#rhaelya ship meme
So I’ve been thinking about this for almost a month, and I kept thinking how would it be for Lyanna and Rhaegar to go on a date night in a fancily restaurant but of course I had to think. If Rhaelya was involved what kind of shenanigans would happen and here it is :
Let's start saying this was Rhaegar's idea, he saw a new restaurant downtown and wanted to eat there. It was a Valyrian + Northern fusion restaurant that was what caught his eye;
Since it was an upscale place they both dressed fancy, she wore a blue suit, and he wore a black suit;
When they arrived the ambiance, felt amazing, the venue had the light dim, warm lighting to create a cosy yet refined atmosphere;
They were sat at a table in the middle of the venue, which gave them the entire view of the place;
The night was very calm, but it was not going to end in that vibe, they were eating their main course ( Lyanna was having a mushroom risotto, and Rhaegar was having rigatoni carbonara ), when something weird happened on the door of the restaurant;
As everyone did the two of them turned to look at the door, a man came in huffing and puffing, he walked towards their table;
The man was clearly going for a fight so Rhaegar thanked all the gods - for their date's sake - when he turned to the couple on the table right next to theirs and started to scream;
From what Rhaegar could grasp the man was the husband of the woman who was in a date with her lover, of course if they were normal people they would mind their business but... the tea was too good;
Very quickly it became clear that the woman was the wife of the enraged man, but also the affair partner was the husband's brother;
The fight escalated, and the enraged husband reached for one of the flaming cheese cognac pasta plates and threw it onto his brother;
The affair partner/brother's suit light on fire as he grabbed a knife and ran after his brother who ran out, the fight escalated, and the affair partner ended up with a knife on his leg;
Safe to say after that night Rhaegar and Lyanna went home in shook;
Lya even joked they had a great bargain because they got food and a show for the price of one;
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for the asoiaf ask meme: 22, 24, 25, 26, 27?
Sure thing! Here’s what I got;
22: A character so queer- coded you’d argue it to GRRM’s face
I’ve said it before but by fucking god I will say it again; DAERON I!!!! Do I have the evidence to really prove it??…….. kinda yes and definitely no……
24: A ship that gives you the absolute ick
Honestly like…. A decent amount of them but most of all Rhaelya. I mean again it’s fine if you wanna ship it I just….. idk, the more I think about it the sadder I get
25: A crackship?
Idk if this question is asking me if there’s a crackship that also gives me the ick- but I’m choosing the interpret this in the nice way so I can answer Daensa my beloveds <3
26: Favourite “problematic” ship
I don’t really have any favourites, but I mean I do fuck with Braime. Idk I’ve heard people say it’s a problematic ship so ig it qualifies lol
27: Favourite canon ship
Idkkkkkk like……. Nedcat’s kinda cute-
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OMG THIS ONE. I had another ask that I’m still think about but this one I don’t really need to think much cause I know exactly what’s happening so enjoy, Rhaegar and Lyanna going to a Five Guys.
They were moving in together, or better Rhaegar was moving into Lyanna’s flat after 5 months of dating, mainly because his rent lease was up and to be honest he had regretted living with Jon Connignton for more than 3 months;
So they had just brought his things to her apartment when Lyanna asked him if he wanted to go to a Five Guys around the corner ;
Initially Rhaegar was kind of weirded out by the notion of five guys he was about to tell Lyanna he still wanted to keep their relationship exclusive when she explained it was burger joint;
Pass the initial shock of thinking he was heading to an orgy, they when on their way to the Five Guys;
First thing was Rhaegar didn’t understand the difference between Bruges and sandwiches and to be honest neither did Lya they seemed to be the same thing one only had more filling than the other;
Lyanna order a bacon cheeseburger, bacon milkshake and an extra topic on her burger of grilled mushrooms and Rhaegar went for a a veggie sandwich and water ( yes he questioned Lya’s sanity );
But she also asked for fries more specifically Cajun style fries, safe to say that was the best thing Rhaegar ever ate;
And he has to remark the portion of fries was literally bigger than his head it was brown bag the could cover his head;
They wanted a bit then their order came around they found a table and sat and then was when Lyanna questioned Rhaegar sanity;
Because the dude sat down took out of his coats pocket a silver knife and fork and ate the entire burger with fork and knife;
It was weird as fuck and everyone stared at him, but after a while Lyanna thought “ he has a family history of crazy at lest his crazy ain’t killing no body” then moved on to her food;
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𝗥𝗛𝗔𝗘𝗟𝗬𝗔 ( 𝗛𝗼𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗽𝗲 + 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁 )
✸ The Capricorn and Aquarius kinship will take a handsome amount of time to build or even start. But they can develop a loving bond with a degree of trust and freedom from both ends, with unshakable loyalty. To keep sparks in their romance, date nights, anniversary celebrations, and some grand weekend escapades are well-planned. Rhaegar as a Capricorn helps Lyanna's Aquarius in creating a more stable life, while the latter opens the former’s eyes to the idea of social justice and environmental wellbeing.
✸ The Capricorn and Aquarius couples bring a lot more to the table than one might think. While most relationships struggle to maintain trust level, this couple will simply be trilled when together. Rhaegar shows to Lyanna on integrating thoughts and goals into tangible outcomes with a practical approach. And the latter, on the other hand, fills the often gloom-filled former with tranquillity due to her innate ability to calm the stressed ones.
✸ Sexually, this pair will be exceptionally unique. The Capricorn and Aquarius couple has excellent compatibility in bed. A delightful and innovative experience will make both partners go wild in no time. Rhaegar is good at pleasing Lyanna, and in return, the latter will add spice with a high degree of variety in the bedroom. Targaryen will have tasteful surroundings, while Lyanna's touch will bring trembles to his body. Things will heat up in no time as both are mutually open to exposing their desires.
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