#reyhan sultan daughter of mustafa iii
ottomanladies · 6 years
Sorry I mean Ahmed III harem and his children.
Hello! This was very fun to do, considering that Ahmed III had the largest family among all 36 Ottoman sultans.
Emetullah Kadın: Senior Imperial consort of Ahmed III, she was the mother of his first child: Fatma Sultan. She was the most beloved consort of Ahmed III, who dedicated a mosque, a school and a fountain to her. Her foundation deeds show that she was a very charitable woman. She was sent to the Old Palace when Ahmed III was deposed, her date of death is not certain, probably 1739/1740.
Mihrişah Kadın: Second Imperial consort of Ahmed III, she was the mother of Mustafa III, but she did not become valide sultan as she died before his son’s accession. She gave birth to her first son, Şehzade Süleyman, in 1710, to the future Mustafa III in 1717, to Şehzade Bayezid in 1718 and to Şehzade Seyfeddin in 1728. Seyfeddin and Süleyman died young, Bayezid died after spending 40 years in the kafes. She was sent to the Old Palace after Ahmed III’s deposition and died there two years later. In his mother’s honour, Mustafa III would build the Ayazma Mosque in Üsküdar.
Rabia Şermi Kadın: probably Third Imperial Consort. She was mother of Abdülhamid I, who was born on 20 March 1725. When the prince was 3 years old, a fountain was built in Üsküdar in her honour. When Ahmed III was deposed, Prince Abdülhamid was put in the kafes, where he would stay for 44 years; Rabia Şermi was sent to the Old Palace. She probably died in 1732, like Mihrişah Kadın and Ahned III’s daughter Fatma Sultan.
Ayşe Behri Kadın: it is said she was the harem’s second treasurer before becoming one of Ahmed III’s consorts.
Hatem Kadın: she was the mother of twins Saliha Sultan and Şehzade Selim. She died in 1772 and was buried in Eyüp.
Musli Kadın: she is also called Muslıhe, Muslu, Musalli or Emine. She was the mother of Ayşe Sultan “the younger” and Zübeyde Sultan. She died in 1749/1750 and was buried in the New Mosque, beside her daughter Zübeyde.
Rukiye Kadın: she’s not mentioned in Sicill-i Osmani or in The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty. Uluçay identified her with a document dated 1704, which refers to her as “The Second Consort, the Righteous Rukiye”. She was the mother of Hatice Sultan, and built the Rukiye Kadın Fountain near the New Mosque. Her child died in 1738 and was buried in the New Mosque. She died later and was buried beside her.
Fatıma Hümaşah Kadın: she is mentioned in various palace documents. She died in 1732 and was buried in the New Mosque.
Gülşen Kadın: also called Gülnüş. She was among the consorts to be taken to the Old Palace after the deposition of Ahmed III. She certainly died after 1730.
Hürrem Kadın: she is mentioned among those whose jewels were confiscated after Ahmed III’s deposition.
Meyli Kadın: she is mentioned in the same document that mentioned Hürrem Kadın.
Hatice Kadın: she died in 1722 and was buried in the New Mosque.
Nazife Kadın: mentioned in the document dated 1730 that listed the consorts whose jewels were confiscated and who were sent to the Old Palace.
Nejat Kadın: mentioned in the 1730 document.
Sadık Kadın: mentioned in the 1730 document.
Hüsnüşah Kadın: she died in 1733 and was buried in the New Mosque.
Şahin Kadın: she died in 1732 and was buried in the New Mosque.
Ümmügülsüm Kadın: she died in 1768 and was buried in the New Mosque.
Zeyneb Kadın: she died in 1757 and was buried in the New Mosque.
Hanife Kadın: mother of Esma Sultan “the elder”. She died in 1750 and was buried in the New Mosque.
Şayeste Hanım: Ikbal of Ahmed III, she died in 1722 and was buried in the New Mosque.
Fatma Sultan (22.9.1704 - April/May 1733): daughter of Emetullah Kadın and eldest child of Ahmed III. She married Silâhdar Ali Paşa at 5 years old, on 11 May 1709. Ali Paşa became Grand Vizier in 1713 but died in 1716 during the Battle of Peterwardein. Thus Fatma became a widow at the age of 12. She subsequently married the 50 year-old Nevşehirli Ibrahim Paşa the following year, but the marriage could not be consummated right away because of the princess’ young age. They had a son together, Sultanzade Mehmed Bey, who died in the winter of 1737. With her husband, she was so influential during the Tulip Era that she was called “the true power”. Ibrahim Paşa was killed in the Patrona Halil uprising, Ahmed III was dethroned Fatma Sultan lost her wealth and wa sent to the Old Palace. Mahmud I let her live in Çırağan Palace but she died just three years later, at 29 years old.
Şehzade Mehmed (24.11.1705 - 30.7.1706)
Şehzade Isa (23.2.1706 - 14.5.1706)
Şehzade Ali (18.6.1706 - 12.9.1706)
Şehzade Selim (29.8.1706 - 15.4.1708)
Hatice Sultan (21.1.1707 - 22.1.1708): she is buried in the mausoleum of Turhan Hatice Sultan.
Rukiye Sultan (3.5.1707 - 29.8.1707): she is buried in the mausoleum of Turhan Hatice Sultan.
Şehzade Murad (17.11.1707 - 1707)
Şehzade Murad (25.1.1708 - 1.4.1708)
Ümmügülsüm Sultan (11.2.1708 - 1732): twin of Zeynep Sultan. She was engaged at the age of two to Abdurrahman Paşa but he died before the marriage could take place. She married Nevşehirli Ali Paşa, nephew of Nevşehirli Ibrahim Paşa in 1724 and had two sons together: Sultanzade Hafiz Mehmed Bey and Sultanzade Haci Mustafa Bey. Their marriage was happy but Ali Paşa was killed in the Patrona Halil uprising in 1730, making her a widow at 22 years old. She died in 1732, maybe of an epidemic, and was buried in the New Mosque.
Zeynep Sultan (11.2.1708 - 5.10.1708): twin of Ümmügülsüm Sultan. She was buried in the mausoleum of Turhan Hatice Sultan.
Şehzade Abdülmecid (12.12.1709 - 18.3.1710)
Şehzade Abdülmelek (12.12.1709 - 7.3.1711)
Zeynep Sultan (5.1.1710 - 7.1710): she is buried next to her older sister Zeynep Sultan.
Hatice Sultan (8.2.1710 - ??): she died young and was buried in the mausoleum of Turhan Hatice Sultan.
Şehzade Süleyman (25.8.1710 - 11.10.1732)
Hatice Sultan (27.9.1710 - 1738): daughter of Rukiye Kadın. She was engaged to Hafiz Ahmed Paşa in 1724 and they were married on 27 February of the same year. According to Anderson, she later married one Halil Ağa, with whom she had a son: Sultanzade Süleyman İzzi Efendi. Three fountains in Istanbul bear her name; among these is the Hatice Sultan Fountain in Üsküdar which her father Ahmed III had built in her honour. She died in 1738.
Emine Sultan (1711 - 1720): she was buried in the New Mosque. Her birth certificate was found in the Ottoman Archives, but the name of her mother is not mentioned.
Atike Sultan (2.1712 - 1737): the name of her mother is unknown. She was engaged to Nevşehirli İbrahim Paşa’s son by his first wife Nevşehirli Mehmed Bey, who was later elevated to Paşa, in 1724 and they got married on 13 March of the same year. Mehmed Paşa escaped the Patrona Halil uprising unharmed and was appointed firstly governor of Thessaloniki in 1732 and later governor of Hüdavendigar. He fell sick in 1735 and retired, while Atike Sultan died young in 1737. She was buried in the New Mosque.
Rukiye Sultan (7.3.1712 - 10.1715): she is buried in the mausoleum of Turhan Hatice Sultan.
Şehzade Mehmed (8.10.1712 - 15.7.1713)
Şehzade Selim (21.3.1715 - 2.1718)
Saliha Sultan (21.3.1715 - 11.10.1778): daughter of Hatem Kadın, she had a twin brother, Şehzade Selim, who died young. In 1728, she married Sarı Mustafa Paşa, son of Deli Hüseyin Paşa. With him, she had Sultanzade Ahmed, Fatma Hanım Sultan and Hatice Hanım Sultan.  Mustafa Paşa died in 1731, and in 1740, Saliha Sultan married Abdi Paşazade Ali Paşa but he died in 1744. She stayed a widow for 14 years, until Mustafa III married her to Grand Vizier Koca Ragıb Mehmed Paşa. The Grand Vizier died in 1763 and in 1764 she married her last husband, Captain of the Janissaries Mehmed Paşa. She became a widow for the last time in 1770 and did not marry again. Her children included Ayşe Hanım Sultan (who died young) and Emine Hanım Sultan as well, with no information about the fathers.
Ayşe Sultan “the younger” (11.10.1715 - 9.7.1775): daughter of Musli Kadın and Zübeyde Sultan elder sister. She was called the younger to distinguish her from Mustafa II’s daughter Ayşe Sultan, called “the elder”. She married İstanbullu Mehmed Paşa in 1728, but her husband died in 1738. In 1740 she married Grand Vizier Topal Osman Paşa’s son Gül Ratıb Ahmed Paşa, who died in 1748. In 1758, her brother Mustafa III married her to Silâhdar Cihangiri Mehmed Paşa. Ayşe Sultan died in 1775 and was buried in the New Mosque, her daughter Rukiye Hanımsultan lying beside her.
Şehzade Mehmed (2.1.1717 - 2.1.1756)
Mustafa III (28.1.1717 - 21.1.1774)
Şehzade Bayezid (4.10.1718 - 24.1.1771)
Reyhane Sultan (before 1719 - 1720): she si called Rihane by Alderson and Reyhan by Uluçay. She was buried in the New Mosque.
Rabia Sultan (19.11.1719 - 1724 ?): she was alive at least until 1724 because she was the recipient of a gift from Damad Ali Paşa.
Şehzade Abdullah (18.12.1719 - 19.12.1719)
Emetullah Sultan (1719 ? - 1724 ?): she is called Ümmetullah by Alderson. She was buried in the New Mosque.
Zeynep Sultan (1720 ? - 25.3.1774): she is called Zeyneb Asıma in some sources. She married Sinek Küçük Mustafa Paşa in December 1728. She was assigned the Kıbleli Palace, where she lived with her husband till his death in 1764. Later she married Grand Vizier Melek Mehmed Paşa. She built the Ruh-i Sultaniye Mosque in 1769, which is today called the Zeynep Sultan Mosque. She died on 25 March 1774 and was buried in the garden of her mosque.
Şehzade Ibrahim (12.9.1720 - 16.3.1721)
Şehzade Nu'man (22.2.1723 - 29.12.1764)
Emetullah Sultan (17.9.1723 - 28.1.1724): buried in the New Mosque.
Emine Sultan (before 1724 - 1732 ?): she was given gifts at Ümmügülsüm Sultan’s wedding in 1724. She was buried in the New Mosque.
Ümmüseleme Sultan (12.10.1724 - 5.12.1732): buried next to her sisters in the New Mosque.
Naile Sultan (15.2.1725 - 10.1727): buried in the New Mosque.
Abdülhamid I (20.3.1725 - 7.4.1789)
Esma Sultan “the elder” (14.3.1726 - 13.8.1788): her mother is said to have been Hanife Kadın, and not Zeynep, as it is stated in Sicill-i Osmani. She was called “the elder” so as not to confuse her with her niece, Esma Sultan “the younger”, and daughter of Abdülhamid I. Her name was chosen by her father who opened the Quran and read the first word of the page. She was 4 years old when Ahmed III was deposed. Her cousin Mahmud I chose Yakub Paşa as her first husband, and the two got married in February 1743, but the Paşa died the following year. In 1744 she married Adana governor Yusuf Paşa but was widowed soon again. Finally, on 24 June 1758, she married her last husband, Muhsinzade Mehmed Paşa. He was Grand Vizier twice during their marriage and, together, they were highly influential during the reign of Mustafa III. They resided in Kadırga Palace, the mansion Sokollu Mehmed Paşa had built during his grand vizierate; for this reason, Esma was considered a new Ismihan Sultan, Sokollu Mehmed Paşa’s wife. Muhsinzade Mehmed Paşa died in July 1774, but his wife survived him of 14 years. Esma Sultan died on 13 August 1788 and was buried next to her last husband in the mausoleum inside the Eyüp Sultan Mosque. She was considered by many a very devout woman, frugal but very wealthy.
Sabiha Sultan (19.12.1726 - 27.12.1726): she lived only for nine days. She was buried in the New Mosque.
Rebia Sultan (28.10.1727 - 4.4.1728): she is sometimes called Rabia. She was buried in the New Mosque.
Şehzade Seyfeddin (3.2.1728 - 1732)
Zübeyde Sultan (28.3.1728 - 4.6.1756): daughter of Musli Kadın, she was two when her father was deposed and so she grew up in the Old Palace. On 6 January 1748 she married Karaalizade Süleyman Paşa, governor of Anatolia, but her husband died only six months later. On 6 January 1749 she married Numan Paşa, who was appointed governor of Thessaloniki and Kavala. The princess lived in Edirne, in the property that her father Ahmed III had bestowed upon her, while her husband travelled around the empire between his provinces and the divan. Zübeyde Sultan fell sick and died at only 28 years old, on 4 June 1756. She was buried in the Yeni Mosque.
Şehzade Mahmud (?? - 22.12.1756)
Şehzade Hasan (?? - ??)
Ayşe Sultan (?? - 1706): she died 10 years before the birth of Ayşe Sultan “the younger”, and she is buried in the mausoleum of Turhan Hatice Sultan.
Ferdane Sultan (?? - 1718): she died young
Ümmüseleme Sultan (?? - 1719): she is called Ümmüselma by Alderson. She is buried in the New Mosque.
Rukiye Sultan (?? - 1720): she was buried in the New Mosque.
Beyhan Sultan (?? - 1720): she was buried in the New Mosque.
Nazife Sultan (?? - 1723): according to Alderson, she lived between 1725 and 1764 but it’s impossible for Uluçay because she never married and an Ottoman princess usually didn’t live for 40 years without contracting at least one marriage. For Sakaoğlu, she could have lived in the Old Palace because of mental or physical problems.
Ümmügülsüm Sultan (?? - 1729): she was buried in the New Mosque.
Ümmühabibe Sultan (?? - 1730): she was buried in the New Mosque.
Akile Sultan (?? - 1737 ?): she was buried in the New Mosque.
Ümmügülsüm Sultan (?? - 1742): she was buried in the New Mosque.
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