intr0verted-weird0 · 1 month
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morganathewolf · 6 months
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camib64 · 5 months
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justanotherfluffreader · 11 months
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lowkey look like theyre getting married 👀
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annbourbon · 11 months
My Mystic Messenger: Master List
⚠️ Please be warned: Several of these post contain HUGE SPOILERS so, don't say I didn't warn you. ⚠️
Part 1- It's a Game
Part 2 - MC Mystery *I'm not on acid, but maybe my brain is lolol*
Part 3 - The Characters are Error Numbers
Part 4 - 404 as F.E.
Part 5 - Dandelion
Part 6 - Mystical Chess
Part 7 - Vanderwood
Part 8 - Choi Twins (Saeran's AE)
Part 9 - The Agency
Part 10 - Cheritz Matrix (The Ssum)
Part 11 - Rika killed Sally
Part 12 - Memories
Part 13 - Mystic Messenger Timeline
Part 14:
♥️ 🩷 💚🖤
Analysing RFA & M.E. personalities
💛 Jaehee 💛
♥️ Saeyoung ♥️
💚 Yoosung 💚
🩶 Zen 🩶
💜 Jumin 💜
🩷 Saeran 🩷
*This includes Unknown, Saeran, and Ray*
💙 V 💙
🖤 Rika 🖤
* Currently working on these analysis.
Part 15 - The Muse
Part 16 - The Real Wizard
Part 17 - Analysing Mystic Messenger Iceberg
(More soon)
Mystic Messenger but it's things I created, (not theories):
♡ Mysme but it's all Taylor Swift songs
♡ My favorite colors are tied to some MysMe characters
The following ones are not mine but are interesting and add a lot to my theories. Plus, some of these blogs have been deleted so I just reposted them to not miss this info:
MC Soul
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the-stardust-artist · 3 months
I’ve started to replay MM so I’m going to drop my headcannons for the group. No spoilers if anyone still cares? Hope you enjoy, ILY <3
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Jaehee Kang General Headcannons
*If she needs to she will indulge in a relaxing warm bubble bath for hours if she has time, very rare occasions.
*Her meals are very quick and easy if she has to cook but usually gets something on the go.
*Her favorites are the charcuterie like already prepped meals form the convenience store. A little bit of every food group to keep her sane.
*Skips breakfast bc it makes her nauseous.
*Take a few different vitamins to make up for her lack of self maintenance. Specifically vitamins c and d.
*Definitely does not hydrate enough. Maybe a bottle a day if she’s lucky but mostly coffee or tea depending on her mood.
*Actually hates bitter coffee and tea but drinks it with no sugar or cream for maximum energy.
*Early riser, late sleeper. Often works late bc of her job and gets the bare minimum amount of sleep.
*Does not like cats at all and generally doesn’t want any pets. No preference to any animal really. She doesn’t have time or energy.
*Her casual clothes are super comfy. The softest materials and slightly baggy. All in similar color schemes of gray, pink, and blue.
*Her work uniforms are all dark well kept blazers and pencil skirts. She wears dr. Schoil’s inserts with her slightly healed shoes for comfort but her feet still have a never ending ache to them.
*Her nails are kept short with a clear coat and generally no makeup bc of lack of time and care.
*Is really good at applying mascara and eyeliner though. She has a steady hand from brewing her own coffee.
*Her glasses have the best anti blue light whatever bc of how much she has to use technology.
*Jaehee always plays lofi beats at her apartment bc she can’t stand the silence. It’s makes her feel alone and haunts her. She can’t focus.
*She has a very sarcastic blunt sense of humor. Usually only kept to herself but sometimes it slips and it’s jarring to the other members.
*Not a fan of any holiday bc that means promotional events and more work.
*However likes to take her vacation days during the summer for beach days.
*Sometimes at 2 am she’d wake up in a cold sweat bc she thinks there’s there’s still cat hair everywhere. She calms down after a bit but then can’t go back to sleep.
*Her love language is quality time! Just sitting together and watching zen’s musicals when she can. She likes to receive words of affirmation!
*She is non-binary, bi, and ace! Pronouns she/they, lady leaning romance wise and generally does not care for sex, but not sex repulsed.
* More than likely the most knowledgeable about lgbtq+ terms and understands the most.
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lawtistic · 1 year
my ranking of mystic messenger main outfits except i know nothing about fashion and have really bad opinions
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10; Ray
minor spoilers ahead also i dont know how to work tumblr apparently so the keep reading is going after the first ranking label
i have more to say under this im just currently mentally absent right now
what the fuck is that. what. did he forget what century we are in? i like the magenta on him but girl who let you leave your cell looking like an elizabethan
i prefer ray over saeran but not if hes wearing this because to ellys smelly ass litterbox and back i will burn that ruffled collar if it the last thing i ever do in my life
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9; Casual & Deep Story V
why is bro built like a stripper pole??? hes just unnaturally long and its disturbing to a point that i cant not take it into consideration even if this is an outfit ranking
that haircut is not it for you man and get new sunglasses i know why you have them but pick something else theres something off
the outfit is so overwhelmingly basic and void of color and its really a spoiler for how hes blind because he could not have consciously put this together
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8; Yoosung
again hes built like a stripper pole but to a much lesser degree
ive always felt uncomfortable looking at yoosung and his big beady eyes. do not get me wrong i love yoosung but i always feel like he knows my sins
those shoes are hideous, get rid of them. get a better haircut because this one does not make me feel any better about him and its so horrenously big that i know his hair is full of secrets
the shirt is fine, i guess, and i like the jacket, i also have nothing to say about the pants. i like the color palette but thats it. i would have ranked it higher if he didnt give me carpal tunnel with a single glance
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7; Jumin
i have little to nothing to say about this. its a basic suit
i like the little bit of purple because thats his color and its cool
his legs are oddly skinny and long in comparison to the rest of him tho and its making it to where i want to classify him as built like a stripper pole but its just his legs so i cant
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6; Jaehee
same with Jumin but she's less basic due to the accessories and the tights
i fucking live for those tights. those are great tights. people need to talk about her tights.
i have nothing else to say except justice for jaehee kang's tights i love those on her
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5; Zen
he was originally switched with jaehee but then i realized hes wearing his own damn logo and i could not ignore that
only he would wear his own logo on his jacket like that and pose in the such a way to flex it the best he possibly could. i didnt even realize he had a logo but hes literally wearing it what
the rest of the outfit is bland and mid but wow hes wearing his own logo
also rat tail
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4; Another Story V
he looks physically functional!! wow!!
this is such an upgrade, i love the haircut on him now he looks like a wet dog and its amazing
the outfit is kind of mid but it looks better on him and its still okay i would let him leave the house in this
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3; 707
by most standpoints this outfit isnt that fantastic and hes only this high because i said so
its overall kind of basic but i like the hoodie and i love his funky glasses and for some reason cross necklaces make people hotter despite the fact im wiccan
the jeans are so... eh? but you cant really put anything better with this??? im a certified jean hater but i literally cannot think of anything else to put on him instead
also those shoes are fucking horrendous
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2; Vanderwood
this is why i have bad opinions because i like leopard print. fight me.
this is such a fancy suit that i have nothing negative to say about it
you can tell hes a whore just by looking at him. i wish he had a route
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1; Saeran
ah yes i have one alter in last place and the other in first. this isnt that funny i just think its ironic
"youre biased!!! you dress like this youre so biased!!!" yes i am. i am so biased. why do you think 707 is number 3?
the leather jacket is iconic as well as the black and red combo
the bracelet and??? choker thing??? what is that??? looks very nice on him and i like the tattoo (even if it means something i do not like)
"where is rika?" between my steel knuckles would you like a visit
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undercover707 · 9 months
You should make a discord server like it's the chat rooms, if you need people to play as other members I'm all in 👀👀
Hmmmmmmm maybe?
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Put your thoughts in the tags as well
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pastelsapphy · 1 year
V: this gas should knock everyone out for two whole days
Saeran, who was reguarly drugged for months and had already built up a resistance:
MC, who has plot armor:
Zen, "recovery of a monster" who healed from a life threatening motorcycle accident in like a week:
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sofihatter545 · 5 months
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Just look at them T-T
Plus no Rika, yay
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intr0verted-weird0 · 4 days
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morganathewolf · 10 months
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justa-mysticmess · 2 years
sorry i’ve been coming what’s only once every blue moon but
we’re getting a masquerade with RFA? 🥺
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when i tell you i saw this and screamed-!
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classydreamthing · 10 months
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ᰍ   ִ   ױ   ࣪   🪷⃝⃝     ݂    ๑   𝆬   𔒌   ⬞  
- Ray route Day 8
🌻- Sun Hee
🥀- Saeran
𓈃 ׂ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) - Sᴜɴ ʜᴇᴇೃ/ੈː͡➘
[The blonde would find herself sitting on the bed with one hand resting on her stomach, she certainly didn't feel like eating after everything that was happening but she could feel from time to time how her stomach demanded something to eat. Sighing heavily, she closed her eyes for a moment while in her head she kept thinking about Ray, that he should still be there and that she was going to do everything in her power to help him.]
[She couldn't say much more than the door opened, quickly standing up and raising her guard when she perceived that black suit on the young man that she had, just one day ago, kissed on the cheek.]
🥀-You're not going to stop looking for that fool because you haven't eaten anything for a day, are you?
🥀- If you change your mind too quickly, poor Ray...
🌻- I have faith that Ray will return, do not want to disturb my heart because you will not make it.
🥀- "My precious Sun Hee . . . I'll do everything you want, but please don't abandon me..."
🌻- !? Hey!
🥀- Hehe... he's really an idiot. If he acts like this there is really no reason to abandon him.
🌻- I didn't stay with Ray for that, I really care about him and he would know that. He doesn't have to do anything for me to love him.
🥀- I'm sure Ray also wanted to lock you up like this. But.. he didn't do it because he is a coward .
🌻- ... He didn't do it because he respects me in the same way I respect him.
🥀- Huh..anyways. I feel in a bad mood because the RFA attacks are very boring.
🥀- My savior has told me that it's not time yet, and that's why I'm holding on, because otherwise I could launch a great attack that would end everything...
[At that moment the blonde girl only took her cell phone and she hid it, she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing but she was terrified of the idea that he was telling her the truth.]
🥀-Why are they so lazy on the other side? They don't even want to fight. I am in a very bad mood.
Are they thinking that I am nothing? How dare they?
🌻- I think you're going too far... they don't even know you-
🥀-Who told you to say that? I have not authorized you.
🌻- Do you have to authorize me?
🥀- Hah? Is your mouth the problem? .... Or is it your head..?
Don't think for yourself, I never told you to!
[The young girl did not have time to react as she was forcefully taken by her wrist and thrown to the ground, falling on her back and groaning at the pain of the blow that had taken her breath away for a second.]
🥀-Do you regret it now? You alone have come to this strange place. Your curiosity has brought you here.
🌻- !
[Her blue eyes fixed on other mint eyes, a haughty and creepy look is what she had on her, the boy's body cornering her on the ground and preventing her from any kind of mobility in her hands to get out of that situation.
Again that feeling of panic took over her, breathing somewhat agitated but keeping her body still from her, she could not allow herself to cry or panic, she would not tolerate it and she did not know what reaction he could have. She still remembered the words from last night.]
🥀-You are a prey that I have caught. I have caught you because you are very dumb and slow.
🌻- I'm not going to let you disrespect me-
🥀- The world has given you a chance but you have made a foolish choice! You're not thinking you've lived a good life so far, are you?
[The words of her father returned to the blonde's girl mind, feeling a lump in her throat as her fists clenched tightly due to impotence. A hot person would send him to hell but she had already heard insults like that from a former college classmate who she thought was her friend. She knew that people made comments like that to bring you down and the smart thing to do was to take it with a grain of salt even if her chest burned with anger.
She, Unfortunately, was inferior in that place but there were many ways to defend her honor and her pride, at least with less cruel ways.]
🌻- A good life doesn't exist, it will always have its flaws and difficulties... my life was neutral and you will not be able to disturb me by saying that, Saeran.
🥀-Haha! How arrogant. In your situation, you don't deserve to believe that.
🌻- Do you think I haven't reconsidered what you say? I have, many times. But I learned that in life you have to move on, I shouldn't stagnate.
🥀- Please... I can see many things that have been ruined because of you. You're nothing but a bag of bugs. Did you think I wouldn't notice, Sun Hee?
🌻- I've been doing my best not to make mistakes and do things right, in fact... I shouldn't even explain this to you. You can believe what you want but that doesn't mean it's the truth, my truth.
🥀- HAHA! Just because you've done a couple of things right doesn't mean you're not a disaster! You thought that if no one said it would disappear, right? Is that your truth? you are really stupid haha
🌻- ...
🥀-It is very vile from you to try to avoid it by covering it with excuses. Such a vile person has no right to think for herself.
🌻- Explain, please.
🥀-You know very well that thanks to your stupidity you have dragged yourself into the abyss... But in reality you deserve to be lower than that abyss.
🌻- Ah...
🥀-Your reality is nothing more than that. What, are you surprised? You thought it was more than what you are, right?
🌻- No. I just believe in myself. And do you know what I tried to do all these days? I tried to let Ray learn to trust himself. No one can tell you how much are you worth , only YOU know that.
🥀-You are the worst. You not only overestimate yourself, but you think you are a princess. Who in the world is going to love you? Nobody wants you in this world. Nobody!
🌻- Ray does it.
🥀- Listen to me well. I am going to tell you about a game that is just for you.
🌻- Go ahead.
🥀- Now you can only said to me one thing. You can only answer "Yes"
🥀-Okay, answer me.
[The golden-haired girl kept her lips sealed, looking nonchalantly at the man before her. All her life she had said yes to things that made her feel bad, putting aside her own feelings and desires, but this was the limit. She wasn't going to give in that easily. ]
🥀-You say it very low. I can't hear you... What do you say? I can not hear you.
[At that moment, the sapphire-eyed girl shrugged her shoulders a little, barely closing her eyes while she returned to taking that firm and annoying posture. She was not going to return violence with more violence but letting herself be stepped on was not in her ideals.]
🥀-Are you that stupid? You are nothing but arrogance! You don't even deserve to be purified. You are so foolish that you don't deserve to even rebel.
🥀-Your hopes are useless. Only hell will get closer. Remember well the rule that I just told you.
Since you are of no use, at least you have to entertain me in my spare time.
🌻- Ray wouldn't want that and neither would I, I won't.
🥀- ... Ah, I'm going to have to shut your mouth or something. When you become more docile and obedient, only then will I let you speak. By the way, didn't I tell you, that I hate the way you smell?
🌻- You said it.
🥀-And you still smell like this?
🌻- It's perfume, I'm not going to stop getting perfumed-
🥀- You don't know how to wash yourself properly? You haven't just poured water on yourself like up to now, right?
🌻-...!? EXCUSE ME?
[The young girl asked with some indignation, ironic that of everything said by the white-haired boy that was the only thing that really offended her severely.]
🥀- I'm going to tell you how and how much you need to wash before meeting me-
🌻- Hey, hey, that's already too intimate. I don't smell dirty, it's perfume I'm wearing-
🥀-What's up? Don't interrupt me!
[In a blink, that boy was standing up leaving the blonde on that cold ceramic floor.]
🥀-Consider that you are lucky.... No, forget about it. Because next time you're going to pay me double.
?- Mr. Ray. The Savior..
🥀-... What?
🌻- !?-
?- Ah, sorry. Mr Saeran. The savior is looking for you.
🥀-Someone who can't even memorize a name doesn't deserve to talk about the Savior. I'm going to have to check the system here.
?- My apologies...
🥀-Once you find yourself in the basement, you'll realize you didn't need to apologize.
[Sun Hee slowly sat down, looking at the scene and coming to feel sorry for that stranger who had made a mistake, unfortunately for people with DID, expected.]
[Deep down she felt terrible, all her life she had been extremely submissive to that kind of treatment and suddenly starting to defend herself was not something that made her feel safe about her actions. She wanted to think that she was acting well but she didn't know it, she was trying to stay calm so as not to worry anyone but the weight of her emotions and Saeran's dealings were driving her crazy.]
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annbourbon · 27 days
Mysme but it's all Taylor Swift songs
Now the RFA:
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He's all about his friend, but also quite sentimental, since this song is all about memories, wine and sun. I thought it fits perfectly.
Poor Jaehee, but I believe it does hits close home for her♡
i mean~ tbh lol basically his whole route, and the whole game if we think through, is us saying that to him. But maaaybe Bad Blood would work too if this was about V 💀
*Only change him for her and fits perfectly 💀😭
Let's be honest lol V did her dirty so I can see her being real mad.
🥺 I believe this is the best for him.
👀 This was way too perfect. It really fits Saeran.
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the-stardust-artist · 1 month
I’ve started to replay MM so I’m going to drop my headcannons for the group. No spoilers if anyone still cares? Hope you enjoy, ILY <3
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Jumin Han General Headcannons
*Does not wear cologne bc it irritates Elizabeth and he would never do anything to harm her on purpose.
*This goes for any strong scent so he usually just smells “fresh” and like “soap”.
*That also goes for candles, cleaning supplies, and air fresheners. He makes sure his cleaning service knows before hand.
*ALL of his staff, the ones who work closest to him, have to be Elizabeth approved.
*Animals are very good at recognizing scents. When Jumin was with someone not approved, she avoided him completely and he contemplated his existence.
*Has the best eating and drinking habits of the cast. Fully hydrated all the time and the healthiest prepped meals by his nutritionist and dietitian.
*He can cook and is very skilled but generally doesn’t bc his time is important. Usually too busy but on the occasion he likes to cook breakfast.
*Also a fan of sweets. Not too often will he consume sweets but when at work and he’s having a particular bad day he will have a butterscotch or some hard candy.
*He will also have a sweet splurge when he makes his breakfast. He like his pancakes/waffles with lots of fruit and whipped cream.
*He doesn’t have many hobbies but he reads, usually nonfiction books. He is also a fan of poetry. And will read from multiple different languages.
*Speaking of he is multi-lingual. He can speak Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, French, English, Arabic and more. It was because he had to learn when he was younger but he grew to have an interest in other languages and cultures.
*He doesn’t watch much tv but keeps it on for background noise, mostly for Elizabeth. So it’s usually on a channel that plays popular movies or the baby stimulation channels.
*Despite being rich, he care about the environment so he turns off lights, heat, air, and so on that aren’t needed even if he is home.
*However he does keep, not necessarily night lights, but like small-low light lamps.
*He has a record collection. Mostly classical but also some soundtracks of shows or movies that he hasn’t exactly seen. He really enjoys the Steven Universe soundtrack but had never seen it along with the soundtrack for a Legend of Zelda game.
*Similar to Jaehee he’s not a big fan of most holidays because it’s just more work. Not that he hates having more work but he just doesn’t get the holiday spirit.
*However he like Halloween. It’s a simple holiday he enjoys. There’s not really a way for him to give out candy to kids so he just dresses up Elizabeth and watches horror movies.
*He’s a fan of psychological and slasher films but has a distaste for body horror films.
*He doesn’t go all out but he enjoys changing his low-lights to warmer lights shaped like jack-o-lanterns.
*Second to Jaehee he knows lgbtq+ because it could tank sales but also a “subculture” he learns to be genuinely interested in.
*So he identifies as cis male with he/they pronouns. He is toying with the idea of non-binary but he’s unsure. He is also toying with the idea of aro-ace. He is generally uninterested with romance and sex but he’s hesitant because of the lack of experience. (He’s aro-ace)
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