@rex-cxiii continued from here Aw, don’t be like that Reggie. What will I do with all this spare time?
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gingersmiith · 6 years
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@rex-cxiii replied to your post “"I wish to ask you... Will you forge me a weapon?"”
He gestured to his sword, "The blade is nice... But no Royal Arm... Don't you think?"
Brown eyes went wide. “You want-- you want me to forge you a Royal Arm.”
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painedprince · 6 years
rex-cxiii replied to your post: Regis pulls his son in to hug tightly.
“Good. I don’t want you to...”
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peccatuminanis-blog · 6 years
@rex-cxiii   ||   Discovered the HARBINGER
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   ┇ ┈  ✖ ┉  ┇   Agitating, it was, to have to use long fingernails in order to pick out bits from between his teeth - strands of ligament, particularly rough pieces of muscle - whatever it may have been. A meal had been had and now, from upon his perch on high did the male watch another with intense and apparent interest. Ah - who was he? 
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chosenbythecrystal · 6 years
@rex-cxiii liked this starter call.
The boy sat on the steps leading up to the citadel, barely able to keep his eyes open, but too stubborn to move. It was growing dark and his retainers had attempted to take him inside hours ago, but the small boy would start shouting and screaming whenever they tried, so the opted to just stay with him as he waited.
The sleek black car he loved so much – the Regalia – pulled up, snapping the boy awake. He jumped to his feet as the familiar figure of his father stepped out of the car and he ran over to him.
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“Daddy! You’re home!”
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amplectormors · 6 years
rex-cxiii replied to your post: "Love, why is your child often without clothes?"
“Hello Kettle, I am Pot.”
"Oho” said the pot to the kettle; "You are dirty and ugly and black! Sure no one would think you were metal, Except when you're given a crack."
"Not so! not so!" kettle said to the pot; "'Tis your own dirty image you see; For I am so clean – without blemish or blot – That your blackness is mirrored in me."
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“I have a degree in poetry, you little brat.” He barked. “You uncultured shirtless fool. The kettle is so clean it reflection shows how filthy the pot is. So you’re right. But at least a pot could hold food and be useful.”
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@patergladium continued from here “Distance hurts, Regis. This hurts. You can’t just shove me away and expect me to feel nothing.” Ocean eyes threaten to spill forth as she stares back into his own emerald orbs, but somehow she keeps the first tears from slipping past her emotional dam. “You can’t make me leave. I swore an oath to you, to always be by your side. To be everything you need me to be and more. I will not leave.”
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gingersmiith · 6 years
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@rex-cxiii replied to your post “"What do you enjoy most, Mr. Furia?"”
"Either... both, I just am curious."
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“Well, on the wholesome side of things I enjoy spending time with my boys, and Axis’ children. And I enjoy smithing, even if there’s not much call for it among the Glaives.”
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“As for risqué... I’ll try almost anything once.”
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painedprince · 6 years
rex-cxiii replied to your post: "How has school been? Have you made any friends?"
“Ignis is a great friend, but I mean one of the children at school.”
Noctis sighed deeply. “No... They ask me dumb questions about being the prince. And some kids are scared of me? I don’t know why...”
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saviorofeos · 6 years
Lunafreya is concerned that broccoli may be abolished in Lucis soon.
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amicililium · 6 years
rex-cxiii replied to your post:
If one of us was born female you most likely would have been brothers.
He’s not really sure what he expected but well, fuck, that...was really sweet, actually.  Gladio rubs at the back of his neck.  
   “ If I can be so frank, your majesty -- I knew you two had something going on I...didn’t realize it was so serious. “ 
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captaindrautos · 6 years
Regis stood before the cell, Drautos had give them some trouble, no less than expected, a few died, many were injured but they captured him, alive. Now he had a message for his friend, yes... still his friend, "You can't control the wind, only your sails."
     He’d failed.  
     Since being captured, Titus had refused to drink, eat, or speak.  He sat in silence in the corner of his cell,waiting for his inevitable execution.  Regis was a foolishly kind man, but the council wouldn’t have a traitor and assassin set free.
    When the King arrived at his cell, Titus didn’t even look up at him.  Not until he spoke those words.  This his head snapped up, his expression shifting from surprise, to confusion, to anger.  “Who did you pay to dig up dirt on me?”
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tenebrianflower · 6 years
Usually, by now Luna was already off on her commute to school, college that was on the other side of he city. Unlike Noctis, she was always up on time in the morning, and would be out the door in no time... but it seemed that today, something was wrong. 
Normally  neat and tidy Lunafreya was still at the Citadel, her body slumped over the table where she ate breakfast. Her hair was a mess, as if she had attempted to brush it, but only got half way, and dressed much more casually then she usually did. 
Most notably, she was asleep with her half eaten food in front of her. Her bag still sitting by her feet as if she had truly planned to leave like normal, but just didn’t quite make it. 
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askplumpto-blog · 6 years
Regis gives Prompto a healthy but delicious recipe book. No need to starve or torture while working out.
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He was speechless. The King.... was giving him a cookbook? What did he do to earn such an honor? Receiving a gift from the King of Insomnia himself, and a cookbook no less. Prompto was sure this was nothing for the King. A measly book would cost barely a thing for him. He wouldn’t even notice that part of his riches missing, and yet he decided to use it on Prompto?
He should say something. It would be rude to just take the gift and say nothing in return. But... what should he say? Can his voice even work right now?
“T-..... Thank you... You’re Majesty.....”
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gingersmiith · 6 years
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@rex-cxiii replied to your post “He knows what he did. He knows what he caused. And if it will spare...”
“Why not?”
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painedprince · 6 years
rex-cxiii replied to your post: “Dad has single-handedly ruined any chance of me...
“technically you are not blood relation thus could still marry him.”
“I can’t marry my step brother! That’s too weird...” 
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