#rhajat is nyx's daughter
somethings-diner · 1 year
Hey Kanna, do your cousins have girlfriends or boyfriends?
They all like girls and they all have girlfriends!
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Shiro is with Selkie, she's Mr. Kaden and Miss Charolette's daughter! Siegbert is with Nina, Sir Niles and Lady Peri's daughter. Shigure is with Caeldori, she's Sir Subaki and Lady Nyx's daughter. Percy is with Rhajat, that's Sir Hayato and Lady Setsuna's daughter. Forrest is with Ophelia, she's Sir Odin and Lady Beruka's daughter! Kiragi is with Sophie, Sir Silas and Lady Kagero's daughter, and Asugi is with Mitama, Sir Azama and Lady Effie's daughter. And I'm with Hisame! He's Sir Hinata and Lady Rinkah's son! He's AMAZING! I LOVE HIM! HEHE
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I’ve had an idea in my head for a while for a FE:Fates story that takes place 20 years after the Revelations Route and the majority of the cast consists of the children of the Child Units.
Here’s a list of the characters and who their parents are.
Nero - Nero is meant to be the protagonist of this story, being one of the three adopted children of Flora!Kana. He’s a Vallite orphan who’s parents were killed in the war while Anakos was puppeting them. He’s also the reincarnation of Chrom!Morgan. His starting Class is Samurai. His alternate Class is Dark Mage and his final Class is a Tactitian.
Carolyn - Another of the three adopted Vallite orphans. Her starting Class is Spear Fighter
Nahuel - The third adopted Vallite orphan. He’s an Outlaw.
Siena - the older of Silas!Shigure and Selena!Ophelia’s two daughters. Her starting Class is a Shrine Maiden, but she does have Songstress as a secondary class.
Amaya - Orochi!Shiro and Nyx!Rhajat’s daughter. She starts an Archer.
Eri - Charlotte!Siegbert and Setsuna!Mitama’s daughter, she’s a Sky Knight
Tesora - Kagero!Kiragi and Hana!Velouria’s daughter. She starts as a Wolfskin
Infini - Beruka!Forrest and Orochi!Nina’s son. Starts as a Cavalier.
Minnie - Hinoka!Hisame and Azura!Sophie’s daughter, she’s a Wyvern Rider.
Kono - Camilla!Ignatius and Felicia!Caeldori’s son. He’s a Diviner.
Kogane - Elise!Dwyer and Sakura!Selkie’s son. He’s a Kitsune.
Noir - Mozu!Asugi and Peri!Soleil’s son. (Look, there’s a story here, and no, I didn’t pair these two solely so spite Saizo, but I’m not afraid to admit that it was a factor) He’s a Dark Mage because he thinks Ophelia is cool and his mom is annoying.
Onyx - Siena’s little sister. She’s a Mercenery, because she thinks Soleil is cool and his mom is annoying. She and Noir butt heads a lot.
Yuki - Effie!Percy and Rinkah!Midori’s son. He’s a ninja and the youngest in the group for obvious reasons.
Gakusei - a male Sky Knight trained by Reina.
Disci - a female Cavalier who got lost and trained by Gunter.
Schutz - a male Fighter from the Ice Village and Kono’s retainer.
Koken - a female Oni Savage and Yuki’s retainer.
Degel - a female Knight who is the reincarnation of Kellam!Kjelle.
Bredy - a male Monk who is the reincarnation of Donnel Brady.
Ho boy, that’s a list… uh, tell me what you think of the pairings I suppose. Perhaps some headcannons for what you think the kids might be like? I haven’t finished ironing out all their personalities. I think I’ve only gotten as far as Eri. Speaking of, each name has some significance that I feel tied back to the character, which I’m also happy to share if you’re curious. Just feel free to respond when you have the chance.
I don't really have a lot of investment in most of the Fates children or their relationships to one another, unfortunately! Plus, since these are all OCs, I think you'd have a much better understanding of these characters than I could from just reading a bio. But, this sounds like you have a really fun creative project on your hands and that's cool! I hope you have a lot of fun with it!
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owainbradys · 7 years
which are you favorite fire emblem fates families to make? any particular parent/child combos you're fond of? :3c
Honestly, of the pairings you can do in-game, I really like Arthur/Azura (shared history is good!!), Benny/Charlotte (I have a thing for “I can be myself around you” dynamics), Laslow/Charlotte (canon poly!!!), Hayato/Nyx (I like them working towards a cure for Nyx’s curse together, and also the idea of Nyx as Rhajat’s mom because it adds to her already great mother supports).
Takumi/Oboro is also very cute. Silas/Camilla is interesting to me too, even if it’s a bit of a point of contention for most people and I ship them more with other characters.
Then there’s the characters I’ve romanced myself too, and I’m very attached to those resulting families, mainly consisting of: Rhajat, Niles, Benny, Charlotte, Felicia, Scarlet, Silas and Anna!
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Do you think that some children should have had different father/mother? Like Rhajat, for me she is more similar to Nyx than Hayato. Or Caeldori, I see her better as Selena's daughter than Tsubaki's. What do you think? I know that Caeldori and Tsubaki are really similar, but the fact that he can marry anyone is really weird for me, when Selena seems the "canon mother". I hope three houses will have more canon couples
Mmmh, I see what you mean, but I actually think pretty much all parent/child duo works very well? o: Basically, they’re either drastically different and their personalities/ideologies clash (Ryouma/Shinonome or Hinata/Hisame, for instance), or they have the same “base” quirk but said quirk is twisted and so parent and child have different points of views of the same approach (like Tsubaki wanting to be perfect and pretending to be a natural prodigy and that everything he does is effortless vs Caeldori also wanting to be perfect but claiming that she is no prodigy and reached this level because she’s hardworking like her mother). 
I really don’t see Caeldori being better as Selena’s canon daughter; in my opinion, her dynamics with Tsubaki as her father and role model and how she unintentionally makes his self-esteem issues worse by catching up to him are much more interesting and unique. Caeldori just doesn’t work like Cordelia does; she works in her own way, influenced by Tsubaki’s unique character traits but having a reverse attitude/idea of them. The influence of Tsubaki is so strong in Caeldori I can’t picture her not being his daughter. Selena being her mother is a sort of funny time-travelling nod (which is why we get an additional convo between Selena and Caeldori at the end of Caeldori’s paralogue if Selena is her mom), but it seems like Selena would need time to learn to treat Caeldori as her own person and not just as “my mom in my daughter’s body” (which could prove harmful for the both of them, since Caeldori and Cordelia’s resemblance is only superficial). Selena as Caeldori’s mother is still interesting (for these reasons), but idk, Tsubaki just works way too well as her father to not be her father, you know? You can help develop Caeldori’s personality by giving her quirks and interests depending on who her mother is, but the very core of her character comes from Tsubaki.
As for Rhajat, I can see how her being Nyx’s daughter can be interesting, since they’re both mages interested in the dark arts, Nyx would suffer the same problem as Hayato in looking younger than Rhajat but would actually have the maturity to deal with her (while still feeling internally conflicted about it, like he does), and Rhajat being accused by villagers of cursing them in her supports with her mom definitely gets more interesting if Nyx is her mom, since Nyx herself was feared by villagers as a powerful and scary witch. Yet, again, I think Rhajat works way too well with Hayato to not be his daughter… She is older than him and is more mature, and yet she is still his daughter and respects him as such (she actually listens to him when he asks her to help the army kill the Faceless she summoned, and in the manga you can see her apologizing kneeling in front of him after doing something bad as he scolds her in a very father-like manner).
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(it’s funny to imagine she kneels like that not only because it’s a traditional apologetic pose, but also to make herself actually shorter than him so his scolding looks credible lmao)
Hayato is more childish than his own child, both physically and mentally… but mentally only in some aspects (being afraid of the dark, of scary stories, self-conscious of his love of sweets (which is viewed as childish/girly in the Japanese society), etc.). He still has a maturity that Rhajat doesn’t have: he’s not very sociable either, but knows being social is crucial for soldiers like them to work well together and perform well in battle, and so he is social; something Rhajat is very reluctant to do because being social is out of her comfort zone (and she’s also in the “gloomy teen” phase, on top of being gloomy by nature). And Hayato is the one who comes to understand that Rhajat felt incredibly lonely and unloved in the Deeprealms without him, when Rhajat herself would not tell him, apologizes to her and reassures her, making her cry like a little girl. Because, well, she is his little girl – even if she’s older and taller than him. They’re not similar, but they work well as a father and a daughter because they complete each other with their differences. Nyx would work quite well as Rhajat’s “canon” mom, I agree, but I don’t think she’d work better than Hayato. Hayato shows actual adult-like, parent-like maturity and abilities in his A-support with Rhajat, which I find really interesting for his character. I mean, DAMN, Hayato does better as a father than most 1st gen men (in my opinion, he’s (much) better at parenting than Tsubaki… Tsubaki, I love you, but unbridled validation ≠ healthy way of raising your daughter…). 
Like Tsubaki and Caeldori, I feel like Hayato and Rhajat work very well as a father/daughter duo, and I can’t think of any other parent/child that just don’t work… Not saying neither Selena or Nyx work well as Caeldori or Rhajat’s mother, because they absolutely do, each in their own ways, and they add interesting quirks to the kids. But do they work better than Tsubaki or Hayato as their canon parents? I don’t think so. The influence of Tsubaki is so strong in Caeldori, and the influence of Hayato so important for Rhajat, and vice versa, that if they weren’t their fathers… Well, I have a feeling Caeldori and Rhajat would not be Caeldori and Rhajat, as we know them, at all. Maybe they would be less themselves and more Cordelia and Tharja. I can’t really talk about this because it’s just impossible to know what could have been, but that’s my answer to your question, I guess ^_^’
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Hoshidan Festival: Selena and Velouria Parent-Child Conversation
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As requested! I’m glad that I had a screenshot all ready for this one. I’m trying to focus on finishing up the ones I have screenshots for (so I don’t have to bother with making a header with sprites or find a video to screenshot), and someone just happened to request one that I did indeed have a screenshot for. Yay! Thanks! 
For the record, I have screenshots for the following: Hana/Rhajat, Kagero/Rhajat, Mozu/Rhajat, Felicia/Ignatius, Azura/Ignatius,  Camilla/Ignatius, Effie/Velouria, Nyx/Velouria, Female Avatar/Percy,  Peri/Ophelia, Charlotte/Ophelia, and Mozu/Nina. So I’m going to prioritize those. If you want to make a request, request one of those!
Based on this conversation, and what we know of each family member’s traits, I think the dwelling of the Keaton/Selena household could simply be called “The House of Various Accumulated Junk”...
Selena: “Hrrrrrmmmmmmmm...”   
Velouria: “Mom, do your best.”   
Selena: “Grrrrrrrrr...”   
Velouria: “I'm sure you can overcome this, Mom. I believe in you.”   
Selena: “Urrrrrrgh... I can't! I just can't! When the festival resumes I'm gonna buy that, and this, and that other thing I just saw!”   
Velouria: “Mom... Weren't you going to stop wasting your money?”   
Selena: “I, I'm not wasting my money! I'll take good care of everything!”   
Velouria: “Mom, you said that the last time you went shopping. Whatever became of that hat you purchased?”   
Selena: “Oh, that... I'll wear it when I feel like it!”   
Velouria: “*sigh* … The amount of unused things in our house will just keep on growing...”   
Selena: “O-OK, OK! I won't do any unnecessary shopping today! Even my daughter is calling me out on it... I need to maintain some dignity as a mother.”  
Velouria: “Do you mean it? That is just what I would expect from you, my dear mother. ...Huh? Sniff sniff... This scent... Of course. Mother, there are some wonderful balls of lint sticking to your clothes. Oh, what a sheen... So wonderful... I'll add this to my treasure...”   
Selena: “Velouria, weren't you going to refrain from collecting your treasures today?”   
Velouria: “I, I was... But... But...”   
Selena: “If I can keep myself from throwing my money at things, then you too should be able to control yourself.”   
Velouria: “Hrrrrrrrmmmmmm... …... Today is a special festival. So... Shouldn't we restrain ourselves on a different day?”   
Selena: “Oh my. You're surprisingly weak-willed.”
Velouria: “Today's a festival, so I want you to be able to do what you'd like, Mother. It, it's not... It's not like I'm not able to restrain myself, all right...?”   
Selena: “Sure, whatever. Let's leave it at that. No one should expect us to hold back on a festival day. We'll start restraining ourselves tomorrow!”   
Velouria: “Yes, Mother. So when the fighting is over... I'm going to go pick up the things I skipped over because I was holding myself back... This, and that, and that other thing I just saw...”   
Selena: “Yes! All right, let's get going! Right now!”   
Velouria: “You won't beat me, Mother...”
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chrombrvlee · 7 years
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Rhajat as if she were Nyx and Charlotte’s daughter as requested by anon! I love you so much anon for this request. I hope you like it!
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fekinstuff · 7 years
hello. im nyx and im looking for a rhajat that remembers being my daughter. i married a woman and since we couldnt have children on our own, hayato offered to give us the oppertunity. so if there's any rhajats out there that remember having two moms, one being me of course, please like or rb this post! i miss you my child!! just please no one over 16 since i am 13
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lightningbug-lane · 8 years
if the fates children were determined by their mothers like awakening, who do you think would be the child of whom?
Ooooh, interesting! I like this question!
Nohr: Sophie = Effie, Ophelia = Nyx, Soleil = Peri, Nina = Selena, Siegbert = Camilla (cause he wouldn’t be Siegbert if he wasn’t a royal-), Percy = Elise, Velouria = Beruka, Forrest = Charlotte, Dwyer = Felicia.
Hoshido: Kiragi = Mozu, Mitama = Kagero (mom who’s bad at art having an artsy daughter seems cute ok), Caeldori = Hinoka, Midori = Sakura, Shiro = Oboro, Selkie = Setsuna, Hisame = Rinkah, Rhajat = Orochi, Asugi = Hana (loyal retainer having rebellious retainer son also seems cute ok).
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missplayer30 · 7 years
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Hayato x Noire – The pairing that should have been
I’m probably one of the few people in this fandom to wish that Noire could have made an appearance in Fates along with the other three. I’m partially blaming the ones who voted for Lucina and Chrom as the most popular characters (Look, how does it feel not having your beloved blue haired Lords in the following game? *trollface*). I believe that if it wasn’t for those two, Noire and “Not-Lon’qu” (That would have been Hisame) would have made the cut instead.
Originally for me, I thought Noire should have been made a Dark mage, replacing Nyx (I hope people wouldn’t mind having her character written out entirely), and should have take Arthur’s place as Elise’s retainer. Her Hoshidan supports would’ve been Hayato and another guy (Saizo? Subaki?), while her Hoshidan buddy would’ve been Orochi.
But then, I’m taking AkkusuRaikan’s idea of making her as a witch. Actually, it’s a really great idea, since there’s no playable witch in the game, not to mention I really like the costume. I also took their idea to name Fates!Noire “Duvessa”, which means “Dark beauty” in irish. I really hope someone can come up with a support for them (as well as Noire and her daughter Rhajat ) and post it on @unassumingvenusaur blog, even though it’s unlikely since they came from different game, now that this @fire-emblem-heroes-supports blog exist, I guess there’s still a chance.
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lightningbug-lane · 8 years
What are your favorite Awakening amd Fates ships? And who do you think would father each Awakening kid if they were based on the fathers like Fates?
A lot of my favorite ships are not popular, so don’t expect too much from me.(●´ω`●)
Fates: Felicia x Arthur, Azura x Laslow, Kaze x Sakura, Silas x Charlotte, Jakob x Nyx (or Jakob x Setsuna but less so), Mozu x Leo, Camilla x Benny, Peri x Kaden, Beruka x Niles, Selena x Keaton, Effie x Azama, Nyx x Hayato (just cause Nyx seems like the most likely to produce a Rhajat-), Odin x Orochi, Hinoka x Subaki, Takumi x Rinkah, Hana x Saizo, Kagero x Hinata, Oboro x Ryoma (if not marrying Corn to Ryoma), Ignatius x Caeldori, F!Corrin x Xander, F!Corrin x Ryoma, M!Corrin x Scarlet, F!Corrin x Flora, Gunter x Reina.
Awakening: F!Robin x Chrom, F!Robin x Priam, M!Robin x Emmeryn, M!Robin x Tiki, Lissa x Frederick, Sumia x Henry, Gaius x Olivia, Donny x Cordelia, Sully x Kellam, Virion x Tharja, Stahl x Maribelle, Vaike x Panne, Miriel x Gregor, Lon’qu x Cherche, Nowi x Libra, Lucina x Laurent, Basilio x Flavia.
Now, on to kids!!
Inigo = Virion, Owain = Vaike, Kjelle = Lon’qu (stronk dad and stronk daughter who terrifies dad), Noire = Libra, Gerome = Frederick (stern looking guys who are secretly super soft?? yes plz), Brady = Ricken, Cynthia = Henry, Yarne = Kellam, Nah = Stahl, Severa = Gaius, Laurent = Gregor.
I tried not to overdo my own preferences for these parent/child combos but I might have failed. ;v;
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