#rhae said FUCK these hoes
kingdomblessed · 3 years
@madefantasy​  /  aegon targaryen
              STILL  SIMMERING  FROM  HER  INQUISITION,  rhaella  managed  to  track  down  her  eldest  brother  with  ease.  ❝  aegon,  ❞  she  greeted  once  she  reached  the  tower  her  brother  was  holed  up  in.  sitting  herself  down  beside  him,  the  anger  was  clear  on  her  face  —  not  that  she  was  even  trying  to  hide  it  at  this  point.  ❝  have  you  heard  about  the  inquisitioners  and  their  questions  yet?  not  only  were  they  horribly  personal  and  irrelevant  to  the  situation,  i  was  asked  to  reveal  my  greatest  secret.  ❞  it  was  like  the  dam  broke,  and  rhaella  had  started  almost  ranting.  ❝  they  have  no  respect  for  the  southern  kingdom,  knowing  my  position  on  the  small  council  —  what  did  they  think,  that  i  would  just  start  revealing  state  secrets?!  ❞  letting  out  a  loud  hmph  like  some  petulant  child,  rhaella  finally  gave  her  brother  a  moment  to  actually  speak  himself.
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juicifeur · 7 years
P.A. Life (Jensen x reader)
 akshi8278 said: How about Jensen takes a liking towards a shy and introverted girl. But she is sassy.
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Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Been wanting to write a PA story for a bit. This is in no way trying to discredit or undermine the wives of the boys. I love them and their families to death and anyone who doesn’t, should grow up and respect them<3 I love Danneel, this story means no disrespect to her
                                                             Day 1
Four coffees that the stage hand had sent you to get lay, spilled, on the concrete floor, foam and all. You had to radio another PA to fix your mistake as you grabbed a roll of paper towels from one of the janitorial closets. As you returned to the spill, you saw a sign posted on the wall, clearly indicating that there was a ground-level hazard:
Warning: Watch your step
A lot of good that did you. This time you stepped over the extension cords and wires that crossed the floor and you knelt to sop up the caffeine. If the rest of your time here went like this, you definitely would not be coming back, or leave in the good graces of the crew. You heard footsteps nearing your place on the floor and you scrubbed a little faster and added more paper towel. If it was your boss you were dead. 
   “Looks like you’re in a bit of a pickle” A man’s voice said from behind and above you. It sounded familiar but you still didn’t know it you just kept focused on the coffee soaked paper. You sighed deeply, picked up the ones that couldn’t hold any more and you tossed them in a nearby trash bin.
   “No shit.” You mumbled. You grabbed one last piece of paper to clean up the last of the beverages and you leaned back on your heels.
   “I’m not losing my job today.” You said as you stood up and turned around, not realizing who you’d been talking to until it was too late.
Low and behold, Jensen fucking Ackles stood in front of you, along with a man who you knew as Robert Singer. Your face went pale.
  “Oh- god I am so sorry, I have more coffees on the way, I promise this won’t happen again. Sir- sirs.” You tried to finish respectfully as you looked at both of them, sheepish. Robert seemed amused.
   “You’re the new PA aren’t you? From the other sound stage?” Robert asked. He was carrying a folder full of papers, he’d probably been talking to Jensen about the script or something. You nodded.
   “Yes, sir.” You responded.
   “Don’t worry, we’ve had plenty of spills. Next time just make sure it isn’t closer to the camera.” Robert gave you a look and turned to walk away again, getting back to work. Jensen stayed a few moments longer and smirked softly before also walking away.
You let out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding and watched the tall man leave.
   “Dammit.” You muttered. Hopefully tomorrow would be better.
                                                            Day 2  
   “Spill any more coffee lately?” Another PA walked up next to you at the caterer’s truck outside the sound stage. 
   “Ha, ha.” You deadpanned.
   “Thanks for saving my ass yesterday.” You looked at her as the man behind the counter handed you your first and probably the only coffee you would get today. She nodded.
   “No problem. I heard you embarrassed yourself in front of Jensen yesterday.” She giggled softly and you looked at her, mortified.
   “How did you hear about that?” You glared.
   “The crew talks fast.” She drank her coffee.
   “That’s it, I’m going back to stage 2.” You groaned.
   “C’mon, you really wanna be stuck in wardrobe repairs all day?” She asked. The only reason you were here was to fill in for another PA that had gotten into an accident on the way to work. It wasn’t the best of scenarios, but you took the opportunity.
   “No, no I don’t.” You sighed, beaten.
   “But I’d much rather be behind the scenes than getting made fun of out in the open.” The coffee slid past your lips and the aroma continued to wake you up; it was five in the morning, but you had to be wide awake and make sure everyone else was too.
   “No one’s gonna make fun of you, at least not to your face.” She told you, How comforting.
   “I mean, everyone on this set is really nice, if they make fun of you that means they like you.” She reassured, resting a hand on your shoulder.
   “Thanks. C’mon, first call’s in ten.” You slid on your headset and grabbed your schedule for the day.  
                                                            Day 3
   “Hey, coffee girl.” Jensen smirked as you walked up to him. You’d had the unfortunate luck to be assigned to him that day. You would be filming outside the stage until around noon, somewhere near Langley. You gave the actor an unimpressed look.
   “You’ve gotta be in the car in twelve minutes, Mr. Ackles.” You told him, glancing at the schedule. You’d been given tips on how to work as a PA and it seemed to be working.
   “Mr. Ackles? Call me Jensen, please.” He said nodded towards your clipboard.
   “Fine. Jensen, we gotta be in the car in twelve- no,” You checked your watch.
   “Ten minutes.” Jensen chuckled.
   “Yeah, you said that.” He started to follow you.
   “Ackles is walking.” You spoke into the headset to make sure everyone knew where you were. It was in the job description to keep everyone updated, including set managers and technicians, so everyone had some sort of communication device on them at all times.
   “So, you’re new, huh?” He was in costume already, so you figured that he’d probably gotten up the same time you had so he could visit Zabrina and Jeannie in hair and makeup. You had to hand it to them, it probably took huge amounts of skill and focus to be able to work on this gorgeous human being for hours at a time. You nodded.
   “Yeah, I’m from wardrobe. I do the repairs when you rip an important pair of jeans or something.” You said as you walked towards the black van that would take himself, Jared and whoever else was going, outside Vancouver to meet Russ Hamilton, the location manager.
   “Wardrobe? Hm, if you wanted to get into my pants you could have just come and asked me.” He smirked.
Was he flirting with you? Of all people, Jensen Ackles was flirting with you?
   “Mhm, right, and if you wanted to get into mine you’d have to take that up with my manager.” You scoffed back, giving him a glance as you passed a few of the cameramen. Jensen didn’t seem to expect that kind of retort from you. The fact that you were talking to him and not fainting still surprised you.
You kept on walking while he contemplated what he’d just heard, it was clear he wasn’t used to being spoken to like that.
   “So know my name, but I don’t know yours.” He asked as he caught up to you. Even with his long legs, he’d fallen behind quite a bit. He was trying to get it out of you with his charm alone, you were more than happy to repay the favour with your own version of charm.
   “It’s on my clipboard. Surprised you didn’t see that when you looked at my schedule.” You looked at him again and your eyebrow quirked upwards. He thought for a moment.
   “Wanna give me a hint?” He asked nicely. Despite being famous, Jensen seemed really down-to-earth; and sweet, even if he was a little cocky.
   “It’s Y/N.” You smiled softly.
   “Y/N..got a mouth on you, hey?” He questioned, intrigued by your behaviour.
   “It helps to know it’s having an effect on your performance.” You smirked at him and he chuckled deep in his throat, tucking his hands into his front pockets.
   “Yeah, a little.” He looked up, towards the van and saw Jared waiting with the driver.
   “Dude, let’s go.” He called for Jensen and he responded with a small wave.
   “Yeah, in a minute.” Jensen told his co-star. Jared sighed deeply and looked at the driver. Jensen chuckled.
   “Control freak,” He muttered and stopped walking with you, he turned.
   “See you around?” He started to walk backwards.
   “If you’re lucky.” You said as someone started to speak into their headset that connected all the PA’s. Jensen’s lips turned up into that deadly smile of his and he turned around again, walking to the van.
Always Tags: @knightofmischief @potato8queen @sherlock44 @too-much-winchester   @krista200022   @mcdoyle22   @thegameisafootwatson @leiassorganaa @arixky@katestiel @kylorentrsh @trashbutnotforyou @angel-allie-exol-army@thedamnchesters @kickasscas67 @hoe-zier @kyara2015@trustnobodyshootfirst @all-ur-friends-r-dead @rhae-winchester @one-shots-supernatural @spn-imagineers @abigrumple @livelovelike555 @missdestiel67@lemonadegazeelle @elsatxx
Jensen tags: @akshi8278
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