#rewatch but i'm not sure why i asked for the dvd at the time honestly and i don't even have mockingjay part 2 on dvd so i don't even
maddy-ferguson · 8 months
2012 for the movies ask game!
am i allowed to say the hunger games. i've seen it like 20 times i rewatch it once a year and i did that even before there was a thg renaissance
send me a year and i'll tell you my favorite movie(s?)
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lara-cairncross · 4 months
Just like many others, your AU put me back into my fairy phase :)
I had the original three movies on DVD and literally watched them all the time when I was younger, so much so that I’m quoting everything on my rewatch now, even the sound effects 😂.
Also, as a kid, I never liked Vidia, she was always too mean for me. But now she’s probably my favorite (which is insanely hard to chose given that I love all of them so much, they’re iconic), and I can’t tell if it’s because I’ve grown up, or because I’m naturally inclined to like Fast Flying Fairies now because of your Leo 😭
I just have a few little questions too
In the first movie, we see Queen Clarion gives Tinkerbell pixie dust and teaches her to fly for the first time.
How painful do you think it was for Donnie to be unable to do that when all his brothers could?
And what were the reactions of the other fairies? Were they shocked to see his wing?
Sorry for the long ask! Thank you for bringing this amazing story to life! 🫶
SQUEEE YES YES YES IM SO GLAD I GOT SO MANY PEOPLE TO WATCH THE MOVIES AGAIN!!! I'm pretty sure I had all of them on DVD when I was little? Barring the Neverbeast, I think, since I'd kinda grown out of the Pixie Hollow fairies by then :,)
To answer your questions: it would definitely be emotionally painful for Donnie to watch that happen, but honestly, he'd probably be a lot more confused than anything at first? Keep in mind-- learning to fly is like, the FIRST think Tinkerbell is taught to do when she arrives in Pixie Hollow. She didn't know anything else! Little newly-born Donnie would probably just be really confused as to why his brothers are learning to fly and he isn't :( later on, once the initial shock has worn off, someone would probably gently explain to Donnie and his bros about the significance of the damage to his wing.
So, yes, definitely painful! But probably not immediately. Honestly, all four of them would just be really confused at first-- like, "hey, why aren't you teaching Dee too?"-- and then the explanation + additional context would finally help them understand. Then BOOM feelings
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veliseraptor · 2 years
Top 5 animated movies?
I see asks like this one for this meme and I'm like "lise what if you just wrote a short and simple response listing movies, then maybe you would actually end up answering all your meme asks" and then my brain goes "nope <3" and I end up with five paragraphs. I'm just not very good at shutting up.
1. The Last Unicorn. This is the "no-brainer" one for me because I always feel like this is just...such an important piece of media, and it's one of those things where when I show it to new people I feel very vulnerable about it and kind of go "please understand that in sharing this with you I am showing you my vulnerable underbelly and if you hate it don't tell me." I don't even know that I could articulate why exactly, but it occupies a very particular place in my heart that few other pieces of media can claim to have. I have watched it so many times and here I am going "maybe I should rewatch it today, actually. plug in my external cd drive and pull out the dvd and everything." It's like that.
2. Princess Mononoke. Another one that came to me immediately as I was coming up with this list. I'm pretty sure I watched it a little too young and the opening scene with the boar creature vs. Ashitaka kind of scarred me a little bit but...lord, what a movie. It's beautiful visually and as a story I also love it. I feel like chronologically Spirited Away was my first Studio Ghibli I remember, but this was the one I latched onto. ngl, the fact that there are wolves in it probably helped.
3. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. It started to get a little harder here, but then I remember how I felt when I saw a caption referencing a song from this movie's soundtrack (thanks for the bangers, Bryan Adams! unexpected but I'm grateful) and went "!!!!" like my brain was lighting up like a lightbulb. So yeah, I'm going to say this is an important one. You can take the horses away from the horsegirl but you can't take the horsegirl out of the girl. or something like that. And this was one of my horsegirl movies. I also just now remembered the paint by numbers extras that were on the dvd that I was weirdly obsessed with, so that's cool.
4. Watership Down. Actually this one should've been third and I don't know how I forgot it! I joke that the fact that the animated movies I rewatched most as a kid were this one and The Last Unicorn and that probably explains a lot of things, but honestly it might. This movie has a reputation that's in some ways bigger than it deserves (though the destruction of the warren segment is pretty much as awful as everybody says it is), but it is also just legit a really good story and well-adapted into a movie, in my opinion. I watched the remake and was profoundly disappointed mostly because I felt like the animation style was boring, and one thing this movie definitely had going for it was the style.
5. Atlantis: the Lost Empire. I almost went with The Lion King but then I remembered this movie, and, yeah. What a film. Truly everyone who has talked about the brief period where things were very weird and therefore very interesting at Disney were right. Also Helga probably turned me gay (and specifically gay for female villains), I just didn't notice until later.
Honorable mentions to The Lion King, The Rescuers Down Under, and Mulan. And probably several others I'm forgetting that I'll think of as soon as I hit post.
There are definitely the animated movies I want to see, most notably Song of the Sea, because I suspect I would really like them. I am just terminally bad at watching movies, you know.
shout out to The Secret of the Seal though, which was a movie where I sort of thought one of my sisters and I shared a collective hallucination until finally I managed to track it down with something like "seal macaroni penguin animated movie." not to be confused with the 1992 anime film Tottoi, mind you.
...though considering now that I'm looking again all I can find to prove its existence is a cover, I'm beginning to wonder again. The Rotten Tomatoes page I thought was going to take me to it returns a 404 not found.
IT WAS REAL she screamed as they dragged her away. I SWEAR IT WAS A REAL MOVIE
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
Recently watched Belle bc bought the dvd (kinda regretting it but my sister likes it too so eh) and man. So much potentional. The music was great and its hard to believe most of the main cast were first-second timers! Feels like there were a lot of plot threads and none of them were really built up properly? Ending was dumb too. Also why the hell did they make the Beast so hot if he turned out to be a kid? Come oonn man! That's such a sick design!
Anonymous asked: Rewatched Belle last night and I can’t help but think it would have been better as a one cour anime season. There was so much info but the pacing felt weird. Plus we’d have had time for an actual conclusion to what happened to the brothers. I love Belle but I can’t help but wonder about what could’ve been.
Honestly, I bought the Belle steelbook and I haven't even rewatched the film outside of when I went to see it in theaters, so I know I'm due for a rewatch (same thing with the Turning Red special edition Blu-Ray I got).
I won't deny that if we had more time with the world and setting that most of the issues with the plot would have been resolved. A full season of an anime? Mm... Not sure if it could have held that strong. Probably more a six-episode OVA-type deal.
Yes, the Beast's true identity, as thematically resonant as it was (I still remember tearing up during that speech during the reveal) is somewhat of a 'Mm... Can we just... adjust some things?'
Not to say that the film needed to be a romance but the way that some of the things were composed and framed... Yeah, really not a surprise in the lingering sense of 'Wait, what?'
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gaybarbiegirl · 3 years
00s Barbie rewatch - The Barbie Diaries (2006)
Tumblr media
I'm low key scared of rewatching this one
For context, I've only watched this movie one time in my life, right as it came out. I was so scared of the way the characters looked that I spent the whole movie on the verge of tears and asked my mom to give away the DVD as soon as it was over
In my defense, I was four
Here we go with the animation, I'm not sure I'm ready for this
Are there ghosts in her hair?
Wait what is this am I having a stroke?
This movie has narration? Since when?
We're less than 10 minutes into this movie and it already feels like the biggest fever dream I've ever had
"Tia is the hot intellectual one"? Does drummer girl have a crush?
Was that a sex joke?
Is Barbie gonna be having pink tinted strokes for the entire movie?
Barbie's taste in men is... questionable
Listen, I've always been a Raquelle apologist, but in this movie she's just getting on my nerves
That settles it, I ship Barbie's friends now
That dress is pretty ugly, honestly
That mall lady is way too intense. She's opening up about her high school days, calling three teenage girls she just met her sisters, and giving them free stuff from the store, all in the span of 5 minutes. I'm a little scared
Wait, what? Why does this one complimentary bracelet also come with a complimentary diary? That makes 0 sense
You know what, I'm starting to think four year old me had the right idea about this movie
Did we really need this chase sequence?
Yeah, this Barbie is a bad friend. She only talks about her own wishes and her own troubles, and her self deprecation makes her put down her friends as well as herself (like, constantly saying "we're nobody", "no one cares about us", etc.)
Kevin is creepy
The popular girls weren't that mean, actually
Why can't you just wait until the end of the class to reapply your lipgloss? It just seems like less work than coming up with a highlighter-lipgloss gadget, you know?
That poem is... not good
Once again, Barbie, please get a new taste in men
Why do people want this highlighter thing? Just wait 40 minutes to reapply, it's not a big deal
Wow, she's got her boots right on the bed
Barbie is that middle school kid who thinks they have superpowers because one time they blinked right before a thunder cracked during a storm
OK WHO WAS THAT MALL GIRL? She already gave me weird vibes before, now I'm actually concerned
Barbie's plan really is "I'm gonna stab my friends in the back so that I can befriend these new girls and then stab them in the back"
Honestly, I'm on the popular girls' side on this. Barbie was a huge jerk
Am I stroking out again?
Four year old me, sweetie, I'm so sorry I questioned your judgement, I'm so sorry
I don't really like Barbie in this movie. She's super self centered and has no self awareness
This speech came out of nowhere. She had no emotional moment where she realised she was wrong, you know?
"I just hope they find a way to forgive me" how about apologizing?
What makes you think that bracelet was lucky? It only ever brought you trouble
"Just to set the record straight, I do wash my clothes" oh my god Tia, what an icon
The friends were the best part of the movie
This animation was cursed enough when the characters were just walking around, I was not emotionally prepared to see them dancing
Their friendgroup is officially just two couples in a trench coat now (Tia x Courtney and Barbie x Kevin)
The bracelet and the diary were both really pointless
Final thoughts:
Ok, I have a confession here: I'm not a big fan of the Barbie as herself movies. Like, not at all. I think they lack most of the things I love about the other Barbie movies, like the magic, the whimsical feeling, the beautiful fantasy worlds, etc. I think my favorite Barbie as herself movies are Fashion Fairytale and Fairy Secret, and even then, I like them but I wouldn't say I love them, you know? So yeah, as you can imagine, this movie was also not my thing.
We had some good memes, and I liked the friend characters, but that's honestly all the praise I have. Other than that, the movie didn't really have a plot, their depiction of high school was really cliche, and the movie was full of elements that didn't make any sense and added nothing to the story. And all I have to say about the animation is thank god they only kept this style for one movie.
So yeah, I'm not really feeling this one. I understand why this movie had a sort of renaissance recently, because you can't deny the memes were good, but overall it's just not for me.
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sailormiyoung89 · 7 years
hi there! from your url, i'm assuming you're a Sailor Moon and kpop fan? Just wondering as a fellow fan when you discovered them and how long you've been following them? What's your top 10 anime/kpop artists? And what are your opinions of the Sailor Moon reboot and kpop in general? (P.S. what does the 89 stand for?)
 Hey :) You guessed right, SM and kpop are my obsessions XD I first watched the english dub of Sailor Moon when I was...idk like 4 or 5. Then when it went off air I didn’t watch it again for YEARS. I lived in the middle of the countryside and didn’t have a computer till my uncle passed away and we got his. I was about ten. But because we were so isolated, we only had dial-up till I was like...16. At which point the FIRST thing I looked up was Sailor Moon XD 
I’m not certain when exactly I got into kpop. I was a fan of Kesha’s and was listening to her song, Run Devil Run and scrolling through the comments when I saw a lot of people debating whether this or the SNSD and Girls’ Generation versions were better. I’d never heard of SNSD or Girls’ Generation but decided to check them out and find out for myself - it didn’t take me long to discover that SNSD and Girls’ Generation were the same group XD (Incidentally, please don’t ask me to chose which version is better. I refuse XD). 
I don’t know exactly when this was - I THINK the first half of 2012. 
Top 10 anime: I actually haven’t watched a whole lot of anime. I start them and get a few episodes in and then just get distracted XD
10. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. If you like shoujo anime, you probably know about this one but it’s kind of a dark magical girls anime :)
9.Another. It’s a horror mystery anime....I actually kind of want to rewatch it now that I think about it XD
8. Deadman Wonderland. It’s about a boy who’s framed for the murder of his classmates and is imprisoned in a kind of Battle Royale/Hunger Games style prison. I actually named my dog after one of the characters in it, Shiro (and also for the Japanese tale about the dog of the same name who lives with the elderly couple). 
7. Digimon. Back when it was Pokemon vs. Digimon, I may have loved my pokemon red (and blue and yellow), but in terms of anime, I always preferred Digimon. The digimon just seemed to have a lot more personality compared to pokemon. Plus I adored Kari (Hikari in Japanese).
6. Cardcaptor Sakura. After Sailor Moon had gone out of my life as a child, we would occasionally rent videos and dvds from Xtravision and there was always a CCS one. When I first saw it, I thought that maybe it was that other one I watched as a child or something. After the first time, I realised it was definitely something else but I would always pick it up anytime we rented a dvd.
5. I’m going to put Naruto here. Not because I ADORED it or anything and I definitely don’t think it’s the best but despite the fact that it must be one of the longest airing anime, it’s one of the few that I actually saw through to the end.
4.  Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I think it’s just one of those GREAT anime that should be a staple for any anime fan to watch. 
3. Full Moon wo sagashite. It’s a shorter anime about a young terminally ill girl who gains the ability to transform into a singer and fulfill her dream of being a singer. I won’t say anymore except that if you ever watch this one, make sure you have tissues.
2. Death Note. I remember being SO blown away by it when I first watched it when I was 17 - I actually convinced a LOT of people in my class to watch it XD 
1. Sailor Moon. Without question.  
Top 10 kpop artists:
10. Ladies Code
9. Sistar
8. BlackPink
7. GFriend
6. Pristin
4. F(x)
3. Twice
2. Mamamoo
Opinions about Crystal:
....I REALLY wanted to like it :( I didn’t though. It moved too fast. Sure the anime had a bit too much filler but taking away ALL the filler and just plowing through plot full speed ahead was far too far in the other direction. Personally for me, characters come first and the plot comes second. It’s not that the plot is unimportant but you have to give me reasons to care about the characters - reasons that don’t hinge on things I know about them from other adaptations. Plus I’m not a massive fan of SenShi. I’ll take some VenusXKunzite but other than that, I’m not interested in pairing up all 4 girls with all 4 guys. Like you’re telling me that 2 of them didn’t like the one person? Or everyone was liked by SOMEONE? 8 people are not just gonna pair off that simply. I watched the first season and could feel my interest going away episode by episode. I watched the first episode or two of R and while that was a LITTLE better, that was because I was already predisposed to adoring my lost little baby Chibiusa. 
All that said, I did watch S and enjoyed it a bit. It’s still far too fast paced. Breathing every now and again isn’t bad but they just don’t seem keen on doing that. But I did like it a bit more and will check out at least the first couple of episodes of SuperS. I know also that there’s been a lot of discussion about the animation quality and even though I lack any kind of artistic talents, I can see that the animation hasn’t been great. And it DID get better for S. But honestly, I don’t care. I would take stick figures. All that’s important is that I’m given a reason to love these characters. 
Kpop in general? That’s so vague XD You want my general opinion on an ENTIRE music industry? :P 
Okay well I like kpop. We’ve established that much XD And I’m sure you could tell from my top 10, it’s the girl groups I’m here for. There weren’t any really when I first started listening to kpop that I knew of and I am 10000000% here for girls being friends (or more than friends. lbr, there have to be SOME lesbian kpop idols. There are literally hundreds of female idols) and loving and supporting one another. The thing that really appealed to me and why I can’t tell you exactly when I started listening to kpop was the reality shows. I mean Western artists don’t really have reality shows AND variety shows AND modelling gigs AND mc careers AND acting careers. Kpop idols just seemed to be able to do everything!! The one I spent the first six months or so watching over and over again was Hello Baby. I was completely enamored with it :) Only after I finished watching it did I start to wonder ‘hey, I wonder if they’ve done anything recently...and I googled and found out I missed the debut of their first (and only official) subunit. All because I was watching a show that they’d filmed years ago that I could’ve watched anytime....
And lol. For most people, if they have a number at the end of their username, it’s related to their date of birth. For me, it’s ‘89, as in ‘1989′, the year my bias Tiffany Young Hwang was born. My original tumblr username was ‘SailorMushroom89′, ‘Mushroom’ being a reference to ‘brighter than Mushrooms’, Tiffany’s -butchered- intro when she first debuted. (I don’t know if you’re a Sone but it was back before Tiffany’s Korean was fluent and she was SUPPOSED to introduce herself as ‘brighter than Jewels, Tiffany’ but mispronounced jewels and introduced herself as ‘brighter than Mushrooms, Tiffany’). 
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