps. j'avais besoin d’éprouver une douleur physique. Ce week-end virait au cauchemar. Je n’avais pas le droit d’être sur l'enquête. Je me sentais impuissante, inutile.
N’arrivant pas à dormir, je sortis de mon lit. J’avais soif. Essayant de faire le moins de bruit possible, afin de ne réveiller personne, j’entrai dans la véranda. Tyler était assis sur la banquette, face à la table sous la fenêtre. Silencieux comme à son habitude. Il se leva pour me verser du whisky.
Homme de peu de mots, ça me plaît.
Je bus cul-sec, il me servit une autre rasade. Il finit son verre, le posa sur la table, puis glisse sa main sur ma nuque, passant l’autre dans mes cheveux, me fixant avec son regard rassurant. Je ne savais plus quoi faire, alors je laissai venir. Il m’observait, immobile. Je n’étais pas à mon aise. Il m'attira vers lui, colla son front contre le mien, je le sentais qu'il se retenait. La gène me submergea subitement, je tournai la tête pour boire une gorgée de mon whisky. En scrutant le fond de mon verre je réalisai qu'il me plaisait. Sa part sombre me troublait. J'aimais son corps, si imposant. Et ces yeux mélancolique me touchaient profondément. Il finit par m'embrasser. Je le repoussai, finis mon verre, pris la bouteille, puis me versai une autre dose. Me figeant un instant, puis avalai la boisson d'une traite et me jetai sur Tyler. Il m'embrassa avec ardeur, d'une main il me serrait la nuque, de l'autre la taille. Je le plaquai doucement contre le mur, puis lui mis la main sur la gorge pour le retenir. Mon regard plongé dans le sien, son parfum m'enivrai, la fièvre me gagnait peu à peu. J'approchai mes lèvres des siennes. Il m’observait avec une envie intense dans les yeux. Au bout d’un moment, il me saisit énergiquement la cuisse d'une main ferme, me soulevant de l'autre. La puissance des ses gestes m'excitait à l'extrême. Ma respiration s'accéléra, le désir m'étouffait. Il me tenait fermement, mes jambes l'enlaçant vigoureusement, je glissai mes doigts dans sa chevelure. Il m'embrassa dans le cou. Un frisson courut le long de mon dos, ma température monta subitement . Je sentais son souffle sur ma peau, remontant lentement le long de ma gorge, nos regards se croisèrent à nouveau. Il m'embrassa encore, avec tendresse cette fois-ci. Puis m'allongea sur le divan, son corps contre le mien. Je relevai sa chemise pour lui caresser le dos. Je le sentis tressaillir. Sa peau était soyeuse et ferme. C'est un plaisir de la toucher. Mon désir montai progressivement, de plus en plus sauvage. Une vague de chaleur envahit mon corps. Je m'abandonnai à ce moment de douce démence. J'oubliai qui j’étais, j'oubliai cette journée, j'oubliai l'horreur. J'oubliai Deyn, mon époux.
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nunukim-182 · 3 years
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asselinssatan · 3 years
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day 2 - matching outfits
not really an outfit... BUT... big.. soft.... sweatersmb............
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red-becca · 1 year
Oh, Welp-
Looks like I won't be able to do stuff for Revin Week this week, either- AAAAA- I'll just put out oneshots on theme when I feel like it, sorry. :(
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uas-fics · 5 years
Title: The Cool and the Uncool Summary: Kevin's not a bad boyfriend. He and Red get along so well! So why won't she let them be seen together? Is he really that uncool? Rating: G Ships: Revin For @revinweek  I combined like day 2-5 prompts for this because I wouldn't have time to actually make quality content otherwise, so it counts for all those days. ^^;
You can also read it on AO3
Kevin burst his hand away from his head.
"Those special effects blew my mind!" He exclaimed, excitedly swinging their hands. "Did you see the laser fire? So cool!"
Red nodded in agreement. "I know! And the costumes were so realistic. If I didn't know better, I would have thought they hired real aliens." She sighed. "We've come so far from actors throwing themselves around a set to show turbulence."
The two waited at the crosswalk as a line of cars slowly rolled by. The evening flow of traffic would make walking Red home a bit of a chore on any other day, but Kevin didn't care this time.
They had been counting down the days to the movie's premiere. With the influx of superhero movies lately, a good old fashion sci-fi space adventure was mana from heaven for them.
It wasn't that either of them hated superhero movies. On the contrary, Kevin loved Marvel's movies. When he heard the plot of the new Thor movie, he dug through his collection of comics for the mini-series where Jane became Thor while Thor went soulsearching and read them three times over in his excitement.
And Red had a deep fondness for DC's movies and comics. She could quote the Joker's joke about the inmates and the flashlight from 'The Killing Joke' verbatim. She saw Wonder Woman five times when the movie came out and even dressed up as her for the Halloween party at school. She looked so cool and awesome, way better than the other Wonder Women in their class.
But there inlined the problem. Except for Wonder Woman, DC's movies sucked. Their comics were good enough and the animated universe from the nineties was awesome, but those are nothing compared to the glory that was Marvel's extended universe.
Whenever Kevin pointed this out, they would argue about it. They even broke up for a whole three days because of it!
This one-shot sci-fi film was just what the relationship doctors ordered.
"So, what did you think the ending meant?" Red asked. "Did the captain die or do you think her cryogenic status will hold out until she reaches New Earth?"
Kevin tilted his head in thought. "Well, I think she'll make it. The technical experts did say it was able to make it there, or nearly there. She might wake up a few days before, but that will give her time to draw up a report to give to the Emporer of New Earth"
"But it was damaged, remember? In the fight with the alien--" Red froze. With a small gasp, she tore her hand away from Kevin's and shoved it in her pocket.
Kevin furrowed his brow and looked down at his mitten-covered hand. Did he have a hard candy from his pocket stuck to it again? No? They why would Red drop his hands?
"Hey! Red!"
Oh, right.
Bebe trotted up to her, completely ignoring Kevin, which he was fine with. He put his hands in his own pockets and looked away, kicking at a rock on the sidewalk.
"Bebe, hi, what are you doing? I thought you went out with Clyde?" She looked around her towards Tweak Bros down the street. Kevin looked too, but he didn't see Clyde or anyone else in their class near the coffee shop.
Bebe scoffed. "We did but then your stupid cousin showed up." She wrinkled her nose. "He dared Clyde to see how many muffins he could eat and Clyde ended up puking on the floor."
Red recoiled. "Eeeew! Why are boys so gross?"
"I know, right?" Bebe looped her arm around Red's. "Do you wanna come to my house? I got the latest issue of Preteen Girl's Dream in and there is a quiz in there you just have to take to find out what your favorite cereal is based on your zodiac--and there is a recipe for moss graffiti that I think Wendy would love to try. Oh and an interview with--"
As Bebe rattled off the contents of the magazine, Red looked over her shoulder at Kevin with an apologetic smile. Kevin sighed but nodded anyway. He gave her a small wave then trudged across the clear crosswalk home.
Not even Star Trek could lift his spirits. Kevin slumped down in the couch, wishing the cushions would open up and swallow him whole. Maybe take him to a fantasy world with characters that look oddly like his friends and family where he would beat the odds and become a hero to the people and defeat the bad guy. He'd loved that.
Then when he got back to his world after being king and loved by all, Red wouldn't be ashamed of dating him and he could be happy here, too!
As the credits of the last episode on the disk rolled, Kevin had yet to be swallowed up.
Giving up on that possibility, he rolled to his side, staring at the title screen playing clips from the show.
He didn't get it. Did it matter that much that he wasn't a cool kid like she was? Didn't dating her move him up in the social pecking order? Or did he just pull her down?
Kevin sighed. What could he do to make himself cooler? He stopped wearing his Klingon ears to school and only made a minimum of three references in conversations not about sci-fi movies.  Didn't that erase enough of his uncool status?
A thought hit him.
Clyde and Craig were both nerds too. They liked sci-fi. They made references. They were cool kids. He just needed to find out what they did!
"Moooom!" Kevin yelled towards the kitchen. "Can I go visit Clyde? It'll only be for an hour. Please? I promise I'll text you if I'm late."
From the kitchen, pots and pans rattled and the sink turned on. Just as Kevin pulled in a breath to yell again, his mom replied, "Alright, you may. Just be careful and back before dinner. We're having meatloaf."
"Thanks, Mom!"
Kevin tried to jump to his feet, only to have his heels tangle in the throw blanket and fall to his face into the carpet.
Clyde put his hand on his hip and eyed Kevin up and down.
"What's up?" He asked. "You look out of breath."
Kevin nodded, hands on his knees. He ran the whole way to Clyde's house so he could have as much time as possible before dinner to talk.
"Can I," He panted, "come in? I have to ask you a question, then I have to run and ask Craig a question too."
Clyde stepped aside to let him. "Craig's here with me. You can ask him now if you want."
"That's perfect!" Kevin straightened up.
"We're in the living room watching Buzzfeed Unsolved." Clyde waved for him to follow.
In the Donovan's living room, Craig reclined on the couch, chuckling at whatever the hosts had said a moment prior.
"Hey, dude," Clyde leaned over the back of the couch, "Kevin Stoley is here. He has a question."
Craig twisted around to give Kevin an uninterested look.
"Yeah?" He nodded. "What?"
Kevin opened his mouth, then shut it. He squirmed under Craig and Clyde's gazes.
"Um, I, I need to know, ah, um," He chewed his lip, "how...how are you two so cool? You like the same things I do, but no one thinks you two are nerds."
Craig snorted and rolled back to the laptop set up on the coffee table. Clyde covered his laugh with his fist.
"Oh, wow, really, Kevin?" Clyde shook his head. "That's what you ran over here to ask?"
"Yes?  It's very important." Kevin wrung his hands together.
Clyde threw his arm over his shoulder. He patted his chest with a shake of his head.
"Oh, Kevin, my friend, for a nerd you're not that smart," Clyde chided, "Coolness isn't something you can just learn. It's something either you have or you don't."
"But...but what makes you cool? Why do your girlfriends like to be with you?" Kevin paused, then corrected, "Why do your partners like to be with you?"
Without turning around, Craig asked, "Are you asking this because you want a girlfriend? There are plenty of girls closer to your social standing that would date you, dude." He paused the video to get a better look at a picture of some sort of creature.
A blush crept up his face. "N-no, I, ah, just tell me. Why do people like you? Why does Bebe stay with you?"
Craig chuckled, earning a glare from Clyde.
"Weeeeell," Clyde bobbed his head side to side, "girls like me because I'm super handsome and charismatic. Bebe thinks I'm the best boy ever--no matter what happened today." Clyde flipped Craig the bird, which he returned without looking up from the laptop.
"Yeah, well, Tweek likes me because...uuuuh..." Craig straightened up as he thought. "I don't know, man. Fate or something? I'm ten times hotter than Clyde?" He propped himself up on the couch to question, "What girl do you want to date so bad? All the cool girls don't seem like your...type."
"There's not a girl!" Kevin lied, "I, I just want to be cool."
"Why? You have friends. You don't sit alone at lunch. No one bullies you more than anyone else." Craig ticked off on his fingers. "You're even on the basketball team. What's the point?"
Craig's probing stare made sweat spring up on Kevin's skin before narrowing his eyes. Even Clyde started giving him the suspicious look.
"Fine! It's Red!" He blurted out. "We're dating but she doesn't want anyone to know because I'm not as cool as her and I just really want to be able to tell everyone what a cool girlfriend I have!"
Kevin slapped his hand over his mouth and backed out of Clyde's grasp.
"Oh, shoot! Please, you can't tell anyone. She'll be mad at me."
Clyde's mouth hung open while Craig wrinkled his nose.
"Eeeeeew, gross." Craig stuck out his tongue as Clyde demanded, "How?!"
"I don't know?"
"Red is...and you are...but Red is hot!" Clyde gasped. "She's cool and I dated her once. Why would someone like her date someone like you?"
Kevin started, "Well, we both like sci-fi and comics and stuff, and I was at the library and we wanted to check out the same book and--"
"But she's hot!" Clyde cut in.
Craig jumped off the couch. He walked beside Clyde to grabbed hold of the back of his shirt and pull it over his head, leaving his friend tangled in cotton fabric.
"Shut up about my cousin!" Craig snapped. "She's not hot. She's a loser and a nerd, just like Kevin. They're perfect for each other."
"Red is not a loser!" Kevin defended. "And neither am I. Just tell me what to do to make her ok with being seen with me."
Clyde disentangled himself from his shirt with a suck of breath. He smoothed out his hair and readjusted his clothes.
"Ok, you know what, yeah, yeah, ok, I'll help you be cool," Clyde proclaimed. "We just need to fix your hair, and your voice, and your face..."
Craig took his cellphone from his pocket as Kevin asked what was wrong with his hair, voice, and face.  He took a few steps backwards before heading into the kitchen.
Bebe finished tallying up the questionnaire with a flourish of her pen. Red rested her chin in her hands as she laid on her stomach on Bebe's bed.
"Ok, so, according to this quiz, your perfect guy is a hunky scientist," Bebe exclaimed. "How sweet, Red. You'll be like Marrie Currie!"
"Dying of radiation poisoning?" Red laughed, taking the test to make sure Bebe tallied right.
"No, like, working with your man and winning the Nobel prize in science or something. You're really good at science." Bebe elaborated.
"I'm not that good," Red rolled her eyes. She was good at science, actually, very good. It's just so interesting and cool, but if she owned up to that, Bebe might think she was bragging.
"Yes, you are!" She pushed her shoulder. "You're going to do some cool space science things, and I'll discover how to talk to dolphins, and we'll both have really hot hubbies standing by us."
"You mean you'll have Clyde eating all the tiny quiches at the ceremony dinner?" Red teased.
Bebe put her hand to her chest in offense. She opened her mouth to snap something at her when Red's phone rang.
She held up a finger and took it out. She raised an eyebrow. Why was Craig calling her?
"One second." She held the phone to her ear. "Hello? Craig? What do you want?"
"You're dating Kevin Stoley?"
Her heart stopped in her chest. Her gaze whipped towards Bebe. Luckily, Bebe had moved to her desk with the magazine and was copying something down in her notebook.
"What are you talking about?" Red hissed, twisting to sit up with her back away from Bebe.
"Kevin? Kevin Stoley? The nerd? The only Chinese kid we had until like last year? Cosplays Spock every chance he gets?" Craig replied in a deadpan. "Your boyfriend, apparently?"
Red forced a breath through her teeth. "Who told you that?"
"Kevin did. I'm at Clyde's. He came running in demanding to know how to be cool. I--I mean Clyde bullied him into telling us why," Craig explained. "He said he wanted to be cool so you wouldn't be embarrassed by him."
Red's cheeks burned. Hopping to her feet, she told Bebe she needed to take the call to the hall. Bebe nodded understandingly before taking her own phone out to snap a picture of a magazine page.
Once out in the hall, Red demanded, "You bullied him?!"
"I didn't. Didn't you hear me? Clyde did."
She could hear the eye roll in his tone.
"So you are dating then?" he continued.
Red looked up and down the hall then whispered, "Yeah? We are. He's really sweet and smart, and if you keep picking on him, I swear I'll get you, Craig Tucker."
"Wow, breaking out the last name. What are you, Bertha Red, my mom?" Craig mocked. He knew using her first and middle name like that would get under her skin.
"Shut up!" Red ordered. "Just, urgh! What's going on? Is Kevin still there?"
Craig hummed. "Yeah, he is. Clyde is giving him a list of what he can do to be cool like he is."
Red winced. Cool like Clyde? Clyde wasn't really cool. Sure, he acted cool and confident and brave, but everyone knew that was a lie. He cried at the drop of a hat and wouldn't stand up for himself if his friends weren't standing with him. Clyde was just as big of a nerd as Kevin. Why would Kevin ever thing to get tips on coolness from him?
Craig spoke, filling up the silence her stunned reaction caused, "Do you really think Kevin will drag your standing down that far? How do you know dating you wouldn't bring him up?."
The sound of a refrigerator being open came from the other end of the phone, followed by Craig calling to ask Clyde if he could have some orange juice.
Red squirmed against the wall as if Craig was in the hall staring her down. She wasn't sure what would happen if she told everyone she was dating someone as uncool as Kevin.
When Heidi started dating Cartman, she became a laughing stock. Though Kevin wasn't nearly as terrible as Cartman, the last thing Red wanted was to be mocked for liking a nerd.
"You wouldn't understand," she finally replied.
"No, I get it." Craig shifted the phone. "Tweek wasn't all that cool when we started dating, but he's really cool now. I bet it'll be the same thing, at least if you keep Kevin from making too many Star Wars references."
Red groaned. "That's not the same. You and Tweek are cute together because you two are, like, opposites. It's like a dog and a cat playing together!"
Craig swallowed some orange juice on the other end. "Wait, what? Am I the cat? Or the dog?"
"It doesn't matter." Red began to pace, twiddling with the ends of her hair. "We aren't different enough! It's not cute. It's weird that I would be interested in him."
"But not for him to be interested in you?"
"No, because I'm cool and popular."
"Clyde called you 'hot,' and I corrected him that you are a loser and a nerd." Craig teased. "Aren't I a good cousin?"
"Screw you! Stop making fun of me." Red threw her hand up as she came to the end of the hall. "I want to tell people we're dating, but I can't!" She spun on her heels to head back towards Bebe's bedroom. "No one can know that Kevin and I are dat...ing."
Bebe's mouth hung open. The magazine fell from her hands to the floor, falling open to the future spouse quiz.
"You have a boyfriend?!" Bebe gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.
"Shoot!" Red flinched back.
"Red?" Craig's voice almost sounded concerned.
"Craig, I need to go. Talk to you later." Red went to end the call, only to quickly add, "Also go make Clyde stop before he gets Kevin thinking vomiting and mosquitoes are cool."
Before Craig could reply, she clicked end and shove the phone into her pocket.
"You have a boyfriend?" Bebe repeated. "Who? Kevin who? Not Kevin McCormick? He's, like, thirteen and smells like tobacco."
"No, I, um..." Red wracked her brain for a lie but came up with nothing that would be even close to believable. "It's not Kevin McCormick."
Bebe bound up to her. She wrapped her fingers around her arm, buzzing with excitement.
"Then who? Is it that Kevin from fifth grade? Not that Kevin from Middle Park?" Bebe's eyes grew as she searched Red up and down as if she might have a sign on her chest with Kevin's full name.
"Bebe, please, drop it," Red begged. "It's a secret."
"I can keep a secret." Bebe grinned. When Red didn't answer, her face fell in confusion. "What's wrong? Is he a," her voice dropped down, "an adult?"
"No!" Red pushed her away. "I am not dating a grown-up! That's gross."
"Then who is it?" Bebe demanded to know. "You can't just say something like you want to tell people you two are dating but can't. Who is it? The only other Kevin I can think of is..."
She trailed off, brows furrowed.
"Kevin Stoley. Are you dating Kevin Stoley?"
Red's shoulders slumped and she accepted the inevitable.
"Ummm, yes," she admitted, waiting for Bebe to start mocking her for dating Kevin.
"Wow." Bebe pursed her lips. "Kevin Stoley."
The repugnance in Bebe's tone made Red's stomach twist. She had expected it, of course, but instead of making her ashamed, she felt angry.
"He's not that bad!" Red snapped. "Kevin is a sweet guy. He's creative and passionate about what he likes." Red pointed a finger into Bebe's collar bone, moving into her personal space as she spoke. "And he lent me all his 'FlashPoint' comics when the website I was reading them on gave my dad's laptop a virus. He's just as good of a boyfriend as Clyde is!"
Bebe held up her hands in defense. "I never said he wasn't."
Red narrowed her eyes incredulously, taking a step back.
Bebe fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Look, if you want to date him, cool, whatever. Why does it matter?"
Furrowing her brows, Red frowned. "You don't think it's weird on me for dating him? He's a nerd who likes Star Trek and wore a Spock cosplay for a week to school."
Bebe rolled her eyes. "Yeah? So?" She shrugged. "Clyde brought a jar of mosquitoes with him everywhere for two weeks. Pointy alien elf ears are nothing compared to that."
"Klingon." Red corrected automatically. "They're Klingon ears."
This time Bebe did roll her eyes, but, Red didn't feel any malcontent from it. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she had always envisioned.
Kevin sighed as he trudged up the school steps. His cool lessons didn't get all that far before Craig can out of the kitchen with a glass of orange juice, eyed Kevin up and down again, then proclaimed he was a lost cause and Clyde was wasting his time.
Before Kevin could stop him, he'd grabbed Clyde and drug him against his will back to the couch to finish watching their video.
While Kevin did enjoy learning about the Moth Man, he couldn't help feel he wasted his time. He didn't learn a thing about being cool or how to fix his face, hair, or voice.
"Hey. Hey, Kevin."
He paused and looked over his shoulder to see Dougie rushing up to him.
"Oh, greetings, Dougie." He flashed him a Volcan Salute, which Dougie returned. Dougie vibrated with contagious excitement.
"Did you go see the movie this weekend?" He asked. "I did. I went with my mom and Butters. I liked the music and how the ships look. What did you like?"
Kevin's uplifted mood fell as he remembered what happened right after the movie.
"The lasers, I guess," He muttered, looking at his shoes. One of the laces was double knotted and the other wasn't. He'd have to fix that before class--like an uncool nerd.
A hand slipped around his hand, taking him from his thoughts.
"My favorite part was how the captain defeated the alien with the water and electricity," Red chirped, leaning against Kevin's side, nearly toppling him over with her greater size.
Dougie turned a shocked, wide-eyed face to Kevin. Kevin kept his own shocked, wide-eyed face fixed on Red.
What was she doing? Why was she holding his hand in front of everyone outside of the school? He could feel all the eyes of the other kids on them and hear their whispers.
"R-Red?" Kevin stammered. "You're holding my hand."
"Well, duh," she threw her hair over her shoulder, "we are dating."
A collective gasp came from all the students around them. Red turned a sharp glare towards them, and everyone spun around. Kevin half expected them to start whistling nonchalantly.
Dougie took a step back. He waved goodbye to Kevin before bolting off, leaving the two alone to talk.
"We are, but, you don't like..." he shook his head. "Aren't I too uncool?"
She nodded. "Yeah, you are, but it's ok now."
Kevin frowned and looked down at himself. Did something change since yesterday? Did he get super buff and handsome while he slept last night? Maybe he did go to a fantasy world last night and just didn't remember, but when he looked down, he didn't see anything different, except the little stain from the meatloaf last night on his stomach.
"It is?" Kevin asked. "Why?"
"Well, I just figured it was stupid to act like I did. It wasn't fair to you, either." Red explained, squeezing his hand. "Also, I told Bebe last night, and Bebe said she wanted to double date with you and Clyde, so you can make sure Clyde doesn't do something silly or embarrassing so it doesn't matter anymore. Bebe has my back, and because she does, so do all the other girls."
Kevin furrowed his brow. "I don't get it."
She smiled softly at him. "It's ok. You don't need to know how all the science works to enjoy Star Trek."
He still didn't fully get it but decided to employ his suspension of disbelief towards the inner workings of girl social structure.
"Oh, well, if that's ok with you, then it's ok with me." Kevin felt giddy. He could walk through the school halls hand in hand with his girlfriend. They could talk about science or Star Trek in the middle of recess.
He dared to give Red a kiss on the cheek. To his surprise, she blushed but didn't get mad at him. With a  laugh, Red began to pull him down the hallway.
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uas-art · 5 years
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For @revinweek day 1, playdate!
They’re playing professional make-up artists and fashion designers putting on a show.
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jaerie · 3 years
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Welcome to the Traphouse 
A WordPlay 5.0 Series by jaerie 
It was social media success that brought them all to move into this six bedroom gated mansion that had already been affectionately dubbed The Traphouse with a pool and enough space for all the antics they were sure to get up to.
Being a Viner himself, Harry had known all the guys for a long time. There were a lot of million plus follower creators that Harry had come to know during the app’s peak. Vine for reVine had initially started their relationships and running in the same circles had them bumping into each other at events and even meeting up for a collab or two here and there. Harry deciding to move to LA had been perfect timing for him to be roped into this project that was only just beginning.
They’d come together and they were all on the same page. They would treat the house as a set, all of them filming their videos both together and on their own. It was a social experiment that was already proving successful. With only tweets and Instagram posts about the house and roommates, Harry’s following had already started to grow. It was an exciting time for all of them and Harry was lucky enough to be right in the middle of it.
One house, five YouTubers, and the unexpected results.
Week One - Struggle 
Week Two - Reduce
Week Three - Divide 
Week Four - Rise
Week Five - Sketch
Now complete as of August 21!
Please check out @wordplayfics​ for five years worth of fics!
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caranfindel · 3 years
Episode recap/review: Walker 1.14
I didn't expect to recap 1.14 and yet here I am, still avoiding my unfinished Summergen fic. I'm actually writing this in real time, as I watch the episode. So for once I'm not pretending I don't know what happens. I literally don't know.
We begin with Cordell and Grandpa clearing up the crime scene. How much do I love Cordell saying "Daddy?" A lot. And not in that way, you perverts. It just really brings out the Texan.
Liam is in bed, recuperating. He gets a call (note that he calls himself William professionally, which is news to me, and I like it for whatever reason) from someone asking for a comment, which he starts to angrily refuse before Gramma Walker grabs his phone and hangs up. Gramma Walker going all Mama Bear for Liam is also interesting, and unexpected. But Liam says "I can take care of myself" and she says "No, you can't. None of you boys can." And then looks sadly out the window, where Cordell and Grandpa are taking down the crime scene tape. I just have to think "none" and not "both" means she's thinking of poor dead Hoyt, who she obviously loved like a son, if not more so. (More evidence for the Hoyt is her lovechild file? Maybe.)
Geri shows up, wearing an unnecessary cowboy hat and Hoyt's old jacket. She's bearing Hoyt's last will and testament, written on a bar coaster! Oh, my heart. And in case you can't read it:
If I get shivved in the shower or some old horse kicks me upside the head. For real Liam stamp it and everything - I leave everything to Geri/"Geraldine Broussard"/angle [sic] face sweet lips etc. So that plot I bought over in Tanglewood is for her and whatever I got in my pockets or elsewhere. See ya in the next life.
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Angle face!
I'm not sure this would stand up in court, since he didn't even sign his last name, although it is witnessed by William Walker. Anyway, it's a moot point, because the land Hoyt intended to give Geraldine "Angle Face" Broussard is transferring to new owners, effective tomorrow. Which makes no sense. The deal fell apart because he died, and yet it's so soon after his death that the police tape is still up. New owners wouldn't be in the picture that quickly. Reverting to previous owners, because it was owner-financed? Sure. But not new owners. (Whatever, Caranfindel. Move it along.) She asks Cordell to go with her to gather his personal belongings. And to bring the kids. Hmmm, let's see how Stella can mess this up. (Tanglewood is 71 miles from Austin. Of course I looked it up.)
But first, Cordell has to sign paperwork to begin his leave of absence. So he didn't actually intend to quit. I mean, we all knew he'd be back, but I kind of thought he was, at the time, intending to quit for good. Does Connie the HR person have a big old crush on him? There is hand touching and deep, serious gazing.
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Touch him, Connie. Touch him for those of us who cannot.
Micki is sitting right outside the conference room where he signs his papers but still acts surprised that he's in the building. Did she not smell the rosemary mint shampoo as he walked by? He thanks her for the flowers and apologizes for not calling her back. And then cancels their lunch plans so he can go off with Geri and the kids.
Someone said this on Tumblr, and I think it bears repeating here. It's interesting comparing Cordell's grief, over his wife and now his best friend, to Sam's grief. Cordell is clearly deeply affected, and is also clearly moving on. Sam is just unhinged.
Elsewhere. The gang stops for lunch and reminisces about Hoyt dressed as Santa, wearing assless chaps. Well. That's memorable. (Also, I know people who did the whole leaving horse manure and pretending it's reindeer poop thing. Some people are just a lot more into Santa than I was.) Trevor (Travis? Whatever) called Stella. She's apparently avoiding him. Probably a good call, sis. Maybe the only one you've made in 14 episodes. (To be fair, I didn't watch the first four.)
Micki shares tacos with her boyfriend, whose name I can never remember, having been stood up by Cordell. She tells him Cordell seemed "off," which is great now, Micki. Why didn't you pay more attention to that feeling last week? The BF thinks Micki herself might be off, because she misses her partner. And she calls him family. Captain What's His Face comes to talk to Trey (that's his name, dammit) and asks if he knows a guy who goes to the same physical therapist's office. Friends, when I've done PT, I don't even know people who go to my therapist, let alone just go to someone in the same office. But maybe folks in Austin are just friendlier than they are round these parts. Oh, wait. The guy is missing, and was last seen in a heated discussion with Trey? What's up with that, Trey?
Tanglewood. Cordell asks the nice lady (realtor? owner?) about Hoyt's "personal affects," and she says "they are probably out grazing." Because Hoyt's personal effects are four horses and a llama. Which Geri owns now. "Where am I going to board four horses and a llama?" she asks. Cordell is oddly befuddled (and adorably, cause y'all know how I feel about befuddled Jared), as if he didn't live on a ranch. With horses. The family business, remember? The kids are entranced. I would be too. It's a damn cute llama. One of the mares actually nursed the llama, so they're family. (Watch out for falling anvils.)
Micki's house. Trey says the "heated discussion" was the missing guy showing him a judo move. Captain asks Trey to ride along and help him investigate, and poor partnerless Micki asks if she can come with.
Tanglewood. Apparently Hoyt's personal affects also included gear for the four horses, because everyone is saddled up. Geri doesn't seem like an experienced rider - she keeps her hand on the pommel of the saddle, which I always heard was a rube move. (At least she's not clutching the saddle horn. No shade. It's hard not to. It's a perfect handle and it's just right there.) Cordell, of course, rides perfectly, as he does everything perfectly.
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Everything except his job. And raising his kids. But do I care about those things? Not so much.
Geri thinks the llama looks unwell. What is she, a llama expert? A veterinarian? And what are they doing on this trail ride anyway - taking the herd back to the Walker ranch? It's 71 miles away! It's an hour and a half driving! How will they get the truck? Why didn't Cordell just say "let's go back to the ranch and get Daddy's cattle trailer?" WHY.
(No one cares. No one but you thinks about these things.)
Stella is on her phone, but it turns out she's (allegedly) re-reading Hoyt's last text, not chatting with friends. And then she says she was "responsible for everything." Oh, wait. We're going there? Stella is finally going to face the music? Cordell says it's not her fault, but they're interrupted by the llama, who apparently is in distress. Cordell wants to leave him at a random homestead. Permanently? Like, "excuse me, ma'am, but can you take this llama?" Or just while they get the horses home? I dunno.
August doesn't like this, because the llama and the horses are family. Geri distracts him by claiming Hoyt wanted him to have the jacket she's wearing, although I find this rather dubious, because why did she wait so long to mention it? Why is she wearing it herself? It's a lucky jacket he won from a tarot card reader and card hustler named The Mystifying Mehar, who was "infamous for getting out of trouble because of that jacket." Cordell then asks Geri to go off with the kids while he hangs back and tries to ditch the llama. Oh no, Cordell, don't do that. He's family!
Back at the ranch, Grandpa chases off some more journalists. He also ignores Gramma's concern about his cancer.
Trail ride. We skipped the whole bit where Cordell found someone willing to take in a goddamn llama, caught up with his kids, and told them what he did. They're mad that he wouldn't even try, and then Stella impulsively rides off, almost falling into a revine.
Team Sassyboots 2.0 questions the missing guy's wife. Turns out he left a note. Doesn't sound like he's as missing as they thought. He said he would "fix everything," i.e., their upcoming foreclosure. They check his workshop and find evidence that he was a military contractor, and apparently this means he should have no money problems whatsoever, because they don't understand how money works. His gun safe is empty, so they figure he's on some kind of "black ops" job. And if it's going to be complete by Monday, I assume it's something local, and not a military operation.
Walker Ranch. Someone who is Liam's "political opponent" comes to take care of him? And he's bringing barbeque? Is it poisoned? Gramma says Liam can't have barbecue because he's on bedrest, as if one had anything to do with the other. And... Grandpa wants to go mushroom hunting with her? Is that what the kids call it these days?
Trail ride. Cordell found someone to keep the horses. Temporarily? I'm still confused. Stella and Geri talk about Hoyt, and Stella asks about her forgiving him. Thinking about some forgiveness toward your own bad boy, Stella? She says "the two of you were always kind of like the dream to me," which is odd considering they were off-and-on, while her parents were very much on, and definitely seem more like couple goals. But okay. Stella confesses again that she is responsible, and Geri says "you let love in, maybe; that's your worse crime." I wonder if Stella blames herself for the fake truck crash that started the whole domino effect, or if she even realizes that's what happened. Obviously Geri wouldn't. Hmmm, I wonder what August thinks about all this?
Walker Ranch. Whoever this political opponent is, he must be a family friend, because he gave a toast at Cordell and Emily's rehearsal dinner. "Hey, when did your brother have such long hair," he asks, looking at a picture of the happy couple. Liam is growing facial hair again. I like it. Opponent suggests the spicy barbecue will put hair on Liam's chest and Liam tosses it aside and says "no, dammit, after I spent all that time waxing?" And Liam might drop out of whatever race he's in. I don't really care about that part. Let's talk more about Liam's chest.
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I love that they can use actual Padalecki family photos as Cordell and Emily photos. No bad Photoshop needed!
Team Sassyboots 2.0. I don't really care about this missing guy either. Skipping it. You know, I understand this is meant to be an ensemble show, and Jared Padalecki and his stupid pretty face and long legs are not going to be in every scene. But Micki working a case with her boss and her boyfriend just bothers me and I don't want to be a part of it.
Trail ride. They're bedding down in the barn for the night? What the fuck? Where are they? Why didn't they just drive home? I'm so confused! Cordell and Geri talk about Hoyt some more. Cordell makes an awkward comment about "us together" and then amends it to mean all of us together, as in you and me and the kids camping right now, not, like, you and me together together, and then does a little eyebrow thing like whoo, good job, talked your way out of that one. NO, CORDELL, YOU ARE NOT AS SMOOTH AS YOU THINK YOU ARE. Anyway. There's a lot of guilt about poor dead Hoyt. Cordell tells Geri her name is still on the Sidestep lease (lease? I thought they owned it?), as if being part owner of a bar is always going to be a good thing, with no liability at all. And they don't kiss, for which I am grateful. The horses are really acting up. I hope nothing's happening.
Cordell checks on the horses and apologizes to the mare for leaving the llama behind. He realizes he made the wrong choice. "You know what," he says. "Let's go fix this."
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I adore him.
Walker Ranch. Grandpa and Gramma have been mushroom hunting and are now getting silly. Um, what kind of mushrooms did you two find? And then Grandpa says "tonight's about Hoyt," which I do not understand. "I saw the joy he gave you," Grandpa says. Yes, Grandpa, and do you not find that even a little bit fishy? And then he decides to build something.
Trail ride. Cordell went and retrieved his llama! He is precious. I love him so much. He has some pratfalls in the same ravine that almost caught Stella, and then his family shows up and rescues him. (Can I point out that his "a-ha-ha" laugh is the same one we heard when he opened his gift from Dean in "A Very Supernatural Christmas" and I'm not sure it appeared in any other episode?) August offers the Lucky Jacket to use as a llama harness to haul the little guy out of the ravine. Oh, and it turns out the llama is about to give birth.
And, while I'm skipping Team Sassyboots 2.0, it's hard to ignore that Micki is now in a UFC fight. That might have been an interesting story after all. Y'all can fill me in.
Walker Ranch. They're building a little stable. Because this big horse ranch doesn't have enough stables. Liam, who was bedridden to the point of not being able to eat barbeque yesterday, is now helping build. He gets a text from his former fiance, who wants to talk. And Grandpa has decided to treat his cancer. Happy endings all around!
Micki's house. She says she was passive-aggressive with Walker because she's afraid of losing him. I get it, sweetie. He's someone you don't want to lose.
Trail ride. August is carrying the newborn llama, wrapped in the Lucky Jacket. Geri wants to cut out before they get to the ranch. She's going to ride the bus home? Seriously? Isn't her car at the Walker Ranch? She and Cordell talk abou their unfinished business. Yeah, like the fact she was probably involved in your wife's murder? That unfinished business, Geraldine? Grandpa meets them before they get to the ranch and informs them he has a strict no-llama policy on the ranch. But luckily, he just built an alpaca stable. They’re alpacas, not llamas. So, Geri called him, but how did he know they were alpacas? Did she send pictures? I am so confused. Anyway. The new family goes into their new home. They name the baby alpaca Hoyt, of course.
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Little Hoyt, guys, he's the sweetest thing.
Breakfast. Political Opponent gives Liam a contribution. Oh, I get it. They're running for the same office, and he thinks Liam will draw votes away from his other opponent. Shrewd. Stella calls Trevor and says she might need to leave the past behind. And you are the past, Trevor. Cordell sees a truck pull up and runs out to meet Micki. She apologizes for holding a grudge over him leaving. She tries to shake hands and he hugs her instead. She thinks they can just be friends now instead of partners, and he says they're not friends, they're family. And then she oohs and aahs over the alpacas, which she recognizes immediately as alpacas and not llamas, and also points out that little Hoyt is actually a girl. Oops. Awkward. Cordell is surprised she can just tell. "Most people can." Yeah, you are the worst rancher's son ever. Then Cordell sees the fence is carved with a memorial to Hoyt. Aw.
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He is also the sweetest thing.
So. Less drama than last week. More warmth. A ridiculous B story that was as annoying as giving Cas his own plot. Will I still watch next week? Yeah, probably. I have questions. How did Grandpa know they were alpacas? Where is the baby daddy? Can Cordell and his rancher father really not tell the difference between a male and female alpaca? Why is Geri riding the bus home, when her car is at the Walker's? Why is she avoiding the Walker Ranch? Will August ever get his own plot again?
It's just a shame that this episode didn't have any shout-outs to Supernatural, like the last one did...
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bertyose · 3 years
L’manburg curse au
part two i guess???
just some info if/how other ppl find out about the curse, honestly hardly anyone notices it but once tubbo goes down his road of insanity a few people start to wonder if there is some sort of link between all the presidents and being insane.
(( this au is basically that L’manburg is cursed so that the leaders of the country is foced to go into a road of insanity, they become crazy and corrupted, that basically leads them to their deaths so that the country can kind of “consume” their soul and then they are forced to be ghosts for the rest of eternity ))
tommy was with wilbur until the very end. He watched how different he’d look every morning they would wake up in pogtopia. Those days and nights in the revine were probably the worst weeks tommy has ever went through. He instantly knew something wasnt right with wil, that he clearly wasnt himself but no matter what tommy did or said wilbur wasn’t having any of it. He refused any of tommys help so he just ignored it. He pretended his brother was okay like he said he was, he acted as if everything was normal just so he could cary on trying to bring his home back.
Looking back on it now tommy knows he messed up. He knows that wasnt the best thing to do, he knows that ignoring the problem isnt going to make it go away. So when he first saw the same daranged, crazed look in tubbo’s eyes tommy tried a lot more harder this time. He constantly kept checking up on tubbo, trying to make his life a little easier by taking on his jobs. he’d kept telling him that he was there for him, always showing him a reassuring smile with a gentle hand on the shoulder. Tommy tried to do everything he thought he did wrong with Wilbur, because he couldn’t lose tubbo to the same maddness that infected his brother. Because it was just maddness, right? it couldnt be anything else. It had to have been too much pressure on their backs, lack of sleep or maybe an obsession over the tiniest thing. There was no other explanation that fitted these scenes. It has to be something that they can easily fix, that Tubbo can quickly overcome with the help of friends and family. Because Tommy doesnt know what he can do if it isnt...
Quackity could never really say he knew wilbur that well. He got to spend some enjoyable times with him and tommy before the election. He cherished those happy memories. But apart from that he only knew him from the debate rooms or election podium. Or from the stories tubbo and fundy would share in their manburg days. So when Quackity saw the crazy man in front of him, after he escaped manburg, he was lost for words. He was confused and shocked. It was kind of amusing though. From all of those stories he expected a smart, cheerful, charismatic leader, yet infront stood a erratic lunatic. Apart from that, quackity didnt really think too much about it.
Quackity got to know schlatt quite well. At first he enjoyed his company, he laughed at his stories and agreed with the way he was running the country. However things very quickly turned sour. Things went downhill so fast that it was kind of hard to tell. Their relationship became toxic and schlatt started to be quite manipulative. Again, he didnt have a lot of time to process of think about the sudden change in characteristics, he had too much on his plate. He focused so hard to staying on schlatts good side, mainly out of fear most of the time. He’d hated to have gotten into the crossfire of his new drunken hatred. That was the last thing on Quackitys to do list.
now fundy is probably one of the only ones to have been there first hand to see the presidents fight with the curse. Quackity was kind of but he didnt really know wilbur that well enough to see his true side before effected by the curse.
Now we all know fundy and Wilbur didnt have the b e s t father, son relationship. But it started off okay.? The moment Fundy joined pogtopia he couldn’t really recognise his dad. At first he thought it was the nerves of being regected and sent back to schlatt. But as the off feeling didnt leave he knew wilbur was different. He tried to ask Tommy but he just said Wil was fine. He tried to ask techno, tubbo and niki but niki just ignored him, techno just shrugged and tubbo was just confused. He thought it could of just been in his head but Wilbur got worse and so more people noticed. Fundy realised it was far too late before the others did, he knew there was no chance of reason. He knew Wilbur was already deep down into a black hole and that there was nothing to do apart from sitting back and to just watch. And he hated that.
Fundy spent the first half of the manburg era trying to get into schlatts goodbooks. However at first fundy truly did believe schlatt could do something good. From his very first speech he was excited for the new future for his country. But that excitement quickly died down the moment schlatt went down his spiral of pain. He saw how schlatt infected his veins with poison. He saw how vile and venemous the goat quickly became. He expienced the worse of it the moment quackity fled. He was alone with the insane president. Good news for pogtopia, bad news for fundy. At this point fundy only had hate towards this man. He believed he was always like this deep down, that his heart was a rotten apple. He had no suspicion of anything, whatso ever.
Fundy always considered Tubbo as one of his friends. The two of them thought against dreamons together, so of course they had a small lil bond. He was happy to see the country grow with the boy, relieved that his home was now in safe hands. Fundy enjoyed working along side quackity, tommy and tubbo. He enjoyed his job and the environment around. However there was still tension in the air left from the war involving technoblade. Everyone could feel it. Fundy noticed tubbo feeling a little stressed out, he tried his best trying to help his friend, giving him distractions every now and then. Tubbo didnt really appreciate it though. He was convinced Fundy was trying to sabotage him in some way. He was sure Fundy was up to no good. So as Tubbo became meaner, much more paranoid and obbsesive other his enemes he became more isolated ignored everyones input.
Fundy saw the new way tubbo looked it him, with fury and disgust. He was distraught when Tubbo ripped away his power, claiming him to be “untrustworthy” and a “traitorous spy”. He was lost for words when tubbo kicked him out of the land, banning him from his home. It was at that instant he knew that wasn’t his friend right then. He hated whatever had plauged the young boy and he just knew that something was causing the rise of insanity in L’manburg. And so as a dreamon hunter, it was his duty to hunt down and exterminate the problem.
well you see, the funny thing with dream is that he is fully aware with what is going down in L’manburg
Dream knows and see all, he’s addicted to chaos and destruction. He’d do anything to see people explode into insanity, especially his enemies. But how does dream know about the curse?
What the fuck did you do dream?
i’ll probably go into niki, phil, techno and maybe dream and a few others next time. I really also wanted to go into m a s s i v e detail about tubbos curse fun. cant wait to spill that all out. anyways, i hoped you enjoyed!! All of the art and fanfics you guys have created is just so so so good! oh my god you guys are super talented! wow ,,
oh god, i just realised that i didnt write quackitys expirence with cursed tubbo. whoops, sorry about that! i’ll write about it in the next part!!
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uzuma-take · 3 years
this has taken a lot of revinement over the last few weeks .
Please don’t hate it’s a bunch of info for some story ideas. This is a personal project and I'm not going to use most of this if this turns into a series. A bunch of animes live together in peace. Naruto takes place on a small-ish island off the coast of Japan (Kyushu), BNHA still takes place in Japan (its ten years into the future for BNHA) , a civilian town was founded witch host the Fire Force and Blue Exorcist stories. it also takes place in an alternative universe as to not mess with canon. Sao takes place in the civilian town where fire force and blue exorcist are in this story.
In this version The Anime’s Included are by the amount they show up
Blue Exorcist
Fire Force
Let us start off with our Main characters Parents, our main Characters being Daisy and Edwin. Makoto, Let us begin with Daisy’s Father Makoto Uchiha the brother of Enji Todoroki, Watri (Kurenai’s Mum) and Tenzia (Obitos’s father). On Rei’s side there was a rule to off set a debt. The First child of a Generation to get married must either kill their youngest child or sell their wife to the black market witch Reis parent almost did with Enji.
Rei, Rei is the same Rei Todoroki as in BNHA except for two key differences.
She did not marry Enji.
She has Hetro-Chromia.
Her marriage was extremely happy, and she had a bunch of kids before her death some names you might recognise as I really liked their character’s and wanted to give them a family and my own back story of sorts. Eldest to youngest
 Joseph (Fire Force Vulcan Joseph) ---------Twins
 Jasmine
 Sako (in BNHA Mr. Compress)
 Tsuboi
 Shota (in BNHA Eraser head)
 Keigo (in BNHA Hawks)
The next set of six are Sextuplets.
 Rose (Daisy)
 Toya (Edwin)
 Dane
 Damian
 Primrose
 Sebastian (no Seb is not based at all on black butler)
Then there’s the obvious younger sibs in order of oldest to youngest.
 Levi (Attack on Titan)
 Fayumi
 Natsuo
 Shoto
Extra titbit Rei still has her ice quirk, Rei and Makoto have passed away thu daiy and her siblings where sdopted. .
So the story for these goes as follows the night Rei was going to be brought by Enji her childhood friend Makoto, Enji’s brother rescued her and after a couple of months together they decided to get married. Their first two kids where Joseph who can manipulate objects using VR headsets that let him send a signal to toys unfortunately Joseph got ill so a lot of focus was on him when he was little. . Jasmine is his twin, and her quirk involves using toys such as barbies etc as blow torches / lighters. The next couple of kids where Sako and Tsuboi who can make his dolls into armoured knights. The next two are Shota-Aizawa (his original last name becomes a middle name) and his brother Keigo (who is still Hawks but he has black hair)
They then had a set of Sextuplet’s and apart from Edwin who was this worlds Toya they have some unique quirks, the two easiest to explain are Prim and Sebastian’s quirks, Prim being Ice and Sebastian being Lava Inherited from his grandad on his mum’s side. Dane’s is also simple and basically, he can use battery’s and electoral objects to emit lightning which coincides with his sibling’s quirk as some of them are based around toys and electronics. The next kid is Levi stolen away and sent to Paradis island when a prostitute found him and locked him away shortly dying. A.O.T happens up until the end of season one two Eren, Mikasa and Armin and the rest of the scouts are treated more as Levi’s Henge’s and Erwin’s students. The squads are as follows…
 Team Levi
o Eren, Mikasa and Armin
 Team Hange
o Jean, Connie and Sasha
 Team Erwin
o Annie , Reiner and Berhodlt
 Team Keith
o Ymir , Christa and Marco
Fayumi can make Snow, Natsuos’s quirk is healing ice and Shoto stays the same, these three have black hair instead of white with the red staying the same. Edwin (Toya) has Naturally pink hair.
Please do not hate.
2.Pictures will eventually come in the near bye future.
Thank you for reading part 1. the next part will include manga spoilers and focus on info and change to the siblings
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